Salary accounting in 1s unitary enterprise. Managing customer orders. Trade management. Document Reflection of salaries in regulated accounting


Hello, dear blog readers. In this material we will talk about automating the calculation of piecework earnings in a software product "1C Salary and Personnel Management" edition 2.5 . I would like to point out right away that in 1C ZUP edition 3.0 setting up a piece work order significantly different , that's why I wrote a separate article, it .

So, in version 2.5, the document “Piecework Order” is responsible for this functionality in the program, but not everything is so simple. The document has a large number of different settings that can greatly help in automating the calculation of earnings. As the review progresses, there will be a lot of useful and new information, so the article is recommended for reading by both beginning and experienced users of 1C ZUP.

As I already mentioned, in 1C ZUP there is a specialized document "Piecework outfit". It contains various settings for automating the calculation of piecework earnings. For a general understanding of how this document works, let’s look at a simple example in which direct piecework payment will be implemented, which is the main accrual for an employee.

So, the organization hires an employee who must perform car washing work (more details about personnel operations in ZUP in the article). Piece wages:

  • 100 rubles for each washed domestic car;
  • 120 rubles for a foreign car;

To begin with, when hiring such an employee, it is necessary to indicate a predefined type of calculation as the main type of accrual; however, the amount of payment is not indicated.

In this regard, I would also like to draw attention to the work schedule, which must be specified when applying for a job. In this example, you can specify any schedule since the formula in the form of the “Payment for production orders” calculation does not provide for dependence on time worked.

After the month has passed, you must enter a document "Piecework outfit" before entering the main document "Payroll". The “Piecework Order” document has two bookmarks and both of them must be filled out.

After selecting these two operations, you must specify the amount of output for each operation.

Now go to the “Performers” tab. As the name implies, the people among whom the amount generated on the “Completed Works” tab is supposed to be divided are indicated here. In our example, there is one piece worker and he will be the only one on this tab. The ability to specify several people was made to implement a situation where a team of several people is working; we will look at such an example later. So, on the “Executors” tab, indicate the employee, do not put any checkmarks and click the “Calculate” button, as a result, the “Amount to be accrued” field will be filled with the amount from the first tab.

This sequence of work seems quite complicated and irrational. Indeed, in the conditions of the presented example, it was possible to choose simpler options, but I deliberately chose not complex conditions so that you get an idea of ​​​​the “Piecework Order” document. Let's complicate the examples further.

Let's change the example conditions a little. Let's assume that each car is washed by a team of two employees. Moreover, piecework earnings are divided among the team in accordance with the labor participation rate (KTU). One of the employees has been working in the organization for more than two years and therefore has the right to 60% of the team’s output. So, on the “Completed Works” tab we fill in the data in the same way as in the previous example.

But on the “Performers” tab, check the “Take into account KTU” checkbox. As a result, another field “KTU” will appear in the table section. In the tabular part we add the employees who are part of this team and in the KTU field we indicate the coefficient of their participation in the work. After this, click the Calculate button and the amount of the team’s output obtained on the first tab is distributed among the employees in accordance with the coefficient.

After this, we generate a payroll document in which these employees will be accrued piece-rate earnings.

Switch “Take into account tariff” in the “Piecework earnings” document

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Let’s now take a quick look at all the possible settings of the “Piece Earnings” document. Let's start with the "Take into account tariff" switch. In our example, this option could not be used, since when hiring employees I did not enter the hourly wage rate for their earnings. Let's assume that such a bet was entered in the following amounts:

  • Safronov – 80;
  • Ignatov – 100.

Let me remind you once again that from the point of view of the formula for the calculation type “Payment for production orders”, these tariff rates do not have any impact. But if in the “Piece Earnings” document you set the “Take into account tariff” switch to the active position, then the total amount earned by the team will be distributed in proportion to the tariff rate. Install it and click the “Calculate” button.

Let's check how correctly the program calculated the resulting value:

Safronov – 8,000 (employee rate) / 18,000 (sum of rates of the entire team) * 29,320 (sum of earnings of the entire team) = 13,031.11

I would like to note that you can combine several switches in a document. For example, let’s set both “Take into account KTU” and “Take into account tariff”. Don’t forget that to recalculate you need to click the “Calculate” button.

And now I’ll decipher a little how it’s all calculated.

Safronov – 8,000 *0.4 / (8,000 * 0.4 +10,000 *0.6) *29,320 (earnings of the entire crew) = 10,198.26

Ignatov - 10,000 *0.6 / (8,000 * 0.4 +10,000 *0.6) *29,320 (earnings of the entire crew) = 19,121.74

Such a decryption can also be obtained from the program itself. When calculating, you can select the calculation option with a comment. As a result, you will get the following window.

Frankly, I had a hard time understanding what they were trying to convey.

Switch “Take into account time worked” in the “Piecework earnings” document

If you remember, at the beginning of this article I noted that when using the “Payment by production orders” type of calculation, the time worked is not taken into account and you can choose any schedule for the employee. This is indeed true for the type of calculation, but in the document "Piecework outfit", it is possible to distribute the brigade’s earnings among its members in accordance with the amount of time worked.

Let's go back to our two employees. For them, I indicated the same schedule, a standard five-day week, 40 hours a week. Let Safronov be absent for 4 working days due to preparation and entrance exams on July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Let’s introduce the document “Absenteeism in Organizations.” We will indicate in it the accrual month of July 2014 and in the tabular section we will add a line with our employee. In this line we will indicate the reason for absence, for example, “Vacation at your own expense,” and the period of absence from 04/01/2014 to 07/04/2014. After that, click on the “Calculate” button so that the fields “Add to normal days” and “Add to normal hours” are filled in.

Let's not forget to hold it. Now open the document "Piecework outfit". I will not change the first tab “Completed work”, but on the second “Performers” we will make the “Take into account time worked” switch active. In this case, fields resembling a timesheet will appear in the tabular part. Using the “Fill” button, we will fill in all employees for whom the calculation type is used "Payment for production orders"(Fill -> For all employees), or select the required employees using the filter (Fill -> List of employees). As a result, rows with employees and their hours worked will appear. Please note that Safronov has no appearance from July 1 to July 4. After that, click “Calculate”.

As per tradition, I will explain the amounts received:

Safronov – 152 (hours worked) / (152 + 184) (worked by all team members) * 29,320 (earned by the team) = 13,263.81

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the program is focused on hours worked, not days. For example, if Safronov corrects 8 hours worked on July 7 to 7 and calculates the document again, then the employees’ amounts will change slightly.

Next, I also want to explain why the switches “When calculating and in the time sheet” and “Only when calculating” are used, which relate to the “Take into account time worked” checkbox in question. Let's return to Safronov. So, when I automatically filled out the document, Safronov had 152 hours worked. After that, I reduced its production by 1 hour. As I already said after the document "Piecework outfit" we must enter the “Payroll” document. In it we will fill out and calculate the tabular part, in which a line for employee Safronov will appear. And this line will also contain information about the employee’s output. Since in the document “Piece Earnings” I left active the switch “When calculating and in the report card”, then in the document "Payroll" My correction from 152 hours to 151 will be taken into account.

And if in the document “Piecework order” you set “Only for calculation”, then my correction will only concern the calculation in this document. As a result, when calculating in the “Payroll” document, there will be not 151 hours but 152 hours.

In this example, this setting did not have any effect on the final amount, but if the employee had some other accrual for the time worked, then this setting would be significant.

In my practice, I once came across a configuration in which the programmer before me rewrote the functionality of the program in order to automate such a setup. Well, that is, the final document that indicated the number of hours worked was the document "Piecework outfit", and in the document "Payroll" Employees also had time-dependent accruals. The configuration was very seriously redone and I spent a lot of time updating the non-standard program. As a result, of course, I returned the document to its original form and showed the accountant how to work with a combination of these two documents.

“Method of entering time” in the document “Piece work order”

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

It remains to deal with one group of switches - this is the “Method of entering time”. Essentially, this setting determines whether all days of the month should be shown in the tabular section (in the form of a timesheet) or whether summary data is sufficient. For our example, summary data would be sufficient, since it does not really matter on what specific day Safronov did not complete this 1 hour and on what days he was absent. But this can be critical, for example, for a factory where people work in shifts. For example, a person did not work for several days in March, but according to the schedule he was supposed to work on the holiday of March 8th. In this situation, you need to know whether he worked on the 8th or not, whether he is entitled to additional payment for working on a holiday or not. There may be other exotic situations, so this setting is often used.

Incorrect operation of the “Distribute only extra earnings” setting in the “Piecework order” document

I deliberately did not consider this setting at the very beginning, because I have some uncertainty about it. Let's first read in the help of the program itself what the switch is intended for. For this purpose, each document has a special button in the form of a question mark. When clicked, help for the current document opens.

« Distribute only earnings— If this flag is cocked, then during the calculation not the entire amount according to the document will be distributed, but only part of the amount in excess of earnings according to the tariff. To decipher the calculated amounts for employees, you can use the “calculate with comment” button. This is what prompt 1C says. Well, let's try to do it.

So, let's first estimate how the program should distribute the extra time, taking into account the presented definition. I still have two employees who work on the deal: Safronov and Ignatov. The first one had an hourly rate of 80, the second one 100. Safronov worked 152 hours, Ignatov 184 hours. Safronov has output according to the tariff: 152 * 80 = 12,160; for Ignatov: 184 * 100 = 18,400. In total, at the tariff rate for two, these employees earned 30,560 = 12,160 + 18,400.

In the document “Piece work order” on the completed work tab, I will slightly increase the number of cars washed so that the total amount of earnings of the team exceeds 30,560 (earnings at the rate of two employees). So, the amount of earnings will be 33,000.

From these data it turns out that the amount to be distributed will be: 2,440 = 33,000 – 30,560.

Let Safronov's KTU be 0.4, and Ignatov's KTU 0.6. The amount to be distributed will be divided as follows:

  • Safronov – 2,440 * 0.4 = 976;
  • Ignatov – 2,440 * 0.6 = 1,464.

Now let’s add the rest of the remuneration of these employees - an amount based on their hourly rate and time worked. Then it turns out like this:

  • Safronov – 80 * 152 + 976 = 13,136;
  • Ignatov – 100 * 184 + 1,464 = 19,864.

Let's do all this in the program and compare.

So, contrary to our expectations, the program gave out the amounts that we would have received without checking the “Distribute only earnings” checkbox:

  • Safronov – 33,000 * 0.4 = 13,200;
  • Ignatov – 33,000 * 0.6 = 19,800.

Hence the conclusion, or the program doesn't work correctly, or I misinterpreted the essence of the text in the tooltip. If anyone has an opinion on this matter, I will be glad to read it in the comments.

It is worth noting that a similar situation is also observed if you set the “Take into account time worked” checkbox to the active position. The program does not pay attention to the “Distribute only earnings” switch and considers it as if it doesn’t exist.

Incomprehensible operation of the “Distribute only extra earnings” setting in the “Piecework order” document

But the wonders of the “Distribute only break-in” setting don’t end there. It’s amazing to see what the program does if you set this switch and the “Take into account tariff” switch to the active position. Look at the screenshot, and then I will explain what's going on.

Pay attention to the amount of 63,650, despite the fact that on the “Completed Work” tab the team earned 33,000. In general, the program added to these 33,000 the total earnings of team members, based on their hourly wage rate and time worked 30,560 = 12,160 + 18 400. But in this form, where on the “Performers” tab the total amount is 63,560, and on the “Completed Works” tab 33,000, it will be impossible to post the document.

1C ZUP never ceases to present surprises. It’s been three years since I first became acquainted with this program, but until now I did not know about this behavior of the “Piecework Order” document.

That's all for today! Soon there will be new interesting materials on.

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For the successful development of an enterprise, remuneration methods should be used that contribute to the creation of a business atmosphere and orient employees to increase their personal contribution to the success of the common business. Financial motivation mechanisms can be used as a basis for achieving these goals. In addition, the payment methods used must comply with legal requirements.

The application solution provides automatic calculation of wages and related taxes and fees in accordance with current legislation.

The application solution fully automates a complex of labor-intensive settlements with personnel, starting from entering documents on actual production, payment of sick leave and vacations, ending with the generation of documents for payment of wages and reporting to state regulatory authorities. The calculation of charges and deductions regulated by law is automated, and the results of calculations are reflected in the costs of the enterprise.

A diagram of the main data movements when calculating salaries is shown below.

The following stages can be distinguished in payroll calculation:
  • Occasionally, “conditionally permanent” personnel accounting information is entered into the information base, which is subsequently used in calculations of accruals and deductions
  • During the month, documents are entered that characterize the performance of each employee, as well as other documents and information that affect accruals and deductions (sick leave, etc.).
  • After the end of the period, the actual calculation of wages and associated taxes and contributions is carried out. Based on the results of this calculation, data on the amounts to be paid to employees is generated.

The application solution ensures the generation of the necessary paper documents, as well as paper and electronic reporting related to payroll.

Personnel Management

Personnel are the most valuable resource of any enterprise. The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole largely depends on competent personnel management. Qualified, proactive and loyal employees can significantly increase the efficiency of an enterprise.

Managing data on hundreds and thousands of employees, carrying out activities for the selection and training of personnel, assessing the qualifications of production and management personnel, requires the use of software products that allow you to effectively plan and implement the personnel policy of the enterprise.

Personnel management is not limited to maintaining personal files of employees and collecting relevant data. For business success, a modern approach to personnel selection, development of a system of motivation and evaluation of employee performance is necessary. Regular analysis is required to identify general trends and rational use of the results obtained.

The application solution is an automated tool for the enterprise's personnel policy. The solution helps assess the professional performance of each employee, identify the most promising people, rationally allocate personnel, establish effective incentives and a fair remuneration system.

The application solution automates the following areas of HR management activities:
  • personnel needs planning;
  • solving problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and assessment;
  • personnel records and personnel analysis;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining regulated document flow.
Automation of personnel management is useful for all employees of the enterprise:
  • Management will have full control over what is happening, set the structure of the enterprise and its constituent organizations, analyze personnel composition, and make management decisions based on complete and reliable information. Powerful analytical reports provide the user with information in arbitrary sections.
  • The HR department will receive a valuable tool for automating routine tasks and the ability to generate flexible reports on employees with various selection and sorting conditions.
  • Employees of the enterprise will be confident that at any time they will be able to quickly receive the certificates they need, information about their vacation, personalized accounting data for the Pension Fund, and so on.

In the 1C:UPP program, the documents “Payroll” and “Salary payment” do not provide any accounting and tax entries. For the purpose of reflecting wages in regulated accounting in 1C:UPP, a special document “Reflection of wages in regulated accounting” is used. The directory "Cost Items" in 1C:UPP is analytics for cost accounts in accounting and tax accounting. Let's add two new elements to the "Cost Items" directory (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Cost items

We created the article “Salaries (General Expenses)” to record the salaries of management personnel.

We created the article “Salaries (Production Expenses)” to record the salaries of production personnel.

To create various ways of reflecting the “basic” salary of employees and individual planned and one-time accruals and deductions in accounting and tax accounting, use the reference book “Methods of reflecting salaries in accounting.”

Each element of the directory represents the correspondence of accounts with the specified analytical elements, if the accounts require it.

There are several predefined elements in this reference.

If necessary, the directory is supplemented by the user independently.

Tax entries are not included in this directory. They are generated automatically.

Let's create template entries in the reference book "Methods of reflecting wages in accounting" to reflect wages in regulated accounting in 1C:UPP (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Methods of reflecting wages in regulated accounting.

Using the "General business expenses account 26" reflection method, entries will be created to reflect the salaries of the management personnel of the enterprise. As an expense item, we note the item “Salaries (General Household Expenses)”.

Using the "Main production 20 account" reflection method in 1C:UPP, postings will be created to reflect the salaries of the enterprise's production personnel. As an expense item, we note the item “Salaries (Production Expenses)”.

Setting up accounting entries for accruals

Reflection of salaries in regulated accounting- these are wiring.

Postings for accruals can be entered in several ways. Let's look at the possibilities for entering transactions and then arrange them in order of priority.

Accounting for the basic earnings of employees of organizations

It is possible to specify the rules for reflecting the earnings of an organization's employees in the form of the "Organizations" directory. In this case, the information register “Accounting for the organization’s main earnings” is used.

Let's open the "Organizations" directory and select the organization of the Southern Federal District MebelStroyKomplekt plant (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Reflection of employee earnings in the form of the "Organizations" directory.

On the “Salary Accounting” tab, clicking “Set salary accounting for an organization” will open the “Salary Accounting for Organization Employees” register. In order for the entire salary of the employees of the Southern Federal District organization MebelStroyKomplekt Plant to be taken into account according to the method of reflection “General expenses account 26”, we will add the following entry to the register (Figure 4).

Figure 4. General expenses account 26.

Accounting for the basic earnings of employees of organizational units

Let's open the directory "Divisions" and select the division Administration of the Southern Federal District of the organization Southern Federal District MebelStroyKomplekt plant (Figure 5).

Figure 5. 1C:UPP. Division directory.

On the Payroll Accounting tab, clicking “Set payroll accounting for division employees” will open the “Salary accounting for division employees” register. In order for the entire salary of employees of the Administration of the Southern Federal District to be taken into account using the “General business expenses account 26” method of reflection, we will add the following entry to the register (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Salary accounting tab.

In order for the entire salary of the employees of the Workshop of the Southern Federal District to be taken into account according to the method of reflection “Main production 20 account”, we will open the division of the Workshop of the Southern Federal District in the directory and add the following entry to the register (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Accounting for basic earnings.

Document Accounting for the basic earnings of the organization's employees in regulated accounting

To register changes in the reflection of the salaries of the organization's employees in regulated accounting, use the document "Accounting for the basic earnings of the organization's employees in regulated accounting" (Interface Calculation of salaries of organizations/menu Salary accounting/Entering information about accounting for employees' earnings). The document can be entered on the basis of hiring or personnel transfer.

When the document is posted, it makes an entry in the information register “Accounting for basic earnings in the regulatory accounting for employees of organizations.” For employee Bashirova, we will select from the reference book “Methods of reflecting wages in accounting” the reflection method “Test 25 account” (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Accounting for basic earnings in regulated accounting.

Document Entering the distribution of the basic earnings of the organization's employees

The document allows you to register the distribution in accounting of the basic earnings of employees according to several methods of reflection in a given proportion for the month specified in the document. You can find the document: interface Calculation of salaries of organizations / menu Salary accounting / Entering information about the distribution of basic earnings of employees.

Using the document, we will appoint I.V. Bashirova. distribution of earnings: 20% according to the “General business expenses 26 account” method, 80% according to the “Main production 20 account” method (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Distribution of basic earnings.

Document Entering information on regulated accounting of planned accruals for employees of organizations

To register changes in the reflection of permanent accruals of employees of organizations in regulated accounting, with the exception of basic earnings (accounting rules for which are registered in the document "Accounting for the basic earnings of employees of organizations in regulated accounting"), the document "Input of information on the regulated accounting of planned accruals of employees of organizations" (interface Calculation of salaries of organizations/menu Salary accounting/Entering information about accounting for planned accruals). When the document is posted, it makes an entry in the information register “Regulation of planned accruals to employees of organizations.”

Using the document, we will assign I.V. Bashirova: accounting for salary using the method “General expenses 26”, accounting for the regional coefficient using the method “Main production 20” (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Entering information about regulated accounting of planned accruals.

Setting up the distribution of accruals and deductions across accounting accounts can be done in the plans of the calculation types "Basic accruals of the organization", "Additional accruals of the organization".

Let's open the Plan of calculation types "Basic accruals of the organization", select the accrual type Salary by day. On the “Accounting and UTII” tab, select the method of reflecting “General business expenses 26 accounts.” (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Setting up calculation types.

Priority when entering transactions for accruals

When filling out a document, postings are determined in accordance with the methods by which they were assigned. In this case, the following priority condition for accruals is observed depending on the method in which the posting is assigned (in descending order):

1) postings generated by the documents: “Contracts for the performance of work with individuals”, "Accrual on sick leave for organizations", "Piece earnings", "Loan agreement"

2) transactions entered by the document “Entering information on accounting for planned accruals to employees of organizations”

3) transactions entered through setting up payment types

4) entries entered by the document “Entering information on accounting for the basic earnings of employees of organizations”

5) directory "Divisions", information register "Accounting for salaries of department employees"

6) directory "Organizations", information register "Accounting for the main earnings of an organization"

7) reference book "Methods of reflecting wages in accounting" - reflection of accruals by default.

Document Reflection of salaries in regulated accounting

For the automated generation of entries for accounting and tax accounting of accrued wages, the document “Reflection of wages in regulated accounting” is intended. When you click on the “Fill” button, the data from the previously performed salary calculation will be reflected in the document in the following section:

· On the “Basic accruals” tab, the expected reflection in accounting and tax accounting of basic accruals to employees (for each employee and type of accrual) will be shown, based on the rules available in the information base for reflecting accruals in regulated accounting;

· On the “Additional accruals” tab - the same regarding additional accruals;

· On the “Transactions” tab, summary transactions for reflecting wages in accounting and tax accounting will be shown.

Thank you!

The application solution allows you to automate all main types of payroll used in enterprises, as well as related deductions, taxes and fees.

The most common forms of remuneration have been implemented: time-based (monthly, daily and hourly tariff rates) and piecework, as well as their modifications - piecework-bonus and time-bonus forms of remuneration.

When applying time-based wages, it is enough to indicate the salary amount and schedule for recording time worked when applying for a job.

There is no need to specifically keep track of time worked. Actual time worked is calculated as the amount of planned time that the employee should have worked in accordance with the schedule, minus documented deviations, for example, due to illness or vacation.

In the case of piecework wages, in order to calculate the amount of payment, it is necessary to register the actual volume of the employee’s output every month using special documents - piecework orders. In this case, it is also necessary to indicate the work schedule, because it is needed for some other calculations.

Opening hours

To record time worked, the following types of work schedules can be used: shift, five-day, six-day. The application requires you to set the length of the working week and working hours: working intervals during the day or shift, minus the lunch break.

Auto-filling of the work schedule calendar is also available, taking into account national holidays, reflecting working days, shortened pre-holiday days and postponed non-working days. The list of national holidays is included in the information database.

Accruals and deductions

All company accruals are divided into 2 large groups:

Basic accruals are accruals with a certain period of validity (payment for periods of employee absence, etc.).

Additional accruals are accruals with one accrual date, for example dividends or bonuses.

The configuration includes a full set of predefined types of charges and deductions. For example, there are accruals for various types of vacations and several types of downtime, alimony deductions, etc. It is possible to add an unlimited number of custom types of deductions and accruals.

Methods for calculating basic charges:

piecework for the actual period of accrual validity;

at the tariff rate (daily, monthly or hourly) for the actual period of time the accrual is valid;

fixed amount;

according to average earnings for vacation by calendar days;

based on average earnings for calculating temporary disability benefits;

according to average earnings for vacation when calculated from working days;

percentage (of the amount based on established base charges);

by average earnings;

child care allowance for up to 1.5 years or up to 3 years;

Deductions can be calculated in the following ways:

as a percentage (of the amounts for basic accruals);

according to executive documents (with a decrease in the amount of basic charges for tax fees);

in a fixed amount.

Payroll process

After entering into the information database about the current output of employees, about deviations from schedules, about one-time deductions and accruals, wages and related accruals are directly calculated.

To calculate salaries, use the document “Payroll for employees of the organization.”

The application allows you to create paper printed forms of all types related to payroll: pay slips, pay slips, etc.

Salaries are paid using the document “Salaries payable to the organization.”

Transferring salaries to employees' bank cards

To distribute salaries across employee card accounts, the configuration implements a special data exchange mechanism - a joint development of 1C and Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The exchange of information about the amounts of transferred wages is carried out using the XML standard. This mechanism makes it possible to transmit to the bank the information in electronic form required to open employee salary accounts, receive confirmation from the bank about their opening with the required parameters of the organization’s employee accounts, and then organize periodic accrual of salaries to the bank card account.