Can I be evicted from a hostel with a permanent residence permit? Can they be discharged from the hostel Can they be discharged from the hostel


If the tenant in the hostel has a permanent residence permit, he is subject to eviction on a general basis.

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To do this, a person living in a hostel by registration must remove himself from the registration register. Part 2 of Article 103 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of persons who cannot be evicted without providing them with other housing.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation article 103

If a person was registered in a hostel before the adoption of the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation, that is, before March 1, 2005, then it is impossible to evict a citizen from a room in a hostel. In the case of receiving a room after the adoption of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the continuation of residence in the hostel will depend only on whether the person continues to work at the enterprise that owns the hostel or continues to study at the university.

If these relations end, the lease agreement is terminated accordingly and the person is obliged to vacate the occupied premises.

With the provision of other housing

The JK RSFSR had a more extended list of persons who could not be evicted without providing them with other housing. With the adoption of the new code, the list was significantly reduced (article 103 part 2 of the LC RF). But, if a person lived in a hostel before 03/01/2015, he may be subject to eviction, but only if the owner provides housing for further residence.

For now, this list includes:

  1. Families of military personnel and employees of public authorities.
  2. pensioners by age.
  3. The family of the deceased employee who received the premises while working at the enterprise.
  4. Disabled persons of groups I and II who received disability due to professional injury or injury while performing military service.

No other accommodation provided

The eviction of the following categories of persons does not require the owner to provide them with other housing:

  1. Seasonal and temporary workers who have ceased work.
  2. Employees working on a fixed-term basis employment contract.
  3. An employee who resigned voluntarily.
  4. Students.

For debts

Most often, employers are interested in whether they can be evicted from a hostel with a permanent residence permit for debts?

The landlord has the right to terminate the contract on the basis of Part 4 of Article 83 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - failure to pay for housing and communal services within six months.

According to Part 1, the fee includes the following components:

  • payment for renting premises;
  • payment for housing management services;
  • payment for utility services.

The above services must be paid no later than the 10th day of the month after the end of the month.

The court has the right to grant the tenant a delay during which he must pay for the services that became the basis for the landlord to apply to the court to evict the tenant. But, if this violation is not eliminated, the person is subject to eviction.

Arbitrage practice

AT judicial practice there was a case regarding the residence of a person in a hostel and the purchase of an apartment. The citizen bought an apartment, and did not refuse the occupied room in the hostel. However, the current housing legislation establishes that when the tenant in the hostel improves his living conditions (in this case, the apartment), the person must vacate the occupied room in the hostel.

During the consideration of the case, it was found that the citizen:

  • lives in a hostel all the time;
  • from the right to a room did not give up;
  • monthly pays receipts for payment for accommodation and utility services;
  • does not move to an apartment.

The case file indicated that the person had lived in the dormitory for about 9 years, so this residence is not considered temporary. In the courtroom, the citizen stated that the apartment was bought in order to obtain registration, since the enterprise did not agree to registration at the place of actual residence.

The court made a decision on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy" Part 3 of Article 6, as a result of which the purchase of an apartment is not considered the basis for eviction from the hostel.

Frequently asked Questions

In practice, citizens often have questions related to eviction from the hostel. How to be an assistant professor who is being evicted and what to do if an apartment is bought with a mortgage? The answer is described below.

Can an associate professor be evicted from a student dormitory

So, if an associate professor received a room in a dormitory during the RSFSR LCD and continues to work at the university on the basis of an employment contract, there are no grounds for his eviction.

In this case, the provisions of Article 108 of the LC RSFSR apply to the associate professor.

Upon receipt of a room before 03/01/2015, upon eviction, the associate professor has the right to receive other housing for further residence, and without receiving housing, accordingly, eviction is impossible.

Eviction from the hostel, if an apartment is purchased with a mortgage

If the tenant left the hostel for new apartment bought with a mortgage, then the lease agreement is considered automatically terminated from the moment the tenant leaves the premises (part 3, article 83 of the LC RF).

The tenant can prove the lost right to live in a hostel only in the courtroom.

In particular, the employer must provide information that he voluntarily moved into his own apartment and does not live in the hostel. It should also be taken into account that the company helped to buy an apartment on a mortgage, respectively, the tenant and the landlord entered into an agreement in which the first is obliged to leave the hostel after buying the apartment. In this case, by a court decision, the tenant has lost the right to use the room and is subject to eviction.

If we look into the future and assume that during the period of mortgage payments (about 20 years) the financial condition of the payer may worsen, as a result of which the apartment can be taken away from him, then he remains without an apartment and without a room in a hostel.

Legal advice:

1. I was discharged from the hostel without my knowledge.

1.1. Konstantin! So you did not live there and did not pay for a communal apartment. When was the decision of the court? It may not be too late to appeal if you have objective good reasons why you were not there.

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2. How to discharge an adult child from a non-privatized hostel.

2.1. Responsible tenant goes to court and discharges!

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3. I was discharged from the hostel without my knowledge.

3.1. Why? Then? Not enough information.

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4. Discharged from the room to the hostel on the decision of the court without my knowledge.

4.1. Of course, you can appeal against the decision of the court in the appeal procedure, if the deadlines for appealing have not expired, of course.

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4.2. You need to see the court decision to understand the possibility of your future prospects

With respect to you, Filatov Evgeny Pavlovich.

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4.3. In this case, you have the right to appeal the decision of the court on appeal. Thank you for being with us, we were happy to help you!

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4.4. Are you telling us this or want to ask a question?
Learn a copy of the court decision and within a month file an appeal and an application for the restoration of the procedural period for filing this complaint.
This is a very general answer to your intended question.

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4.5. Restore the period for appeal under Art. 112 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation if there are grounds and appeal.
The appeal is filed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 321 and 322 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The decision of the court that has entered into force is mandatory for execution in accordance with Article 13 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

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5. How to write the ex-wife out of the hostel, she has not lived there for more than 3 years?

5.1. you can legally

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5.2. File a lawsuit in court for deregistration.

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6. How to discharge a 4-year-old child from the hostel of the mother-in-law. The child has no share.

6.1. Deregistration of a child is possible with the consent of both parents. Or in a judicial proceeding, but the court will not remove the child from the registration record anywhere.

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7. Is it possible to write a person out of a dorm room for a misdemeanor lifestyle.

7.1. you need to know the rules of living in a hostel. to answer your question

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8. Can the non-privatized dormitory be discharged through the court?

8.1. May, if warranted

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9. Can I be discharged through the court from a hostel that has not been privatized?

9.1. Look at the grounds. Describe the situation in more detail.

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10. Can I be discharged from the hostel!

10.1. Igor

Yes they can.

Good luck to you and your loved ones!

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11. Do they have the right to discharge a full-time student from the hostel?

11.1. It all depends on specific reasons.

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11.2. If you are studying and living in a hostel, then they cannot.

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12. Tell me they can write me out of the hostel to nowhere without me and I don’t live there.

12.1. I can if you don't live.

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12.2. Without a reason, they are not allowed to write.

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13. Can the father be discharged from the dorm room? I, he and a minor brother are registered, the room is not privatized.
The thing is, in general, there is a debt of 120,000 thousand in the room, my father left us about 10 years ago, he lives with a new family.
Mom and brother live in the room, we want to discharge the father because it doesn’t help with money, not paying for the room, etc. for 10 years
Make a room for me, pay the debt and sell it.
Is it possible to write it out through the court and what is needed for this?
Help me please.

13.1. You can write it out in court. First of all, you need to make a claim.

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Consultation on your question

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14. According to the court decision, I need to write out the children from the military dormitory, after reaching the age of majority. There is no place to write them down. How long does it take for children to be discharged after coming of age and can they be discharged to nowhere?

14.1. It is necessary to understand what the court's decision is and what is indicated in the operative part. If it is indicated that the migration service deregisters children, then they themselves will remove them.

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14.2. With the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, they can write out "to nowhere". If you do not agree with the decision of the court and have not reached the deadline for appealing it, you can file an appeal with a higher court.

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15. Disabled child, mother discharged from living space, saying that she owed nothing because she was 18 years old. I study at a technical school, correctional group. I was temporarily registered in a hostel there.
The disability group was extended for a year, lowered by 3.
The Pension Fund refuses to issue a pension because there is no permanent residence permit.
What to do?

15.1. --- Hello, dear visitor of the site, contact the prosecutor's office, (it is possible for a personal appointment), the prosecutor can, in the interests of a disabled person, go to court and restore registration! Say that there is no money for a lawyer, and ask him to act in the interests of a disabled person. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

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16. Is it possible to discharge a person from a non-privatized room in a hostel (of which he is not a hired person), who does not pay utility bills, does not give a quiet life to people living with him and neighbors.

16.1. If a person continues to live and use the residential premises, it is necessary to raise the issue of eviction. In support of the claim, indicate the impossibility of cohabitation and the failure of this person to fulfill obligations to pay utilities.

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17. I’m 14 years old, she was in the apartment where she used to live with her mother and great-grandmother, after the death of her mother, my grandmother took her under guardianship and they now live in a hostel, and a grandmother lives in that apartment and she wants to sell this apartment, but a minor child is registered there, can the guardianship authorities discharge the child from the apartment without the consent of the guardian? And can a grandmother sell an apartment?

17.1. The sale of an apartment in which a minor child is registered is impossible without the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority and the guardian.
At the same time, if in this apartment there is a share belonging to this child, then its sale is also possible with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the obligatory provision in return for the sold share, while deterioration of the property status of the minor is not allowed.

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18. I have such a situation. I am originally from Khabarovsk, but I study and live in St. Petersburg in the dormitory of my university, for 2 years. This summer, my mother was selling an apartment, and it so happened that I was discharged from the old one, but they did not have time to enter the new one, since I had to fly from Khabarovsk to St. Petersburg to study. Now the hostel is refusing to give me temporary registration because I do not have a permanent residence permit, they are asking me to leave, but I have nowhere to go, there are no relatives in St. Petersburg, and even more money to rent a house.

18.1. Ask the hostel if you make a temporary registration in St. Petersburg, will they leave you? Temporary registrations without accommodation are inexpensive. Promise them to register in Khabarovsk during the winter holidays. Write an application addressed to the dean, where you describe in detail the deplorable situation, ask Olya to take time off from school to go and register or leave you in the hostel until the holidays.

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19. Please tell me how to get my father out of the apartment through the court, is it easier to go to your house or to a dorm room? And when do you need to buy before the application to the court fell or after a positive court decision? The apartment was privatized, he did not participate in it. Cohabitation is not possible, drinks, rowdy, does not pay for an apartment. I also have a minor child.

19.1. even if he did not participate in it, but is registered, then by law he has the right to live in this apartment for life until he himself is discharged, in fact, a very difficult case, more than one court will not issue him, so it is better to agree on a mine basis how either way. You will be able to sell it only after a court decision, and then, if it is challenged in the supreme, everyone will be declared invalid!

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20. My father wants to discharge me and my daughter (5 years old) from a dorm room (not privatized). I live with my husband and child in my mother-in-law's apartment, but they don't allow me to register. At the court they said that my father wants my registration in the hostel not to have legal force. What does it mean? Can I be discharged if I do not have my own housing and my mother-in-law does not go to the meeting?

20.1. If you moved to another permanent place of residence, this is considered a voluntary waiver of rights and obligations in relation to the previously occupied dwelling. By itself, registration does not entail any rights to housing. Based on this, the father probably went to court. If the decision is in favor of the plaintiff, you will be deregistered at this address.

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21. The ex-husband discharged a minor child from a two-room apartment to a hostel without my consent, does not pay alimony for upbringing, does not care where to go.

21.1. With regard to deregistration of a child, apply to the court and restore registration.
With regard to alimony, file a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff to the head of the bailiffs and to the prosecutor's office.

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21.2. How did you write? Through the court? Do you have a solution in hand?

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22. I have 2 dorm rooms on the social. I am an employer. We have 4 children registered, me and my ex-husband (officially divorced). for 6 years, a lot of debts for housing and communal services have accumulated, since we are divorced, we have quarrels on the basis of personal hostility, the joint household is sometimes completely, sometimes partially. Based on this, I want to discharge my husband and divide the housing and communal services debt through the court! What do I need to do this, and what articles should I be guided by?! Thank you!

22.1. Daria.

In this case, you need to draw up a statement of claim for deregistration and division of debt for utilities. If the court does not deregister your ex-spouse, then you can apply for a section of your personal account so that its obligations do not impose on you. You can find a sample of these claims on the Internet and draw it up yourself, or order it from any lawyer on this site. When drawing up claims, the norms of the Civil, Family and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation should be taken into account.

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23. I have such a question - does the administration of the enterprise, after dismissal, have to discharge me and my 14th daughter from the hostel, although I have a permanent residence permit with my daughter and worked at the enterprise for 17 years.

23.1. In accordance with the current legislation, the administration of the enterprise has the right to demand the eviction and deregistration (extract) of a dismissed employee. However, the move-in took place in the period before the adoption of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in this regard, it is possible to file a counterclaim in court to recognize the right to use the room on the terms social recruitment.

RF LC Article 94. Appointment of residential premises in hostels

1. Residential premises in dormitories are intended for temporary residence of citizens during their work, service or education.
2. Houses or parts of houses specially built or converted for these purposes are provided for dormitories.
3. Residential premises in dormitories are equipped with furniture and other items necessary for the residence of citizens.

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24. I had a room in a hostel that was not privatized under an order of 20.2 m 2 since 2003. Married, registered his wife, divorced, did not live in a hostel. The ex-wife gave birth to a child not from me, registered him for housing and communal services, did not pay, and then took and divided the room into 2 parts according to the court, I did not even know. Now no one lives in the room and utilities put up 10.1 m 2 for me and 10.1 m 2 for her and she does not pay. Is it possible to write her out of the hostel and return my half of the room to me.

24.1. Noyabrsk!
According to part 4 of Art. 83 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
Termination of a social tenancy agreement at the request of the landlord is allowed in court in the following cases:
1) non-payment by the tenant of payment for housing and (or) utilities for more than six months;
2) destruction or damage to the dwelling by the tenant or other citizens for whose actions he is responsible;
3) systematic violation of the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, which makes it impossible to live together in the same residential area;
4) use of residential premises for other purposes.

Good luck Vladimir Nikolaevich
Ufa 09/04/2018

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25. There is such a situation. The girl lived with her grandmother in an apartment, then the grandmother was deprived of custody of the girl and she was sent to a boarding school to study. The girl was not discharged, she remained registered. And he doesn't live there. She married her husband and lives with her husband in a hostel. Now the grandmother threatens to discharge from the apartment, and the girl is 17 years old. Tell me if he's right or not. And what to do?

25.1. Now the grandmother threatens to discharge from the apartment, and the girl is 17 years old. Tell me if he's right or not. And what to do?

If the grandmother is the owner, then of course she has the right.

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25.2. It is not clear from the question whether the grandmother owns the apartment or under a social contract. hiring. Whether this living area, or some other, was assigned to the girl when she was placed in a boarding school. If housing is in a social lease, they will not even be discharged through the court. Refine your question.

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25.3. For. To answer this question, you need to know the mode of housing. The use of an apartment owned and a municipal apartment is regulated by different norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
In any case, deregistration is possible only after the recognition of the lost right to living space in a judicial proceeding, and here the fact of living in an apartment plays a decisive role.

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26. I have such a problem. My wife decided to leave me. We are not officially divorced yet. I moved out of her to the hostel. We have a 5 year old with her. Due to the conditions of my residence, the child stayed with her. But the wife began to lead a wild life. Often drinks, goes to clubs and leaves the child with her friends for the night. The apartment in which we lived belongs to my wife, I'm only registered there. Does my wife have the right to discharge me without my consent? And what are my chances that the child after the divorce will remain with me?

26.1. She will receive a divorce through the court and remove you as a stranger from the registration register. The place of residence of the child can be determined through the court. It assesses the income level of the parents, living conditions, the moral character of parents, the ability of parents to spend as much time as possible with the child.

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27. What to do. Now paying for utilities has become a significant cost item for me. With me in our common apartment with a child, I and the child are registered. The child went to college in another city. Provided hostel. The child can temporarily register there. It's long enough. 5 years of study. Can I, in order to save on utility bills, write my child out of our apartment for the duration of the study?

27.1. It is not necessary to write out the child during his studies. It is necessary to take a certificate from the educational institution that the child studies there, lives in a hostel. This certificate, along with the application, must be submitted to the UK (utility service providers) or to the organization that makes the accrual of payments (this depends on the method of accrual). From September 1, payments should be reduced. The rules provide the UK no more than 5 days for recalculation. The recalculation is made for a period not exceeding 6 months, i.е. every six months you need to write an application and attach a copy of the certificate from the educational institution. If the child is in another city, he can send you a certificate by mail. If the application is submitted within 30 days from the date of the end of the absence period, then the already paid utility bill will be recalculated. The following are not subject to recalculation: payment for heating, payment for the maintenance of common property, because calculated from the area of ​​​​your apartment; and those payments that you make according to the readings of individual meters. Section VIII of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011.

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28. Daughter left home on April 19, 2018. She lived in a dormitory of a technical school, she has a temporary registration stamp in her passport. I received a good sum of money. I know that she has nothing to pay, but it’s not easy for me either. Moreover, she left the house voluntarily, where she is now, I don’t know, the police are not moving. It is not written by me. The question is, I'm not allowed to recalculate. Moreover, I contacted the police more than once, I was at her technical school.

28.1. yes, you have the right to count on recalculation, but at the same time it is necessary to perform a number of actions, draw up an act of non-residence, write an application and others. You can also write it out in court.

30. Can you please tell me if I can discharge my brother from my dorm room? The fact is that the room is in my property, I don’t live there, my brother lives there, who is registered there. He has not paid the rent for a long time, the debts are large, he refuses to pay, there is no point in negotiating with him. Because of his debts, the bailiffs freeze my accounts, in general I suffer, and he doesn’t care about all this.

30.1. Irina! The owner has the rights of possession, use and disposal of his property. The right to donate, sell, rent out your home. In court, you can make demands to evict your brother from the apartment.

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The landlord has the right to evict the tenant from the hostel on the basis of Article 83 and Article 103 of the LC RF. If the tenant in the hostel has a permanent residence permit, he is subject to eviction on a general basis.

According to Part 1 of Art. 103 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in cases of termination or termination of contracts for the rental of specialized residential premises, including dormitories, citizens must vacate the residential premises that they occupied under these contracts. In case of refusal to vacate such residential premises, these citizens are subject to eviction in a judicial proceeding without providing other residential premises.

The grounds for eviction from the hostel are provided for in Art. 83 ZhK RF:

  • lack of payment for housing and communal services and for hiring premises for six months;
  • the tenant caused damage to the premises;
  • violation of the rights and interests of neighbors by the tenant;
  • housing is not used for the purposes for which it was provided.

In these cases, the landlord does not need to provide the tenant with other housing for living.

It is also possible to evict from a hostel without providing other housing for citizens with a permanent residence permit who:

  • were fired;
  • terminated the employment relationship;
  • graduated from an educational institution or were expelled;
  • work under a fixed-term employment contract;
  • are seasonal and temporary employees.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 103 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the following citizens who need to be provided with housing for further residence cannot be evicted from the hostel:

  • Military personnel and their family members, employees of state bodies.
  • Pensioners upon reaching 60 years old - men, 55 years old - women.
  • Families of employees who died, but received a hostel during work.
  • Disabled persons of groups I or II who became such as a result of occupational injuries or occupational diseases, as well as as a result of being injured or contused while performing military service.

The LC RF regulates only controversial issues relating to eviction only from state or municipal property (Part 2, Article 92 of the LC RF).

Attention! It should be borne in mind that if a person was registered in a hostel before the adoption of the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation, that is, before March 1, 2005, then it is impossible to evict a citizen with a permanent residence permit from a room in a hostel.

In the case of receiving a room after the adoption of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the continuation of residence in the hostel will depend only on whether the person continues to work at the enterprise that owns the hostel or continues to study at the university. If these relations end, the lease agreement is terminated accordingly and the person is obliged to vacate the room in the dormitory.

Also, from a hostel with a permanent residence permit, they can be evicted for debts. In particular, the landlord has the right to terminate the contract on the basis of Part 4 of Art. 83 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation for failure to pay for the hostel and housing and communal services for six months.

At the same time, the court has the right to grant the tenant a delay during which he must pay for the services that became the basis for the landlord's appeal to the court to evict the tenant. But, if this violation is not eliminated, the person is subject to eviction.

If a Passport Office agreed to deal with your discharge and registration, then above (click on the link) there is already an order in this case. But if you are denied registration and you do not want to waste your time on disputes and court, the instruction is as follows (some points are taken from the instructions above):

The power of attorney, however, must be issued not as a general one, but as a special one, which can be clarified with a notary - he himself will draw up everything as expected. If you need an experienced notary, but you can contact us for contacts. To call, write to our online legal consultant at the bottom right. You can also consult with him for free.

How to check out of the hostel

Firstly, if I had such an opportunity (to register somewhere or with relatives), I would have done it a long time ago, but not everyone has relatives with apartments, and even more so with extra space, and secondly, I want to pay for living where I really live, and not registered.

Dear Nadezhda, thank you for responding to my question, but I got the impression that you are not in control of the situation, or do not understand my question. Of course, I can register not with relatives. Then it makes sense for me to check out of the hostel if the cost of registering in an apartment with the subsequent payment of utilities will be higher than in a hostel, and this is not economically feasible. to the street to save your family budget(I don’t have extra money, like 50% of the population of our country).

How to check out of the apartment

  • applications for deregistration in the prescribed form (a sample can be downloaded here);
  • a court decision, which has entered into force, on the deprivation of the right of ownership or the right to use residential premises, on eviction, on the recognition of a person as missing or dead;
  • death certificates;
  • a document issued by a state body of a foreign state on the death of a person;
  • other documents that confirm the termination of the grounds for using the premises or the grounds for staying on the territory of Ukraine (for foreigners).

The registration must be removed, that is, written out, on the day of the appeal, if you have submitted all required documents. At your request, deregistration and registration at a new place of residence can occur simultaneously on the basis of one application, and then you do not need to pay an administrative fee in the amount of UAH 27.20 twice.

How to check out of the hostel

Having won the court, you will receive a court decision in your hands, it will be needed if the tenants refuse to leave the premises on their own. Article 103 of the Housing Code states that if the evicted citizens refuse to comply with the justified (by court decision) demands of the landlord for eviction, they will still have to vacate the hostel. In this case, they will be evicted and discharged in court without providing them with other residential premises for living.

Contact the court. The lease agreement may be terminated by the landlord in a judicial proceeding if the tenant and persons cohabiting with him fail to fulfill their obligations under the agreement on the rental of residential premises. Cases that allow the landlord to discharge a tenant from the hostel are described in Article 83 of the Housing Code.

How to check out from the living space of Donetsk without entering the DPR

At the moment, that is, in the summer of 2015, there is no need to travel there in order to leave the DPR or LPR. Everything is decided at the new place where you decide to register, that is, at the passport office. I would like to note an interesting detail that in order to register a child, the consent and, best of all, the presence of both parents is necessary.

To check out from Donetsk without entering the DPR, you need to go to the passport office (migration service) at the new place of residence. Write an application for deregistration at the old address, and registration at the new address. Everything is done at the new place of registration at the same time, there is no need to go anywhere else.

Can they be discharged from an apartment to nowhere: lawlessness or a special case

When granting a temporary residence permit to the owners of real estate, it is highly desirable to conclude an agreement with those whom they let in. In such a document, you can take into account everything to the smallest detail and protect yourself from possible difficulties. On the basis of such an agreement (if it is violated by a temporarily registered person), temporary registration can be terminated ahead of schedule, albeit through a court.

Here, a lot depends on why it became necessary to discharge a person to “nowhere”, who this citizen is, what type of housing has become the object of the disputed registration. There can be a lot of situations with a forced discharge without an alternative, we will consider only a few.

Eviction from the hostel under the new Housing Code

Sometimes in practice there are cases of eviction of people who have a single residence permit in a hostel. The practice of the courts proceeds from the basis on which a person lives in a hostel, does he comply with the rules of residence, does he pay for housing and communal services? Conscientious tenants of residential premises cannot be evicted “to nowhere”. Another thing is if the tenants have alternative housing, then the eviction from the hostel will be justified.

  • full name of the district (district) court;
  • Full name and contact details of the parties (the plaintiff is the one who submits the application; the defendant is the person being evicted from the hostel);
  • an indication of the violated rights of the plaintiff (for example, living in a hostel after the termination of a relationship at work);
  • reasons that testify to the legality of the eviction of a person (living in another place, damage to property, etc.);
  • claim to the court;
  • list of attached documents;
  • day/month/year of drawing up the statement of claim;
  • plaintiff's signature.

How to check out

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“It's great that this solemn event coincides with Children's Day. The state is obliged to show maximum care for the social protection of our children left without parental care. You know that caring for orphans is a priority for the president's social initiatives. Decree of President Viktor Yanukovych on the national strategy of social orphanhood until 2020 was adopted. It clearly states that the main goal is social protection these guys who got into a difficult life situation”- said BURLAKOV.

“There is a table, stools, an LCD TV, an iron, a wardrobe, an electric stove (just in case, because the orphanage is gasified), bed linen, a sofa bed, a set of dishes, pillows and a blanket - in general, you can come in and live”, IDT said.

How to check out of the hostel

By the way, registration law states that the filing of documents by an official must be carried out within 3 days from the date of the appeal of citizens. Registration authorities, within 3 days from the date of receipt of documents, are obliged to register a citizen at the place of residence and put a mark on registration at the place of residence in his passports. Citizens who are registered using other identity documents are issued a certificate of registration at the place of residence.

  • 3 working days if a citizen applies directly to the FMS
  • up to 6 days, in the case when documents are submitted to the HOA, housing department, MFC
  • no more than 8 days, when submitting documents to the Federal Migration Service, if the former place of residence is in another city
  • about 11 days, in case of contacting the HOA, housing department, MFC for an extract from another locality.