All-Russian Olympiad on financial market for high school students. All-Russian Olympiad for high school students within the framework of the project “Financial market for children - the formation of a new financial intelligentsia Stock market Olympiad


The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region informs that the Institute of Stock Market and Management (IFRU) is holding the All-Russian Olympiad on the financial market for high school students for the fifth time in the 2009/2010 academic year as part of the project “Financial market for children - the formation of a new financial intelligentsia.”

Work on the project is being carried out in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation, regional branches of the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The Organizing Committee of the Olympics is headed by Tatyana Gennadievna Nesterenko, First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

More than 6,000 people from 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the previous four Olympiads, with information support from regional administrations and departments of education.

The Fourth All-Russian Olympiad on the financial market for high school students was included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2008/2009 academic year in a set of subjects “economics and management”. The finalists received benefits when entering state and municipal educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education.

In May 2009, IFRU submitted an application to the Russian Council of School Olympiads for 2009/2010. in a set of subjects “economics and management, law”.

Your support for this project will help identify and promote talented youth in the Moscow region, since the project provides equal opportunities to all students aged 15-17 years living both in large Russian cities and in rural remote areas. By supporting and developing interest in financial science in our children today, we contribute to the growth of the Russian economy in the future.

Attention students of grades 9, 10, 11

All-Russian Olympiad

on the financial market for high school students

The Institute of Stock Market and Management (IFRU) invites you take part in the Fifth All-Russian Olympiad on the financial market for high school students. The Olympiad is held for Russian schoolchildren interested in the history and functioning of financial markets, in particular the development of the Russian stock market. We invite to take part in the Olympiad high school students of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums who intend to continue their education in the field of investments and finance, and who connect their future with a career in the financial markets.

All-Russian Olympiad

on the financial market for high school students

The Institute of Stock Market and Management (IFRU) invites You take part in the Fifth All-Russian Olympiad on the financial market for high school students. The Olympiad is held for Russian schoolchildren interested in the history and functioning of financial markets, in particular the development of the Russian stock market. We invite to take part in the Olympiad high school students of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums who intend to continue their education in the field of investments and finance, and who connect their future with a career in the financial markets.

Conditions for participation in the Olympiad:

Registration of participants is carried out from October 1st to October 30th, 2009 Students of grades 9, 10 and 11 from various regions of the Russian Federation are allowed to participate.

You can register to participate in the Olympiad in one of the following ways:

1. Fill out the form online on the Internet site of the IFRU Foundation in the section “All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren =>> Registration of Participants” www. *****

2. Email – send the completed application form by e-mail (in .doc format or a scanned image of the application form filled out by hand) to Viс*****@***ru

3. Fax – send the completed form by fax (4, ext. 131

4. Russian Post - send the completed form to Moscow, 2nd Kozhevnichesky lane, 12 with a note IFRU Foundation, Olympiad (one week before the registration deadline)

5. Telephone – provide your personal details to the Olympiad coordinator by phone. (4, add. 131

Stages of the Olympiad:

ü First tour(November 2009): Participants receive test assignments until December 1, 2009. send their work to the IFRU for verification. Based on the number of points scored for correct answers, participants in the second round for each region will be determined.

ü Second round(January 2010) takes place in the form of Olympiad participants writing a creative essay on the proposed topic. Participants receive essay topics and recommendations for writing them via e-mail and Russian Post services in January 2010. Before March 1, 2010, participants send their work to the Organizing Committee of the Olympics for verification.

ü The final(April-May 2010): The third round takes place in April of the academic year and consists of 3 stages (testing, written exam, creative task). The finalists of the Olympiad will be given a course of lectures. Winners and prize-winners of the previous year's Olympiad can participate in the finals of the Olympiad if they continue to master general education programs of secondary (complete) general education. The winner and prize-winners of the Olympiad are determined based on the results of the Final (I, II and III place). The winners of the Olympiad are awarded a 1st degree diploma, and the prize-winners are awarded 2nd and 3rd degree diplomas.

Contact Information:

Organizers of the Olympiad: FSFM of Russia, IFRU Foundation

Olympiad coordinator – ,

Tel/fax: (4, ext. 131

E- mail: *****@***ru

Web site:www. *****

The goals of the financial literacy Olympiad for schoolchildren are:

  • testing basic knowledge and understanding of high school students in the field of finance;
  • identifying talented and most interested students in a given subject area;
  • facilitating their career guidance and further training within the higher education system.

The Olympiad evaluates students’ ability to use the information received in the process of making decisions about the preservation, accumulation, distribution and use of funds, when assessing financial risks, and choosing financial services in order to improve well-being.

Preparation for the Olympiad should be considered as one of the ways to expand and deepen knowledge in the field of finance, develop interest in financial management, including personal ones, and identify an inclination towards this profession.

Successful completion of the tasks will allow the Olympiad participant to demonstrate his level of financial literacy in front of an audience of highly qualified specialists in the field and receive additional advantages when entering the REU. G.V. Plekhanova

The Olympiad consists of two stages: correspondence (qualifying) and full-time (final)

1. Be friends with finances. Official website of the project vashifinansy.rf [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aaeza4ab6aw2b2b.xn--p1ai/ (access date 11/19/2017)
2. Best practices in the field of financial education and financial literacy in Russia and foreign countries // [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
3. Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth 2017 // [Electronic resource] URL: www.yourfinance.rf (access date 11/19/2017)
4. Educational modules for training. Portal "Be friends with finances". [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aaeza4ab6aw2b2b.xn--p1ai/materials/ (access date 11/19/2017)
5. Olympiad for high school students in financial literacy, financial market and protection of the rights of consumers of financial services Official website of the project [Electronic resource] URL: date 11/19/2017)
6. Online financial literacy test for adults. Portal "Be friends with finances". [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aaeza4ab6aw2b2b.xn--p1ai/questionnaire/ (accessed November 19, 2017)
7. Financial literacy of the population. Free money [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
8. Financial literacy Official website of the project [Electronic resource] URL: http://xn--80aebklphfgdkbcuundy3gvd.xn--p1ai/about/ (access date 11/19/2017)
9. Financial culture Official website of the project of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] URL: / (access date 11/19/2017)
10. Good Ideas Fund [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
11. “Center “Federal Methodological Center for Financial Literacy of the System of General and Secondary Vocational Education” Official website of the project [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 11/19/2017)
12. V.V. Chumachenko, A.P. Goryaev Fundamentals of financial literacy: workbook: textbook for educational organizations. The educational and methodological set “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” is an integral part of the educational and methodological set for the courses “Social Studies” and “Economics”.