Unclaimed mtr. Rosneft: Tenders Sale of non-core assets Gazprom


Sale of non-core and ineffective assets of Gazprom Armenia CJSC

Closed Joint Stock Company "Gazprom Armenia" is one of the leading companies in Armenia, occupies a leading and stable position in the systemically important sector of the economy of the Republic of Armenia and is a 100 percent subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom. Legal address: Tbilisi Highway 43, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia. CJSC Gazprom Armenia offers a list of property for sale (follow the links).

(PDF, 132 KB)

Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) used materials - 1 (PDF, 820 KB)

1. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) a company passenger car of the GAZ-31029 brand, chassis number - 0378505, year of manufacture - 1995. (XLSX, 10 KB)

2. Information message about the intention to sell used construction materials from buildings, structures, fences, fire station buildings that are subject to dismantling (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) (XLSX, 10 KB)

3. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) A special vehicle of the AGM brand, GAZ-52-04, year of manufacture - 1988. (XLSX, 11 KB)

4. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) Excavator brand KOMATSU PC-300, year of manufacture - 2008. (XLSX, 10 KB)

5. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) Excavator brand EO-3322, year of manufacture - 1988 (XLSX, 10 KB).

6. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) Bulldozer "KOMATSU" brand D-355 A3, manager. N 10855 (XLSX, 10 KB).

7. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) Excavator brand EO-4225A, “KOVROVETS” manager. N 1662, year of issue - 2008. (XLSX, 10 KB)

9. Information message about the intention to sell (owner - Gazprom Armenia CJSC) Crawler crane, type “RDK-250-3”, manager. N 12548, year of manufacture - 1989. (XLSX, 10 KB)

Detailed information by phone:

tel: +37410294938

e-mail: [email protected]

At one of the upcoming meetings of the board of directors of Gazprom, the issue “On the practice of applying the regulations on property transactions” will be considered. In his first interview in his new position, ALEXANDER KRASNENKOV, a member of the board and head of the property management department of OJSC Gazprom, told Kommersant correspondent IRINE RYBALCHENKO about what will happen to Gazprom’s assets until the end of this year and next year.

— At his recent press conference, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, said that Gazprom intends to get rid of non-core assets, since they are too expensive for the concern. Thus, the company’s finances were hit very painfully by the recent payment of the debt for Media-Most in the amount of $262 million. Now Gazprom-Media controls 65% of the shares of NTV and more than 23 regional companies of Media-Most. What are you going to do now with Media-Most and NTV?

— It would not be entirely correct to say that Gazprom intends to get rid of its non-core assets. Gazprom is going to restructure them. First, I will explain what we mean by non-core assets. All Gazprom assets are divided into two parts. The first group of facilities included in the Gazprom OJSC system was formed as a result of the privatization of the company. This group ensures the functioning of the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS). The list of these objects was updated and approved by the chairman of the board in connection with the reorganization of the enterprises of the Gazprom OJSC system carried out in 1999. These are enterprises for the production, transportation, storage and supply of gas, as well as organizations for ensuring the operation of the gas supply system. The system of Gazprom's core assets includes 79 objects, investments in shares of these enterprises are estimated at 179 billion rubles. The second group (non-core assets) includes long-term investment objects that are not part of the gas supply system. There are only 105 such objects with a total investment volume of 23 billion rubles. (about 10% of the total amount).
"Media-Most" is one of them. Gazprom has not yet made a firm decision on the sale of these assets, but it will most likely be made. This issue is dealt with by our subsidiary Gazprom-Media LLC, of ​​which I am a member of the board of directors. First, Gazprom, together with a new team of managers, intends to restore order there, and then we will decide whether we will get rid of all assets or only part of them. The final decision will be made in January.
— What other non-core assets do you intend to restructure first?
— Well, for example, enterprises in the hotel and resort sector, as well as enterprises in the social sphere. I repeat once again: first of all, when speaking about non-core assets, one should keep in mind long-term financial and other property investments in the authorized capital of legal entities whose activities do not affect the production, transportation and sale of hydrocarbons, as well as the corresponding infrastructure. In total, we identify four basic groups of non-core assets. The first is those enterprises that generate income and meet, if not production, then social goals and objectives of Gazprom. The second is that they do not generate income, but meet social goals. Third, they generate income, but do not meet the goals and objectives of society. And fourth, they do not generate income and do not meet the goals and objectives of interest to Gazprom.
For the first and third groups, several options are possible - selling assets at a profit (since they are liquid), using assets as tools to pay off accounts payable, using them as contributions to new structures of Gazprom and, finally, using them to attract investments ( By pledging core assets, we will receive money in return for the development of the industry). But we will approach each enterprise individually.
— Gazprom probably already has a list of these enterprises. Could you voice it?
— This list is currently being finalized. The only thing I can say is that we are talking about enterprises that cost us almost 1 billion rubles. These are those enterprises that do not make a profit and do not meet Gazprom’s objectives. The list will be approved by the end of the year.
— Is it true that Gazprom decided to withdraw from the authorized capital of a number of banks, including the National Reserve?
- Yes it is. There are a number of commercial banks where we have small stakes (less than 5%) and whose activities we cannot influence. The National Reserve Bank is one such investment. We will finally resolve this issue by the end of the year.
— On the issue of non-core assets. Recently, information appeared in the press that Gazprom is participating in the construction of a ski resort for the president and members of the government in a protected area of ​​the city of Sochi. How would you comment on this?
— Some publications accuse Gazprom and the governor of the Krasnodar Territory of building a ski resort for the president in a unique place, in Krasnaya Polyana. It is not true. Neither the presidential administration nor any government structure made such requests to Gazprom. This will be a purely commercial project - a tourist center for all residents of Russia and those who want to come there to relax. And the prices there will be an order of magnitude lower than in the famous ski resorts of Austria, Switzerland or France, and the conditions are no worse. In addition, as part of the project, we are engaged in gasification of the region entirely at the expense of Gazprom. The preparatory work cost us $3 million. We plan to complete construction next year.
— What is the fate of Gazprom’s foreign property?
— When we get around to it, we will deal with this issue. Some work is still underway, but first of all we would like to resolve the issue with Russian enterprises. Many enterprises are replacing representatives on their boards of directors and management bodies. Although we have the same concept in relation to any assets - increasing management efficiency based on urgency, repayment and payment.
— Tell us about Gazprom’s investment program for 2002.
— The program provides for the development of about 150 billion rubles. We are talking about the development of gas fields, joint projects with Russian companies, including Rosneft. Foreign investments, primarily the construction or purchase of gas pipelines in Western Europe, as well as maintaining main gas pipelines in Russia in working order.
— SIBUR intends to pay off its debts with Gazprom with part of its liquid assets and has already sent its proposals to Gazprom. Did you receive them?
— After the board of directors of Gazprom in early November, our relations with SIBUR became quite clear. A joint working group has now been created under the chairmanship of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Pyotr Rodionov. Debt reconciliation has been completed. I think we will soon receive a list of SIBUR’s liquid assets, with which they will pay off their debts.
— Are we talking only about Russian assets or about foreign assets as well?
— Yes, the possibility of repaying part of the debt with the assets of Hungarian petrochemical enterprises (TVK and BorsodChem.— Kommersant) may be considered. But first of all, we are talking about unique Russian enterprises.
— Is Gazprom going to return its former subsidiary, Zapsibgazprom, given that its main asset, the Yuzhno-Russkoye field, belongs to Severneftegazprom, in which, after a series of additional issues, Zapsibgazprom lost control, and its subsidiary, Itera, the company "Tarkosalenneftegaz" became a shareholder of "Severneftegazprom"?
— The board and board of directors of Gazprom made a positive decision on this issue, which means we will implement it. But returning a license is a legal issue and can also be resolved.
— Will you negotiate with Itera about the sale of your share or is there some other mechanism for the return of these assets?
— We will buy back a share from Itera only if we have a clear idea of ​​what exactly we are buying out. After all, you can buy an empty enterprise that is worth nothing. Therefore, we will first assess the situation from the point of view of the mechanism for returning assets to our subsidiary, and then we will work on restoring control.
— Do you think it’s possible to reach an agreement with Itera?
— Yes, if Itera wants to continue working with Gazprom, it will have to learn to negotiate. I think we will find a common language.
— Gazprom has a similar situation with another subsidiary, Purgaz CJSC. Will the mechanism for restoring control be the same as in Zapsibgazprom?
- Yes. As is known, the withdrawal of assets occurs according to standard schemes. If there is an opportunity to return these assets, we will use it. But this process may take a long time.
— Why do Gazprom doubt the economic benefits of this deal?
- It all depends on the price. If for the amount that Itera will present to us, it is more profitable to develop a new field, then there will be no point in seeking to restore control over either Purgaz or Zapsibgazprom. The authorized capital of Purgaz is only 100 thousand rubles, but Itera is offering us a buyout for a much larger amount. A reconciliation of the value of assets and debt for these two enterprises is currently underway.
— Alexey Miller recently said that Gazprom is going to participate in the development of the Kavykta gas condensate field. To do this, Gazprom will have to become a shareholder of RUSIA-Petroleum, since this company holds the license to develop the field. What share in this company would suit Gazprom?
— It’s hard to say now; first we need to do a feasibility study of the project. But we are very interested in developing Kavykta and entering the promising Chinese gas market.
— When will the deal to acquire shares of the Lithuanian concern Lietuvos Dujos take place?
— It depends on the decision of the Lithuanian government. We have repeatedly said that we want to participate in the privatization of Lietuvos Dujos, and we are waiting for a final answer.
— Will you participate in privatization independently or jointly with foreign gas companies Gaz de France and Ruhrgas, as well as Itera?
— According to the decision of the Lithuanian government, 34% of the shares of Lietuvos Dujos will be assigned to strategic foreign investors, including Gaz de France and Ruhrgas. As for Itera, I think it is unlikely that we will act as a single consortium. Itera is an independent company and has the right to make independent decisions.
— Gazprom also intends to participate in the privatization of the Czech and Slovak gas concerns. What share does Gazprom claim?
— Both the Czech and Slovak sides say in unison that they would like to see Gazprom as their full-fledged partner. At the same time, the governments of these countries want to retain a controlling stake in the enterprises put up for sale, in the Czech Republic - Transgaz and in Slovakia - the SPP concern. We are considering various proposals and conducting consultations. And in our decisions we will be guided by the interests of Gazprom, expediency and common sense.

Most large business entities have non-core assets that can bring both losses and significant profits. The main thing is to manage them correctly.

The concept of non-core assets

This is the property of a company or enterprise that is not involved in the production and sales process and is not used for repair, maintenance, or accounting for the main production process. This also includes unfinished construction, shares, parts in the authorized capital of another enterprise that has a different line of activity. That is, this is everything that is not involved in the main activities of the institution.

An example is a situation where an enterprise has a dormitory, kindergarten, or health camp on its balance sheet. These institutions may not generate income, but you always have to spend money on them.

Non-core asset management

These dormant assets often require significant capital to maintain, which increases overall costs. There are two ways to get a material return from this property on the balance sheet:

  1. Sale of non-core assets (sales).
  2. Restructuring.

The sale of non-core assets will allow the company to get rid of property in which it does not want to invest. The management of the organization may not see the prospects for its use and adhere to a business strategy where this property will not be used. Then selling non-core assets is the best way to get rid of the burden. Implementation is preferable if certain conditions for it exist:

  • weak relationship between non-core property and main production;
  • there are potential buyers;
  • this property is in demand;
  • the asset has a high value.

On the Internet you can often find advertisements from large companies about the sale of property. These are all kinds of buildings, such as workshops, warehouses, apartments, boarding houses, sports facilities, land plots, cars, equipment and much more.


It can be done in different ways. There are the following directions:

Sequence of work with non-core property

Restructuring should be preceded by careful management review. It is carried out as follows:

  1. Assessment of non-core assets.
  2. Determining the economic efficiency of property.
  3. Market assessment for these products.
  4. Analysis of suitable restructuring options.
  5. Assessment of risks associated with the removal of property.
  6. Sale, lease at auction.
  7. Establishing relationships with dedicated assets.

Acquisition of non-core property

On the one hand, such property can be a nuisance to some extent, and it is advisable to get rid of it. On the other hand, it can become an additional business and is purchased for the purpose of investing funds. Large banks, holdings, and enterprises always strive to have such content. Essentially, the content of other companies does not interfere with them; on the contrary, it brings benefits and income.

For example, non-core assets of OJSC Gazprom are collected into the media holding company Gazprom-Media. It includes radio stations:

  • Relax-FM.
  • "City-FM".
  • "Children's Radio".
  • "Echo of Moscow".

Gazprom is also the owner of the publishing house “Seven Days”, which publishes such newspapers and magazines as “Itogi”, “Caravan of Stories”, “Tribuna”, “Panorama TV”. In the field of television and cinema, Gazprom manages the NTV-Kino film company, supports the Crystal Palace and Oktyabr cinemas, and owns the Internet resource Rutube.

In the financial sector, Gazprom owns the following companies:

  • called "Gazfond";
  • Gazprombank LLC.

Sberbank and VTB

Banks often face situations where non-core assets appear on their balance sheets. This is due to the fact that bank clients take out loans secured by property, and if it is impossible to repay the loan, this property is confiscated from them.

During the crisis, Sberbank acquired a large amount of such property, among them were various buildings, a network of retail facilities and a share in the oil and gas business. Due to the high costs of maintaining the bank's non-core assets, it was decided to sell them off. For these purposes, the Russian Auction House was created.

Another large bank in the country, VTB, is the owner of the company Hals-Development, which specializes in the construction of residential and non-residential buildings. This company built “Children’s World” on Lubyanka, the elite housing complex “Literator”, and a complex in the “Kamelia” recreation area in Sochi. In addition, VTB has property in the gas industry.

JSC Russian Railways

The country's largest transport organization invests in many projects and is the owner of several different companies. Non-core assets of Russian Railways:

  • shares "Kit Finance" is a commercial bank;
  • share of ownership in TransCreditBank - this financial institution serves the transport sector and related areas;
  • non-state fund “Blagosostoyanie” - industry workers contribute funds to it, and upon reaching retirement age receive a pension from it;
  • OJSC Mostotrest is an organization that is engaged in the construction of road and railway bridges, foundations, traffic intersections, overpasses, etc.

Other pitfalls of non-core property

Investors prefer to give their money to clear and transparent businesses. If a company has this property, then in the eyes of investors it is assessed as less attractive. To achieve this, many banks have created separate management companies that deal exclusively with non-core assets and are completely separated from the banking sector.

How to increase the cost and start using it?

If the management of an enterprise decides to sell non-core assets, then certain measures can be taken to increase the transaction price. These include:

The rejection process is quite labor-intensive and complex. Stages of allocation of non-core assets:

  1. Determine to what extent the property is core.
  2. Analyze the effectiveness of its use.
  3. Study the market for this product.
  4. Identify possible restructuring options.
  5. Conduct asset valuation.
  6. Identify risks during asset withdrawal and possible measures to reduce them.
  7. Carrying out rental or sale.
  8. Establishing relationships with allocated assets.

Non-core assets are on the balance sheet of almost all large organizations and business entities. Some of this property was inherited from the times of the Soviet Union or as a result of changes in the process of activity. On the other hand, non-core assets are often used to invest funds in additional businesses that generate appropriate income.

If this property is simply a burden and ballast that “sucks” money, then the right decision would be to sell or restructure these assets. You can sell it if it is not needed at all and there is a real buyer. In other cases, it is better to choose leasing or transfer to main production. Liquidation is possible if the property cannot be used at all and is outdated.

This section provides information on the estimated material and technical resources unclaimed by the subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom.

LLC Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk

Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

st. Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya, 14, Irkutsk, 554011

Leading Engineer of the Department for the Organization of Supply of Materials and Equipment of Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk LLC

Klimova Svetlana Vladimirovna

7 3952 78-39-05

Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar LLC

Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Neftyanikov Highway, 53, Krasnodar, Krasnodar region, 350051

Branch of Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar LLC - Department of Logistics and Procurement

Avdeev Alexander Alexandrovich

Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC

Gazprom dobycha Nadym LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Zvereva, 30, Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 629730

Department of logistics and procurement "Nadymgazsnabkomplekt"

Khairullina Zulfiya Rashitovna

Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC

Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Chkalova, 1/2, Orenburg, 460021

Zhevakhina Olga Yurievna

Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC

Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 8, Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 629307

Department of Logistics and Procurement of Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC

Lompas Vera Yurievna

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Geologorazvedchikov, 1 A, Novy Urengoy

Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 629300

Branch "Management "Yamburgsnabkomplekt""

Yursky Evgeniy Vasilievich

CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Ostrovsky 23, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420111

Territorial administration of CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug in Kazan

Production and technical department

Shakirov Anvar Zufarovich

LLC Gazprom UGS

Gazprom UGS LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Nametkina, 12 A, Moscow, 117420

Branch "UMTS and K" LLC "Gazprom UGS"

Anderson Svetlana Albertovna

LLC Gazprom transgaz Krasnodar

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Neftyanikov, 2, town. Ilsky, Seversky district, Krasnodar region, 353231

Branch of the MTSiK Department of Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar LLC

Production and dispatch department of the Department of logistics and procurement

Mikhail Genadievich Fiderikov

Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC

Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale:

  • pipes;
  • fittings;
  • metals and hardware;
  • electrical equipment;
  • instrumentation and automation;
  • chemical materials;

Production and dispatch department of the branch of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC “Management of Materials and Technical Supply and Acquisition”

Korzun Nonna Vladimirovna

LLC Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod

Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale:

  • pipes;
  • fittings;
  • metals and hardware;
  • non-standard equipment;
  • electrical equipment;
  • instrumentation and automation;
  • cable and wire products;
  • chemical materials;
  • building materials and so on.

Proposals should be sent to:

st. Zvezdinka, 11, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950

Vlasov Andrey Borisovich, Polyakova Oksana Gennadievna

Gazprom Transgaz Samara LLC

Gazprom transgaz Samara LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Department of acceptance and sale of materials and equipment for UMTS and equipment of Gazprom Transgaz Samara LLC

Head of Department Antsiferov Dmitry Yakovlevich

LLC Gazprom Transgaz Saratov

Gazprom Transgaz Saratov LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale:

  • fittings;
  • non-standard equipment;
  • pumping and compressor equipment;
  • electrical equipment;
  • instrumentation and automation;

Proposals should be sent to:

Traigel Maxim Yurievich
+7 8452 30-73-78

Shmigel Roman Romanovich
+7 8452 30-73-31

LLC Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol

Gazprom transgaz Stavropol LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale

Proposals should be sent to:

Grazhdanskaya st., 3 A, Stavropol, Stavropol region, 355008

URRR and SOF LLC "Gazprom transgaz Stavropol"

Arshevatsky Alexander Sergeevich

Gazprom Transgaz Surgut LLC

Deputy Head of Department: Gartung Larisa Nikolaevna
+7 3462 95-50-86
+7 3462 95-52-23 fax

Department of pipe products, accounting and sale of precious metals, illiquid materials and equipment and recyclable materials of UMTSiK

Head of Department: Lyudmila Anatolyevna Yangirova
+7 3462 95-51-32

Group for accounting and sales of precious metals, illiquid materials and materials and recyclable materials

Leading engineer: Kolmagorova Elena Aleksandrovna
+7 3462 95-50-73
+7 3462 95-52-00 fax

Gazprom transgaz Ufa LLC

Proposals should be sent to:

St. Richard Sorge 59, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450054

Department of Logistics and Equipment (UMTSiK) Gazprom Transgaz Ufa LLC

Arkhipov Vladimir Anatolyevich, head of the warehousing and logistics group of UMTSiK

Gazprom transgaz Ukhta LLC

Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale:

  • fittings;
  • metals and hardware;
  • petrochemical equipment;
  • non-standard equipment;
  • electrical equipment;
  • instrumentation and automation;
  • cable and wire products, etc.

Proposals should be sent to:

Lenin Ave., 39/2, Ukhta, Komi Republic, 169300

Gornovich Sergey Vladimirovich, Head of the procurement department of UORRIS

Yakunenkova Lyudmila Igorevna, leading engineer for repair of fixed assets of the Vologda separate branch of UORRIS

Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC, UMTS

The Logistics Department of Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC offers for sale unclaimed equipment and materials from warehouses in Ukhta and Vologda:

  • petrochemical equipment;
  • non-standard equipment;
  • electrical equipment;
  • Instrumentation and A;
  • cable and wire products;
  • chemical materials;
  • Construction Materials;
  • bearings;
  • workwear and safety footwear;
  • tools.

Proposals should be sent to:

Lenina Ave., 39/2, Ukhta, Komi Republic, 169300

equipment supply department of UMTS LLC "Gazprom transgaz Ukhta"

Kushnarev Viktor Klavdenievich, Deputy Head of the Department for Procurement of Materials and Equipment of UMTS

7 8214 77-21-69

LLC Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk

Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk LLC offers unclaimed equipment and materials for sale:

  • fittings;
  • pipes;
  • metals and hardware;
  • non-standard equipment;
  • electrical equipment;
  • instrumentation and automation;
  • cable and wire products;
  • Construction Materials;
  • chemical materials and so on.
(all) Gas station 13 Gas station No. 32 Garages Two-story cafe, letter B. Total area 225.7 sq.m Residential building Land plot for a gas station. Gas station No. 92 was liquidated in December 2002. Land plot for the location and operation of gas station No. 37. Gas station No. 37 was liquidated in December 2002. Land plot for the location and operation of gas station No. 76. Gas station No. 76 was liquidated in December 2001. Land plot for the construction of a gas station. The construction of a gas station on the site was not carried out due to inexpediency. Czechoslovak complex 2-room apartment (75.4 sq.m.) 3-room apartment 3-room apartment (58.1 sq.m.) 3-room apartment (68.6 sq.m.) 3-room apartment (88.9 sq.m.) 5994/10000 shares in the object Oil depot "Melnitsa" DP001 Oil depot Gortop 35501 DP002 Oil depot Gortop 1636, Oil depot AHT RN020 Novoshukinskaya AVTOBAZA Auto garage, boiler room incl. chimney Road from the CAR WASH stella Motor transport complex in Budenovsk Administrative and amenity building ADMINISTRATIVE AND Amenity building administrative and amenity building, purpose: non-residential building, 1-storey total area 755.3 sq.m. Administrative building. ZhNKP "Privodino" ADMINISTRATIVE AND ECONOMIC COMPLEX Administrative building (wooden) Administrative building with an extension Administrative building Tankaev house No. 75 Administrative Building, Otradny, st. Burovikov, 51 Administrative non-residential premises Gas station Gas station No. 47 (MR 047) Gas station No. 53 (MR 053) Gas station No. 55 (MR 055) Gas station No. 56 (MR 056) Gas station No. 97 (MR 097) Gas station Gas station - 55 Gas station -52 Gas station 10 gas station 101D gas station 102 gas station 14 gas station 17 gas station 24 gas station 25 gas station 28 gas station 31 gas station 32 gas station 35 gas station 36 gas station 422 gas station 424 gas station 425 gas station 430 gas station 45 gas station 46 gas station 47 gas station 53 Gas station 64 Gas station 70 Gas station 72 Gas station 73 Gas station 75 Gas station 8 gas station 9 gas station PN009 Novosokolniki GAZ gas station RJ064 Bitsevskaya gas station No. 10 Gas station No. 105 Gas station No. 114 Gas station No. 116 Gas station No. 12 Sorochinsko-Nikolskoye MR Gas station No. 120 Gas station No. 131 Gas station No. 14 Gas station No. 141 Gas station No. 143 Gas station From No. 16 Gas station No. 167 Gas station No. 168 Gas station No. 18 Gas station No. 19 Gas station No. 2 Buzuluk, Gaya str., 106 Gas station No. 2 Pyt-Yakh Gas station No. 20 Gas station No. 201 Gas station No. 203 Gas station No. 206 Gas station No. 223 Gas station No. 251 Gas station No. 3 Gas station No. 33 Gas station No. 37 Gas station No. 38 Gas station No. 40 Gas station No. 41 Gas station No. 48 Gas station No. 49 Gas station No. 50 Gas station No. 6 Buguruslan st. Vostochnoye Highway, 8 Gas station No. 61 Gas station No. 64 Gas station No. 65 Gas station No. 69 Gas station No. 73 Gas station No. 79 Gas station No. 81 Gas station No. 85 Gas station No. 9 Gas station No. 102 Gas station No. 107 Gas station No. 109 Gas station No. 113 Gas station No. 115 Gas station No. 121 Gas station No. 129 Gas station No. 14 Gas station No. 142 Gas station No. 15 Gas station No. 157 Gas station No. 158 Gas station No. 159 Gas station No. 16 Gas station No. 167 Gas station No. 17 Gas station No. 171 Gas station No. 172 Gas station No. 173 with a service station Gas station No. 178 Gas station No. 185 Gas station No. 188 Gas station No. 189 Gas station No. 19 Gas station No. 192 Gas station No. 195 Gas station No. 197 Gas station No. 198 Gas station No. 205 Gas station No. 209 Gas station No. 21 Gas station No. 212 Gas station No. 213 Gas station No. 228 Gas station No. 23 Gas station No. 231 Gas station No. 237 Gas station No. 239 Gas station No. 24 Gas station No. 240 Gas station No. 245 Gas station No. 249 Gas station No. 25 Gas station No. 255 Gas station No. 26 Gas station No. 29 Gas station No. 31 Gas station No. 32 Gas station No. 33 Gas station No. 34 Gas station No. 36 Gas station No. 39 Gas station No. 44 Gas station No. 45 Gas station No. 49 Gas station No. 51 Gas station No. 52 Gas station No. 53 Gas station No. 54 Gas station No. 59 Gas station No. 6 Gas station No. 61 Gas station No. 63 Gas station No. 63 with a service point Gas station No. 68 Gas station No. 7 Gas station No. 75 Gas station No. 76 Gas station No. 77 Gas station No. 8 Gas station No. 87 Gas station No.9 Gas station No.90 Gas station No.94 Gas station-1 Gas station-120 Gas station-136 Gas station-27 Gas station-3 Gas station-30 Gas station-39 Gas station-60 Gas station-63 Gas station-64 Gas station100 Gas station101 Gas station134 Gas station199 Gas station211 Gas station36 Gas station72 Gas station76 Gas station82 Gas station88 Algai oil depot Anapa fuel oil storage facility Hangar Hangar for special equipment parking Appolonsky branch (industrial site) Apollonsky workshop (industrial site) Arkadak oil depot Armavir oil depot Arched frame arched building Arched warehouse based on the BPO Artesian well No. 78579, 590 m deep. APCS. ZhNKP "Privodino" Akhtarskaya oil depot Akhtyrskaya oil depot B/o "Cape Verde" BST base MSKRS base Pyt-Yakh recreation center "Berezka" Recreation center "Burovik" Recreation center "Volzhskie Zori", Samara region, Zhigulevsk, Zolnoye village Recreation center " Fisherman's House" Recreation center "Parus" Recreation center Karaman-7 Work supply base Terminal (Ostrovnaya station) RSU base, Samara city, Karl Marx Avenue, 198 SMU base, SO, settlement g.t. Sukhodol, Industrial Zone-4 Base TKF "Neftyanik" (former base ORS) Base TKF Neftyanik Base UTT MR Base TsPP NGDU MN Base Yuganka (former base ORS) Base "Promyslovik" (territory of the village of Bely Yar) Baichurovskaya oil depot Balagansky section of the Khariksky workshop Balakovo oil depot Barguzinskaya industrial site Barnukovo oil depot Bezenchukskaya oil depot Blagodarnensky branch (oil depot) Territory improvement Block gas boiler house with supply overhead gas pipeline Bogatovskaya oil depot Bolsheglunitskaya oil depot BRANDERBURG-KONTORA Brasovskaya oil depot Buisky area for the wholesale sale of petroleum products Tugboat "Captain Sokolov" Tugboat "Mechanic Serdyuk" Buturlinovskaya oil depot Former RSU base, Samara region, village Kinel-Cherkassy, ​​st. Zavodskaya, 5 Former SUTT base, Otradny city, Industrial zone 3 Former KUTT car garage, Samara region, Zhigulevsk city, st. Magistralnaya 1 Household building GSS Verkhnemamonskaya oil depot Vetlyansky brick factory, Samara region, village. Vetlyanka, Neftegorsky district Off-site electrical network 10 kV cable line. ZhNNK "Privodino" Off-site roads. ZhNKP "Privodino" Off-site networks of pressure domestic sewer networks External connection with the pumping station "Privodino". ZhNKP "Privodino" On-site technical water supply network. ZhNNK Intra-site roads. ZhNKP "Privodino" On-site domestic sewerage networks. ZhNNK On-site networks of pressure domestic sewer. networks On-site networks of drinking water supply. ZhNNK On-site industrial and storm sewer networks On-site power supply networks. ZhNNK On-site heating networks. ZhNKP "Privodino" Drinking water supply (D-108mm, L-3046m). ZhNNK Process water supply system (D-150mm, L-3318m). ZhNNK Volovskaya oil depot Volsky oil depot Vorobyovskaya oil depot Vygonichskaya oil depot high-voltage line Poikovsky settlement, former base of the Berdsky trust Poikovsky, former base of TsTOiRT-4 Gas pipeline (length-150mm, L-3108m). ZhNKP "Privodino" Gas control point No. 1 Gas control point No. 2 Gas control point No. 3 Gas control point No. 5 Garage GARAGE FOR SEVEN SPACES Garage parking Garages Garages in the area of ​​the old airport Garage box Hotel Hotel "Kedr" (Kedr) Strezhevoy, st. Mira, 12) Hotel (Strezhevoy, Molodezhnaya str., 21) Hotel complex Gryazinskaya oil depot This vessel is moored at the Volzhanka recreation center at the address Samara, Samara district, Podzhabny island b.o. Volzhanka This object is located at the Volzhanka recreation center at the address Samara, Samara district, Podzhabny island b.o. Volzhanka Two residential buildings located on two land plots One-room apartment 18 One-room apartment 42 One-room apartment 43 One-room apartment 51 Two-room apartment 59 One-room apartment Igarka One-room apartment No. 15 One-room apartment No. 23 One-room apartment No. 26 One-room apartment No. 46 Two-room apartment private apartment No. 47 Two-room apartment No. 59 Two-room apartment No. 66 Two-room apartment No. 3, Goryachiy Klyuch Two-room apartment No. 9 Goryachiy Klyuch A two-room apartment located on the second floor of a three-story residential building. A two-room apartment located on the third floor of a three-story residential building, letter A. A two-room apartment located on the fourth floor of a five-story residential building. Two-story residential building UNIMO-80 Two-story brick fire station with a basement letter E. Total area 1335.2 sq.m. Children's health recreation center "Neftyanik", Samara region, Pokhvistnevsky district, village Zemledelets Divnensky workshop (industrial site) Share in the ownership of an unfinished construction site Residential house in the village of Naushki Road to the 2nd group site Road to the pier Road repair point (Sredne-Balykskoye field) Road repair point (South-Surgutskoye field) Dubrovskaya oil depot Dukhovnitsky oil depot Evdakovskaya oil depot Ekaterinovsky oil depot Elan-Kolenovskaya oil depot Eletskaya oil depot Railway two-way overpass for loading oil. ZhNNK Zhigalovsky section of the Zhilkinsky workshop Residential two-room apartment, Zhigulevsk, st. Privolzhskaya, 7, apt. 58 Residential three-room apartment, Zhigulevsk, st. Privolzhskaya, 1, apt. 60 residential premises, apartment Residential building Residential building "Crawler's House" with a shop-garage Residential building 20 sq. m. Finnish Residential building Orenburg region, Sorochinsky district, village. Tolkayevka, st. Polevaya 22 residential building Pervomaisky st. Pugacheva 2 "g" RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX /OKA 16/ CEPU SEV-VAR Zaigraevskaya industrial site Closed parking lot Zalarinsky section of the Kharik workshop Protective structure for civil defense. ZhNKP "Privodino" Building Building letter A12 Building "Garage for 17 cars" Building "Hotel for young professionals", Zhigulevsk, st. Pionerskaya, d. 11 Building "Internet cafe" (Strezhevoy, Stroiteley St., 60, room 1) Building (former gas station-137) Building (Machine maintenance control room) Building (Paint and varnish building) Building (Washing building) Building (Building engine shop) Building (washing) Building (meal room) Building (extension to the mechanical repair shop) Building (hangar-type warehouse) Automobile shop building (Ust-Kut, Beregovaya St., 35a) (19118809) Administrative building building Bathhouse building, Samara region, Zhigulevsk, Zolnoye settlement Concrete mortar unit building Garage building for 30 cars Hotel building for 40 beds, Samara region, Sukhodol settlement, st. Mira, no. 13 Business center building, Samara region, Sukhodol village, Molodogvardeyskaya st., no. 9 Wooden building of the PSU base, Samara region, Neftegorsk, st. Neftyanikov, 2 Building of the control room of the tractor garage. Lit a, Samara region, Otradny, Burovikov str., 30 Snack bar building Cafe building "Beryozka" Instrumentation building Oxygen station building KNS building - 6 Compressor station building Office building, Samara region, city .o.Zhigulevsk, st. Pobeda 6 Checkpoint building S 64.9 m2, at Neftegorsk, st. Promyshlennosti, 35 KPP-2 building Forge and carpentry building of the Sultangulovo-Zaglyadinsky district Store building Store building (former gas station-78) Store building No. 1 with a warehouse Store building No. 13 Store building No. 18 Store building No. 6 on a land plot ESP workshop building with warehouse Material warehouse building Building at the industrial sewerage treatment plant Gas station control room building No. 134 Passenger bus station building, Pokhvistnevo town, st. Revolyutsionnaya, 16a Building at the address: Krasnoyarsk district, Svetloye Pole village, Industrial zone, 18 Building at the address: Sukhodol village, st. Kuibysheva, 14 Production base building, city district Pokhvistnevo, Oktyabrsky village Prof. building. ts.3 Building of the VIC entrance building Building of a rental point for letters A Building of a repair bay for passenger cars Service building (former gas station-98) Warehouse building Arched warehouse building, Sukhodol village, st. Kooperativnaya, 49a Warehouse building letter A2 Warehouse building at the former SUTT base, Otradny, Industrial Zone-3 Canteen building Canteen building No. 16 (R/K Kosmos) Carpentry shop building Maintenance building 24*66 (modular) Pipe-turbine shop building , at the address: Samara region, Sergievsky district, urban settlement. Sukhodol, st. Neftyanikov, 11 TURBINE AND WELDING SHOP BUILDING S=100 Shelter building Building of the "Daniel" gas processing plant Building of the "Projector" gas processing plant Building of the training plant, city center Zhigulevsk, st. Privolzhskaya, 9 Building of a workshop for the repair of deep-well pumps Workshop building, Otradny, Burovikov St., 49a Building, purpose: Residential building, area 249.5 sq.m., number of floors: 3, including underground: 1 Building, purpose: Residential building, area 250.9 sq.m., number of floors: 3, including underground: 1 Building, ptg. Afipsky, st. Lenina, house No. 10, 67.1 sq.m. Workshop buildings, Samara region, Zhigulevsk, st. Polevaya, 2a Buildings on the territory of the LLC "Transport-Bezenchuk" site, 65 km of the Samara-Volga region highway Warehouse buildings, city district. Otradny, st. Neftyanikov - 90 Zelenokumsky workshop (industrial site) Land plot Land plot (gas station-54) Land plot (Zem26) Land plot (under the liquidated gas station No. 63) Land plot (under the liquidated gas station No. 76) Land plot (right to gas station No. 17 terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 21 was terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 306 was terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 36 was terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 40 was terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 45 terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 48 was terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 71 was terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 85 was terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 100 was terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 103 terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 117 was terminated) Land plot (the right to gas station No. 121 was terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 125 was terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 307 was terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 61 terminated) land plot (the right to gas station No. 83 was terminated) Gas station land plot No. 11 Gas station land plot 70 Gas station land plot 86 Gas station land plot KAZS-131 Land plot with an area of ​​725 sq.m. land plot for gas station - 18 land plot for gas station 54 Land plot for gas station 120 (sh100010) Land plot for gas station 14 Land plot for gas station 17 Land plot for gas station 305 Land plot for gas station 46 Land plot for gas station 63 (sh13552) Land plot for gas station No. 126 Land plot for gas station No. 136 (854923) Land plot for gas station No. 39 (521602) Land plot for gas station No. 64 (sh10009) Land plot for the former gas station No. 22.23 Nefteyugansk Land plot for a residential building, village. Tolkayevka, st. Polevaya 22 Land plot for a shelter building for 200 people Poikovsky inv. 100996P Land plot (Land 12) Land plot, land category: land of settlements, permitted use: for the production base of MUTT-2, area 3,401 sq.m. ZU ZU ZU (under the demolished gas station No. 93) ZU (adjacent to gas station 2) ZU (next to gas station No. 21, belongs to gas station No. 21) ZU 51 ZU GC009 Belavka ZU PN014 Kunya ZU RC128 Odintsovo ZU RC219 Stanovoy ZU TC258 Makarovo-2 ZU TC259 Makarovo-1 ZU TN029 Mednoye-1 ZU TN030 Mednoye-2 Ivnyanskaya oil depot Property complex Property complex of the East-Radovsky site Property complex Buzuluk st. Tekhnicheskaya, 1 Property complex of Pervomaisky settlement, Transportnaya str., 3 Property complex of Sorochinsko-Nikolskoye microdistrict Property complex of the Yuzhno-Mikhailovsky site Property complex of the motor transport base in the village. Krasny Kholm, RB Property complex in the city of Sorochinsk on Voznesenskogo street 2 Property complex in the city of Yanaul Property complex in the city of Buzulk, st. Gaya, 106 Property complex Sorochinsk st. Transportnaya, 12 Property complex Buguruslan, Vostochnoe highway 8 Property complex Sorochinsk, Vodokachechnaya, 24 Property complex Zelenaya 38 Property complex boiler house No. 3 Pokhvistnevo, Revolyutsionnaya str., 48 Property complex Novosmirnovskaya 3 Property complex Novosmirnovskaya 8 Property complex p.Pervomaisky, ul.Bazovaya, 3 Property complex at the address: Buguruslansky district, village Zavyalovka Property complex located at p.Bezenchuk, Vostochnaya industrial zone str., 17 Property complex st.Zaglyadino Property complex of the construction and installation site in the village . Kozhay - Ikskie Vershiny, RB Property complex of a trade and warehouse base in the city of Ishimbay Property complex of a diesel engine overhaul workshop in the city of Belebey Property complex "Brick Factory" Property complex, Pervomaiskaya village, st. Transportnaya 5 Property complex, located at the address: Samara region, Pokhvistnevsky district, 1 km from the village of Oktyabrsky Property complex, located at the address: Samara region, Pokhvistnevsky district, 4 km from the village of Sosnovka Information and publishing center ( Strezhevoy, 4 mkr., no. 442) Ipatovsky workshop (industrial site) Kalininsky oil depot Kamensky section of the Zhilkinsky workshop CAMERA BUILDING "YUKOS-GEO" Kanaevskaya NB Karabulak oil depot Sport Cruiser Velvette 41 Evolution boat Apartment APARTMENT 2 rooms .Talinka 2-1-79 APARTMENT 3 rooms.Talinka 2-3-33 Apartment (3-room) Apartment (5-room) Apartment (Cadastral number 70:20:0000002:4972) Apartment (Cadastral number 70:20:0000003:13747) Apartment (Cadastral number 70:20:0000003:15934) Apartment - 1 room Apartment 1 room No. 1137 Apartment 3 rooms No. 1136 Apartment Rostov p. Koltsovsky 5/7 k4, 56.8 sq.m. Apartment No. 10 Apartment No. 30 Apartment No. 32 Apartment No. 4 Apartment No. 40 Apartment No. 98 Apartment No. 4 Apartment located at Nakhodka, st. Makarova 24-30 Apartment located at Nakhodka, st. Makarova 24-31 Apartment located at Nakhodka, st. Pavlova 8-7 Klimovskaya oil depot Klyavlinskaya oil depot KNS of domestic wastewater. ZhNKP "Privodino" Sump station for domestic wastewater Privodino railway station Kolpashevskaya oil depot Gas station complex No. 130 Gas station complex No. 150 Gas station complex No. 150 - Parking lot Gas station complex No. 150 - PTO building Hydrocracking complex. OZH KG. Berth for delivery of large equipment. Control building for slipway and utility rooms Hydrocracking complex. OZH KG. Berth for delivery of large equipment. Slip. Complex of buildings in Ufa, st. Ufa Highway, 3b Roadside service complex - restaurants "Cossack Farm", "Scheherazade". Year of construction: 2000. Total area of ​​permanent buildings: 588.5 m2. Compressor station. Privodino railway station Cooperative laundry and dry cleaning building Industrial building with administrative and administrative building Boiler house ZhNNK "Privodino" BOILER HOUSE TsNIPR Boiler house, SO, pos.g.t. Sukhodol Industrial Zone, site No. 6 Boiler room, Khadyzhensk, st. Kirova, house No. 141, 14.7 sq.m. Checkpoint and dispatcher. on the Priobsky district Krasnokutsk oil depot Krasnopartizan oil depot Krasnoyarsk oil depot Crimean oil depot Indoor parking for cars Kuznetsk NB Forge Kultuksky workshop Kurbatov oil depot Kurganin oil depot Kursavsky workshop (industrial site) Kutuliksky section of the Kharik workshop Kushchevsk oil depot Laboratory. ZhNKP "Privodino" Latnenskaya oil depot Local computer network (LAN). ZhNNK "Privodino" power line Shop "Cooking" Shop "Serafimovsky" Shop (Strezhevoy, 80) Industrial goods store Shop "Neftyanik" Shop No. 2 Shop No. 6 Shop-bakery (Strezhevoy, Kommunalnaya St., No. 71/1) Fuel oil facilities of boiler house No. 1 Makarovsky section of the branch in Ust-Kut Small vessel non-self-propelled bunkering station "MS-017" Small-family dormitory Manturovo section for the wholesale sale of petroleum products Modular building with utility rooms Mokhovskaya oil depot Myatlevsky section On the territory of Neivo-Rudyansky timber chemical plant, industrial and warehouse development zone Navlinsaya oil depot External networks of domestic wastewater. ZhNKP "Privodino" Pumping station for emergency drainage of tanks. ZhNNK "Privodino" Pumping station for process water selection. ZhNNK "Privodino" Fire extinguishing pumping station with a diesel power plant. Pumping station for loading railway tanks. ZhNNK "Privodino" Oil selection pumping station. ZhNNK "Privodino". Pumping station for fire-fighting water supply Nevinnomyssk branch (oil depot) Non-residential built-in premises for a garage S 22.9 sq.m. Non-residential built-in premises intended for a garage Non-residential building Non-residential building letters A, A1 Non-residential building (arched building on the territory of the repair and mechanical site) Non-residential building (arched warehouse building) Non-residential building (former gas station 26) Non-residential building (former gas station 80) Non-residential building (former gas station 92) non-residential building (former gas station No. 11) Non-residential building ( former gas station No. 107) Non-residential building (former gas station No. 15) Non-residential building (former gas station No. 65) Non-residential building (former gas station No. 71) Non-residential building (former gas station-130) non-residential building (former gas station-133) Non-residential building (former gas station -31) Non-residential building (former gas station-59) Non-residential building (former gas station No. 24) Non-residential building (garage for 2 cars) Non-residential building (Special equipment garage) Non-residential building (administrative building building), Pokhvistnevo town, Buguruslanskaya St., oil preparation and pumping shop Non-residential building (Office building of TsKRS Litera A13) Non-residential building (office building), letter A, SO, village. Sukhodol, Industrial Zone, plot No. 3 Non-residential building (Indoor parking building) Non-residential building (AVR material warehouse building) Non-residential building (Mechanical workshop building) Non-residential building (Annex building with a mechanical workshop for a forge) Non-residential building (dry cleaning building), village. g.t. Sukhodol, st. Kooperativnaya, 2a Non-residential building (extension to the production building) Non-residential building (Hot locking workshop) Non-residential building - Health complex. The object is a non-core property and is in unsatisfactory condition. Non-residential building - Material warehouse Non-residential building - Administrative building Non-residential building - Pumping room Non-residential building - Control room Non-residential garage building Non-residential building and structures (former gas station No. 45) NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LETTER E (DINING BUILDING) Area: 377.00 sq.m Non-residential building operator room (former gas station-25) Non-residential operator building (former gas station-30) Non-residential building for related services (former gas station No. 132) Non-residential building, Krymsk, 19.2 sq.m. Non-residential building, purpose: non-residential. Krymsk st. Zhukova-32, 143.6 sq.m. Non-residential building, Samara region, Bezenchuksky district, Bezenchuk settlement, st. Sovetskaya, 40 a Non-residential building Garage (for body repair) Non-residential premises Non-residential premises (garage for three cars and a warehouse) non-residential premises - administrative building Non-residential premises of a bank branch Non-residential industrial premises Non-residential building Non-residential building of a bank branch with a land plot Non-residential buildings , g.o. Otradny st. Burovikov, 34 Non-residential premises in a residential building (ground floor) Non-residential premises in a building (residential building) Unfinished construction facility Neysky area for the wholesale sale of petroleum products Nerekhta area for the wholesale sale of petroleum products Neftebaza Neftebaza DM018 ZhPSSN Oil depot No. 2 of the Bratsk section of the Vikhorevsky workshop Oil well No. 274 oil wells and equipment of wells on the territory of the subsoil user OJSC "Samarainvestneft" oil wells and equipment of wells on the territory of the subsoil user LLC "Bagatovskaya Service Company" (previously LLC "Kommunarskoye-NGDU" and LLC "Alliance-RK") oil wells and equipment of wells on the territory of the subsoil user LLC "Region-Oil" oil wells on the territory of the subsoil user CJSC "Reimpex-Samara-Neftepromysel" oil wells on the territory of the subsoil user CJSC "Samara-Nafta" Oil filling station on the basis of the transport section of NGDU "MN" Oil filling station "Warehouse for storing petroleum products of the Complex for the production of high-octane components and gasoline in the city of Kirovsk" Nizhne-Lomovskaya NB Nizhne-Maltsevskaya oil depot Nikelskaya oil depot Novozybkovskaya oil depot Novokhoperskaya oil depot Washing point Dormitory Dormitory for visitors unfinished construction facility consumable fuel and lubricants warehouse for 1500 cubic meters. m. - main building Object of transport infrastructure Object - Makushinskaya oil depot Objects of the motor transport section in the city of Belebey Objects of the former pigsty Objects at the production base, city. Otradny, st. Sportivnaya, 39a Real estate objects of the children's health camp "Dubki" Dormitory objects in the city of Ishimbay Service objects in the city of Yanaul transport infrastructure objects Pipeline objects of the oil and gas production department "Tuymazaneft" Fencing. ZhNKP "Privodino" One-room apartment 21 One-room apartment Igarka One-room apartment No. 17 One-story boiler room letter B1B2B3 Sultangulovo-Zaglyadinsky microdistrict One-story utility room for a gas workshop, Sultangulovo-Zaglyadinsky microdistrict One-story residential building OKA - 40 One-story workshop building, letter B Sultangulovo-Zaglyadinsky microdistrict r One-story operator's building, letter B8 One-story brick building One-story unfinished building - material warehouse, letter B, building area 685.4 sq.m., total percentage of completion 82%. One-story reinforced concrete panel garage with a total area of ​​833.4 m2 One-story single-apartment residential building letter A Ozinsky oil warehouse Detached object Open parking lot office Office store Office building near the Bataysk oil depot Industrial storm sewerage treatment facilities. ZhNNK Treatment facilities. Railway station Privodino apiary PATO gas station No. 27 PBUup "Ispolin" Bakery and store "Neftyanik" Petrovsky oil depot PZS 133 Brewery St. Petersburg oil depot Carpentry shop Pogarskaya oil depot Pogruznenskaya oil depot Loading and unloading base SCDNG Podbelskaya oil depot Underwater crossing of the pressure oil pipeline from Booster Station-1 Sorominskaya ( reserve) line Oil supply pipeline from oil pumping station (D-500mm, L-433m-ground, Podgorenskaya oil depot Utility room storage room Access road. Railway station Privodino Access railway tracks. ZhNNK "Privodino". Entrances and platforms of the oil depot Fire station. ZHNKP "Privodino". Fire and security alarm. ZHNKP "Privodino". Central dispatch service premises. Security post. ZHNKP "Privodino". Electrical center post at Privodino station Pokhvistnevskaya oil depot Pokhvistnevsky reinforced concrete plant, Samara region, Pokhvistnevo town, village. Venera Trade and catering enterprise Privolzhskaya oil depot Pier on the Vakh river Production sites Railway station Privodino Production base Production base (Strezhevoy, st. Prosmyslovaya, 20) Production base (Strezhevoy, Stroiteley St., 87) Production base of BPO UKG, Nizhnevartovsk Complex 1, Complex 2 Production base, Khadyzhensk, st. Kirova, 122 Production base Mitsar (YUNSS), (formerly UPTK NSMT) Production base MSSU Production base MSSU (sawmill) Production base NSSU Production base p. Perevolotsky Production base PDRSU Production base at Neftegorsk, st. Industry 21 Production base PUTT-1 Production base Region-Stroy (Remstroy, SMU-5) Production base RSU, Samara region, Kinel-Cherkassy district, village. Kinel-Cherassy, ​​st. Zavodskaya, 5 Production base Spetsservice Production base STiNO Nefteyugansk, SU-62 Production base "BPO LLC KSMT" Production base, Otradny, Industrial zone Production base, g.o. Otradny, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 46 Production base, Samara city, Zubchaninovskoe highway, no. 179a Production base, Svetloe Pole settlement, Industrial site No. 13, Krasnoyarsk district Production base, village. Vertyaevka, st. Rabochaya, no. 98 Production base located at: Samara region, Bezenchuksky district, 65 kilometer of the Samara-Volga region highway Production base located at: Samara region, Pokhvistnevo, Revolyutsionnaya str., no. 48 Production base located at address: Samara region, Krasnoyarsk district, pos. Svetloe Pole, Industrial zone-18 Production base located at the address: Samara region, Sergievsky district, urban settlement Sukhodol, st. Neftyanikov, 11 Production base, Samara region, Otradny, Industrial zone-3 Production base, Samara region, Otradny, st. Fizkulturnikov, 47 Production base. Motorcade No. 3 Production base. Motorcade No. 3 Khadyzhensky section Production base. Motorcade No. 5 Production base. Motorcade No. 6 Production site of the subsidiary farm base of the village. Oktyabrsky, Pokhvistny Production site of the Bryukhovetskaya oil depot. Production site of the Korenovskaya oil depot Industrial warehouse base, Samara, st. Revolutionary, 72 Industrial warehouse base, Samara, st. Sanfirovoy, 104b, Oktyabrsky district Industrial and residential building. Production and warehouse base, Sukhodol village, st. Privokzalnaya, 30 Production facilities Production site Otradny, Industrial zone-3 Industrial block Kopachevo Industrial site "Inzhavinskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Morshanskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Muchkapskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Oboronenskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Sosnovskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Staroyurevskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Tokarevskaya oil depot" Industrial site "Umetsky branch" Industrial site "Chakinskaya oil depot" Industrial site Industrial site of Balabanovo industrial site of Kromskaya oil depot Industrial site of Chubovka village PTO at gas station-27 Heating point No. 1 Railway station Privodino Heating point No. 2 Railway station Privodino Car maintenance station Traveling motor ship "Zarya" K-01-1929 Rashevatsky branch (oil depot) Expansion of the 500 kV Magistralnaya substation. RVS-10000m3 No. 1. ZhNKP "Privodino" RVS-10000m3 No. 2. ZhNKP "Privodino" RVS-10000m3 No. 3. ZhNKP "Privodino" RVS-10000m3 No. 4. ZhNKP "Privodino" RVS-10000m3 No. 5. ZhNKP "Privodino" RVS-10000m3 No. 6. ZhNKP "Privodino" Fire water reserve tank No. 1. ZhNNK "Privodino" Fire water reserve tank No. 2. ZhNKP "Privodino" Backup fuel tank for boiler room No. 1 Backup fuel tank for boiler room No. 2 Fire water reserve tank 1V2000m3. Railway station Reservoir 2 anti-fire water reserve V2000m3. Railway stPr River vessel Rivne oil depot Rivne oil depot Romanovsky oil depot Samara region, Pokhvistnevo, st. Revolyutsionnaya, 16A, Pokhvistnevsky district Airplane FK-9 (FK 9 MARK-3) Sanatorium-preventorium "Forest Lake" Sanatorium-preventorium "Neftyanik", Samara region. , Otradny, st. Gagarina, 32 Selenginskaya industrial site Network district No. 2 Fire-fighting water supply networks Railway station Drinking water supply networks Railway station Electricity/supply and lighting networks. Railway station Privodino Telephone network (STS). ZhNKP "Privodino" Public address system (SGS).ZhNNK "Privodino" well Well 3 Regional Well 4 Karanogai oil well No. 120 Verbovskoye field located on the territory of the subsoil user JSC "Samarainvestneft" Oil well No. 61, Yaroslavl field, Samara region, Kinel-Cherkassy district oil well No. 76 Ozerkinskoye field, Strelovsky area located on the territory of the subsoil user JSC "RITEK" Well with pavilion Well No. 1, Brazhnikovskoye field, Samara region, Kinel-Cherkassy district warehouse ARI WAREHOUSE Auxiliary materials warehouse Oxygen warehouse Warehouse letters B Materials warehouse Warehouse materials in UTT, Samara region, Syzran Food products warehouse No. 5 Special reagents warehouse Warehouse TN033 "Tretyakovskaya" Warehouse No. 6 Warehouse No. 7 Warehouse No. 9 Warehouse base, Krasnoyarsk district, Svetloe Pole village, Industrial zone 15/1 and 15 /3 SLV Yasny Service and amenity building Connecting oil pipeline (d-400mm). ZhNKP "Privodino" Construction Construction letter G98 Construction of gas station-5 (Tulushka settlement) Construction - gas filling station AGZS No. 29 with a land plot Construction "Access road" structure, water pipeline, 7020 m long structure, water pipelines point 7 - cluster 20, 1100 m long structure, water pipelines , length 12690 m Construction, oil collection networks, length 0.52 km construction, oil collection networks, length 1.96 km Structure: pressure oil pipeline "CPS-Ugutsky node", designed for transporting water from the pumping station to the well pad, depth 11600 m, inv. No. 71:118:002:850031920 Industrial facilities Gymnasium, service station Staroshcherbinovskaya oil depot Stationary gas station-2, purpose: non-residential, 1-storey, total area 43.6 sq.m., Lit B Stationary brake pads. Railway station Privodino Stationary railway track No. 2 Stationary railway track No. 3 Stationary railway track No. 4 Service station Service station (Zalegoshch) Service station (Kolpna settlement) Service station at gas station No. 36 Service station at gas station-15 Canteen in Klintsy Canteen No. 3, Building , Heliport "Severny", building No. 5 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT PARKING Strezhevskaya oil depot Building "Boiler room of the asphalt plant" Building "Rail bitumen storage" Building (next to gas station No. 21, belongs to gas station No. 21) Warehouse building (11 microdistrict. Nefteyugansk) Structured cabling system (SCS). ZhNNK vessel Viking-2 Surazh oil depot Sukhaya Lubna Talovsk oil depot Tatishchevsky oil depot Tennis court Heating route UPNP and workover 670 m. Motor ship Aist Motor ship Zarya Tereshkovskaya oil depot Ternovskaya oil depot The territory of the former ATP with buildings and auxiliary structures The territory of the central warehouse of the village of Malysheva, industrial warehouse zone development Technological pipelines (D=159-720mm, L=2456m). Technological communication center at Privodino station Technological equipment Technical underground of an 80-apartment residential building Tikhoretsk oil depot Tolkayskaya oil depot Togliatti oil depot Transmission substation ZTP 2*250 kVA. Railway station Privodino transformer substation-2 No. 183 (400kVA/6kV) Three-room apartment Three-room apartment 37 Three-room apartment 44 Three-room apartment 53 Three-room apartment 60 Three-room apartment 69 Three-room apartment Igarka Three-room apartment No. 45 Three-room apartment No. 48 Three room apartment No. 49 Three-room apartment No. 52 Three-room apartment No. 56 Three-room apartment No. 68 Trekhostrovsky oil warehouse Three real estate objects: Non-residential building located on two land plots. Pipe procurement base in the village. Bogatoye (TZB Bogatoye village) pipeline Fire extinguishing pipelines. ZhNKP "Privodino" Tulinovskaya oil depot Dead end No. 6. Stationary. railway track. Privodino railway station Dead end No. 7a. Stationary. railway track. Privodino railway station Tourist base "Dubki" Communication center Oil metering center. ZhNKP "Privodino" Enlarged oil field No. 3 Unechskaya oil depot UNIMO-80 HOSTEL 13 Lineman's estate with an extension and basement Usolsky section of the Zhilkinsky workshop Vapor recovery installation. ZhNKP "Privodino" Signaling and communication device. Privodino railway station Device for automatic cleaning of switches Railway station Privodino Device EC switches and signal. Railway station Privodino Ust-Udinsky section of the Zhilkinsky workshop of the UTT DSM trust UNDSR Fuel and lubricants and chemicals section, Samara region, Pokhvistnevo city, st. Revolutionary, 243 Fuel and lubricants and chemicals section, Samara region, Otradny, Industrial zone-1 Fuel and lubricants and chemicals section, Samara region, Sukhodol village, G. Mikhailovsky str., 1A Filatov oil depot Fleet Utility block Central warehouse Repair shop construction mechanisms, p.g.t. Sukhodol, Industrial Zone-4 Metal structures welding shop Ship repair shop (former floating workshop) Part of an administrative building (Attached non-residential building) Part of an administrative building (Attached non-residential building) Part of the building occupied by a wholesale and retail base, located on the ground floor of a five-story building Cherdaklinskaya oil depot Cheremkhovo section of Zhilkinsky workshops Four-room apartment Zhigulevsk, st. Komsomolskaya 28, apt. 22 Chechuysky section of the branch in Ust-Kut Tire workshop Electrical networks CL 10 kV. Privodino railway station Ertilskaya oil depot Yuzhno-Surgutskoye oil field, former PRS-2 base