Winter price hike. Rise in the cost of winter construction and applied coefficients GSN 81 05.2.2007 winter rise in price


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Photo: Alexey Sukhorukov / Zuma / TASS

Fashion retail expects another increase in prices for clothes and shoes after the “lull” in 2017. According to Fashion Consulting Group CEO Anna Lebsak-Kleymans, unlike food prices, prices for clothing and footwear usually rise with some delay, as increased spending on basic products leads to a “savings regime”, primarily on entertainment and wardrobe updates. . Fashion brands are postponing clothing price hikes to keep shoppers.

The ruble, which stabilized in 2017, has fallen noticeably again this year, and in two stages: in April it fell by 12% (from 57 to 64 rubles per dollar), and from early August to mid-September - by more than 12% (maximum - on September 12 - 69.97 rubles; the Central Bank exchange rate on September 25 - 66.15 rubles per dollar). The second important factor for the appreciation will be an increase from 1 January 2019, the main VAT rate from 18 to 20%: this will cause inflation to rise, and the statements of the Central Bank about the impossibility of controlling inflation further exacerbate the atmosphere of instability, Fashion Consulting Group notes.,> ,>

“Despite the fact that retailers are squeezing their margins to a minimum, delaying the moment of product repricing and trying to hide price increases as much as possible so as not to lose customers, the weakening of the ruble and the increase in VAT will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of collections in 2019,” says Lebsak-Kleymans. “And since a business cannot work to its own detriment, a product of the same quality will inevitably increase in price next season.” According to her estimates, while maintaining the current exchange rate of the ruble, we can talk about an increase in prices for similar goods by 10-20% in the premium segment and by 5-10% in the budget segment, where the buyer is especially sensitive to price.

Pricing in the fashion segment is highly dependent on exchange rate, agrees BAON President Ilya Yaroshenko. With the weakening of the ruble and the increase in VAT, the cost of collections will inevitably increase, which means that prices will also increase by 5-10%, he believes. As for the pricing of Western brands, it is entirely dependent on currency fluctuations, Russian manufacturers can reduce their dependence on the exchange rate by placing orders with domestic factories, but the fabrics still have to be imported, so the bulk of the purchase price is also pegged to the currency, he explained.

“The last word is with the customer, who will only purchase at a price that is acceptable to him, so retailers have to sacrifice margins to keep the price level,” says Yaroshenko. “Nevertheless, the margin of safety for companies is not unlimited, and past crises have already led to the fact that they continue to keep prices at the expense of own resources becomes unrealistic, so in 2019, retail prices may rise in the same way as the currency.”

For importers, the unpredictability of the ruble exchange rate is the main problem, since contracts are concluded in euros, and sales are made in rubles, explained CEO BNS Group (distributor of Michael Kors, Topshop, Calvin Klein Jeans, Mexx, etc.) Denis Bogatyrev. Accordingly, when the ruble weakens, prices in stores almost always rise in proportion to the exchange rate, and the only way for the company to reduce costs in the event of a sharp weakening of the ruble is to adjust the volume of purchases, to purchase less goods than originally planned.

Fashion retailers now have to fight for access to the consumer's wallet also with grocery retail, as the cost consumer basket is growing faster than salaries, says Konstantin Nadezhdin, CEO of the Familia network.

“We plan to stay in the current price ranges until the very end. Due to the specifics of the format, even in the long term, price growth will always be lower than the average in our sector,” Nadezhdin commented. - Since we have a large share of past collections, our pricing is based on the principle of a discount from past prices of regular retailers. It will take six months to a year before prices rise compared to the rest of the market.” At the same time, Familia admits that despite the fact that economic downturns are considered a time of growth for off-price retail, companies operating in this segment are also forced to shrink.

TSUM Chief Operating Officer Alexander Pavlov admits that fluctuations in the euro exchange rate will adjust retail prices for European brands: “Since we buy goods abroad, our ruble prices are pegged to the euro exchange rate and will change in accordance with it. Moreover, if you look at prices in euros, they are the same as in Europe.”

The representative of the Zenden shoe retailer Alexander Milykh said that the company sees no reason for a sharp increase in prices: “We plan to keep prices at the expense of margin, and personally we would not like to talk about survival, since we have quite ambitious plans for sales growth” .

Representatives of Bosco (manages Moscow's GUM) and Jamilco (represents DKNY, New Balance, Escada, etc. in Russia) did not comment on the possible price increase.

How does the average check change?

In August 2018, the average check for clothes and shoes increased by 10% compared to August 2017 and amounted to 2.7-2.8 thousand rubles. for one trip to the store, the number of purchases increased by 5%, calculated the operator of fiscal data OFD Platform (part of the Sberbank group). The most popular purchases were sweaters, trousers, windbreakers and women's shoes. However, if we compare March-August 2018 with the same period 2017, we have to admit: the average check decreased by 3%, and the number of purchases over the same period increased by almost 40%. The decrease in the average check in the company is explained by pre-autumn discounts: buyers adhere to the model of economical consumption and purchase goods as part of promotions.

The relationship between the ruble exchange rate and clothing prices is indirect, notes Lebsak-Kleymans, and competent retailers carry out the inevitable price increases as gently as possible. So, according to her, today there are many ways that allow you to divert attention from the price increase and focus on the profitability of the purchase - promotions, emphasis in advertising on sales periods, personalized loyalty programs.

In addition, many retailers are finding opportunities to offer individual models at low prices in collections mainly due to cheaper materials and simplicity of design, and the presence of such items in the collections, if they are well presented on the trading floor and marked with bright price tags, makes the overall price increase less obvious and allows shoppers, even in a moment of austerity, to find something acceptable that keeps them from “flowing” into cheaper stores, she concluded.

In fashion retail, the winner is the one who competently combines the methods of regulating the final prices for collections - promotional offers, sales periods, loyalty programs, Yaroshenko agrees. Nevertheless, the exchange rate is not the only factor determining the stability of fashion segment companies: for example, for BAON, the autumn-winter season is the most important, since the company traditionally specializes in outerwear, and therefore a cold winter is more important for it than a stable exchange rate, he concluded. The weather factor will also play its positive role, the anomalous heat has ended, the temperature has returned to the calendar norm. Therefore, very soon sales of the autumn-winter collection will rise to the planned level.

The winter season today is not such a serious obstacle to developers. It is quite possible to build a house in winter if the builders follow all the rules and restrictions. However, at the same time, all the factors of restrictions at this time of the year lead to such a phenomenon as a winter rise in construction costs. We will just tell about it.

The main parameters of the winter rise in prices

With a normative increase in the cost of performing work in the winter period of the year, the following main factors are taken into account:

1. Labor productivity of workers.

  • Decreased productivity with the forced use of warm types of special clothing, special footwear and other PPE;
  • Reducing the duration of daylight hours, and, as a result, reduced visibility;
  • Increased risk of injury, forced increased vigilance and the need for additional cleaning of the workplace due to the presence of wind, ice and snow in the workplace;
  • Breaks for heating at temperatures below 20 degrees below zero and the need to reduce the work shift at temperatures below 30 degrees below zero;
  • Changes in the order of work and the technological process due to the need for additional protection of workers;

2. Increased time to perform typical outdoor work due to the peculiarities of the winter period.

  • During earthworks - difficulties with freezing of the soil, increasing the waiting time and applying additional efforts to thaw it;
  • When cooking concrete solutions- the need to introduce special chemical additives to change the setting time or use more expensive formulations;
  • At general works- the need to warm up or warm up the equipment and materials used;
  • Fencing of workplaces to prevent snow drifts.

3. Possible damage to materials at sub-zero temperatures.

  • Cracking of building materials;
  • Excessively fast solidification of solutions.

Normative documents and coefficients of winter appreciation

The coefficient of winter appreciation in construction and the methodology for its calculation are based on approved data from such regulatory documents as GOS ( estimated norms, established by the state) 81-05-02-2007 and GSNr (estimated norms established by the state for repair and construction types of work) 81-05-02-2001, containing standard values ​​of appreciation for all types construction works.

The reference book GSN 81-05-02-2007 takes into account the costs required to perform work on newly organized construction, with partial or complete reconstruction and for the technical re-equipment of enterprises. This document is divided into three main parts:

  • Estimated standards for all types of construction;
  • On structures and work performed with them;
  • Additional heating of objects, including buildings built in the rough (there are basic building elements) is a small but important part of the directory.

Reference GSNr 81-05-02-2001 contains amendments that are applied when performing overhaul or reconstruction of any kind of objects. The norms indicated in the handbook are average for the year and take into account the territorial coefficient, depending on the climatic zone of the place of work and specific gravity cold period of the year. The reference book also provides information recommended for calculations on classifying any region of the Russian Federation as a temperature zone.

Additionally, "winter" coefficients can also be found in the RSN (methodology for determining the cost of all construction) 8.01.105-2007. Directive RSN contains all the necessary costly corrections in relation to structures or work performed, indicating additional sources to clarify these coefficients.

How is the winter rise in prices taken into account in the estimates?

If the performance of all types of work is carried out by the customer without the involvement of third-party organizations, then the coefficients are taken into account at his discretion. Otherwise, if contractors are involved under the contract, then the cost coefficients are taken into account if the deadline for the performance of work affects even a short period of the cold season.

Additional costs must be taken into account when developing budget documents at the stage of contract preparation. Winter appreciation can be calculated both in relation to the entire estimate, and taking into account individual works - by agreement between the parties to the contract. The best option for compiling budget documentation is the use special programs with the possibility of choosing the necessary coefficients, which are normative.

The size of the coefficients used to calculate the winter appreciation

Correction factors in the annexes to the State estimated standards and are mandatory and not subject to change for organizations throughout construction industry, except for the production of work on their own. All coefficients included in the handbooks are percentages that should be added to the estimated cost of similar work performed at positive temperatures.

The greatest rise in price arises when it is necessary to carry out earthworks manually, associated with the development of frozen or freezing soil. In some regions, the rise in price reaches 100% of the estimated estimate of work.

Less expensive are the work performed indoors, as well as those associated with materials that do not change their properties when frozen.

Standard work performed during the construction of public or residential facilities in winter becomes more expensive by an average of 10%.

Benefits during construction in the winter season

The term “Winter rise in price” itself means that the customer will be forced to pay more for the performance of work. And yet, if an increasing coefficient is applied to all types of construction work in the winter, is it possible to find some benefit and try to save money without losing the quality of work?

As practice shows, the conclusion of contracts in the cold season is more profitable for customers. Increasing competition among construction organizations after the end of the main construction season leads to a decrease in the cost of their services. Many of these organizations provide a system of discounts.

Savings are also possible in cases where it is planned to build a wooden object, you should know that winter wood is cheaper than summer wood, without being inferior in quality.

At the stage of construction planning, the specialists of the customer organization must adhere to the most beneficial course for the enterprise and take into account all factors for reducing the contract price, if it is impossible to do without the use of the "winter" coefficient.