Ripple Forecast – Are there growth prospects for this cryptocurrency? Ripple Cryptocurrency (XRP) - Overview and Prospects Ripple Cryptocurrency Prospects


A very successful year for cryptocurrencies in 2017 has come to an end. The growth of quotes of popular tokens amounted to thousands of percent, and the lucky ones who decided to invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other coins at the beginning of the year are counting fabulous profits.

One of the best results in terms of growth rates in the last 12 months was shown by the Ripple cryptocurrency. Its value in 2017 grew by more than 40 times. Investors are extremely interested in the XRP token and see it as a top investment.

Will the Ripple Coin Growth Become Sustainable or will XRP Be Caliph for the Hour? We will talk about the prospects of an ambitious banking project and the future quotes of its token in today's review material.

The situation with Ripple at the end of 2017

Even at the beginning of the last month of the year, the XRP exchange rate did not exceed $0.3. But December 2017 was a time of real triumph for Ripple. At the end of the month, the quotes of the Ripple token fluctuated around the $2.40 mark, having increased more than 8 times in 30 days.

In the first days of the new year, quotes continued to grow. As of the evening of January 3, 2018, in order to become the owner of one XRP coin, you will have to pay $2.89. Every day, the token rises in price by 15-20% to the previous close, and while market analysts do not know when the trend will end.

Thanks to such a strong growth, Ripple did the seemingly impossible - from the 4th position in the cryptocurrency rating (which was already assessed by experts as a very big success), the XRP token immediately took off to the second place. On January 2, 2018, the capitalization of the system for the first time exceeded $100 billion: today, all XRP tokens issued into circulation are worth almost $112 billion.

Ripple rate change factors in 2018

To understand where the cryptocurrency quotes will move, you need to analyze all the factors influencing it. Since a year is a very long distance for digital currencies, you need to take into account as many reasons as possible for an increase or decrease. At the same time, you should always leave room for unaccounted factors: now, in January, they may not be, and in 2-3 months they will come to the fore and play a decisive role in a serious growth or a catastrophic fall in the exchange rate.

The first factor that will surely become important for Ripple is the listing of the XRP token on the Coinbase exchange. If the largest exchange platform in Europe accepts and withdraws the Ripple cryptocurrency, then long-term investment in the token and its use for trading will become much easier. As a result, the demand for XRP will increase dramatically, which will trigger an increase in its value.

All crypto market experts agree with this forecast of the impact of Coinbase's decision on the fate of Ripple. A good example is the change in Litecoin quotes: as soon as transactions with this currency became available on Coinbase, LTC tokens soared in price by 10 times in 12 days.

According to experts, in the event of a positive decision by the Coinbase management regarding the start of the XRP exchange, the price of the Ripple coin will increase by 200-400%.

The second factor is the gradual destruction of Ripple's SWIFT monopoly on interbank transfers. This process has already been launched and was partly reflected in the changes in XRP quotes in 2017, but in 2018 Ripple’s attacks on SWIFT will be more massive and effective. UBS and Bank of Santander already have a successful experience using Ripple for transfers: transactions through a decentralized system were carried out in 2-3 seconds with a minimum commission of $0.0004.

Both factors can be called positive for Ripple: if they are realized, the price of the token will surely rise. Moreover, the likelihood that XRP will appear on Coinbase trading, as well as that more and more banks will start using Ripple for money transfers, is high. The advantages of the system do not go unnoticed: today they are known not only in narrow cryptocurrency circles, but also in serious banking groups.

This means that it's time to take a closer look at the advantages of the Ripple system. It is they who push the cryptocurrency rate up, making it more attractive to a wide range of users. Having studied the advantages of Ripple, you yourself will understand how the platform is pulling ahead in a dispute with opponents, and you will be able to make your own forecast about the prospects of its coin.

Competitive advantages of Ripple

  1. Low commission. Now in Ripple, the cost of one transfer is only $0.0004. For comparison, in SWIFT this indicator starts from $10. If we take into account only crypto-currency systems, Ripple also wins: the transfer price in Bitcoin is $1.88, in Ethereum - $0.46, in Bitcoin Cash - $0.21.
  2. Scalability. Processing only a limited number of transactions per second is the “Achilles heel” of the most popular cryptocurrency systems. For example, it is impossible to carry out more than 16 transactions in one second through Bitcoin. As a result, a queue accumulates from clients: they have to wait for the transfer to be sent for 4-5 hours. Ripple does not have this problem - today the system processes 1.5 thousand operations every second, and if necessary, the figure can be increased.
  3. Translation time. Using Ripple, you can be sure that the funds will reach the recipient in 2-3 seconds after they were sent. Competitors' performance is from 4.5 minutes (Ethereum) to 5 hours (Bitcoin).
  4. No mining. The fact that XRP cannot be mined reduces the interest of farm owners. But in the long run, investors and participants who plan to use Ripple for settlements and profit are much more important. And for them, the absence of mining is a virtue: due to the fact that the emission does not occur, Ripple is not afraid of inflation.
  5. specific target. The tasks of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency systems are too vague and global, which does not correspond to their achievement. Ripple's goal is more specific and meets people's needs right now. This means that the prospects for its implementation are higher than those of competitors.

What is the result?

We looked at the internal advantages of Ripple and the factors that can increase the price of the token in 2018. It's time to make a prediction: how much will the XRP coin be worth over the next 12 months?

In 2018, we expect the steady growth of Ripple cryptocurrency quotes to continue. The project has an important goal, as well as an understanding of how to achieve it. Large banks are interested in the Ripple project, and their support will allow the team that created the ambitious development to complete their plans.

There is a possibility that the cost of XRP tokens on exchanges will fall for the first two months. This is due to the strong growth in the last days of 2017: after it, a correction will inevitably follow, which will take place in January-February 2018. But even now, when the XRP token is worth almost $3, it remains undervalued. The currency of such an ambitious, useful project with clear prospects should be worth more. And in 2018, quotes will rush to the fundamental value, which, in our opinion, is in the region of 6-8 dollars per XRP.

But never forget that in the field of cryptocurrencies, the impact of momentary factors is very high. One piece of negative news can bring down the exchange rate by 20-30% and keep it at this level for several weeks. If the information background around Ripple becomes negative, the cryptocurrency community will become pessimistic about the prospects for Ripple, then they will no longer want to invest in XRP. And in these conditions, even a small increase in quotes is impossible.


It is impossible to predict what will happen in the cryptocurrency market even after 1-2 hours. The situation is changing every minute, and you should always stay up to date with the latest news. The success in investing in any assets, including the Ripple cryptocurrency, depends on the speed of reaction to new factors and their correct interpretation.

Today, at the very beginning of 2018, Ripple is seen as one of the best projects in the field of cryptocurrencies. The developers have already created a finished product that differs from competitors for the better, and managed to make it popular. Ripple, unlike other developments, has a clear plan for reaching the first positions in its industry, supported by real, not fictional, advantages.

Will Ripple be able to justify the hopes of its investors in 2018? No one can guarantee this - banks are able to drastically change their policies, and there is no need to discount the likelihood of the collapse of the entire cryptocurrency market. But today, long-term factors are clearly in favor of investing in Ripple. Despite the rapid growth in recent weeks, the currency remains undervalued, and you can make good money on a subsequent increase in its quotes.

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The sharp jump in the Ripple cryptocurrency rate, which reached the $1.5 mark, rising sharply from 20 cents, aroused great interest from investors.

Despite the fact that the rate is now in a certain stagnation, having stopped at the level of 0.5 cents, most potential investors would like to know the prospects for the Ripple cryptocurrency in order to understand how profitable this cryptocurrency can “shoot” in the future.

In this article, we will provide you with not only a brief overview of the unique blockchain system, but also the most anticipated forecast of its possible development.

Ripple - history of creation and overview of cryptocurrency

The history of this cryptocurrency begins in 2005, but for a long time its creators have been thinking about how to make not just a promising electronic coin, but a secure system for the exchange of digital and fiat funds between banking structures, the speed of transactions in which will significantly exceed the monopoly SWIFT technology.

The forecast for the development of the Ripple cryptocurrency largely depends on its features. In fact, this system of electronic payments is extremely difficult to attribute to the classical cryptocurrency.

Let's start our review with what makes the Ripple currency truly unique:

Ripple coins cannot be mined. This blockchain system is centralized and regulated by a legal entity, i.e. a developer company, which owns less than half of the issued capital.

The limited number of coins and the presence of a technical commission of 0.00001 XRP have their own prospects. The fewer coins become in the system, the faster they will grow in price.

The system can carry out more than 70 thousand operations per second. Compared to Bitcoin, the latter processes transactions 10 times slower.
Active cooperation with the world banks of England, America and Japan. Their number has been constantly growing since 2016.
Anonymity of ongoing transactions. For banking operations, the security of the transactions performed is of great importance, but this advantage can also be a disadvantage, given that in this way money can be laundered by participants in the system.
Trust aspect in transactions. You can make a deal in the chosen direction only through an intermediary who is mutually trusted by the seller and the buyer. Based on this, there are a small number of participants in the system who want to make money on speculation.

The main disadvantage of the blockchain system is that it is so revolutionary that not all banking structures are ready to invest in the development of this protocol. It is from the support of banks that the further course of the cryptocurrency depends.

If you are interested in the exchange where you can buy Ripple, then the main platforms for this will be:

  • AMarkets

On Binance, this direction is still closed due to high demand. If you still decide to invest in this altcoin, then do not forget to create a personal wallet to which the coins you have purchased will be transferred. The exchange is not the safest place to store digital funds.

Ripple Cryptocurrency Growth Analysis and Prospects

Prospects for the development of Ripple cryptocurrency. What to expect from cryptocurrency in 2019?

Many experts are still hesitant to make any prediction about Ripple's appreciation. In January 2018, the cryptocurrency showed what could be very promising, but for several months now it has been in the range between 0.3 - 0.5 cents.

The prospects for the Ripple cryptocurrency will be justified if banks continue to invest in the blockchain system. At the beginning of 2018, it was said that Ripple could rise to $2-3, but this forecast will most likely not come true, given that the volatility of the altcoin in question is not so high. This type of cryptocurrency is independent of the market.

In case of high interest in the Ripple cryptocurrency, the forecast may be as follows:

  • standard forecast. At the beginning of 2019, we quite expect a decline in the exchange rate. However, after that, the crypto may rise in price to about $5-7 per 1 XRP. Such a development of events is quite realistic, given the analysis of rates for previous years. If it comes true, then it's time to start buying coins while they are in a very affordable range.

  • Positive outlook. If the cryptocurrency gains global recognition, then the cost of 1 XRP can rise to $12-15.

The Ripple cryptocurrency exchange rate is extremely unstable. Many experts do not know what to expect from this asset, given its features.

When investing in Ripple in 2019, we recommend assessing the possible risks of such a deposit:

  • China has taken an opposing stance in terms of legalizing digital transactions. If Korea and Russia join the decision of the Celestial Empire, then the growth of Ripple will noticeably slow down, although America and Japan are extremely optimistic about the introduction of this technology.
  • Investors can get a little lost in the variety of cryptocurrencies that have been created recently. It will take some time for exchanges and financial institutions to trust Ripple.
  • The largest banks are conservative enough to adopt a new fund transfer algorithm. However, it is possible that they will take up the development of their own electronic coins.
  • Developers at the moment are little concerned about the development of the cryptocurrency he created. Due to the presence of a technical commission, which gradually reduces the number of issued coins, the latter will run out sooner or later, and the system will become obsolete.
  • Since the main direction of Ripple is aimed at bank transfers, its rate will rise more slowly.

Prospects for the development of the Ripple cryptocurrency and its price forecast for 2020

You don't need to be a professional expert to understand that the developers of the coin expect to push the SWIFT algorithm out of international banking. If they succeed, then the prices for the crypt will “take off” impressively. And who knows, maybe in two years you will be able to sell your coins at a cost of $1,000 for 1 XRP! Just imagine that the $100 you invested now can bring you a profit of several hundred thousand dollars!

Such prospects are very tempting for any speculator, but before transferring Ripple to your wallet, think about whether you are ready to invest in a very adventurous cryptocurrency and periodically monitor its rate. As in, "buy and wait" will not work.

Some distrust of Ripple is also caused by the fact that most of the digital funds are at the disposal of developers. Not many financial institutions are willing to take that kind of risk. But for general reassurance, the creators of the coin have already announced that every month they will issue part of the tokens into circulation to ensure the stable operation of the entire system.

If financial organizations start to completely abandon the Ripple cryptocurrency, then the blockchain system will collapse and its development will stop.

However, at the moment, experts are only talking about a slow but steady growth in demand without reference to specific figures. As for Ripple trading, this direction will most likely not be developed in trading, if only in terms of long-term investments.

Buying and storing Ripple cryptocurrency

The capitalization of the cryptocurrency market is breaking new records day by day, and more and more assets traded here are showing breathtaking increases in value. Moreover, the main attention is focused on the leaders of the segment, among which there are obviously undervalued currencies. One of them will be discussed below, since today many people want to understand what growth prospects Ripple has for the next 2018, as well as for 2019 and 2020. Now it is very important to assess what to expect from XRP (Ripple ticker on exchanges) in 1 or 2 years, as it is clearly ready to shoot well.

The main reason for attention to the Ripple forecast is that capitalization volumes are growing every day, but at the same time, it does not rise in price. Naturally, in such conditions, many expect a strong jump in the value of XRP/USD. Having clarified this important point, it is worth moving on to considering Ripple in order to understand what it is and what its prospects are.

XRP Forecast

Before continuing, I would like to note that, according to the Wall Street Forecast, Ripple’s prospects for 2020 in numbers are $1,000 per coin! It is difficult to say on the basis of what Wall Street analysts gave such a forecast for Ripple, but if you think about the fact that now XRP/USD quotes cannot overcome 30 cents, but should reach 1 thousand USD in a little more than 2 years, it's really impressive.

For example, it turns out that if you now spend $100 to buy 400 Ripple coins, then in 2020 these $100 will turn into $400,000!

Why was XRP created?

Ripple stands out from other cryptocurrencies. Actually, it is extremely difficult to even call it a cryptocurrency, since its mechanism and purpose have a fundamental difference. It would be correct to call XRP a protocol for conducting financial transactions. At the same time, Ripple cannot be mined, since the total number of coins is created immediately and cannot be increased. But it can decrease, since an insignificant commission is charged during transactions, which immediately burns out. A very slow but steady decrease in the number of coins leads to the fact that the Ripple network is reliably protected from inflationary processes.

Of the existing number of Ripple coins, 50% of its developers have left for themselves, which should motivate them to further develop the network. All other coins went on free sale.

How does the XRP network work?

To assess Ripple’s growth prospects for 2018, 2019, 2020 and beyond, it is important to understand how the network works. So, let's consider why it was created and what is the role of Ripple. Within the network, all settlements between users are carried out on credit. That is, there is a living embodiment of the concept of trusting relationships and there are no financial transactions familiar to most people.

Each of the operations within the Ripple network is a kind of exchange that takes place on the basis of a certain trust in certain of its nodes. In such conditions, the currency itself does not really matter, but in order to exchange it, you need to build a trust line with the user with whom you want to exchange. That is, the two basic principles of the functioning of the network are trust and limit.

To understand this system, you can take a look at the following simple example. For example, Jennifer has a desire to exchange 500 XRP for 100 USD. At the same time, there is a certain guy John who wants to exchange his 100 USD for 500 XRP, but he does not know Jennifer himself and cannot contact her directly. But John and Jennifer have a common friend Samantha and are ready to lend her 500 XRP or 100 USD.

So the following happens:

  • Jennifer is obliged to give Samantha 100 USD;
  • Samantha must give John 100 USD;
  • John agrees to give 500 XRP to Samantha;
  • Samantha owes Jennifer 500 XRP.

That is, a normal exchange takes place with the participation of an intermediary, which is possible because two participants who do not know each other trust a common "acquaintance" within a certain limit. Understanding this feature, it is easier to appreciate the advantages of XRP and believe in the Ripple forecast, which prophesies an unprecedented growth for this cryptocurrency.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the XRP mechanism

As a rule, a regular cryptocurrency is created so that users can safely use it without any restrictions. If we evaluate Ripple and its growth prospects, then, first of all, we need to understand that we have a product that turns the whole idea of ​​the settlement system created by people.

Its main advantage lies in the complete and radical modification of the mechanism of international banking settlements. The Ripple network ensures their instant execution in the absence of full decentralization, which guarantees absolute security and comfortable conditions for financial transactions. That is, the bank transfer system in XRP is a much more efficient algorithm.

But along with the advantage, there is also a serious drawback that confuses many analysts who evaluate Ripple's prospects for the future. The fact is that everything new is accepted by conservative-minded bankers with great difficulty, especially in conditions when they lack the motivation to accelerate this or that process of adopting avant-garde methods.

Bankers see the main drawback - a very large supply of XRP coins from the creators of Ripple. Theoretically, this creates an environment in which developers have an excellent opportunity to manipulate the market in accordance with their goals. Naturally, hearing this is not very pleasant for a trader, let alone long-term investors.

Where to see the chart

In order to soberly assess the Ripple cryptocurrency and the prospects for its further course, you need to track the chart and volumes. The easiest way to access quotes for the XRP/USD pair is through the TradingView service.

If you look at it, since the spring of 2017, the Ripple rate has grown by 6000%. However, then he significantly lost in value, rolling back half of his impressive growth. At the time of writing the review, the price is moving inside the corridor, limited from below by support at 0.1500 and from above by resistance at 0.3000.

How to earn on XRP

Being interested in what prospects Ripple has, one naturally wants to use knowledge about them to make money. There are two ways - speculation and investment. In the latter case, it is advisable to buy Ripple through exchanges, where the conditions for investing are very comfortable. You can choose from exchanges, for example, EXMO or Binance. If you want to speculate on the XRP rate, then it is better to turn to Forex brokers that support working with this type of asset, and in particular: AMarkets, Forex Club or InstaForex.

Below are the trading conditions of the listed Forex brokers so that you can compare them with each other.

For XRPUSD trading, AMarkets has the following conditions:

  • minimum lot 0.1;
  • minimum step 0.1;
  • leverage 1 to 3;
  • floating spread.

Compared to some other companies, AMarkets has no barriers to setting a protective stop at a distance close to the price, and this opens up good trading prospects for Ripple.

InstaForex and XRP specification

The trading conditions of Insta are practically the same as those of AMarkets, but there are still slight differences. To begin with, it is worth remembering the features of the Insta lot, which, regarding Ripple, are manifested in the following: if AMarkets has a standard lot of 1000 coins, then InstaForex has 10,000. In addition, InstaForex has a fixed spread, not a floating one, for XRP/USD, well, the requirements on margin collateral are not so tough.

Of the unpleasant moments - a protective stop can be set at a distance of 40 points from the price and further, closer - it is prohibited. In general, Ripple’s trading prospects are the worst here, since the trader will work in conditions of high costs.

Forex Club and XRP specification

In the Forex Club, the spread is floating and, like AMarkets, there are no restrictions on setting a stop loss. The leverage reaches 1:10 and the lot has the standard 1000 coins.

Trading systems for making money on Ripple

In the future, Ripple will continue to grow in 2018, and therefore this global uptrend must be taken into account in trading. In addition, it should be taken into account that in the absence of active actions on the part of developers, the market has little effect on the XRP / USD exchange rate, which allows Ripple to be used to reinsure trading risks.

For example, having built a graph of the existing relationships between Ripple and Bitcoin, it is difficult to identify a strong correlation here, although there is no doubt - in the vast majority of all altcoins move after Bitcoin.

That is, according to Ripple’s growth outlook, the simplest trading strategy would be to buy and hold XRP/USD. As an option, wait for strong pullbacks and buy them off, waiting for a new wave of growth in order to sell. For everyone who believes in Ripple, now is a good opportunity to go long, as quotes have just begun to recover, finally leaving the long trade zone.

But to get the maximum effect, it is advisable not to use the usual approach to investing from the “Set it and forget it” series, since long-term drawdowns will be extremely unpleasant with such a strategy. In this regard, it is advisable to follow up-to-date information about XRP, which is the easiest to obtain:

Studying the latest news will allow you to always be aware of the short-term and long-term prospects of Ripple. With intensive growth, you can throw off XRP, in order to buy it back again when the rollback reaches the level of 61.8 Fibonacci. As observations show, this level works out very well every time.

If you need to evaluate the future prospects of Ripple, based on the techniques of technical analysis, it is very useful to use classic oscillators, such as RSI or Stochastic. They can even be used without third-party indicators, since the oscillators on cryptocurrencies themselves give very accurate signals. True, this applies only to large timeframes.

Below in the screenshot you can see the XRP/USD daily chart and entries using the RSI (5) oscillator when leaving the overbought and oversold zones.

Since the XRP/USD pair is a relatively new financial instrument that has not yet become the object of manipulation by a huge number of speculators, levels, trend channels and traditional technical analysis patterns work great for its forecasting. To reduce risks, it is advisable to use the same trading system on several altcoins at once as part of diversification.

The results of the assessment of the prospects for XRP

Finishing the descriptions of Ripple and the prospects of cryptocurrency for the coming years, it is worth noting that this project has a very big future. But still, so far, the forecasts are still very vague, since banks have not yet recognized it, and ordinary users cannot influence this in any way. In addition, it is not yet clear how reliable the Ripple network is, and whether it will be able to withstand attacks from outside. But in favor of XRP/USD, its huge capitalization speaks, which continues to grow, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the price of this altcoin.

Review Update January 18, 2018

The Ripple forecast for 2018 has already begun to come true, as the price of XRP skyrocketed after writing the review. And it happened before Catholic Christmas, when bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were going through their far from the best times and were looking for a bottom. The rapid growth has shown that Ripple has a really big future, as now its blockchain network is already being implemented by the Money Gram payment system and will soon be used to transfer the first bank payments.

This is not just another digital token. You can make a movie about him, and this film would be called “Big Splash”. But it would not be a dramatic thriller directed by Luca Guadagnino, but a documentary about how literally over the past year the Ripple project has shown such a phenomenal pace of development that at the moment its total capitalization is almost $ 33 billion and continues to grow every day.

According to cryptocurrency experts, the reason for the rapid growth of this digital currency may be that its founders enlisted the support of many famous corporations and world banks. Ripple investors became Google, Western Union, the largest Australian banking conglomerate Commonwealth Bank Of Australia, Royal Bank of Canada and other reputable companies.

In general, it is not entirely correct to call the Ripple cryptocurrency an altcoin, since it does not use the traditional .

It is based on special payment gateways, and due to this innovative technology, the Ripple project is of particular interest to the entire banking system. The Ripple project was created as alternative to traditional money and classical calculation methods.

The benefits of implementing the technology offered by the creators of Ripple are obvious to banks: their customers can make faster and cheaper money transfers without losing fees when converting from one currency to another.

The largest banks in the world have already signed agreements with Ripple, successfully use technology in their work, and as partnerships with other financial institutions expand, the demand for cryptocurrency will increase and the value of its tokens will increase.

Incorporating the main advantages of digital currencies ( decentralization, low commissions, high speed and security of operations, etc.), Ripple has fundamental differences.

So, its developers abandoned the mechanism for mining new coins by, and immediately put into circulation all 100 billion XRP tokens, each of which, in turn, is divided into a million parts. Gradually, the number of coins decreases: when making a transaction, the system charges a commission (0.00001 XRP), which immediately burns out, and the cost of XRP tokens grows naturally.

Thus, in 2012, Canadian programmers launched a decentralized network in which there is no mining and a deflationary token distribution model is supported, and the transaction processing speed is much higher than that of the same bitcoin.

Ripple is more of a protocol for conducting financial transactions, rather than a cryptocurrency in the current sense of the word.

Now the community is following the development of this cryptocurrency project, and the ripple forecast for 2019 is being actively discussed on the forums. What is the current ripple to dollar exchange rate? Are there any changes in the exchange rate of ripple to the ruble? How big are the risks of investing in this digital asset? What will be the price of the coin next month? etc.

And the main reason for the increased attention to Ripple is the fact that the volume of cryptocurrency capitalization is growing, but this does not affect the value of its tokens.

This is confirmed by fresh forecast for April 2019: the market capitalization of the ripple cryptocurrency is increasing daily, but there are no serious changes in the coin rate. Why is this happening and what do experts think about it - today we are sharing with you up-to-date information and publish a detailed ripple price forecast for the current year.

ripple price chart 2019

If you look at the chart of the ripple rate in 2018, we will see that the maximum value of XRP coins was recorded at the very beginning of the year. But then in mid-January there is a sharp decline, and in the period February - May 2018, the exchange rate stabilizes with insignificant fluctuations. However, now we have described the classic scenario that almost all cryptocurrencies followed this year:

Maximum indicators at the very beginning of the year → a sharp drop in the exchange rate in mid-January → minor deviations in the period February-May.

Let's see how, according to analysts, the coin will develop further and what will be the forecast for the ripple exchange rate against the dollar and ruble for 2019.

1 hour 24 hours 7 days 30 days 1 year

Ripple growth forecast for 2019: what analysts say

According to the Wall Street Forecast, Ripple will be worth $100 in 2020. Such an ambitious statement should be supported by no less powerful factors that could potentially affect the rapid growth of the XRP rate.

The popularity of a particular cryptocurrency project, as well as the cost of its tokens, do not always depend on objective things, such as the technological base of the platform, the experience of developers, the relevance of the solutions they offer, etc.

Analysts are sure that the price of cryptocurrency is primarily influenced by news.

Often they have nothing to do with reality, but users tend to take them at face value and are not always able to distinguish fake and rumors from real events. A vivid confirmation of this is the example of Ethereum, the price of which fell sharply after the fake news about the death Vitaly Buterin who allegedly died in a car accident.

As for Ripple, the latest news related to the coin has positive content. So, there are rumors on the network that Ripple will soon appear on the Coinbase listing, which is currently considered the largest Western exchange.

In short, trading on Coinbase is a success.

Now only such top players as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and. If this is not speculation, and Ripple replenishes the row, then the price of the currency can increase by 150 - 500%. The reality of this outcome is reinforced by the story of Litecoin, which went up from $2 to $20 after appearing on Coinbase.

The fact that today the Ripple currency is on 40 different exchangers, and the number of available trading pairs has exceeded 140 , also confirms the demand for the asset and speaks of its prospects.

Important prerequisites for the further growth of cryptocurrency experts include:

  • low commission for transactions in the Ripple network → cheap transactions;
  • good scalability Ripple networks → high network bandwidth;
  • efficiency of work Ripple networks → transfers take seconds.

Simple math:

  • Bitcoin network - transfer takes 1 - 5 hours and $1 - $3.
  • Ripple network - 3 - 10 seconds and less than $0.01.

Among other things, the opinions of experts agree that the cost of XRP coins will have a positive effect no need to mine new coins, since their number is provided in advance.

As we have already said, all 100 billion coins were immediately put into circulation, so there is no mining in the Ripple network.

The coins will rise in price naturally as their number will gradually decrease. Moreover, Ripple coins are the only digital currency that can be exchanged for precious metals and vice versa - this complements the prospects for Ripple cryptocurrency for the current year.

All these advantages speak of excellent prospects and will have a positive impact on the predicted ripple rate at the end of 2019.

Now Ripple is ranked 3rd in the ranking of all cryptographic currencies, only Ethereum is ahead. The total capitalization of the project is almost $33 billion, which, according to the analytical forecast for 2019, will double during the year, and as a result will amount to $55-65 billion.

Let us consider in detail the analytical slice regarding the ripple forecast for the summer of 2019, as well as for the final quarter of the year.

Two types of events

When forecasting the development of a financial instrument, it is necessary to highlight both positive and negative developments. In the world of cryptocurrencies, this is especially important, since they are too volatile and surprise users incredibly often.

For example, many were waiting for a big revolution from Bitcoin Cash (a hard fork of Bitcoin). It was supposed to bring faster transaction speeds and lower fees than the main network. It seems like it happened, but the superiority is not so great. As a result, today it is another overloaded altcoin that needs a lot of updates.

Even Ether can be called another example. Of course, Vitalik Buterin was the first to implement the idea of ​​smart contracts. Thanks to this, the project has a good position and ranks second in terms of capitalization. The platform is developing well, but compared to many other cryptocurrencies, it works much worse.

Ripple is no exception and also has several mistakes in history. Also, his prospects are not one hundred percent optimal. Today he goes full steam ahead, but history knows everything. And it shows that the project and its token did not always go well.

Positive aspects: history

The platform was born in 2004 when Ryan Fugger developed the RipplePay system. Then the funding was not enough and it was simply frozen. But in the era of the existence of cryptocurrencies, the idea was picked up by authoritative figures who already had experience in this area - Jed McCaleb and Chris Larsen.

These two knew what kind of project the market needed from both a technical and user standpoint. Jed was completely on fire with the idea of ​​a “better Bitcoin” and already had some developments. After getting the go-ahead from Fugger, they took Ripplepay and implemented it as a cryptocurrency, founding OpenCoin.

After that, everything that can be attributed to the new project happened: distrust, the first successes and agreements with large companies. Ripple smoothly approached what it is now: 3rd place in terms of capitalization and recognition from reputable financial organizations.


Bitcoin - the world's first cryptocurrency - was created as an alternative to banks. All subsequent similar projects pursue the same goal. Ripple unfolded ideas about the crypt. The project team is focused on improving the banking system. Each action is primarily aimed at improving the quality of international transfers.

Thus, Ripple attracts huge interest from one of the key institutions in the world. There are many banks all over the planet, many of which have a huge impact on economic processes. It is impossible to imagine today's life without such institutions.

It seems that the founders simply knew this secret: if you want success, win the favor of the coolest guys. Why go against the giants of the financial system, if you can be with them, and even offer them a lot of innovation?

Positive aspects: concept

Ripple has a unique concept, thanks to which it was possible to achieve high rates in the quality of transactions. Many even call it “not blockchain”. To some extent, this is a correct statement. However, it is completely built on the principles of the blockchain, but some features have been changed.

What do you used to think about crypto on the blockchain?

  • mining;
  • a new block marks one confirmation;

At least three such associations arise instantly. If we delve into the details, we can draw a few more parallels. But all this is not inherent in Ripple.

Mining is not for him

The most frequent connection with cryptocurrency is in the minds of many users. If a beginner is told that Ripple is a project in which there is no mining as such, he will either not believe it or answer that it is a simple payment network. In other words, entire articles have been written about it. Even many experts agree that Ripple is not a cryptocurrency.

The essence of classical mining is the use of computing power to solve blocks and confirm transactions. As a reward, the user receives a certain amount of coins. In other matters, in most projects, this phenomenon ensures the operation of the network. But Ripple is different.

First, there is no reward. 100 billion tokens have already been issued, therefore there is no storage that would allow to give out some kind of bonuses for such work. Secondly, transactions are confirmed by trusted nodes. Accordingly, volunteers are no longer needed who are willing to spend their money and time to ensure the operation of the network.

As a result, Ripple does not need computing power. Rather, they are necessary for the company itself as a whole. Well, the user also needs a device that can handle the load of a cryptocurrency wallet. But the solution of some functions for the purpose of conducting a transaction is excluded here.

Benefits for the whole planet

A very important advantage of the platform is its incredibly low energy consumption. In many ways, this success was achieved due to the exclusion of mining and the implementation of a different concept of sending funds.

Cryptocurrency mining is a very popular process among many users. Despite its low profitability and huge complexity, miners are burning with the idea itself. In addition, the choice of cryptocurrencies is very wide.

Because of this, humanity has come to consume at least 1% of the world's electricity. Just imagine how many natural resources you need to spend on this. But the researcher cannot have all the data, because the statistics of most home farms are simply unknown to him.

Thus, the Ripple concept is not only good for the transactions themselves, but also for the environment. Therefore, if the question arises of the impact of cryptocurrencies on the health of the planet, this platform will be one of the safest. This creates a very strong foundation for positive forecasts.

Positive aspects: key indicators

As already mentioned, banks love Ripple. But far from the beautiful eyes of the project team. Also, it is unlikely that the developers simply bribed the owners of organizations such as Bank of America or the National Bank of Saudi Arabia (try to bribe the sheikh who is at the head of one of the best financial institutions in the world).

They love it for its performance. Bitcoin needs at least 10 minutes for a transaction, Ethereum - at least 2. Even Nem can handle the transfer no faster than a minute. Ripple sends funds within 5 seconds (we are talking directly about the operation). Fast enough for a transaction from Japan to, for example, Germany?

Moreover, RippleNet is not afraid of congestion. The throughput is 1500 transactions per second. Among the cryptocurrencies, only Nem is better, which has 3,000. In the world, only Visa and Mastercard are capable of doing this, which can process about 50,000. At the same time, official data showed that more than 2,000 payments per second do not enter the Visa network.

Since the Ripple network does not need a lot of energy resources, transfer fees have reached a ridiculous mark of 0.00001 XRP. First of all, users love it. But this indicator is also good for banks, because now they can offer even more to their customers.

Ripple is a deflationary cryptocurrency. In other words, the commission burns out after the transaction. Thus, with each transfer, there are fewer and fewer tokens, which creates a shortage of them. The fewer coins, the higher the rate. Therefore, XRP reacts less painfully to market events, and the value remains more stable.

The quality and cost is almost perfect. Thanks to this, it is possible to win the favor of a huge number of investors, large banks and ordinary users. Accordingly, the growth forecast becomes even more comforting.

Positive aspects: teamwork

Some of the above factors were there from the very beginning (in particular, the concept and technical indicators). Others have been achieved throughout the lifetime of the project. One way or another, the activity of developers and directors cannot be ruled out.

Firstly, security, speed and other benefits were achieved only thanks to the work of the project's techies. Secondly, most partnerships and integrations are the pure merit of the company's management. In general, today's success is the result of the cohesive work of all Ripple Labs employees and the board of directors.

One of the clearest examples is the freezing of 55 billion XRP. For a long time, companies and users did not believe Ripple, since most of the tokens were in the hands of the company. Everyone was waiting for a catch in the form of the release of the entire volume to the market. Because of this, the course would simply collapse, and the company would most likely be closed.

Since the beginning of 2018, 1 billion has been withdrawn from there every month and sold on the market. Unsold tokens are placed on the same account, which will be activated after the depletion of the first one. No one has control or access to it. The only way to release all the tokens at once is to hack.

Thus, the project team showed that they are aimed at the full implementation of the idea, and not at a stupid profit. This has placed trust in the minds of many users and representatives of large companies. Since then, a lot of agreements have been signed. After the news about the freezing of tokens was published, the rate rose from 10 to 50 cents.

Negative aspects: market

Since Ripple is another cryptocurrency, it is very dependent on market trends. So, against the background of the rise in the exchange rate, the cost of XRP reached almost $4. Against the backdrop of a correction, it returned to 25 cents. Only in September it was possible to raise it again to 50 cents.

Many rules dictate the position of Bitcoin. As you know, today his business is not going very well. So far, no one can allow any other project to take the first place. Therefore, with any such opportunities, the course of the corresponding cryptocurrency will be adjusted.

This happened at the beginning of September. Ripple Labs has reached an agreement with several major banks. Thanks to this, the price soared to 76 cents from 20 cents. But a few hours later, the sharks of the trading floors began to correct, which led to a rapid fall to 45 cents.

Negative aspects: regulation

Ripple depends on the capabilities of banks. The latter, in turn, depend on the legislation of the country in which they are registered. If the state is against cryptocurrencies, or has not yet introduced mechanisms for regulating their turnover, the bank is not able to integrate any network into its system.

At the same time, several large countries, such as China, have already banned the work with cryptocurrency. Many exchanges are now registered in other states. But this is not the case with a bank. If he is in the territory of the country, he must follow its laws. Accordingly, financial institutions of such states cannot integrate Ripple.

Thus, until all countries (or at least the vast majority) do not recognize the expediency of using cryptocurrencies, Ripple's boundaries will not be expanded to the end. Yes, today it has many payment corridors in all corners. But this is a maximum of 10% of the total potential.

Negative Aspects: Cryptocurrency

It sounds as if the essence of the project will sooner or later drive it into oblivion. But there is a small grain of truth in this, which is volatility. The Ripple rate is more or less stable, but there is always the possibility of big jumps. These were mentioned just above.

Frequent changes in the rate will lead to the fact that banks will have to spend more time converting. Again, what happens if they make a payment, and after 10 seconds the quotes change by 30%? This will only mean losses.

This factor scares many financial institutions. In fact, that's why they still don't carry out full network integration, but use it as an alternative to Swift.

Final forecasts

There are many more arguments in favor than against. And most of the media are confident in the upcoming success and growth of the XRP rate. Fuel is added to the fire by the new activity of the team, which is reflected in positive results in the form of new agreements. Therefore, in 2019, there is a high probability of fixing at the level of one dollar (with current market trends) or rising to five dollars (with a new explosion).

A negative result is possible if banks refuse to work with Ripple. Or even if at least one or two organizations oppose it, contrary to the positive decision of other institutions, the rate may fall dramatically.

It is impossible to give a confident and accurate forecast for two reasons: the company's management does not reveal all the cards (therefore, it is impossible to conduct a complete analysis) and it is difficult to predict the mood of the market. Much points to another success, but in reality it remains only to wait and follow the news.