What is a recycling fee in Belarus. Utilization fee in Belarus: where do these figures come from? What vehicle categories does it apply to?


"Do I have to pay a recycling fee for Samand imported from Russia?"

First of all, let's say the main thing: you need to pay a recycling fee for a car imported from Russia. Even if it is Samand, once assembled in Belarus. Only employees of diplomatic missions and members of their families, refugees and persons who have a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus are exempted from paying the utility tax. You can also avoid paying the fee if you purchase a car with a hybrid installation.

The base rates, as well as the procedure for paying salvage fees, are established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 64 of 02/04/2014 and Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 172 of 02/27/2014.

The base rate of recycling fee for passenger cars is set at 20,000 Russian rubles. For individuals when importing a car for personal use from the territory of the countries - members of the Customs Union, reducing coefficients are established: for a car under the age of three years - a coefficient of 0.1, older than three years - 0.15. The size of the engine and other characteristics of the car do not affect the fee.

As of December 15, 2014, the exchange rate of the Russian ruble against the Belarusian one was 191.5 Belarusian rubles. rub. Thus, depending on the age of the car, the recycling fee will be:
1) 20.000x0.1x191.5 = 383.000 Bel. rub.
2) 20.000x0.15x191.5 = 574.500 Bel. rub.

The documents required for the further registration of the car with the traffic police are filled in at the points of "Beltamozhservice" at the place of registration.

Resolution of the State Customs Committee of February 13, 2014 No. 4 "On some measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of February 4, 2014 No. 64" (together with the Instruction on the procedure for filling out, submitting, registering, making changes, as well as canceling a document reflecting the calculation and payment of a disposal fee)

At the customs, along with a document reflecting the calculation and payment of the recycling fee (hereinafter referred to as the RS), the following documents or their copies are submitted:
1. Documents confirming the compliance of the type and category of vehicles with the classification provided for international standard GOST 31286-2005 "Road transport. Basic terms and definitions. Classification". These documents include:

  • to confirm the classification of vehicles in category M1 - registration certificate ( technical data sheets, technical coupons), other documents confirming the registration of the vehicle in the state of the previous registration, transport (transportation), commercial documents;
  • to confirm the classification of vehicles in a category other than M1 - vehicle type approvals, certificates of conformity and (or) declarations of conformity.

2. Documents confirming the moment of issue and engine size of the vehicle.
3. Original payment instruction marked by a bank, non-bank financial institution on payment of the recycling fee in relation to the vehicle (in the absence of customs in in electronic format information of a bank, a non-bank financial institution on the payment of a utilization fee by the payer).
4. A document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the payer if the RS is submitted on behalf of the payer by his authorized representative.

You can also pay the recycling fee there. However, keep in mind that at some checkpoints located not on the border, but within the city, you may be sent to the nearest bank branch, which may not be so close. In addition, if the documents (STS and PTS) do not contain information about the body type (sedan, hatchback, etc.), the declarants may begin to actively hint that the customs will not accept your documents: they say, you need a certificate from representative of the brand in Belarus. We recommend that you clarify this point directly with the customs officer, because according to our readers, sometimes no certificate is required ...

The utilization fee is paid by payers to an account opened with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus for crediting payments, the payment of which is controlled by the customs authorities.
Payment code - 02013.
Beneficiary: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus.
Beneficiary's account - 3600920000008 (currency code 974).
UNP of the beneficiary - UNP of customs (for Minsk and Minsk region it is MRT (Minsk regional customs) - 100319880, Mogilev customs - 700008657, for other regions - its own UNP number).
Beneficiary bank: Minsk, National Bank Republic of Belarus, bank code - 042.

Roman Savinich
Photo from the editorial archive

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Here you can find information about the size of the recycling fee in Belarus.

Disposal fee rates for individuals (citizens) for carsIncluding off-road cars (category M1G)
Passenger cars (category M1) - vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and having, in addition to the driver's seat, not more than eight seats
imported for personal use: [∗] subparagraphs 1.3 and 1.4 of Annex 2 to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 437 of July 1, 2019 "On the disposal of vehicles"

  • 544.5 Belarusian rubles- if the car is not older than 3 years;
  • 816.7 Belarusian rubles– if the car is older than 3 years.

Recycling fee rates for individual entrepreneurs and organizations, as well as for other categories of cars: [∗] Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 1, 2019 No. 437 "On the disposal of vehicles"

Recycling fee rates for vehicles from the date of issue of which

no more than 3 years

over 3 years

1. Vehicles of category Ml, including cross-country vehicles of category M1G, as well as special and specialized vehicles of the following categories:

1.1. with electric motors

1.2. with engine displacement, including vehicles with a hybrid power plant:

no more than 1000 cu. cm

over 1000 cu. cm, but not more than 2000 cubic meters. cm

over 2000 cu. cm, but not more than 3000 cubic meters. cm

over 3000 cu. cm, but not more than 3500 cubic meters. cm

over 3500 cu. cm

2. Vehicles of categories N1, N2, N3, including off-road vehicles of categories N1G, N2G, N3G, as well as special and specialized vehicles of these categories with a gross weight:

no more than 2.5 tons

over 2.5 tons, but not more than 3.5 tons

over 3.5 tons, but not more than 5 tons

over 5 tons, but not more than 8 tons

over 8 tons, but not more than 12 tons

over 12 tons, but not more than 20 tons

over 20 tons, but not more than 50 tons

3. Vehicles of categories M2, M3, including off-road vehicles of categories M2G, M3G, as well as special and specialized vehicles of these categories:

3.1. with electric motors, with the exception of vehicles with a hybrid power plant

3.2. with engine displacement, including vehicles with a hybrid power plant:

no more than 2500 cu. cm

over 2500 cu. cm, but not more than 5000 cubic meters. cm

over 5000 cu. cm, but not more than 10,000 cubic meters. cm

over 10,000 cubic meters cm

4. Dump trucks designed for operation in off-road conditions, gross weight:

over 50 tons, but not more than 80 tons

over 80 tons, but not more than 350 tons

over 350 tons

5. Trailers (semi-trailers) of category O4, as well as special and specialized trailers (semi-trailers) of the specified category:

5.1. trailers with gross weight over 10 tons

5.2. semi-trailers with gross weight over 10 tons


The disposal fee is payable on next dates: [∗] subparagraph 1.4 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 04.02.2014 No. 64 "On the disposal fee for vehicles"

  • before state registration vehicle (registration with the traffic police) - for vehicles imported from Russia and other EAEU countries.
  • before the release of the vehicle for free circulation - for vehicles imported from outside the EAEU countries for personal use;
  • before being placed under the customs procedure for release for internal consumption - for vehicles imported from other than the EAEU countries and not for personal use (placed under the customs procedure for release for internal consumption).

Upon payment of the recycling fee, a document will be drawn up on the calculation and payment of the fee, which is submitted to the customs. It is very difficult to prepare such a document on your own. To compile it, you can contact a specialized organization (customs representative).

Recycling Fee Exemption

The following vehicles are exempt from the recycling fee: [∗] subparagraph 1.6 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 04.02.2014 No. 64 "On the disposal fee for vehicles"

  • imported (imported) as foreign gratuitous or international technical assistance;
  • imported (imported) into the Republic of Belarus and intended for official use by diplomatic missions, consular offices, other official representations of foreign states, international organizations and interstate entities, their representative offices and bodies or for personal use by employees of such representative offices, institutions, organizations and entities, their representative offices and bodies and members of their families, if they do not reside in the Republic of Belarus permanently and are not citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
  • produced (manufactured) on the territory of the Republic of Belarus by organizations that have assumed, in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the obligation to ensure the subsequent safe handling of waste generated as a result of the loss of consumer properties by vehicles, with the exception of those alienated outside the Republic of Belarus before the entry into force of this Decree and subsequently imported (imported) into the Republic of Belarus;
  • in other cases determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 89, car owners residing in Russia are required to pay a one-time payment in favor of the state. Vehicle operation is harmful environment. The introduction of a recycling fee is related to security.

The Government of the Russian Federation approved new amendments to the law, based on which the recycling fee in Russia will increase by 15% from April 1, 2018.

How the recycling fee for cars will increase in 2018 depending on the engine size (table)



Engine displacement (t)How much will it increase from April 1, 2018 in %How much will it be from April 1, 2018 in rubles
up to 2.5 tons14,46% 14 250 rubles
from 2.5 to 3.5 t51,5% 30 000 rub
from 3.5 to 5 tons15% 28 500 rub
from 5 to 8 t14,84% 31 350 rubles
from 8 to 12 t14,9% 38 100 rubles
12 to 20 t14,8% 41 850 rubles
20 to 50 t+14,8% 82 500 rubles

Who has to pay the disposal fee

The state collects a fee from people who import vehicles from abroad. Russians are attracted by low prices for used cars. They are independently engaged in the delivery of vehicles to the Russian Federation. However, not all citizens are required to pay a recycling fee.

Many people learn about the need to pay tax to the budget only after making a purchase. Experts recommend carefully studying the TCP to avoid additional costs. When going through the registration procedure, the next car owner will have to pay a fee in favor of the state.

Important! The utilization fee for cars in Russia is charged only 1 time for the entire period of operation of the car.

Which people the state exempts from paying the recycling fee

There are several cases when the car owner has the right not to pay tax in favor of the state:

  1. A motorist is completely exempt from the need to pay a recycling fee if the car was produced 30 years ago. Moreover, the car can only be used for personal purposes. The commercial purpose of the vehicle makes it impossible to receive tax benefits.
  2. The vehicle is owned by diplomatic missions or international organizations.
  3. The state exempts immigrants who decide to move to Russia from other countries for permanent residence from paying tax.

How the fee for individuals is calculated

The amount of tax can be determined using the following formula: ∑ ST = BS × K, where: BS is the value of the base rate, which depends on the technical characteristics of the vehicle; K - a parameter that is selected in the table based on the category of the machine;

Experts calculate the tax on passenger vehicles, taking into account the base rate, which is 20 thousand rubles. If the car is owned by a commercial organization, then a higher rate must be used. For freight transport, it reaches 150,000 rubles. The size of the coefficient is affected not only by the year of manufacture of the car.

Specialists take into account the size of the vehicle, its weight and engine power. For new transport, the correction factor is set at 0.17. Machines that have been in operation for 3 years will cost the owner even more.

The fee is calculated taking into account the coefficient equal to 0.26. For example, you need to determine the amount of tax on a new car. The motorist will have to pay: 20,000 x 0.17 = 3,400 rubles. The fee for the disposal of supported vehicles is calculated according to the following formula: 20,000 x 0.26 = 5,200 rubles.

Calculate the recycling fee online on the calculator

Features of calculating the fee for legal entities

In the fleet of legal entities, there may be not only cars, but also freight transport. The utilization fee for cars in Russia is calculated taking into account the correction factor, which depends on the category and power. To determine the amount of tax, you can use the table.

How to avoid paying a fee when buying a car

Particular attention should be paid to cars that are sold on the secondary market. Often, the car owner receives an exemption from paying the fee. However, the tax benefits do not apply to the buyer. When registering a car with the traffic police, people are surprised to learn that it is necessary to pay an additional fee for disposal.

The tax must be paid by the person who registered the vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation. The TCP indicates the basis that gives the right to exemption from the payment of the recycling fee. Vehicles purchased after 01.09.2012 are not subject to tax benefits. Before buying a car, a motorist should pay attention to the column that indicates special marks.

It must contain a record that the manufacturer has accepted the obligation to dispose of it. In this case, you need to study the register of organizations that must dispose of their products. Information about such enterprises is published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The absence of a mark in the TCP for other reasons indicates that the previous owner was able to avoid paying the fee. In this case, the buyer will have to pay the fee.

Features of the calculation of the recycling fee in Belarus

The tax was introduced in 2014 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 64. The fee is not charged in the following cases:

  1. Cars that entered the country as international aid are exempt from paying tax.
  2. The fee is not levied on vehicles belonging to diplomatic missions. The tax benefits also apply to their family members.
  3. Since 2018, the state has ceased to levy a fee on freight vehicles that are equipped with Euro-6 engines.

The procedure for calculating the recycling fee in Belarus

The base rate must be multiplied by a factor that depends on the age of the car, category and engine size. Fee amount for cars, which are operated for less than 3 years, is 495 bel. rub. For vehicles that have served for more than 3 years, the car owner will have to pay 742.5 bel. rub. Machines equipped with an engine with a capacity of not more than 1,000 cc. see, will cost the user 851.4 rubles.

The utilization fee in Belarus must be paid before the car is registered with the traffic police. This requirement applies to all types of vehicles that come from the EAEU countries. Funds must be transferred to the Minsk Central Customs. The consumer must provide a contract of sale. To determine the amount of the fee, specialists use the information specified in the TCP. The tax office may require the owner's passport and payment receipt.

What punishment awaits motorists who try to avoid paying a recycling fee without legal grounds

The new owner will not be able to register the transport if he does not pay the state. The traffic police allows you to drive such a car for no more than 20 days. After the expiration of this period, motorists are waiting for a fine of 500-800 rubles, which is prescribed in the village. 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In the event of a repeated violation, the motorist may lose the opportunity to drive a car for 3 months.

How to refund tax paid by mistake

The collection fee is charged from the vehicle only 1 time for the entire period of operation. After payment of the fee, a corresponding entry is made in the TCP. New car owners can safely drive a car without fear of penalties. However, in some situations, people mistakenly pay the recycling fee again.

Car owners have a question about how to get back the funds transferred to the budget. To get a refund, you must submit documents to tax office or Customs who received payment. Funds are issued after checking the documents of the car owner. A person must fill out an application in accordance with the sample and provide:

  • passport;
  • fee payment receipt.

Important! The decision to return the erroneously paid fee is made within 30 days.

For special equipment

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a law in which special equipment weighing less than 10 tons is exempted from the recycling fee. Equipment with a service life of less than 3 years is taxed on average at 150,000 rubles - this amount is also the base rate. Further, the table below shows the fee for all types of specials. technology.

Identification codeTypes and categories of self-propelled machinesCalculation factor
New carsMachines over 3 years
motor graders
A01Motor graders under 10 tons3,2 8,5
A02Motor graders weighing over 10 tons, not exceeding 14 tons4,2 11
A03Motor graders weighing over 14, not exceeding 17 tons6 16,2
A04Motor graders over 17 tons8 23,7
B01Bulldozers weighing less than 10 tons4 12
B02Bulldozers weighing over 10 tons, not exceeding 24 tons7 35
B03Bulldozers weighing over 24 tons, not exceeding 35 tons8,4 55
B04Bulldozers weighing over 35 tons, not exceeding 50 tons10 70
B05Bulldozers weighing over 50 tons15 100
C01Lightweight (weighing less than 17 tons with an engine power of less than 170 hp)4 17
C02Medium (weighing more than 17 tons and not more than 32 tons with an engine power of not more than 250 hp)6 25
C3Heavy (weighing more than 32 tons with an engine power higher than 250 hp)8 40,5
Wheel loaders
D01Lightweight (weighing less than 15 tons with power up to 100 hp)2,5 76,6
D02Medium (weighing more than 15 tons and not more than 16.5 tons with an engine power not exceeding 150 hp)3,3 125,3
D03Medium (weighing more than 16.5 tons and not more than 22 tons with an engine power not exceeding 150 hp)4 125,3
D04Heavy (weighing more than 22 tons with an engine power of more than 150 hp)4,4 160,9


The state levies a tax only 1 time from the car owner who first purchased the car. After payment of the fee, a corresponding mark is placed in the vehicle passport.

The fact that a new disposal fee was introduced in Belarus was announced on March 1, 2018. Its introduction is explained by the fact that the government of the Republic of Belarus is interested in preserving the environment, as well as in involving waste into circulation as a recyclable resource. If you carefully analyze the decree signed by Lukashenka, you can see that all norms and tariffs are unified with Russian ones, since Belarus is a member of the Customs Union.

This type of fee will be charged from the following categories of vehicles:

  • all types of transport that are imported into the territory of Belarus by private individuals for personal use or for the purpose of subsequent resale;
  • cars with electric motors;
  • freight transport, as well as vehicles designed for movement in off-road conditions.

Calculating the amount of the fee for individuals is quite simple, it is determined by the base rate, which is equivalent to the amount of 20 thousand Russian rubles, and a reduction factor (0.1 - for cars manufactured less than 3 years ago, and 0.15 - for older vehicles ). From here we see that the amount of the fee will be two or three thousand Russian rubles. Payment is made in local currency at the current exchange rate.

A significantly larger amount will have to be paid for vehicles with electric motors. This is justified by the fact that the disposal of batteries is much more expensive for the state.

The base rate is also 20 thousand rubles, and the odds are:

  • 0.86 (car age up to three years);
  • 5.3 (over three years).

That is, lovers of clean ecology will have to pay 17,200 for new cars and 106 thousand for used cars. It is clear that such a government decision will not contribute to the widespread use of electric cars in Belarus.

Thus, residents of Belarus should take into account these innovations, since in addition to customs duties, they will also have to pay a recycling fee, which will be noted in the vehicle's registration certificate.

It is also worth noting that if you buy a new or used car in Kazakhstan or Russia, then you need to pay a fee only if it has not been paid before. If the car imported from the countries of the Customs Union was released before the introduction of the mandatory scrapping fee, you do not need to pay it.

For legal entities, the situation is more complicated for a number of reasons:

higher base rates - 20,000 for cars, 150,000 for trucks and 100,000 for chassis;
higher multiplying factors - from 0.3 to 35.

If the car is imported by a legal entity, the amount of the fee will depend on the age of the vehicle and engine size. It is clear that many entrepreneurs are trying to solve this problem - a car is imported into the republic by a private person, and then the organization acquires it already on the territory of Belarus.

The introduction of the scrappage fee has had a negative impact on prices, as now in 2020 manufacturers and dealers are required to include this fee in the cost of the car. However, there are also positive aspects - the products of local producers will become more accessible to buyers, since the fee will not be charged from them.

About a car from Europe, we calculated how much a car would cost if you buy it at a European auction and bring it to Belarus. One of the components of the final cost of a car is a recycling fee.

Let's take a closer look at what this payment is, what determines the size of the recycling fee and how it is paid.


Regardless of what brand and year of manufacture, from which country the car is imported, the recycling fee must be paid in any case. Both legal and natural person.

Through the paid the state budget of funds, non-operating vehicles are disposed of, as a result of which waste is rationally involved in subsequent production as secondary raw materials. This is one of the environmental protection measures.

Officially, such a concept as a recycling fee was approved relatively recently - since March 2014. But already at the beginning of 2016, a serious modification was waiting for him. And it was connected, first of all, with the amount of the fee: from February 4, 2016, individuals began to pay 8.25 times more than before, and legal entities - 1.65 times.

This decision was approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (Resolution No. 74 dated January 30, 2016) in order to reduce the outflow Money abroad. Only exempt from tax legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who import vehicles that are foreign gratuitous (humanitarian), international technical assistance.

However, we, ordinary individuals, do not fit into these categories.

So that citizens do not ask themselves the question “where to pay the recycling fee”, the procedure has been simplified. Payment is made only through ERIP to single accounts of the Central Customs Miska. Like , salvage - one-time payment. Confirmation of payment is submitted for registration to the customs authorities, as a result of which the owner of the vehicle receives a declaration.

The size of the recycling fee (rubles) in relation to vehicles, with whose release dates have passed:
Types and categories of wheeled vehicles no more than 3 years over 3 years
vehicles of category M1, including cross-country vehicles of category M1G, as well as special and specialized vehicles of this category
with electric motors, with the exception of vehicles with a hybrid power plant 851,4 5247
with an engine capacity of not more than 1000 cm3, including vehicles with a hybrid power plant 851,4 5247
with an engine capacity of more than 1000 cm3, but not more than 2000 cm3, including vehicles with a hybrid power plant 1326,6 8177,4
with an engine capacity of more than 2000 cm3, but not more than 3000 cm3, including vehicles with a hybrid power plant 2533,4 15958,8
with an engine capacity of more than 3000 cm 3 , but not more than 3500 cm 3 3435,3 28215
with an engine capacity of more than 3500 cm 3, including vehicles with a hybrid power plant 5445 34659,9
imported individuals for personal use, regardless of engine size 495 742,5
imported (imported) from the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, with the exception of vehicles under customs control, regardless of the engine capacity 495 742,5

M1 - vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and having, in addition to the driver's seat, no more than eight seats;