Where the redevelopment of the apartment is agreed upon. Coordination of apartment redevelopment: the entire algorithm from “A” to “Z.” Permission before redevelopment


The process of approving redevelopment is regulated by the Housing Code of Russia (Chapter 4) and local by-laws - in Moscow these are the “Fundamentals of Housing Policy of the City of Moscow” (Article 15) and Resolution No. 508 on the organization of reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings. These documents specify the permitted types of work, as well as the subtleties of document preparation. The authorities you need to contact depend on the region. In Moscow, this is dealt with by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, in St. Petersburg - by the State Housing Inspectorate, in other regions - by the local administration (it is possible to apply through the MFC).

What does not need to be agreed upon

There is good news - not all work needs to be approved.

A permit will not be required for cosmetic repairs, including the replacement of finishing coatings, the installation or disassembly of built-in furniture (if it is not indicated in the technical passport), or the replacement of engineering equipment with a similar technical device.

You do not need permission to reinstall an electric stove in the kitchen, or to install an antenna, outdoor screens or air conditioners on the facades of houses. You can also change the materials of balconies and loggias yourself.

Rearrangement of heating (heating) and gas appliances is allowed if this does not require the installation of additional supply networks.

There are also a number of works that can be done without a project and permission, and then issued through a notification procedure. These include:

— rearrangement of plumbing fixtures in the existing dimensions of toilets, bathrooms, kitchens;

— sealing doorways in non-load-bearing partitions;

— glazing of loggias and balconies according to standard projects;

— eliminating or changing the shape of vestibules without increasing their external dimensions;

— installation of partitions without increasing the load on the floors;

- complete or partial dismantling of non-load-bearing partitions (except for inter-apartment partitions);

— arrangement of openings in non-load-bearing partitions (except for inter-apartment partitions).

Permission before redevelopment

According to the project, which must be submitted before redevelopment, all types of work are carried out that in one way or another affect load-bearing structures and general building utilities.

Also, the types of work for which you need to obtain permission in advance include all types that are not provided for in the part that does not need to be approved. For example, this is the reconstruction of floors, any work affecting the architectural appearance of the facade, the installation of new or relocation of existing bathrooms, any work related to gas.

If you have any doubts about whether the redevelopment needs to be approved, it is better in any case to contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate before starting repairs.

What will never be agreed upon

Deterioration of living conditions is not allowed - both for neighbors and for one’s own.

The work must not compromise the strength and stability of supporting structures; accordingly, any loads must be within the design limits.

It is forbidden to install disconnecting or regulating devices on general apartment utility networks.

It is not allowed to transfer heating radiators connected to a common system to loggias, balconies and verandas.

It will not be possible to independently arrange a loggia or terrace on the second floor and above.

You cannot remodel a house that is considered unsafe.

It will not be possible to combine the kitchen and living room if the apartment has a gas stove - you will need a tightly closing door.

Required documents

To approve the redevelopment, you need to provide an application, documents for the apartment, a redevelopment project (if required) and a technical passport of the premises (obtained from the territorial department of the BTI).

Title documents may not be provided if the right to the premises is registered in. In Moscow, you also don’t have to bring a technical passport - it will be received by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate in the form of an electronic copy.

If the apartment is not owned, and people live there under a social tenancy agreement, written consent of all family members will be required.

If the building in which the apartment is located is an architectural, historical or cultural monument, you must provide a conclusion from the body for the protection of such monuments on the admissibility of redevelopment.

Permission or refusal

The decision must be made within 45 days from the date of application.

If documents were submitted through the MFC - within 45 days after the documents were transferred to the decision-making body. No later than another three working days, the approval body must send the decision to the MFC or issue it to the applicant.

A refusal of approval may be received if the necessary documents are not provided, the documents are submitted to the wrong authority, or the redevelopment project does not comply with the law. The decision to refuse must contain a justification. The refusal can be appealed in court.

Acceptance of work after repair

Once consent has been received, repairs can begin, but the process will not end there. After completion of all work, you need to invite an acceptance committee, which will confirm that the redevelopment corresponds to the original project.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act must be drawn up, which is sent by the body carrying out the approval to the body that maintains state records of real estate objects.

What are the consequences of redevelopment without approval?

For unauthorized redevelopment, a fine of 2000 to 2500 rubles is imposed (Article 7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In addition, the owner will be obliged to restore the premises to their original condition, for which a “reasonable period” is given.

If an order is issued to return everything to its original condition, but it is not fulfilled, the apartment can be sold at public auction (the owner will receive the money minus legal costs).

Previously, Gazeta.Ru talked about ideas for redevelopment with advice from designers and realtors.

Standard layouts, even if very comfortable and ergonomic, over time cease to meet the needs of the owners. Owners of “prostitutes” are not immune from this either. Then the owners begin to think about expanding the space of the room, dividing or combining rooms. However, it is prohibited under Art. 25, and 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Coordination of apartment redevelopment

The approval procedure involves obtaining permission, and after repair work is completed - obtaining new documents taking into account the changes made. The matter is quite troublesome, since it is necessary to visit more than one authority to resolve this issue. However, timely completion of all necessary steps will be cheaper than legalizing unauthorized alterations.

In what cases will it be needed?

An authorization visa will be required in the following cases:

  • combining a toilet and a bathroom to increase the total area of ​​the bathroom by combining and/or joining part of the corridor;
  • arrangement of a kitchen-dining room by creating an opening in non-load-bearing partitions;
  • increasing the living room area by adding part of the corridor and/or dismantling the walls of storage rooms;
  • organization of doorways in non-load-bearing partitions;
  • removing part of the wall under the balcony window to connect it to the living room or move the exit;
  • moving the front door deeper into the corridor to create a vestibule.

Any work in load-bearing walls, dismantling interfloor ceilings to organize two-level apartments, moving central heating radiators, installing additional partitions made of heavy building materials, dismantling ventilation ducts are strictly prohibited.

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Redevelopment project for approval

The redevelopment project is a document confirming the safety of the planned work for others and their compliance with the requirements of housing legislation, SNiPs and SanPiNs. It reflects the upcoming change in the configuration of the premises, taking into account permitted manipulations for load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures, engineering and communication systems, etc.

The procedure for approving redevelopment

The redevelopment approval procedure follows the following algorithm:

  1. Ordering a redevelopment project from a design organization with SRO approval for work of this kind.
  2. Applying for permission for redevelopment to the housing inspectorate or commission at the location of the apartment.
  3. Carrying out repair work in strict accordance with the project.
  4. Obtaining a certificate of completion of work from the interdepartmental commission of the local administration at the address of the apartment.
  5. Order a technical plan from an organization with a full-time cadastral engineer.
  6. Obtaining a new cadastral passport from the cadastral chamber or MFC.
  7. Obtaining new title documents from the nearest branch of Rosreestr or MFC.

Where to agree?

Approval is carried out by a special commission or inspection established in the local administration at the apartment’s registration address. Most often, these are housing or interdepartmental commissions authorized to authorize this or that type of work with the issuance of all necessary documents before and after redevelopment.

Required documents

To obtain the desired visa and implement your design idea, you will need to collect the following set of documents:

  • technical certificate;
  • documents on ownership of the apartment;
  • consent from the bank (if the property is encumbered with a mortgage);
  • redevelopment project in two copies;
  • consent of all family members;
  • application to be completed on site;
  • applicant's passport.

How to coordinate the redevelopment yourself?

Carrying out the approval procedure yourself will require personal time, patience and strict compliance with the requirements. Having received a redevelopment project from an architectural bureau, you should go to the commission to obtain permission. According to the regulations, the commission has 45 days to review the documents submitted by the owner. Once a positive conclusion is received, repair work can begin. Otherwise, either the shortcomings indicated in the official conclusion are eliminated, or a judicial appeal is launched against the decision made by the commission.

Upon completion of the reconstruction, the commission is invited again, a work completion certificate is signed, on the basis of which a new technical passport will be issued to the BTI.

If the living area and square footage of individual premises change, you will need to obtain a new cadastral passport and certificate of ownership from the MFC or Rosreestr.

What is the price?

The final cost of work upon approval depends on the range of prices for individual types of services:

What are the consequences of redevelopment without approval?

Carrying out unauthorized major repair work, entailing the demolition of partitions, the organization of doorways, the construction of additional walls, etc., First of all, it entails administrative liability for the owner under Art. 7.21 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. He will have to pay a fine of up to 2,500 rubles.

If financial losses do not worry you, think about the safety of your household and neighbors. Because without accurate calculations, alterations often lead to a violation of the overall strength of the building, which ultimately leads to cracks or collapse. An owner who has allowed such arbitrariness may, by a court decision, be left without an apartment, putting it up for public auction, if he does not bring everything back to its original condition.

With illegal redevelopment, it is impossible to take further actions in relation to this apartment. It will be very difficult to sell, donate, exchange or inherit.

Thus, approval of the redevelopment of an apartment is mandatory for a bona fide owner of the property. The procedure can be performed independently or with the involvement of specialized intermediaries. Otherwise, the owner faces paying a fine, bringing the premises back to its original condition, or even eviction.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is individual.

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Coordination of apartment redevelopment is enshrined at the legislative level, but specific schemes for this process differ in different cities of the Russian Federation.

For example, in Moscow, the Moszhilinspektsiya body was created; in St. Petersburg, the State Housing Inspectorate deals with appeals of this kind. Functions in other cities approval or disapproval of redevelopment is assigned to local administrations through the MFC.

Approval body

A management company (MC) is created to manage a residential building. It operates on the basis of an agreement concluded with the owners within the framework of the provisions of Section 8 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the government decree “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” dated August 13, 2006.

The management company is entrusted with the functions of ensuring safe living conditions, provide utilities and monitor how all components of the building are operated. The management company is responsible for the condition of the common property, foundation, roof, elevator, garbage chute, ventilation, water supply pipes, sewerage pipes, and so on.

Do I need to contact the management company before registering with the housing inspectorate?

The answer to the question of approval from the Criminal Code depends on the region in which the citizen who started the redevelopment lives. Management firms review applications for redevelopment in most regional cities, but there are exceptions.

For example, in Moscow, the functions of the management company are limited; the housing inspection is responsible for reviewing applications. However, as a rule, the matter cannot proceed without the participation of the management company. The inspectorate has the right to request a certificate from the Criminal Code stating that the enterprise has no objections to the conduct of certain works, as well as confirmation that the redevelopment project contains reliable data.

If there is no specialized body in the city, then the function of approving redevelopment remains with the management company. She will be the first to review the project.

Does the management company have the right to conduct an inspection of the premises?

As we said above, the management company monitors all kinds of repair work and checks whether they interfere with the safe existence of residents.

Therefore, if neighbors have suspicions, the management company can send its employees to inspect the apartment for illegal planning. The owner of the property has the right to ask the employees of the management company for a document on the basis of which they came to check the living space; the management company, in turn, may require documents to establish the fact of redevelopment.

Where can I apply on my own if the Criminal Code refuses?

It happens that problems arise already at the first stage of approval and the management company does not give its consent to carry out the work. In this case, the property owner should find out what kind of alteration the company has complaints about.

It should be remembered that there are illegal redevelopments - a citizen will not be able to defend them neither in the city administration, nor in court, where it is absolutely useless to go. Such redevelopment works include:

Non-approval of redevelopment by the management company is the first alarm bell for the owner. The property owner has the right to provide the management company with an adjusted plan, eliminating all alterations for which claims were made.

And we do not recommend carrying out alterations on your own without permission - if the management company finds out about this, it will demand that you return everything to its original form and at your own expense. But even if the redevelopment remains secret, the owner will have problems selling the home.

Functions of the housing inspection

  1. Reception and review of documents for redevelopment.
  2. Issuance of permits or reasoned refusals.
  3. Approval or refusal of approval of already completed redevelopments.
  4. Issuance of certificates of completed redevelopment.
  5. Supervision and identification of illegal redevelopment facts.
  6. Issuing orders requiring the premises to be returned to their original condition.
  7. Drawing up protocols on administrative violations.

The housing inspection is involved in redevelopment at all stages and has broader powers than management companies.

Who is responsible for providing municipal services for legalizing redevelopment?

Nowadays You can submit documents for approval without leaving your home; to do this, you should register on the State Services website or the Moscow Housing Inspectorate website.

What documents are needed to order installation papers?

The Housing Inspectorate of the Russian Federation works with a minimum package of documents, since it requests the bulk of the certificates independently. The following package of installation papers must be submitted to the Multifunctional Center:

  • Application for approval of redevelopment.
  • A document confirming ownership of the premises.
  • Reconstruction or redevelopment project.
  • Technical passport of the residential premises (floor plan, explication, extracts of their technical passport, certificate of condition of the building/premises).

Additionally, written consent of family members for redevelopment must be provided if the applicant occupies the premises on the basis of a social tenancy agreement.

“I want to do it right,” - who should I deal with in order to legitimize?


The Housing Inspectorate accepts documents from citizens through the MFC. To approve repair work of this type, you should approach the MFC with three basic documents:

  • registration certificate of the apartment;
  • developed redevelopment project;
  • and a certificate of title.

You should also have a passport of a Russian citizen with you. At the MFC itself, the operator will issue an application form. Based on the results of consideration of the application and package of documents, a decision on approval is issued with the signature of an authorized person. Read more about how to legalize redevelopment through the MFC.

Public services

The service is provided free of charge for up to 45 days. Registration of an application may be refused for the following reasons:

  • the redevelopment plan is contrary to the law;
  • documents were submitted to the wrong authority, false information was provided.

If the administrator has no complaints, the decision will be positive. The citizen will be informed about it in his personal account.

Note that First of all, you should log in to the website, select the appropriate option and, following the prompts, upload the necessary documents(scanned copies required).

The list does not differ from the one that citizens submit personally to the MFC:

  1. Project agreed upon with the management company.
  2. Title document.
  3. Technical passport from BTI.
  4. Application for refurbishment of an apartment.

You will find all the details of registration of apartment redevelopment through State Services.


The Technical Inventory Bureau is an organization engaged in systematizing and collecting information about real estate; it also issues documents necessary for carrying out various operations with the housing stock, including legal redevelopment.

BTI does not issue permission for redevelopment; it only records intentions and clarifies inventory changes after completion of the work. We recommend contacting the office before starting repair work.

The first step is to obtain a technical passport for real estate: go to the “single BTI window” with a civil passport, a certificate of ownership of housing and consult on the possibility of agreeing on redevelopment.

The production time for a new passport is 10 days. The cost of the service is 1800 rubles.

We described in detail how to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment in the BTI and how much it will cost.

Which specialist approves redevelopment after renovation?

After completion of the repair work, the apartment must be accepted by the commission. It must include a representative of the housing inspection. If common property was affected during the work, a person from the management company also checks the condition of the property.

During the inspection process, the commission must make sure that the final condition of the apartment corresponds to what was specified in the project.

If no problems are found, the inspector signs a certificate of completed redevelopment. The form of this act is handed over to the owner at the time of the start of construction work.

Where to contact about registration in Rosreestr?

After completion of the repair work, all changes made should be certified by the cadastral authority - to enter new data, the owner must provide a redevelopment plan and an act of completed redevelopment signed by the housing commission to Rosreestr.

A new extract from the Unified State Register is issued within 1 month. Only after receiving this document can the redevelopment be considered completely completed and legitimate.

As you can see, in the Russian Federation there are organizations and inspections that are entrusted with the functions of approving the redevelopment of apartments. Such a lengthy procedure is associated with the peculiarities of repair work affecting general engineering and utility structures. The first step is to coordinate the redevelopment with the management company, then contact the housing inspectorate or the relevant department.

If desired, any citizen can submit documents for approval online. The main thing is to have in your hands a redevelopment project created by professionals, a document confirming ownership of the apartment and a technical passport of the housing.

When buying a new apartment, people dream of getting the perfect home. In practice, the premises may not completely suit the owners. For this reason, people often think about changes. And the question often arises: where to coordinate the layout? To get the answer, you need to look into.

If a person has decided that he wants to make changes to the premises, he must prepare a design project, collect the necessary documentation and have it approved by certain authorities. Only after this the property owner will have the right to bring the idea to life.

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The nuances of the procedure may vary. For example, the composition depends on the complexity of the changes that a person wants to implement. For example, if a person wants to combine a room and a corridor, he will need to remove the partition that separates the room.

Coordination of such changes will be carried out according to a simplified scheme. The person will need to prepare documentation and prepare.

However, not all changes made can be coordinated using a sketch. For example, if a person wants to combine a room with a balcony in order to increase its area, he will need to contact a specialized organization that will draw up a professional project for the future premises.

There are a number of other nuances that you need to know in advance. To take them all into account, you need to familiarize yourself with the latest information on the topic.

Features of the procedures

For apartment

If a person has made a decision, future changes must be formalized without fail. Otherwise, the property owner risks that penalties will be imposed on him.

If a person decides that his apartment will undergo changes, he will need to make adjustments to. An action can be simple or complex. In the first case, to make changes you only need to prepare a sketch of the BTI floor plan.

Coordination of future adjustments according to a simple scheme is carried out if it is planned:

  • installation of plumbing;
  • dismantling of plumbing;
  • removal of non-load-bearing structures;
  • making new openings in partitions.

Coordination is not fast. A person can begin work on bringing ideas to life only through 3-4 months, after applying for approval.

If a person decides to act according to a complex scheme, he will have to contact an architectural bureau and order a redevelopment project from the organization. Action in this scenario is necessary if a person plans to combine rooms or tear down walls. The exact deadline for approval in this situation has not been established. The time to complete the procedure depends on how serious changes the person plans to make to the layout of the home.

Having chosen the appropriate option, a person must think about where to coordinate the layout. The list of organizations that need to be visited may vary depending on a number of nuances.

For example, if a person lives in Moscow, he will have to act according to the following scheme:

The scheme is relevant only for residents of Moscow. The fact is that the city housing inspectorate independently sends a request to the BTI to obtain a technical passport. This does not happen in the regions. For this reason, their residents will have to act according to a different scheme.

To approve the redevelopment, people will need to visit:

BTI Here you can order a technical passport and floor plan. Before you go to a company, you need to call its specialist to your home. After visiting the apartment, the employee will take measurements and note in the passport all the changes that the property owners want to implement. A new document will be prepared in 2 weeks.
Housing inspectorate or other competent authority The organization will require you to provide documents issued by the BTI. In the same institution, you can write a statement that the person has decided to redevelop.
Bureau of Architecture The company carries out an order for a project or selects a ready-made standard redevelopment.
Housing inspection All prepared papers are transferred to the organization. The company's decision will have to wait for 35 days.

If a person took out a mortgage to purchase real estate, he will need to obtain permission from the bank to make changes

For non-residential premises

If a person has a non-residential premises, he can change its layout. However, adjustments also need to be agreed upon.

The procedure must be performed if a person plans to:

  • carry out work with load-bearing structures and floors;
  • perform manipulations with load-bearing walls;
  • conduct ;
  • create a separate entrance or refurbish an existing one;
  • carry out the installation of internal stairs, attics, mezzanine floors;
  • dismantle or move;
  • dismantle or move the slabs.

Today there is an established procedure for obtaining.

To agree on changes, you must:

  1. Conduct a survey of the premises to draw up a technical report.
  2. Visit an organization involved in drawing up projects and order a design for a new premises.
  3. Agree on the project. To do this, you will need to visit the Architectural and Planning Department of the district, SES, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, DEZ, Homeowners' Association, Mosgorstroynadzor, Gas Tech. Inspection.
  4. Prepare the necessary documentation.
  5. Obtain permission for reconstruction. In Moscow, the paper is issued by Mosgorstroynadzor or Moszhilinspektsiya, and in the regions - by its competent authority.
  6. After completing the redevelopment, draw up a report of completed work.
  7. to make changes to the technical passport.
  8. Wait for changes to the documentation.

Redevelopment of non-residential premises is a complex process that can be difficult to complete on your own. To facilitate its implementation, a person can contact specialized organizations. However, you need to understand in advance that companies charge fees for obtaining permission to redevelop.

Where and how to coordinate redevelopment

Preparation of papers

To know in advance what documents are needed to carry out the action, you need to refer to the current legislation.

According to Resolution No. 840, which is part of the Administrative Regulations of the Housing Inspectorate, a person must provide:

  • technical conclusion;
  • an application drawn up in accordance with the established form;
  • documentation confirming ownership;
  • redevelopment project;
  • technical certificate.

The list is relevant for people who decide to make changes to real estate purchased in the old fund.

For people who purchased housing in a new building, the list of documentation is supplemented with the following papers:

  • a confirmed transfer and acceptance certificate of real estate;
  • admission of the facility to operation;
  • confirmation of the absence of outstanding financial obligations;
  • a copy of the agreement confirming participation in shared construction.

If a person provides copies of documentation, they must be notarized

Where to contact

If a Moscow resident is going to carry out redevelopment, he should know that the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is responsible for carrying out the action.

Depending on the complexity of the changes that a person plans to make to the layout of the building, a visit may be required:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Architectural and Planning Department;
  • Office of the State Fire Supervision;
  • Gas inspection.

In some situations the list can be significantly expanded. Due to the fact that approval takes a long time, experts advise contacting organizations in parallel. To do this, you will need to provide copies of documentation.

Position of the law

The law strictly defends the position that redevelopment must be approved. Otherwise, fines will be applied to the person. So, if a person has increased the area of ​​the object by adding additional space, the original documentation becomes invalid.

This entails a number of negative consequences:

  • real estate will lose value upon purchase/sale;
  • the apartment cannot be purchased with a mortgage;
  • if illegal changes to the area were made in relation to an apartment purchased with a mortgage, the bank has the right to demand early return of funds;
  • if the apartment is privatized, government authorities may demand that it be returned to its original condition, impose fines, or even sell the property;
  • if the housing is inherited, the notary has the right to refuse to provide a certificate;
  • if a person wants to privatize housing, the procedure can become significantly more complicated.

Redevelopment will be possible.

The situation with the balcony

If a person wants to redevelop a balcony, he must carry out construction work only in accordance with established standards. In addition, this type of redevelopment will also have to be approved. If a person is wondering where to turn, he should familiarize himself with the current legislation.

According to established standards, you will have to visit:

  • Housing inspection;
  • Architecture Department;

Permission for future redevelopment is provided by the relevant municipal authority. It is there that you need to provide a complete package of documentation.

If a person wants to make changes to the balcony, he will need to provide the following papers:

  • updated BTI passport;
  • a finished project for the upcoming redevelopment;
  • conclusion about the possibility of manipulation;
  • all owners;
  • agreement with the architectural organization or the author of the house project;
  • documents confirming ownership.

Particular attention must be paid to the redevelopment project. It is on this basis that a decision will be made on whether the changes can be implemented. Only after receiving permission can a person begin to change the balcony.


Often, during the redevelopment process, people encounter a number of problems that slow down the process.

To know in advance how the operation will be carried out, you can read the answers to the most popular questions:

Is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall? Making such a change is possible, but not everything is so simple. The decision of government agencies that allow or prohibit manipulation depends on a number of factors. For this reason, the answer to this question is individual in each case.
What changes are prohibited? There is a whole list of prohibitions that cannot be implemented during redevelopment.

These include:

  • placement of bathrooms above kitchens and living rooms;
  • violation of the architectural unity of the facade;
  • reduction in strength or stability of structures;
  • reduction of the ventilation duct;
  • increased load on walls and ceilings;
  • placing batteries on balconies and loggias;
  • organization of a warm water floor with hot water heating;
  • taking over a public square;
  • construction of openings in walls without doors that separate the living room and kitchen.

If a person wants to implement one of the prohibited points, he will be denied the action.

Why do you need to coordinate planned changes?
  • Completing the approval will help a person acquire official documentation in which all adjustments will be recorded. This will protect the property owner from problems arising during the sale of the apartment and other manipulations.
  • If a person does not comply with the agreement, a fine may be imposed on him. Additionally, if a property owner insures the property, then makes changes, and then the risk for which the premises was protected occurs, the insurance company may refuse to pay compensation.
What to do if the redevelopment of the apartment has already been completed without obtaining permission? . The procedure is not much different from the classical one. A person will need to read relevant materials on the topic and perform an action.
Is it possible to contact specialized organizations that will obtain permission for redevelopment per person, and how much will it cost? Today, it is not difficult to find a company that is ready to independently prepare all the documents and submit them to the appropriate authorities. A whole range of institutions are ready to perform turnkey manipulation. The average cost of their services is approx. 60,000 rubles.