Tense aspects in the natal chart: how to work out? How to work through stressful aspects? We start debriefing


In classical astrology, tense aspects are often presented as a fatality that must be accepted, learned to live or endure. Oppositions, quadratures of the planets are often frightened in books, at consultations. But in the astrological model of the world there is no place for suffering or unconditional humility in the face of difficulties. On the contrary, tense aspects can give unprecedented talents, career success, powerful personal growth. The cards of politicians, businessmen, prominent people are full of an abundance of squares and oppositions of the planets. From this article you will learn how to work out tense aspects in the natal chart. How to turn a minus into a stable plus.

You can’t just take and work out the Quadrature of the planets

Why do tense aspects get angry?
Tense aspects denote an internal conflict, split, problem.

War of two planetary qualities. Squares, oppositions of the planets - that very kick in a well-known place that magically makes us get out of bed and do something.

Space through quadratures, opposition of planets is trying to knock a person out of his comfort zone, to open new horizons.
But if a person is not conscious, clings to the illusion of holy stability at any cost, lives according to the principle: “if only it doesn’t get worse”, is afraid of any changes, nostalgic for the past: “it used to be,” then the tense aspects for him are real evil in the flesh . Such a person manages to miss even the most incredible opportunities. The new is perceived as a threat to everything familiar.
There is an opinion that the more harmonious trines, sextiles in the chart, the better. And vice versa, if there are many quadratures, oppositions of planets - this is not good.
In reality, the situation is exactly the opposite. The lack of tense aspects and the abundance of harmonious ones create a motivational vacuum, a swamp from the comfort zone, TV and pink hopes from the series: when my prince finds me, and the million suffered by years of waiting will fly into the window.
Trines, sextiles create comfort. Imagine that you come into the world with an already pumped up muscle. You don't need to develop anything. Just take it and do it! You can be surprised to find an abundance of harmonious aspects in the cards of alcoholics, drug addicts, people with very low life realization. The world through trines, sextiles warms, creates a comfort zone. And to move on, to develop - there is no motivation.
Tense aspects not only do not give skills or talents at the start of life. And they also hammer from all sides, forcing the bully to turn into candy. Tense aspects give an incredible amount of motivation, energy. This is a huge plus. Simply put, you do not like quadratures, oppositions of planets, which means you do not know how to cook them. And here is the recipe.

Big pluses of tense aspects

For example, you are on the verge of being fired, but you are trying your best to hold on to your job. Yes, they pay three kopecks. Yes, you already forgot when was the last time you slept well. Yes, there are no prospects. But you say: but there is stability here. Wherever I go now, they won’t take me anywhere because I am 150 years old, I don’t have the necessary experience, there is a crisis in the yard.
But it is quite possible that through dismissal the world is trying to say that stop sitting still, burning your life. Go into business, creativity, build your projects, etc. But you, instead of starting to change something in your reality, lazily wave your hand and hold on to your cardboard house of beliefs, habits and fears.
Suppose you have a strong quadrature of the planets between the first and tenth Houses in your chart. If I work in a place where there is no promotion, career, power, the square will bounce back at a low level of I and X:

  • conflicts with boss
  • problems with the law, the state (the tax office finds fault, fines come all the time, it’s not clear why)
  • a huge number of obligations, tasks that limit you

If I am aware and understand that the square of the planets is not a seal of misfortune in the astrological passport, but a huge opportunity where you need to make an effort according to the principle: two steps forward, one step back, then I get a completely different level of square of the planets of I and X Houses:

  • I am the boss
  • I have status, power, formal authority
  • the world gives me the opportunity to influence, manage
  • I go into business, build a career

There is no bad weather. If it is raining outside the window, then you just need to take an umbrella, and not blame the heavens for the injustice of life.

Tense aspects in action. Should I be afraid?

In any aspect, there are always two key functions-planets involved. One of them is the basis, the base, the main characteristic. The other is a transformer, a quality that affects the base.
Personal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars can be both a base and a transformer.
Social Jupiter, Saturn and higher Uranus, Neptune, Pluto always act as a transformer.

For example, the Moon squares Pluto. The moon, as a personal planet, is the main function:

  • my habits, comfort zone
  • basic needs
  • mother image
  • how i perceive the world

Pluto, like a transformer, affects the moon. But not vice versa. This tense aspect reads as:

  • before relaxing - I experience stress, anxiety
  • the world for me is a place where I need to survive, protect myself (either they me, or I them)
  • emotional vampirism, destructive emotions, self-flagellation, a lot of anger and anger accumulate inside
  • the need to control, manage, suppress (I'm a mother, I know better)

On the plus side:

  • transform generic programs
  • the ability to clearly understand, feel the needs of other people
  • relax from heavy workloads
  • I am engaged in psychology, studying motivation, motives of behavior, NLP
  • The more I test myself for strength, the more comfortable and healthy I feel.

Note! Pluto colors the Moon with its characteristics. The moon has no effect on Pluto.
Aspects between higher and social planets have no psychological meaning. Designate only the event level.

Square of planets from Neptune in Xth to Jupiter in VIIth:

  1. as soon as I have a status, competition begins, enemies arise, courts, etc. But if I withstand this competition and win, my status grows exponentially.
  2. As soon as I have a partner, problems arise at work, in a career or with the law (for example, traffic cops start to fine at every turn). If I overcome this, super profitable partners and clients come to my project.

Here we deal only with event rules. No psychology.

How does planetary squaring work?

A sharp, hot tense aspect with which connected most of the troubles of the series: fractures, sudden illnesses that ruin plans, layoffs, losses.
The principle of planetary squaring: two qualities are in hot war. To put it simply: The Transformer is trying its best to harm the Foundation. If the Foundation takes into account the qualities of the Transformer, you get the result. If you don't, you get a problem.

Analogy: as soon as I go to bed, the neighbor behind the wall begins to fanatically drill the wall. The sound makes me jump on the bed. I have two ways:

  1. First (do nothing): endure all night. Do not sleep, get a headache immediately complete with aspirin tablets. In the morning, say: my quadrature of the planets is to blame for everything. As well as the state, fate, peace.
  2. Second: (squaring the planets): get out of bed, go to a neighbor. Break his drill and throw it out the window. Or tell a neighbor to drill at another time. In general, start interacting with a neighbor. Yes, you will have to get out of bed, get out of your hard-earned comfort zone. But at the same time you get a restful and sound sleep.

The quadrature of the planets works according to the principle: I cannot use the qualities of the Foundation until there is interaction with the Transformer.
Mars square Moon. If the base is Mars:

  • I can't do anything until the right mood comes.
  • When I need to rest, I turn into an electric broom, when I need to act, I hibernate.
  • When I start doing something, I want to finish all the tasks as soon as possible and relax
  • Emotions, feelings, experiences interfere with my activity, activity. And when you need to worry, feed, protect, emotional, throw a tantrum - I sincerely don’t understand what all the fuss is about. And those close to me call me insensitive.

Study: when I need to do something - I eat something tasty. In the workplace, I create a cozy homely atmosphere. I take a special rest before an important business. And then I go to work. Home trainers. Martial arts aimed at protection: aikido, self-defense techniques.
If the base is Moon:

  • I can’t relax until I do something, I don’t show physical activity or aggression (it’s worth quarreling with someone - I feel relaxed)
  • A lot of tension, aggression, anger accumulates inside, which prevents me from interacting with the world.
  • Too fast reactions: quick touchiness and the same quickness
  • When I start to care, I do it too actively, obsessively or aggressively

Study: relax through tension. I go in for sports not in the morning, but before going to bed. When I feel anger, anger - I start cooking or doing household chores. Martian species of domestic animals, for example: Siamese cat.
Examples are never enough. So let's look at another one. Venus square Uranus. Venus is divided into two main poles: money and relationships.
On the downside:

  • sudden, unforeseen expenses cause discomfort, stress, loss
  • I can't buy something right now. I put off important purchases for an endless “later”
  • I build utopian financial plans, but do absolutely nothing to turn my dream into reality
  • Waiting for the magical moment when I should suddenly become rich. After. In the future, not now.
  • I quickly and rapidly begin to build relationships with people (personal, business, friendly). Just as quickly and suddenly, my relationship shatters into smithereens because of some little thing.
  • In relationships, I live in the future from the series: it will change later, then I will build a family, and now we need to take a closer look, gain experience, or we are not yet ready for a relationship. Everything would be fine, but it can go on for years
  • Difficulty tolerating any obligations in a partnership
  • distance in a relationship

To work out the quadrature of the planets Venus and Uranus, Venus must take into account, accept Uranian qualities. It's simpler: before spending money, I turn on Uranus. Before getting acquainted, building relationships - I turn on Uranus. How might this look in practice?

  • I plan all expenses and incomes, purchases. Before I go to the store, I imagine in advance the possible amount of future money spent. If I don't do this, I get stressed at the checkout.
  • Unrealistically strong talent of a financial forecaster and analyst
  • Set ambitious financial goals
  • I am learning to invest, multiply finances, make long-term deposits for years, all the time I save part of the finances for the future
  • Before you build a relationship - maintain a distance, distance
  • Guest, civil marriage, long-distance relationship with minimal obligations (but you need to see if this contradicts the 7th House)
  • Partner Uranist - general plans, chosen one astrologer, inventor, creator, public figure, scientist, psychologist
  • The more freedom in the union, the better

The study of the quadrature of the planets is always associated with leaving the comfort zone, psychological pain. But if you overcome the first resistance, the square is revealed in talents, strong abilities, successes.

Remember the golden rule: The basis must take into account the qualities of the Transformer. Otherwise it's a hot war.

How to bury the hatchet of opposition planets?

Cold war between two functions. The opposition of the planets is a kind of looped square. You take into account one thing, another comes out, then a third. The opposition of the planets gives the individual wisdom, experience, as it constantly forces him to maneuver, to seek a balance between the two spheres.
Principle of operation: none of the qualities can win. I am looking for a balance between them. As soon as I pay attention to one planet, the other begins to go into a deep minus. And so in a circle. The two qualities cannot live without each other, but they cannot exist together either.
The opposition of the planets works more on the inner plane, creating deep psychological splits, internal traumas and conflicts. The square of the planets is relatively simpler, creating discomfort that must be overcome and the result obtained.

Analogy. You went to bed and fell fast asleep. In the midst of sleep, in the most intimate place you wake up

It was predicted that you would destroy the opposition in the Opposition, and not join it!

from the wild sound of a neighbor's drill. In a rage, you rush to your neighbor and throw his drill out the window. But now you cannot sleep in silence. And when you nevertheless reach the borders of the kingdom of Morpheus, children start yelling outside the window and you wake up again.

Easier: I can't sleep if there is noise. But even in silence, I also can not sleep. Elaboration: looking for a balance between ringing silence and a neighbor's drill. For example, I turn on the TV, turn on the music at a low volume and fall asleep calmly.
Opposition of the planets of the Sun and Moon- as soon as I start to relax, rest, take care - The sun is disappearing. It seems to me that my life is decaying, I lose myself, the feeling of confidence disappears. It seems to me that I am not realized and all the best and good passes me by.
As soon as I start to rejoice, take the initiative, do something myself, present myself - The moon falls into minus. I lose my sense of comfort, security, I feel a lot of stress.

Working method: I alternate functions, first the first, then the second, then the first again.
In the case of the Moon and the Sun - after the performances, I eat something tasty for joy, I set aside time for myself to rest so that no one touches. After the rest, I go to actively engage in solar affairs: join, lead, take the initiative, etc. Another option: at work I'm a super boss, at home I'm super caring. Alternating two qualities again.
Opposition of the planets Mercury and Jupiter. And again, two distortions: then I am a know-it-all, being clever, becoming a great Soviet encyclopedia, distributing advice where it is not required. Then I have chaos in my thoughts, I exaggerate, embellish the words. I dig into the details and don't see the big picture.

Study: learning foreign words. From time to time I write blog posts on my page. I live by the principle: I study and teach at the same time. For example, I went through a training and immediately try to pass this information on or improve, expand it. Otherwise, a lot of words, but zero sense.

Why include tense aspects?

You can put a semicolon on this for now. The theme of tense aspects is as endless as the starry sky. The main rule for today - do not be afraid, do not avoid tense aspects! These are your most powerful engines of progress, the tools of success.
Remember the most pleasant and comfortable comfort zone eventually turns into a swamp. And if this is what happened to your comfort zone, then turn on stressful aspects immediately!

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Friends! Sit back, take a cup of aromatic tea in your hands, and only after that start reading this article. After all, now we will talk about a very painful topic: how to work out the tense aspect of the horoscope. In general, many people who see their natal chart for the first time are horrified and dumb question from the series: “how to live with this with everything?”. After all, not everyone can boast of strong planets in their chart.

Let's start debriefing!

So, there are usually two main problems in the map. The first is tense aspects between the planets (squares, oppositions). The second is defective planets. But today we will talk about working on stressful aspects. We will leave the planets for later, for the second part of our conversation, so stock up on delicious tea.

The main mistake of astrologers

I want to say right away that we should not perceive tense aspects as an absolute evil, if we think that we will make a global mistake. After all, tense aspects give a person energy, bring down on a person circumstances that make him act. That is why big businessmen or famous people always have a lot of tense aspects in the chart. And people who have a lot of harmonious aspects are often very lazy, and because of this they achieve little in life, although they have all the opportunities.

The secret of star opposition

So let's start with the Opposition aspect. Technically, opposition is an aspect when the planets are opposite each other, 180 degrees apart. Planets in opposition represent completely different values, and naturally, they are very actively pulling the blanket over themselves. In a person's life, this can be expressed as a strong internal conflict, from a series: from one extreme to another.

Conflict of soul and mind. What to do?

For example, the Opposition of the Moon and Mercury speaks of a very big discord and conflict between feelings and thoughts, I think about one thing, but I want something completely different. The task of the Opposition is to connect things in order to separate them again. Therefore, the main study of this aspect is to connect opposites. For example, we see Opposition between the planets of the IVth and Xth Houses. That is the conflict between family and work. In such a case, we may advise the individual to work from home or start a family business. A person with the Opposition of the Moon and Mercury must learn to articulate all his feelings and emotions. That is, when working on the Opposition, we must consider the nature of the planets that participate in the aspect, and also the Houses that are involved in these planets.

Secrets of quadrature

Next, let's talk about Quadrature. The Quadrature differs from the Opposition in that it acts alternately, while the Opposition works 24 hours a day. Opposition is a constant confrontation, enmity. A quadrature is a restless point that explodes from time to time.

For example, the Square of the Moon and Mercury will give us the following effect: I don’t fit into those pants that I like, but I don’t like those that fit in, as a result I bought a scarf. The task of the aspect is to work out each of the sides, that is, to find exactly those pants that I like and that fit me. That is, we need to find a golden mean, a compromise between the planets. For example, the ideal solution for the Square of Venus and Saturn is to learn how to show your feelings in moderation so that both Venus and Saturn are satisfied. And again, Homes are important to us. If the conflict occurs between the Lords IV and X, that is, between work and family, then such a person needs to learn to pay attention to both areas, because if he is carried away by one of these areas, then the other will immediately make itself felt.


Remember, any tense aspect can always bring you very good benefits. And if you want to fully work out the tense aspects of your natal chart, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, we are waiting for you at the open webinar "" daily at 12.15 and 19.15 Moscow time.

Interesting thoughts of K.Rushman on Tau-Squares:

Tau squares as drivers

Tau squares are, without a doubt, drivers. Once I conducted a

following and found that a significant proportion of successful people have Tau-

squares. Here's how they work in different modalities.

Cardinal Tau square creates a feeling that rises from the depths of the soul

and prompts: “I must act. I must go first. I have to become human

com. I need to do something." This is intrinsic motivation and I believe that clients with

this aspect are born zodiac entrepreneurs. They -

trendsetters, they are active pioneers, and this guides them. I always re-

I encourage them to start their own business. Often they already have their own business, they are thinking about

to discover it, have done it or want to do it. There is an entrepreneur in their souls

body vein. Many of them say to me: “Oh, I got my own business, which

When I was ten years old, this was my first lemonade stand, and I always

considered business." This is how people with a cardinal Tau-square operate. If they have

no enterprises of their own, they will become leaders in some other area of ​​their lives.

Often they remain in the corporate structure only if they are

are promoted to senior management and promoted. Being in my own way

nature by people who do not need outside support when they begin their

deal, cardinal people do well at sales. And again, even if they work

melt into someone else, they feel as if they are the first persons,

because they "order the music" and enjoy the right to receive the most important

People with fixed tau-square- minions of the Zodiac. These are the people who are all

where they complete their undertakings. For example, if they go to college, they don't

leave it until they receive the highest scientific degree. They are focused on

achieving their goals, and if these goals are good, then they will succeed. Whenever I

happens to consult a person with a fixed Tau-square, I always say:

"You can do anything and become anything if you concentrate

on this task. Set a goal for yourself, because you have every reason and strength

reach her. And you will work your way through any difficulties, because

you know from early childhood that there are obstacles, hindrances and barriers. However, you

also know how to overcome them.” I observed this in my fawn, who has pain

my fixed tau-square. Pluto was involved in it, and it inspired me

serious concern. I thought: “Something will happen to him?”. He's already gone to college and

worked in the banking industry, but decided to continue his education. He got his degree

M.D. and then enrolled in law school. He worked very hard and took

place among the top 2% of students in their group.

People with mutable tau squares also have the energy to

achieve the intended goals, but often this is due to their conscientious

sti and perseverance. These people are very meticulous and accurate. They have a high

creativity and flexibility. I noticed that they often turn out to be children of al-

coholics or that someone in their environment was in some way connected with medicinal

drugs, drugs or weight loss (usually someone from

parents, siblings). A child with a mutable Tau square is often heroically

knocked out in people from a dysfunctional family. Such people often grow up in an incomplete family,

where they have to take on many responsibilities from early childhood.

Parents with a mutable child should be especially careful

towards the one with whom he is friends, and make sure that he does not have a negative

influence. Mutable children often become the same as their environment. They are hame-

leons that absorb energy and reflect it into the environment. Positive

side of the mutable Tau-squares is the frequent desire for self-improvement

nyu, significant creative inclinations, they are amazingly versatile. Important to remember,

that all Tau squares are express drivers of either good or evil.

* An excerpt from the book by K. Daragan "Astrology of Personality Transformation. Karmic Astrology and Methods of Horoscope Correction".

Here it is necessary to make a digression in order to explain the general approach to working with aspects. Jan Kefer, who was one of the first to use the term "astromagic" in the book "Practical Astrology", explained the work with aspects as follows: if there is a tense astrological situation, then it is better not to do anything serious on its topic, although aspects will push us to action. It is better to do all serious things on harmonious aspects, when, on the contrary, you want to relax and laze around. And since most people do just the opposite, the results in life are usually modest.

It's hard to disagree with him. But something needs to be added. His approach is a simplified explanation of the essence. An aspect can prohibit the positive action of the planet and make it difficult to work out. In many ways, it is the aspects that determine the nature of the planet and the nature of its action in our lives. Aspects are a subtle and very dynamic matter, their action is naturally corrected with each of their "operations" in our lives. They are especially plastic. That is why they are fertile material for tracking and correction.

In general, an aspect between two planets appears as a similar sequence of actions and reactions of a person in similar circumstances. This is a favorite topic of applied psychology. There is even a special term - "trigger", or "trigger events". A huge number of people are perfectly able to spoil the mood of others or themselves by means of something specific in the external and internal world. Moreover, for each of us, this sequence is the same, if you look at it closer. Something specific (word, behavior, intonation) acts as a trigger, that is, a trigger, for our negative emotions and, as a result, for decisions and actions. This is the external action of the negative aspects. After the action of the aspect is "hunted down", and we recognize its manifestations, it can be corrected. And this means interrupting the habitual and destructive sequence and replacing it with something else. Psychology, and especially Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), makes extensive use of a technique called "pattern breaking." This is exactly what needs to be done in each specific case. That is, every time when a habitual and unpleasant sequence for us begins, it must be turned in a different direction by an effort of will. For example, if we had a negative aspect to Mars that provoked us to get into a fight in the literal and figurative sense of the word, then it is possible to teach ourselves to stop at a critical moment and do something else that is more in line with our interests. I can't say that it's easy, because the force of inertia is very strong. Sometimes it’s hard to even remember the need to stop. But it is possible to do so. And then squares and oppositions will work in a completely different way than one might expect. Literally, we are faced with the task of developing a new habit to replace the old one that creates problems.

The easiest way to work out the natal aspects of two planets is to use sign events on all transit aspects of these two planets to each other. And also on the transit aspects of any of them to the natal position of the other. Usually it is at such moments that our stereotype of behavior is activated. And prognosis in astrology takes this into account, predicting events. Our task is to turn fate in our direction. If we are working on the negative aspect, then we need to prevent a problematic development of events. We can and must turn the situation in our favor. If we are working on and strengthening the harmonious aspect, then it is necessary to consciously create events that are desirable for us. That is, those that we want to receive in the future on the same aspect during the next transit operation. Thus, we draw up an "application" for what we want to see our life. And these requests inevitably lead to a new response from the World.

Compound- this is the need to combine heterogeneous things, the need to create with your life and your "I" a perfect fusion of two planets, even if they are as hostile to each other as Venus and Saturn. Connection is both an ability and a practical skill. In this example, a person needs to understand and put into practice the idea that clarity can be beautiful and beauty can be strict, that concentration can be sensitive and sensitivity can be disciplined. Connection is the strongest aspect, it is a situation when two planets act together, their archetypes are already merged together. Our task is “only” to make the connection harmonious, to reconcile the planets in the connection, finding a reasonable compromise for them and realizing their joint action in practice. Connection is always a practical aspect, requiring both understanding and implementation in life.

Opposition is an aspect of spiritual decision. Here the task is understanding and sometimes humility, but not action. We need to learn how to reconcile the two planets on opposite sides of the aspect, as they are at war. The opposition assumes that there is either one or the other, and the participating planets seem to compete in a tug of war. This situation of internal division must be stopped. In difficult cases, especially if the opposition builds up to the Luminaries, what psychologists call "repression" occurs. That is, the denial of some aspect of life or one of their qualities. Many practicing astrologers know examples of such action of the opposition, since most people implement it in this way.
Among the well-known personalities in a negative sense, one can mention A. Chikati-lo (10/16/1936, 12.53GMT, Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region, Russia). In his horoscope, the Saturn-Mars/Neptune opposition resulted in a severe, manic, violent personality split. According to the descriptions, he was in life in two completely different states. In the first, he was a defenseless victim even for the students of the school in which he taught (affected retro-Saturn in Pisces in the First, suffers damage from the Seventh, House of Open Enemies). Another aspect of him was one in which he became obsessed with killing and sexually abusing the beast (affecting Mars/Neptune in the Seventh House from Saturn from the First). These facets of his personality were so torn apart by opposition that even his wife and children knew only one side of this opposition - a sluggish and inert father and husband.

The opposition must be worked out to a tense connection. It is very important to learn simultaneously "harness" both planets into action. As a rule, this is achieved through inner humility towards the "ambitions" of both planets. An example of such a spiritual act is the personality of N. Roerich (9.10.1874), in whose chart the opposition Venus-Neptune found the highest synthesis in spiritualized, mystical art. It is very good if there is a third in a trine to one of the planets and in a sextile to another. In this case, she acts as a "peacemaker". Through the people it signifies and through the areas of activity for which it is responsible, it is precisely the gradual harmonization of such a tense aspect that is possible.

Quadrature is an aspect that requires action and practical solutions. The usual action of the square - we achieve our goal, but with great effort or loss. Here the study goes towards the sextile. That is, the general task is such that we must turn the circumstances to our advantage, at least minimizing the cost of nerves and time. Very often in business people intuitively achieve such a study of the quadrature. This is what gives some astrologers the right to think that the square is a harmonious aspect. In fact, many squares can be harmonized so that their destructive effect will not be so fatal, but will manifest itself as periods of very intense activity. Such, for example, is the cosmogram built on quadratures of the outstanding master-reformer of martial arts Bruce Lee, who became a classic example of a "self-made man", that is, a person who completely created himself (11/27/1940, 6.40, -08.00, 37n 47, 122w 25), or the cosmogram of the legendary Marshal Zhukov (12/01/1896).

But there is another perspective as well. You can avoid working out the quadrature aspect. That is, to avoid making decisions, to avoid necessary but painful actions, surrendering to the mercy of Fate or following self-destructive impulses. You can't stop evolution, change is always happening. And in this case, the square is worked out to the opposition, that is, to the inability to do anything according to the function of these two planets. And do not be surprised that in the next incarnation a new quality will already be innate. That is why I believe that J.Kefer's approach is somewhat simplified. You can’t just run away from tense aspects - this is fraught with sudden and unpleasant complications. Approximately the same as a person who has not been vaccinated against a dangerous disease in time can face. It is better to get sick in a weak form and have immunity than to hide forever. An example of such a problem is the fate of Marilyn Monroe (06/01/1926, 9.30, -08.00.34n 03.118wl 5), whose life was actually destroyed by the unexplored tau-square Moon-Saturn-Neptune.

Trin- the strongest harmonious aspect. Its meaning is associated with a very well-established set of skills that work automatically, often outside of conscious control. For this reason, the person himself often does not notice the action of the trigonal aspect, taking it for granted. For example, this is the strongest, with the mutual reception of the Sun-Jupiter trines in the chart of Osho Rajnesh, who became one of the most famous "spiritual teachers" in the last century. In the worst case, however, a person not only does not notice the action of the trine, but also does not appreciate it. There is nothing eternal in the sublunar world, and if you use your trine very limitedly, in two or three typical situations, then it naturally degrades. What is not used, then dies off - this is an immutable law of evolution. The trine must be worked out towards a harmonious connection. That is, it must be used not only in a few familiar situations, but try to expand it as much as possible. It is necessary and possible to make the trine of our two planets a stable feature of one's character.

Sextile- weak harmonic aspect. His role is that success comes through creativity and experimentation, through the search for new expressive means. Sometimes we manage to find the right approach to solving certain problems, and sometimes we don’t. That is why sex style is considered an aspect of chance. There are no stable habitual and successful stereotypes here yet, like a trine. Errors are still possible here. And, above all, because a person is not always ready to see a chance in his life. This can and should be learned, after all, victory is also a habit. The sextile is worked out towards the trine. That is, we purposefully learn to use our sextile aspect in such a way as to get the maximum benefit from the joint action of the two sextile planets. It is necessary to form the habit of always doing the best that we are capable of, and extending the experience gained to other areas of life. A striking example of such a successful correction of his horoscope is Walt Disney (05.12.1901,0.35 local, -06.00.41n 51, 87w 39), whose weak sextile between the Ruler of the First and Tenth Houses (Mercury), on the one hand, and the planet of the Fifth and Ruler of the Second (Venus), on the other hand, turned into that stream that made him a multi-millionaire rich in art.
