Class hour on the topic: "Pocket money". Class hour "Pocket money: pros and cons" Organization of the educational process MBOU "Class hour on the topic of money


Effective use of money by schoolchildren

Mikhailin Anton Gennadievich

physical culture teacher

MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad

Even love has not driven as many people crazy as philosophizing about the essence of money.

William Y. Gladstone (1809-1898)

Prime Minister of Great Britain

Curiosity, fear, joy, surprise, irritation, novelty, indifference, indifference, satisfaction, interest

. The evolution of the forms of money

full money defective money

money is a commodity (gold, silver): credit money paper money:

6970 years ↓ ↓ 1000 years

non-bank bank money

("trading") money ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Promissory note check banknote deposits electronic

600 years 350 years 150 years 100 years

Group work

Reasons for the emergence, forms and essence (functions) of money

History of money

Barter - natural exchange

(salt, cotton fabrics, copper bracelets,

golden sand, horses, shells,

dried fish...)

precious metals

- gold and silver

The evolution of the forms of money




coins: copper, silver, gold, metal…


banknotes, treasury notes


bills, checks, stocks, certificates, bonds…

plastic cards:

credit, billing...

Role-playing game

Indeed, if you seriously think about this issue, then we can conclude that not everything can be bought for money. Think about which of the following needs of people can be satisfied only for money, and which cannot:

knowledge of the world around

calm and safe life

constant self-development,

influence on other people

fashion, clothing,

self respect,

good health,

respect for loved ones

well-organized life



communication with nature,

communication with people.

Group work

Russian money

Russian money

The role of money in the life of a student. Does he need money?

Group work

How to give pocket money to children in Germany

Money can buy a watch... (but not time).

Money can buy a book... (but not wisdom).

Money can buy a bodyguard... (but not a friend).

Money can buy food... (but not appetite).

Money can buy a house... (but not a family).

Money can buy a position in society... (but not the respect of people).

Money can buy medicine... (but ill health).

Unfinished sentences on the topic "What money can't buy"

Money can buy a kiss... (but dislike).

Money can buy entertainment... (but not happiness).

Money can buy an icon... (but not faith).

Money can buy a whole continent... (but not the Motherland).

Money can buy an order... (but not a feat, not an honor).

Money can buy clowns... (but not in a good mood).

Actual money - plastic cards

daily use and

an essential attribute of modern

International: MasterCard, VISA, Maestro;

Russian: UNION CARD,

"Golden Crown", Sberkart...

Sociological survey

Questionnaire – 650 students

300 - school number 1 and 350 - lyceum

Target - reveal students' knowledge about money and,

how they apply this knowledge when using

Money (efficiency of money).

Questionnaire – 300 parents.

Target - formation by parents

economic consciousness, financial

independence in their children

knowing how to handle money

given to them by their parents

for pocket expenses.

"Law" about pocket money

Comparative analysis

Money is a good benefit to an adult

Not initiation into everyday problems -

not receiving effective lessons

use of funds.

Own money is the solution to problems.

Need for self-spend

money is their value.

1. The use of money is not efficient.

2. Teenagers are self-reliant, spending with some benefit.

3. High school students think about their future - savings.

4. Economic consciousness - at a "deplorable" level.

5. Parents are ready to help

to their children in the organization

money planning

Who and under what circumstances, chuckling at the form of money, said: “Worthless garbage, and what are you to me now? I would gladly give a whole heap of gold for any of these penny knives. I have nowhere to take you. So go to the bottom of the sea. If you were lying on the floor, right, it would not be worth the trouble to bend down to pick you up?

The heroes of which novel, when deciding the issue of acquiring military equipment, performed such calculations?

How much do you value this outfit?

Oh, it's bad! We have just done the reckoning, and we were undemanding like the Spartans, and yet each of us must have at least fifteen hundred livres.

One and a half thousand multiplied by four is six thousand livres.

True, we already have saddles...

Between whom and in what work did this dialogue take place:

Listen... if we dig a treasure, what will you do with your


I? Every day I will buy a pie and a glass of soda water, I will go

to every circus that comes to our city. I already know what to do

to have fun!

Don't you put something in reserve?

Save? What is this for?

And to ensure that it is enough for next year.

Who and in what work talks about money like this:

You are a rather vulgar person, you love money more than you should.

And you don't like money? - I do not like.

Why do you need sixty thousand?

Out of principle!


Money is never as good as it is bad without it. Unknown author

If money spoils a person, then the person is to blame, not money. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

If you love money, consider whether this love is mutual. Bashir Zugumov

What matters is not how much you earn, but who you spend on. "Pshekrui"

A man is sometimes more generous when he has little money than when he has a lot; maybe to keep from thinking that he doesn't have them at all... Benjamin Franklin

Money can buy everything, Love must be earned. Harun of Agatsar

Class hour "Pocket money"

Objectives: The role of money in the life of a student.

Pocket money?

Why does a child need pocket money? All for and against

No pocket money needed

While the child is small, adults should buy everything he needs. The child will not be able to make the right choice. Money can “spoil” the child. He can spend it on unnecessary things. If he is given money regularly, he will become capricious, spoiled, unable to restrain his desires.

Give kids pocket money

To feel like a person who is not humiliated to live in a world of self-sufficient adults At least so that he can satisfy his needs, which adults cannot always foresee Only when children receive money, they learn to save, spend, count

To give or not to give children pocket money? Every parent will have to find a middle ground in this dilemma...

· How much pocket money do the children have?

Do you need pocket money? YES - 85% NO - 15%

Why do children need money?

Do you have enough pocket money?

What do you spend your pocket money on?

Do your parents tell you how to spend money properly?

· If you are punished, do they deprive you of pocket money?

Do your parents give you money for good grades?

Pocket money is not a reward for good grades and good behavior, not a payment for helping around the house. Their main goal is to teach a child to spend money by making various purchases and not being responsible for their choice.

You can give money if ... the amount given out is reasonable parents are consistent in their actions the child has the opportunity to receive money regularly does not practice deprivation of pocket money with or without reason pocket money does not have the status of a gift and is not a way to buy the child's trust and his good attitude parents are able to trust to your child with regard to spending the amount given

Choice is always associated with responsibility and independence.

How much to give a child?

The amount depends on your budget Start with small amounts, for example 100 rubles a week There should not be much pocket money It is important to determine how much money the child can spend “wisely” in accordance with age The established amount should not increase under the pretext that the child is already spent everything. All changes in the rules for paying pocket money must be agreed with the child

How often to give money?

How often to give money?

The irregularity of the child receiving pocket money, the lack of a clearly defined amount that the child can count on, lead to the fact that the practice of pocket money is completely useless for the economic education of the child.

Tips for parents

You can give pocket money to a child from the age of six or seven. From the very beginning, you need to explain to the child the meaning of the payments and agree on what expenses of the child they will cover. The amount should be reasonable and increase with age. Small children need to be given money weekly on a certain day, while teenagers can be given money once a month. The issuance of pocket money should not be made dependent on behavior and values ​​and should not be abolished as a punishment. The established amount of money should not be increased under the pretext that the child has already spent everything. The child should be allowed to spend his money as he chooses. The child should have household chores, which he performs for free. Every year (on the child's birthday) the amount of pocket money and the child's responsibilities must increase.

The pocket money system is only effective when it is combined with discussion. financial matters in family. The meaning of pocket money given by parents should change as the child grows up and serves to control his growing needs. But most importantly, it must be remembered that the money given to the child is a learning tool through which parents help the child learn all the financial skills that he will need in adulthood.

Tips for parents

S. Harrison: “The selfish materialistic society constantly teaches us, and teaches us not to think, but to consume. Children who have been given responsibility and the freedom to realize this responsibility develop critical thinking. They have learned to decide for themselves what brings them satisfaction and what does not. And that child, whose insight and will have been suppressed for many years ... grows up to be an ideal candidate for the role of an unlucky consumer of everything that comes on sale.

To make a child rich means to teach him to calmly and rationally operate with the means that he is able to own. Money is just a tool to satisfy desires. And if so, it is necessary that the one who earns and spends them has a head on his shoulders, that is, he knows how to soberly measure his needs and opportunities. In fact, this is one of the most important aspects of the formation of personality. It is by no means limited to its financial aspect, but concerns a wide range of psychological mechanisms for setting goals and achieving them.

· The ability to properly manage finances is not an innate property, but a skill that is formed like any other. The task of adults is to help children learn how to handle money wisely:

spend, not litter with them,

Save, but don't be a miser

Value money, not worship it.

Purpose: to acquaint students with the financial and economic side of human life.

Development of the ability to express and defend one's point of view;
fostering a culture of discussion behavior (the ability to tolerate

Relates to different points of view, respect people regardless of their position and opinions, be able to listen, argue their point of view);

Raising a sense of responsibility for their loved ones;
drawing up a real family budget;
fostering a sense of responsibility for the business you are doing and choosing a life perspective.

Applied technologies: at this class hour we used information technology with elements of problem-search and communication technologies. They help students:

Form your own individual strategy for mastering knowledge;
Get a multidimensional vision in the process of discussing the information of interest to the participants;
Master the technique of problematization;
Develop the ability to translate any kind of information into different levels the complexity of scientific and everyday language.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, screen, task cards

Money is evil

Big money - grief.

Lack of money is a tragedy

Happiness is when they are.

I think we will spend this hour with benefit, you will learn more about financial and economic side of an adult's life, and shape your attitude towards money.

And proverbs and sayings, folk wisdom will help us start a conversation. Choose the proverb or saying that characterizes your attitude towards money or your understanding of happiness.

Altyn himself unlocks the gate and clears the path.
Altyn silver does not break the ribs.
The altyn thief is hanged, and the fifty-kopeck thief is honored.
They fight with altyn, they trade with altyn, but they grieve without altyn.
Without money, sleep is stronger.
Trading without money is like eating without salt.
Without a penny, the ruble is chipped.
Trading without a mind is only losing money.
Without an owner, money is shards.
Keep the bread in the corner, and the money in the knot.
Save bread for food and money for trouble.
The nearest penny is more expensive than the distant ruble.
God will give money, and the devil - a hole, and God's money will go into the devil's hole.
More money means more trouble.
Brother is brother, matchmaker is matchmaker, and money is not relatives.
There were money - the girls loved Senya, but there were no money - the girls forgot Senya.
It was trouble, but money on the hip.
He looks into the coffin, and saves money.
There is no relationship in money.
Debts are not money, sheaves are not bread.
In the forest, an oak - a ruble, in the capital - a ruble each.
In the same bag - yes, different money, in the same family - yes, different kids.
It is difficult to check money in someone else's pocket.
In time, a penny is more expensive than a ruble.
Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough.
Time is money.
Everywhere you enter, like a copper penny.
G Look down: you won’t find money - you won’t hurt your legs.
They say it's good, but it's worthless.
Sing with your voice, fight with a horse, and trade with money.
Grief - money, and twice - no money.
Threaten the rich, so he will give money.
Giving a penny for him is not enough, but two is a lot.
Not worth a penny, but looks like a ruble.
For a long time I borrowed a penny for transportation, but there is nowhere to go.
Give a mountain of rubles to a thief - he won't stop stealing.
God bless you, but no money.
A free ruble is cheap, acquired is expensive.
Two pennies - a lot of good.
Cases for half a ruble, and magaryches for a ruble.
A lot of money, but little intelligence.
I saved up money, but I bought dope.
There is no money, but the gold itself.
Not a penny, but fame is good.
Chamber of money, but the mind is not enough.
A lot of money, but nothing to put in.
God saves money.
The ruble saves money, paves the way.
Money is not a ruble guards his head.
Money in your pocket - all friends are with us.
Money is not rye, and grows in winter; money and not ice, but melt in winter.
Money is like doves: where they settle down, they will lead there.
There is nowhere to put money, there is nothing to buy a wallet for.
Money clings to money.
Money loves counting, and bread loves measure.
Money doesn't smell.
Money is not mushrooms - you can find it in winter.
Money is like jackdaws, everyone huddles in a flock.
Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
friendship more expensive than money.
Friendship is friendship, but money apart.
The fool wears money for show.
A fool easily parted with money.
His penny will burn a beggar's hand.
The rich man would eat money if the poor man did not feed him with bread.
There are five kopecks - and the grandmother is in the market.
There is something to ring, so you can grunt.
For a penny he will jump off the bell tower.
For money and the devil will dance.
You don't get fame for money.
After that, the matter became that there was not enough money.
For the lack of an altyn, half a penny is responsible.
They don't take money for asking.
Mortgage - money change.
Dawn gives money.
Money can't buy health.
And the master of money, lord.

And pennies - money is good.
And ours and yours will dance for a penny.
Don't say a word to someone else, just show the money.
Of the big money and the ruble at all.
It's easy to pay from someone else's wallet.
Like money in a hip, so it will help in trouble.
When money speaks, then the truth is silent.
When the wallet is light, the soul is heavy.
Whoever lies, he takes the money.
Who is hungry for money, he does not sleep at night.
Who sleeps for a long time, he will not save money.
Whoever does not bend down for a penny is not worth a broken penny.
He who is not rich is happy with a penny, but for a rich man, thousands are not enough.
Whoever gets a ruble, he is in his saints.
Who gets up early, that penny grows.
Whoever steals a ruble is put on trial, and whoever steals two hundred thousand is held in honor.
Buy a pig for a penny and plant it in rye - and it will be good.
A light wallet is a heavy curse.
Extra money is an extra concern.
Extra money in your pocket is not a burden.
Rakes money with a shovel.
It is better to lose a hryvnia than to shame.
People are everything, but money is rubbish.
The bear dances, and the guide takes the money.
Copper money is louder than gold.
Less money means less hassle.
Younger - so a ruble more expensive.
A rich man rows money with a shovel.
We are relatives, but our money is someone else's.
For a penny of ammunition, for a ruble of ropes.
For a penny of deeds, for a ruble of turmoil.
You won't get much for a penny.
If you drop it on a penny, you won’t fix it with a ruble.
There is no post for money.
You can't buy mind with money.
He got drunk on a penny, but made a noise on a ruble.
On the empty pocket and a penny is good.
You can't buy friendship for a penny.
For a ruble of work, for two boasts.
Do not feel sorry for the altyn, otherwise you will give half a ruble.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Unspent money is an acquisition.
It is not easy to make money, but it is easy to live.
Do not leave money to children: the stupid will live, and the smart one will make money.
Do not promise someone else's half, give your altyn.
Not the money that my grandmother has, but what is in the bag.
From a thief - a baton, from a priest - a fifty.
You give money with your hands, and you follow it with your feet.
From a tightly stuffed wallet on the heart is easy.
The uncle groaned at other people's money looking.
My money was crying.
Altyn took pity - he lost the hryvnia.
The last penny is not put on edge.
Honor is more valuable than money.
When money is something and a smart fool.
Work saves money, and drowns wine.
A worker gets half a ruble, and a contractor a ruble.
A ruble swing is a penny blow.
Pockmarked, but dear: every rowanberry, then a fifty.
Nice with money, disgusting without money.
Made for a penny, and spoiled for a dime.
Advice is more valuable than money.
The account of friendship does not spoil.
That altyn of the wrong ruble.
Three money a day - wherever you want, there and day.
Rich money chickens do not peck.
A fool has a hole in his hand.
The stingy ruble is crying, while the generous one is jumping.
A bargain is a bargain.
If you don't have money, you don't need a wallet either.
You steal a grain of sand, you pay a fifty.
The mind is stupid, but the wallet is tight.
Fedyushka was given money, and he asks for Altyn.
Bread - a measure, money - an account.
Worst of all troubles is when there is no money.
Private revels will exhaust the polluts.
Man is not a beast, and money is not chaff.
Shcherbata money, but smooth kalach.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Jesus Christ, the very first researcher of this topic, said two thousand years before all these studies. Thousands of sermons have been said about mercy. But people are pragmatic people, they demand to prove everything with numbers, otherwise they won't believe you. “In God we trust” is the inscription on dollar bills. In fact, this is the beginning of an English proverb: “In God we all speak money, conscience is silent there.

We all have long known the postulate: "Happiness is not in money." But what does a person need to be happy? The answer to this question turned out to be quite expected - money. German sociologists came to this conclusion. They asked 15,000 people from 14 European countries whether they feel happy and, if so, why.

The researchers found that people whose monthly income is 3,000 euros, predictably feel happier than those who earn 900 euros or less per month. And the happiest Europeans were the inhabitants of Denmark, and the most unhappy - the Russians. Only 37% of the Russians surveyed feel stylish.

“Happiness is not about money”, is this true, or is it a saying for the lazy?

Almost any religion in the world speaks of the frailty of money and that a person can and should be happy, regardless of their material well-being. But for many hundreds of years, mankind has not yet come to this postulate, as evidenced by the results of a survey of German scientists.

It's hard to say if this is good or bad. Our life is filled with the desire to earn and earn money. No, we do not think about it every minute, but when payday approaches, the mood still rises. At the same time, no one frankly admits that money is the goal of his life, that money is happiness. Are we deceiving ourselves?

It is curious that the words "wealth" and "happiness" in Hebrew sound the same - "osher". Perhaps, the question has already become eternal: “How much money is needed for happiness”?

Over the past 30 years, inflation-adjusted per capita income has more than doubled. The number of houses with air conditioners increased 7 times, houses with dishwashers - 5.5 times. Does this mean that people began to feel happier? The statistics say otherwise. Over the years, the number of those who consider themselves happy has decreased by 14 million people. The divorce rate has doubled. Violent crime rates have quadrupled. The number of prisoners in correctional institutions increased 5 times. The number of people who believe that nothing depends on them in this life has doubled. The situation is similar in other countries. For example, the average Japanese is 5 times richer than a Pole, and the percentage of happy people in these countries is the same.

But let's move from research by scientists to research that we can do ourselves.

Practical task in groups: "Family budget".

Acquaintance with the concepts of "income" and "expenses", mandatory payments.

Drawing up a real budget for a gaming family, taking into account all the "sources" of income and expense items.

A family of 4 lives in Dergachi:

Dad works in the city wage 20,000 rubles.

Mom - works, salary 4,600 rubles.

The eldest son is a student studying in the city.

The youngest daughter is studying at the local school.

Monthly expenses (perhaps not all included)

Gas - 1500 rubles

Water-300 rub

Electricity - 500 rubles.

Home phone - 275 rubles, Internet - 450 rubles

school meals- 40 rubles. in a day

Student expenses (per day) - 150 rubles.

Conclusions: How parents manage to carve out funds for their pocket expenses.

Suggest ways to save family budget.

3. Where does pocket money come from and where does it go?

Analysis of the survey of schoolchildren (60 students)

1 What is pocket money? (Everyone knows)

2. Do you have pocket money? (for half of the respondents always, the rest sometimes but often)

3. What determines their size? (from the salary of parents-48, from the mood of my mother-8, from my needs-4

4. What do you spend most of your pocket money on? (for food - 14, for nonsense - 35. For a phone - 14, for gifts to friends - 4, for consumables - 5, cigarettes and something else ... - 4)

5. Do teenagers need pocket money? (not everyone, not always, you need to know what he will spend them on)

4/Discussion in groups of the proposed situations

Situation 1. Family. Mom works two jobs. to provide the teenage daughter with everything necessary, the daughter spends the money that her mother gives for dinners on cosmetics, cigarettes and various entertainments. Due to malnutrition and malnutrition, the girl fell ill, her mother gets into debt, works day and night to pay for her daughter's treatment. Doctors condemn her for improper child care.

Mom - one group

Daughter - second group

2 situation………….

… Fifth grade. The boy decided to buy something and asked his classmates to lend him a hundred rubles. Nobody did. Then he offered the girl to return one hundred and five rubles in a month if she would give one hundred now. The girl agreed. A month later, the boy returned, as promised, one hundred and five rubles, but told his parents about it. The parents came to the teacher, and she immediately gathered the children, put the girl in front of the whole class, said that such behavior was a shame, and added: now it’s clear why money was missing in the class, it’s clear who could steal. After the class hour ended, the girl came home and swallowed pills. Fortunately, she was rescued, found lifeless in time and sent to the hospital.

The children and teachers reproduced the arguments of the boy's parents, the teacher, the parents and the teenagers themselves from the position of these people:

1 group of students - the girl's parents

2 group of students - the boy's parents

3 group of students - teacher

Group 4 - teachers - from the perspective of a boy and a girl.

The following questions arose during the discussion:

Why didn't the boy turn to his parents for help?
Why did the boy's parents turn to the teacher?
Why did the girl lend money at interest?
Why didn't the girl tell about this situation at home?
About the misbehavior of the teacher.

Psychologist James Burro, who teaches at the business school of the University of Virginia, conducted a series of experiments, based on the results of which he showed that money and things are not good or bad in themselves. The difficulty lies in the formation of the right attitude to material wealth. In this regard, the stories of the lucky ones who won especially large prizes in the lottery or in the casino are interesting.

In December 2004, Jack Whittaker died of a drug overdose. Having become rich, Whittaker abandoned his family and began to lead a hectic life. For a year and a half, he was able to almost completely spend the money he received. At the end of his wealthy career, Whittaker was caught stealing money from a church donation mug.

A similar story happened to 26-year-old Englishman Michael Carroll, who in 2002 won £9.7 million (about $16 million). He is now living on unemployment benefits again - £42 a week.

Before hitting the jackpot, Carroll cleaned up the streets of his hometown of King's Lynn in Norfolk. Having become a millionaire, Carroll quit his job and began to live for his own pleasure. A year later, he became interested in drugs, women of easy virtue, sweepstakes.

Michael spent money at a fantastic rate. In 2009, Carroll had the last half a million left. A year ago, he sold his fleet of vehicles for £400,000, but quickly spent that money. “Living on unemployment benefits (£42 a week) is easier than having millions,” Carrolla is sure

So, it can be argued that money does not bring happiness? It's not that simple. Indeed, money is neither good nor bad in and of itself. It all depends on the quality of a person's personality, on the purposes for which money is spent.

Assignment to each participant in the discussion

Relationships in the family
financial position
Society and friends
personal freedom
Personal values

Economist Richard Layard, exploring the causes that give a feeling of happiness, identified seven main components of it:

Relationships in the family
financial position
Society and friends
personal freedom
Personal values

Arrange these components for yourself.

Economist Richard Layard, exploring the causes that give a feeling of happiness, identified seven main components of it:

Relationships in the family
financial position
Society and friends
personal freedom
Personal values

Arrange these components for yourself.

Money is only one component of happiness out of seven, but it heavily influences the other six. And you need to spend money, trying to positively influence the rest of the components.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Jesus Christ, the very first researcher of this topic, said two thousand years before all these studies. Thousands of sermons have been said about mercy. But people are pragmatic people, they demand to prove everything with numbers, otherwise they won't believe you. “In God we trust” is the inscription on dollar bills. In fact, this is the beginning of the English saying: "In God we trust, everyone else pays in cash."

Money can bring happiness to a person only if he spends it not only on himself but also on other people.

municipal autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school" v. Letka

(MAOU "SOSH" v. Letka)

Extracurricular activity on the theme "Money"

Popova Valentina Nikolaevna, economics teacher

Target:Introduce students to monetary units Russia, the purpose of money, natural and commodity economy.


    cognitive:test and summarize the knowledge gained about money; introduce new terms, concepts;

    developing:develop the desire to analyze the information received;

    educational:to form the ability to collectively discuss information and make decisions in a time-limited environment; to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards the opinions of others, the ability to listen and hear others.

Equipment:Presentation on the topic, cards for working in pairs.

Class hour progress

I. Org. moment.

II. Knowledge update.

TEACHER:Our guest today is Gnome Economy and you are invited to make a trip with him. Where do you think?

(children's answers)

TEACHER:The dwarf Economy wants to ask you a question...

DWARF:What can we not live without in life?

(children's answers)

GNOME: And what do you need money for?

(children's answers)

GNOME: Do you think money has always existed?

(children's answers)

TEACHER:In the distant past, all people lived in separate groups and tribes, not communicating at all with their neighbors. Everything they needed for themselves they got themselves or grew in the garden, in the kitchen gardens. They did not make any exchange with other tribes and did not conduct any economy.

REFERENCE,Even 200 years ago in Russia, all peasant families were subsistence farming.

DWARF:And then came the commodity economy.

A commodity economy is an economy in which people produce goods and exchange them for other goods or services.

TEACHER:To make their lives easier, people came up with the idea of ​​changing. The seamstress offered the potter clothes in exchange for dishes.

The blacksmith gave the seamstress horseshoes, a hammer instead of clothes.

The milkmaid offered dairy products to everyone.

Gardeners grew a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits for exchange.

Each resident did well what he could, what he did best.

Everyone was happy: everyone was doing what they loved.

The exchange made it possible to save time and energy, as well as to have more goods and services and better quality than before.

TEACHER:Complete the task.

- Look at the pictures and say what profession people produce these goods?

Vegetables (agronomist),medicines (pharmacist),clothes (tailor),bread (baker)jewelry (jeweler), shoes (shoemaker),flowers (gardener),house (builder).

GAME: "Exchange"

- We choose 9 people playing. They receive plates with the names of professions.

The task of the driver (hairdresser) is to get boards for building a house.

The hairdresser:I need boards to build a house.

Woodcutter:I need a pitcher, mine broke yesterday.

Potter:I need shoes for my daughter.

Shoemaker:I need a new shirt.

Seamstress:I need a new chair.

Carpenter:My child is sick and I need medicine.

Pharmacist:I need apples.

Gardener:I need a fish.

Fisherman:I want to get a stylish haircut.

The leading hairdresser does a haircut and there is a reverse exchange.

TEACHER:Is it easy to exchange every time like this? Why? (Very long process).

DWARF:What is the name of the exchange of goods for goods?(BARTER)

TEACHER:Why is money needed? We read the table.

FORexchange of goods or services for money -SALES.

FORexchange of money for goods or services -PURCHASES.

ToDETERMINE THE PRICEgoods or services.



- Connect what money can buy with arrows.














Check: - what can and cannot be bought with money?

WHY DO YOU NEED MONEY? (to make a purchase - sale and determine the price of goods).

TEACHER:The dwarf invites us to continue the journey.

DWARF:Let's take a time machine to the past and find out the history of money.

TEACHER:In the old days, the most unexpected items that aroused special interest among people could be used as money. It could be Salt and cattle, skins of various animals: squirrels, foxes, martens, sables. And it could also be tea, a bunch of shells, teeth of dogs, dolphins, parrot feathers, fabric, swords, spears ...

Complete the task:

- From these names, select those items that in the old days could serve as money:(Shark teeth, cowrie shells, bird feathers, salt, grain, tobacco, animal skins, livestock, bicycle, flowers, trees, hot peppers).


TEACHER:- Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary and read what the word SKOTNIK means (This is a person who takes care of animals, livestock).

TEACHER:- Which of you would like to work as a cattleman?

Before, many people wanted to work as cattlemen. It was a very respected profession. And all because the cattleman was called the TREASUMER, the KEEPER OF MONEY.

TEACHER:What do you think the money was?

DWARF:Yes, cattle was money in Russia - sheep, cows, bulls. The more herd a person had, the richer he was considered. It was a responsible profession. Something will happen to the animals! Everything that is accumulated can be lost in an instant.

TEACHER:Why did animals cease to be commodity money? (They could die, the fur could turn into dust).


fur money

Cowrie shells.

Metal money.

Coinless time.



TEACHER:What do you think is depicted on the money?

(children's answers)

5 rubles - On the obverse of the coin are depicted:

    in the center - a relief image of a double-headed eagle, above it - an inscription around the circumference: "BANK OF RUSSIA";

    at the bottom right, under the left paw of the eagle - the trademark of the mint;

    in the lower part of the disk, under the eagle - the letter designation of the denomination in one line: "FIVE RUBLES", underlined by a horizontal line separated by a dot in the middle;

    below the line - the year of minting.

    in the center (closer to the left edge) - the designation of the denomination of the coin: the number 5, below it - the word "RUBLE", located horizontally;

    at the bottom along the edge and in the right part of the disk there is a stylized floral ornament in the form of a curved branch with intertwining stems.

10 rubles The obverse of the coin depicts:

    in the center - the emblem of the Bank of Russia (double-headed eagle with lowered wings), below it is the inscription in a semicircle "BANK OF RUSSIA";

    on the right, under the paw of an eagle - a trademark of the mint;

    in the upper part along the circumference - the designation of the denomination: "TEN RUBLES";

    in the lower part - two horizontal lines separated by a dot, below them - the year of minting.

The reverse of the coin depicts:

    in the center (shifted to the left edge against the background of a field of vertical lines) - the designation of the denomination of the coin: the number "10", under the number - the word "RUBLE";

    along the edge - on the left, below and on the right side of the disk - a floral ornament in the form of a branch with intertwining stems;

    inside the number "0" there are "hidden" images, visible alternately when changing the angle of view: the number "10" and the inscription "rub"

On paper 10 rubles On the obverse of the coin are depicted:

On paper 10 rubles - the main image on the front side is the bridge over the Yenisei River and the chapel in Krasnoyarsk. The reverse side shows the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station;

50 rubles - the main image of the front side - a sculpture at the base of the Rostral Column against the backdrop of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The main images of the reverse side are the Stock Exchange building and the Rostral Column in St. Petersburg;

100 rubles - the main image of the front side - a quadriga on the portico of the Bolshoi Theater building. The main image of the reverse side is the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow;

500 rubles - the main image of the front side - a monument to Peter I against the background of a sailboat in the port of Arkhangelsk. The main image of the reverse side is the Solovetsky Monastery;

1000 rubles - the main images of the front side - a monument to Yaroslav the Wise, a chapel against the backdrop of the Kremlin in Yaroslavl. The main images of the reverse side are the bell tower and the Church of John the Baptist in Yaroslavl;

5000 rubles - the main images of the front side - a monument to N.N. Muravyov-Amursky, embankment in Khabarovsk. The main image of the reverse side is a bridge across the river. Cupid in Khabarovsk.

TEACHER:What proverbs do you know about money?

GNOME: task explain the meaning of proverbs about money

Dwarf:Remember fairy tales that talk about money ( K. I. Chukovsky “Fly - clatter”, A. N. Tolstoy “The Adventure of Pinocchio”, take Grimm “A Profitable Business”, G. -Kh. Andersen "Flint" and "Silver Coin", Russian folk tale "Smart Worker"; Golden Antelope)

TEACHER:The game "Money is good, money is bad." (The class is divided into 2 teams, one team says when money is good, and the other when money is bad)


- So what is money?

(children's answers)

Reflection: Please continue the sentences written on the slide:
In class, I remembered...In class, I learned...In class I learned