IBAN account. The National Bank launched the Internet service "IBAN Calculator" (updated) New bank codes from July 4



From July 4, 2017 In the Republic of Belarus, a transition to an international account number structure and new bank bank identification codes has been implemented BIC (Bank Identifier Code)(Resolution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated July 27, 2015 No. 440 “On the structure of the account number”). In the Republic of Belarus, IBAN account numbers have a structure 28 alphanumeric digits. Starting from July 4, 2017, your thirteen-digit account numbers will be automatically renumbered in accordance with the international IBAN standard. The account number in IBAN format will be used both for domestic settlements and for international payments.

Information about account numbers in accordance with the international IBAN standard is sent to corporate clients centrally through the Client-Bank remote banking system . The attached file contains a table of correspondence between existing bank account numbers and new IBAN numbers. You can also receive account numbers in the new format at the point of service from an operational employee when you contact the bank in person.

You have been sent, via the Client-Bank remote banking system, the correspondence tables for payments to the budget and the correspondence tables for payments in favor of enforcement authorities, provided by the National Bank for use in your work. You can also obtain this information from an operational employee at the bank at your place of service. Please take it into account when preparing settlement documents for payment to the accounts of the budget and enforcement authorities starting from 07/04/2017.

new account number in accordance with the international IBAN standard (28 digits);

new bank identification code (BIC) of ABSOLYUTBANK CJSC - ABLTBY22.

The bank accepts for execution only settlement documents indicating new account numbers IBANpayer and beneficiary and BIC of the banks serving them The Republic of Belarus.

To ensure proper transfer of funds, information on new account numbers and bank identification codes obtained from counterparties should be used.

In addition, information from the Internet resource can be used to clarify new account numbers and bank identification codes. "CalculatorIBAN posted on the website

Information on working with checkbooks to receive cash

In connection with the transition July 4, 2017 to the international account number structure IBAN (International Bank Account Number) checkbooks for cash receipts received by you before the specified date will be invalid from July 4, 2017.

In accordance with the norms of the "Instructions on using a checkbook to receive cash", approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 72 dated 04/08/2003, you need to return checkbooks with unused checks and stubs to the bank, attaching them to the application in any form with indicating the numbers of unused checks.

In order to receive new checkbooks containing your accounts in a new format, you must submit an application to the bank in advance for receiving a checkbook.

If you have any questions, please contact the bank's operational employee at the place of your service.

Thank you for your understanding, we look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Changing the forms of settlement documents on paper

In connection with the entry into force from July 4, 2017 Amendments No. 73 dated February 21, 2017 to the Instruction on bank transfer, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, execution of settlement documents (payment orders and payment requests) on paper is carried out according to the forms of external presentation of electronic settlement documents, provided for by the technical regulatory legal acts of the National Bank, which establish requirements for the processes of creating and reproducing on paper electronic documents used for banking operations. ()

  • 063.1-2012 "Banking. Information technologies. Processes of creation and reproduction on paper of electronic documents used for banking operations. Special requirements. ";
  • 063.2-2012 "Banking. Information technologies. Processes of creation and reproduction on paper of electronic documents used for banking operations. Special requirements. TCH.Payment requirements".

Samples of filling out settlement and other documents in accordance with the new requirements in force from 07/04/2017 are posted on.

Please take this information into account in your work.

Budget account numbers in IBAN format

We place the correspondence tables for payments to the budget provided by the National Bank for use in the work. Please take this information into account when preparing settlement documents for payment to budget accounts starting from 07/04/2017.

Table of correspondence between account numbers of enforcement authorities and bank identification codes of banks

We are posting an updated table of correspondence between the account numbers of enforcement authorities and bank identification codes of the banks in which these accounts are opened, provided by the Ministry of Justice, with the new account numbers and bank identification codes.

Please take this information into account when preparing settlement documents for the accounts of enforcement authorities starting from 07/04/2017.

Dear Clients!

We are posting letters from Belagroprombank OJSC and ASB Belarusbank OJSC “The correctness of indicating bank identification codes in payment documents.”

Please take this information into account when preparing payment documents in favor of the above banks.

More detailed information on the procedure for switching to IBAN and BIC is presented at

In accordance with the Resolution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated July 27, 2015. No. 440 “On the structure of the account number”, from July 4, 2017, customer accounts opened in banks will change in the Republic of Belarus.

IBAN (International bank account number) - international bank account number. Used for international payments. Complies with ISO 13616 standards.

IBAN was initially used to simplify and speed up the processing of international payments in the European Union. Currently also used in non-EU countries.

International standards in accordance with which an international account in the IBAN format is formed:

  • ISO 13616:2007 “Financial services. International bank account number (IBAN)“;
  • ISO 7064:2003 “Information technology. Method of protecting the system of control signs";
  • ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 “Country codes”.

Account structure

The new IBAN account number has a fixed length of twenty-eight digits and the following structure:


  • A.A.(1st - 2nd letter digits) - international code of the Republic of Belarus;
  • BB(3rd - 4th digital digits) - control digital value calculated in the manner established by the regulatory documents of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus;
  • SSSS(5th - 8th alphanumeric digits) - the first four characters of the bank’s bank identification code;
  • DDDD(9 - 12th digital digits) - balance sheet account according to the chart of accounts;
  • EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE(13th - 28th alphanumeric digits) - individual account numbering determined by banks.

Why do you need to know your account number in IBAN format?

From July 4, 2017, a new account number in the international IBAN format and a new bank identification code of Belgazprombank OJSC OLMPBY2X will be used when making interbank and international transfers (settlements).

How to find out the account number in IBAN format?

You can find out the new account number at the bank from your manager or by calling the single number 120 in the Contact Center.


Changing the account number format will not affect the functioning, maintenance and use of their accounts by clients.

About working with settlement documents

From July 4, 2017, settlement documents containing account numbers and bank identification codes valid before July 4, 2017 will not be accepted for execution (collection).

In accordance with Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 195 dated May 24, 2017, until July 4, 2017, it is necessary to submit to the payer’s bank applications for changing the account numbers and bank identification codes of banks serving beneficiaries to new account numbers of beneficiaries and new BICs of banks serving beneficiaries , according to the following documents:

  • standing payment orders (if available at the bank)
  • payment request without the payer’s acceptance for the collection of funds in an indisputable manner on the basis of enforcement documents of courts and notaries.

If, as of July 4, 2017, there are no applications from payers and collectors for changes in settlement documents located in card files, beneficiary account numbers and bank identification codes of banks serving beneficiaries, to new beneficiary account numbers and new BICs of banks serving beneficiaries no later than 5 July 2017:

  • settlement documents on paper will be returned to the payer, the collector without execution;
  • settlement documents in the form of an electronic settlement document will not be executed, and a corresponding electronic message will be sent.

At the moment, the IBAN Calculator service on the official website of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is not available. Here is a link to all the main documents on the transition to IBAN and BIC.

To find out your new account number (IBAN), you need to contact your bank. If you have accounts opened in several banks, then the IBAN number corresponding to a specific account can be obtained from the bank where the account is opened. According to the international standard, only the bank of the account owner has the exclusive right to issue an account number in IBAN format.

The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus has posted a service on its official website "IBAN calculator", BELTA reports with reference to the Department of Information and Public Relations of the National Bank.

The service allows you to online determine the number of the current (settlement) bank account of the counterparty (legal entity, individual entrepreneur, notary and lawyer practicing law individually) in IBAN format.

To determine the number of the current (settlement) bank account in IBAN format, in the service menu you must enter a 9-digit bank code or select its name, select the account currency and indicate the old account number (13 characters). After entering the data, the corresponding account values ​​in IBAN and BIC format will be displayed in the dialog box.

The service also provides the opportunity batch processing.

According to the National Bank, the regulator’s website also contains current “questions and answers” ​​for legal entities and individuals on transferring bank accounts to IBAN and BIC format. The bank recommends that for all questions regarding the transition to IBAN and BIC, as well as the procedure for opening and using them in settlements, contact the servicing bank.

As reported, from July 4, 2017, Belarusian banks will accept for execution only those payment instructions that contain new account numbers (IBAN) and new bank identification codes (BIC). In this case, IBAN and BIC will be used both for making payments within the country and for international payments.

The introduction of IBAN and BIC into the practice of non-cash payments on the territory of Belarus and cross-border payments will increase the reliability of transactions, speed up payment processing and reduce the costs of making them, and eliminate the possibility of ambiguous identification of the payment participant.

The decision to switch Belarusian banks to using IBAN and BIC when making non-cash payments was made in 2015 as part of the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the methodology of the ISO 20022 standard "Financial services. Universal message scheme for the financial industry" in the payment system of the Republic of Belarus for 2014-2017 .

IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is a bank account number in accordance with the international standard ISO 13616:2007. It is also called the IBAN code.

The IBAN code officially appeared in 2007. Its appearance was originally intended to standardize payments between banks in the European Union (EC).

The IBAN code is used not only in the EU, but also in other countries around the world. Using recommendations for coding bank accounts makes interbank payments faster and cheaper.

From July 4, 2017, through the efforts of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, Belarus joins the international account numbering and abandons its old one.

Each country independently determines the length of the IBAN code. The maximum possible length is 34 characters. In Belarus, the National Bank has established IBAN accounts with a length of 28 characters.

The IBAN structure looks like this:

  • The first two letters indicate the state where the account is located. For Belarus this is BY;
  • the next two digits are the IBAN check number to check the correctness of the account;
  • the remaining characters encode the bank attribute and bank account number.

For example, the Inspectorate for the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes in the Zavodsky district of Minsk had, until July 4, 2017, account number 3602911010004 at Belarusbank. Bank code: 153001795.

After switching to the new numbering, the invoice will look like this.

From July 4, Belarus will switch to an international account number (IBAN) and bank identification code (BIC) structure. How will these changes affect individuals and legal entities?

What is IBAN?

IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is the international number of the client’s bank account in a bank or other financial institution, up to 34 characters long, which is assigned in accordance with the international standard (ISO 13 616). IBAN was originally used to simplify and speed up the processing of international payments in EU countries (IBAN is now used in more than 70 countries around the world).

What will the IBAN look like for the Republic of Belarus?

The IBAN account number will have 28 characters (letters and numbers) and will look like this (example):

BY13 NBRB 3600 9000 0000 2Z00 AB00.

The “old” account number has 13 digits.

Why are Belarusians switching to IBAN?

From January 1, 2007, EU banks may not accept payments in which the international account number does not meet IBAN requirements. Such payments are returned back to the sender, and European banks may charge a fee for the return of the payment.

Using an IBAN account number allows you to uniquely identify the payment participant, check the correctness of the account number before sending the payment, speed up the payment processing process while observing the principle of straight through continuous payment processing (STP), reduce operational risks associated with incorrect execution of payments, since Already at the stage of accepting customer payments for processing, the bank will be able to check the correctness of the recipient’s details using check digits. In addition, IBAN allows you to reduce costs when making cross-border payments and implementing integration processes.

Why do individuals need to know their IBAN account number?

The payee's account number in IBAN format must be known to the sender of the payment. Therefore, in order to receive funds via bank transfer, the new account number must be provided to the sender. Individuals with bank accounts need an IBAN account number in order to fill out a payment order when transferring money not only abroad (including to EU countries), but also within the country.

What happens if you don’t open a new account?

A Belarusian citizen will be able to receive funds from abroad either to the IBAN account he opened in the bank or without opening an account. Regardless of whether or not a citizen has provided his counterparty with information about his new account number, funds received from abroad in his favor from July 4 to December 31 of this year will be credited by the bank to the new account. Moreover, if payments are made through a bank card or its details, which remain unchanged, it is not necessary to know the account number.

How can I find out my account number?

New IBAN account numbers can be found in bank departments and in banking remote service systems. Information about new accounts may also be available in remote services provided by banks (Internet banking, mobile banking, online chat). From December 1 last year to June 30 this year, when opening new accounts, banks simultaneously issue new IBAN (28-bit) account numbers to clients. IBAN numbers are also assigned to all accounts that were opened before December 1 of the previous year.

Will there be a transition period?

Transfers in favor of individuals according to lists (salaries, pensions, benefits, etc.), which will be received from July 4 to September 30 inclusive for crediting to old account numbers, will be credited by banks to new IBAN account numbers. There will be a transition period for legal entities as well. Thus, money from international bank transfers that will be received by clients from July 4 to December 31 of this year inclusive for crediting to the old account numbers will be credited to the new IBAN account numbers of the recipients.

Do I need to change cards and provide a new account number to receive a salary?

- No, it won’t be necessary. The servicing bank will independently replace the account. WITH There is also no need to provide a new account number to receive a pension, scholarship or other payments. The employer and other interested structures will receive information about new account numbers centrally.

Do I need to change a standing payment order?

— To preserve the PDPP, individuals should inform banks before July 1 about the new details of recipients of money transfers in IBAN format. If the client does not submit an application to the servicing bank to change the recipient details in standing payment orders, the bank will stop executing such orders starting from July 1, 2017.

What will change for legal entities?

Due to the transition of Belarusian banks to IBAN, the structure of correspondent, current (settlement) bank accounts, temporary, charitable, deposit (deposit) accounts will change. The structure of accounts for recording funds in settlements for transactions with banks, accounts for recording funds in settlements for transactions with clients, and other accounts used in making settlements by the National Bank, banks and non-bank financial institutions of Belarus will also change. The National Bank adds that by May 1, all legal entities received notifications about changes in their account numbers and bank identification codes of the banks serving them. “They, in turn, must provide new details to their counterparties both in Belarus and abroad, and take care of submitting applications to banks to change the details of payment documents located in banks’ files, standing payment orders, applications for acceptance of payment requirements in order to ensure the uninterrupted execution of payments,” the National Bank clarifies. At the same time, legal entities upon whose application enforcement proceedings have been initiated must contact the enforcement agency to inform the bailiff about new bank accounts to which, after July 4, funds collected from the debtor as part of enforcement proceedings should be sent.

Will banks be open the day before and on the day the new accounts and BIC come into force?

It is expected that on June 30, the last banking day before the transition to new IBAN account numbers, all bank branches will operate as normal, taking into account the end of the month and the end of the quarter. As a rule, payments accepted “today” are transferred on the next banking day. Therefore, payments accepted on June 30 will be accepted to the old details, and transferred on July 4 to the new details.