When and how much will the cost of insurance go up? OSAGO: how much the policy will become more expensive. When to expect a price increase


In a wider range January 9, 2019. Let us remind you that previously it was 3,432 - 4,118 rubles, now its limits are from 2,746 to 4,942 rubles. However, before, most insurers chose the maximum rate, so now many have decided to further increase the base rate. This will clearly affect the final price of the policy: it will become more expensive.

As TASS reports, some major market players have already taken advantage of the opportunity and increased tariffs, and in a number of regions of the Russian Federation by 15-20%. Now the maximum rate for individuals, owners of passenger cars in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation (unprofitable for insurance companies) is 4,736 - 4,942 rubles.

The minimum rate for these insurers is now 3,706 rubles, which is 8% higher than the previous minimum rate (it was 3,432 rubles) and only 10% lower than the previous maximum rate.

Of the twelve largest insurers in the Russian Federation, five companies have already published new tariff rates: AlfaStrakhovanie, Renaissance Insurance, MAKS, NSG-Rosenergo and ASKO-Insurance. The previous tariffs are currently listed on the websites of RESO-Garantiya, Rosgosstrakh, VSK, Ingosstrakh, Sogaz, NASKO and Soglasiya.

The current leader of the MTPL market (in terms of the number of concluded contracts) is AlfaStrakhovanie, its share is 15.3%. The company decided in some regions of the Russian Federation to raise the basic tariff for owners of passenger cars by 15% - up to 4,736 rubles. The increase, in particular, affected drivers of Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Voronezh, Belgorod, as well as Yakutia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and others. It was decided to leave the previous maximum level, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The remaining four companies in many regions decided to immediately immodestly raise the maximum rate by 20%. Thus, the maximum tariff awaits MAX clients in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Krasnodar region, Rostov region and others. Another insurer, Renaissance Insurance, also did not ignore St. Petersburg and the Rostov region; the tariff also increased as much as possible in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Ivanovo regions, Crimea, Sevastopol and others. In Saransk and Saratov, the tariff, on the contrary, decreased.

The NSG-Rosenergo company increases the tariff for compulsory motor insurance in the Arkhangelsk region, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya, Crimea and Sevastopol, North Ossetia, Tatarstan, Tyva and Kamchatka by a maximum of 20%. ASKO-Insurance decided to leave the same tariff in the main regions of its presence - in Yekaterinburg and the Chelyabinsk region, but increased rates in the Tula region, Lipetsk, Kaluga, Voronezh and Belgorod.

When other companies decide to change tariffs, the Bank of Russia plans to conduct monitoring. Let us recall that at the end of last year the Central Bank noted that, while insurers were expecting an increase of 5%.

UPD: the Sogaz company today, January 11, rewrote tariffs in most regions of the Russian Federation, depending on the unprofitability of compulsory motor liability insurance in them. As a result, in 30 regions, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, rates were reduced.

The expert believes that part of the money for a mandatory policy can be saved

The Central Bank will continue to liberalize the car insurance market. Significant changes to MTPL policies await car owners in 2020 and 2021. The Central Bank shared plans to abolish the territorial coefficient and not take into account the power of the car when calculating the cost of a vehicle license. At the same time, future positive changes are offset by a change in MTPL tariffs by 20% in the very near future - from January 9, 2019, which, coupled with the rise in gasoline prices for car owners, can result in a significant blow to the wallet.

The regulator plans to cancel the territorial coefficient in 2020. Nowadays, place of residence affects the cost of the policy. For example, a resident of the Sverdlovsk region pays 3,600 rubles for a car permit, and a resident of a neighboring village, but in the Kurgan region, pays 2,000 rubles. After the changes come into force, such tariffing “automatically” will be excluded. As explained by the head of the department for supervision of the activities of insurance market entities of the Bank of Russia State Administration for the Central Federal District, Kirill Tabakov, place of residence will indirectly influence the cost in the future, but the insurer will already have to calculate it based on the traffic density in each specific locality and the quality of roads and other factors.

The Central Bank intends to abolish the power factor in 2021. Currently, increasing coefficients are provided for all cars with an engine power of 70 horsepower and above. With a power of more than 120 horsepower, the MTPL tariff increases by 40% (more than 2 thousand rubles), and with a power of more than 150 horsepower - by 60% (about 3.5 thousand rubles).

The Central Bank notes that the days are gone when a car “pulling” more than 120 horsepower was considered a racing car, and the most common cars in Russia have a power of 71 to 100 horsepower: it is unfair that an increasing factor still applies to them.

Another nuance: after the abolition of the power factor, insurers will be able to increase the tariff by no more than 40% of the base cost. According to Tabakov, companies will decide for themselves what to take into account when calculating the cost, for example, the make of the car, the characteristics of the driver’s behavior on the road.

The regulator's representative added that the Central Bank, for its part, will recommend that insurers use telematics data - devices that collect information about how and where the car is driven. It records the speed of acceleration, the severity of braking, the duration and frequency of use of the vehicle, that is, all factors that influence the likelihood of getting into an accident.

And at the end of last year, the Central Bank approved changes to MTPL tariffs, which will come into force in 2019. In particular, the regulator proposed dividing drivers into 58 categories depending on age and driving experience instead of the existing four. For example, now young drivers will have to pay more, and for experienced drivers, the price will decrease accordingly. For a motorist aged 25-29 years with 9 years of driving experience, the coefficient will be 1.04, that is, 4% more than the base tariff. For a driver over 30 years old with an accident-free experience of more than 10 years, the rate will, on the contrary, be 4% less - 0.96. Now for both categories there is a coefficient of 1. In essence, we are talking about using a more flexible approach to setting MTPL tariffs. The Central Bank considers this approach more fair for both car owners and insurers.

President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) Igor Yurgens, in turn, believes that the innovations proposed by the regulator will change the cost of insurance for only 20% of motorists: for 15% of careful drivers, insurance will become cheaper, and for 5% of reckless drivers it will become more expensive, the remaining 80% will make no difference will feel it.

At the same time, among the upcoming changes is the expansion of the range of rates of the basic MTPL tariff by 20% in both directions: instead of 3.4-4.1 thousand rubles there will be 2.7-4.9 thousand rubles. In May, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vladimir Chistyukhin said that after changing the tariffs for the average general driver, the price of the policy will increase from 5.8 thousand rubles to 7 thousand rubles. Tariffs need to be changed, he said, in order to create a competitive car insurance market: supposedly, now insurers in some regions are operating at a loss. In November, Chistyukhin changed his assessment of the rise in the price of compulsory motor liability insurance and said that the price of the policy would increase by a maximum of 1.5%. According to RSA, in 2018 the average price of insurance was 5.7 thousand rubles.

You should not take the word of either the Central Bank or the insurers, experts say. “For most drivers, the cost of the policy will increase by 15-20% from the beginning of the year, although for a number of motorists the rate will indeed decrease,” notes Anna Bodrova, senior analyst at Alpari. She explained that given the base rates set by the Central Bank, the exact rates are determined by the insurance company and the more well-known the insurer's brand, the higher the rates will be. “This must be taken into account when choosing an insurer. To save money, car owners can cheat a little and buy a new policy before the cost begins to be calculated at the new rates. A new contract can be concluded if there are no more than 60 days left before the expiration of the current insurance. This loophole is relevant for drivers whose compulsory motor liability insurance expires in January or February,” Bodrova advised.

Insurers will increase the MTPL tariff corridor by increasing insurance prices for motorists.

Experts analyzed the MTPL reform project and made quite acceptable conclusions. The regulations on auto insurance that have entered into force will oblige insurers to change the principle of selling auto insurance and abolish equalization. According to the new law, insurance will be calculated not according to the age of the car, but taking into account the driving experience and age of the driver. In this case, compulsory motor liability insurance will be calculated individually through negotiations between the client and the insurance company. The first insurance policies based on the new principle are planned to be issued at the beginning of 2019. A complete transition to a new type of compulsory motor liability insurance is planned for 2020.

When and how much will drivers have to pay?

OSAGO will rise in price in 2019 for drivers of remote regions with high vehicle power, while insurance for Moscow and congested areas, on the contrary, will decrease.

The calculation of the insurance policy at the first stage will be made taking into account the power factor and age of the car, then gradually insurers will switch to a new calculation method.

When, for whom and by how much will OSAGO become more expensive in 2019?

Analyzing the new draft motor insurance reform point by point, experts came to the conclusion that the rise in price will not affect all drivers.

The cost of insurance will be calculated as follows:

  1. For drivers under 22 years of age with less than 3 years of driving experience, the cost of the policy will increase by 1.8 times.
  2. For car owners over 22 years old with more than 4 years of experience, insurance is calculated using a coefficient of 1.

In total, insurers will present about 50 categories, according to which individual insurance for drivers will be calculated. The average cost of a policy in 2019 will be within 5,000 rubles. Motorists should know that the calculation coefficient will be influenced not only by their experience and age, but also by the frequency of use of the car, driving style and law-abiding behavior. Drivers who don't pay their fines on time will pay more for their policy than a law-abiding driver in the same region.

According to preliminary calculations, in Moscow compulsory motor liability insurance will cost approximately 7,000 rubles per year; in remote, non-depressive regions, a driver under 22 years of age will have to pay about 31 thousand, and a pensioner – within 1,500 rubles.

As before, OSAGO will cover repair costs and compensate for damage caused by the accident, both material and property.

Drivers without insurance will be fined by calculating them using smart video cameras. For lack of insurance, you will have to pay about 800 rubles after each fixation on such a device.

Question Answer
For the reason that insurers will apply maximum rates, judging by the experience of previous years.
The minimum BMC value is 0.5, and the maximum is 2.45.
In this case, the BMR will be equal to 1.
Within three working days.
Yes, sure.
KVS is the coefficient of age and length of service.
KO is a coefficient depending on the number of persons who are allowed to manage.

Insurance companies have long been demanding liberalization of prices for their services; such measures have not yet been applied, but this year the Central Bank is ready to make significant concessions.

Thus, on June 15, a draft on changes in the maximum size of insurance tariff coefficients was published.

OSAGO policies may become more expensive from August 31

What are the changes? In recent years, the number of insurance companies issuing motor vehicle insurance has more than halved; companies claim that they only receive losses from this type of activity. The last time an increase in the price of policies was observed was in 2015, when the regulator revised the boundaries of the “tariff corridor”.

The draft has not yet been approved, tentative adoption is scheduled for August 31, the document will come into force 10 days later. However, the exact date is not indicated anywhere. The increase in MTPL tariffs will be associated with a change in the range of base rates, as well as coefficients. The expansion of the corridor is provided for 20% up and down, with the exception of motorcycles and passenger vehicles owned by legal entities.

Experts predict an increase in the price of compulsory motor liability insurance, because judging by the experience of past years, insurance companies will not miss the opportunity to make a profit, so they will apply maximum rates.

RSA claims that prices will remain at the same level due to competition.

“Good drivers won’t pay for bad ones”?

According to the project, the procedure for calculating the Bonus-Malus coefficient is subject to changes; this indicator can both increase and decrease the cost of the policy:

  1. The minimum BMC value will be 0.5. This means that the cost of insurance for accident-free driving can be reduced by up to 50%.
  2. The maximum value is 2.45. This coefficient applies if the client had 3 or more insurance claims during the period of the previous compulsory motor liability insurance.

Accordingly, the more disciplined the driver, the cheaper the policy costs him. In addition, a single insurance history is now compiled according to the KBM; in cases where the driver (individual) is included in several policies, then the lowest indicator is selected. The MSC, established according to calculations, will be applied for one year; previously, this period was limited to the validity period of the motor vehicle license. The indicator is unchanged for a period of up to 12 months and will be applied to all concluded contracts.

Information on the number of issued policies and insurance payments is stored in the automated system AIS OSAGO. The BMR is determined based on these data. You can find out your coefficient yourself on the RSA website.

If the AIS OSAGO database does not contain information regarding the owner of the vehicle (individual), then the BMR will be equal to 1.

Also, the cost is significantly influenced by the coefficient of age and experience. For young inexperienced motorists aged 16 to 21 with no driving experience, the maximum indicator is used for calculation - 1.87. The minimum FAC - 0.96 will be available to persons in the age category - from 30 years, with at least 10 years of experience. Moreover, the countdown begins from the date of issue of the first driver’s license, regardless of whether compulsory motor liability insurance was issued for the motorist earlier or not.

According to the current rules for calculating insurance in 2019, the cost of the policy for different cars fluctuates, but for beginners and drivers who have been in an accident, the deviations do not exceed 10-20%.

According to the current draft, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance will be significantly lower for experienced drivers over 30 years of age who have not had any insured events.

Table of new MTPL tariffs for 2019

The size of the base rate can be determined by the insurance company independently within the established “corridor”. Each company approves the insurance tariff and sends a notification about this to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation within three working days.

There is a price limit for compulsory motor insurance; its cost cannot exceed three times the base rate multiplied by the territorial coefficient. If the formula includes CN (violation coefficient), then no more than three times the amount.

By insurance companies

In fact, the innovations have not yet come into force; at the moment, the previous tariffs are in effect. However, the project already has a table of maximum base rates “Appendix No. 1”. Moreover, “Appendix No. 5” determines the value of the BMR in the period until January 1, 2019, and “Appendix No. 6” from January 1 to December 31, 2019.

Despite the fact that insurers are required to indicate their base rate in the media, it is difficult to find out this value without visiting the company in person. To get a preliminary calculation, you need to go to the Insurance Company website and use the online calculator. There are no official price statistics for various insurance companies, since the calculation is individual depending on the policyholder and the type of car.

By region

The amount of the insurance premium payable when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance also depends on the region where the car is used. For example, in the Moscow region for vehicles with the exception of tractors and self-propelled road construction machines, CT is 1.7.

It is noteworthy that for sparsely populated areas the coefficient is reduced from 0.5 to 0.9.

You can read the Central Bank's instructions on the maximum base rates of insurance tariffs on our website.

For legal entities

OSAGO will become more expensive for everyone. There are a lot of nuances provided. First of all, fleet owners, as before, are required to take out a policy for each vehicle, but the BMR will now be a single value applied to all vehicles. The indicator for the current year is calculated as the arithmetic mean to the second decimal place.

Quote: “The KBM coefficient of the owner of a vehicle of a legal entity for the current year is determined on the basis of the value of the KBM coefficient, which was determined for the previous year, and the number of insurance claims for this vehicle registered in 22 AIS OSAGO during the previous year after the date of determination of the KBM coefficient in the previous year."

The formula for calculating the amount of insurance premium remains the same. However, for legal entities the KIC indicator (age and length of service coefficient) is excluded.

The cost also fluctuates taking into account the fact that the policyholder can take out a policy with a limitation on the number of persons allowed to manage it. KO is a coefficient depending on the number of persons admitted to management; for legal entities its value is 1.8.

Quote: “If the compulsory insurance contract specifies more than one person allowed to drive a vehicle, the maximum FIC coefficient determined in relation to persons allowed to drive a vehicle is taken into account when calculating the insurance premium.

It can be summarized that for legal entities compulsory motor liability insurance will cost even more. In addition to the need to undergo technical inspection more often, increasing coefficients have also been established for them. In fact, the BMR will increase even if one of the owner’s cars has been in an accident, but the rest have not. In addition, maximum KO and FAC are established.

The Central Bank reported that at the insistence of insurance companies and due to other factors, the rise in the price of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2018 may take place before the end of summer.

The approximate date for the price increase is August 31. Odds and base rates will be changed.

If in the first half of 2018 the basic tariff was calculated based on a range of prices from 3,431 to 4,119 rubles, and the coefficients were based on driving experience, the age of the owner, the engine power of the car and the region of its registration, then in the second half of the year the prices will change for all components of the cost of the policy.

Insurance companies expect the Central Bank to announce their long-awaited liberalization. However, for sure, no official source has yet undertaken to confirm that at the end of August the state will stop regulating pricing in the field of compulsory motor liability insurance. But if this happens, with a high degree of probability, drivers who are classified as unprofitable by insurance companies will pay 25-50% more for insurance than now (how much now - everyone can calculate for themselves).

For other drivers who drive without an accident, prices, on the contrary, can be halved.

Therefore, both the Central Bank and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers state that the event should not be treated as an increase in prices. Rather, this phenomenon can be described as the establishment of a more fair tariff for policies than now.

Drivers who were insured and were involved in an accident where they were found to be the at-fault party can be advised until the end of the summer. For them the situation is clear.

The President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), Igor Yurgens, explained:

“A rule-breaker or a novice driver will receive a tariff higher than now. And a careful driver with extensive experience is less likely to do so. This will make it possible to compensate for the costs of the risky segment, while good drivers will not pay for bad ones. The experience of Germany shows that when tariffs were immediately released, they fell and tariff rates did not return to their previous value, even despite inflation.”

Preliminary calculations of the changed prices can be presented as follows: for example, a young driver who received his license for the first time at the age of 22 and got behind the wheel of a 150-horsepower car will pay about 17-20 thousand rubles for compulsory motor liability insurance.