I'm looking for an investment project. How to find an investor to start a business Where to find an investor


Often successful companies are created through the collaboration of several parties: one has an idea, the other has the resources to implement it. Thanks to the Internet, it has become easier for these parties to find each other. However, it is important not just to find a person with money, it is necessary to attract a good partner, cooperation with whom will become the basis for a successful startup and further advancement of the business. When considering investor proposals, try to think about which of them will be interested in your business. To do this, formulate the stage of development of your business: will it be its origin, formation, growth, maturity, or decline. Every company that is at various stages needs its own investor.

Features of the stages of company activity
At the inception stage, as a rule, an entrepreneur has nothing, only an idea, and sometimes a registered patent. There are also problems with the formation of the management team; business processes are not established. External investors are often relatives and friends, but they can also be private individuals who have some experience in this area and are willing to take risks. On our website you can find such investor offers.

During its formation, the organization already has an established production of finished products, or already provides services, but its activities do not bring the desired income, and sometimes are even unprofitable. This stage is characterized by business processes that have not been fully developed; only the formation of a management team occurs. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the financial and legal documentation of the company. An investor who is interested in it should easily understand the corporate structure of the organization, its financial position. It is good that the company does not participate in litigation, disputes with government services, etc. At the stage of expansion of activities, the volume of operations performed increases, and profits become stable. As a result, the company begins to occupy a stable position. The stage is characterized by well-established business processes, new markets and projects are opening. At these stages, banks, investment funds and other serious investors are involved in financing.

Advantages of our business club
The website is designed to assist its visitors in developing their business and increasing capital. In particular, this page presents various investor proposals. We recommend that you read them carefully and do not make hasty decisions. Try to learn as much as possible about your partner and assess his reliability. When drawing up contracts, read them carefully, let there be as few understatements as possible, and let all agreements be recorded in writing. On this page you can both find an investor and become one yourself by posting an investor proposal. Many of our visitors were able to find reliable business partners with whom they have been working for many years. Perhaps you will become one of their number.

This section is for those who are either ready to invest and are looking for an object for profitable investments, or, on the contrary, is interested in attracting Russian or foreign capital. Here you can find advertisements from private investors who are ready to invest money in business, as well as investment programs of investor companies offering, among other things, project financing. Direct and venture investments, the largest regional and industrial investors. Wide choose investment opportunities will find here both representatives of small and big business.

It doesn’t matter who you are: a private equity fund, a venture fund, a private investor, a business angel, an investment bank or a management company, if you make direct investments and are ready to provide project financing, then this portal will be useful to you.

If you are interested in diversifying your investment portfolio, looking for new and profitable objects for investment, post information about yourself: investment priorities, volumes and directions of investment, principles for selecting investment projects and companies, ways to exit an investment project.

You can not only post information about yourself, but also subscribe to receive applications to attract investments. Just customize the search form in accordance with the criteria you are interested in and regularly receive investment applications in your mailbox. Do you want to be more active in your search for investment targets? Then refer to the section "Investment projects".

— subscription to underwear. If you are also thinking about developing your startup or starting something from scratch, then our experience will certainly be useful to you.

We spent some of our own money on the project to test the viability of the idea, but there were no longer enough funds to grow and test serious marketing hypotheses. Then we started looking for investment and found it.

“Trusbox” is not a pure technology service, but it definitely has the potential for development in the direction of IT, so this is exactly what we were looking for for investments. Technological projects often require lengthy and complex development, and the result is measured not only by the kind of metrics that we are accustomed to based on university economics lessons 10 years ago. So if you want to open a beauty salon or a car repair shop, then my advice, unfortunately, will not work for you. But if you come up with a program that makes the work of a car repair shop easier, you can find investments in the project, following our experience.

Anna Gorodetskaya

My documents: what needs to be prepared

At the first stage of a project, it is often recommended to draw up a lot of documents: a description of the concept, mission, necessary regulations - that is, materials without which new team members will have difficulty understanding what your project is about. It’s not a fact that you will definitely need all the files later in your work, but they will definitely come in handy when you draw up key documents for investors.

  • Detailed presentation of the project
    You must have a ready document from which a person who has no idea about the scope of your project will understand what you are doing, for whom and how. The document answers the usual questions: what we do, for whom we do it, how we do it, who we are, what are our plans, who are our competitors. If you, like me, are put into a work stupor by open empty files, then use the presentation template on canva.com - they already have structured templates with a minimal design and icons that you can use to visualize processes and numbers.
  • Project business plan
    Even if you haven't made a single sale yet, you should still have an idea of ​​where the money is in your project, even if it's small and not soon. But if your project, in principle, does not involve making money, then perhaps it belongs to the social or art sphere, and sponsors, rather than investors, will help you better.
  • Road map
    A document that will describe what, when and with what forces you plan to achieve. It should consist of several milestones and describe the processes and resources that will help you get there.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Unsplash

Where am I: determine the stage of the project

To choose the right potential investor and project presentation strategy, you first need to decide what you have. There is a simple classification for projects in the first stages of development.

  • Pre-seed— you have an idea, a team, a working prototype, hypotheses about the audience and sales channels, confirmed by small numbers. That is, you have a project in which there are some people, and the project is working confidently, albeit at low speed.
  • Seed- you bypassed all the pitfalls of the previous stage, did not go crazy, did not leave for Nepal, and are now ready to grow sharply and strongly.

Your strategy for finding an investor will depend on what stage your project is at: some funds may specialize in projects at different stages. When you apply to a specific fund, you will need to indicate what your current project status is.

If your stage is a confident pre-seed and you have not yet released, in fact, anything, this does not mean that you will not be able to find an investor. The first option of finding an investor will not require you to have a finished product.

About the benefits of hackathons

If you have a team of developers, even a small one, then be sure to participate in thematic or corporate hackathons. A hackathon is a short-term event (most often held over a weekend) in which teams or individual developers solve one problem voiced by the organizer. In addition to possibly winning an impressive prize that can be used to develop the project, you will meet serious people in your industry.

Companies that hold hackathons are obviously interested in additional products; if they like your project, you have a serious chance of attracting hackathon organizers as investors, as was the case with three teams at once at the “Build a University” hackathon. You can view a list of upcoming hackathons.

If a hackathon is not suitable for you, then nothing prevents you from contacting the investor directly, because thanks to the documents that you have already prepared, you know how much investment you need (although this point will be discussed).

QIWI Universe/facebook

Where to look

1. Follow the trail
If your product can definitely be classified as “something tech” (medical technology, financial technology, etc.) and it solves some clear problem, then pay attention to the large companies in your sector, many of them have their own investment decisions. For example, QIWI has a separate platform through which you can contact the company with a request for investment.

2. Spying on our neighbors
If you carefully and carefully prepared the presentation of your project, then you probably know all the competitive startups in your industry. Information about transactions is a major information feed that is very rarely hidden. You can check online to see if your competitors have received investments in the last year, and if so, from whom. Feel free to contact funds that have invested in projects similar to yours: this means that the fund is already working with your topic, understands something about it and will be able to evaluate your project for subsequent investment.

3. Contact directly
The simplest and most obvious advice, which for some reason no one uses: just write to investment funds. The Firrma website has a rating of the most active (that is, those who conducted the most transactions) venture funds in a year. There are both seed and new funds. The algorithm in this case is as follows: you need to go to the investment fund’s website, try to find a project presentation template there, fill it out and send it, along with a cover letter, to the address indicated on the website. Investment funds actually read the letters they receive. They make money from investments and, of course, do not want to miss out on interesting options.

I highly recommend finding a fund-specific presentation template and working with it, because you will be asked to provide information in any case. standard form, and you will simply lose time and some credibility if you do not use a document that is in the public domain.


One of the formats for attracting investment is startup competitions. Most often they unite to organize them investment fund and some large company, and the winners receive prizes from both: in the form of investments, in the form of services from the company, or both. For example, the “First Height” competition is held jointly by the consulting giant McKinsey & Company and the large investment fund Winter Capital. But the most famous startup competition in Russia is GenerationS. In addition to the main competition, every year there are different nominations, the application process and expert verification in them can be simpler, so check if there is a special nomination this year on the subject of your project, and if there is, then feel free to apply on the website (list of special nominations located below home page site).

Pay special attention to competitions that stimulate the development of women's entrepreneurship. Thus, the famous jewelry house Cartier has a competition program for women business leaders from all over the world.

By the way, it’s not just Cartier that has separate women’s acceleration and investment projects. Read more about the special opportunities in IT for Pink women.

Investor's choice

An important and responsible matter. Because an investor gives you not only money - he gives you connections and the opportunity to make this money even more money.

In addition, investment money is not given for nothing - you can only receive it in exchange for a share in the company. That is, having allowed another participant into your project, whose interests will definitely be exclusively commercial, you must be prepared for the fact that your actions as a project manager must also take into account the possible benefits for the investor.

This is the main difference between investment and lending: the loan can simply be returned and forgotten, and the investor will remain with you until he leaves the project (sells his share). So if your project involves a relatively simple development cycle and does not require a lot of funds, then it will probably be easier and faster for you to take out a loan for business development, and only then attract larger investments to scale the project.

Whichever option you choose, I wish you good luck and courage: no matter the outcome of your investment hunt, the experience of communicating with funds and making presentations will remain with you forever.

How to find an investor for a small business from scratch? This question is often asked by young and aspiring entrepreneurs who have their own project and idea, but do not have money. Asking for help in getting money is a difficult step, however, you can find your investor by setting yourself the goal of implementing your project. How to attract investors to small business?

Searching for investors to implement an idea in a small business

How to get investment for a small business? When searching for sources of financing for a project, consider the following rules:

  • do not delay deadlines;
  • collect as much information as possible about the potential investor to avoid misunderstandings in the future;
  • carefully calculate the amount of investment required;
  • focus on specific goals;
  • in the process of negotiations with an investor, be honest and open, do not hide important facts.

Useful video on the topic:

How to get investments for small businesses from the state?

Today, the Russian government offers a wide range of ways to promote the development of small businesses:

  • allocation state subsidies for the purchase of premises and fixed assets in the amount of up to 60 thousand rubles;
  • grants for beginning businessmen in the amount of up to 60,000 rubles;
  • compensation of previously received bank loans for business development;
  • subsidy from the Employment Center up to 25 thousand rubles;
  • assistance from Small Business Support Funds;
  • subsidy for entrepreneurs aimed at development innovative technologies(maximum 60 thousand rubles).

You can learn more about state support programs on the Russian Government portal (http://government.ru/).

How to find a private investor to borrow money?

How to find a private investor to borrow money to create and develop a business? To obtain financing, there are online platforms specializing in business lending:

  • Fundico - shared lending service;
  • Nimfamoney is a closed platform for investors and startups (loan amount from 100,000 to 1 million rubles);
  • business.potok.digital - lending to entrepreneurs by private individuals.;
  • vdolg.ru - deposits up to 500 thousand rubles to a bank card;
  • loanberry.ru - online loan service for up to half a million rubles;
  • townmoney.ru is a P2P lending service that unites the interests of borrowers and investors.

How to find an investor for a business from scratch in Russia: 7 ways

How to find an investor to finance a business created from scratch in Russia?

I offer 7 options:

  1. Contact your family and friends– this is the option for financing your own business that is most often used by start-ups. And here the essence of the matter is not to borrow money against a receipt or interest - the essence of the matter is to turn a friend or relative into your partner and boss, and start earning money together. This investment option is optimal if we are talking about diets a small amount– many friends and relatives will not have a lot of money for your project, free funds on hand. The main thing is to convince them of the profitability of your idea and the opportunity to receive their share of passive income.
  2. We are looking for a business agent. Today in the service market there are many agents - intermediaries between a startup and an investor who are ready to help you find a potential sponsor for a certain percentage or amount of money. Agents often unite in various associations and clubs - their coordinates can be easily found on the Internet and already on the spot have a more substantive business conversation. This option of finding an investor for your own project will be of interest to those who are planning to bring something grandiose and large-scale to life. Most often, agents have access and contacts with very wealthy investors, and if they like your project and it is approved, the matter will not be about finances. But they are unlikely to sponsor projects that will not bring in a lot of money - this is not their level, and here it is worth going and choosing a different option for finding investment.
  3. Crowdfunding. If we talk about this type of search for an investor, then this phenomenon means the help of the crowd or public funding, built on the principle of mutual aid funds. This phenomenon is gaining momentum in last years– this option of searching for an investor has received attention and is therefore worth taking into account. The essence this method searching for an investor and financing one’s own project consists of the fact that a person publishes one’s own idea on one or another specialized website one’s own project and on social networks dedicated to this area, having written down the conditions for participation in the project – those on which one intends to attract financial activists. Anyone can take part in the project, and by contributing their part of the money as a percentage or a fixed amount, you can collect the amount necessary for the implementation of the startup. Most often, this method of searching and attracting investors is used in such areas and areas as charity in the field of medicine, financing non-profit projects - recording amateur music and holding festivals, creating films and holding exhibitions.
  4. Bank loan. An option for finding an investor is to contact the bank with your own developed business project, all the necessary calculations of investments and profits, and the payback period. But this option is possible if you have stable and official earnings and can make a certain deposit in the form of real estate or a car. This option is relevant if there is a need for a large amount of money, if the initial investment in your project does not require large financial investments - you can resort to financial sponsorship from microfinance organizations, where the conditions for issuing borrowed money somewhat softer, although the interest rate for using the loan will be higher than at a bank.
  5. Platforms for attracting business investment. If you don’t want to resort to the help of a bank or microfinance organization, you can visit specialized platforms for startups. It is on such specialized platforms that the necessary information for a beginner is posted - research and statistics, practical advice and assistance in launching new projects, plus data on investors, the ability to find their coordinates and contacts, investment conditions. In search of your own investor, you can visit online loan platforms. Is this a kind of MFO format or bank lending. More specifically, such a platform could be Startups.co, which can act as a proven and reliable channel for finding a potential investor. As statistics show, more than 13.9 million potential users and investors have already been registered on the presented platform, who can act as both a consultant and a sponsor. Another proven platform that is popular among startups and investors is Gust.com - with its support, about 1.8 million dollars have been invested in many projects in recent years.
  6. Social networks of professionals– these are groups of potential investors that can be easily found on the Internet. Professional investor networks – developed at this moment a direction where you can meet a potential sponsor working in one direction or another. Most of the sites presented on the network work with foreign investors who are ready to directly join the international, global business space.
  7. Business angels, private equity funds. If you need to find a reliable investor for your own project, you can contact a private investment company, which specializes in this type of financial injections. What’s most important is that you can get approval for a variety of amounts, ranging from several thousand to several million dollars. What is the interest of the investors themselves - after a few years, to sell their own part a few years after the start of the startup. An example is the private equity fund Zunder Invest. But even if you were refused a loan of money, you were refused by a bank or an MFO, an investor - do not despair. Perhaps your investor has not yet met your path, or your project does not meet all the requirements of a potential sponsor.

Where to find an investor for a business from scratch: 5 options

To find investments, you can use the following tools and resources:

  • Social networks for professionals (LinkedIn, EFactor, Xing, Plaxo, Startup Nation, Cofoundr and Meetup)
  • Business incubators and accelerators (the best include “Synergy Innovations”, “Ingria”, the Academy business incubator National economy, business accelerator API Moscow, First City Business Incubator of St. Petersburg and others)
  • Platforms for startups ( full list posted just below)
  • Small business support funds and employment centers
  • Investment club “Business Youth” (molodost.bz/investfund_OLD)
  • Investor forums (investory.biz, investorov.net/forum, investtalk.ru/forum/)

Websites for finding investors in Russia and abroad: top 20

The most popular platforms for finding investors today are:

How to attract investment in business: ideas and platforms for startups

How to attract an investor to a startup is the first most difficult task that a novice investor who wants to implement his business idea will have to solve.

Where to find investment for a startup? To finance your project, you can use specialized online platforms for searching for private investors, the help of business angels, business accelerators and incubators, government support programs, and crowdinvesting platforms.

How to get investment for a startup? To obtain funding, the startuper must convince the investor of the viability and profitability of the project. To do this, you will need to cover the following topics in your business plan in as much detail and reasoning as possible:

  • uniqueness and promise of the project;
  • demand for a product or service on the market;
  • size of investment;
  • payback period of investments;
  • projected level of profitability;
  • guarantees for return of invested funds.

How to attract investors to a project quickly and without unnecessary problems? The search for investments and investors can be carried out using specialized online platforms:

  • Boomstarter is a Russian crowdfunding platform.
  • Planeta.ru is a platform that allows you to raise from 20,000 to 15 million rubles for the implementation of any creative idea.
  • nachinanie.ru - service for collective financing of new projects
  • Startups.co is an international platform for startups that allows you to solve the problem of how to find an investor for a project.

How to write a business plan for an investor: key points of the project

How to draw up a project for an investor? Summary a business project must contain the following points:

  • description of the essence of the business idea;
  • market analysis;
  • portrait of the target audience;
  • how and with the help of what tools the idea will be monetized;
  • analysis of competitors (their strengths and weaknesses);
  • the team involved in the project implementation;
  • project benefits;
  • investment project performance indicators (payback period (DPP), MIRR, IRR ( internal norm profitability), ARR (return on investment ratio));
  • how much money has already been invested in the project at the start;
  • investment use plan;
  • what the investor will receive as a result and in what time frame.

How to calculate return on investment (ROI)? To calculate, you must use the following formula: ROI = PE / I * 100%, where PE is net profit for a certain period of time (this indicator is calculated as the difference between total profit and cost); And - investments.