Does the child need snls. How to get snls for a child, why do it, what documents are needed. What documents are needed to apply for SNILS


Many parents wonder why children need SNILS. After all, minors in Russia need to have quite a lot of documents. And insurance certificate is one of them. Next, everything about the mentioned paper will be told. What should everyone remember about her?


Why do children need SNILS? First of all, let's figure out what kind of paper we are talking about. This is extremely important.

SNILS is an insurance certificate. It confirms the fact of pension insurance. Recently, it has been issued to all children, even newborns. For adults, this document must also be mandatory. Without it, everyday life will be much more difficult.


What does an insurance certificate look like? This paper cannot be confused with anything.

The thing is that the mentioned documentation looks like a green-white card. Its size slightly exceeds bank plastic.

On the front side, the main information is written - the citizen's insurance number, as well as his personal data. On the reverse side you can read the reasons for its replacement. There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in this. But why do children need SNILS?

Main purpose of paper

First of all, we will find out for what purposes, in principle, an insurance certificate is used. Let's say adult citizens.

SNILS, as we have already found out, is a document indicating the fact of pension insurance in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is issued to both adults and children. Even foreigners are entitled to its registration.

With the help of a person's insurance number, you can check the deductions made to the FIU for a lifetime. From them, a person's further pension will be formed. This application occurs mainly in adults. The employer, according to the information on the insurance card, makes contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for each of his subordinates.

Children usually don't have jobs. But you still have to get insurance certificate. For what? Why do children need SNILS?

Insurance certificate for children

In fact, the scope of the green card is quite extensive. Insurance certificates are indispensable in the ordinary life of any person.

SNILS may be useful:

  • when enrolling in a school or kindergarten;
  • during the application process;
  • to receive state support of one degree or another for a child;
  • to draw up a number of certain documents;
  • for medical care in the clinic;
  • during official employment (for teenagers);
  • when registering non-working periods, which will be counted in the insurance period.

It is not difficult to guess that the kids use SNILS in the garden and at school. For children, this is an important document - without it, they may not be accepted to an educational institution. Besides, insurance card will be required to receive free medical care and register at a local clinic.

When to receive

Another rather interesting question - at what age does a child need to apply for SNILS? There are several opinions, but only one of them is correct.

Some believe that before kindergarten / school, you can not think about obtaining an insurance certificate for a minor. But it's not right.

The thing is that recently new rules have come into force in Russia. SNILS is a mandatory document for obtaining a policy of mandatory health insurance. This paper is needed even for newborns.

It follows that the registration of SNILS for a child must be carried out from the very beginning of life. That is, in the neonatal period. It is advisable to do this as soon as possible, in the first month of the baby's life. Then there will be no problems in the future.

Attention: there are no penalties for delaying SNILS. Therefore, if parents have no desire to receive regular compulsory medical insurance policy, you can take your time with the insurance certificate. You just have to remember that state benefits for the baby will not be issued either.

Where to ask

We found out why children need SNILS. Now it is worth considering in more detail the procedure for obtaining this paper.

First of all, let's see where you can request this certificate. The request of the established form is submitted:

  • at the MFC;
  • in the FIU;
  • to one stop shop.

In some cities, SNILS is issued directly at the registry offices when registering a newborn. But this is an extremely rare scenario. Therefore, you do not need to rely on it.

Internet and requests

Is it possible to get SNILS for a child through "Gosuslugi"? After all, this portal is used to process the bulk of documents. And with small children it is not always convenient to go to various authorities.

Unfortunately, in Russia it will not work to get SNILS for a child through the State Services. There is simply no such option on the portal. For adults, insurance certificates via the Internet are also not issued. You will only have to act on your own. The FIU does not plan to provide services for issuing insurance certificates via the World Wide Web in the near future.

Service provision term

How quickly can I get the mentioned document? Fortunately, the issuance of insurance certificates for children is very fast. In addition, the procedure is accompanied by minimal paperwork.

In the case of newborns, SNILS can be obtained immediately. Some FIU offices issue green laminated cards within a few minutes after parents apply for a document.

The official production time for the studied documentation is 2 weeks. Sometimes the document is issued faster. This is normal, but you shouldn't count on it.


How is SNILS issued for a child? Everything is extremely simple and clear. We have already said that this operation is accompanied by minimal paperwork. And so the rest of the actions do not cause any difficulties.

To obtain a green insurance card, a person will need:

  1. Form a package of documents. We will talk about them a little later.
  2. Contact one of the previously listed authorities.
  3. Apply for an insurance certificate.
  4. Wait for the paper ready notification.
  5. Pick up a ready-made sample of a laminated card from the MFC or FIU.

That's all. It would seem that the operation does not cause any problems. But in real life, citizens have many questions regarding the release of SNILS to minors.

For babies

Documents for SNILS for a child will vary depending on the situation. Let's start with children-citizens of the Russian Federation who are minors.

These people need:

  • legal representative's passport;
  • application (to be completed by the parent);
  • registration certificate;
  • birth certificate;
  • old SNILS (if any).

That's all. No more documents are needed. The listed papers are presented in originals. They are not withdrawn from the citizen.

After 14

But that's not all. Documents for SNILS for a child are different. What if the minor is already 14?

Then the insurance certificate can be issued without legal representatives. A person needs to have:

  • identification;
  • application form;
  • old insurance certificate (if available).

Parents after the 14th birthday of the child have nothing to do with the process being studied. This is quite normal. It is not forbidden to take legal representatives with you, but they will not be able to participate in the application.

For foreigners

As we have already said, insurance certificates are issued not only to local residents, but also to foreigners. Minors included.

The package of documents, in addition to the listed elements, will include the translation of birth certificates/passports, as well as migration cards. Without them, service will simply be denied.

Reasons for replacement

We found out whether the child needs to receive SNILS. This question is not so difficult. And it’s also not difficult to draw up the studied paper.

An insurance certificate, unlike a passport, does not have an expiration date. It only needs to be changed under certain circumstances.

These include:

  • the presence of typos;
  • change of personal data (for example, surname);
  • damage to the document;
  • loss of insurance certificate.

Just like that, replacing the mentioned documentation will not work. The FIU will refuse to do so.

Exchange features

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the replacement of the insurance certificate does not have any significant features. More precisely, there is one nuance that not everyone knows about.

The thing is that the SNILS number is assigned once and for all life. When replacing an insurance certificate, only information about its owner will change. And the insurance number under any circumstances will remain the same. This rule applies to both adults and minors.

About the questionnaire

Special attention will have to be paid to the direct submission of a request for the issuance of the documentation under study. We are talking about a questionnaire for obtaining SNILS for a child.

We have already said that this document is filled out exclusively by the legal representatives of the baby, one of them. The form is taken directly to the FIU. In fact, the questionnaire is filled out by employees of the selected service, taking into account the papers presented to the organization.

After 14 years, children are independently involved in the design of SNILS. And the questionnaire is also filled out without any participation of the parents. Such an operation does not cause any difficulties.


We found out why children need SNILS. In addition, we managed to consider all the features and nuances of obtaining an insurance pension certificate.

We'll have to remember that SNILS is a document that must be drawn up even for newborns. It has recently become impossible to do without it in Russia.

After the baby is born, parents receive a certificate - the main document of a small person. When a child reaches a certain age, he is also issued a passport. In addition, a card must be issued for the baby, indicating that he has passed. Each small citizen has his own SNILS. What it is? Let's try to figure it out.

Basic information

Some parents do not understand why a newborn child needs SNILS if he is still unable to work. The presence of an insurance certificate today is necessary for children to receive social and medical services. This document is essential for the child. Without presenting an insurance certificate, no services will be provided to the baby by the state. It is also impossible to obtain medical insurance without this card. That's why children need SNILS.

During pension insurance, the card must necessarily indicate a personal number, which plays a key role. It is advisable to indicate SNILS during the formation of registers of persons who can use social and medical benefits. These include free public transport services, access to medicines, and the right to substantial discounts on stays at sanatoriums.

There is another point that explains why children need SNILS. This number will make it much easier to obtain the necessary documentation required in any government agencies, as well as speed up monthly payments on the baby.

What is necessary for a newborn to receive SNILS?

To apply for an insurance number for a child, parents need to contact the local fund for the payment of pensions with a passport that indicates registration. You need to have a document with you that will allow you to identify the person, as well as a certificate of his birth of a baby. On the spot, you will need to write an application in any form for assigning an insurance number to the child. Seven working days after the submission of documents, parents will receive a small plastic card with the personal data of a small citizen.

preschool age

Absolutely all state preschool institutions require parents to provide a copy of the SNILS document. Without this baby it is impossible to arrange a school. And again the question arises, why do children need SNILS in a kindergarten or other educational institution? The answer is simple. The state (or school) receives subsidies for each child, and they are charged from the budget. Also, the above document is needed to obtain medical insurance. It is by the number line of SNILS that the child is identified for whom money is allocated from the budget. Registration of a personal account number is necessary for conducting office work at the school.

Maximum Availability

Pension insurance mandatory from birth was introduced not so long ago. For children who did not have a SNILS card, pension funds, together with the kindergarten administration, are holding a campaign that allows parents to fill out documents right in the kindergarten without visiting the fund's institutions. Subsequently, they are issued a plastic card.

Parents were able to get a detailed answer to the question of why a child needs SNILS in kindergarten. The presence of a document gives the child the right to receive medicines free of charge while in hospital. Owners of SNILS are also entitled to monthly subsidies for children with disabilities. Toddlers are included in the general list in order to participate in various government programs social plan.

Why do children need SNILS at school?

The reason for requiring a copy of the document is identical to that in the garden. SNILS is needed for internal data circulation in an educational institution. Again, for each child in training, the school purchases books and methodological material, allocates subsidies for lunches for children of large and low-income families. The state has developed and implemented many more preferential programs for schoolchildren and educational institutions located in different regions of the country.

When asked, people can hear the answer from any teacher. Any school teacher or social worker will provide an explanation of the various nuances associated with receiving benefits that are provided by law. This personal number is needed in order to be able to use public services. With the help of a document, for example, you can quickly issue a passport. To do this, in the application you will only need to enter the number of your SNILS. Entering information about labor activity during a part-time job during the summer holidays, it will also not do without a personal insurance number of a minor citizen.

Registration of an insurance personal number for a child of school age

The guardian can issue a card on any day. The presence of a child under the age of 14 is optional. The registration format is always the same: guardian's passport, application, copy and original of the child's birth certificate. Many schools resolve the issue centrally, collect documentation at the school and submit lists to the pension fund, which simplifies the procedure. For parents who doubt the expediency of this enterprise, there is hot line. By calling, you can ask the question: “Why does the school require SNILS for a child?”, And make sure the legality and good intentions of the educational institution.

The universal mandatory receipt of the SNILS card will simplify some procedures. For example, there is no need to take out a medical insurance policy. Starting from the age of fourteen, children will undergo medical examination every year, and the school will have its own database. Not all children study at the place of registration. By the insurance number, it will be possible to find out all the information about the student, regardless of his location. That's why SNILS is for a child at school. The insurance number will simplify many procedures, save time and money.

Why do children need SNILS by law?

The mass enforcement of the insurance card is just a step towards replacing all documents with one. The state plans to launch Such a document will contain all the necessary information about a person. It will be possible to apply it in a wider range than SNILS provides. With the help of the UEC, a child can easily use the card and pay for travel in public transport or meals at school.

It should be noted that such a card, as a rule, stores information about the progress of a particular student, as well as all trips to the doctor. In fact, this is all the information you need. The other side of the coin will be total surveillance by parents and public services for minors. How good and justified this system, time will tell. But at the moment, it is necessary to draw up a SNILS card as early as possible so that the child does not have difficulties when applying to any government agencies.

Features of obtaining SNILS

This document is issued once for life and changes only when changing the surname, but the number remains the same. To replace the accompanying data, you need to submit an application with the old card attached, as well as a marriage or divorce certificate, depending on the reason for changing the document. The absence of a certificate of pension insurance leads to the fact that a person's work experience and savings will not be taken into account in the formation of a pension upon reaching a certain age. If a person has lost his SNILS, he must apply to the pension fund to restore the document within a month.

Obtaining an insurance personal number after 14 years

Children upon reaching the age of fourteen can receive SNILS on their own. You can also get it at the primary employment. The document must be issued by all citizens of the state, even those who do not live in the country. Also, people who live in the territory of the state and have other citizenship can get an insurance number.

For adults and children who live in Russia, registration of SNILS is mandatory. In order to understand the situation, to understand why it is important for immigrants to get pension insurance in a timely manner, how to get it, and what it can guarantee, you can get expert advice from the nearest social service.

Online consultations

At present, online consultations on insurance issues are very popular. People are interested in why children need SNILS, how to get it for non-citizens of the country. Online consultations are confidential and available to all users. Specialists of this profile will share the necessary information, help to solve non-standard issues.

All documents in another language must be translated and notarized. Where to go to solve this problem, experts can also tell you online or social service workers. If a person plans to obtain citizenship and continue to live in the country, he and his children need a SNILS card.

All owners of an insurance number can register on the public services website and get access to an extended statement of their personal account. A user-friendly interface will allow you to track all actions on personal map. The individual digital combination SNILS is confidential information, only social workers and the owner of the card have access to it.

For a long time, in many state and not so organizations, you have been asked to present SNILS, and to the question: “What to present?”, They explain: “Green plastic card”.

What is SNILS?

For the first time this abbreviation was introduced throughout the territory Russian Federation from January 1, 1997, Federal Law No. 27-FZ of April 1, 1996 “On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of Compulsory Pension Insurance” and stands for “insurance number of an individual personal account”.

As a matter of fact, the notorious “green plastic card” is correctly called not SNILS, but an insurance certificate, which only this insurance number contains, along with the full name, date and place of birth and gender of the insured person.

Does a child need SNILS?

The question of whether an adult has an insurance certificate has more or less been resolved, and everyone who officially works or receives a pension has already been assigned SNILS.

However, many people ask themselves the question: “Does my child need SNILS?”.

After carefully reading this article, you will answer this question in the affirmative.

So, if initially SNILS was introduced solely for the purpose of controlling the payment of insurance premiums, on the amount of which the size of the pension depends, then with the passage of time, the value of SNILS expanded.

A feature of SNILS is that it is assigned to a person once and no longer changes, regardless of the change, for example, or the facts of replacing the insurance certificate.

If you carefully follow the trend in the use of SNILS, then you can say with a high degree of certainty that in the future SNILS will replace other personal identifiers, such as, for example, TIN, or even passport data.

Currently, SNILS, in addition to the actual purpose of calculating a pension, is needed for the following:

How to get SNILS for a child?

The only structure that assigns SNILS to a person is the Pension Fund of Russia.

Based on this, the child can:

1. By personal appeal:

  • To your local division pension fund. For persons who have permanent registration at the place of residence or temporary registration at the place of stay, such a division is the Pension Fund department at the place of registration.

    If a person does not have registration at all, then he can apply for the assignment of SNILS to the Pension Fund department at the place of actual residence.

  • In the multifunctional center (MFC). You can apply to any MFC, regardless of the place of residence, but, however, only within the subject of the Russian Federation where you live.

2. Without personal appeal:

  • Through preschool institutions (nurseries, kindergartens), where the responsible employee collects documents for obtaining SNILS for a sufficiently large number of children at a time, and himself transfers them to the PFR department;
  • When issuing a universal electronic card, the assignment of SNILS occurs automatically;
  • Through the first employer. This is the case if the child began his working career at the age of 14.

What documents are needed to apply for SNILS?

I would like to remind you that a child under the age of 14 cannot independently perform legally significant actions, therefore, all actions, including personal appearance at the FIU or MFC, signing an application in kindergarten, etc., necessary for the child to receive SNILS, are performed by a parent or legal representative.

What’s more, you don’t even need to be there.

So the list of documents for obtaining SNILS for a minor child will look like this:

  • An identity document of the parent (other representative);
  • A questionnaire signed by the parent (representative) in the ADV-1 form;
  • Document proving the identity of the child.

If the child is already 14 years old, this means that he must apply for a passport, which means that he himself takes the steps to obtain SNILS.

In this case, the documents for obtaining SNILS are as follows:

  • Identification document of the child;
  • Form ADV-1 signed directly by the child
In the most common case, when both a parent and a child over 14 years old are citizens of the Russian Federation, the identity document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and for a child under 14 years old, this is a birth certificate.

However, the rules for filling out an application (ADV-1), approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund No. 192p of July 31, 2006, provide for a total of 18 types of identity documents.

Here is a list of these documents with the corresponding codes, which are indicated in the application in the ADV-1 form:


Passport of a citizen of the USSR


Passport of a citizen of the USSR


Birth certificate


Officer ID


Certificate of release from prison


Passport of the Ministry of the Navy


Military ticket of a soldier (sailor, sergeant, foreman)


Diplomatic passport of a citizen of the Russian


foreign passport


Certificate of registration of an application for recognition of an immigrant as a refugee




Refugee certificate in the Russian Federation


Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation


Passport of a citizen of Russia


Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation


Sailor's passport


Reserve officer's military ID

Other documents issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Deadlines for obtaining an insurance certificate

Since we need an insurance certificate exclusively for presentation somewhere, it would be useful to indicate the period during which the insurance certificate will be issued in hand.

We are talking about the insurance certificate, and not about SNILS, which at the time of the certificate was already assigned.

So. The insurance certificate will be handed out depending on the submission of documents:

ADV-1. questionnaire of the insured person

There is nothing complicated in filling out the questionnaire, you just need to rewrite the data from the documents without errors.

However, it should be noted that since the child's birth certificate does not contain a record of registration at the place of residence, it is more correct to indicate the address of the child's place of residence as the actual place of residence, and not as the address of registration.

Also, if the identity document is in a foreign language, you should bring a notarized translation of the document into Russian.

So what is SNILS for a child (insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance), and why do many parents require it in a preschool institution where their child is enrolled? The fact is that starting from January 1, 2011, amendments were made to the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”.

As a result every child must be registered in the field of pension insurance. Such a decision now allows us to talk about providing the baby with a full range of services that are provided to every citizen of the country.

From now on, for example, it will be problematic to provide medical services to a child without the parents providing relevant data regarding the SNILS insurance number.

Appearance of SNILS

If we compare the SNILS issued for children and a similar document for the adult population, then outwardly they are absolutely identical.

In my own way appearance, this document is a green rectangular laminated card with certain information about a person is displayed. Which includes:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the citizen;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • the gender of the person;
  • date of registration of a citizen;
  • an individual number consisting of 11 digits, which is assigned to a citizen.

Directly this very code is SNILS.

At its core, the children's SNILS is a completely legal document that is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the adult SNILS.

Snils for a child - sample:

Why does a child need SNILS

The state provides certain requirements for each individual citizen, imposing on him various duties reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. But apart from this, it also provides a considerable number of services to the population, taking care of the physical and emotional state of its citizens.

In order to somehow structure everything, the SNILS project was developed, which actually combines all these services. Such a document greatly facilitates the interaction between various government agencies, reducing the time for processing data and information.

SNILS for a child: why and what opportunities it gives:

  • Full-fledged receipt of various medical services for children, allowing them to receive them completely free of charge. This list includes both sanatorium and resort vouchers, and benefits for receiving various medicines, as well as receiving special means for children with disabilities.
  • Registration and receipt of a pension upon reaching a certain age, or under certain circumstances (assignment of a disability group, etc.).
  • The right to receive various benefits granted under special conditions. This list includes survivor benefits and other social benefits.
  • Receipt of the funded part of the pension in the event that a minor child has inherited it legally.

Is SNILS mandatory in the design

Only children who have received a passport, that is, those who have reached the age of 14, are required to personally visit the FIU and notify them of their desire to receive SNILS.

Registration of children's SNILS takes place in several stages. Initially, you need to visit the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where you will provide the necessary documents and an application for obtaining a document. The presence of the child himself is completely optional.

Required documents for registration:

  • the applicant's passport (if the child is under 14 years old, then this is the parent's passport);
  • birth certificate of the child (original and copy);
  • a statement from the applicant, in which he informs about the desire to issue SNILS.

How long does it take to process

After submitting all required documents, the data is transferred to a single registry, where they are processed for a certain amount of time. Usually, it takes about three weeks, after which the finished document is issued directly, where there will be all the necessary information and a unique code.

All children with Russian citizenship, as well as children with foreign citizenship who live in Russia, are eligible to receive SNILS.

How to find out if a child has SNILS?

SNILS has become a familiar document for the majority of the adult population of the country. It is required in many state structures and bodies, so its design has become quite understandable. But some are wondering - why do children need SNILS?

It seems that he is far from retirement and it will not be long before he gets a job. Indeed, according to federal law dated 11/15/1997 N 143-FZ (as amended on 06/23/2014) On acts of civil status, Article 23 states that the only prescribed document for a child, which he is obliged to have, regardless of anything, is his birth certificate. Other documents are simply not provided.

Many people have a negative attitude towards any kind of control. over themselves by the state, considering it a matter of personal freedom. But it is important to understand that such a position is not always constructive. The introduction of SNILS, for example, makes it possible to significantly simplify the receipt of certain benefits and medical services for a child, which is a much more significant component than the personal preferences and beliefs of an individual person.

SNILS is an abbreviation of a document that some parents have not heard of, but when they are admitted to preschool institutions or schools, they are asked to present it. It stands for "insurance number of an individual personal account" and is used only in Russia. Why does a child need SNILS if he does not pay yet insurance premiums, and why government agencies require it, is a question that worries many parents.

Reasons to get an insurance certificate

There are a number of points that arise in the life of every child, but in which, without this document, you may have some difficulties:

Hospital visit

Why does a child need SNILS in the hospital is one of the questions that many do not know the answer to. It turns out that this document allows hospitals to receive money from the state health insurance fund for the treatment of your baby, as well as provide medicines to children under three years old. Therefore, without it, most likely, you will be denied treatment.


One of the main reasons why a child needs SNILS at school is the purchase of textbooks. To track who the money was spent on, schools are required to have a certificate issued to the child. With, there is no clear procedure that would provide for a refusal in the absence of this certificate, but institutions are increasingly hinting at receiving it.

As in the previous two cases, the requirement to provide evidence is necessary in order to track where the money allocated by the state for subsidizing food was spent. Therefore, the question is, why does a child need SNILS in Kindergarten and whether it should be formalized is not even discussed. Recently, when accepting crumbs in this institution, parents are always asked to issue an insurance certificate.

So, the answer to the question of why to issue SNILS to a child is obvious. It is needed, first of all, so that you can receive money from the state, and the institutions whose services you use, account for them.

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