The technical heart does not stop for a minute. “Our labor process does not stop for a minute. Migraine and the future


Employees of the Lenin Collective Farm JSC will always find work, even despite the rains.

“In three days, 15 mm of precipitation fell, so far, of course, less than last year, but nevertheless we are happy about this. The past rain, despite the hail and strong wind, will have a positive effect on the harvest. Yes, in some places the wheat has fallen a little, but, firstly, some of it will still rise, and secondly, modern combines will allow us to collect grain in such cases.

Bye weather are not allowed to work in the fields, they began to check the performance of combines and storage bins. As soon as the agronomists give the go-ahead, we will immediately move on to field work. Our labor process does not stop for a minute.

At this stage, we still need to carry out inter-row cultivation of sugar beets, as well as sunflowers and corn. Weeds grow very quickly, so you have to constantly fight them. We will be treating winter wheat for diseases and pests for the third time, this year in large quantities A weevil is crawling from the plantings, plus some kind of outbreak of insects on the beets, but this is the situation for everyone in the area. Crop rotation is increased, and the plantings are not cultivated in any way, and all living creatures are bred there.

We are expecting to purchase a John Deere seeding complex, which will replace two old Walters. This is convenient, we will be able to free both the person and the tractor from work, which can be used in other autumn work.

Now we are also planning to restore our water well, we will replace the pipes in it,” he shared with Vestnik. Executive Director JSC "Collective Farm named after Lenin" Sergei Vasilievich Tregubov.

I can't be sure I remember my first migraine, but I do have a memory of closing my eyes as my mom pushed me into my stroller. The street lights split into long lines and hurt my little head.

Anyone who has ever experienced a migraine knows that each attack is unique. migraines leave you completely incapacitated. At other times, you can manage the pain if you take medications and preventative steps early enough.

Migraines don't like to share their attention, or when they visit, they demand your undivided attention - in a dark, cool room, and sometimes that means your real life has to be put on hold.

Defining my migraine

The American Migraine Foundation defines migraine as a "disabling disease" that affects 36 million Americans. Migraines are much bigger (much bigger) than regular headaches, and people who experience migraines navigate the condition in a variety of ways.

My attacks meant I regularly missed school as a child. There were many times when I felt the telltale signs of an impending migraine and realized that my plans would be disrupted. When I was about 8 years old, I spent an entire day on holiday in France, stuck in a hotel room with the curtains drawn, listening to the thrilling screams from the pool below as other children played.

Another time, towards the end of high school, I had to take an exam because I couldn't keep my head off the table long enough to even write my name.

By the way, my husband also suffers from migraine pain. But our symptoms are very different. I experience disturbances in my vision and severe pain in my eyes and head. My husband's pain is concentrated in the back of his head and neck, and the attack for him almost always results in vomiting.

But beyond the severe and debilitating physical symptoms, migraines affect people like me and my husband in other, perhaps less tangible ways.

Life interrupted

I've lived with migraines since childhood, so I'm used to them interrupting my social and professional life.

I find an attack and the next recovery period can easily span several days or a week. This presents a number of problems if the attack occurs at work, on holiday or on a special occasion. For example, a recent attack saw my husband enjoying an extravagant lobster dinner when a migraine came out of nowhere and left him nauseous.

Experiencing a migraine at work can be especially stressful and even frightening. As a former teacher, I often needed to find comfort in a quiet space in the classroom while a colleague arranged a ride home for me.

The most devastating impact migraines have had on my family to date was when my husband actually missed the birth of our child due to a debilitating episode. He began to feel ill when I entered active labor. Unsurprisingly, I was busy with my own pain management, but I could feel the unmistakable signs of a migraine developing. I immediately understood where this was happening. I had watched him suffer enough before knowing that this stage he was on was irreparable.

He was going down, fast, and was about to miss a big turnaround. His symptoms progressed from pain and discomfort to nausea and vomiting quickly. He was becoming a distraction for me and I had very important work to do.

Migraine and the future

Luckily, my migraines have started to subside as I have gotten older. Since I became a mother three years ago, I have only had a few attacks. I also left the rat race and started working from home. Perhaps a slower pace of life and reduced stress helped me avoid migraines.

Whatever the reason, I'm glad to be able to accept more invitations and enjoy all that a full and lively life has to offer social life. From now on I'm the one who throws the party. And migraine: you are not invited!

If migraines are affecting your quality of life and even robbing you of precious special occasions, you are not alone. You can take steps to prevent migraines, and there is help available once they are established. Migraines can completely disrupt your life, but they don't have to.

Fiona Tapp is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, HuffPost, New York Post, The Week, SheKnows and others. She is an expert in the field of education, has been teaching for 13 years and holds a Master's degree in education. She writes about a variety of topics including parenting, education and travel. Fiona is a Brit abroad and when she's not writing, she enjoys thunderstorms and making baby cars with her little one. You can find out more on Fionatapp. com or tweet her @fionatappdotcom.

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Innograd represents continuous zone construction, which is carried out simultaneously at different sites. In addition to Skolkovo’s first building, the Hypercube, two electrical substations of FGC UES are fully ready, which will supply power to the construction site by the end of the year.

The Matrex business center will be located not far from the Hypercube

Deputy General Director for Engineering Infrastructure and Improvement of the ODPS Skolkovo Company Oleg Nikitin showed correspondents the website of what and how is being built in Innograd today.

The main artery of the city will be the Central Boulevard. It connects the northern and southern parts of Skolkovo with a roadway for “green transport”, bicycle and pedestrian paths. However, the meaning and purpose of the boulevard is much deeper - literally and figuratively. All main networks will run under the asphalt: heat supply, water supply, sewerage, as well as two energy collectors, one of which approaches the FSK Soyuz substation, the other to the Skolkovo substation. Local treatment facilities, which collect all wastewater, are provided in the south and north of the city.

Oleg Nikitin, Deputy General Director of ODPS

In addition to the main artery, construction of secondary roads is underway.

The main objects of Skolkovo will be Skoltech and Technopark. Work is underway at the site of the future university, which, in order to speed up the exit project documentation were divided into two stages. The first part of the documentation (earth work) has been released, and land work is already underway. The competition for the construction of the main building, in which 15 companies are participating, is due to end in a few days.

Meanwhile, the construction of residential areas for Skoltech teaching staff is in full swing.

The construction of residential areas of Skolkovo is in full swing

Opposite the university across Central Boulevard, the first stage of the construction of the Matrex business center has already been completed. Its completion date is the second quarter of 2014. At the same time as Matrex, the building of the research center of the Renova company should be commissioned.

Construction in Innograd does not stop for an hour

In terms of power, this is the 4th SC among universities and the 8th in the CIS. The Vice-Rector for Informatization of SUSU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Leonid Sokolinsky, talks about what problems the SC “Tornado SUSU” solves today and will solve tomorrow.

- Supercomputer- a complex system designed to process a large amount of data and hundreds of times greater than the power of a PC. It works around the clock, without stopping for a minute - this is the technical heart of the university. There is not a single moving element inside the SC, just as there are no hard drives and there are no disks themselves; instead of them there are solid-state drives. They are similar to regular flash drives, but much larger in volume, writing speed and reading information. The cooled liquid makes the operation of the SC absolutely silent. In addition, this cooling principle is one and a half times more economical. Considering that on average, a SC consumes 400 kW. electricity per hour, the savings are significant.

Who are your users?

About half are scientists and students of SUSU. The rest - industrial enterprises, design bureau, research institutes, ministries and departments Chelyabinsk region and other regions of Russia. "Tornado" models gas-dynamic processes during the launch of a launch vehicle, makes calculations of turbines for aircraft engines, and solves problems in the field of hydro- and gas dynamics. We are contacted by ecologists who predict the level of air pollution, engineers who create more advanced equipment, manufacturers of advertising products, animators and filmmakers who make films with special effects. Today, not a single serious product is released onto the market without the help of the insurance company.

Recently, ultra-light body armor for concealed wear was modeled on our Tornado. These are high-tech products made from special aramid fabric. Such a bulletproof vest is tens of times lighter than a traditional one and at the same time protects against bullets. Previously, to create uniforms of this class, they made a dummy, put a real body armor on it, tested its strength with real bullets, etc. SK models the same conditions in a virtual format and ultimately allows you to solve the problem six times faster and three times cheaper.

What does the insurance company give to the city?

Let's start with what the UK gives to the university. It gives fame, which is transposed onto the city. It makes it possible to simulate various complex processes and devices for our enterprises, which means it makes products more competitive.

Can we say that the insurance company helps create new high-tech industries, which, unlike traditional industrial production, environmentally friendly?

The industrial profile of the region has been developing over decades and it is impossible to change it overnight. But you are right, it is necessary to diversify the economy. And this process is already underway. IN gross product In the region, the share associated with software development is becoming more and more noticeable; more and more new companies are entering the market. Our students studying in the direction of " Information Technology", already from the 2nd year they are recruited into programming companies that create software commissioned by large Western companies; others are actively involved in the development of computer games, the production of advertising products using computer technology. Interest in new areas of activity is like an explosion.

Are there any known examples of inventions and innovations made with the help of SC?

In fact, every task calculated on the IC leads to innovation. Recently, a new generation gas and water meter was designed for Tornado, without moving parts. It is inserted into a gas or water pipe, and inside it is a divider through which gas or liquid flows, and a semblance of a wave is formed, as when a ship moves. Streams of gas or water strike the divider, and a piezo element installed behind it registers the impacts and calculates the amount of resource used. These meters are many times cheaper and more reliable than existing ones. They are now at the implementation stage.

photo courtesy of the SUSU press service

What goals do you have for the future related to the use of SC?

Since demand for ICs outstrips supply, we will increase the capacity of Tornado SUSU. The second is expanding the circle of users. So far, local industry accounts for only 5-10% of its tasks in the UK, so the potential market is huge. The third direction is the development of artificial neural network technologies. A neural network simulates the functioning of the human brain, but works thousands of times faster. For example, it can look through a huge number of images and identify them, which is already used in the world to find criminals. Neural networks help create autopilots for cars, military and special equipment; they are used in medicine and in many other industries. Supercomputing is a reality that will remain with us, it seems, forever.

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