Who can get social housing and how to implement it in practice? What is social housing and who can use it? Use of social housing


How to get social housing? Most Russian citizens are trying to understand this issue. After all, it is difficult to get your own apartment in the country, especially for a young family. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the option of assistance from the state. There are several scenarios for the development of events: either the direct receipt of an apartment from the government, or the issuance of a certain amount to you Money to pay for the sale and purchase of a home. Nothing difficult. But how can you bring your idea to life? What will be required for this?

Social housing is...

First, let's find out: what is social housing? What can the population expect? Social housing is usually called a free apartment from the state. According to the laws, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive such support. You just have to deal with paperwork. But the social payment for buying an apartment is already participation in special program. It's called The Young Family. Not everyone is entitled to it. But most young families are really able to get their own “corner” with the help of the state. How exactly? What do you need to get a social apartment?

Who is eligible?

Is it possible to get social housing from the state? In fact yes. But only for this you will have to collect a huge list of documents. and meet the requirements set out in Housing Code RF. Usually only some citizens are able to count on the implementation of the idea:

  • the poor;
  • large families(3 or more children);
  • military;
  • living in unusable housing in need of major repairs;
  • veterans;
  • settlers;
  • patients with contagious diseases (dangerous for the environment);
  • who left the Far North.

They are eligible for social housing. Only when collecting certain documents. But the Young Family project is not available to everyone. Only couples (mostly with children) up to 35 years old are eligible for it. Important: recognition as in need of better housing conditions is mandatory.


Getting social housing is not as easy as it seems. Yes, every citizen under certain conditions has such an opportunity. But it is extremely difficult to bring an idea to life. After all, there are certain requirements for candidates. If they are followed, the main problem will be the collection of documents. And no more. But when the requirements are not met, it is impossible to receive social benefits (housing). To begin with, a person must be a citizen Russian Federation. Perhaps the most important moment. Also, the applicant is tentatively recognized as poor. But more on that later.

Please note: a citizen must have been registered at the place of residence for at least 10 years. In particular, where he wants to get an apartment. Sometimes this factor is overlooked. And let's just have permanent residence permit during the specified time. How to get social housing? To do this, sometimes you have to prove that you did not artificially worsen your living conditions. Only in this case, you can stand in line.

Lack of squares...

When solving this problem, the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour current housing plays a huge role. As already mentioned, a citizen has the right to receive an apartment from the state when he has too little space. How can this be determined? According to established standards. They may be different. For example, on average in Russia, a standard of 12 meters per person is fixed. If there is less for each person registered in the apartment, the family can count on improvement living conditions. But do not rush to draw conclusions - the figure may increase. Depending on the region. Each city in the country sets its own meters per person. Only less than 12 indicator can not be.

Ownership accounting

A huge role is played by the possession of property by a family that decides to stand in line. Thinking about how to get housing under a social contract of employment? Then remember what kind of property you have. This is especially true for apartments. The fact is that when recognizing as needing housing improvement, everything that you have will be taken into account. All apartments are added up by area - a certain number is obtained in total. If it is less than the established norm, all is well. More - the opportunity to receive social housing is no longer available. Therefore, consider this fact.

Meters don't matter

Sometimes you can think about the topic of getting a free apartment when you have violated the norm of housing per person. But such cases are becoming rarer and rarer. We are talking directly about living in an unusable, dangerous room. According to established laws, certain safety standards must be observed in each apartment. It needs to have minimal amenities.

Each apartment should have: electricity, water supply (cold and hot), gas, heating. This is the minimum package. A prerequisite is the presence of a bathroom directly in the house (not on the street). Also, you can not live in an apartment that is located in a dilapidated building. In such situations, it is worth collecting documents in order to queue for a social apartment. Everything is easy and simple. But that's just how it seems. As soon as you start to sort through the paperwork, you will understand how difficult it is to get help from the state in Russia. Especially when it comes to housing.

For military personnel

What if you are a military man and want to receive support from the state in terms of housing? In addition to the above points, there are some more to consider. As a rule, there are no special problems in this area. After all, all military personnel have the right to an apartment. Both those who still work and those who have been fired. In any case, the service life must be at least 10 years. Or dismissed employees from special forces (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and so on) can receive support. Families of soldiers who died in the line of duty are the next contenders for social housing.

By the way, if the military has not yet received an apartment assigned to him, no dismissal can occur. Only if a person independently decides to leave his position. No one has the right to be forced into the reserve until the housing issue is resolved.

Collection of documents

Do you want to know how to get social housing rental? After meeting all the above conditions, you will have to collect a certain list of documents. They are just fundamental to the whole process. By the way, papers should be submitted to local authorities. Prepare before visiting:

  • Application for queuing.
  • Passport. If we are talking about a family, then documents of all participants are required.
  • Papers reflecting your income (and everyone living with you as a family).
  • Extract from BTI.
  • Documents with the rights to your current housing.
  • Technical passport of the apartment where you live.
  • Marriage/divorce certificates.

With this package of documents, go to local governments, and then get in line to receive an apartment from the state. Sometimes you have to wait for years, or even decades, for housing space.

For the young

It is also possible for a young family to receive social housing. Or rather, a payment from the state. It will cover 30% of the cost of the apartment purchased with a mortgage. In order to get this opportunity, you need to be a family where there are no people over 35 years old. It is desirable to have children.

How to get social housing? For this, birth certificates of minors will have to be additionally attached to the above list of documents. Please note: participation in the Young Family program is possible only if you are recognized as needy. To do this, you need to have a small income. This minimum will depend directly on the number of family members. For two people, this is 21,621 rubles, and for three - 32,510. If your earnings are higher, you will not be able to get an apartment.

By the way, if you have children of different sexes for whom there are no separate rooms, this can help you get in line. Not everything is as difficult as it seems, if you do not take into account the paperwork. Now it is clear how to get social housing in Russia!

According to opinion polls, 60% of families would like to change their living conditions, and only 7% consider such a step possible for themselves. Recently, in terms of housing provision, Russia has been in the top ten most backward countries in the world, ahead of only Angola and Costa Rica. A third of Russians live in houses that are far from social norms; in rural areas, all public housing is dilapidated or emergency. According to statistics, 5% of people on the waiting list live in emergency houses, 15% - in communal apartments.

The provision of social housing is an unprecedented measure for any state

Extremely limited and strictly controlled by municipal and public organizations. In order to count on receiving home ownership free of charge, one must meet a whole range of conditions with documentary evidence of one's rights to improve housing conditions in this way, and, most importantly, have heroic patience and perseverance.

Frankly speaking, today only those citizens of Russia who live in extremely cramped circumstances, and about whom the state is absolutely sure that it is impossible for them to get housing in any other way, can get social housing.

Applicants for social housing

The main applicants for municipal housing under a social tenancy agreement are citizens of the Russian Federation recognized by local authorities:

  • as the poor;
  • as in need of housing.

Finding out whether, for example, a large family has the right to improve housing conditions is not at all easy: you need to carry out long calculations using formulas with parameters that change their values ​​quarterly, with information about them from a variety of sources.

Heroes of the Soviet Union, war invalids, families of fallen soldiers, rescuers, heroine mothers, teachers and other state employees who had the right to social housing will now be included in this list only if they are recognized as poor, living in an apartment with an area less than the social norm .

Social housing in Moscow is promised only to the poor, here there are severe restrictions on this, because the cost of housing transferred to private ownership is very high. First of all, among the poor first-priority are orphans, families that have suffered from a natural disaster, residents of emergency houses who are being prepared for resettlement, families with tuberculosis, children with HIV infection. Complete list disease has not been published.

One of the most vulnerable categories of people on the waiting list is a large family, for which the state provides benefits for improving housing conditions, in particular: interest rate, a solid subsidy for the purchase of housing, the provision of land for building a house. These conditions differ from commercial banks:

  • for 10 years - 10% per annum with a down payment of 10% of the cost of housing;
  • for 30 years - 11.7% per annum, down payment - 30% of the cost of housing.

In addition, at the birth of each child, the state forgives 18% of the debt.

If the issue is resolved positively, a large family receives a subsidy of 30% of the cost of the purchased housing.

In St. Petersburg, in addition to the poor, families with many children, veterans of the Second World War, rehabilitated Leningraders who lost their apartment during repressions can count on social housing.

In order for the applicant to be recognized as poor, it is necessary to collect a huge package of documents.

social housing

Social housing - residential premises owned by the state and provided to citizens under a contract of unlimited social employment. Now social housing includes all residential facilities that have not passed and are in the state housing stock.

Signs of residential premises according to social standards:

  • isolation,
  • suitability for permanent habitation.

It should be noted that even ocean liners and spaceships are classified as real estate, but for the Housing Code there are the concepts of “residential building”, “apartment” and “room”.

The concept of "poor" in the Housing Code does not mean people with a salary less living wage. The main criterion here is the opportunity to purchase housing for all family members at the rate of provision of housing, focusing on average cost households in the region.

If the provision of family property does not correspond to the price of living space, which must be purchased at the rate of provision per person, the family is recognized as poor.

Documents for recognizing a candidate for social housing as a low-income person

In Moscow, the recognition of citizens as poor is carried out only by the Department of Housing Policy, which will require the following documents:

  1. Sample statement.
  2. Passports of the applicant and his family members over 14 years old and birth certificates for children.
  3. Certificate or notification of the assignment of a taxpayer identification code for each adult family member.
  4. Documents confirming the composition of the family: birth certificates of children and marriage; documents for the apartment where the applicant and his family currently live.
  5. Certificates to confirm the types and size of the total family income.
  6. Documents confirming that family members own property subject to taxation: an extract from the USRR for real estate and transactions with it.
  7. Documents on the ownership of a land plot, cottage, garage, vehicle.
  8. Help BTI on the cost of giving, garage.
  9. Certificate of cadastral value land plot.
  10. Certificate from the cooperative about the cost of share savings.
  11. Report on the value of the property of the applicant's family members (independent assessment).

In disputable cases, a court decision on moving in a family member is attached to the package of documents. If different families live in the same apartment, you will need a social contract of employment.

If the Department of Housing Policy has decided to recognize the applicant as indigent, a notice is sent to his address. The final document - a copy of the Decision - the applicant receives in the district branch of the Department.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation the right to housing is guaranteed by Article 40 of our constitution. To date, free housing, as before, is received by those citizens (in order of priority) who most urgently need it. True, it is not easy to get an apartment under such a scheme. What documents should be collected in order to get housing for free, and how to do it?

Who claims a free apartment, and who can get free housing out of turn in Russia

At the moment, free housing from the state (according to Federal Law No. 29 of 06/14/06) can be counted on under the following conditions:

  1. The family is recognized as poor (low income).
  2. The size of the area of ​​family housing is below the accounting norm for each family member. It should be noted that this norm is set separately by region. For example, in Moscow - 10 sq / m per 1 family member, and in Vladivostok - 13 sq / m. Note: in the process of determining the area of ​​​​family housing, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe real estate that everyone owns is also taken into account.
  3. Dilapidated state of housing where the family lives. Either the house is beyond repair and is recognized by a special commission as uninhabitable. The decision on the "accident" of the house is taken by the executive authorities.
  4. Living on a common area with the family (communal apartment) of a chronically ill person with a severe form of the disease. The list of such diseases is in the resolution No. 378 of 16/06/06. For example, tuberculosis or gangrene, etc.
  5. Lack of amenities in the house. For example, electricity or heating, hot water and / or plumbing, bathtubs, stoves, etc.
  6. Family members do not own any real estate if they have the right to reside in the Russian Federation.

On a note:

Only those citizens who are recognized as poor and in dire need of better living conditions can stand on the waiting list. The status of the apartment (state / owned) does not matter - financial insolvency matters the most. It is also worth noting that families registered before the adoption of the new LCD (before 2005) will not have to prove their financial insolvency. But for those who stand in line today, this fact will have to be confirmed by a solid package of documents.

Free housing out of turn - who is eligible?

  1. Persons whose housing, according to the established procedure, was officially recognized as unfit for habitation, as well as unsuitable for repair / reconstruction.
  2. All children are orphans.
  3. All children left without parental care.
  4. All persons with a history of severe chronic diseases that can harm the health of others.

A complete list of documents for the queue for a free apartment

If you have grounds for obtaining the status of "waiting" and claiming the right to free housing, prepare package of documents for the housing commission:

  1. Statement (for example). It must be signed by each member of your household over the age of 18 who wishes to be considered "in need" and certified by the move-in/registration department (where you live).
  2. Passport of the Russian Federation of the applicant and all family members + photocopies of the necessary pages (marital status and children, photo with place of residence, information about previously issued passports). In this case, family members are the husband (wife) and their children under 18 years of age, or persons who live with them and have other signs of kinship, or those who live with the applicant, including those brought to the area as family members By the tribunal's decision.
  3. All documents (+ copies) defining/confirming the composition of the family, kinship, etc. That is, birth/marriage or divorce certificates, all relevant decisions of the court or guardianship, etc.
  4. Form 7 and 9 (both valid for 1 month only).
  5. Extract from the personal account on the number of residents (valid for 1 month).
  6. An extract from the USRR with information on the presence / absence of housing in the property of the applicant and family members (certificate is provided separately for each, validity period - 1 month).
  7. Documents that are the basis for the registration of the applicant and family members on their premises: a donation agreement or transfer of ownership, a warrant or a social lease agreement, etc.
  8. Information on income - for the last 12 months, for each family member: documents on scholarships and benefits, certificate of pension, all certificates from work, etc. In the absence of work: original + copy work book(certify in advance in the personnel department); a statement (did not work anywhere, had no income, lived on the dependents of so-and-so), certified by a notary; certificate from the employment center (that there was a fact of receiving / not receiving unemployment benefits).
  9. A package of documents / certificates with information on the value of all property owned (taxable property) by the applicant and other family members. That is, a certificate from the PIB, a document from the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management (on the standard price of the site), a document with an assessment of vehicles owned (taken from an organization that is licensed accordingly). Of course, each certificate must be "fresh" (as of the year of circulation).
  10. A package of documents with information confirming the right to benefits for the provision of housing (originals + copies). That is, all documents on disability, certificates, etc.
  11. TIN + SNILS (also originals + copies) - for each (if any).
  12. Information about the technical/condition of the dwelling (conclusions, acts, etc.) - for those persons who live in unsuitable for habitation premises.
  13. Documents on those residential premises suitable for permanent residence that are located outside the city in which the application is submitted (mandatory for each family member, if such housing is available).
  14. Documents on housing provision and the fact of living in one of the cities of the Russian Federation on a legal basis for at least 10 years (certificate of registration).
  15. A package of documents / certificates on the right to receive housing out of turn (if such a right exists). The following documents may be needed: an act of the interdepartmental commission stating that housing is unsuitable for living (under Art. 57, clause 2, clause 1 of the LCD), certificates from a medical institution (under Art. 57, clause 2, clause 3 of the LCD) , a document from the guardianship authorities (under Art. 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 2 of the LCD).
  16. A package of documents stating that the recognition of a citizen (citizens) as poor. The very decision on such recognition is issued by the department of social protection of the population. In addition to it, it will be useful: 2-personal income tax, certificates of scholarships / pensions, child benefits, etc. That is, all documents and certificates that are proof of income for the last 2 years.
  17. If the documents are submitted by the authorized representative of the applicant: an envelope with a paper binder; power of attorney (issued in the prescribed manner), passport.

Read also: Federal target program Housing 2011-2015

Where to go and how to get on the waiting list for social housing - instructions

The first step towards the status of "waiting list" for free housing is the official recognition of the family as poor. Such a decision is made if the income of each adult family member is below the subsistence level. The presence of real estate and cars subject to tax is also taken into account. After recognizing the family as poor and assigning state / social / benefits, you can begin that difficult (alas) path, which, if circumstances are successful, will culminate in obtaining free housing. Where to start, and what should be remembered?

How to get in line - instructions.

  1. We clarify the complete (for your region and in your case) list of references/documents and the application form.
  2. We submit the documents along with the application to the local authorities at the place of residence.
  3. We are waiting for the special commission to make a decision (documents are considered for about 1 month). Upon receipt of the status of "waiting" or, conversely, upon refusal, you will be sent a written response (within 3 days). Possible reasons for refusal are the excess of the total family income in comparison with the norms corresponding to the status of "low-income", the deliberate deterioration of living conditions (strangers registered in your apartment, the exchange of a large area for a smaller one, etc.).

If there are no grounds for extraordinary housing, then you will be assigned the status of a waiting list, and already in the regular queue you will be waiting for the keys to free housing.

Why they can deregister or move the queue back - reasons:

  1. Submission of an application for deregistration.
  2. The loss of the grounds that gave the right to free housing.
  3. Change of residence with subsequent residence in another municipality.
  4. Receiving funds from the state for the purchase / construction of housing or a plot for the construction of a house.
  5. Identification of false information in documents.
  6. Changes in family composition or housing conditions.
  7. Loss of grounds for social hiring.
  8. Deliberate deterioration of living conditions.
  9. 3 refusals of the proposed housing.

On a note:

The property/living conditions of those on the waiting list are checked by the authorities:


Some citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a free apartment from the state. We will tell you under what conditions this can be done, and what is the process of obtaining housing.

One of the directions social policy Russian Federation - providing housing for poor Russians, as well as other special categories of citizens. Apartments are allocated according to legislative acts on the basis of a social contract. MoneyMan figured out who and under what conditions can get an apartment from the state.

Who can get an apartment

The Groshev family, represented by two adult spouses and two children, is registered with the Moscow social service as a low-income family. It is difficult for the Groshevs to make ends meet, and the lack of their own housing makes the situation even more difficult, so they hope to receive state assistance in the form of an apartment under a social contract.

Friends of the family, the Kopeikins, also live in the neighboring district. They also belong to the category of low-income citizens, but they own living space in a two-story house that is not equipped with hot water. The family consists of a single mother and two children. The Groshevs told the Kopeikins about their plans, and now the latter are also thinking about a free apartment. Let's see if families can apply for housing.

Poor citizens

The state does not provide housing for all, but for the most needy Russians, which include, first of all, low-income citizens. We remind you that this category is families (or single citizens) whose average income per person is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region.

However, to get a free apartment, it is not enough to have a low income. A social contract of employment is concluded if such a family (citizen) at the same time:

! Does not own a dwelling and does not live in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement;
! Lives in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement or owns housing, but the premises do not meet the minimum living area. The available meters are compared with the accounting norm, which means the minimum limit below which unsanitary conditions begin. The indicator is set by each region independently: for example, in Moscow this value is 10m 2 for each person in a separate apartment and 15m 2 for apartments in which premises are provided to citizens by decision of the authorities;
! The existing housing does not meet safety standards, that is, it belongs to the category of emergency, dilapidated, or it is planned to be demolished. The suitability of a dwelling is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2007 N 47;
! One of the family members suffers from a severe form of a chronic disease that makes it impossible for him to live with other people. The list of such diseases was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N378, which includes diseases such as tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, protracted mental disorders, etc.

The situation of the Groshevs refers to the first case - they do not own residential property, and they did not conclude a social contract, so the family can apply for a free apartment.

At first glance, it seems that the state of the Kopeikins' apartment does not meet the standards due to the lack of hot water supply. However, if we turn to the "Regulations on recognizing the premises as residential ...", we can see that Art. 41 of the Regulation states the opposite: the lack of hot water supply, as well as centralized sewerage in one and two-storey houses is not grounds for declaring the premises unsuitable. Therefore, the Kopeikins will not be able to apply for a state apartment.

Note that to register on the basis of an insufficient amount of space, for example, Moscow seven
e out of four people, it is necessary that the available area be less than 40m 2, that is, the number of family members (4 people), multiplied by the accounting rate according to metropolitan standards (10m 2).

Certain categories of citizens

Legislative acts provide support for other citizens belonging to special categories:

WWII veterans;
Disabled people of groups I and II;
Citizens participating in the liquidation of the disaster in Chernobyl;
Orphans and wards without their own housing;
Military personnel and certain government employees;
Citizens-victims of catastrophes, natural disasters that led to the loss of housing;
Persons relocating from the Far North or moving due to hostilities, disasters.

About the contract of social employment

In fact, the conclusion of a social tenancy agreement can be called “getting a free apartment”, since the state provides citizens with living space for full and unlimited free use. Regulatory regulation issues related to social hiring is carried out by Section III of the LC RF.

Terms of the apartment

Social hiring assumes that the tenant (citizen or family) becomes a full-fledged owner of the apartment without any hesitation, since:

The contract of social employment is termless;
Changing the grounds on which the contract was concluded does not lead to termination of the contract;
Tenants acquire the right to use the common property of the house (elevators, stairs, garbage chute, etc.);
In the received apartment, you can move in and register other persons in it;
The premises are allowed to be subleased;
The received property can even be exchanged for another apartment, also provided to another tenant on the basis of a social tenancy agreement.

At the same time, the landlord (state or municipal body) must participate in the repair of common premises, as well as carry out overhaul of the provided apartment, to supply high-quality utilities.

What is required from citizens who have received an apartment:

Pay on time and in full public utilities;
Do not use the premises for commercial purposes;
Maintain order in the room;
Conduct Maintenance apartments;
Respect the interests and rights of neighbors (do not make noise, do not litter in the entrance, etc.).

In case of violation of these simple rules, employers will be left with a warning and given a trial period to eliminate violations. If no changes have occurred during it, the landlord has the right to evict the family without replacing the dwelling.

Provided area

The size of the area varies in each region, for example, in Moscow the following standards apply:

36 m 2 - the size of a one-room apartment for 1 person;
36-44 m 2 - the size of a one-room apartment for two spouses;
36-50 m 2 - the size of a two-room apartment for two people who are not married (for example, mother and child);
54-62 m 2 - the size of a two-room apartment for three people, if two of them are spouses;
54-74 m 2 - the size of a three-room apartment for three people without spouses;
18 m 2 - for each
person, if the family consists of four or more citizens.

It turns out that the Groshevs, if there are 2 adult spouses and 2 children in the family, can be provided with an apartment with an area of ​​​​at least 72m 2 (4 people * 18 m 2). At the same time, the apartment will be three-room, since the spouses are entitled to 1 room, and 2 more separate rooms are provided for children.

If the Kopeikins had the right to conclude a social tenancy agreement, then the selected apartment would also consist of 3 rooms: for a single mother and 2 children in a room. And the future area is 54-74 m 2, since 3 people without spouses will live in the apartment.

Required documents

The documents on the basis of which an application is submitted may vary depending on the situation of citizens. The main list consists of:

Passports (for all adult family members and minors over 14 years old);
Documents confirming kinship (birth certificates, marriage certificates);
Documents confirming the availability of income ( wage, pensions, scholarships);
Act of inspection of housing for 5 years;
Certificate of registration of citizens in the previous place of residence for 10 years;
Certificate from Rosreestr on the availability of property and its area;
Documents confirming the special status of a citizen (disability, orphanhood, military status, etc.).


Before you get a free apartment, you need to register, in other words, in line. To do this, you must submit an application and documents to the local authority. social protection or to a multifunctional center (MFC), where citizens are issued a receipt for receipt of papers. 30 working days after receipt of the documents (transfer of documents to the local authority of the MFC), a decision must be made on registration or refusal. After that, within 3 working days, the applicant is issued a refusal with a reason or a document confirming registration.

Here you will need:

Documents confirming identity and kinship (passports, birth and marriage certificates);
The decision to provide housing from the municipality;
Documents on the state of the previous place of residence or the absence of property (confirmation of the emergency condition, certificates from Rosreestr, etc.);
Extract from the place of registration of the family.

The process is complicated by long periods of time: without exaggeration, people have been waiting for an apartment for ten years. It should be noted that priority in the queue is given to those whose housing is in disrepair, citizens with serious illnesses, orphans, etc.

Russian citizens whose living space they occupy and have by right of ownership below the established standards are endowed with the constitutional right to receive free or preferential housing from the state.

Conditions for the allocation of free apartments by the state

Conditions for the allocation of free housing in 2020

When answering the question of how to get public housing, it is worth considering key conditions allocation of free houses and apartments.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation considers the provision of low-income needy citizens in order of priority, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. The financial situation of applicants for housing (the assessment is based on the income of the family, after which it is determined whether it will be able to purchase a home in the next 20 years).
  2. Not participating in privatization programs (such citizens already own real estate on the terms of social employment).
When allocating housing, the order of priority must be taken into account. However, if documents for free housing are submitted by citizens in particular need, the list of which was given above, then housing is provided out of turn.

Required documents

In order to join the queue for receiving housing from the state, it is necessary to submit to the municipality a package of documents prepared in advance. Required package documents may differ depending on the region of residence and on the privileged category of citizens-applicants.

By general rule it consists of:

  • Applications from all legally capable family members;
  • Copies of passports, birth certificates, SNILS, as well as marriage certificates, certificates of paternity (if any);
  • Certificate of recognition of the family as poor;
  • Documents confirming the right to use the residential premises occupied by the applicant;
  • Certificate on the presence or absence of residential premises in the property of the applicants;
  • Extract from technical passport occupied premises;
  • Information about the composition of the family;
  • Documents confirming the non-compliance of the occupied premises with the established requirements.
All copies of documents must undergo mandatory notarization if their originals are not provided at the appointment with a specialist.

Obtaining an apartment from the state in the Russian Federation may require the submission of other additional documents to grant the right to receive living space. At the same time, when submitting them to the commission for consideration, it is important to ask for a receipt from the receiving person.

The documents submitted by the applicant are studied in detail for 30 days, after which the applicant receives a positive decision or a refusal (in writing) in assigning the status of a person in need of better housing conditions.

The applicant can challenge the negative answer of the housing department of the municipality in court.

How much living space can the state provide

Russian housing legislation does not clearly establish what kind of housing can be allocated to needy citizens under a social tenancy agreement.

The right to establish the norm for the area of ​​the provided residential premises remains with the regional authorities. The area norm is set depending on the level of provision with residential premises provided under social rental agreements, and other factors. The average for the Russian Federation is set at the level of 15-18 sq.m. per person, for a family of two - 32 sq.m.

The size of the provided residential premises can be increased if there is a preferential category (disabled people, military preferential categories, etc.).

In addition to fulfilling the norms for the number square meters living space, other requirements are put forward for state-provided houses and apartments:

  1. The living area must meet the criteria for a well-maintained dwelling (provided with communications and social infrastructure).
  2. The building must take place within the boundaries of the settlement.
  3. The house should provide conditions for citizens with disabilities (ramps, etc.).

When can housing be denied?

A citizen has applied for free housing from the state, but he may be denied an apartment if he deliberately worsens his living conditions:

  • Exchanged a well-maintained house for dilapidated or emergency housing with an additional payment;
  • Sold or issued a donation for a completely habitable dwelling;
  • Deliberately worsened the condition of the place of residence (permission or damage occurred through his fault);
  • Instilled and registered in the house of third parties (except spouses, children, parents).
All of the above activities must have taken place within the last five years (only five years of housing history is checked).

In addition, registration may be denied for the following reasons:

  • failure to provide a full package of documents required for registration;
  • providing documents that do not confirm the right to be registered as needing residential premises;
  • the five-year period has not expired from the moment of intentional deterioration of housing conditions.

What does a social contract provide for?

Obtaining free housing from the state provides for the execution of a social contract of employment, which prescribes such aspects as:

  • The legal right of the owner to live within the allocated living space;
  • The need to pay utility bills for the amenities provided (water, gas, heating, etc.);
  • Monthly payment for an apartment received under the terms of social employment;
  • The right to registration in the dwelling of relatives and other persons.
Recipients of municipal housing from the state have the right to further privatize it in the standard manner.

What restrictions apply to public housing

Having decided on how to get housing from the state, it should be clearly understood what actions with municipal housing can be considered illegal.

  1. The owner does not have the right to sell, exchange, donate the allocated municipal apartment.
  2. The possibility of renting free apartments for rent is excluded.
  3. Although the owner of the dwelling does not have the right to register other persons in it (except for members of his family), he cannot bequeath it to his heirs.

Such restrictions on public housing are fully justified: the state retains ownership of it, therefore, the owner cannot determine its legal fate.

If a citizen neglects the rules and conducts an illegal transaction with a socially rented apartment, then such actions will not only entail the confiscation of living space, but may even become the basis for criminal liability.

The main options for obtaining apartments from the state

Many Russian citizens think about whether it is possible to get an apartment for free. Therefore, it is important to consider options for allocating a well-maintained living space.

You can count on this option:

  • Complete and incomplete young families with and without children, having the status of the poor and in need of housing (the age of the spouses is up to 35 years);
  • Military personnel;
  • Judges;
  • Veterans of military operations and the Great Patriotic War;
  • Orphans and persons from among children left without parental care;
  • Persons who currently live in premises recognized as emergency, dilapidated;
  • Employees of the Baikonur Cosmodrome;
  • Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of radioactive disasters;
  • Disabled people;
  • Large families;
  • Persons who migrated from other countries due to political, national and religious persecution and other persons in accordance with regional and federal legislation.

If a citizen participates in one state program for obtaining a free apartment, then he cannot apply for other housing programs. If a serviceman participates in the NIS, then he is not entitled to receive an apartment under programs for the needy).