When will compensation for deposits be paid? Payments on old Sberbank deposits: new compensation conditions. Documents for payment of compensation for deposit


Compensation for old Sberbank deposits before 1991: who can claim, how to process a refund of the amount from a USSR deposit, how to receive payment in 2018.

Compensation for deposits before 1991: what is the amount of compensation in 2018, terms of compensation for depositors and their heirs

During the crisis in the 90s, due to the depreciation of money, citizens of the former USSR partially lost their savings. The government made sure that lost funds were returned to people. For many former depositors, the question under what conditions the deposits of Sberbank of the USSR are returned and within what time frame remains relevant.

In 2018, such investors will be able to receive part of their savings from the “frozen” accounts of their savings books. The amount of compensation will be separate for each individual person. Who can apply for compensation for old Sberbank deposits before 1991, how to arrange a refund of the amount from the USSR deposit, how to receive payment in 2018?

What is compensation for Sberbank deposits before 1991

Before 1991, there were not as many banking institutions in the country as there are today. Citizens kept their savings in savings banks. Money emission and a sharp economic decline caused price increases, hyperinflation, and a decline in the purchasing power of Russians. One of the anti-crisis measures was the “freezing” of savings of the population in savings accounts: money could not be withdrawn for use for current needs.

The state has provided for partial compensation of funds lost due to inflation compensation of savings on deposits before 1991 d. These activities continue the phased payment program begun in 1996. The first recipients of compensation payments were socially vulnerable groups - elderly people, persons with disabilities, as well as holders of Certificates of the former USSR.

Savings are compensated based on the capabilities of the budget and the state treasury. The program will not be able to fully compensate for the loss from the depreciation of savings. The Ministry of Finance, starting from 2018, plans to allocate 5.5 billion rubles each year to finance the program. from the federal budget. This way, citizens can be partially compensated for their “burnt” deposits. Compensatory payments for USSR savings books scheduled to be issued until 2020. The President of the country set this deadline for the Ministry of Finance, instructing the citizens to close these state debts.

Regulatory framework

The payment of compensation is handled by the Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank". To implement the program, a number of special regulations were adopted, defining the circle of persons, procedures, and the amount of compensation:

  • Law of May 10, 1995 No. 73-FZ “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation.” The document defines pre-reform deposits as guaranteed with the assumption of obligations by the state regarding their future payment.
  • Law of December 19, 2009 No. 238-FZ “On the federal budget for 2007.” This law makes provisions for reimbursement to heirs for funeral expenses for the deceased owner of the deposit.
  • Law of December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.” The legal act determines the amount and procedure for carrying out compensation procedures.
  • Law of December 19, 2016 No. 415-FZ. “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period 2018 and 2019.” The document establishes rules for reimbursement of deposits and redemption of treasury government. obligations and certificates of the Savings Bank of the former USSR.

Who can claim compensation for Sberbank deposits

The government clearly stipulates the conditions under which you can count on the state compensation program.

Funds reimbursed:

  • placed before June 20, 1991 on Sberbank savings books (savings are recognized as the state’s debt to Russians);
  • under insurance contracts with Gosstrakh, concluded before 01/01/1992;
  • treasury bonds of the former USSR;
  • certificates of the Savings Bank of the former USSR.

Compensation of Sberbank deposits in 2018 provided for citizen investors born before 1991. Money of deceased savings owners is paid to relatives by inheritance(with a date of birth before 1991) and other persons who paid for funeral services. The condition for receiving money for both owners and their heirs is the presence of Russian citizenship, even when living outside the country.

The following persons will not be able to claim compensation:

  • born in 1991 and later;
  • those who opened an account after June 20, 1991;
  • closed the deposit within the period of 20.06-31.12 in 1991;
  • previously received full compensation payments;
  • heirs - Russian citizens on the contribution of a person who did not have citizenship of the Russian Federation at the time of death;
  • on the savings of a deceased owner who has no heirs with Russian citizenship.

Compensation for Sberbank deposits to heirs

The state has provided for compensation to the heirs of persons of such frozen savings. Sberbank payments upon the death of a depositor are reimbursed to close relatives of the deceased, but subject to certain provisions:

  • deposit with opening conditions before the date of June 20, 1991 and validity until December 31, 1991 inclusive;
  • the owner and his heir are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • date of birth of the compensation recipient – ​​before 1991

Sberbank payments on old deposits

In order to make compensation payments, a revaluation of frozen deposits is necessary, the purpose of which is to equalize Soviet banknotes to the Russian ruble already in force today. The loss as a result of hyperinflation will be compensated by indexing the deposited amounts by multiplying them by the growth factor.

The increase depends on:

  • recipient's age;
  • the period of time the money is in the savings book;
  • amounts of previous reimbursements (for re-receipt).

For citizens:

  • with a date of birth before 1945, savings are indexed three times,
  • and with a date of birth 1945-1991. – in double terms.

The program is characterized by a social orientation and increased sizes are expected for less protected groups. Elderly people, with equal balances of other younger people, receive 50 percent more.

For burial

The frozen money of investors who died after 2001 is issued for funeral services to persons - legal heirs and persons who paid funeral expenses. It is important that compensation is provided for such purposes even for accounts closed between 06/20/1991 and 12/31/1991. If a person’s savings were fully compensated during his lifetime, burial costs are no longer reimbursed.

The compensation amount depends on the deposit balance of the deceased owner. If the deposit is 400 rub. and more, 6000 rubles are paid. A 15-fold increase is provided for a balance of less than 400 rubles. If you have savings books in several different branches of Sberbank, the amount of only one account with the largest balance is reimbursed. After completion of the compensation payment procedure The bank specialist makes the appropriate mark on the document(certificate) of death.

Targeted contribution for children

Compensation is also provided for deposits opened for a child by his parents before he reaches adulthood.

You should not count on the increased interest rates stipulated in the contract for long-term storage, as well as on interest on other savings. The amount of compensation is determined by the age of the recipient. With a date of birth of 1945-1991. it is planned to double the amount, for senior persons - threefold indexation of the balance.

The following have the right to receive:

  • parents who opened a trust account;
  • heirs;
  • citizens who spent money on the burial of the owner of the money.

Calculation of the deposit storage duration coefficient

The compensation amount is calculated based on the length of time the money is kept in the savings account. When determining the value, it is applied reduction factor, equal to one for active (unclosed) accounts. The compensation factor is set as follows:

The amount of compensation payments for Sberbank deposits in 2018

How much is paid under this program can be determined in advance.

You need to know the recipient’s date of birth (in other words, the increase factor), the storage period of the funds (indexation coefficient 0.6-1), and the amount of the previously paid compensation amount.

The following formula is used for calculation: C=3хОхК – Р, where:

  • C – determined value;
  • O – balance noted in the passbook;
  • K – coefficient corresponding to the closing period;
  • 3 – magnification factor equal to 3 or 2;
  • P – pre-received compensation amount (previously paid inheritance amounts of 6,000 rubles for burial are not deducted).

How to receive compensation for deposits of Sberbank of the USSR

  • The legislation provides for the initiative of the owners (heirs) of frozen funds themselves.
  • The savings are placed in Sberbank; you must apply there yourself.
  • The bank does not carry out search activities, but only pays money.

To receive a refund you must:

  1. By checking the closing date of the deposit account, make sure there are grounds for participation in the program.
  2. Contact the bank branch where the passbook was opened or a nearby branch to transfer your savings. There may be a commission fee for the transfer.
  3. If the savings book is lost or information about the existence of an account is missing, send a request to Sberbank.
  4. Collect the required documents.
  5. To write an application.
  6. After verification, receive cash using a debit order at the cash desk or (if desired) draw up a deposit agreement, taking advantage of the opportunity to refinance funds at the same bank.
  7. For those who have insurance, contact Rosgosstrakh.
  8. In case of controversial or unclear issues, contact the federal line (free of charge).

How to apply:

  • The application is completed at a bank branch or can be downloaded from the Sberbank portal.
  • If you lose your passbook, you should notify the bank by additionally writing an explanatory note indicating the reason for the loss.
  • The application form reflects information about the account owner and the heir (if necessary): full name, citizenship, date of birth, amount of savings, date of closing of the deposit.

List of documents

The list of documents required for this procedure will be provided at each Sberbank office and at its help desk by phone . Only original documents are submitted to the bank for mandatory verification and making copies by employees. The status of the owner determines the list of documentation that is different for the owner of the money and his heir.

Documents for the owner(official representative, if he himself is not able to apply) are as follows:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • savings book (explanatory in case of its loss);
  • a notarized power of attorney, if the interests of the owner are represented by another person, and his passport.

Before contacting Sberbank, the heir must check that at the time of death and closure of the account, the deceased owner was a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Important: compensation is due only to Russians; foreign citizens cannot inherit USSR deposits.

The following documents will be required from the heir:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • confirmation of Russian citizenship of the deceased investor;
  • savings book;
  • document on the right of inheritance (will, notarial certificate);
  • death certificate.

Video: Compensation of deposits in the USSR, return of deposits in Sberbank

The payment of money as compensation for deposits opened with Sberbank before 1991 continues today. Who has the opportunity to receive payments, what documents will need to be collected, what amount will be compensated? Detailed answers to these questions can be found in this article.

In 1995, Federal Law No. 73-FZ was adopted, according to which citizens began to pay out funds on deposits opened before the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Obligations for issuing compensation were assigned to Sberbank of Russia.

The country's budget for 2017 includes a corresponding expenditure item. The Federal Budget Law for 2018 provides for the allocation of funds for these purposes until 2020 inclusive. The expense item for each year is 5,500 thousand rubles. Payment of money directly at Sberbank branches in 2018 will begin after the start of financing for this program.

You can get an answer to your question by calling the Sberbank of the Russian Federation support service or sending a message online.

Who will be paid compensation?

Payments are made exclusively to those citizens who have not previously received compensation.

The population that has the opportunity to receive compensation is indicated annually in the regulatory document approving the budget for the coming year. The legislative act for 2017 indicates citizens who opened deposit accounts with Sberbank of the USSR:

  • born from 01/01/1945;
  • have funds in the account;
  • deposit is open until June 20, 1991.

In this category, compensation is made in three times the amount of the balance of resources on the deposit, which was the state as of June 20, 1991, taking into account the nominal value of monetary units at that time. A significant factor is the term of funds on deposit, with the exception of amounts and commissions calculated to be paid for their savings and provision of services by the bank.

Persons with a birth date between 1945 and 1991 who enjoy the right of inheritance on deposits will be paid double compensation.

In the event that the owner of the deposit died between 2001 and the present time, the cost of burial is paid to his heirs or citizens who financed the funeral services. The maximum payment amount is 6,000 rubles.

The heirs can be paid any amount of compensation for deposits of testators with a date of birth before 1991. Amounts previously received, including funds for funeral expenses, are deducted from the compensation paid.

In 2017 and 2018, compensation of deposits as of June 20, 1991 will not be paid to citizens:

  • who closed their accounts from June 20 until the end of the year;
  • if they were previously paid;
  • who are not citizens of Russia.

The amount of compensation that is issued to pay for the funeral is determined as follows:

  • when the amount on the deceased’s deposit is 400 rubles or more, then the compensation is 6,000 rubles;
  • in a situation where the deposit amount is less than 400 rubles, the payment is equal to the deposit amount multiplied by a factor of 15.

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Please note that compensation is not paid:

  • citizens (their heirs) who live in Russia but are not citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • persons living in another state and do not have Russian citizenship, or they do not have citizenship of any country;
  • if the deposit was opened in states that were formerly part of the USSR;
  • for deposits opened after June 20, 1991.

How to get a refund

To receive compensation, there is no need to contact the bank branch where the deposit was made. The application can be submitted to any branch of Sberbank of Russia. You will need to pay a small commission to transfer money. This attitude of the banking institution is very convenient for recipients of deposit compensation.

In addition to the application, you must submit the following documents to the Sberbank branch:

  • passport;
  • savings book (if original);
  • statement about the loss of the savings book (if this happened). Information about all accounts and transactions on them is in the bank's database.

The heirs to whom the contribution was transferred under the will must, in addition to the specified documents, provide notarized:

  • death certificate of the investor;
  • will.

In the case when the receipt of compensation, for various reasons, is carried out by an authorized representative, he must additionally provide a certified power of attorney:

  • the medical institution where the depositor is located;
  • a notary or the head of the institution where the owner of the deposit works or studies.

Provided that the account was closed from 1992 to 2017 inclusive, the depositor must fill out an application at a bank branch.

Upon completion of the application and making copies, the originals of the documents provided to the Sberbank branch are given to the person who provided them.

The amount of compensation received by the deposit owner is displayed:

  • for deposits that are closed - in a cash receipt order signed by the recipient of compensation. First, before signing the order, you should look at the amount specified in the document. If questions arise regarding the amount specified in the order, it is necessary to suspend the receipt of payment and recheck the calculation. It is advisable to take one copy of the order for yourself;
  • for deposits that have not yet been closed - actions for calculating compensation and its specific amount are displayed in the passbook. The savings book remains with you.

If a situation arises when you present the required set of documents, and Sberbank refuses to accept them and pay compensation, then this behavior can be appealed in court. A court decision that has entered into force should be submitted directly to the banking institution to receive compensation, or to the bailiff service for the purpose of enforcement.

If the depositor or his heir has an open account with Sberbank, compensation may be transferred to him after submitting a written application.

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The application is considered within a period of time that does not exceed 30 days. Bank employees make copies of all submitted documents. The originals are collected by the depositor or his representative. After approval of the payment of compensation, bank employees inform the depositor. In the future, no one controls where and what this money will be spent on. Citizens can spend them at their own discretion.

Clients of the Sberbank Online program have the opportunity to fill out an application electronically using their personal account. But when visiting the bank, during the payment of compensation, you will need to sign the application.

The amount of compensation paid in deposits is calculated in the following order:

1. Depositors born before 1945 are paid compensation in 3 times the amount. The term of deposit placement is taken into account using the following coefficients:

  • if the deposit is still open – indicator 1;
  • if the depositor closed the deposit from 1996 to 2017 – 1;
  • if the contracts were terminated in 1995 - 0.9, 1994 - 0.8, 1993 - 0.7, 1992 - 0.6.

2. Citizens who received compensation earlier, according to Government Decree No. 1092 of December 25, 2009, do not receive it a second time.

3. To calculate the amount of compensation paid, the formula is used: (O*K*3) – P, in which, O is the balance of money on deposit as of June 20, 1991, K is the applied coefficient, P is the money issued to the depositor or his heirs from the deposit, 3 – three times the amount.

When calculating payments using the formula, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the contribution as of June 20, 1991 will most likely consist of two parts:

  • money on deposit (the account number is in the savings book);
  • money in a special account, which was opened by Decree of the President of the USSR dated March 22, 1991 No. UP-1708. This account was opened for those depositors who had an amount of money equal to 200 rubles or more on deposit as of 03/01/1991. This Decree for citizens increased the amount of their savings one-time by 40%.

The increase occurred as follows:

  • for a deposit amount up to 200 rubles inclusive - the amount available in the account increased. It was allowed to spend this money from 07/01/1991;
  • for a deposit of more than 200 rubles, the money was credited to a special account. It was possible to spend these funds in three years.

When a depositor receives compensation for his deposit, he should clarify the information regarding whether the resources from the second account are included in the compensation payment.

Good day, we are glad to see you on the pages of our portal dedicated to the services of Sberbank of Russia. Today we would like to tell you about the conditions of compensation for old deposits in Sberbank of Russia.

Back in 2009, the government developed a document regarding compensation payments. However, it had a time frame that was extended and funds will be issued until the end of this year.

It is worth noting that for the next two years, the country’s Sberbank will also continue to issue payments, since the corresponding amounts of fifty million rubles will be allocated from the budget for this.

By the way, I would like to deviate a little from the topic of the article and tell you about the microloan service 24Finance.

This service will allow you to quickly and without unnecessary delays, online, take out a loan from 2,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles, for a period of up to a month inclusive.

A very profitable and quick solution for those cases when you urgently need money, and there’s still a week until payday! Well, now let's get back to our topic.

Compensation for old Sberbank deposit

Only those who opened a deposit before June 20, 1991 will be able to receive compensation for old deposits.

  • It should be borne in mind that the calculation is based on the figure that was indicated in the checkbook. Therefore, a thousand on an old savings book corresponds to a thousand Russian rubles.
  • Those investors who were born before 1945 will receive triple the amount of compensation.
  • A double bonus is given to investors or their heirs if they were born between 1946 and 1991. True, the storage period will be taken into account here, as well as the issuance of preliminary compensation.
  • Now reducing factors are used. They depend on the year when the deposit was closed. On average, the coefficient ranges from 0.6 to 1, not counting the compensation factor.
  • The heirs can count on payment for funeral services, but if all payments have already been made, then they will not be able to receive repeated compensation.
  • Those investors who closed their deposits between the twentieth of June and the thirty-first of December 1991 will not be able to receive two or three times the payment.

To find out the exact amount, you can simply use the online calculator, which is available on the Sberbank website.

Documents for receiving payment on old Sberbank deposits

Heirs must understand that they are entitled to one of two types of compensation payments.

  • This may be direct compensation for the deposit.
  • In the event of the death of the deposit owner, it is possible to receive money, despite payments already made. For example, if there were 400 rubles left in the account, then this makes it possible to receive about six thousand, which were spent on funeral services.
  • If there are several deposits, the entire amount will still be paid in one branch, where the full settlement will be made.
  • The owners themselves need to contact one of the branches and take their passport with them, as well as, if possible, a passbook. You will have to fill out a special application form, which will be issued by a bank employee. All registration can be undertaken by a trusted person if the relevant paper is drawn up and certified by a notary.
  • Heirs, in addition, will have to present a death certificate and a document confirming the right to inheritance. Just don’t forget about the six months that are given for entry into law.

All required compensation is given in cash, but if desired, they can be transferred to a personal account.

We hope we were able to fully answer all your questions and were able to help you find out how you can receive compensation for old deposits in Sberbank of Russia. If you have any other questions about the services of Sberbank of Russia, look for answers to them on the pages of our portal.

This article discusses the procedure for compensation for deposits dating back to 1991 in 2019. Below we will give answers to questions about receiving compensation for so-called “Soviet” deposits.

Initial information

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The transition to a market economy and the reorganization of the banking system, which occurred after the collapse of the USSR, led to the fact that many Savings Bank depositors lost their savings.

Subsequently, the state took measures to compensate for these losses from budget funds.

But in order to take advantage of this opportunity, you must meet certain requirements and fulfill certain conditions.

Important Concepts

Until 1991, our state had a different name and a different socio-economic structure. The banking system at that time was also significantly different.

Thus, in particular, there was only one credit institution, which operated under conditions of total planning.

Therefore, officially there was no inflation; investors could receive an increase of 3% per annum on their own.

Then, with the collapse of the USSR and changes in the country's government structure, Sberbank changed its organizational and legal form, becoming a joint-stock company.

At this moment, all deposits that were open and operating became public debt.

Thus, Sberbank as an organization actually renounced its obligations to its depositors, and all of them were transferred to the state.

At the same time, it was not clear in what time frame the state would be able to pay these debts. The first attempt to fulfill obligations to this category of depositors was made in 1991.

The next payment was made in 1994. And after 2 years the payment began to be regular, and the payments themselves were made in stages.

More detailed information about the payment history can be found on the Sberbank website.

Who is entitled to

Payments can be received by citizens who had deposits in Sberbank valid at the time of reform of Sberbank, i.e. on July 20, 1991.

To qualify for this payment you must meet one of two age criteria:

  • for citizens who were born before 1945, compensation is the amount of the deposit multiplied by 3;
  • Citizens who were born between 1945 and 1991 receive compensation in double the amount of the contribution.

In addition, if compensation was not paid to the investor, his heirs may receive compensation.

There is a restriction on citizenship - foreign citizens can receive it only if they are a depositor who himself had the right to apply for it.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, even outside the country, can compensate for lost savings without any restrictions if they belong to the above categories.

Legal regulation

The main legal act in force in this case is the federal law of May 10, 1995.

Its main task was legislative regulation of the organization of the process of returning depositors' funds.

The volumes of funds intended for these purposes are determined annually by federal law, which approves the federal budget for the next year.

Another regulatory legal act is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009, which establishes the opportunity to receive compensation for all investors.

How to receive compensation for deposits before 1991

The legislation clearly defines the procedure for receiving compensation - categories of persons are defined, there is a calculator for calculating the amount of compensation due for payment, and a list of necessary documents and conditions is provided.

The procedure is quite simple, the main thing is that if you are applying for compensation, you must belong to one of the categories of persons defined by law.

Issue size (at Sberbank)

The basic amount is adjusted depending on a number of circumstances, taking into account the shelf life of the deposit and partial compensation received earlier.

Partial and additional compensation carried out earlier is the most important condition that is taken into account when determining the amount of payment.

Regarding the deposit shelf life, the following coefficients apply:

  • the maximum coefficient is equal to 1, applies to deposits active to date or closed in 1996 and later;
  • then the coefficient decreases by 0.1 if the deposit was closed a year earlier, that is, for 1995 the coefficient is 0.9, for 1994 - 0.8, and so on until 1992, for which the coefficient is 0.6;
  • if the deposit was closed between June 20 and December 31, 1991, double or triple compensation will not be paid.

Rules for payment of funds

The payment must be accompanied by the provision of a certificate indicating the amount of the payment.

Who can apply for savings

People born before 1991 and who had a deposit that was valid at the time of the bank’s reorganization and closed no earlier than 1992 can apply to receive the balance of funds increased in accordance with the rules for calculating compensation.

The rules also apply to deposits opened for children; if all legal requirements are met, then the compensation procedure can also begin for such deposits.

Is it possible for an heir to receive

As noted above, the heir has the same rights as the investor.

In addition to this, the heir has the right to receive compensation for funeral services if the investor died after 2000.

If there were less than 400 rubles in the account, then the payment is calculated using the formula - the deposit balance multiplied by 15. Otherwise, the payment amount is fixed and amounts to 6,000 rubles.

If a person had several deposits in one or more branches, then compensation for savings will be made for each separately, and funeral expenses will be compensated for only one place.

To begin the procedure, the heir must also write an application according to the established template and attach the following documents to it:

  • passport;
  • death certificate;
  • documents confirming his rights as an heir.

What to pay special attention to

If you have questions about the amount of the payment due, you can use a special calculator, it is available on the Sberbank website.

It can be used to calculate the payment due to the investor. Heirs will have to contact the department in person to calculate the amount.

When using the calculator, you must have the following information:

  • the amount of the deposit balance as of June 20, 1991. This amount can be viewed in the book;
  • the amount of payments that were previously received. These amounts must be deducted from the current payment amount;
  • if such payments fully compensated for lost savings, then no additional payments will be made;
  • if the deposit is closed, then the year the deposit was closed.

As defined in the order of the President of the Russian Federation, in 2020 all savings that depositors lost must be compensated - this is the final date for all payments.

For example, a depositor born in 1935 has a current deposit opened in 1981; as of June 20, 1992, there were 3,500 rubles in the book.

In 2010, there was a partial refund in the amount of 2,000 rubles. He is due three times compensation, reduced by the amount of the previous payment - 3,500 rubles * 3 - 2,000 = 8,500 rubles.

If the depositor does not agree with the amount of compensation paid, he can contact a Sberbank branch. You can also leave a request on the Sberbank website using the feedback form.

So, if you were a Savings Bank depositor before 1991 and lost your savings during the reform, then you have the opportunity to compensate for your losses.

In Soviet times, the phrase “Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank!” was very common and was considered the standard of civil responsibility. Anyone who listened to this advice could rest assured that he had made the right choice. For a long time they were confident not only in the future, but also in the fact that nothing bad could happen to their money. During the collapse, many Sberbank depositors lost their savings due to the freezing of all accounts. Unfortunately, the state has not yet been able to fully repay its debts to the people. Therefore, after so many years, many victims are still waiting for their money to be returned and are wondering how they can receive compensation for the damage they have suffered.

Payment procedure

At the moment, it is still ongoing for citizens of the country who made deposits before the collapse of the USSR. All accounts that, according to the laws of the country, are subject to protection and restoration, are gradually paid by the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. The law on compensation to citizens for damage caused was adopted in 1995.

It became known that the country's budget plans to continue payments to victims of the bank bankruptcy in 1991. Taking into account the adopted law on compensation for damage, consideration of citizens' applications will continue from 2017 to 2019. Five million five hundred thousand rubles have been allocated from the budget for each year. This is exactly the amount pledged by the current government to pay off debt to citizens of the Russian Federation in order to cover the debt left by Sberbank of the USSR.

Regulatory acts

Many citizens are interested in what regulations will now govern the return of funds from investments made before 1991. All data is noted in the law on the state budget for this period. Basically, the government refers to the law that was adopted back in 1995. It is this that implies the return of depositors’ money and the state’s protection of its citizens from such problems.

Payment procedure

State authorities have not yet approved the procedure. We only know that there are no changes in the payment scheme that were prescribed in the budget before. The latest changes in legislation regarding deposits made before June 20, 1991 were made in 2009, by Resolution No. 1092. Payments will begin when Sberbank of Russia receives funds from the state budget for the current year.

It is worth noting that Sberbank will not make payments again. In other words, according to the law, if a person has already received compensation in a double or triple amount, or payment has been made for funeral services or other types of compensation, he cannot receive money from this deposit again and the bank does not undertake to return the funds to the victims again.

Who can receive compensation

The question of most interest to the population is information about who will be able to receive compensation for deposits in the coming years. This information is specified in the law on the state budget for the current year. Citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to receive the following amounts.

Those depositors and heirs of deposits, whose year of birth is before 1945 inclusive, have the right to receive payments in the amount of three times increased account balances, in the state in which they were at the time of closure of the bank, that is, on June 20, 1991. Compensation for Sberbank deposits is calculated taking into account the nominal value of units of banknotes at that time. The amount also depends on how long the deposit was kept in the bank. And also the amount of money that was previously received during previous issuances of compensation and commissions is subtracted from it.

Victims of a bank failure in the early nineties who were born between 1945 and 1991, including eligible heirs, are entitled to double their account balances. Compensation for Sberbank deposits is calculated based on the nominal value of units of banknotes at that time. The amount also depends on how long the deposit was kept in the bank. And also the amount of money that was previously received during previous issuances of compensation and commissions is subtracted from it.

In case of death of the investor

If the investor died between 2001 and this year, heirs or people who paid for funeral services can count on compensation. They are paid compensation for Sberbank deposits, as required by the law of the country, to pay for funerals and other expenses. In other words, the person who dealt with funeral issues has the right to receive 6 thousand rubles in compensation.

As for the heirs, they can receive payments on the deposits of citizens born before 1991. The age of the investor is not important in this case. The main thing is that no payments have been made on this deposit before. If compensation was previously paid for Sberbank deposits to pay for funeral services, then when calculating the amount it is not deducted from the total amount of money returned.

Who cannot receive compensation

Citizens who managed to close their deposits at the end of 1991 will not be able to receive payments on their deposits. This category of people is not paid double or triple compensation. Also, payments are not made to people who have already received doubled and tripled balances. The heirs and persons who were involved in this process cannot receive compensation in the amount of six thousand rubles for funeral services.

Calculation of the amount taking into account the nominal value

Payment for funeral services in the event of the death of a depositor and compensation for deposits before 1991 are paid according to federal law dated December 19, 2006. in the amount of 6 thousand rubles, only if the deceased’s savings book contained 400 rubles or more. If we take into account the nominal value of banknotes at that time, then the amount less than 400 rubles on the deceased’s book is reimbursed to the people or heirs involved in ritual expenses, in the amount of the contribution increased by fifteen times.

When the relevant authority accepts an application for payment of compensation to cover funeral services, a note is made on the depositor’s death certificate presented. It confirms that funds have been paid out and prevents further fraud.

Calculation of the payment amount taking into account the deposit storage period

Depending on how long the deposit was kept, the state calculates subsequent payments on it. To calculate the amount of compensation, a special coefficient is used:

  • For deposits that are currently valid, as well as for those accounts that were valid in the period from 1992 to 2012 and closed between 1996 and 2015, the number of this coefficient is 1.
  • For deposits that were valid from 1992 to 1994 and closed in 1995, the sum of the coefficient is 0.9.
  • Deposits closed in 1994, valid for two years from 1992 - the coefficient is 0.8.
  • Closed deposits in and valid for the year before are subject to calculation with a coefficient of 0.7.
  • If the deposit was closed in 1992, then the coefficient is 0.6.
  • If the deposit is closed from 06/20/91 to 12/31/91, the coefficient is zero and the amount is not paid.

That is, if we look at an example, a person who made a deposit and was born after 1945, who closed the deposit in 1995, will be able to count on compensation of his funds that will be doubled. This takes into account the fact that the amount is calculated using a coefficient whose value is 0.9.

Features of receiving compensation

Taking into account the information discussed above, it is worth paying attention to special points related to compensation payments. This will be useful to anyone who wants to receive compensation for damage and is interested in the details of who exactly can count on compensation for their loss.

People currently living in the country and their heirs who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation will not be able to receive compensation. The budget does not provide for such expenses, and the law does not allow such payments. Also, people who live in other countries, have foreign citizenship or do not have it at all cannot count on payments. More detailed information can be obtained by contacting Sberbank; the hotline telephone number is listed on the official resource.

An important point is that Russian legislation does not provide for compensation for damage to citizens of countries that were formerly part of the USSR. In other words, money is issued only to those who have Russian citizenship and live here. All others must receive compensation in their own country in accordance with its laws.

It is also important that if the deposit was opened after June 20, 1991, then you should not count on any payments.

By law, payment of such bills is not calculated. Compensation for Sberbank deposits in 2016 took place according to this scheme. This year, all payments are made on the basis of changes in legislation regarding budget allocation for the current year.

What documents are needed

You can receive compensation at the Sberbank branch where the deposit itself was originally made and where it is currently located. To receive money, you must provide a certain list of documents.

The following documents must be provided for investors and their representatives:

  • Documents confirming the identity of the recipient.
  • If necessary, you need a document confirming that this is a person authorized to receive compensation for the deposit.
  • A previously completed application about the desire to receive compensation must first be done at a bank branch.
  • If available, then you need a Sberbank savings book.
  • If not available, then a statement about the loss of the passbook.
  • If the deposit was closed between 1992 and 2015, you need to provide a special application, which is pre-issued at the bank.

Heirs of investors need to collect the same documents, but with one difference: instead of confirming a power of attorney, they must provide a document on the right to inheritance, a death certificate of the investor, as well as a certificate stating that the investor at the time of death was a full citizen of the Russian Federation. Compensation for Sberbank deposits to heirs is made only if these conditions are met.

Where can I find out information?

All necessary data can be clarified from Sberbank employees, including what documents are needed to pay compensation. On the bank's website there is a form for filling out an application to receive money, or you can personally contact Sberbank. Phone number and other coordinates are also available on the official resource. It is worth noting that employees are required to return any original documents that clients provide to complete an application for payments after completing all necessary actions with them.

What you should pay attention to when registering

If the deposit is closed, this information should be displayed in the cash receipt order. The person receiving compensation must sign it. Before doing this, it is recommended that you carefully read the text of the order and check the amount specified in it. If questions arise, it is better not to receive a payment and wait for recalculation. In this situation, you should request one of the copies of the order in hand. Also, the Sberbank savings book must contain the note “compensation” and it must be returned to the recipient upon completion of the procedure.

Formula for calculating compensation

You can calculate the deposit amount yourself. To do this, you need to use the following formula: the deposit balance as of June 20, 1991, multiply by the compensation coefficient, multiply by the increase number, in the case of a triple return by 3, in the case of a double return by 2, respectively, and subtract the amount of previously paid compensation for this deposit.

It is important to take into account that two deposits are involved in calculating the amount, namely the main balance on the savings book and the amount of compensation calculated on March 1, 1991. This does not apply to those people whose contribution was made after this date.

What does additional account mean?

Taking into account the fact that food prices have increased due to inflation, a decree was adopted to increase the amount of deposits by forty percent. More precisely, those depositors whose savings exceeded the amount of 200 rubles received an additional account that contained funds in the amount of forty percent of the total amount. They could legally use them only after three years. If the amount was less than 200 rubles, then they could use the additional account after three months.