Change of policy due to change of surname. How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name and where is the best place to do it. Foreigners and documents


Throughout Russia there is a system of insurance for citizens, which includes certain medical institutions, the financing of which comes from the federal or regional budget. Hospitals, clinics, hospitals included in this system provide services to citizens living in the territory under their jurisdiction, upon presentation of a compulsory health insurance policy. Registration, receipt, as well as replacement when changing the surname of this document is carried out in accordance with the norms adopted by regulatory legal acts.

What is a compulsory medical insurance policy?

If he is denied this type of service, he must contact the compulsory health insurance fund with a corresponding application.

After receiving a permanent policy, the temporary certificate is transferred to the insurance company and is subject to destruction.

Temporary certificate when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy

Document replacement period

The issuance of a compulsory health insurance policy has its own specific time frame established by regulations, and should not exceed thirty calendar days from the moment the citizen applied to the office of the insurance company with an application for a replacement or receipt of the document.
However, quite often, most companies issue policies for longer periods, exceeding a month. Why is this possible? The fact is that each insurance company has its own range of services, prices for them, and also independently sets deadlines for performing certain procedures.

Current compulsory medical insurance documents

If the policy is replaced due to the fact that the document is lost or has lost its original appearance, for example, worn out due to a long period of use, torn, etc., a duplicate insurance policy is issued. That is, the identification number cannot be changed and remains the same.

Video: how to replace a medical policy - where to do it and how much it costs

The video explains how to replace the policy with the one you need with a new last name, where to do it, how long to wait, what documents are needed.

Both when changing a compulsory health insurance policy, and when initially receiving it, it is necessary to carefully study all the information about it in order to avoid possible fraud, which is currently quite widespread.

You should not delay the procedure for replacing the policy, since the document in which the old name is indicated is not valid. Accordingly, if there is a need to go to a medical institution, certain types of difficulties may arise.

What does a newborn need to get a policy?

To apply for a policy for a newborn, you must provide:

Birth certificate;

Identity document of the child’s legal representative;

SNILS (if available).

If the child is a foreign citizen, then in addition to the above list of documents, you will also need a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit for the child.

Can I replace the compulsory medical insurance policy for my grandmother without her presence? What is needed for this?

Yes, you can order compulsory medical insurance policies for your loved ones. You need to contact MEDSTRACH with your grandmother’s passport and SNILS. In addition, you need to provide a power of attorney from her in simple written form or your passport.

The new insurance policy has been lost. How many days will it take to recover? Is a temporary policy issued before a new one is issued?

When you contact MEDSTRA about the loss of your compulsory health insurance policy, you will receive a temporary certificate that completely replaces the policy at the time of its production. The duplicate policy will be ready in 45 working days. The policy number is saved. When applying, you must have your passport and SNILS with you.

Do I need to change my policy when I change jobs? Previously worked in Moscow, now I work in the Moscow region, registered in the Moscow region? I received the policy in 2013.

If you changed your job, but did not change your actual residence address and clinic, then you do not need to re-register your policy. When changing your place of residence, you must contact an insurance company that operates in this region. Since you have a uniform policy in your hands, you do not need to change it. On the back of the policy they will put the seal of the insurance organization about re-registration, and the information about the owner of the policy will be entered into the compulsory medical insurance database.

Am I required to change my old MEDSTRAKH policy? How long is it valid for?

On May 1, 2011, new compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard were introduced by Federal Law dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ. Old-style policies are valid until they are replaced by new-style policies. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the policy is unlimited.

At the clinic where I went, the information machine does not read the barcode of my policy. I can't make an appointment with a doctor. What to do?

If your uniform policy is not read by the terminal and you cannot make an appointment with a doctor, then you need to contact the receptionist or the clinic staff. Also, you need to check the validity of your policy by contacting the contact center number of your insurance company.

My mother, a citizen of Ukraine, who is 76 years old, has been issued a temporary residence permit. The issue of issuing a residence permit is being resolved. It is registered in Moscow. Can she receive free medical care at the clinic at her place of registration?

Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 established that foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (having a temporary residence permit) have the right to compulsory health insurance. To apply for a policy, you must provide to MEDSTRAKH a passport of a foreign citizen or another document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation. According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

To issue a policy, a representative of the insured person must provide the insurance company with original documents, the representative’s passport and a power of attorney.

I have a 1995 policy in my hands. Is it still valid?

Compulsory medical insurance policies are valid until they are replaced with policies of a single standard.

I live in Golyanovo, I have an old policy issued by MEDSTRAKH. Can I replace the policy only with your company? How are insurance companies different?

You can change your compulsory medical insurance policy at any insurance company. Contact the selected company with your passport and SNILS card. The tasks of insurance companies are to protect the rights and interests of the insured when receiving medical care. We recommend paying attention to the company’s experience and the presence of qualified experts on the company’s staff.

Can I apply for a policy for my husband if I have a photocopy of his passport?

You can contact MEDSTRAKH to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in your husband’s name. When applying, you must have your passport, a simple written power of attorney from your husband, a passport or a certified copy of your husband’s passport, and a SNILS card.

Do I need to exchange a MGFIF card issued before May 1, 2011? If necessary, what is the exchange procedure?

It is advisable to replace compulsory medical insurance policies issued before May 1, 2011 with policies of a single standard. To replace the policy, you must contact MEDSTRAKH with your passport and SNILS.

What documents are needed to obtain a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy if your permanent registration is in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but I live and work in Moscow?

From May 1, 2011, any citizen of the Russian Federation can choose an insurance company himself once a year. To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at your place of actual residence, you need to select an insurance company and contact one of its offices in person. You must have your passport and SNILS with you.

I have your compulsory medical insurance policy. I got married and changed my last name, do I need to order a new policy?

When changing your last name, you need to get a new compulsory medical insurance policy. If you previously had a uniform policy, its number will not change.

To replace your policy, contact MEDSTRAK in person. Indicate the reason “change of name” and the policy number that you have in your hands.

I have lost my insurance policy, how can I restore it?

You need to contact your insurance company. You need to have your passport and SNILS with you.

My mother lives with me and is not registered in Moscow. Can I get a policy for her and what documents should I take with me?

Lack of registration at your place of permanent residence cannot be an obstacle to obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in your mother’s name at our insurance company. To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to have your passport, mother’s passport, power of attorney and SNILS with you.

Can I get a policy for a relative who now lives in the country and cannot pick it up?

You can get a policy for a relative. You need to have your passports, power of attorney and temporary certificate with you.

When entering into a legal marriage, people are often puzzled by such issues as re-registration of documents, in particular, replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing their last name. This event is as mandatory as changing your passport or driver’s license. This article will describe all the nuances of changing your insurance policy.

What is compulsory medical insurance?

Mandatory medical insurance is a state system of social protection of the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in health care. The policy guarantees every resident of the country to receive free medical care. This document will be useful in all cases of life - in case of an accident, complicated childbirth or serious illness. The owner of this piece of paper can easily get a bed in a hospital and the necessary medications.

Important! Since 2011, policies have been issued in a single form throughout the state. The production of insurance documentation of a single sample was organized by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of Russia. The policy is issued to the population by medical institutions that provide insurance in accordance with the compulsory medical insurance rules.

When is it necessary or not to change the policy?

Changing such documentation in a public medical institution is not required in the event of dismissal, layoff, transfer to another job or employment.

Need to know! The policy should be replaced if a person changes his first name, last name, patronymic, rearranges the year or place of birth and other data. It should also be changed if some error or inaccuracy is found in a person’s personal documentation.

In what cases is a duplicate document issued?

Sometimes situations arise in which a copy of insurance documentation is necessary:

  • dilapidation or poor condition of the policy for subsequent use (loss of parts, distortion or unclear printing, its fading);
  • loss of document.

Important! Re-obtaining or re-registration of insurance should be free of charge.

According to current legislation, by presenting insurance at a hospital or clinic, a person has the right to receive free medical care. A medical institution does not have the right to refuse a person who has a valid insurance certificate.

Example of an insurance policy

Compulsory health insurance establishes the only requirements for obtaining a policy. When going to a hospital, people with health insurance must show their insurance policy, excluding cases when a person is admitted by ambulance.

Is it necessary to replace a medical insurance policy?

At the beginning of 2014, paper policies were replaced by plastic cards. The main thing is to remember that without this certificate, receiving free medical care is impossible.

Plastic policy

Insurance is a personal document that indicates the last name, first name, patronymic and other personal information of the insured person. Situations often arise when a person decides to change his last name, for example, if:

  • he entered into marriage;
  • divorced;
  • decided to return to his old surname;
  • changed the data in your passport or other documentation.

Individual account insurance number

That is, in case of marriage, a woman must certainly change her passport, insurance policy and other documentation. It should be taken into account that when applying for insurance, you will need to present a new document (original passport). The only exception is the insurance number of the individual account - despite the fact that it must also change, when receiving a new policy, you can provide the old one, since the number itself will remain the same.

Important! Article No. 326 of the Federal Law states that only 30 days are given to reissue a policy after a change of name.

Having changed your last name or registration, you need to go to a medical organization that provides insurance services as quickly as possible to obtain new documentation. If this is not done on time, the provision of free assistance will be temporarily stopped. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is better not to waste time with this issue.

Where to go to exchange a policy

When changing any information in your documentation, including your policy, you need to know where to go for this.

When discussing the fact that when changing your last name, you need to know that depending on the situation, the registration rules change. When a woman or man decides to change only their last name, they should contact the insurance institution and write an application. If a person gets married, sells a house and moves to another city for permanent residence, then there are several outcomes of the situation.

For example, when an insurance organization draws up documentation for a person and all services will operate in the territory of her residence, then you only need to come to the office and write an application to change the certificate due to a change in personal information and relocation. Be sure to have the necessary documentation with you.

Exchange of insurance certificate

If you have decided to change the organization providing insurance services (it does not matter for what reasons this happened), you need to choose a suitable insurance agent, come to the office and write an application.

List of required documents for re-registration

To re-register compulsory health insurance you must:

  • Application form. It is provided by company employees. The form must indicate why the decision was made to change the last name, write down your passport details and wishes for a new type of policy.
  • Original passport. It must be new and contain changed data, since obtaining a policy using an old passport is impossible.
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce as a reason for changing the surname.
  • Old policy. Its presence is not required, but insurance organizations often ask to present it.
  • Individual account insurance number card.

List of documents for re-registration

Important! If you want to change your baby's insurance, you will need the mother's or father's original passport, the child's birth certificate and any paper indicating the reason for the change of name.

Having your old policy and SNILS with you can significantly simplify the registration procedure and reduce the time it takes to complete it. The presence of the child in the company’s office is not mandatory; the presence of his birth certificate is sufficient. You can also replace the policy yourself with your wife or mother; their presence is also not necessary, but a power of attorney is required.

Where to contact

The application can be submitted to any organization that has received accreditation from the state. A list of such companies hangs in any hospital or on the Internet. When choosing an insurer, it is advisable to carefully weigh everything and analyze information about the company.

Please note. The Max insurance group has proven itself quite well. The organization has branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Far Eastern, Volga, Northwestern, North Caucasus, Ural, Siberian, Central and Southern regions. The company has existed since 1992, provides all types of insurance services and occupies a leading position.

By region, the most authoritative branch of the insurance group in Ivanovsk, Spasskie Vorota. The institution has been operating since 2004, has a license to provide compulsory medical insurance, and provides insurance to the entire population of the city. Among the many insurance institutions in Moscow, the most prominent are the companies “VTB Medical Insurance” and the insurance company “RESO-Garantia” on Borovskoye Highway.


Changing your compulsory medical insurance policy should occur in the following sequence:

  1. Choosing a decent insurer. He must have an impeccable reputation in his professional activities.
  2. Preparation of all necessary papers.
  3. Having all the necessary certificates and papers with you, you should contact the insurance office and write an application to reissue a new policy. If a single type policy was previously issued, you only need to conclude a new contract. All agent details must be indicated on the back of the policy.
  4. Next comes the waiting time. When the document is ready, a company employee will call you. You will have to wait about 30 days, but in most cases the processing takes 2-3 weeks.

Temporary certificate

Important! For the period of time when re-registration occurs, you need to request a temporary certificate. It is equivalent to a policy, the only difference is that it is printed on paper, so it can become wrinkled or torn.

Is VHI necessary if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Voluntary health insurance is paid care in hospitals and other medical institutions. It is impossible to say clearly how much the policy will cost, because the main role is played by the range of services provided.

Voluntary insurance provides everything the same as compulsory medical insurance, but with more favorable conditions - no queues, good service. The contract optionally includes various services that allow you to call a doctor, go to a specialized doctor, go to a hospital, etc.

Just a note. This insurance can be individual, that is, you can insure yourself and a loved one, and collective - insurance by the employer of the health of its employees. Is it necessary to purchase voluntary health insurance if the company does not provide for its registration? This is a personal matter, it all depends on the person’s desire to save time and nerves.

The cost of the policy can be calculated on the website of the insurance company. When calculating the cost, the range of services provided, gender, age, well-being, and working conditions are taken into account. The choice of an insurance company must be careful and thoughtful; it is advisable to pay attention to studying the contract when signing it.

In accordance with legislative norms, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to change their own personal data. Most often this happens after marriage. In this case, it will be necessary to replace all documents where such data is reflected, including the compulsory health insurance policy.

What is it

It is also possible to use a replacement policy through a special Internet portal “State Services”. But it is important to remember some significant disadvantages of this kind of resource. First of all, this is the need for lengthy registration.

In some cases it takes about 1 month. To use the full list of all categories of services, you will need to confirm your account.

At the same time, if such registration is available, there is no need to visit the insurance company or collect documents. All actions can be performed right from home.

All you need is a personal computer and the Internet. Some insurance companies offer a service such as issuing a policy with home delivery.

Established deadlines

For certain documents that need to be changed when changing your last name, certain deadlines are established. For example, must be replaced within 1 month.

Otherwise, if the relevant documents are not submitted, the violator will be subject to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. Its magnitude depends on several different factors. At the federal level, the fine is 2 thousand rubles.

But in some regions it may be slightly increased. For example, in St. Petersburg the fine for late replacement of a passport is 5 thousand rubles. In turn, with the policy, things are somewhat different.

No deadlines have been established for the document holder himself. Therefore, there is no need to rush into replacement.

In fact, most medical institutions do not refuse to provide medical care if the last name in the passport and the policy do not match.

At the same time, you should not delay replacing the policy. The duration of registration of this document is 30 days. During this period of time, a new compulsory medical insurance policy must be issued.

If for some reason there is a delay, this is a reason to contact higher authorities with a question about meeting deadlines.

It happens that the insurance company for some reason refuses to issue a new policy. Typically such a refusal is illegal.

If there is an obvious violation of the rights of a particular citizen, then he will need to go to court at the location of the representative office of the insurance company.

Judicial practice on this matter is clear. At the same time, you should first consult with a lawyer.

How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name

Changing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name must be carried out - despite the absence of penalties for delay and clearly established deadlines. It is best to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance.

Determining what must be provided in a particular case is possible only after choosing the method of replacement. Do I need to change my medical insurance policy when changing my last name? The answer to this question is positive.

Again, it’s worth understanding in advance all the nuances associated with the process of applying for a new policy. This is quite easy to do.

The main issues, preliminary consideration of which will help avoid various difficulties, include the following:

  1. What is this for?
  2. Prerequisites.
  3. Filling out the application.
  4. Attached documents.
  5. How much will it cost?

What is this for?

The replacement of the policy is required due to the need to reflect in it up-to-date information about the specific insured citizen. Compliance with this condition is strictly mandatory.

It is for this reason that you should not delay replacement. Even if the last name in the policy and passport do not match, a medical institution of the appropriate type will not refuse service.

But if it is necessary to receive medical services of a certain nature, a discrepancy between the surname in the general passport and the policy can become a very serious problem. For example, during an organ transplantation procedure, etc.

It is on the basis of having a medical policy, issued accordingly, that it becomes possible to receive qualified medical care in various regions of the country.


Registration of a new compulsory health insurance policy will be possible only if a number of special conditions are met.

These include:

The decisive factor is the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation. Since the compulsory medical insurance applies only to citizens of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember a number of other persons who, if certain conditions are met, can also qualify for a policy of the type in question. These are refugees, stateless persons with residence permits and others. There are many nuances.

It should be remembered that having a passport with a changed surname is strictly necessary. It is on the basis of a general passport that the policy is replaced with a new one. Personal data is taken from it.

Therefore, before contacting the insurance company, you will need to replace your passport. Moreover, for delays over a certain period, a fairly significant fine is imposed.

The list of required documents is completely standard. But this applies only to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority.

There are a number of categories of persons for whom a special list of documents is established. Only if this condition is met will a new compulsory medical insurance policy be issued. Its design algorithm is completely standard.

Filling out an application

There is simply no single application form for replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy. Depending on the insurance company, it can differ quite significantly.

Typically, the application includes a standard list of data:

Indicators Description
Name of the insurance organization
Last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant
The name of the document itself is indicated “application for the issuance of a duplicate policy or re-issuance”
The document is indicated carry out the registration required in a particular case
The basis for changing the policy is indicated change of surname or other
A complete list of exact data about the insured person is indicated.
  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • indicate gender and date of birth;
  • place of permanent residence and location;
  • passport data - series, number, place and date of issue;
  • citizenship;
  • exact registration address on the territory of the Russian Federation (postal code, as well as city, district, street);
  • exact address of the place of stay (city, street, house and postal code);
  • information about the identity document
Data Details

that took place before the surname change:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • place and date of birth
If the provision of all necessary documents is carried out by a third party you should indicate his passport details, as well as information about the passport (series, number, date of issue and place of issue)
Date of application
Signature of the insured or his representative
Signature with facial identification which accepted the application
Indicates the issuance of a temporary certificate

Also, when submitting an application, it will be possible to find out how much a new compulsory medical insurance policy costs. In any case, this period should not be more than 30 days.

Attached documents

The documents required to replace a compulsory medical insurance policy may differ slightly depending on the specific status of the individual.

For persons aged 14 years and older, the following documents will be required to be submitted to the insurance company:

If the representation of interests is carried out by a third party, then you will also need to provide a power of attorney, certified accordingly, and an identity document. Once again, this is a passport.

If a change of surname is carried out by a person receiving a policy of the appropriate type on the basis of the Federal Law “On Refugees”, then the following documents will be required:

  • the refugee's identity card;
  • certificate of consideration of recognition of refugee status;
  • a copy of the complaint about deprivation of status.

If the policy is changed by a person who does not have Russian citizenship, but permanently resides in the country, then the following documents will be required:

  1. Identity card (which is recognized as such internationally).
  2. Resident card.
  3. SNILS card.

There are many different nuances associated with the paperwork procedure when obtaining a new policy in the event of a change of surname.

The fundamental factor here is precisely the status of such a person himself. It is necessary to focus on the legislative document that regulates this issue.

How much will it cost

Today, the issue of compulsory medical insurance policies and all nuances related to medical insurance is considered in the Federal Law. This regulatory document establishes that replacement of the policy should be completely free.

No state duty is required. This point is reflected both in legislation and in insurance contracts.

If for some reason an employee of an insurance company demands payment for work to replace the policy, then this is a direct violation of the laws on compulsory health insurance.

If such a violation is detected, it will be necessary to contact higher authorities. If the issue cannot be resolved peacefully, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor and the court at the place of registration of the company.

Video: compulsory medical insurance policy

Important nuances

There is a fairly wide range of nuances directly related to the replacement of a compulsory health insurance policy.

These nuances include the following:

Legislative framework

The fundamental regulatory document on the basis of which the compulsory medical insurance contract is concluded and the policy is issued is the Federal Law:

responsibilities and rights of medical organizations how personalized accounting is carried out in the field of compulsory health insurance How is the accounting of personalized insured persons, as well as the medical care provided, carried out? what is a compulsory health insurance policy, the main points associated with it a certain algorithm is established for issuing a compulsory health insurance policy to the insured person himself How does interaction occur between a medical organization, as well as the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund and other institutions involved in these relationships? process of personalized joint accounting between insurance organizations and medical institutions interaction of an informational nature organization of various volumes, as well as timing, quality and other aspects regarding the provision of medical care within the framework of this law grounds and procedure for applying various sanctions directly to medical organizations in the presence of a certain nature of violations how the process of appealing the conclusion of an insurance organization is carried out when assessing the volume of work, quality and other parameters of medical services

It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the main sections of this legislative act in advance. This will allow the person applying for a replacement compulsory medical insurance policy to independently monitor compliance with their own rights.

It is important to remember that the employer pays the insurance premium at his own expense.

The officially employed person himself is not required to make any payments. Amendments are made to federal legislation every year. If possible, you should monitor all changes.

At the same time, it is important to remember that a special bill is being considered by the Government of the Russian Federation, which establishes the need for individuals who are not officially employed to independently pay contributions to the compulsory medical insurance fund.

The amount to be paid will be approximately 10 to 20 thousand rubles. This bill is not yet in force and is under development. But there is no doubt that it will be implemented in the next few years.

Today, the replacement of a compulsory health insurance policy is not indicated by any deadlines. But if possible, you should not hesitate to implement this procedure.

There is always a possibility of difficulties arising at the registry in a clinic and other medical institutions if a policy is provided with an invalid surname.

When changing their last name, citizens are required to replace their medical insurance policy, since the content of irrelevant information invalidates it.

Do I need to change my compulsory medical insurance policy when changing my last name?

Compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming insurance that gives the right to receive free medical care.

Along with the main ones, this document must be replaced, since outdated data makes it invalid. With such a document, a citizen will not be able to receive medical care for free.

If a person has changed at least one part of his name - last name, first name or patronymic, then after that he must independently contact the competent authority to replace the insurance policy.

Important! Citizens who have changed their personal data are required to change their health insurance policy within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of a new passport.

The basis for obtaining a new policy is new documents confirming the fact of a change in the citizen’s surname:

  • new Russian passport;
  • certificate of marriage, divorce, change of name.

The reason for this may be marriage, divorce, or another of your own free will.

Procedure for replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy

When changing the surname, both the applicant himself and his representative acting under a notarized power of attorney can change the compulsory medical insurance policy.

To do this, you need to contact the branch of the insurance company in any convenient way:

  • directly to the insurance company;
  • through multifunctional centers.

Important! Replacement through the Gosuslugi portal has been temporarily suspended since 2017 - the service only allows you to find out information about your insurance company.

Replacement with an insurance company

To make a replacement with an insurance company, you must choose any convenient branch that works with individuals.

Required documents

When applying, the applicant must present the following documents to the insurer:

  • new Russian passport;
  • certificate of marriage, divorce or change of name;

Important! In the event that a representative applies for a replacement by power of attorney, he is allowed to present copies of documents that must be notarized.

A representative of the insurance company will ask the citizen to fill out an application, the form of which will be given to the applicant at the time of application. The application form for each insurer is drawn up individually, but the data required to be filled out is always the same. The applicant will have to enter personal data and also indicate the reason for receipt.

After filling out the application, an employee of the insurance company takes away the old policy and instead issues a temporary certificate, according to which the citizen has the right to receive medical care in any institution while issuing a permanent document.

Important! A temporary certificate is issued for 1 month from the moment the applicant contacts the insurance company.

The insurer will set a date for receiving the new document. In addition, when the document is ready, the insurer can notify the applicant about this by sending him an SMS message.

When the main policy is issued, the temporary certificate is taken away.

Replacement at MFC

Replacing a medical policy after changing your last name can also be done in multifunctional centers.

Contacting the MFC will seem more convenient for those citizens who cannot waste time in line, since it is possible to choose the exact time of the applicant’s appointment by making an appointment by phone or on the regional MFC website.

To contact the multifunctional center, the applicant will need the same documents as when replacing it through the insurance company directly.

The specialist will accept the documents and also issue the applicant a temporary certificate.

When ready, the MFC system notifies the applicant by sending him an SMS message.

Replacement not at the place of registration

In accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Insurance” No. 326 of November 29, 2010, a citizen can apply for a replacement medical policy to any convenient insurance company, regardless of the place of permanent registration, since it does not contain information about the place of registration or residence of the insured person.

Such information is entered into the Unified Register of Insured Persons, which is maintained electronically. Therefore, within 30 days from the date of change of registration, the citizen is obliged to inform the insurer about this.

Important! In cases where there is no branch of the insurance company in another region in which the citizen is insured, he will have to choose another insurer.

Production time and cost

The insurance company is obliged to issue a new document during the validity period of the temporary certificate. Since a temporary certificate is issued for a period of up to 30 days, the new policy must be ready by this time.

Production times do not depend on the method of application - directly to the insurance company or through a multifunctional center.

Important! State duty and other payments are not charged.

There are also no penalties for late replacement. However, it should be remembered that with an expired or invalid document (due to a change in personal data), it is impossible to receive free medical care.