Which bank card is better to choose: Visa vs Mastercard. Bank card (card) There is a bank card


How is a debit card different from a credit card? The thing is that these two types of plastic are in great demand among the population. But not everyone sees the difference between them. Below we will look at the main features of debit and credit cards.

What to pay attention to first of all? And how to arrange this or that plastic? Read about all this below.

Debit cards

Let's start with the simplest answer to the question - how is a debit card different from a credit card? To answer it, citizens must understand what debit plastic is. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

So, a debit card is a plastic tied to a customer's account. It allows you to make purchases only for the amounts that the citizen currently has.

In fact, a debit card is a kind of storehouse of funds. You will not be able to spend more than what is on your account. When opening such plastic, people open an account and replenish it.

credit cards

We continue to find out how a debit card differs from a credit card. To do this, let's clarify what "credit card" means.

Such a card allows you to actually make purchases on credit. That is, a credit account is opened with a certain limit. The amounts spent will have to be closed over time by replenishing the card.


And the main difference between a debit card and a credit card is the characteristics of plastic.

In the first case, the card will only have a service life and a payment system. Most often, people use the functionality of the card depends on the payment system. Some debit plastic supports overdraft. These include salary cards.

In the case of credit cards, everything is different. They have:

  • Grace period;
  • credit limit;
  • validity;
  • interest rate.

Call the period of use of credit funds without overpayment. The money limit indicates how much you can spend as much as possible. With an interest rate, everything is simple - this indicator characterizes the interest that a citizen will have to pay when repaying a loan.


Finding out, credit and debit card - what is the difference, we have already met the main points. But that is not all. The thing is that in the case of credit cards, a citizen faces a commission for some transactions. Namely:

  • with a monthly commission;
  • fees for withdrawing funds from ATMs;
  • for a transfer to one account or another.

If a person has a debit plastic, he will be able to use all the balance management services without any commissions without any problems. You can withdraw funds from ATMs and make money transfers. No additional money will be deducted from the account.

Client age

There is another rather interesting point about how a debit card differs from a credit card. What is it about? The studied plastics can be owned by people of different ages. Debit cards appear in citizens before credit cards.

Ideally, both plastics are issued after 18 years. But some debit cards are issued without problems from the age of 16. Credit cards are easier. Under the current legislation, minors under no circumstances can take loans and borrowings. Therefore, they will not be given the appropriate plastic. The exception is cases of emancipation. But in Russia, such a scenario is extremely rare.

With overdraft

Some are interested in the difference between a Sberbank debit card and a credit card. We have already managed to get acquainted with the main nuances, but the named bank was one of the first to develop debit cards with an overdraft. They are somewhat reminiscent of credit cards, but such plastic has significant differences. These include:

  • the size of the debt;
  • term for granting funds to the loan;
  • the possibility of renewal of limits.

Typically, overdraft debit cards have a loan term limited to 2 months, and the loan limit is much less. Often, an overdraft is supported on salary plastic.

Issuing a debit card

The difference between a debit and a credit card is that a citizen actually puts money on one plastic card and then spends it, and on the other, everything happens the other way around - first spending, then paying off the debt. Everything is easy and simple.

It is worth paying special attention to such a feature as the design of a particular plastic. The studied resources also differ in this operation.

Let's start with debit cards. They will need the following papers:

  • passport;
  • permission from parents (for persons under 18 years of age);
  • identity card of the legal representative (for children);

With the listed papers, a citizen must apply to any bank with which he wants to cooperate. Further, an agreement is signed with a financial institution, after which an account is opened. Ready! The plastic will be issued to the person in about 2 weeks. The exact term of registration must be specified in each bank.

Making a credit card

All the points listed above apply to any bank cards in Russia. Including, for example, how a Tinkoff debit card differs from a credit card. Despite the absence of branches and remote service, the named bank is one of the most successful in the credit card market.

In order to get a credit card, as a rule, you need to contact the bank with the appropriate request. Most often, the applicant is required to:

  • identification;
  • certificate of residence (preferably);
  • documents confirming income (when applying for loans and loans for large amounts, such documentation may be requested);
  • application in the prescribed form.

Tinkoff, on the other hand, manages only by filling out an online application on the Internet, where passport data and the required amount for the borrower are indicated. The main thing is that the applicant is an adult citizen, then after checking his credit history, he will be able to receive his card in a personal meeting with a courier or by mail.

About citizenship and cards

Speaking about how a debit card differs from a credit card, you need to remember one more requirement. It refers to the nationality of the client.

So, debit cards can be opened by everyone. Credit cards are most often issued only to citizens of the Russian Federation. If a foreigner has a residence permit, then he is unlikely to be denied a credit plastic.

Accordingly, when applying for one or another type of bank card, you will have to clarify what citizenship a person should have. Some financial institutions do not impose such restrictions when issuing credit cards. This is normal.

Common features

We managed to understand what is the difference between a debit and a credit card. What common features do these products have? It's hard to believe, but despite all these differences, these plastics also have common features. For example, they include:

  • the possibility of registering several units of the product in one bank;
  • Internet banking and mobile banking;
  • the right to withdraw funds from ATMs;
  • the ability to replenish accounts through terminals and ATMs;
  • the right to participate in bonus programs;
  • cashback support;
  • the right to issue additional plastic;
  • informing about expenses and receipts to accounts;
  • work with different currencies.

In other words, in general, the studied cards have the same list of allowed operations. But credit cards are often more expensive than debit plastic.


The difference between a debit card and a credit card is that the first plastic is a kind of wallet. And credit cards are a means of quick cashless loans.

We figured out how to design this or that plastic. And the difference between a debit card and a credit card is also now clear. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

What is the best place to stay? If you do not want to "live in debt", you will have to give preference to debit plastic. For fast lending, it is recommended not to issue bank loans, but plastic cards.

A bank card is a payment method for paying for various goods and services. A plastic bank card provides its owner with the opportunity to withdraw cash from ATMs, pay for purchases, purchase railway (air) tickets, book rooms in hotels (hotels) and make a number of other necessary payments. Having a plastic bank card, its owner does not declare the funds on it when traveling abroad, and also promptly manages and controls all operations carried out using a plastic bank card.

  • settlement (debit) card;
  • overdraft card;
  • credit card;
  • prepaid card;
  • local card (card of local payment systems);
  • international card (card of international payment systems);
  • virtual card.

Settlement (debit) card

A debit (settlement) card is intended for financial transactions by its owner within the available funds that are in the bank account, but not more than the established limits.

Payment (debit) cards do not require a thorough verification of the identity and study of the credit history of the cardholder, which greatly helps to simplify the process of registration and significantly reduces the cost of service. Sometimes interest is accrued on the balance of funds (this condition is negotiated with the bank when signing the contract), as on a standard deposit.

Card with permitted overdraft

This type of bank cards is a continuation of debit cards (their improved version). Many types of bank cards allow customers to borrow money if they are overdraft cards. The overdraft loan amount is negotiated at the very beginning when signing the contract and opening an account. The overdraft amount cannot exceed the established (fixed) amount.

Credit card

Credit cards are intended for the holder to make payments that are made at the expense of borrowed funds, that is, funds provided to the client by the issuing bank within a certain limit established in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. The limit is set by the bank based on the solvency of the borrower. As a rule, interest is charged on the cash balance, but it is much lower than on debit cards with an overdraft allowed.

Credit cards are gradually replacing consumer loans and emergency loans. The main advantage of a credit card over loans is the possibility of misuse of borrowed funds. Credit cards are repaid evenly, after paying off the debt, the bank renews the credit line.

Prepaid card

These types of bank plastic cards are intended for making payments by its owner, carried out at the expense of the funds of the issuing bank on its own behalf. The lender confirms the right of the owner of the prepaid card to claim the issuing bank when paying for various goods (services, works, results of intellectual property), as well as issuing cash.

Many Russian banks (including some types of Sberbank bank cards) have issued prepaid and gift cards. A gift card is a prepaid card that gives the owner the opportunity to receive goods (services) for the specified amount of the card. These cards are usually used as a gift instead of the traditional cash or "thing" gift.

Local card (card of local payment systems)

A local card can only be used at cash terminals of the issuing creditor, at ATMs, as well as in retail chains where the terminals of this creditor bank are located. One of the brightest examples of a local payment system card is a microprocessor-based plastic card from Sberbank of Russia (Sberkart).

It should be noted that such cards are not accepted by ATMs and terminals of third-party banks. Payment for goods using Russian local cards in online stores is also not yet available.

International card (card of international payment systems)

These types of bank plastic cards are used in international payment systems. Especially popular and available in the world are MasterCard cards (including MasterCard Cirrus and MasterCard Standart) and

Non-cash payment methods have become an integral part of most Russians. A bank card is a type of payment system for paying for services and purchases, storing funds, making transfers and payments via the Internet or ATMs. However, there are people who have not yet decided to use cards due to ignorance of the advantages and features of this banking product.

What is a bank card

Such a product as payment cards appeared in the middle of the 20th century and has already become familiar to most Russians. Plastic can be used to store your savings, manage expenses, receive wages and social benefits, pay for services and purchases. Initially, the cards were cardboard rectangles with perforations in some places, which were owned only by very rich people. Today, plastic is used for their manufacture, and the range of products is designed for all categories of citizens, including children and pensioners.

What does a bank card look like?

All types of bank credit cards have an international format (according to ISO 7810 ID-1): 8.56 cm x 5.398 cm. The thickness of the plastic is 0.76 mm. It has front and back sides, each of which carries different information. The design and shade of plastic depend on the issuer and the features of the payment system. The design of the front side, as a rule, provides for a pattern, and the reverse side is made in one color. The background contributes to the recognition of the issuer's brand and the aesthetic perception of the card.

Front side

Each side is important and contains functional information. The following is applied to the outer surface:

  1. A four-digit number is an important element of data protection and must match the first block of the number.
  2. Name, surname of the owner in Latin. Information is applied to the plastic of customers who decide to personalize their card.
  3. Validity period (month/year). After its expiration, the client can reissue the card free of charge, while all the funds in the account will remain, and its details will not change.
  4. Logo, hologram of the used payment system.
  5. Number (15, 16 or 19 characters).
  6. Authentication code (if the bank card belongs to the American Express system, in other cases it is applied on the back).
  7. Built-in chip.
  8. Logo of the issuing bank.
  9. Contactless payment mechanism icon.

back side

Any bank card on the back has the following elements:

  1. Bank's name.
  2. Paper strip for the holder's signature sample.
  3. CVV2/CVC2 code (needed to identify the card and the client when making online purchases).
  4. Magnetic stripe (information carrier).

Types of bank cards

What are bank cards? There are many differences by which all products are classified. First of all, the card can be issued instantly or produced within two weeks. It depends on whether it is named or unnamed. According to the type of funds that are in the account, credit and debit are distinguished. In addition, banks issue gift options that can be presented to loved ones. Especially for online stores, virtual ones have been developed that have all the data to identify the holder, but do not have a physical medium.


This option differs in that it is used exclusively for storing the holder's own funds. You can pay for purchases or services with a card only if you have the required amount on your balance. However, the issuer can open an overdraft for the owner of the debit card (if the function is provided for by the agreement), which is needed for payments in case of insufficient funds in the account. A card intended for the transfer of wages is issued as part of a wage project.


This type is different in that the holder's account contains not only own funds, but also borrowed funds. The issuer sets a certain credit limit, beyond which it is impossible to spend the bank's money from the account. You can withdraw cash, use it to pay for purchases and services. All credit cards differ in the way interest is calculated for the use of borrowed funds. Most cards have a grace period when you can use money for free. Others provide for the accrual of interest immediately after activation and the first payment transaction.

Virtual for online shopping

Before ordering goods via the Internet, it is important to make sure that the online store is secure. If you use your credit card or debit card online, then there is a risk of data leakage. This threatens to steal funds from the owner's account. Financial institutions took care of their customers and developed such a product as virtual. They do not have a physical medium and are used only for transactions on the Internet. After opening an account, the client receives all the details: number, expiration date, CVC2/CVV2 code.

Prepaid gift

In order not to give relatives or colleagues money in envelopes, banks have developed special prepaid ones. The product has limited functionality and validity. Plastic cannot be replenished or cash withdrawn from it. Electronic money can be spent to pay for purchases or services, after which the credit card cannot be used. The credit card is unnamed, but has all the details of a regular card and can be used all over the world.

Embossed card

Plastic cards are issued both with a plain, and with a relief surface. In the second case, embossing is used in the manufacture - the technology of squeezing out identification information on the surface of the card:

  • number;
  • validity period (month and year);
  • holder details;
  • name of the employer's company (for corporate and payroll clients).

Bank non-embossed credit cards have an absolutely flat surface. It should be noted that the production of embossed cards is much more expensive for the bank, therefore, as a rule, premium-class products (gold, platinum series) are embossed. The technology is used to simplify the identification of the owner and plastic, as well as to increase the level of protection of customer data.

Payment systems of bank cards

Absolutely all card products are made on the basis of one of the payment systems. All of them have their own distinctive features and a characteristic logo. On the territory of Russia, cards of the following payment systems are issued:

  1. Visa is the most popular, valid in Russia and abroad.
  2. Maestro is a Russian payment system, based on which cards are valid only within the country.
  3. Mastercard - a card based on this payment system is quite a bit inferior to the previous type and can be used on the territory of many states.
  4. American Express - based on this payment system, credit cards are rarely used by Russians. However, the advantage of this type is that American Express cards are accepted anywhere in the world.
  5. appeared relatively recently. Cards based on it are issued by most Russian banks and are valid only within the Russian Federation.

How does a bank card work

This bank card is being improved every year. After receiving at the bank, you need to activate the card, then insert the acquiring bank into the terminal. The device reads the information from the card, after which the transaction is carried out. Modern credit cards can be equipped with a security system when paying for purchases on the Internet and a contactless payment function, when a PIN code is not required for the operation. To make a payment for a purchase in an online store, the information and code cvc2/cvv2 are used.

The payment procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The acquiring bank processes the information.
  2. A request is sent to the issuing bank to transfer the required amount from the card to the seller's account.
  3. If the holder has the required amount in the account, the issuer transfers the money to the seller.


It is important to bear in mind that absolutely all financial institutions set their own tariffs for servicing an account. The cost depends on the category of banking products (Classic, Gold, Platinum). Free service is available to those clients who fulfill the relevant requirements of the issuer (provide the necessary movement of funds on the account or the monthly balance). As part of banking services, the client can receive information about the account around the clock, block the card, use Internet banking for free.

How to choose a bank card

Each bank offers Russians a whole line of cards. Banking products differ in payment systems, the presence of a chip or magnetic stripe, service tariffs, cashback, bonus programs. To make a choice, it is worth considering all the offers of different banks, paying attention to the issuer's rating, conditions (if a credit card is issued).

When choosing the right option, consider the following:

  1. Bank credit cards are classic or bonus. It is not difficult to choose which one suits a particular person, given his lifestyle and preferences.
  2. Before signing a banking service agreement, you should carefully study all its clauses.
  3. An additional level of security - a chip, protection technology for online purchases, embrossirovanie ensure the safety of the client's savings.
  4. Those who often use funds in several currencies should consider multicards, whose current account is opened immediately in rubles, euros, dollars.
  5. It is recommended to choose a banking product with Visa or Master Card payment systems in order to use it freely around the world.

Pros and cons

Among the advantages of plastic cards, it is worth highlighting convenience and security. When traveling abroad, you do not need to convert funds into the currency of another country. In case of loss, you can quickly block the card, after which the bank will reissue the plastic, while the funds in the client's account will remain. The tool is universal, suitable for storing savings, receiving salaries, withdrawing cash. With it, you can pay for services and purchases in any region of Russia and abroad. Bonus programs and cashback allow you to return part of the money spent back to your account.

Cashless payments, payment for services via the Internet, shopping without leaving home, accrued salary - all these advantages are provided by bank cards. There are different types of bank cards, so you should understand their differences. Opening a bank account in our age is very simple: just come to the bank, conclude a contract and receive a personalized card, which can later be used to pay for any services. In addition, banks often offer various bonuses to make life even more comfortable!

How bank cards appeared

Since the last century, the presence of a bank account has been considered a sign of a rich person. Indeed, in order to start it, a considerable initial amount was required, which the bank kept. In the 50s, the first bank card appeared, which, in fact, is a sign that a person is a regular customer and keeps his savings in this particular financial institution. Later, this idea was developed, and in our time, any citizen can afford to get a bank card without any risk. Now, having a bank account does not mean that a person has a lot of money, and fraudsters will have to try hard to steal all the funds and data from it, because a unique chipset is built into each card, and the account owner knows the code word for data encryption. In extreme cases, the card can simply be instantly blocked from the moment the disappearance of funds on it is detected. In general, this thing is convenient in our time - bank cards. The types of bank cards are now very diverse, and for people who decide to get one for the first time, it can be difficult to decide which card is right for them. This is what should be dealt with.

Main types of cards

In essence, no matter what banks say and no matter what advertising company they push regarding cards, by and large there are only two types of cards:

  1. A debit card designed primarily for storing money and making purchases.
  2. A credit card that gives you the right to pay even when there is a zero balance on it, borrowing money from a bank.

What is the specific benefit for each type of card? You should start with the fact that it all depends on your wealth and the purposes for which the cards are needed.

Maps for personal use

A debit card is great for:

  • Cashless payment in stores.
  • Payment for purchases through the online store.
  • Storing a large amount of money electronically.
  • Get paid directly to your bank account.
  • Savings on exchange rates.

If you are a person who is quite frugal with money and likes to save it for a specific purpose, then you should no longer shove money on mattresses and be afraid of night hunters for other people's wealth, nowadays it is enough to have a smartphone and a bank card in order to fully protect your funds. A debit card is, in essence, a key to your electronic accounts, which is very convenient to take with you on any trip. Also, many companies give their employees initial bank cards for payroll, which is also very convenient.

Credit card or spending without limits

What are the advantages of a credit card? For the most part, it is just one thing: a credit card is indispensable when, for some reason, funds are urgently needed, and the card has a zero balance. In this case, you can borrow from the bank and pay for the desired purchase or services. In essence, every month a person takes a mini-loan, and then gives the money to the bank from his salary. When issuing a credit card, the client undertakes to provide the bank with truthful information about his income.

What is an overdraft?

Customers often hear this word from bank employees. And of course, it introduces a little confusion. So, don't stress.

Allowed overdraft cards are just another name for credit cards, where an overdraft refers to a negative balance in a customer's account. In fact, the bank allows the client to go negative up to a certain amount, if for some reason he does not have enough of his own funds on the card.

The limit on spending is set at the conclusion of the contract, while it is important for the bank to know the level of income of its client.

Important! The higher the level of the client's card, the lower the percentage of the loan he can afford.

Which is better: Visa or MasterCard?

These two payment systems often flash before our eyes, despite the fact that, in addition to them, there are others. Nevertheless, when concluding a contract with a bank, you should decide which payment system the bank cards will be linked to.

Types of bank cards are not critically different when it comes to choosing payment systems. In particular, it is only a matter of currency conversion and where the client most often visits. For example, an ordinary Sberbank bank card is accepted almost everywhere, paying for any services abroad, the client does not have to worry about whether he has a Visa or a MasterCard.

Nevertheless, there are differences between them, namely:

  1. Currency Conversion: Visa converts through the dollar, as it is its main currency, MasterCard - into euros. Thus, in order to avoid double conversion in Europe (from euros to dollars and then back to euros), it is better to take a MasterCard with you, but if you are an ardent fan of America, then Visa will do.
  2. In the segment of simple cards, among the services provided, Visa still wins, which can easily pay for online purchases, while MasterCard Standard does not always allow this, although, for the most part, it all depends on the bank providing services. Nowadays, many even entry-level cards are accepted, including on the Internet.
  3. Premium status cards provide a variety of benefits, most often depending on the connected services. For example, when traveling abroad, a Visa card holder can automatically be insured free of charge, receive free medical care, various discounts from bank partners, and use their bonuses at their true worth. MasterCard offers its customers a flexible system of bonuses, participation in various programs and assistance with purchases, and in some countries, discounts on housing and car rentals.

When purchasing a card, you should ask what kind of partners the bank has abroad, what bonuses you should count on and, based on the data received and personal experience, choose the right card.

Prepaid cards

Banks often allow one owner to hold several cards at once, while one of them can be issued to the owner himself, while the other - to some family member or even be anonymous.

A good example of a prepaid card is a gift card that can be used once and then simply thrown away after use. Transport, social, salary or even game cards are all types of this kind of plastic. They are absolutely anonymous, their scope of action is most often limited to one service.

Very virtual cards from various payment systems are widespread: Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, which are also common only for a certain range of services.

Prepaid cards can also be used for a limited time, they have a fixed amount for any needs, often they can only be paid in certain places.

Card design

To issue a card, a citizen of the Russian Federation needs to come to the bank with his passport and conclude a contract for issuing a card. If you are applying for a bank loan, you must also provide proof of income.

It happens that a person wants to get a premium class card, that is, he claims to receive a Visa Cold or Platinum, but it should be remembered that banks do not issue such cards to customers with no financial history in the bank or those who have a negative credit history.

Often, the production of a personalized card takes about a week in general, after which the cherished plastic personalized bank cards fall into the hands of the client.

Types of bank cards may differ by age categories of the client. For example, a Sberbank youth bank card is issued to all persons from 14 to 25 years old. At the same time, there are no special restrictions on the map.

You should also clarify at the bank office how much the monthly or annual bank service costs, what interest per annum for storing certain amounts awaits you, and what services are connected to the card.

Mobile bank

To find out some information, it is not at all necessary to call the office every time. Now every self-respecting bank has a mobile application, by installing which the user himself controls his expenses, saves amounts for the necessary purposes, sees how many bonuses he has accumulated for purchases, creates automatic payments, and the best part is that every transaction is automatically sent to the phone. notification.

For example, a father of a family who has one bank account and several cards: one is issued for him, the second for his daughter, the third for his wife, can easily monitor the expenditure of funds. Or, when issuing prepaid cards for someone, the owner can also see where the money from the card was spent.

Bonus system

Nowadays, various cashback services are also very popular when shopping in online stores. It's always nice to get back some percentage of the purchase! Now it’s even easier to do this: many banks offer to activate cashback right when applying for a card, without intermediary services, and when buying goods in partner stores, a small part of the amount spent is automatically returned to the card.

Also, for those who like frequent flights, there is a system of accumulating miles, as a result of which you can save up for a small trip to any city in Europe. International bank cards are often useful when there is no way to change money, and besides, making purchases abroad in the same stores as at home, or dining in the same restaurants, you can get bonuses from the bank.

The advantages of bank cards do not end there. In the modern world, a person can profitably do what he loves, receiving pleasant bonuses from his bank for this.

Payments in a non-cash form have firmly entered the daily routine when making purchases. An increasing contingent of the population is involved in the use of banking products through plastic payment cards. What are the main differences between a debit card and a credit card (credit card), their advantages and disadvantages - you will find this information in this article.

Types of bank cards

A frequently used term for plastic money substitutes - a credit card, does not accurately reflect the actual picture (including cases with). In fact, credit cards are used in less than 50% of cases when paying for services.

There are two main types of plastic cards issued by banks - debit and credit. Their main differences will be described below.

These banking products may be prototypes of other types of payment cards:

  1. Salary - the same as debit. Income in the form of wages is accrued under an agreement with the employer, where the card is issued. Here, an overdraft with a specified limit is possible, repaid upon receipt of salary. The main difference from credit and debit - limited sources of income - to receive only from the employer.
  2. Prepaid - settlements are carried out within the limits of the previously deposited amount. The main differences from debit ones are a variety of ways to deposit funds into the account. Credit services are not provided. Can be used as a gift instead of money.
  3. Overdraft cards - combine the functions of debit and credit cards, the main differences are erased. When issuing, the contract stipulates a credit limit for the amount of the negative balance, within which spending on goods is possible. This card can receive funds from various sources. It can have both a positive balance and a negative one (borrowing funds from purchases by the customer-holder). It's more convenient than cash.
  4. International banking. They are intended for the circulation of funds in settlements abroad, the conditions for issuing may differ, they can also be used on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Local are used only within a specific ATM network. They have not received much popularity, since they cannot allow them to pay at payment terminals, it is impossible to make Internet payments, it is impossible to carry out transactions at ATMs of other banks. As an example, a product from Sberbank called Sbercard.

Debit card - what is it?

Debit replaces cash in settlements. That is, the amount you receive as income is credited to the deposit account to which the card is linked. And you, within the limit of funds that are stored on the account (that is, the money actually deposited to the deposit account), can use electronic money.

What may be its main differences from credit - plastic does not provide for an overdraft (expending funds in excess of the amount paid), with the exception of isolated cases in case of technical interruptions (unauthorized overspending) in work. A standard (usually small, up to 5% on ruble accounts) interest is charged on a debit card on the account balance.

Credit card - what is it?

The main difference between a credit card is the possibility of a limited overdraft. The limit is set by the issuing bank when drawing up the contract, while the bank considers the solvency of the client.

Debit card and credit main differences

The main differences are in the sources of funds on the card balance. For a credit card, the main difference in the source of payments is the money the bank gives to the cardholder when paying for services, for example, in a store. This is done at a certain percentage. For serious banks, it usually does not exceed 33% per annum.

For debit, the main differences are the money earned or transferred as income to the plastic holder. Here interest is charged on the balance of funds, and not on the amount borrowed.

The difference between a debit card and a Sberbank credit card

The main difference between plastic cards issued by Sberbank of Russia is the amount of the overdraft limit. For some types of credit cards, it can be 600,000 rubles (average borrowing amounts are 140 - 150 thousand rubles). At the same time, the difference in the grace period provided by the bank is 50 days (the main period when interest is not charged on borrowed money).

Sberbank also issues a line of plastic means of payment with the possibility of acquiring bonuses for air travel, cash-back (up to 5% refund of the purchase price), and special offers for people of different age groups.

External differences between a credit card and a debit card

Outwardly, there are practically no differences, on the plastic of some banks you can read the word “credit” in the cipher of the bottom row, after the digital code-number. There are no major visual differences.

Bank cards as a means of payment - what is the difference between debit and credit?

Benefits of using a credit card:

With such a banking instrument, you can afford to spend more than you earn. There is one, significant disadvantage - in addition to the return of borrowed funds, you will also have to pay interest on them.

Note that it is better if you replenish the amount on the credit card before the expiration of the grace period (50 days), and avoid interest charges. The good news compared to a cash loan from a bank is that you can use the money without reporting expenses and open a new line of credit if necessary without any paperwork.

Now many banks offer credit cards as a gift when receiving any services. It is very tempting to spend a little more than the amount earned when buying goods. But it is better to remember that the debt will have to be returned and the methods of its return from banks are the same as with conventional cash loans. That is, in case of violations of the terms of payment of mandatory monthly payments, you:

  1. You may be faced with the work of collection agencies.
  2. The owner may get a bad credit history.