WRP shows. See what "GRP" is in other dictionaries. District: Siberian Federal District


GRP is calculated by the territorial bodies of state statistics in accordance with a unified methodology developed by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation.

According to the unified methodological principles, state statistical bodies compile input-output tables. The basic input-output tables, being an integral part of the SNA, are an integrated system of macroeconomic indicators that comprehensively characterize the structure of the economy in a detailed breakdown of economic activities and products. Complementing the complete sequence of accounts, these tables allow for a more detailed analysis of the process of production and use of goods and services, as well as the generation and use of income generated in the process of production.

The main indicators of the input-output tables are:

− release of goods and services;

− intermediate consumption;

− gross value added;

GRP can be calculated by the following three methods:



end use (table 1).

Table 1 - Methods for calculating GRP

The method of calculating GRP based on the production account is called the production method. It shows how the aggregate supply of goods and services is formed with an average intensity of the use of production factors.

The production method is designed to analyze the structure of production in the region, study the efficiency of economic sectors and the efficiency of production factors, and identify the relative level of economic development of the region. Analysis of the contribution of industries to the creation of the GRP of the region is characterized by their share in the amount of gross value added (GVA).

According to the end use method, GRP is defined as the sum of the following components:

expenditure on final consumption of goods and services;

gross capital formation;

net exports of goods and services.

Final consumption expenditures for goods and services are understood as household expenditures, expenditures of public administration institutions and expenditures of non-profit organizations on goods and services for individual and collective consumption.

Household final consumption expenditure includes:

expenses for the purchase of consumer goods and services;

consumption of goods and services received in kind in the form of wages and so on;

consumption of goods and services produced by households for their own final consumption.

The final consumption expenditure of government agencies and non-profit organizations is defined as follows: the current costs of maintaining these institutions minus the receipts to these institutions from the sale of goods and services at market prices, plus the value of consumer goods and services purchased by these institutions from market producers for transfer to households free of charge or at prices of no economic importance, plus reimbursement to households for the purchase of goods and services from public social insurance funds. Budgetary organizations of health care, social security, etc. represent goods and services for individual consumption, which are used by households to meet personal needs. Services for collective consumption are the services of budgetary organizations of management and defense.

Consequences of market monopolization. Ordinal consumer choice model
1. Consider the social costs that monopolization of the market can lead to. What are the strategies of state regulation of monopolies? . Expand the content of the ordinalist model of consumer choice (in a graphic setting). What is the consumer's optimum criterion in the ordinal model? Explain the difference between internal and angular consumer equilibrium. Tasks 3. An enterprise - a monopolist carries out price discrimination of the third degree on ...

GRP is calculated by the territorial bodies of state statistics in accordance with a unified methodology developed by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation.

According to the unified methodological principles, state statistical bodies compile input-output tables. The basic input-output tables, being an integral part of the SNA, are an integrated system of macroeconomic indicators that comprehensively characterize the structure of the economy in a detailed breakdown of economic activities and products. Complementing the complete sequence of accounts, these tables allow for a more detailed analysis of the process of production and use of goods and services, as well as the generation and use of income generated in the process of production.

The main indicators of the input-output tables are:

Release of goods and services;

intermediate consumption;

Gross value added;

GRP can be calculated by the following three methods:



End use (Table 1).

Table 1 ? Methods for calculating GRP

The method of calculating GRP based on the production account is called the production method. It shows how the aggregate supply of goods and services is formed with an average intensity of the use of production factors.

The production method is designed to analyze the structure of production in the region, study the efficiency of economic sectors and the efficiency of production factors, and identify the relative level of economic development of the region. Analysis of the contribution of industries to the creation of the GRP of the region is characterized by their share in the amount of gross value added (GVA).

According to the end use method, GRP is defined as the sum of the following components:

Expenditure on final consumption of goods and services;

Gross capital formation;

Net exports of goods and services.

Final consumption expenditures for goods and services are understood as household expenditures, expenditures of public administration institutions and expenditures of non-profit organizations on goods and services for individual and collective consumption.

Household final consumption expenditure includes:

Expenses for the purchase of consumer goods and services;

Consumption of goods and services received in kind in the form of wages and so on;

Consumption of goods and services produced by households for their own final consumption.

The final consumption expenditure of government agencies and non-profit organizations is defined as follows: the current costs of maintaining these institutions minus the receipts to these institutions from the sale of goods and services at market prices, plus the value of consumer goods and services purchased by these institutions from market producers for transfer to households free of charge or at prices of no economic importance, plus reimbursement to households for the purchase of goods and services from public social insurance funds. Budgetary organizations of health care, social security, etc. represent goods and services for individual consumption, which are used by households to meet personal needs. Services for collective consumption are the services of budgetary organizations of management and defense.

Gross capital formation is understood as the acquisition, minus disposal by residents, of goods and services produced and rendered in the current period, but not consumed in it. Gross capital formation includes gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories and net acquisition of valuables.

Gross fixed capital formation is defined as the acquisition of assets less the disposal of new and existing fixed assets. Acquisition of assets includes purchases, barter, obtaining capital use, major repairs. The disposal of assets is shown as a negative acquisition. The change in inventories is the change in the value of inventories, work in progress, finished goods and goods for resale. The change in the value of inventories should be determined as the difference between the receipts of products in stocks and withdrawals from them, while the products should be valued at market prices in force, respectively, at the time of entry or withdrawal. However, in practice it is difficult to obtain information on all receipts and withdrawals of products during the reporting period, so the change in stocks is usually calculated as the difference between the value of stocks at the end and the beginning of the period according to the accounting reports of enterprises. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the impact of changes in the cost of products as a result of price changes during the time they were in stock.

Pure acquisition of value. Values ​​are items that are acquired not for production or consumer purposes, but to store value, i.e. items whose value increases over time: precious metals and stones (except for monetary gold, as well as gold and stones intended for industrial use), jewelry, antiques, collections, etc.

Export and import of goods and services - export-import operations of a given country with all countries. Exports and imports represent the value of goods exported from the country or imported into the country.

When determined by the distribution method, GRP includes the following types of primary income:

wages of employees;

Net taxes on production and imports;

Gross profit and gross mixed income.

Compensation of employees is the sum of all remuneration in cash or in kind paid by employers to an employee in exchange for work performed during the reporting period.

Net taxes on production and imports are defined as the difference between taxes on production and imports and subsidies on production and imports. Production and import taxes are mandatory payments levied by governments on businesses in connection with the production and import of goods and services or the use of factors of production. This includes taxes such as: VAT, excises, sales taxes, turnover tax, taxes on certain types of services, profits of fiscal monopolies, taxes on imports, exports, customs duties, taxes on land, capital goods and labor.

Subsidies for production and imports are current, non-refundable, non-refundable payments that the state makes to enterprises in connection with the production, sale or import of goods and services.

Gross profits and gross mixed incomes - profits and incomes represent that part of the value added that remains with producers after deducting the cost of wages of employees and net taxes on production and imports. In this case, the profit (loss) received from production is measured before accounting for income from property. For unincorporated businesses owned by households, this type of income contains an elementary remuneration for work that cannot be separated from the income of the owner or entrepreneur, in which case the gross profit is called mixed income.

After considering the three methods for calculating GRP and identifying the main indicators that make up GRP, we can make an assumption about their impact on the nominal volume of GRP. These indicators are indicators that form the GRP. However, a significant impact on the growth of the GRP volume is exerted not only by these factors, which form it, but also by external factors: investment activity, fixed assets in the economy, and production efficiency.

The most general idea of ​​the trends in the economic development of the country can be obtained on the basis of an analysis of the growth rates of the physical volume of GDP, the analogue of which at the regional level is the growth rate of the physical volume of GRP. GRP volume index? a relative indicator characterizing the change in the volume of GRP in the current period, estimated at the prices of the base period.

Where? GRP of the current period in basic prices (real GRP);

Base period GRP at base prices.

The GRP deflator index assesses the degree of inflation for the entire set of goods produced and consumed in the state, takes into account not only changes in the prices of consumer goods, but also the prices of goods used in public interests, investment, exported and imported goods and services.

GRP deflator index? the ratio of GRP at current prices to the volume of GRP at constant prices of the previous year.

It is customary to calculate the index according to the Paasche formula, that is, by weighing the products of the reporting year.

statistical gross regional product

Where? GRP of the current period at current prices (nominal

volume of GRP).

Revaluation of GRP indicators into comparable prices is carried out by statistical agencies using the method of direct deflation by dividing the GRP of the current period by the price index, that is:

2. Methodology for the study of socio-economic processes and phenomena in the regions

2. Methodology for the analysis of the gross regional product

2.1. Gross regional product in the system of economic indicators of regional development

In the national economy, the generally recognized basis for macroeconomic measurements and estimates is the system of National Accounts (SNA). The SNA was introduced into domestic statistics in 1993. , and at present it has practically replaced the accounting system that has been developed at the macro level for decades, called the “balance of the national economy”. The reason for the transition to the SNA is that market relations cannot be adequately reflected by the accounting system serving administrative-planning relations. Many studies of domestic scientists are devoted to the development of SNS in Russia.

The SNA as a system of interrelated indicators of the most general results and proportions of economic development was formed in the 1950s. 20th century in developed capitalist countries (England, USA, France, Germany) in response to the need of government bodies for systematized macroeconomic information to regulate a market economy. World-famous economists J. Keynes, R. Stone, J. Tinbergen, M. Frisch, S. Kuznets, V. Leontiev, O. Okrust took part in the development of the concepts and concepts of the SNA and in its further development. After the Second World War, a great contribution to the development of the theory and methodology of the SNA was made by international economic organizations (UN, OECD, European Communities, etc.), which needed internationally comparable macroeconomic information to solve their problems.

Over the past 50 years, the UN, IMF, Eurostat and other international organizations have revised and improved the SNA methodology three times. Currently, the SNA is used to describe and analyze macroeconomic processes in countries with market economies. To date, the SNA is a reasonable, generally recognized tool for macroeconomic analysis of the national economy, including the regional one. The essence of the SNA is the formation of generalizing indicators of economic development at various stages of the reproduction process and their interconnection.

It should be noted that the key macroeconomic aggregates, determined according to the methodology of the system of national accounts for the national economy, can be transformed into the corresponding regional indicators. But this requires an accounting system adapted to the regional level.

For most federal governments, having a system of regional economic accounts compatible with the SNA is vital. The methodological principles for constructing the SRS based on the SNA were developed by the Nobel laureate R. Stone in the 50s. twentieth century. Currently, regional accounts have been developed and used in a number of countries, primarily in the USA, Canada and the countries of the European Union. The most complete description of the standard of regional accounts is presented in ESA 1995 (European System of Accounts) - the system of national accounts of the European Union. This topic is covered in a separate chapter in the ESA 1995 manual.

Since the development of regional accounts requires new conceptual approaches and is hampered by the problems of collecting regional economic information, the 1993 SNA leaves this issue to countries, which are encouraged to develop regional accounts depending on their needs and capabilities. For Russia, a country with a vast territory and uneven economic development of regions, the development of the CDS as a methodological and statistical basis for economic (including reproduction) analysis of regional and interregional problems is an urgent task. N.N. Mikheeva recommends that the CDS be formed based mainly on the results of foreign studies on regional accounts.

At present, the Goskomstat of Russia is making an attempt to build a system of regional accounts at the level of subjects of the Federation. From a methodological point of view, the SRS is a specific reflection of the SNA at the mesolevel, while maintaining the fundamental principles. The first principle is characterized by the presence of a system of interconnected classifications of the main structural elements of regional accounts, the second lies in the application of accounting methods to the description of the regional economy, the third is based on the idea of ​​economic circulation and consists in ensuring the closedness of the system based on a rigid relationship of indicators.

When introducing the CDS, the Goskomstat of Russia follows the methodological provisions of the European Statistical Committee, which recommends starting work on the construction of regional accounts with calculations of gross value added and gross capital formation. The first steps in this area are already being felt in Russian statistical practice: for the subjects of the Federation, a production account is being developed (output of goods and services, intermediate consumption, gross value added - for large industries and in general, GRP) and individual elements of a number of accounts (main types of income, actual household final consumption, fixed capital investment).

The construction of the CDS is associated with the following fundamental problems due to the open nature of the regional system (interaction with other regions within the national economy and relations with the rest of the world):

With the distribution between regions of the costs and results of activities that are inherent only to the national economy as a whole (central administration, defense, money emission, etc.) or do not have a clear territorial reference (foreign trade services, banks, etc.);

With the distribution and fixation of economic transactions between institutional entities operating in the region (residents and non-residents);

With the definition of the economic boundaries of production and consumption in the region;

With the reflection of operations of import and export of goods and services, as well as export and import of products.

Thus, the above conceptual difficulties of the regionalization of the system of national accounts and the limitations of the information plan that the territorial bodies of state statistics face explain why the SNA cannot be fully implemented at the regional level.

However, researchers involved in macroeconomic analysis based on regional accounts, in particular N.N. Mikheeva, practical possibilities are offered for constructing a system of accounts for a particular region in a matrix form, including current accounts: an account for goods and services, an account for production, accounts for the primary and secondary distribution of income, an account for the use of income, a capital account, and two accounts for external relations of the region (an account for the rest of the world). , account of other regions) .

It follows from the foregoing that the development and construction of economic accounts of the regions will make it possible to link together the production and formation of incomes and expenditures of all sectors of the regional economy and to assess the impact of macroeconomic processes on the formation of the rates and proportions of regional development in Russia.

The central position in the SNA is occupied by a macroeconomic indicator - gross domestic product, and in the CDS - its regional counterpart - gross regional product (GRP). Without them, it is impossible to build both national and regional accounts . GDP and its most important components (elements) are the initial parameters for constructing special accounts corresponding to each stage of reproduction at the macro level (stages of production, primary distribution of income, secondary distribution of income, use for final consumption and accumulation, etc.). Obviously, the withdrawal of GDP (respectively, GRP) from the statistical turnover will destroy the entire SNA (SRS). With regard to GDP, there is no such threat, because in all countries with market and transition economies it is used in macroeconomic analysis as the main indicator. The role of the GRP is not yet so authoritative. However, the administrative-territorial division of Russia into regions (subjects of the Federation), striving for relative independence and self-sufficiency, leads to the need for appropriate indicators that will adequately reflect the level of their socio-economic development. GRP acts as the resulting indicator of the efficiency of the region's economic activity, and its absolute size is an objective indicator of the contribution of a particular region to the country's economy.

Let us highlight the analytical capabilities of GRP in the system of existing regional economic indicators, which are manifested in the following:

1. GRP acts as the main indicator reflecting the achieved level of economic growth: the rate of growth or growth of real GRP in the whole region or per capita. At the same time, economic growth in the region is understood as an increase in the scale of regional production, which is provided both by increasing the number of production factors used, and by improving their quality, which characterizes the intensive type of growth. In the classical sense, two types of economic growth are distinguished: predominantly extensive, based on the involvement, increase of capital, labor and other development resources in the construction of new enterprises, development of new deposits, land, etc., and predominantly intensive, based on increasing labor productivity, the return of other resources, increasing the efficiency of their use on the basis of the reconstruction of existing enterprises. Today there is an opportunity for an innovative type of economic growth, which is fundamentally different from the previous ones in that instead of the resources of mass machine production, priority is given to the resources of post-industrial development: science, accumulated and created knowledge, information and information technologies, basic science-intensive macro technologies, general and professional education.

In the modern world, the contribution of science, innovation and new technologies is quite high and continues to increase. In the United States in the past two decades, the share of GDP growth due to "progress in knowledge" is approaching 90%. The economic growth of Western European countries, Japan and South Korea is also based on post-industrial resources. It should be noted that innovations and new technologies ensure not only the growth of GDP (respectively, GRP), but also its qualitative and progressive change. In this regard, science-intensive industries begin to dominate in the sectoral structure of GDP (GRP).

As for Russia, its innovative economic growth is mainly due to the work of science-intensive industries. These include branches of the defense complex (aviation, rocket and space, electronics, communications and radio industry, armaments, ammunition and special chemicals, nuclear shipbuilding), the nuclear complex, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, the production of chemical fibers and threads, scientific instrumentation, production medical equipment. However, recently there has been a sharp decline in knowledge-intensive industries, largely caused by the lack of efficiency of both market mechanisms and state regulation of complex economic activities, as well as the weak adaptive properties of enterprises to changing business conditions.

According to experts, as a result of economic reforms in Russia, the rate of innovative renewal of production not only did not increase, but also fell unacceptably, which led to an increase in structural imbalances and contradictions. Thus, in terms of share in the global value, Russia has 12% of scientists, but in the world market the share of the country's science-intensive products is only 0.3%. The number of innovation-active enterprises by type of economic activity increased from 1995 to 1999 by 16.9%. The share of fundamentally new and improved products in the total volume of products shipped by these enterprises in 1999 amounted to 9.5% against 14% in 1995. research and promotion of scientific and technical progress” accounted for 1.55% of federal budget expenditures against 2.02% in 1997; 0.28% to GDP versus 0.36% (respectively). The number of organizations that make up the scientific and technical sphere of the country has also decreased: if in 1997 there were 4,137 thousand of them, then in 2000 - 4,099 thousand. At the same time, the number of personnel engaged in research and development decreased by 5% compared to 1997.

2. GRP creates an information base for building state and intra-regional economic policy. In countries with diverse conditions of socio-economic development, the main purpose of the state regional policy is to reduce differences in the levels of life support for people living in different territories, to overcome regional asymmetries in general, and to create prerequisites for enhancing interregional economic ties. Being a generalizing parametric characteristic of the economic development of regions, GRP acts as a tool for implementing a specific area of ​​regional state policy: analyzing the differentiation of levels of socio-economic development of Russian regions, their typology, followed by the development of measures of state influence. For these purposes, as part of the indicators of regional development, the GRP reflects:

The general macroeconomic situation in the region: GRP per capita (rubles), GRP per capita in relation to the average Russian value (in%), annual growth rate of GRP per capita (in %), GRP per unit of output, services (rubles .), produced GRP per employee or resident (rubles), investment as a % of GRP;

State of the budgetary and financial system (indicators attributable to GRP): budget deficit to GRP (in %), share of total tax and non-tax accruals in GRP (in %), share of profit from main types of economic activity in GRP (in %), share overdue accounts payable to GRP (in %), the share of credit investments to GRP (in %), the share of current and settlement accounts of enterprises to GRP (in %), household deposits to GRP (in %).

When assessing the necessary scale of support for regions from the federal budget in the form of general transfers, some researchers propose to take as a basis for assessing the normative level of the region’s financial capabilities precisely the created GRP, which can be used in the region for consumption and accumulation (GRP minus its part transferred in the form of tax and non-tax deductions to the federal budget and central extra-budgetary funds). General transfers are aimed, on the one hand, at replenishing the general resources of consumption and accumulation in a particular region, and on the other hand, at equalizing (converging) integral indicators of socio-economic development in different regions. For those regions where the per capita produced GRP is above the minimum guaranteed level, transfers from the federal budget to replenish consumption and accumulation resources are not provided.

3. GRP can be used as one of the possible indicators of economic income as the basis for calculating the tax potential of a subject of the Federation, which most fully takes into account the volume of taxable resources. According to the SNA methodology, GRP is the initial base for calculating such indicators as produced and received (disposable) regional income (Fig. 2.1).

Produced income- the sum of primary incomes of all sectors of the economy received by residents of the region as a result of participation in the production of a regional product in a given territory. In other words, the gross regional income generated is equal to the amount of GRP created. In order to more fully reflect the primary income generated by institutional units resident in a given region and paid by them to both residents and non-residents, it is recommended to compile a regional income generated account within the framework of the CDS. The regional account of generated income, distributed by industries and sectors, includes the following components: wages with social contributions, profits and mixed income, consumption of fixed capital, taxes on production.

The received income characterizes the income of all institutional entities (sectors), regardless of whether they are produced in a given territory or received from outside. Gross disposable regional income is calculated by sector of the economy by adjusting the value of gross generated income and property income in each sector by the balance of income exchange within the region and between sectors of the national economy outside the region.

Exchange transactions are recorded in the form of current transfers transferred and received by each sector of the regional economy. Since the economy of the regions is open and residents of different regions are economically interconnected, the gross income produced in the region is not equal to the gross regional disposable income. If the inflow of external revenues to a constituent entity of the Federation exceeds the volume of transferred revenues (which is typical for subjects that are net recipients of the federal budget), then the disposable regional income is greater than the generated one. So, both indicators of economic income cover the main volume of taxable resources of the region and quite adequately reflect the tax potential of the territory.

4. In modern conditions, special attention is paid to the problems of ensuring the economic security of the region. The GRP creates an information analytical base for the purpose of state regulation of measures to ensure the economic security of the region. This requires the organization of special monitoring studies. In accordance with the recommendations of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the specialists of the Vologda Oblast Statistics Committee have developed a system of indicators characterizing the state of the region's economy to control the provision of economic security.

Rice. 2.1. Relationship between GRP, gross regional produced and disposable income

This system of indicators includes GRP in the following areas:

In the block of indicators assessing the ability of the economy to sustainable development (GRP growth rate compared to the previous year (in %), GRP deflator index to the previous year (in %), retail trade turnover in % of GRP, investment in fixed assets in % of GRP);

In the block of indicators reflecting the stability of the financial system of the region (the deficit of the consolidated budget in % of GRP);

In the block of indicators reflecting the quality of life of the population (spending on healthcare and culture as a % of GRP).

With the introduction of the SNA into Russian practice, the system of the main resulting indicators characterizing certain aspects of regional reproduction is changing. It includes the following indicators: gross output of goods and services, gross value added of regional economy sectors, gross regional product, net regional product, regional income, disposable regional income, net disposable regional income, gross profit of the regional economy, net profit of the regional economy, final consumption expenditures in the region (of households, government agencies and non-profit organizations serving households), regional gross capital formation, income of resident institutional units (compensation of employees, net taxes on production, gross profit and mixed income).

The use of a system of interrelated resulting indicators, reflecting the reproductive approach to managing the region, will allow:

Determine the place of the region in the territorial division of labor;

Establish the relationship between production and use of the gross regional product;

Analyze the most important intra-regional economic proportions of reproduction;

Assess the effectiveness of regional reproduction.

Of course, one should not attribute to the value of GRP an unusual meaning, for example, a measure of the standard of living of the population, which A.G. Granberg and Yu.S. Zaitsev. Nevertheless, it is unreasonable, contrary to the methodological principles of the SNA and, accordingly, the CDS, to try to replace GRP with other regional economic indicators. Some researchers recommend using the volume of regional industrial output in monetary terms as a substitute for GRP. But this indicator, firstly, is a particular indicator of regional reproduction today, to a lesser extent reflecting the structure of the Russian economy. Thus, the share of industrial production in the volume of Russia's GDP in 2001 was 65.5%, and in a number of regions that have embarked on the path of post-industrial development, it is much less (for example, in Moscow - 3.7%). In addition, less than a quarter of the total number of people employed in the economy is now involved in Russian industry. Secondly, with a correct measurement of the volume of regional industrial production, basically the same difficulties arise as in the calculation of GRP, but it is impossible to cope with them with statistical data on industrial production without affecting its other areas.

So, it should be noted that within the framework of the international statistical methodology of the SNA (SRS), it is illegal to replace GDP and GRP with any other indicators. At the same time, GDP and GRP should not be taken as universal, self-sufficient indicators. When conducting an economic analysis of the development of national and regional economies, it is advisable to supplement these indicators with other, more specialized indicators.

GRP as a parametric characteristic of regional reproduction is identified in the system of reproduction proportions. The study of the structural proportions of GRP is due to a number of reasons:

GRP is the result of expanded regional reproduction and acts as one of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the regional institutional reproduction system;

GRP occupies a central position in the system of regional accounts and is methodologically closely related to other indicators of the socio-economic development of the region;

GRP when calculated by three possible methods - production, distribution and final use - includes components (indicators) that are the most important parametric characteristics of the functioning of the structural elements of the region's institutional and reproductive system. The sectoral structure of the produced GRP and the dynamics of its change make it possible to assess the place of the region in the territorial division of labor, characterize the direction of structural and institutional changes in the regional economy, and determine growth (deceleration) trends in the production of goods and services. The cost structure of GRP shows the ratio of costs and results of work of all branches of the regional economy. The components of the GRP distribution structure reflect the income received by the institutional entities of the region's reproductive system. The elements of the structure of GRP use reflect the satisfaction of the needs of end consumers and the investment by resident institutional units of the region of funds in fixed capital objects to create new income in the future by using them in production.

On the one hand, the parametric characteristics of the regional reproductive system include its results, from which, in turn, a system of interrelated proportions is formed, the latter are subject to changes over time (dynamic) under the influence of the dominant technological structure of the economy, social mechanisms of production, distribution, exchange and consumption in in accordance with public interests, needs, available resources. On the other hand, the components of parametric characteristics (results - proportions - dynamics) of the region's institutional reproduction system are embedded in the gross regional product. Firstly, GRP is a parameter of the effectiveness of expanded regional reproduction in product and value terms. Secondly, GRP is a source of resources for resuming the reproduction cycle. Thirdly, GRP acts as an indicator that has its own structure of production, distribution and use, the elements of which can be considered as components of the formation of economic and structural proportions of GRP. Finally, the continuous movement of GRP through the phases of the reproduction process in the region is expressed in the increment of its GRP volumes in dynamics.

Economic and structural proportions of GRP- proportions formed on the basis of elements of the structure of production, distribution and use of GRP. TO proportions GRP production relate:

Correlation between sectoral shares of gross output and gross value added in the produced GRP;

Proportions between the share in the GRP structure of the production sector and the service sector;

Correlation between branches of the regional economy in the produced GRP;

Proportions between reproductive sectors in the GRP structure;

The ratio of the shares of market and non-market services in the produced GRP;

The ratio of the forming elements (gross output, intermediate consumption, taxes and subsidies) in the value of GRP;

Proportions of the structure of the produced GRP by institutional sectors;

Proportion of the relative productivity of the manufacturing sector and the service sector.

TO proportions of GRP distribution relate:

Proportions between the received primary incomes of the subjects of the reproductive system;

Proportions of redistribution of secondary income between institutional sectors;

The relationship between generated income and disposable income in the region.

Proportions of GRP use include:

Ratio of final use components of GRP (expenditures on actual final consumption of households, public institutions' expenditures on collective services, gross capital formation);

Proportions between final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation;

Ratio of GRP redistribution (between produced and used GRP);

The proportion between the average per capita indicators of the actual final consumption of households and the produced GRP;

The proportions of imports and exports, exports and imports in the structure of GRP by expenditure to identify the interaction of the region with the "rest" of the country and with the world.

Thus, the process of functioning of the regional reproductive system finds a concentrated expression in the economic proportions of the structure of production, distribution and use of the gross regional product (Fig. 2.2).

Gutman G.IN , Miroedov A.A., Fedin S.V. Regional Economic Management / Ed. G.V. Gutman. M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

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See the system of indicators of regional development in: Suspitsin S. Methodological problems of forecasting the priorities and consequences of the state regional policy // Russian Economic Journal. 2000. No. 2. pp. 57 - 71.

Granberg A.G. Siberia and the Far East: General Problems of Economic Growth // Region: Economics and Sociology. 2003. No. 1. pp. 14–28.; Gutman G.V., Miroedov A.A., Fedin S.V. Regional Economic Management / Ed. G.V. Gutman. M.: Finance and statistics, 2001; Uzyakov M.N. Suspitsin S. Problems of methodological support for specific areas of state regional policy // Russian Economic Journal. 2003. Nos. 11–12. pp. 71 - 77.

Granberg A., Masakova I., Zaitseva Yu. Gross regional product as an indicator of the differentiation of the economic development of the region // Issues of statistics. 1998. No. 9. P. 3 - 11; Granberg A., Zaitseva Yu. Production and use of the gross regional product: inter-regional comparisons. Art. 1. - Methodological issues of analysis of produced and used GRP // Russian Economic Journal, 2002. No. 10. pp. 42 - 64; Art. 2. GRP adjustments taking into account territorial differences in the purchasing power of money // Russian Economic Journal. 2002. No. 11-12. pp. 48 - 70; Granberg A., Zaitseva Yu. Growth rates in the national economic space // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2002. No. 9. P. 4 - 17; Path to the 21st century: strategic problems and prospects of the Russian economy / Ruk. ed. coll. D.S. Lviv; Dep. Economy RAS; scientific - ed. Council of the publishing house "Economics". M.: JSC Publishing house "Economics", 1999.; Suspitsin S. Oleinikova I.N. Fundamentals of the study of reproductive processes: a structural-logical approach. / System analysis in design and management: Proceedings of the VII Intern. sci.-tech. conf. SPb.: SPbGPU Publishing House, 2003.


Gross Regional Product (GRP)- an indicator measuring the gross value added, calculated by excluding the volume of its intermediate consumption from the total gross output. At the national level, GRP corresponds to the gross national product, which is one of the basic indicators of the system of national accounts.

Calculation methods

Gross regional product at the production stage, calculated production method, represents the sum of the gross value added created by all resident institutional units in the economic territory of the region (excluding net taxes on products).

Calculated at the level of industries and sectors using the production method as the difference between the output of goods and services and intermediate consumption, formed from the value of goods and services that are transformed or completely consumed in the production process. The term "gross" indicates that the figure is determined before deducting the consumption of fixed capital.

Gross regional product is calculated at current basic and market prices ( nominal volume of gross regional product), as well as in comparable prices ( real volume of gross regional product).


The indicator of the gross regional product is, in its economic content, very close to the indicator of the gross domestic product. However, there is a significant difference between the indicators of gross domestic product (at the federal level) and gross regional product (at the regional level). The sum of gross regional products for Russia does not coincide with GDP, since it does not include the value added of non-market collective services (defence, public administration, and so on) provided by state institutions to society as a whole.

Beginning with the 2004 totals, data on gross regional product (GRP) are published in basic prices; Previously, the publication of data on GRP was carried out at market prices.

Currently, there is an active implementation of DIS PDNS (Two-level Integrated Data Preparation System for National Accounts). The GRP for 2007 was calculated with the introduction of the DIS PDTS, which made it possible to carry out additional control of indicators and data collection. Until recently, the DIS PDNS has not outgrown the stage of trial operation and is an unresolved tangle of conflicts in setting tasks according to various statistical forms. In 2010, the development of DIS PDNS was transferred to a new contractor (Tver Inform Product (unavailable link)), which limited itself to redesigning the old program, passing it off as a completely new software package.

At the moment, the calculation of the GRP of the subject of the federation is 28 months behind. GRP data for 2007 appeared on the official website

Gross Regional Product (GRP) - a generalizing indicator of the economic activity of the region, characterizing the process of production of goods and services.

Gross regional product (GRP) - an indicator that measures gross value added, calculated by excluding the volume of its intermediate consumption from the total gross output, is defined as the sum of newly created values ​​of the region's economic sectors.

At the national level, the gross regional product (GRP) corresponds to the gross national product, which is one of the basic indicators of the system of national accounts.

There are several methods for calculating GRP . Gross regional product at the stage of production, calculated by the production method, is the sum of the gross value added created by all resident institutional units in the economic territory of the region (excluding net taxes on products).

Calculated at the level of industries and sectors using the production method as the difference between the output of goods and services and intermediate consumption, formed from the value of goods and services that are transformed or completely consumed in the production process. The term "gross" indicates that the figure is determined before deducting the consumption of fixed capital.

Gross regional product is calculated in current basic and market prices (nominal volume of gross regional product), as well as in comparable prices (real volume of gross regional product).

The indicator of the gross regional product is, in its economic content, very close to the indicator of the gross domestic product. However, there is a significant difference between the indicators of gross domestic product (at the federal level) and gross regional product (at the regional level).

The sum of gross regional products for Russia does not coincide with GDP, since the calculation of GRP does not take into account a number of elements that include GDP. Therefore, the total GRP of all regions of Russia is less than the country's GDP.

Let's list elements not taken into account when calculating the gross regional product (GRP) :

Value added of industries that provide collective non-market services to society as a whole (public administration, defense, international activities, etc.);
- added value of services of financial intermediaries (primarily banks), whose activities are rarely limited to strictly individual regions;
- value added of foreign trade services, which in many cases can only be obtained at the federal level;
- part of taxes (taxes on import and export), which cannot be taken into account at the regional level.

As for the first point of the considered elements, conceptually, these services should be taken into account at the place of their production (rendering), and their value should be included in the volume of the GRP of the corresponding region.

The volume of these collective services is determined in the amount of the relevant state budget expenditures reflected in the report on the execution of the federal budget. All federal budget expenditures in the regional context should be taken into account and reflected by the system of regional treasuries in accordance with the current unified budget classification. But the practice of accounting for some federal budget expenditures for the country as a whole, without breaking down into individual regions, continues to this day.

This is mainly due to the inability to determine to which specific region the expenditures made can be attributed (for example, budget expenditures on international cooperation, public debt service, etc.), as well as to persistent financial accounting shortcomings or some political considerations (defense spending , internal affairs bodies, etc.).

Thus, the presence of problems associated with the distribution of part of public spending among the regions of the country, as well as with overcoming the shortcomings of regional accounting (incomplete reflection of data in treasury reports) currently force them to abandon their accounting at the regional level.

In addition, among the positions that determine the discrepancy between the gross domestic product as a whole and the sum of gross regional products for all territories, include indicators that reflect financial and foreign trade intermediation.

The production of financial intermediary services in modern conditions is very difficult to correctly account for the regions. Due to the specifics of banking activity, it is problematic to tie its volume to one region where the bank is registered. A bank may be registered, for example, in Moscow, or have only a branch here, which, as a rule, conducts a large volume of operations, but at the same time, a Moscow bank or a Moscow branch of a provincial bank today can actually provide financial intermediation in almost the entire territory of Russia. As a result, territorial statistical bodies have practically no data in order to accurately assess the production of financial services in the region.

Such an element of the calculation of GDP as “indirectly measured services of financial intermediaries” also does not seem possible to be distributed among individual territories. As is known, according to the SNA methodology, the cost of these services is included in the intermediate consumption of their recipients. But the issue of attributing the cost of financial intermediary services to the intermediate consumption of specific consumers of these services has not yet been resolved even theoretically, their volume is measured indirectly as a whole and, accordingly, is not distributed either by industry or by territory.

At present, accounting for the interregional exchange of goods and services is a big problem in regional calculations, which makes it impossible to account for the value added of foreign trade for the region with a satisfactory degree of reliability.

It is obvious that the volume of net taxes on imports under the current conditions can only be estimated as a whole for the economy without distribution by region. It is practically impossible to determine the territorial structure of either taxes or subsidies on imports, since there is no information on the territorial distribution of the imports of goods themselves.

Certain problems are also associated with the regional accounting of net taxes on products. They are due to insufficient information in the budget. In particular, to calculate net taxes by region, it is necessary to present the regional distribution of subsidies for products paid from the federal budget.

In full, such data are not available not only in regional statistics, but also at the federal level, since a certain part of subsidies for products is distributed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia not to the regions, but is transferred to ministries and departments for the development of the relevant industry and only then gets to enterprises through departmental distribution . It is practically impossible to trace the entire path of such subsidies to the regions, therefore, for a certain part of net taxes on products, it is possible to make only a general estimate for the economy as a whole.

Thus, due to a number of methodological and organizational reasons a number of important positions of GDP can only be calculated at the federal level for the economy as a whole, and the amount of GRP throughout Russia is objectively less than GDP . The objectively substantiated discrepancy between GDP and GRP was 12.6 percent in 2002.

Beginning with the results for 2004, data on the gross regional product (GRP) are published on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service in basic prices; previously, data on GRP were published in market prices.

Currently, Russia is actively implementing DIS PDNS (Two-level Integrated Data Preparation System for National Accounts). Already in 2007, the GRP was calculated with the introduction of the DIS PDTS, which made it possible to carry out additional monitoring of indicators and data collection. Unfortunately, until recently, the DIS PDNS has not outgrown the stage of trial operation and is an unresolved tangle of conflicts in setting tasks for various statistical forms.

In 2010, the development of DIS PDNS was transferred to a new contractor (Tver Inform Product), which limited itself to redesigning the old program, passing it off as a completely new software package.

Unfortunately, the calculation of the GRP of the subject of the federation is 28 months behind. For example, data on GRP for 2007 appeared on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service in March 2009.