Fill out a receipt for payment of the traffic fine. How to pay a traffic police fine by order number through Sberbank online. How to do it


Many motorists often face the problem of paying traffic fines. It is better not to break traffic rules, but if it happens that the traffic inspector issued you a fine, then it is much more convenient to pay it off via the Internet. Moreover, from March 1, 2016, there is an interesting promotion in which you can pay only half of the fine if you manage to do it within 20 days (not all violations fall under the discount) And remember that if you have not repaid the debt after 60 days, then it will double in size! In this regard, it makes sense to track debts and eliminate them on time.

The familiar Sberbank Online service will help with this, through which it is not only quite easy to track all fines, but you can also quickly pay them. Sberbank Online also offers a function with which the system will search for traffic police fines automatically.

To make a payment, you must make sure that your card and phone are connected to Sberbank Online and Mobile Banking. You can read how to do this correctly in one of the articles on the site.

Search for traffic police fines in Sberbank Online and pay them

If you want to check for debts and pay them off online, proceed as follows:

There is another option for paying off debt:

Payment of the traffic police fine according to the details of the resolution

By the way, the check can be printed immediately, or at any free time: all completed transactions are saved in the payer’s Personal Account. Car owners recommend receiving the check immediately and taking it with you along with documents just in case.

So, we looked at a fairly simple procedure for paying a traffic police fine through Sberbank Online. To make your work even easier, you can activate the “Autopayment” service and all new information about fines and debts will be immediately sent to the phone number linked to the card. Agree that this is convenient and economical, since quickly repaid debts give a 50% discount, and searching for and paying traffic police fines online takes just a few minutes.

It often happens that the owner of a vehicle first learns about the existence of an administrative offense from a postal notice. This is due to the appearance of video cameras on the streets that record all events captured by the lens. You can find out information about existing offenses in several ways:

  1. At the highway patrol department, by providing the employee with a driver's license.
  2. By calling the local traffic police phone number. You can find out the number at the city information service or on the State Traffic Inspectorate website by selecting the desired locality.
  3. By sending an SMS to number 9112. The abbreviation STSI is entered in the text of the message, then the vehicle number and driver's license number are indicated separated by spaces. The cost of the service is ten rubles.
  4. On the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the “Checking fines” section. To do this, you will need to enter the details of the vehicle registration certificate and its state number. Information about all unpaid collections is displayed here. It happens that data on a payment that has already been made has not yet entered the information system and is displayed on the page as unpaid. This occurs due to incorrectly transmitted information from the organization where the payment was made. To correct the situation, you should send a scanned paid receipt yourself using the appropriate link on the website.
  5. On the State Services portal In this case, you need to register on the site, after which access to the services will open. The “Traffic Police Fines” section contains a detailed description of the service., where you need to confirm receipt of information. Next, an application form is provided, in which you must enter the number of the vehicle and driver's license. Information about outstanding fines via the Internet is provided completely free of charge.

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Where to print a receipt to pay a traffic fine

On the same website of the State Traffic Inspectorate, you can print a receipt for payment as follows:

  1. On the website page, in the appropriate fields, fill in the data from the existing resolution indicating:
    • Full name and address of the payer;
    • region of the Russian Federation in which the offense was recorded;
    • the traffic police department that issued the decision;
    • resolution numbers;
    • collection amounts.
  2. The easiest and fastest way is to print a receipt after entering the car number and state registration by clicking on the icon that appears in the form of a printer image, indicating the possibility of printing.
  3. There are many sites on the Internet, for example,, where it is possible to fill out the data and print a payment form.
  4. At any traffic police department, presenting a driver's license and vehicle registration document, you can request a printout of the receipt.

How to find out the details for a receipt

  1. Details may be indicated on the stamp of the resolution form, but are not required.
  2. On the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the “Details” section you can get the necessary information.
  3. The printed receipt indicates the details - current account, BIC, TIN and other payment details.
  4. In the traffic police department.
  5. On a website providing government services.

How to find out the number of the resolution to pay a traffic police fine

Each resolution is assigned its own individual number, which you can find out:

  • from the resolution form itself;
  • on the traffic police website;
  • on the State Services website;
  • and another equally common method - on the Yandex service “Checking debts on traffic police fines”.

Is it possible to find out what the traffic police fine is for?

The reason for imposing the fine is indicated in the resolution, which describes in detail the circumstances, date, place and participants of the incident, as well as the article of the law under which the punishment for this violation and the penalties were applied.

The website of the State Traffic Inspectorate also contains an article describing the elements of the violation. The contents of the article can be found in various paper and electronic sources.

So, finding out about debt on fines will not be difficult if you have a cellular connection and the Internet, with the help of which you can independently check whether the payment has been credited, check the details, and print a receipt without visiting the traffic police. This is a big plus for saving time and nerves, since queues at State Traffic Inspectorate offices are not uncommon.

In addition, it is possible via the Internet to activate the service of notification of new fines by email or SMS to a phone number. This service will reduce the possibility of overdue collections. The service can be disabled at any time.

  1. It is recommended to make payment of the fine no later than sixty days from the date of the decision. It is necessary to take into account the time of receipt of the payment in the recipient’s account, so for greater confidence, try to pay before the deadline specified in the documents.
  2. Keep the paid receipt for at least twelve months from the date of payment in order to avoid various kinds of misunderstandings.
  3. There are cases when, due to the payer’s carelessness, one fine is paid a second time. It is recommended to apply for a refund on the traffic police website, providing copies of receipts.
  4. For safety, do not be lazy to inquire about fines, especially if you have to undergo a vehicle inspection or travel abroad.

At least once in everyone's life driver may face fines. Previously paid in the regiment or bank branch, wasting your personal time. Now this operation can be done via « Sberbank online", using Internet.

How to pay a traffic fine using " Sberbank online» step-by-step instructions:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account on the official website " Sberbank online" You will need a login and password, a code from SMS (it comes to the linked phone).
  2. In the menu we find “ Payments and transfers", open it and look for " Payment for purchases and services" There is a link to pay fines in the “ traffic police».
  3. In the menu that opens, select search or payment by receipts.
  4. If there is a receipt, then choose payment using it. You need to enter the number of the resolution that is indicated in it. After specifying the debit account, check all the data and confirm the payment transaction.
  5. If you don’t have a receipt on hand, you need to use the fine search. To do this, select “ Search for fines", enter the number of your driver's license or vehicle registration certificate. Then click on search. All unpaid fines and the amount of debt for each will be displayed. You need to pay them one by one, starting with the earliest one. You will also need to select a debit account and confirm the operation.

Only those fines that were entered into the State Information System are displayed. If there is fine, but for some reason it does not appear in the system " Sberbank online", you will need to choose another method to pay for it.

Automatic payment of traffic fines SBERBANK

You can activate the service " Auto payment" It is provided for free. Using it, you can find out about debts by setting the necessary parameters in the settings - track everything once a week or month traffic police fines. After activating this service, SMS notifications will be sent to your phone as soon as a fine is found. It will be possible pay quickly and without commission having money in your account Sberbank and sending SMS confirmation from your phone.

Currently fines can be paid through the system " Sberbank online" without commission. You can pay the fine not in full, but only 50%. This is possible if payment is made within 20 days after receiving the order. But not all traffic police fines Can pay partially, because there are restrictions - running a red light, drunk driving and others.

It is difficult to find a driver who has not violated traffic rules. If a violation is recorded by a traffic police officer or an automatic photo/video camera, a fine will be issued and a letter with a payment receipt will be sent to the car owner. It is possible to pay for it in several ways, but in this article we will consider the option of how to pay traffic fines through Sberbank Online. The bank’s service is very convenient, because all you need is a computer or mobile device with Internet access, be connected to the Sberbank service, and then you can find and immediately pay off debts for traffic offenses.

Since 2016, Federal Law No. 437-FZ has been in force, providing motorists with the opportunity to pay fines for violations with a 50% discount for the first 20 days from the date of the decision. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for receipts by mail, especially if there is reason to believe that the rules may have been violated, but you can speed up the search and payment process with the help of Sberbank.

Not all offenses qualify for a discount!

It will not be possible to pay 1/2 of the fine if the driver’s violations are repeated, for example, the speed of the car was exceeded by 40 km/h or more, or the red light was repeatedly driven, or if the car was driven while intoxicated. More detailed information about exceptions can be found in the law itself.

How to check traffic police fines in the Sberbank Online system

Sberbank gives its clients the opportunity to check debts to the traffic police via the Internet using an online service, and if the grace period for receiving a discount has not yet expired, the system itself will offer to pay half the cost of the fine.

Step by step instructions

Searching for fines using the Sberbank Online system is given below in the instructions. So, the following is needed:

How to pay traffic police fines through your Sberbank personal account?

There are several ways to close offence-related debts with the help of Sberbank:

  • through the fine search system;
  • by resolution number.

You can only pay off your debt with a debit card.

Payment via search

You can pay fines immediately in the Sberbank Online service by following the steps indicated above in the search instructions. Once the system has found fines, they can be paid off immediately.

Everything you need to know to search and pay:

  • driver's license number;
  • vehicle registration certificate number.

You can pay fines if you don’t have a receipt on hand; you also don’t need to know the details, name of the recipient and purpose of payment, all this information is filled in automatically. In the purpose of payment you can read the number of the resolution on the administrative offense.

How to pay according to the order?

Another way to close a debt to the traffic police: pay online using the resolution number.

Similar to the previous instructions, we perform the same actions, changes will only be made in step 4:

There is a 1% commission per transaction.

Setting up auto payment

Sberbank offers an automatic search and payment service for traffic police fines. You can connect it through your personal account by selecting the “My Auto Payments” tab on the right side of the screen in the “Personal Menu”, and then “Connect Auto Payment”.

The operation can only be set up if you have a bank card, not a credit card!

It should be remembered that fines can be disputed, so whether you need to set up automatic payment is up to you.

Paying fines through Sberbank Online makes the life of a car owner much easier: there is no need to waste time traveling to the bank, adjusting to branch opening hours, or standing in line at the cash register. Another convenience is that it is possible to print a receipt for the transaction at any time from your personal account. And all the service with a minimum commission.

If you are not registered in the Sberbank Online system, you can use ATMs using a bank card, or terminals where you can pay the debt to the traffic police in cash.

None of us are immune from crime. And, as a rule, for each offense there is a certain punishment. Today in Russia a system of fines has been developed. Each of us can receive a fine, be it for traffic rules or violation of law and order. Anyone who receives a fine is required to pay it. Here the question arises: “How to do this?” Today you have a way to pay your fines for offenses through Sberbank.

In order to pay the received fine through Sberbank, the payer of the fine must know the details of the company to whose account the funds will be transferred. If you have a payment card, today it is possible to pay a fine on the spot directly from traffic police officers. How to pay a fine through Sberbank in other ways?

To pay a fine through Sberbank, there are several methods:

Pay the fine at the Sberbank cash desk

The fine can be paid at the nearest Sberbank branch using a payment order. To do this, go to a bank branch, contact a consultant and explain in detail the purpose of your visit. The consultant will give you a form (in 2 copies).

Fill out the forms using the payment order. It describes in detail the TIN, account number and other details of the recipient’s organization. In the “Name of organization” section, write down “Fine”. Enter information about yourself and write down the amount of the fine. At the end, you must enter the number and sign.

After filling out the form, check the information you entered. Then go to the window above which it says “Accepting payments” and pay the fine. Leave one copy. The copy must be accompanied by a receipt, which serves as confirmation of payment of the fine.

Pay a fine through the Sberbank terminal

You should be aware that many terminals are not equipped for cash. To find out whether a certain payment terminal is equipped with a bill acceptor or not, visit the official website of Sberbank. The official website of Sberbank contains information about all payment terminals. To pay by non-cash means, use a bank card.

To pay in cash, click the “Cash Payments” section. After this, you will see a list of companies to which you can transfer funds. Select the one you need and apply the barcode from the payment order to the scanner on the terminal. After that, enter the fine amount and click “Pay”.

Remember that for payments through the terminal, interest may be charged.

Payment of fines through Sberbank online

This method will help reduce your time and nerves. To pay a fine using this method, you must be registered in your Sberbank Personal Account, on their official website.

Visit your Personal Account on the official website of Sberbank and go to the “Transfers and Payments” section, in the “Payment for Purchases and Services” item. Click in the subsection “Staff Police, taxes, duties, budget payments” on the item you need. After this, you will see a list of companies to whose account you can send money. If you don’t see the one you need, click on the “Payment using custom details” item. After this, enter the organization details from the payment order and click “Transfer”.

How to register in your Sberbank Personal Account

To begin with, in order to successfully register in your Sberbank Online Personal Account, you need to apply for and receive a card from Sberbank.

How to do this?

To receive a card, go to a Bank branch and place an order for the card. You will be given several types of cards to choose from. Choose the card that suits your lifestyle best. Then place your order. After a certain number of days, you will be able to pick up the card. Along with it, you will be given a login and a list of passwords to log into Sberbank Online.

After receiving the list of passwords, you will be able to log into Sberbank Online by entering the received login and password into the login window.

You can also register yourself in your personal account. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the official website of Sberbank Online;
  2. Under the login window, click the “Registration” link;
  3. In the window that appears, enter your bank card number and click “Continue”;
  4. Below another window will appear in which you need to enter the number from the picture and click “Continue”;
  5. After this, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone, which should be entered into the window;
  6. Next, enter your username and password (your choice).

After registration, you will be able to use the Sberbank Online service at any time of the day.

Paying a fine through the Sberbank Online mobile application

You can pay a fine for an offense through an application on your mobile phone - Sberbank online. The version of the application on a cell phone is similar to the version on the official website of Sberbank. However, the functionality of this application is several times less than on the Internet. The main advantage of the application is that it is always at hand, and you can use it at any time.

In order to use the application, enter your password (which consists of five characters). If, after paying the fine, you forgot to exit the application, do not worry. The system itself will automatically shut down the application.

Please note that for using the application on a cell phone, there is a commission for each payment. The interest on the amount for one transaction is no more than 1%.