How to earn miles from all airlines. How to get the most out of the Aeroflot bonus. Additional sources of accumulation


What is a mile and what are they?
A mile is a tool for linking a passenger to a specific airline or to a bunch of interconnected airlines (called an alliance). Aeroflot is not interested in your flights onboard its competitor S7. S7 loses money when you fly Utair. And so on.

Miles can be regular or quasi. For those who are interested in both types and materiel, read the entire article.
Those who don’t like longreads can immediately read about the most profitable way to accumulate and use miles according to Travel Radar

How to make you choose Aeroflot over Utair on the same route on the same date?
You need to either give a lower ticket price, or offer something else that would be interesting to you. Something that will tie you in and remind you to buy a new ticket on the same airline. What? Airlines feed approximately the same, the range of services they provide is similar, you can’t be lured in by all of this. But you can promise a free flight. Free not now, but someday later, when you collect the required number of Aeroflot miles or miles of any airline from the alliance that Aeroflot is a member of.

And now you are already registering with Aeroflot Bonus. And you continue to pay for tickets only to Aeroflot, because you are saving 20,000 miles for a free ticket from Moscow to Yekaterinburg and back.
The price of such a round-trip ticket for money (at the time of writing) is 8140 rubles fare + 3366 rubles fees.
For 20,000 miles, according to the rules, you will only “buy” a fare of 8,140 rubles; fees will have to be paid in cash. Yes, with many loyalty programs you will only receive the fare for miles, the fees will come out of your pocket.
Let's remember these numbers and move on to what 20,000 Aeroflot miles actually are and how to earn them.

Let's look at the basic options

Option 1: earn miles by flying

In general, to earn 20,000 miles on Aeroflot flights, you must fly a distance of 20,000 miles. Of course, not at once, but nonetheless.
For example, the distance in land miles from Moscow to Yekaterinburg is 887 miles. This means you have to fly about 11 times from Moscow to Yekaterinburg and back to get 20,000 miles and your free ticket. This will be a ticket from Moscow to Yekaterinburg and back, or on another route, which also costs no more than 20,000 miles.
Once again: you need to pay 11*(8140+3366) to accumulate 20,000 miles (and this is not a fact, details in the paragraph below).
You can earn miles faster by flying; there are many details and nuances.
For example, booking rates. More expensive fares provide more miles for the same overland distance. That is, instead of 887 miles, you will be credited with 1330 or even 1774 miles if you bought business class instead of economy.
The same feature works in the other direction - the cheapest (discount) fares either do not imply the accrual of miles at all, or the accrual of miles will be in a smaller amount: 50% or even 25% of the number of land miles of the distance.
In other words, you can fly and then find out that you overpaid for an Aeroflot ticket in vain, because the fare was prohibitive and you received nothing.

Conclusion: a great way when you fly very often and can choose one airline. In other words - business trips. In other general cases, the miles earned on flights rarely outweigh the benefits of buying a cheap ticket on another airline. Let us repeat once again that what has been described is true for any program of any airline or alliance, and Aeroflot is here simply as an example.

Option 2: miles for paying for goods and services with bank cards.

Various banks issue credit or debit cards in partnership with airlines. It's called a co-brand. The mechanics of earning miles using such co-brands are the same everywhere: you spend a certain amount of rubles paying for various goods or services with a card, and in return the bank credits a certain number of miles to your account in the airline’s loyalty program.
Let's take Aeroflot as an example again. He cooperates with all sorts of banks, the most famous being his co-brand with Sberbank. Every 60 rubles spent using a Sberbank-Aeroflot card will give you 1 Aeroflot-Bonus mile.
If the card is not an ordinary one, but a “gold” one, the conditions are even better: spend 60 rubles, get 1.5 miles. If the card is not gold, but the highest category (Signature) - 2 miles for every 60 rubles.
But it’s time for us to go to Yekaterinburg for free again, and for this we want to get 20,000 miles. How many goods do we need to buy with a Sberbank card to get what we are looking for? We carefully multiply 20,000 by 60 and get 1 million 200 thousand rubles. There is no mistake: in order to earn 20,000 Aeroflot miles into your account by paying with a Sberbank card, you need to be able to spend 1,200,000 rubles on it. Well, or 800,000 rubles, if the co-branded Sberbank card is “golden”. And all this for the sake of saving 8,140 rubles, because the fare from Moscow to Yekaterinburg and back costs approximately that much, which we will buy for 20,000 accumulated miles.

Conclusion: long and unprofitable (we read below in the section about quasi-miles for why it is unprofitable). If you decide to earn miles this way, take a hard look at learning not how to earn them, but how to spend them wisely.
For example, spending miles on a flight from Moscow to Yekaterinburg is stupid, however, spending miles on a business class flight to foreign countries is often more profitable than buying the same ticket for money. Carefully look at the calculator of miles required for flights (each loyalty program exists in one form or another), and calculate carefully. Of course, it is best to do this before you open your bank card, and not after.

Option 3: Buy miles.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that direct purchase and sale of miles is prohibited by many loyalty programs. If we talk about Russian programs, it is prohibited in all. But people often use the mechanism allowed by the rules to transfer miles to other participants, bypassing this restriction. And if you find a person with excess miles, he can write you a ticket for them in exchange for financial gratitude. The rules of the program were not violated, the ticket was received.
Since no such exchange services officially exist, we will not discuss them in this article.
Let us just mention that the ticket from our example worth 20,000 miles will cost about 12,000 rubles using this method when purchasing miles + you will have to pay additional fees (they were written about above). So the savings in the chosen example with Yekaterinburg went into the negative zone.

Conclusion: This method saves money (sometimes) and time, but requires experience and trusted sellers. The Internet is crawling with scammers who sell either stolen miles (from hacked accounts) or tickets purchased with stolen cards under the guise of tickets issued for miles. Don't fall for all these gray schemes.

We've outlined three basic options for earning airline miles. Let's summarize the pros and cons.

The benefits of airline miles:

  • weak, but still the opportunity to fly business class is significantly cheaper than for money or quasi-miles. Strictly speaking, Aeroflot miles should be spent exclusively on purchasing long-distance business class tickets. Only then does accumulating these miles make sense.
  • the opportunity to obtain status in the loyalty program, which will provide additional benefits. There are many such advantages and they are very different. They depend on the status itself (silver, gold, platinum, etc.) and on the specific program. Typical examples of status benefits: additional baggage allowance, free access to the airport business lounge, priority boarding, etc.

Cons of airline miles:

  • The average traveler with three flights a year has a hard time earning enough miles to qualify for a ticket through flights or co-branded spending.
  • the need to pay fees in cash in addition to the “free” mileage ticket
  • Tickets for miles for the flight or date you need, as a rule, either will not be available or will not be enough (mile tickets always have quotas on board). If flights occur on peak dates (for example, summer to Barcelona), it is often extremely difficult to fly with miles; there are simply no seats.

Now let's move on to another way to make flights cheaper


Quasi-miles cannot be earned by flying and they are not a tool for tying a client to any specific airline or alliance. As a result, quasi-miles are not associated with any loyalty program or airline.
It's a flexible way to buy tickets on almost any airline as if you were buying the ticket with money.
There is only one option for accumulating quasi-miles: find a bank card with the required quasi-mile program and try to use only it to pay for all your purchases. At the moment there are many such programs, for example:

  • "AirBonus" from Avangard Bank
  • "All Airlines" from Tinkoff Bank
  • "Alfa Miles" from Alfa Bank
  • "Multi-Card" from VTB24 bank

The mechanics of the programs are the same: you spend money, and the bank credits you with quasi-miles to the mileage account it has opened. The accrual is carried out according to the algorithm established by the banking conditions. After accumulating the number of miles to the value provided for by the rules, you buy a ticket for any airline with them as if they were not miles, but rubles.
Example: under the terms of the Multi-Card program from VTB24, 4% of their value in the form of miles will be credited for purchases. We spent 80,000 rubles using the card in a month and received 3,200 miles. Go to your personal account and buy any ticket from any airline worth 3,200 rubles. That's all.

Quasi-miles lack all the benefits of any airline miles. But there is good news: they are deprived of all their disadvantages.

  • Accumulating quasi-miles is a little easier. For example, to earn quasi-miles on a ticket from our example (Moscow-Ekaterinburg-Moscow), you need to spend approximately 640 thousand rubles on an Avangard bank card. This is not at all 800,000 and not 1,200,000, as in the example with Sberbank.
  • Buying for quasi-miles is equivalent to buying with money, so the fees are already included in the price, you don’t need to pay anything separately.
  • The ticket can be purchased regardless of the availability of miles (as would be the case with airline miles). Are there tickets for the required dates for money? You'll buy them for quasi-miles. No quotas, restrictions or inconvenient dates.

Of course, quasi-mile programs have their drawbacks. For example, according to the conditions of some banks, in order to be able to buy a ticket, you must first collect a certain minimum number of quasi-miles. There are also restrictions on the number of tickets purchased per year, for example, no more than 10 tickets.

General conclusions

  • If you fly several times a year and choose tickets based on the principle of “convenient and as cheap as possible,” quasi-miles are suitable for you.
  • If you fly very often and have the opportunity to buy tickets from only one airline, choose miles from the airline you fly with most often and save them.
  • If you like to use bank cards and want to spend money profitably - quasi-miles again.
  • If you read it and don’t understand anything, quit it and figure out how to make more money. And already travel cheaply with them.

Friends invited me to Barcelona for a Metallica concert.

We have already bought and booked everything ourselves. We are happy with how we saved on tickets: we fly with Aeroflot Bonus miles. I've been in the program for ten years now, so I don't skip the details.

Grigory Yaroshenko

counts miles

For nothing, the friend beams, only 30,000 miles and fees.

A check on the Aeroflot website confirms my doubts: this is the case when it is better to buy with money. I'll tell you why.

What kind of miles are there?

The Aeroflot Bonus loyalty program offers two ways to earn miles: fly Aeroflot flights and use the services of partners. Miles from flights are more significant: they immediately go into your bank account and affect your qualifications in the program.

These miles are called qualifying miles. To move from the basic level to the next one, silver, you need to accumulate 25,000 qualifying miles in a year or fly somewhere with Aeroflot 25 times.

If your work does not involve business trips and you can go on vacation a couple of times a year, it is more interesting to accumulate other miles - non-qualifying ones. They can be spent on an award ticket, but they do not count toward qualifications.

Do miles have a price?

Miles are free. This is a loyalty reward. On the other hand, you can use them to pay for tickets. Miles become a means of payment between the passenger and the airline, a surrogate currency. Like any currency, miles have a rate. It may or may not be very profitable.

When you sell currency, for example euros, after a trip to Spain, you carefully choose an exchanger. It is not profitable to change for 68 rubles if on the next street they accept for 70. It’s the same with miles: when you buy an award ticket, you sell miles to Aeroflot. To sell a mile for more, you need to know how to value it.

How to calculate the price of a mile

For my friends, each ticket cost 30,000 miles and 5,880 rubles in fees:

By choosing the usual payment method, you can fly to Barcelona on the same dates and in the same economy class for 14,465 rubles:

If you subtract the amount of fees from the total cost of the ticket, and then divide the result by the mileage rate, you get the mileage rate:

(14 465 − 5880) / 30 000 = 0,286

Friends sold 30,000 miles at 28.6 kopecks per mile. Is it expensive or not very expensive?

To understand, I’ll compare it with another flight. A ticket to Havana costs 46,816 RUR:

And here are the conditions for an award ticket in the same direction:

70,000 miles in exchange for 33,796 rubles. This option is better - now a mile costs 48 kopecks.

To make full use of the Aeroflot Bonus, you need to get into the habit of counting miles and their value. It will help you not only sell miles more expensively, but also accumulate them faster.

How to earn miles if you rarely fly

The easiest way to earn miles is by using the services of program partners. The list includes dozens of companies, from Sberbank to the Moskhoztorg store. There is only one principle: when you spend money, you get miles as a bonus.

For example, every 30 rubles left at any of the Novikov Group restaurants brings one mile to your account. And ordering food through the Delivery Club service costs the same mile for every 23 rubles. A condition applies to Internet services: you need to go to the partner’s website from the Aeroflot Bonus program page.

The easiest way to earn miles is by using a card from a partner bank. You pay for your usual expenses and receive miles in return. Partners change, and it is better to keep an eye on this. When a new bank appears in the program, its cards earn more miles than the cards of banks that are veterans of the program.

How mileage cards work

Typically, mileage cards have several statuses. The higher the status, the more miles it generates. A mid-tier card gives you more miles than a regular card, and a premium card gives you even more.

You can save on the cost of cards. Banks regularly hold promotions, you just need to ask. It’s like a discount: you won’t get it unless you ask. A platinum credit card brought me 60,000 Aeroflot miles last year. The grace period ended and I closed it without losses.

What to do if banks don’t offer interesting conditions, but you want to accumulate miles? First, remember that a mile has a price - let’s determine it around 38 kopecks based on the results of the two examples given. Then estimate the monthly expenses that you are willing to pay by card. Finally, compare how many miles the card will accumulate in a year.

How many miles will I accumulate in a year if I spend 140,000 rubles per month?


Maintenance per year

1000 R

Miles at 60 R

Miles per year


Maintenance per year

3500 R

Miles at 60 R

Miles per year


Maintenance per year

8000 R

Miles at 60 R

Miles per year

The average card will earn 14,000 more miles than the base card. At our rate, this is 5,320 rubles, which covers the cost of annual card maintenance. It makes sense to take it. But the premium one falls short: you need to spend more or choose another card.

How long do miles last?

The validity period of miles depends on the terms of the loyalty program. For example, ALL Airlines miles last 5 years, and Aeroflot miles expire if you don’t fly for money at least once every 2 years.

In order not to lose the miles you have received, find out how long they will remain valid and what needs to be done to prevent them from expiring.

When and how to spend

The program is designed in such a way that the cost of a mile depends on the amount you spend on the flight. The higher the ticket price, the more expensive miles you can sell to Aeroflot. This was the case in the example above with Barcelona and Havana.

The highest price per mile will come from upgrading from Economy to Business. You will have to buy premium economy - this does not work with lower fares - and spend the same number of miles as you need for an award ticket. But the cost of a mile will be more than one ruble - you will be able to save a lot on a business class flight. But you need to understand that you are paying extra for comfort, and not for additional kilometers in the sky.

If you are not ready to spend money on premium economy, you need to catch special offers. Interesting options for a vacation or short trip can be found in the Light Award promotion, when the mileage cost of flights is reduced by a quarter. The promotion takes place several times a year and includes popular destinations. The airline's newsletter notifies you of the start of Light Award.

The cheapest miles are priced in the Aeroflot Bonus online store. There you can buy a suitcase, a tenth iPhone or a movie. Before you think about buying, remember our lessons in mileage arithmetic. Calculate where it is more profitable to buy.


  1. You don't have to be an avid traveler to fly for miles.
  2. Paying with miles means paying with money.
  3. With a bank card, you can actually fly with miles once a year. When choosing a card, it is useful to count the miles and their value.
  4. It is wise to plan your vacation with Light Award in mind.
  5. Aeroflot Bonus is not the best place to buy a tenth iPhone.

If you are a little more careful, you can find a lot of opportunities that will allow you to save significantly. So, for example, with Aeroflot miles, which are included in the price of tickets, but not everyone knows how to use them. Therefore, if you love to travel and do not know how to receive Aeroflot miles, then be sure to read this article from beginning to end.

First, let's look at the mileage program of one of the largest airlines in Russia - Aeroflot Bonus. Let's understand how to become a member, what advantages it provides and whether it is so profitable.

Step 1. Who can become a member of the Aeroflot bonus program

A participant in the Aeroflot Bonus program can become:

  • a passenger over 12 years old can become a member of the Aeroflot Bonus program.
  • For passengers from 2 to 12 years old, there is the Aeroflot Bonus Junior program, and upon reaching the age of 12, the passenger switches to Aeroflot Bonus while maintaining the account number.

Participation in the Aeroflot Bonus program is absolutely free and you can only register for it once.

Step 2. How to become a member of Aeroflot Bonus

There are several ways to become an Aeroflot member:

  • register online for Aeroflot website, receive an Aeroflot Bonus program member number and 500 welcome miles.
  • find a temporary card with an Aeroflot Bonus member number in the aircraft logbook and assign it to yourself through the airline’s website when the Internet appears.

It is better to do this at the beginning of the month, when new issues have just been put in the pockets of the chairs. Of course, you can try your luck on other days, but there are no guarantees that you will find the coveted card.

  • register through Partner Bank by contacting an Aeroflot Bonus program partner.

For self-registration in the Aeroflot bonus program through the website you will receive 500 welcome miles

Step 3. Enter personal information

  • Personal Information
  • passport details
  • Contact details
  • preferences (home airport of departure, meals on board, participation in other loyalty programs)

the data must be entered correctly, because after collecting 2,000 miles a letter will be sent to the specified address from Aeroflot with a membership card

Step 4. How to receive Aeroflot miles

This is perhaps the most important step in the history of accumulating miles, which can be obtained in several ways:

  • register for the Aeroflot Bonus program online through the airline’s website and receive 500 welcome miles.
  • new members can enter data on flights made within 6 months before the date of registration in the Aeroflot Bonus program. We remember that you can enter data no later than 3 months from the date of registration.

For example, you registered for the Aeroflot Bonus program on October 2, 2018, and before that you flew with Aeroflot on June 15, 2018, then you can count miles for this flight.

  • buy air tickets for regular flights of Aeroflot Group.

Miles are not credited for air tickets at fares O, X, F, G, V, as well as for service and subsidized fares ID, AD, GA and GC.

  • Aeroflot is a member of the international SkyTeam alliance, which makes it possible to earn additional miles on flights with 20 leading airlines in the world.

Aeroflot, Aerolineas-Argentinas, Aeromexico, AirEuropa, Air France, Alitalia, China Airlines, China Eastern, China Southern, Czech Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Garuda Indonesia, Kenya Airways, KLM, Korean Air, Middle East Airlines, Saudia, TAROM Airlines Vietnam AirlinesXIAMEN AIR.

  • issue co-branded cards in banks and receive miles for the money spent.

Sberbank, Alfa Bank, SMP Bank, Citibank

  • use services partners

M.Video, Delimobil, Perekrestok, etc.

Step 5. How to enroll Aeroflot miles

You can credit miles in different ways:

  • enter your Aeroflot Bonus member number when purchasing a ticket
  • ask to enter it at the reception
  • credit miles in your personal account after completing the flight (no earlier than 3 days and no later than 3 months from the date of the flight).

Step 6. Aeroflot Elite Club or the opportunity to enjoy privileges

Aeroflot Bonus has an elite club:

  • Silver (silver level)
  • Gold (gold level)
  • Platinum (platinum level)

It's easy to get into if you fly a lot.

Step 7. How to get into an elite club

To get into the Elite Club, you need to save up within a year ( from January 01 to December 31) required number of qualifying miles or flight segments:

  • Silver – 25,000 qualifying miles or 25 flight segments
  • Gold – 50,000 qualifying miles or 50 flight segments
  • Platinum – 125,000 qualifying miles or 50 Business class flight segments

This obviously raises the question of what qualifying miles and flight segments are.

Qualifying miles are miles that are earned for flying on scheduled flights of Aeroflot Group or program partner airlines during the year (from January 1 to December 31).

Additional miles awarded to elite members and special program promotions, as well as miles awarded by program partners, are non-qualifying.

A flight segment is a section of the route from the point of departure to the point of arrival.

For example, a flight on the route St. Petersburg - Krasnodar is one flight segment, and St. Petersburg - Krasnodar - St. Petersburg is already two.

We hope it has become clearer how to earn Aeroflot miles and that to get the elite level you need to fly a lot. But if you fly often for work, then you can combine business with pleasure and enjoy all the privileges that are provided to participants elite club .

On January 01, the number of accumulated qualifying miles and flight segments is reset to zero and in order to confirm your elite status, you must accumulate the required number of qualifying miles or flight segments

How to spend Aeroflot miles

Spending miles is easier than earning them, so let's figure out how to spend Aeroflot miles and make yourself even happier:

  • issue an award ticket

For example, a round-trip ticket from St. Petersburg to Krasnodar will cost you 20,000 miles and 4,458 rubles for a fuel surcharge.

  • upgrade your service class (Economy -> Business)
  • redeem goods from the “Award Catalog” for miles
  • spend miles with partners
  • transfer miles to dad, sister, friend
  • participate in the “Miles of Mercy” program

The minimum possible number of miles to send is 100.

  • to book a hotel

All these actions can be performed through your personal account by going to the Spend miles tab.

Aeroflot miles validity period

On the one hand, everything is extremely clear, but not as simple as it seems. Earned miles have a validity period and may expire. Miles are valid for 2 years.

For example, if within two years after your last flight you do not make a single flight with Aeroflot Group or its partners, then after two years the miles expire. Therefore, check in your personal account until the date you can use the miles you have earned.

We purchase air tickets for Aeroflot at Skyscanner And Aviasales.

The most convenient way to view housing options is on the website Hotellook.

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Today, the air carrier Aeroflot offers travelers various privileges. There is a special program for regular customers - here, with each purchase of an air ticket, the company credits the passenger with miles. When you collect the required number of award points, you can spend the points on any airline service, even book a flight for free. This program has been running since 1999, and today 1,500,000 tourists are already involved. Let's clarify the rules of the promotion and find out how to pay for a trip with Aeroflot miles.

Airlines award full points on every ticket purchased. The amount of bonuses received is directly determined by the cost of the air ticket, the chosen route and the distance. Each company has its own table, which indicates the amount of accrual, the type of service for which bonus points were received and how to spend the reward. Most carriers total the miles collected over the year and subsequently give the passenger access to new bonus programs and privileges. Here customers have access to free luggage space, flight class upgrades, and fast .

Airlines determine passenger status using cards of different levels. Moreover, a third party can also use the points collected by the tourist: a friend, colleague or relative. Here you will have to pay only for aviation fuel or not pay for the route at all. The flight will cost you half price or become free - this moment determines the number of points earned and the specific conditions of the flight.

Moreover, there are many options for accumulation. A common method today is to issue a card for payments from a partner bank and receive the collected bonuses monthly. This is a good and fast way, but airlines do not consider such points to be valuable. Accordingly, you will not be able to use reward points to obtain an airline card.

Company employees also name other options for participating in the Aeroflot Bonus program. Mileage accrual is also available when interacting with carrier partners. This list includes hotels, restaurants and car parks. You can spend the collected bonuses here on booking an air ticket or other services offered by the aviation company. In most cases, the carrier's partners provide travelers with a catalog containing goods or services for which they can earn reward points.

Collection rules

The airline's offer allows the passenger to earn a certain number of points for each purchase, and then spend the points on various carrier services. The number of bonus accruals is related to the prices of purchased air tickets, flight distance and other nuances. It is appropriate to check with the carrier who the airlines cooperate with and where you can receive rewards for purchases. In some cases, clients receive bonuses for taking out insurance or subscribing to magazines and books.Passengers use the accumulated miles to buy promotional tickets, hotels give tourists discounts on accommodation, and the class of the booked ticket is upgraded.

In addition, here you will be able to participate in various promotions or count on the privileges of issuing cards for payments from Sberbank of Russia.The project is available to airline clients whose age exceeds 2 years. For children aged two to twelve, the developers offer the Aeroflot Bonus Junior package. Moreover, the accumulation rules here are similar to the standard conditions - after all, the promotion is personalized for all participants. If you travel frequently and plan to participate in the program, you will have to register.

Airline regulations provide for two types of accumulation: specialized and non-qualified. To start collecting points, you will need to buy an air ticket or products from the carrier's partners. Customers exchange qualifying points for a more comfortable class and award tickets. Non-specialized points are promotional accruals that are received for purchasing products from the carrier’s partners and do not provide for increasing the passenger’s prestige.

If you received a plastic card from a partner bank, it provides for the collection of a certain number of bonuses - such functions are determined by the type of financial institution services used. For using the Aeroflot Classic Card, the company counts a mile per unit of currency or for a purchase with a plastic card in the amount of over 50 rubles, which the passenger spends. If you have a gold card, the company estimates similar expenses at one and a half points. There is a separate reward for new clients. Registration of a classic card will bring 500 points to your account, and a gold one – 1000.

Determining the number of bonus points

You can check the status of your active account in the following ways:

  • by mail;
  • on the official website of the carrier;
  • via telephone.

Every year, the carrier sends out letters to customers indicating the number of accumulated points. If information is needed now and there is no time to wait for a letter, it is advisable to visit the company’s website. There is no need for additional search or entering special data. To get acquainted with the status of the account, the passenger enters his personal account, where he can study the balance of bonus points.

The online calculator will help you decide how many miles you need for a free Aeroflot flight or the number of bonuses received for purchasing an air ticket. Readers will find a similar option. Please note that this information depends on several factors, including customer status and flight duration.

If you visited the site for the first time, you just need to complete a simple registration. You will need to enter your passport data into the system and leave a contact e-mail. After filling out the form, you will receive an email with the specified link. The traveler just has to go to the required address to confirm his account.

A quick way to find out about the availability of bonus points at a financial institution for a promotion is by using your phone. Contact the official representative of the company and tell the employee the initials and serial number of the participant, which is indicated on the card. Today there is a toll-free line for residents of Russia: 8-800-444-55-55.

How to spend received miles

Let's consider the conditions of the Aeroflot group. Bonus miles: how to spend your savings and whether you can transfer points to other passengers. Today, the program involves purchasing premium air tickets, increasing the comfort of the flight, reserving a hotel, and donating the proceeds to charity. In addition, here you can use offers from partners or pay for travel with miles.

Award tickets

First, let's get down to the question of how to use Aeroflot bonus miles when buying a ticket. Here airlines offer customers to go through the following algorithm:

  1. Call and authorization. The passenger contacts the airline's call center and determines the status of program participant.
  2. Payment. Here you can transfer money using voice dialing and a bank card. To send funds, you will need to follow the operator's prompts.

Bonus miles can be used to purchase an award ticket

In addition, you will have to issue an air ticket at the carrier’s office. Such actions are advisable after the passenger receives a secret code, which will be sent by email. Such flights can only be paid for on Aeroflot flights at least 6 hours before the departure of the aircraft.

Improving travel conditions

If you intend to upgrade your flight class, there are two known ways: prior agreement when purchasing air tickets and registration at the counter at the airport. Both options allow you to transfer bonuses to a third party. Moreover, an advance class upgrade is available when purchasing a ticket in both directions and subject to free seats of the required category on board. Here, the cost of upgrading from an economy flight to Business class will be the price of a round-trip premium air ticket. If you upgrade your service to Comfort class, the passenger spends half as many miles.

It is quite popular among passengers to use bonuses to upgrade their flight class.

As for the second method, here the function is available during flight check-in. The passenger will receive the desired seat if there are free seats in the required class and a sufficient number of points to pay.It is noteworthy that registration at the counter will cost half as much as a preliminary reservation. That is, when upgrading the quality of a flight by 2 classes, the client pays 50% of the cost of a premium ticket, and by 1 – 25%. However, when flying with connections, it will be possible to improve conditions only on the first leg of the journey. In addition, here the tourist receives a boarding pass for the class of the purchased air ticket, which is exchanged for the required document after boarding begins.

Alternative use of bonus savings

Today there is an exchange that cooperates with carriers. Here travelers buy and sell accumulated bonuses. Typically, such actions prevent points from being burned. When the accumulated miles are not enough to pay for the desired function, it is advisable to purchase the missing points here.

The missing bonuses can be purchased on the exchange or received as a gift

In addition, you can get points for free. The way the system works here is similar to the functioning of an exchange, but when donating bonus miles, the tourist does not receive income. If you intend to give bonuses, when receiving a bonus certificate, it is enough to draw up paperwork in the name of another person. This procedure is appropriate no later than two days before departure. In addition, passengers have the right to donate glasses to charity.

It is good to remember that collected miles expire over time. Bonuses are written off after two years of non-use of collected points. Prices for receiving bonuses depend on the cost of the flight, route and traveler status. Fuel surcharges are not included in the carrier point price. Typically, each ruble spent is equal to one mile, but there are exceptions.

Readers will be able to clarify the specific nuances and conditions on the carrier’s official portal. And you can find out about the rules for transporting baggage by this airline.

Since 1999, Aeroflot has launched a program to award passengers bonus miles for every purchase of company air tickets.
The amount of bonus accruals is related to the duration and price of the flight, passenger status, and flight class.
The card status also affects the number of bonuses received - owners of elite cards receive one and a half times more miles
It is convenient to check the status of your bonus account on the airline website