Insurance risk. Its definition and criteria for insurability of risks. What risk is called insurance: basic criteria What is insurance risk


Risk can be managed, i.e. use various measures that allow, to a certain extent, to predict the occurrence of a risk event and take measures to reduce the degree of risk. The effectiveness of a risk management organization is largely determined by risk classification.

The following types of risks are distinguished:

  • 1. Pure and speculative;
  • 2. Risks that can be insured;
  • 3. Risks that cannot be insured (non-insurable);
  • 4. Favorable and unfavorable risks.

Depending on the possible economic result of their manifestation, risks are divided into two main groups - pure and speculative. Pure risks determine the possibility of obtaining a negative or zero economic result (risks of natural phenomena, natural man-made, environmental).

Speculative risks make it possible to obtain all three economic results - negative, zero and positive (financial risks as part of the risks of commercial activity).

Based on the possibility of being insured, risks are divided into insurance and non-insurance. Non-insurance risks cannot be insured and, therefore, are not included in the insurance contract. The largest group consists of risks that can be insured. The list of insurance risks constitutes the volume of insurance liability under the insurance contract, which is expressed using the insured amount of the contract.

Depending on the source of danger, risks associated with the manifestation of spontaneous forces of nature and targeted human influence in the process of appropriating material wealth are identified. Risks associated with the manifestation of natural forces include earthquakes, floods, mudflows, tsunamis, etc.

Targeted human influence is associated with risks such as theft, robbery, acts of vandalism and other illegal actions.

Based on the scope of the insurer's liability, risks are divided into individual and universal. For example, individual risk is expressed in an insurance contract for a masterpiece of painting during transportation and exposure in case of acts of vandalism in relation to it. A universal risk that is included in the insurer's liability under most property insurance contracts is theft.

A special group consists of specific risks: abnormal, catastrophic, large.

Anomalous risks include risks the size of which does not allow the corresponding objects to be classified as one or another group of the insurance population.

Abnormal risks are higher and lower than normal. A risk below normal is favorable to the insurer and receives coverage under the normal terms and conditions of the insurance contract. A risk higher than normal is not always favorable for the insurer and receives coverage under special conditions of the insurance contract.

Catastrophic risks constitute a significant group that covers a large number of insured objects or policyholders, and are capable of causing damage on a particularly large scale. These are risks associated with the manifestation of spontaneous forces of nature, as well as with transformative human activity in the process of creating material wealth (for example, an accident at a nuclear power plant).

Large risks are single risks that cause significant damage, the volume of which insurers cannot cover on their own, since compensation within one risk portfolio is impossible from a financial point of view. In this case, there is a need to enter the global market.

The definition of objective and subjective risks is extremely important in the work of the insurer. Objective risks express the harmful effects of uncontrollable forces of nature and other accidents on the objects of insurance. Subjective risks are based on denial or ignorance of an objective approach to reality and depend on the will and consciousness of a person.

Environmental risks are associated with environmental pollution and are caused by transformative human activities in the process of creating material wealth.

Environmental risks are usually not included in the insurer's scope of liability.

At the same time, certain insurance interests caused by environmental risks have led to the creation of an independent type of insurance that meets these interests.

Transport risks are divided into comprehensive and cargo risks. CASCO transport risks involve insurance of aircraft, sea and river vessels, railway rolling stock and cars during movement, parking (downtime) and repairs. Cargo transport risks involve insurance of goods transported by air, sea, river, rail and road transport.

Political (repressive) risks are associated with illegal actions from the point of view of international law, with activities or actions of the government of foreign states in relation to a given sovereign state. Political risks that affect the activities of an enterprise include:

  • o the impossibility of carrying out economic activities due to military operations, revolution, aggravation of the internal political situation in the country, nationalization, confiscation of goods and enterprises, the introduction of an embargo due to the refusal of the new government to fulfill the obligations assumed by its predecessors, etc.;
  • o introducing a deferment (moratorium) on external payments for a certain period due to the occurrence of emergency circumstances (strike, war, etc.);
  • o unfavorable change in tax liability;
  • o prohibition or restriction of conversion of national currency into payment currency. In this case, the obligation to exporters can be fulfilled in national currency, which has a limited scope.

Technical risks manifest themselves in the form of accidents due to sudden failure of machinery and equipment or failure in production technology. The problem of insuring technical risks is determining the frequency of accidents and how to assess damage from them.

Technical risks are universal in nature, i.e. protect the object from many causes of damage. The reasons may be management errors, installation errors, technology violations, negligence in work, etc., which lead to premature failures and failure of machines and equipment. Thus, technical risks can cause damage to property, life and health of people, and the financial interests of the enterprise due to interruption in production and excess costs.

On the other hand, technical risks are divided according to the type of fixed and working capital in relation to which they occur:

machinery and equipment - industrial risk;

buildings, structures, transmission devices - construction (construction and installation) risks;

instruments, computer technology, communications - electrical risks;

vehicles - transport risks (hull insurance, cargo, liability);

agriculture - risks of animal and plant diseases, livestock deaths, crop damage, etc.

The risks of civil liability are associated with legal claims of individuals and legal entities in connection with harm caused, for example, by a source of increased danger (road, rail, air and sea transport, a number of chemical industries). An individual or legal entity that has such a source of increased danger can insure its civil liability to third parties, i.e. shift the responsibility for compensation for property damage by third parties to the insurer.

Commercial risks represent the danger of losses in the process of financial and economic activities. They mean the uncertainty of the results of a given commercial transaction.

According to their structural characteristics, commercial risks are divided into property, production, trade, and financial.

Property risks are risks associated with the likelihood of loss of an entrepreneur’s property due to theft, sabotage, negligence, overvoltage of technical or technological systems, etc.

Production risks are risks associated with losses from stopping production due to the influence of various factors and, above all, with the loss or damage of fixed and working capital (equipment, raw materials, transport, etc.), as well as risks associated with the introduction into production new equipment and technology.

Trade risks are risks associated with loss due to delayed payments, refusal to pay during the transportation of goods, non-delivery of goods, etc.

Financial risks are associated with the likelihood of loss of financial resources. Financial risks are divided into two types: those associated with the purchasing power of money (inflationary, deflationary, currency risks, liquidity risks) and with the investment of capital (investment risks).

Inflation risk is the risk that when inflation rises, cash income received depreciates in terms of real purchasing power faster than it grows. In such conditions, the entrepreneur suffers real losses.

Deflationary risk is the risk that with increasing deflation, a fall in the price level, a deterioration in economic conditions for business, and a decrease in income occur.

Currency risks represent the danger of foreign exchange losses associated with changes in the exchange rate of one foreign currency in relation to another, when conducting foreign economic credit and other foreign exchange transactions.

Liquidity risks are risks associated with the possibility of losses when selling securities or other goods due to changes in the assessment of their quality and consumer value.

Investment risks include the following subtypes: lost profits;

decrease in profitability; direct financial losses.

The risk of lost profits is the risk of indirect (collateral) financial damage (lost profit) as a result of failure to implement any activity.

The risk of a decrease in profitability may arise as a result of a decrease in the amount of interest and dividends on portfolio investments, deposits and loans.

Risks of direct financial losses include the following types:

exchange risks represent the danger of losses from exchange transactions (the risk of non-payment on commercial transactions, the risk of non-payment of commissions of a brokerage firm, etc.);

selective risks are the risks of making the wrong choice of capital investment, the type of securities for investment in comparison with other types of securities when forming an investment portfolio;

bankruptcy risk is the danger of a complete loss by an entrepreneur of his own capital and his inability to pay off his obligations as a result of an incorrect choice of capital investment.

In order to somehow protect themselves in a changing world, people came up with insurance as an effective risk management method that allows them to receive compensation for damage. If everything is in order and there was no insured event, the contributions were given in vain, but many prefer to buy themselves confidence in the future.


Risk in insurance is events with a negative material effect that occur within a specified period (hypothetical losses).

Risk is a complex and multifaceted concept, as it arises in different areas and has large-scale consequences.

Classification and types of risks in insurance

Risk classification is carried out according to certain criteria:

  • Period of occurrence.
  • Factors of origin.
  • Nature of accounting.
  • Area of ​​occurrence.
  • The nature of the consequences.

Based on the nature of the consequences, risks are divided into several types.


Static (simple) risks, as a result of which damage to business activity is inevitable:

  • Natural.
  • Ecological.
  • Political.
  • Transport.
  • Production: organizational, technical, legal.


Dynamic (commercial) risks, as a result of which both damage to business activity and unplanned excess profits are possible:

  • Entrepreneurial.
  • Commercial.
  • Financial (tax, stock exchange, credit, innovation, investment, etc.).

The construction industry is developing at a frantic pace, ready-made projects are constantly being delivered, and new construction sites are being established. In addition to the fact that this is a very profitable business, it is also risky, which is why the service is in great demand.

Insured and uninsurable

In addition to classification, risks are divided into two groups:

  1. Insured– events and phenomena that can be predicted and insured.
  2. Uninsured– uncontrollable events and phenomena that are not subject to insurance, for which no one is responsible.

The insured risk meets a set of conditions:

  • With a high probability of occurrence.
  • Random, without reference to time, place and scale of losses.
  • Independent of the wishes of the parties.
  • Not global.
  • Involves large losses calculated in monetary terms.

Other risks are considered uninsurable.

Business and financial risks

Circumstances that lead to loss of property, losses or low income are subject to insurance of business risks. The subject of the insurance contract is investments (monetary or property) in profitable production, work and services.

The subject of financial risk insurance is losses resulting from financial transactions (credit, stock exchange, production activities).

There are three types of financial risks:

  1. Monetary risks– related to purchasing power (inflationary, deflationary, currency, liquidity).
  2. Investment risks– related to investment (lost profits, decreased profitability, direct financial losses).
  3. Organizational and economic risks– related to the organization of economic activities of the enterprise (advance, current).

To make life more peaceful, and to always have hope for a successful outcome, a useful insurance system was invented to protect against material losses. One of the subtypes of this system is one that is increasingly in demand these days.


A risk assessment is needed to clarify its specific category and calculate the amount of payment. The amount of compensation depends on the scale of damage suffered and the terms of the contract. The assessment is carried out by insurers using one of the following methods: individual assessments, average values, percentages. The following risk insurance program is usually used:

  • They calculate the probability and frequency of damage based on statistics collected for this category.
  • Calculate the size of possible losses.
  • The maximum possible amount of losses is displayed (individually, linked to the amount of payment under the contract).
  • The final calculation is carried out, taking into account indirect influencing factors (the difference between estimated and actual losses).

Insurance is a way to partially transfer responsibility to the insurance company through the conclusion of an agreement (standard or extended). It is also used as a risk reduction method. Risks requiring insurance are determined by research:

  • Identify the base to which the risks extend.
  • They identify risks that are easier and cheaper to prevent than to insure.
  • Find out the category of possible risks.

Does it matter what kind of society we currently live in: industrial, post-industrial or informational? A real businessman in everyday battles for results has no time to ask this question. But it is obvious to almost everyone that business risks are growing. And this is connected with global processes occurring in the surrounding world. One of the working methods of protecting against risks is their insurance, which in turn gives rise to a new insurance risk, which is a derivative of the relationship between the insurer and the policyholder.

Risk insurance as a branch of activity

In the modern world, there is and is developing a whole industry of providing services to businesses, called insurance activities. Its development takes place under the close control of the state, therefore this activity is licensed, and the “entrance ticket” to the insurance services market is very expensive. Not all business risks can be insured, but the biggest threats can be prepared for and business losses can be reduced or prevented through insurance mechanisms. In a broad sense, this procedure is synonymous with protection against the occurrence of undesirable and dangerous events. In risk management methodology, insurance refers to methods of minimization using the risk transfer method.

By insurance we mean a contractual act, an agreement between the insurer and the policyholder to compensate the latter for a certain compensation for losses or part of them that arose in connection with the occurrence of an insured event provided for by the contract. The remuneration is called a special term – “insurance premium”. The event of concluding an agreement does not complete the risk insurance process; the contract lasts throughout the entire insurance period. For the purposes of this article, we consider both parties to the agreement: the insurer and the policyholder.

Extracts from Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Insurance Law (No. 4015-1 of November 27, 1992)

An entrepreneur in an insurance transaction, taking care of minimizing his risks, always stands on the side of the insured. Over more than twenty years of practice, I have never learned to instantly identify the parties to a contract by the name of the party to the agreement and am often confused by the concepts of “policyholder” and “insurer”. Therefore, I have given the definitions of these concepts given by the legislator. In 1992, the first edition of the Law on Insurance was published, and in the Second Part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 48 is devoted to this issue, an extract from them is posted above.

The concept of insurance risk differs from the insurance procedure, although one has to face a situation where they are confused. We need to clearly understand that insurance risk is a concept operated to a much greater extent by the insurer (insurance company) than by the insured (entrepreneur, company seeking to reduce its risks). Therefore, the issue of party to an insurance agreement is very important in this context. In addition, the types of risks from the insurer's position correspond to certain types of business risk from the insured.

The insured event and the insurance premium are essential terms of the relevant contract. Insurance is usually comprehensive and includes personal, property and liability insurance. The last two types are widespread in economic risk transfer systems. The classification of types of insurance is important for dividing insurance risk into types, since it indirectly determines the structure of the characteristics of a given type of risk. This classification is shown in the diagram below.

Classification of types of business risk insurance

Concept and classification of insurance risk

Insurance risk is the concept of insurance business regulated by law. Let's try to understand this concept from the perspective of business rules and professional insurance terminology, which cannot be avoided in this matter. Firstly, insurance risk considers the probability of an insured event occurring. An insured event is an event specifically stipulated in the insurance contract, and an agreement between the parties is concluded regarding it. Secondly, this risk also refers to the direct object of insurance. Thirdly, insurance risk can be understood as the size of the insurance assessment, in other words, its cost value.

The legislator expresses the position that an insurance risk should be considered a probable event or set of events for which the insurance procedure is being implemented. Thus, the risk we are studying is the event itself and the likelihood of its occurrence in connection with the emergence of civil legal relations formalized by the insurance contract. In addition, this type of risk is assessed as the danger threatening the insured object, the object of assessment and legal relations and the amount of liability of the insurance organization.

Insurance risks meet certain criteria, the assessment of which makes it possible to identify risk phenomena. Let's look at the main features of these risks.

  1. Random nature of risk. This characteristic is based on the condition that the insurance object does not allow the location, moment of a possible adverse event and the amount of probable damage to be determined or assumed in advance.
  2. The validity of the probability of a random occurrence of an event. The essence of insurance is based on the homogeneity of statistical data on comparable events. Assessing the occurrence of risk situations allows you to make calculations and adequately set the insurance premium.
  3. The impossibility of establishing a connection between the insured event and the will of any interested party. This characteristic excludes the fact of intent of the policyholder or another person.
  4. An insured event cannot have the scale of a catastrophe.
  5. Damage and other harmful consequences of a risk event are subject to objective assessment. This characteristic indicates the significance of the damage for the insured.
  6. The risk is hypothetically possible.

The main features on the basis of which it is possible to identify groups and types of insurance risks in the business environment are related to the sources of danger and occurrence, the volume of insurance and types of losses. The classification of types of insurance risks is posted below; some of the features and types involved in it can be further divided into subtypes. Thus, in particular, catastrophic risks are divided into endemic risks (local risks associated with meteorological factors) and risks associated with land quality (caused by soil erosion, for example).

Classification of types of insurance risks

How to calculate insurance risks?

In the previous section, we examined the signs of objective randomness and probability, which largely determine the essence of insurance risk. Both of them underlie the so-called equivalence principle, the implementation of which determines the meaning of the insurance service. The essence of this principle is that insurance premiums in their totality must be equivalent to the amount of insurance payments of the insurer's premium. Any calculation of insurance premiums should be based on this, each of which has its own economically justified price.

Actuarial calculation is a special calculation procedure, as a result of which the cost and possible cost of an insurance service are determined. Essentially, we are talking about a whole system of economic, mathematical and statistical methods for calculating tariff rates and determining the level of financial relations between counterparties under an insurance agreement. There is even such a profession - an actuary, a highly qualified specialist in insurance calculation techniques.

A specialized actuarial calculation aims to obtain a tariff rate, which is nothing more than the price of the insurance risk and a number of other expenses of the insurance organization. The tariff includes two calculated items: the net rate and the so-called load. The net rate can be considered as the identity of the price of the insurance risk. The load determination procedure includes the following elements:

  • calculation of expenses for organizing activities (generated when establishing an insurance company);
  • assessment of collection costs;
  • calculation of liquidation costs, the assessment of which takes into account the liquidation of damage;
  • determination of management expenses (employee payroll and office maintenance);
  • tax budget accounting;
  • assessment and assignment of mandatory contributions to reserve funds;
  • assessment of the insurer's profit.

Formula for calculating the net insurance rate

The assessment and calculation of the amount, conditions and methods of insurance compensation depend on the insurer’s liability system (under property insurance contracts). Such a system predetermines the degree of compensation for damage arising under the contract. Briefly, the insurance operator's liability system includes the following options.

  1. Payment of compensation based on the actual value of the insurance object at the time of conclusion of the agreement.
  2. Payment according to the proportional liability system.
  3. Compensation under the replacement cost system.
  4. Payment of compensation according to the first risk system.
  5. Compensation under the maximum liability system.

In this article, we found out what insurance risk is and how it differs from business risks. We have not only updated the classification of risk insurance, but also reviewed the typology of types of insurance risks associated with the relevant contracts. For business leaders and project managers, such information seems very useful, because it lifts the “curtain” of a special environment called the insurance business. For successful negotiations with insurers on the subject of insurance of business and property risks, the company's management needs to know what the limits of partners' tariffs are. All this calls for a deeper dive into the stated subject. Therefore, we will have to return to this topic again.

Risk insurance represents a relationship to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain events (insurance events) at the expense of monetary funds formed from the insurance contributions (insurance premiums) they pay. It should be noted that this minimization method risk in the enterprise's activities has a number of limitations:

  • first of all, it is too high a price (sometimes a premium) requested by the insurer for taking on the risk. Often it exceeds the price that the principal insured considers reasonable for the transfer of this risk;
  • secondly, the limited availability of insurance - some risks are not accepted for insurance. Thus, if the probability of a risk event occurring is very high, insurance organizations either do not undertake to insure this type of risk or charge prohibitively high payments.

Price and Availability risk insurance are directly related to each other, since the policyholder assumes the risk from which he can estimate the losses.

In Russia there is a widespread belief that you can insure everything against everything. In fact, this is not true at all. There are risks that are insurable, and there are risks that cannot be insured in principle. Thus, it is impossible to insure an enterprise against the fact that it will not receive excess profits, but it is possible to insure possible losses from unforeseen interruptions in production.

The insured type of risk is typical for such emergency situations when there is a statistical pattern of their occurrence, that is, the probability of loss is determined. Let us note that with the help of insurance it is possible to minimize almost all property, as well as many credit, commercial and production risks. At the same time, as a rule, risks associated with dishonesty of partners - delayed payments, non-payment for products, etc. are not subject to insurance.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation distinguishes two branches of insurance: personal insurance (life and health insurance) and property insurance. In turn, property insurance is divided into three sub-sectors, that is, the following property interests can be insured under a property insurance contract:

  • risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property;
  • the risk of liability for obligations arising from causing harm to the life, health or property of other persons, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts - the risk of civil liability;
  • the risk of losses from business activities due to violation of their obligations by counterparties of the enterprise or changes in the conditions of this activity due to circumstances beyond the control of the enterprise, including the risk of non-receipt of expected income - business risk.

It should be noted that the Classification by Type of Insurance Activities establishes that a property insurance contract can be concluded in relation to:

  • means of water transport;
  • means of air transport;
  • means of ground transport;
  • cargo;
  • property other than listed above;
  • financial risks associated with compensation for loss of income (additional expenses) caused by a stoppage of production as a result of an insured event, bankruptcy of counterparties or their failure to fulfill obligations under contracts and other reasons.

An insurance company does not have the right to enter into insurance contracts for types of property (property interests) that are not included in this list.

Property insurance includes financial risk insurance (this insurance is also called business interruption risk insurance, or business interruption insurance). Often, insurance against loss of profit is included in a property insurance policy: under such an insurance contract, the insurer compensates not only the damage caused to the insured property, but also the profit not received as a result of a production stoppage due to an accident. But financial risks can also be insured under a separate policy, regardless of property insurance.

The list of events that could cause financial damage to an enterprise, the risk of which you can insure against, is quite large, but the following events are considered to be of priority:

  • stoppage of production or reduction in production volume as a result of specified events;
  • bankruptcy;
  • Unexpected expenses;
  • non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of contractual obligations by the counterparty of the insured person, who is the creditor of the transaction;
  • legal expenses incurred by the insured person.

The next type of insurance is liability insurance. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation includes liability insurance in the property insurance industry. In accordance with Art. 929 of the Civil Code can be insured: the risk of liability for obligations arising from causing harm to the life, health or property of other persons, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts - the risk of civil liability.

Having decided to contact an insurance company, the head of an enterprise must keep in mind that the best type of insurance is not one insurance contract “for everything,” but a comprehensive system of protecting the organization.

This system depends on the specifics of the work and specialization of the enterprise, but in general terms it should look like this:

  • firstly, insurance of property and property assets, that is, buildings, structures, equipment, finished products in warehouses, etc. against all possible accidents provided for in the insurance contract;
  • secondly, insurance of cargo flows, that is, all cargo that the company receives and sends;
  • thirdly, liability insurance, which includes general civil liability (risk of environmental pollution) and employer liability to employees (risk of injury to an employee in an industrial accident);
  • fourthly, personnel insurance, that is, the company’s life insurance for employees, insurance in case of temporary disability or disability.

When choosing an insurance strategy for your enterprise, a manager must first find out what risks are available for insurance. Then, discuss insurance premium rates with a representative of the insurance company, then, based on the available funds, the company’s specialization and other internal factors, determine which risks to insure and which not. If an enterprise does not have enough funds for comprehensive insurance protection, it is necessary to identify risks, the occurrence of which will entail large losses for it, and insure them.

When determining a strategy regarding insurance risks, the head of an enterprise must be well versed in the insurance market, choosing the most suitable insurance conditions for a particular transaction, which are stipulated in the insurance contract.

An insurance contract is an agreement between the policyholder and the insurer, by virtue of which the insurer undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to make an insurance payment to the policyholder or another person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded, and the policyholder undertakes to pay insurance premiums on time. The insurance contract may contain other conditions determined by agreement of the parties, and must meet the general conditions imposed on transactions by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

To conclude an insurance contract, an enterprise submits a written application to the insurance company in the prescribed form. The contract comes into force from the moment of payment of the first insurance premium. The fact of concluding an insurance contract is certified by an insurance certificate transferred by the insurer to the policyholder. As a rule, this is an insurance policy or insurance certificate.

The insurance certificate shall indicate: the name of the document; name, legal address, bank details of the insurance company; name of the insured and his address; object of insurance; the amount of the insured amount; insurance risk; the amount of the insurance premium, the timing and procedure for its payment; contract time; procedure for termination and amendment of the contract; other conditions by agreement of the parties, including additions to or exceptions to the insurance rules; signatures of the parties.

The insurer is obliged:

  1. If the policyholder takes measures that reduce the risk of an insured event and the amount of possible damage to the insured property, or if its actual value increases, at the request of the policyholder, renew the insurance contract, taking into account these circumstances.
  2. If an insured event occurs, make an insurance payment within the period established by the contract. If the insurance payment is not made within the prescribed period, the insurer pays the policyholder a fine in the amount of one percent of the amount of the insurance payment for each day of delay.
  3. Reimburse expenses incurred by the policyholder during an insured event to prevent or reduce damage to the insured property, if compensation is provided for by the insurance rules. In this case, the specified expenses in excess of the amount of damage caused are not subject to reimbursement.
  4. Do not disclose information about the policyholder and his property status.

In turn, the policyholder is obliged:

  1. Pay insurance premiums on time.
  2. When concluding an insurance contract, inform the insurer about all circumstances known to him that are important for assessing the insurance risk, as well as about all insurance contracts concluded or being concluded in relation to this insurance object.
  3. Take the necessary measures to prevent and reduce damage to the insured property in the event of an insured event and inform the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event within the time period established by the insurance contract.

In addition to those listed, the insurance contract may provide for other obligations of both the insurer and the policyholder.

When an insured event occurs, the insurance payment is made by the insurer in accordance with the insurance contract based on the application of the policyholder and the insurance act (accident certificate). The insurance act is drawn up by the insurer or a person authorized by him; if necessary, the insurer requests information related to the insured event from law enforcement agencies, banks and other enterprises, institutions, organizations that have information about the circumstances of the insured event, and also has the right to independently determine the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event case.

The insurance organization has the right not to make insurance payments in the following cases:

  • in case of deliberate actions of the policyholder aimed at the occurrence of an insured event;
  • when the policyholder or the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded commits an intentional crime that is in a direct causal connection with the insured event;
  • when the policyholder provides the insurer with knowingly false information about the objects of insurance;
  • upon receipt by the policyholder of appropriate compensation for damage under property insurance from the person responsible for causing this damage.

In addition, the terms of the insurance contract may provide for other grounds for refusal to pay the insured amount. The decision to refuse insurance payment is made by the insurer and is communicated to the policyholder in writing with a reasoned justification for the reasons for the refusal. In this case, the refusal of the insurance company to make an insurance payment can be appealed by the policyholder in court.

Due to which the insured loses or suffers losses on a certain object (it is indicated in Losses can be expressed in varying degrees of severity. And if this accident falls into the category of insured events, then the company (insurer) is obliged to compensate you for everything. Based on this, it becomes clear that the insurance risk is calculated based on the possibility of its occurrence.

An insurance contract is not contingent, even if the insured risk never occurs. But how can we understand that it happened? The signs that determine an insurance risk are the probability and randomness of its occurrence.

For convenience, a classification of some aspects has been developed, assessing which you will understand whether what happened can be considered as such a risk:

    It is assumed that neither party, be it the insurer or the subject of insurance, knows about the exact occurrence of the risk and its size.

    those that are inextricably linked with transport. They consist of insuring cargo or movable stock;

    environmental risks;

    special risks. They apply to exclusive items that have no analogues in the world. Often applied to jewelry, works of art, legendary musical instruments and more;

    general technical risks. Sudden emergencies or malfunctions in the operating mode of technical equipment, which with their consequences threaten the health or directly, even the lives of people;

    They concern mainly the economically active part of the population, which constantly plays on the stock exchange. This insurance risk is associated with a shortfall in the planned or expected profit, and in some cases with the complete deprivation of financial investments when financing projects. This risk group is divided into subgroups:





In conclusion, I would like to say that the insurance risks described above are a kind of platform from which you should build when determining your individual situation. All risks are necessarily interconnected in some way, so you need to clearly look at which direction your particular case falls into. The possibility of paying the insured amount and, of course, its exact size depends on this.