Economist finance and credit. Specialty finance and credit: where can you go to work?


After five years of training in the specialty " finance and credit" Who can I work with? Graduates understand perfectly well what they will have to deal with and in what field they will work, but they cannot name a specific position. Industrial practice helps to clarify the situation somewhat and get a general idea of ​​the future specialty. But not all universities have the opportunity to arrange a full-fledged internship in a normal company.

General idea of ​​the specialty.

Now you finance specialist and the doors of all offices that are looking for an economist to join their staff are open to you. You will have to work with funds - analyze expenses and income, display and predict profits for the future.

Keep in mind that during accounting you will have to analyze the cost of goods and objects in order to more accurately assess the current situation and predict the dynamics of changes. But the level of duties, responsibilities and your own income depends on the degree of qualification.

It is clear that analysts and making forecasts will not be trusted to yesterday’s graduates. Certain work experience and qualification courses will be required.

Six places where you can safely carry documents.

In what structures can a holder of a diploma in science hope for a good position? specialties finance and credit?

  1. Banks. Any such institution would welcome a qualified specialist. Do not think that you will have to start as a cashier; graduates with higher education are valued somewhat higher.
  2. Auditing companies. Reporting will require some knowledge from the field of accounting, but you can take almost any position.
  3. State organizations. Almost all financial-related structures are interested in your work. Starting with the tax service and ending with the treasury.
  4. Insurance companies.
  5. Investment funds.
  6. Private commercial enterprises.

Insurance business and investment issues.

The last two are worth mentioning in more detail. It was the collapse of insurance companies in 2008 that caused the global financial crisis, but you should not distrust all organizations of this profile because of this event.

There are a number of large corporations in Russia; there is not one monopolist in the entire market. So there are always job options, thanks to competition and the rapid growth of firms.

For investment funds, you are a welcome guest. But you can get some real benefit only if you master the position of a financial analyst. Before sending your resume, carefully compare your capabilities and the desired position; if the requirements are too high, choose another one, your diploma allows it.

5 in-demand professions for graduates.

A who will have to work in these structures? Here is a partial list:

  1. Financier and financial manager.
  2. Analyst.
  3. Trader.
  4. Control department employee.
  5. Accountant.

The first option is suitable for employees of private enterprises; initially you will have to work an ordinary financier, but after a few years you can count on the position of head of department or financial manager. This is the best option, because you will not be required to use the maximum of your knowledge and skills.

And here prospects for career growth and financial well-being are very good, you just need to endure the first few years and join the team.

If you have ambitions, improve your skill level and strive for the opportunity to apply for analyst position. Relations with your superiors will not particularly affect the speed of progress; you will most likely have to look for a new job. It just so happens that the desired position is not available in all companies; it is more typical for large corporations or organizations with a narrow specialization.

Own business or related specialties?

Workers who have reached the pinnacle of skill will be suitable for the role trader. It is stupid to go to a brokerage office and look for a vacant position there when you can make a profit yourself.

You will need some start-up capital, but it should have been collected long ago if you decide to go “free floating”. No one here can guarantee constant profits and reliability; playing on the stock exchange is fraught with losses and long-term crises as a result of making the wrong decisions. But even several years of fruitful work can significantly help in solving the financial issue of the entire family in the coming years.

If you can’t find a more interesting and profitable specialty, you can always get a job as an accountant for any enterprise. With the prospect of taking the position of chief accountant in the future.

We would not recommend staying in this chair for a long time, since if you work not exactly in your main specialty, you will lose all your skills within a few years. This may be justified if there are good prospects, high wages, and personal interest. The lack of other offers is not a reason. Better to start your career work as a financier.

Decide for yourself whether you should graduate from “finance and credit”; you already know who you can work with. The knowledge gained during training can help with starting your own business, because the correct allocation of funds is important in any industry.

Video about the specialty “Finance and Credit”

We continue our conversation with experts in various fields of law and economics about all the intricacies of preparing students for a specific profile. This time, our questions about the profile of finance and credit were answered by Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Prices of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov, Ph.D. .

ConsultantPlus: Tell us what is special about the “Finance and Credit” profile? What prospects does it open to graduates? Where can they work and in what areas can they realize themselves?

DI. Stepanova: A special feature of the “Finance and Credit” profile is the versatility of the acquired knowledge; it provides a wide range of financial skills necessary in the modern economic world. Our students receive a broad education that allows them to work in commercial enterprises, the securities market, investment companies, government enterprises as economists, financiers, financial directors, tax inspectorates and other government agencies.

The purpose of studying the disciplines of the "Finance and Credit" profile is to master the theoretical foundations of money circulation, finance and credit, as well as the basic principles of the organization and functioning of the financial market and its individual segments: money, credit, foreign exchange, stock and insurance.

Training of unique management personnel is provided in the field of organization, planning and regulation of financial flows at all levels of the economy. This allows graduates to use the acquired knowledge and skills in large, medium and small businesses, create and develop their own businesses, work in government agencies, and continue their studies in graduate school.

ConsultantPlus: What do you think students are most often guided by when choosing a profile: their interest in a particular area of ​​law, its popularity or prospects?

DI. Stepanova: Nowadays, students' priorities are first of all the positions and salaries that they will receive after graduation. Profile "Finance and Credit" and diploma from REU. G.V. Plekhanov allow graduates to occupy high positions in leading organizations and receive very high salaries. In market conditions, everyone should have knowledge in the field of finance, so our specialty is always in demand, including in the field of additional education for engineers, managers and other specialists.

There are also students already working in finance or securities markets who realize they need advanced knowledge. Thus, the profile is very popular for objective reasons. The profession is in demand, since being a financier is prestigious and promising.

ConsultantPlus: Tell us, after a student chooses a profile, does his education change in any way? Does he begin to study some disciplines in depth, does he conduct any scientific work, etc.?

DI. Stepanova: Undoubtedly. Students are trained according to a curriculum that includes studying a larger number of financial disciplines compared to other profiles.

The emphasis is on the study of international finance, state and municipal finance. Thus, the graduate will be able to work in almost any financial department at the state, municipal, corporate and other levels. Also, much attention is paid to obtaining practical skills through organizing business games, solving financial cases, and performing laboratory and computational and analytical work. Students write coursework, focusing on specific situations from the financial activities of Russian and foreign organizations, and actively use statistical data from open sources. Many students already begin conducting scientific research during their undergraduate studies, the results of which they present at conferences and in articles published jointly with teachers.

ConsultantPlus: What role do you think the choice of this profile plays for a student in the future? Does this choice affect subsequent employment? Does this choice mean that the future specialist will only be able to work in this field?

DI. Stepanova: The choice of profile is very important. Graduates will be able to work not only in Russian structures, but also in international companies and international financial institutions. During the course of their studies, students develop panoramic financial thinking combined with practical skills in solving problems in managing comprehensive cash flows based on modern theories.

Students with a broad outlook and vision of the directions of development of the modern world and economy will find a good place to work everywhere, including in the international financial market.

Much depends on the personal qualities of the graduate. With desire, perseverance, and a responsible attitude to business, our graduates in any field will be able to not only successfully apply existing skills, but also acquire new ones in the shortest possible time.

ConsultantPlus: Who, according to your observations, most often chooses the “Finance and Credit” profile? Describe these students, what are they like?

DI. Stepanova: As a rule, students with a high level of intelligence and systems thinking take this profile. The ability to see the prospects for the development of certain processes, to have a flexible mind, the skills of conducting discussions, speaking in public - these are the important qualities that a modern financier must have. Our student reads a lot, observes a lot, knows a lot and has his own reasoned opinion, and is interested in other areas of economic life. Currently, it is of great importance how confident a person feels in the information field of any nature. Many of our students strive to find employment and self-realization in the international financial market.

ConsultantPlus: How many students are currently specializing in your department?

DI. Stepanova: At the moment, the department graduates over 400 graduates per year. The main number of graduates are bachelors of the Faculty of Finance. There are also large graduations of bachelors at the Faculty of Distance Learning. In the master's program in our department there are up to 90 graduates per year.

ConsultantPlus: How many graduate students are there in your department? Do students aspire to go to graduate school? What prospects do your department offer to graduate students?

DI. Stepanova: First of all, it should be mentioned that students can enroll in graduate school after completing their master’s degree. This lengthens the learning period, and not everyone can afford such a long period of gaining knowledge. At the moment, about 15 graduate students are enrolled in our department. The requirements for graduate students are quite high, and the entrance exams are difficult. Upon admission, graduate students undergo an interview and a strict selection process. Moreover, the requirements for applicants are increasing every year. In addition, an abstract on the intended topic of the dissertation must be prepared. Often, postgraduate students are our students who studied with us in the master's program and already have experience in writing a master's thesis, know our teachers, are satisfied with the training and willingly continue it. Postgraduate students participate in scientific conferences, publish in scientific journals and collections, and study relevant disciplines in depth.

Graduate students are required to conduct teaching work, which helps them when writing a dissertation. Subsequently, many graduate students remain at the department and work as teachers. Many of our teachers previously completed postgraduate and doctoral studies at the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov. The University operates the Situation Center for Socio-Economic Development of Russia and the Regions of the Russian Federation on a modern information and technology base, which provides graduate students with high productivity in scientific work.

ConsultantPlus: Do you have data on how many graduates of your department work in the chosen profile? Perhaps some of them managed to find themselves in other areas, if so, in which ones? Can you name one of your graduates who you are especially proud of?

DI. Stepanova: According to my data, up to 80% of our department’s graduates work in their chosen profile. I wouldn’t particularly like to single out anyone, since there are many talented and bright personalities among our graduates. And we will see many of them in high financial positions. So a worthy replacement for such REU graduates is growing. G.V. Plekhanova, like Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova, Maxim Stanislavovich Liksutov, Tatyana Vladimirovna Paramonova, Sergei Nikolaevich Gorkov, Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska, Mikhail Mikhailovich Zadornov, Vladimir Alexandrovich Mau and many others.

ConsultantPlus: In your opinion, to be successful in the profession, what character traits should a specialist who has chosen the “Finance and Credit” profile have?

DI. Stepanova: A finance and credit specialist must be a pedantic and systems-minded person, have a broad outlook and vision of the directions of development of the modern world and the economy, know information systems, have the skills of decentering (the ability to see a problem from different angles) and making diverse decisions.

ConsultantPlus: How do you feel about modern information technologies? Do you recommend students to master ConsultantPlus?

DI. Stepanova: Modern information technologies are of priority importance in our society. They not only help the student write coursework, dissertations, perform laboratory, computer and computational and analytical work, but also contribute to the high-quality development of the specialty by obtaining up-to-date data and providing a chronological retrospective. Many disciplines of our department require intensive study of regulatory documents, which are constantly changing and supplemented. And in our age of information technology, you can’t go anywhere without competent information systems such as ConsultantPlus!

"Whoever owns the information owns the world." Therefore, in all the halls of the library, in all buildings of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov and the ConsultantPlus system was installed in computer classes. I recommend that my students subscribe to to keep abreast of the most important changes in Russian legislation. It is also useful for students to have a subscription to promotions and free student events from the ConsultantPlus company and its training center. They organize very useful and interesting meetings with practitioners, business games, student competitions, etc.

ConsultantPlus: What advice would you give to your students and students of other universities who have chosen the “Finance and Credit” profile? What should they prepare for, what character traits should they develop, what disciplines should they pay special attention to?

DI. Stepanova: Students who have chosen the finance and credit profile should pay attention to general fundamental disciplines, economic theory, statistics as the fundamental basis for mastering subsequent disciplines, and should be maximally involved in the educational process from the very first days.

In parallel with mastering textbooks, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in the Russian and global financial markets. Be interested not only in finance, but also in politics, new technologies, since in our age of globalization, all processes, both geopolitical and economic, affect the financial sector. In order to competently conduct financial analysis and situational forecasting, you need to have a broad outlook and be comprehensively aware. This can be facilitated by daily viewing of financial market news, attending master classes, trainings and open lectures by practitioners, round tables on current contemporary issues.

I advise graduates not to stop studying, to learn new things, to constantly expand their professional capabilities, to master the skills of complex and holistic thinking, to look at the world around them with open eyes in order to make, among other things, non-standard decisions. Only your curiosity in the financial sector will lead you to success, because by being interested in new trends in the market, you will always be one step ahead of the rest!

Many people are concerned about the question of how to choose a specialty. “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting”, “Law”, “Philology”, “Insurance” - the choice is so huge that the applicant sometimes gets confused and cannot decide.

This question torments not only young men and women embarking on the path of growing up. Many experienced and successful people, professionals in their field, on one issue or another are thinking about obtaining a second higher education, improving their level of qualifications, or confirming their diploma.

Why should you become an expert in financial matters?

The country's economy constantly undergoes ups and downs, and in order to navigate and respond to all changes in a timely manner, it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge. By choosing the specialty “Finance and Credit” as a profession, an applicant will not go wrong. This is precisely the opportunity thanks to which you can always stay on top of the game and not depend on the variability of macro- and microeconomic indicators. Of course, not every position implies stability and a bright future. However, the ability to sense changes will help you take adequate measures in time and not let your career and life take their course.

Choosing the right educational institution is the key to future career success

For our country, the study of financial structures and cash flows is a fairly new area. Often universities are not able to present students with information that corresponds to reality. It is very important that the department, which has the specialty “Finance and Credit” on its list, has the latest educational literature, methods of presenting and discussing the material, and teachers who understand the intricacies of the science. It is best when, in addition to theorists, practicing bankers and financiers act as teachers. Such “business sharks” know first-hand what “Finance and Credit” (specialty) is, and what kind of work to do if they choose this path in life.

Where can you work with a diploma in this specialty?

There is an opinion about a limited list of positions for people who have chosen the field of “Finance and Credit”. The specialty (whom to work specifically, we will consider below), contrary to the misconception of the uninformed, is not limited to the work of a banker. The list of possible positions is quite large and covers different areas of activity.

Finance Specialist

This position exists in a company of any level and form of ownership. Cash flow management, relations with other institutions (banks, treasuries, tax authorities), analysis of activities and profitability - all these are the powers of a competent financier.

Banking specialist

In an organization such as a bank, there are a lot of opportunities to realize your talents and skills. Due to the widespread popularization of banking products among the population, you can find your niche and successfully move up the career ladder in the loan issuance department, insurance department, providing services for processing deposits and selling various banking products.


This is a fairly new and specific specialty. Finance and credit (already issued by an entrepreneur or a future loan), assets, the prospects of a particular project, businessman, agreement or product - all these factors and many others need to be systematized by the appraiser, brought together and, as a result, determine the value of a particular object or process. To some extent, this is the subjective opinion of a specialist, however, the higher the qualifications, professionalism, experience, and level of trust in the appraiser, the more clients will listen to him.

Investment consultant

A consultant is a position that an employee can hold as a full-time specialist or a periodic assistant to a manager. Fluency in information related to profitable investments, foresight and the ability to calculate future events will become a reliable support and basis for successful cooperation with managers of major companies and organizations.

Crisis manager

This is a profession that has become the talk of the town, a specialist who will help lead a company out of a dead end. The difficulties faced by many businessmen force them to look for ways to save money and optimal solutions for further activities. A competent financier should help in resolving such issues thanks to knowledge of the flow of funds both within the company and in its external transactions.

Which university issues the required diploma?

The received diploma confirming knowledge in the field of “Finance and Credit”, a specialty (universities of all levels and ranks provide the opportunity to master it), is not just a document indicating graduation from the university. It should become the calling card of a young specialist who is just trying to get a job. Unfortunately, not all educational institutions can boast of a sufficiently high-quality education system. Many fly-by-night universities produce batches of “professionals” who are incapable of solving planned problems at work. To avoid being one of them, it is worth joining the ranks of students at time-tested universities. These are not necessarily the most prestigious Moscow institutions; the top best in Russia include St. Petersburg State University, Novosibirsk National Research University, National Research University Higher School of Economics and many others. All of them, in addition to a good basis, have agreements with employers that will help you apply knowledge at work.

How to get your first work experience?

Practice in the specialty “Finance and Credit” does not imply high positions, but it will help you figure out what’s what in real life, and not on the pages of a textbook, and will become the foundation and support for your future career.

Specialists from recruiting companies convince us that difficulties in the economy still leave financiers and related positions in the top five most in-demand professions. Young specialists can well count on further growth, but the start of their career begins with the positions of junior assistants, analysts and assistants. Such a “baptism of fire” will allow you to study the investment, securities, lending market and consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired in the “Finance and Credit” course. The specialty (reviews from graduates confirm the data) is promising for those who truly have a flexible mind, the ability to quickly navigate and are determined to achieve results in their work.

Where can you go to work after five years of study in finance and credit? Graduates of many universities know perfectly well what they will face and in which field they will prefer to work, but they are unable to choose one field and direction for their career. The practice of other people helps to understand the situation more clearly and decide on a future position and profession. But not all universities are able to conduct real internships in a normal working company.

The main thing in this specialty

If you have been educated as a specialist in the field of finance and credit, then the doors of many offices and financial enterprises, industries, industrial companies and banks open before you, which will gladly hire an understanding financier. You will have to conduct transactions with funds, determine the total amount of income and expenses of the enterprise, take into account and predict future income and losses.

It is important to remember that in the process of work you will have to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the price of goods and services in order to most accurately determine the current situation on the market and predict further price jumps up or down. Mainly, the number of your duties, responsibilities and level of income will be directly proportional to your knowledge and qualifications.

Of course, such a serious task as forecasting future income and drawing up reports will not be entrusted to a simple graduate who has recently completed his studies and education. To do this, you will need to gain some experience in your specialty, as well as take advanced training courses.

Where can you get a job after graduation?

In what areas and enterprises can a graduate majoring in finance and credit get a decent job?

Insurance and investment companies

We should talk about them in a little more detail. It was the mistakes on the part of insurance companies in 2008 that led to a crisis on a global scale, but because of this you should not completely refuse to work in such institutions.

There are many large financial organizations in Russia; there are no monopolies here. So graduates will always have the opportunity for good employment, based on competitive qualities and rapid growth of manufacturing companies.

Investment firms will be glad to have you as an employee. But you can get real profit only if you are able to fully cope with the specialty of financial income analyst. Before sending your resume, review the position and your desires again; if the company overestimates the requirements for employees, then choose another company, because your diploma can help you with this.

The most popular professions for graduates of this profile

What position can you take in this profession?

  1. Financier and financial manager.
  2. Revenue Analyst.
  3. Trader.
  4. Control department employee.
  5. Accountant.

The first choice will be well suited to employees in private enterprises, on at the initial stage you will be able to work as an ordinary financier, but subsequent career growth will take you to the head of a department or to a financial manager. This position is the most comfortable, because it will not require you to use the maximum amount of your knowledge and skills.

And the opportunity for financial security and career growth in this area is very good; you just have to work for a few years and integrate well into the general team.

If you want to become an analyst, then try your best to improve your qualifications and strive to increase your practical knowledge in this area. It so happens that this specialization is not observed in all financial firms; it is more common in large-scale production or in organizations with a narrow range of specialization.

Is it worth starting your own business?

Employees who have reached the top of their development and career growth will be given a role such as a trader. It's a little stupid to go to a broker's office and try to make a profit there when it is quite possible to earn income under independent management.

For such a business, you will need a small initial capital, but it should already be accumulated if you are planning to go into your own business. No one can give guarantees of constant prosperity and complete reliability here, since entrepreneurship can lead to crises and some losses due to incorrect decisions. But just a few years of work in this field will help secure your future life for years to come.

If you could not find a more profitable and interesting job for yourself, then you can become an accountant at any financial institution. Career growth to the position of chief accountant is possible here. But experts do not recommend staying in this position for a long time, since working outside your specialty for many years can lead to the loss of the skills that you have acquired for the financial sector. But this can be justified if you have career growth, high salaries and a personal attachment to what you love. At the beginning of your career, a financier is best suited.

What subjects need to be taken for Finance and Credit:

  1. Mathematics (general level or profile)
  2. Social studies (optional by university)
  3. Russian language.
  4. Foreign language.

The minimum score for passing is from 235. The form of training can be either full-time or correspondence. Duration – 5 years. After graduating from university, the future employee will have a specialty in finance and credit.


An economist is about money, and so is a financier. Is there a difference between them? What is the difference between an economist and a financier in general and in particular? Let's find out.

Let's start with the fact that economics is the science of competent housekeeping. This science is also applicable to control, analyze and manage your personal resources - salary, household, etc. In general, economics is a very necessary thing for any type of economic activity.

And that is why, thanks to its applied properties, usefulness and demand in many areas, it is very popular among young people as a profession that they want to get. For many years, economists have been among the top most popular professions among applicants. When entering a university, many people think about which department to choose.

Now there are many options for possible specializations. The question arises as to how they differ from each other. For example, what is the difference between an economist and a financier? Which faculty is better to enroll in – Economics or, say, Finance and Credit? Will the scope of activity of such specialists differ?

Who is an economist?

Economists deal with economics at an enterprise. These are specialists in the field of planning, analysis and management of the financial and production activities of an organization. Their responsibilities include economic analysis of all necessary indicators, budget planning, calculation of production costs and the effectiveness of planned changes and innovations, strategic work to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. An economist prepares data, processes it, and stores economic information.

Who is a financier?

The financier is responsible at the enterprise for everything related to the conduct and execution of financial transactions, the most optimal and efficient distribution of financial resources, and the profitable and competent investment of the enterprise's current financial assets. Also, financiers are those who are engaged in the professional management of capital, their own, attracted or the capital of the employer company.

Differences between an economist and a financier

What these two professions have in common is that both an economist and a financier work with cash flows. What distinguishes an economist from a financier is the financier’s more specific work with finance. A financier is a practitioner, he looks for ways to increase existing capital, he directs them, invests them, analyzes their movement, draws up a budget, and invests assets. The more income the money brings, the better the financier works.

An economist is more of a theorist; he analyzes economic information, develops measures aimed at increasing production efficiency, more competent organization of labor, reducing losses and unnecessary expenses.

If we say in one sentence what is the difference between an economist and a financier, then we can formulate it like this. An economist analyzes data from various economic activities of a company, and a financier looks for ways and opportunities for successful investment of funds, and also manages financial flows.

How else does an economist differ from a financier?

It is worth adding that the effectiveness of an economist’s work can only be assessed in the long term, using qualitative indicators. And you can evaluate how effectively a financier works at any time and for any period, based on quantitative indicators.

What exactly an economist does not differ from a financier is that in order to become the first or second, you need to obtain a higher education. Although, of course, this is not always the case. A young specialist can begin his career while already studying in his senior year at a university. It is best to choose a prestigious university with a good reputation, since in the world of finance reputation means a lot and it will be easier for a graduate of a well-known university with a good rating and solid history to find a job.

It is best to choose educational institutions for which economics is a core discipline, such as REU. G.V. Plekhanov or the Higher School of Economics, or state universities and institutes, education in which is also an unconditional sign of quality, such as Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov or MGIMO.

To enter such universities, you will have to put in a lot of effort, but it will pay off in the future. After all, an economics diploma received, for example, from MGIMO is much more prestigious than an economics diploma received, say, from the Agricultural Academy.

Of course, this is true if you plan to build a career in the world of finance and economics. If you plan to work in a certain sector of the national economy, then it will be more convenient to enroll in a non-core university that specializes in training personnel in this industry.

Well, in conclusion, it is worth mentioning what is the difference between an economist and a financier, besides all of the above. An economist can work in almost any field and at any enterprise. The scope of application of one’s talents for a financier is more limited, but at the same time, it allows one to achieve major successes.