Gold mining in Russia. Available ingots Miner's license how to get


A friend from Bodaibo called me. Come, he says, let’s look for nuggets. - Without a license and contract, they’ll catch you and send you to Magadan. - Bullshit, we already wash everything, some with a tray, and some with a bulldozer. The penalties for gold mining are now conditional, administrative and 3,000 rubles to the staff. Only the mined metal is confiscated, but the metal detector and shovel are not confiscated.

After the conversation, I tried to understand the laws, whether gold can really be mined legally.

After studying the law, I found out the following:

1. Federal Law No. 420-FZ of December 7, 2011, Article 191 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has undergone significant reconstruction.

Firstly, illegal trafficking of precious metals, natural gemstones or pearls are partially decriminalized. Responsibility for it will now be established. 19.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. “Violation of the established rules of extraction, production, use, circulation (trade, transportation, forwarding, collateral transactions, transactions made by banks with individuals and legal entities), receipt, accounting and storage of precious metals, pearls, precious stones or products containing them, as well as rules for collection and delivery to state fund scrap and waste of such metals, stones or products -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles;" At the same time, the legislator does not provide for the confiscation of items with the help of which precious metals were found or extracted, etc.

Secondly, it is stipulated that criminal liability illegal trafficking in precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls is punishable only if it is carried out in large size(over 1 million 500 thousand rubles. Note in Article 169 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). At today's gold prices, this is more than 1 kg of pure gold.

Subject of the crime: a) precious metals - gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium). Precious metals can be in any condition, form, including native and refined form, as well as in raw materials, alloys, semi-finished products, industrial products, chemical compounds, coins, scrap and industrial and consumer waste; b) precious stones - natural diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites; c) natural pearls in raw (natural) and processed form; d) unique amber formations.

The subject of the crime does not include: jewelry and household products and scrap of such products. The absence of an assay mark on a product made of precious metals or a certificate for a cut stone does not turn it into the subject of a crime. Uncut stones that have undergone preliminary mechanical processing cannot be classified as jewelry.

Criminal liability under Article 191 arises for any transactions with precious stones and precious metals made in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in large size. The illegality of such transactions may be due to the illegality of their extraction and production, in the absence of a license to carry out such actions. Transactions regarding the subject of a crime concluded between individuals are considered illegal. Purchasing organizations and individual enterprises are prohibited from buying rough diamonds, unprocessed natural pearls and precious stones, etc. Mined and produced precious metals, with the exception of nuggets, after the necessary processing, must be sent for refining to organizations included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for carrying out transactions with mineral raw materials containing precious metals before refining is also determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Illegal storage, transportation, forwarding will occur in the case when these items were illegally obtained or produced, stolen, obtained as a result of committing any other crime, or acquired as a result of an illegal transaction.


You can’t dig for coins, you can’t mine gold either, but for copper coins you can be imprisoned for 6 years, and FOR GOLD MINING ONLY A FINE of 3000 rubles, even without confiscation of equipment.

Video. The whole truth about gold mining in Russia.

Golden syringe. How to find and mine gold in a simple way.

Based on the results of 2014, the Russian Federation took fourth place in the ranking list of world leading countries in terms of annual production of yellow precious metal. Gold mining in Russia is carried out, as a rule, using traditional methods. Gold mining is usually divided into public and private. We have previously mentioned the opportunities for private gold mining in Russia today and revealed currently undeveloped mines that may be of interest to private gold miners. In this article we will talk, in general, about the possibilities of gold mining in Russia, consider the main deposits, and also characterize the volume of annual gold mining in Russia along with its methods.


There are many gold deposits concentrated in Russia

Gold mines located in Russia have always brought significant profits to gold miners. However, over time, the geography of gold mines changes due to the fact that some of them are closed, while others begin to be developed.

Undoubtedly, the main place where most of the gold mines in Russia are concentrated is Siberia. The second most important places are located in the Far Eastern region.

On the map Russian Federation Most gold mines are concentrated in the central and southern regions of the country.

  1. The quantitative indicator of the northeastern artels, located on the outskirts of the country, has only 4 deposits of the yellow precious metal, namely:
  2. Kyuchus gold mine.
  3. Mayskoye gold deposit.
  4. Karalveemskoye field.

Mine Dome. Gold mines geographically located in the center of the country

  1. , number in the dozens, among them, for example:
  2. Vorontsovsky mine.
  3. Blagodatnoe deposit.
  4. Olimpiadinskoye field.
  5. Eldorado mine.
  6. Devil's trough deposit.
  7. Mine Sukhoi Log.
  8. Verninskoye field.
  9. Kuranakh mine.
  10. Khakadzhinskoye field.

Nezhdaninskoye field. In the southern region

  1. There are also many mines and deposits, which include, for example, the following:
  2. Natalka field.
  3. Aginsky mine.
  4. Baranevsky mine.
  5. Mnogovershennoe deposit.
  6. Spring mine.
  7. Asachi mine.
  8. Gai deposit.
  9. Vasin mine.
  10. Kochkarskoye field.
  11. Darasun deposit.

Porkovskoye field.

As follows:

Volumes Indicators of gold production volumes in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2011

looked like this: Over the past four years the situation has changed somewhat. In the following table we invite you to familiarize yourself with gold mining indicators in Russian regions

for 2013-2014:

In general, if you analyze the indicators for gold mining in Russian regions for 2011, 2013 and 2014, you can see that the overall level of gold mining in Russia remains unchanged. Apparently, this is one of the main reasons for Russia’s increase in the volume of government purchases of the yellow precious metal abroad, which has been observed recently.

Extraction methods Modern gold mining , usually,

carried out by obtaining gold from precious metal ores. Besides:

  1. gold mining is also carried out
  2. By obtaining secondary yellow precious metal in the process of recycling recyclable materials.
  3. By developing primary deposits.
  4. Using artisanal gold mining methods.

The development of primary deposits is today the main way to obtain the yellow precious metal. Considering the fact that gold, as a rule, is contained in quartz veins of varying thickness and angle of occurrence underground, the development of primary deposits is the most promising and effective way

gold mining

Artisanal gold mining typically requires complex structures. Today, in many countries, the production of various models of installations has been established, the use of which allows for highly productive extraction of the yellow precious metal. However, the cost of such equipment does not allow it to be purchased by private individuals; its owners, as a rule, are large gold mining companies.

The specifics of each gold mining method determines their prevalence. For example, one of the widely used methods of gold mining, panning, is not particularly popular due to the fact that the peculiarity of its implementation requires the gold miner to large quantities

time. Amalgamation - one of the artisanal methods of gold mining, which is based on the unique ability of mercury to form various compounds with gold. To obtain yellow precious metal in this way, mercury is added to crushed gold ore, after which the resulting mixture is processed in a special way. Amalgamation is in a good way

obtaining gold, but expensive, so it is also used very rarely.

The gold amalgamation process works like this: Technology cyanidation Private gold miners are usually used to obtain gold. To do this, they use hydrocyanic acid or “regia vodka”, the main properties of which are capable of dissolving gold. This method

refers to the main artisanal methods of extracting yellow precious metal.

Cyanidation of gold is carried out, in particular, in laboratory conditions

Video about the possibilities of private gold mining

Private mining

Private gold mining can be based on artisanal methods of extracting the yellow precious metal, the main ones of which were described in the previous section. However, to implement it, a private gold miner needs to know some aspects government regulation

It is important! As a rule, artisanal gold mining is primitive. The volumes of gold mined by artisanal methods are small.

The main issues of yellow precious metal mining in the Russian Federation are regulated by a single legislative actFederal Law"On Precious Metals and Precious Stones."

In accordance with the main provisions of this regulatory legal act, gold mining by individuals (private) persons is permitted on the territory of the Russian Federation. But, at the same time, the opinion that anyone can start mining gold in Russia when, how and where he wants is erroneous. To carry out private gold mining in Russia, it is necessary, first of all, to purchase the appropriate license for the extraction of the yellow precious metal from the relevant regional state administration.

gold mining in the form of individual entrepreneurship can be carried out in accordance with the obtained license for no more than five years.

In general, gold mining is a fairly promising and profitable activity if the investor organizes a specific campaign for the extraction of the yellow precious metal. To do this, it is necessary to register in accordance with the procedure established by law as a legal entity, select a place for gold mining, obtain a license to carry out gold mining in a certain region, purchase the appropriate equipment, hire employees (miners and other support personnel) and organize their work.

Investments in gold mining are promising on a large scale.

If you want to carry out private gold mining, then you should not count on receiving significant profits through legal means.

Kavchik B.K., Ph.D., JSC "Irgiredmet"

How much money do you need for a gold mining business? Gold is mined from placer and primary (ore) deposits.

It is advisable to start gold mining in placer deposits. They require less capital investment and are less risky for the investor. requires investments of about 10-100 million rubles, mainly for the purchase of machinery and equipment. Minimum investments (up to 10 million rubles) may be required when working under a contract on someone else’s site. The risks are relatively small: if any problems arise, the equipment can be picked up and moved to another site. At the same time, investments that cannot be returned are minimal.

For independent development of a new alluvial deposit, investments of about 50-100 million rubles are required.

Industrial mining of ore goldrequires 15-20 million dollars, only in the first stages of work: exploration, research and design. The construction of the mine will require an additional investment of about 50-200 million dollars. The investment cycle in ore deposits is long, gold mining will not begin in less than 5 years, and the payback period of the project can be 10 years or more. In this regard, investments in ore are more risky than in alluvial deposits: a longer period means a greater risk. An example is the Natalka field in the Magadan region. Polyus Gold invested a lot of money in it over 10 years, built a mine and a factory, and the price of gold fell in 2013. Gold mining began only in 2017.

How to find a deposit for gold mining

1. The fastest way is to buy an existing gold mining enterprise, which already has a license and approved documents for the extraction of placer gold (land allotment, mining project, etc.). Gold mining enterprises are sold quite often, especially small ones with one or two licenses. The main reason for the sale is the lack of mining equipment or working capital. Banks are reluctant to give loans to small businesses. License holders often find themselves in a hopeless situation: the license must be taken away for inaction, but there is no money for work.

To find and choose a good company, advertise in the magazine “Zolotodobycha” or on this website:

“I will buy a gold mining enterprise”

“I will buy an enterprise that has a license for gold mining”

In the ad text, specify where and what kind of company you need. For example, “I will buy an enterprise that has a license to mine alluvial gold in the Republic of Buryatia.”

After receiving offers, you can choose what suits you best in terms of conditions and price. You can buy the entire enterprise, or you can buy a share of the enterprise in order to receive part of the gold mined or part of the profit.

2. It is possible not to buy an enterprise, but to enter into an agreement with the license holder for the development of its deposit or site. This is the lowest budget option. A legal entity - the license holder has the right to mine gold independently, as well as enter into agreements with other legal entities. The license holder is responsible for processing all documents and permits. The mined gold also belongs to the owner of the license, and anyone who works on someone else’s site must hand over the gold to him. The license holder will pay the contractor for the extracted gold at the price established in the contract or under a production sharing agreement.

To find a company, give or in the magazine "":

“I’ll rent a plot for gold mining”

Indicate the area and your capabilities: availability of equipment, specialists.

Agreements between legal entities are quite widespread. Especially often, large enterprises contract out undeveloped or remote areas to small mining crews that have a couple of bulldozers and a washing device.

Buying a placer mine or working under a contract is a real option to get gold in just a few months.

3. Purchasing a license for a placer deposit at an auction is currently less attractive. There are almost no good placers at auctions anymore. There they may offer something like: “the right tributary of the Vesely River with predicted resources of category P2 - 140 kg or “Upper reaches of the Shirokiy stream - predicted resources of category P3 - 40 kg, etc. Forecast resources are “either it will be or not.” And they offer you to find out for your money. After purchasing a license, you will be required to conduct exploration, calculate, and approve reserves, if any. If there are no stocks, then no one will return your money. The consumer rights law does not apply here.

You can start mining gold in best case scenario in 2-3 years, having spent about 10-20 million rubles on exploration and other work.

Due to the lack of good properties at auctions, it is more attractive to purchase a licensed enterprise. You can get a good deposit with explored and confirmed reserves and quickly extract real gold.

Optimal sequence of actions

You need to start a business by assessing your financial capabilities and choosing an object for them that will ensure a return of funds and a profit within a timeframe acceptable to you. Based on financial capabilities, the main options are as follows.

- If you don't have money to invest and you hope to make money on gold without investing anything other than your labor, then you are better off getting a job in an existing enterprise. Write a few words about yourself in the section: .

- If there are 3-10 million rubles. You can start gold mining under an agreement with an existing gold mining enterprise for the development of a separate area. This a good option to start a business.

- Funds up to 30-50 million rubles., you can invest in an enterprise that already has a license and needs funds for production. That is, to enter the business by purchasing a share in the enterprise.

- 50-100 million rubles. allow you to buy an enterprise at the “zero” stage of work or an unprofitable one, and transform it into a profitable one through technical modernization.

- If investments are possible (50-100 million rubles) for several years, then you can purchase a new object at auction.

1. Selection of deposit. It is still possible to find a good placer () now, and you need to choose the one that will allow you to achieve high profitability. It’s not worth taking anything just because it’s close to home. This placer can be complex in structure, require increased capital investment and at the same time be unprofitable. To evaluate placers and select the most promisingis needed, first of all,

Having a geological report on the site and approved reserves is not enough. Reserves can be either less or more than those calculated by exploration. It’s good when there is more gold, but sometimes there is less. An experienced geologist should help evaluate the object and, if necessary, carry out certification work. In addition, the geologist must collect data for mining and beneficiation design.

The choice of an object to purchase must be treated with the utmost care. If you intend to invest millions of dollars in a business, then you should not skimp on collecting information. The more options you find, the more you will have the opportunity to choose a good deposit and make a profitable investment. Give several advertisements, invite an experienced specialist to evaluate the proposals received. Choose the best.

An ore deposit requires investments of tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. To select and evaluate an ore object, it is advisable to involve specialized companies and the best geologists, although this is not cheap.

2. The second most important matter is mining. Perhaps at first glance this is not the most difficult thing, since the mining technology is well known. In any city, pits are being dug for houses and other objects. But placer mining and construction are fundamentally different. In construction, the cost of a cube is an insignificant value, since its share in the cost of a house is negligible. In placer mining, mining is the main cost item. Therefore, a well-calculated and economical mining project is needed, taking into account the specific characteristics of the placer and with economic calculation. Contact the specialists.

3. The third thing is the preparation and approval of documents. If you do not complete the paperwork correctly, you will have to pay fines and you can get into serious trouble if representatives of regulatory authorities follow the letter of the law.

4. Fourth - organization of production, including its financing. Constant control over expenses is necessary so that the money does not run out at the most inopportune moment, and there is enough for good equipment suitable for the site. Purchasing cheap used equipment often ruins the best business. The cost per cubic meter of moved rock mass increases when using old equipment. The equipment must ensure trouble-free operation during the season (4-5 months). A cheap washing device can also ruin the job due to large losses of gold.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how a gold mining license is issued. Private gold mining in Russia was officially prohibited by law until 2016, and an individual could not obtain a gold mining license. Such rights belonged exclusively legal entities. If gold mining was carried out by private individuals, the miners were prosecuted according to the criminal code.

But two years ago, a law on private gold mining was passed, allowing individuals to obtain a gold mining permit. But for this, a private person must obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur.

The country mines gold in the Moscow region, in Far East, Urals, Siberia, Leningrad region. After the bill “On Subsoil” was adopted in 2016, individual gold mining by private individuals gradually intensified.

Let's consider the conditions of the new law for individuals:

  1. An individual can rent for a clearly fixed time a plot of land no more than 0.15 km².
  2. There must be a conclusion from experts that the selected plot of land contains no more than 10 kg of gold.
  3. Extraction of the precious metal is permitted only by surface mining.
  4. Explosives and similar substances must not be used.
  5. You can only dig 5 m deep.

If it is discovered that a private entrepreneur does not have a permit, the miner is fined, his tools are taken away, and sometimes he is sent to prison.
The law imposes similar requirements on a person who has received an individual permit to mine mines that are the private property of a company or organization.

Thus, the law is aimed at replenishing the budget, strengthening the position of medium and small businesses, and creating additional jobs.

How to obtain a gold mining permit?

The most important procedure when mining and searching for gold is how to obtain permission.
The law also provides for the establishment of rules for those who wish to obtain a permit (license) for gold mining. Similar documents are issued by Rosnedra or Tsentrsibnedra. Although sometimes the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation also issues them, holding special auctions.

The law provided for the following procedure for issuing a gold mining license:

  1. The process begins with a search on the Rosnedra website for a site that is offered at auctions or competitions on the Internet in the “buy” or “we will buy” sections.
  2. An application to participate in the auction is submitted.
  3. Going to required package documents that organizers usually request.
  4. The competition is won.
  5. A document is issued.

The license is issued for 20 or 25 years. The duration of the document depends on the activity that the private gold miner intends to carry out. For example, an entrepreneur wants to mine only precious metals, then a permit will be issued only for 20 years and no more. If production, geological exploration, and field study are planned, then a license must be requested for a period of 25 years. Geological exploration can only be carried out for 5 years.

For individuals, the period for gold mining has been reduced to 5 years. Individuals are also limited in choosing a gold mining site. Private individuals have the right to use deposits with insignificant gold reserves. If there is a lot of this metal, then mining will be prohibited, since huge reserves are needed for industrial and government purposes.

Individual entrepreneurs usually receive for use dumps that once belonged to enterprises, or deposits with little prospects. Bulldozers and other heavy equipment cannot be used in such areas. Individuals can only use hand tools, because of this the size of the production will be small.

The validity period of the license that self employed buys, begins from the moment when the document was registered with special government bodies.

It is not always possible to purchase a gold mining permit for money. A gold miner will not receive a license in the following situations:

  1. A private individual has acquired a company or enterprise that has the right to mine gold. Therefore, a license is required for the activities of an enterprise, and not individual. In this case, the owner is obliged to simply renew the company's license. But to do this, it is necessary to provide government experts with all the information about the geological condition of the land. A license is issued only on the basis of the examination and assessment obtained.
  2. A gold miner decides to sign an agreement with a gold mining company on the opportunity to carry out mining work on the territory of a mine or deposit. Rosnedra does not issue a license to such individuals, since the company itself has one. Typically, enterprises specifically hire private individuals who speed up work on sites. This is much cheaper than carrying out development on your own.

How much does it cost to obtain a permit?

Let's look at how much a license costs. In the process of obtaining a gold mining license, a person must go through the stage of purchasing a permit for money. The cost differs, depending on the location of development and working conditions, how the paperwork is completed - independently or through an intermediary company.
Typically, legal companies provide assistance in obtaining a gold mining permit, which significantly increases the cost of the license. But all stages of the work are undertaken by the company’s employees. They will collect papers, fill out forms, and visit various authorities. The applicant is only required to pay for services, which cost an average of 100-200 thousand rubles.

Doing it yourself will take longer, but will also cost less. In particular, you need to pay about 10-100 thousand rubles if a private entrepreneur simply wants to develop placers. But ore mining will be much more expensive, ranging from 15 to 200 thousand dollars. It is worth considering that when obtaining a permit you must pay in mandatory state duties. The first registration of the document will cost 7.5 thousand rubles, and the second - 750 rubles, if the gold miner wants to re-register, extend or receive a duplicate.

License applicants have the right to choose the method in which they wish to obtain a permit. It is beneficial for large companies to contact law firms, and for private entrepreneurs to independently collect papers and participate in the competition.

Prospector's Tool

Over the period of its existence, humanity has mined 130 thousand tons of gold: 40% of the resulting volume is in jewelry, 30% is stored in state gold reserves and 10% is used in industry.

  1. Washing river sand with a jet of water.
  2. Extraction of rock in mines.

Even the ancient Greeks washed gold-bearing sand on sheep skins. The high density of the nugget causes it to settle on the grate, while lighter materials are washed out of it. Along with gold, other heavy minerals (concentrate) also settle on the grate.

Manual washing is difficult and unproductive. It is used in underdeveloped countries, where it is used by prospectors in small placers to mine gold, diamonds, and other expensive metals.

The technology does not require the construction of chemical plants, the purchase of large volumes of reagents, and in the case of metal extraction from river rock, it does not require a crushing stage.

Partial washing is used in deposits, where after crushing the rock is washed with a stream of water on a grate. Large nuggets and inclusions of gold in fractions big size are washed away by hydraulic force, so large stones are examined by hand. Washing should not be used in deposits of dispersed gold (with a fraction of less than 1 mm) or in places where gold is not separated from the rock after crushing.

The washed gold-bearing rock is subjected to sizing (separation of gold from the concentrate).

The washing method becomes advantageous if the metal content in the rock is 0.1 g/1 m³ or higher.

Already at the end of the 19th century, 90% of gold was mined by extraction from gold-bearing ores. The river deposits were almost exhausted and were not suitable for industrial metal mining, although large nuggets are still found. Ore gold is extracted from deep layers of the earth's crust, subjected to mechanical and chemical processing.

Black miners at work

The reduction in the cost of obtaining gold was facilitated by technologies for the enrichment of gold-bearing rocks and the transition from closed mining at great depths to open deposits.

The profitability of ore recycling has been increased and metal losses during production have been reduced.

Refractory ores, slags, and surface layers of rocks are used, the metal content of which is no more than 1.0-0.3 g/1 m³. Production has resumed in previously closed mines.

Technologies for processing gold ores differ depending on the type of rock, fraction, volume of gold in the ore, and the presence of inclusions that complicate the production of high-purity metal.

After obtaining a rock containing gold, the metal is separated from the concentrate.

Non-industrial gold extraction methods

  1. Mercury amalgamation. Sand amalgamation is used in cases where the gold fraction does not exceed 1 mm. A simple technology for separating gold from rock is to dissolve the metal in mercury, forming an amalgam. After its dissolution, the amalgam is separated from the rock and filtered through a fine-mesh cloth. In the resulting solution, gold makes up about 40% of the total volume. The remaining mercury is evaporated.
  2. Cyanidation. The method includes leaching, concentration and a purification step. Gold is leached as a result of the interaction of cyanide with oxygen, the concentrate is removed using activated carbon, filtration and calcination. Cyanidation purifies gold to a higher degree than amalgamation. The disadvantage is that cyanide vapor is especially dangerous.
  3. Chlorination. Hydrochloric acid and chlorine dissolve the gold, then the solids are filtered off, the gold powder is deposited on the filter and compressed into an ingot.

An ancient distillation vessel

In material obtained by amalgamation, the mercury concentration is rarely less than 5%. Chlorination allows metal to be purified up to 99%. Hydrochloric acid is highly toxic and requires safety precautions when handling.

Gold mining in Russia by prospectors

In Russia, it is prohibited for private individuals to mine gold. Gold mining is permitted to enterprises that have the appropriate permits at industrial sites.

Illegal mining of metals and precious stones entails criminal liability.

Carrying out illegal gold mining activities falls under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal trafficking in metals, natural precious stones or pearls”, the sanction of which provides for restriction of freedom for up to 3 years. The extraction of precious metal by a group of persons was recognized as an aggravating circumstance, the punishment for which includes a fine of 1 to 3 million rubles or imprisonment for up to 7 years.

Experience of non-commercial gold mining in other countries

In our country, the practice of the USA and Canada, where the historical places of the “gold rush” described by Jack London, are protected by the state and equipped for visiting by tourists, would be appropriate. In addition, Russia is rich in surface (placer) deposits.

Mine in Congo

The report by University of British Columbia professor Marcello Veiga provides statistics on the use of explored deposits. According to it, gold is mined from one of 5,000 deposits. The remaining volume, which is not used by large companies, could be given to miners. The report says that improving the connection between companies and small cooperatives will significantly increase the volume of metal mined.

This approach is especially relevant for Russia, where the location of depressed areas often borders on small gold-bearing placers.

Nowadays, miners are subjected to dangerous work, dying under rubble, without reporting the place of work to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Artisanal gold mining is extremely labor-intensive and low-productivity, so a small number of private gold miners is unlikely to have an impact on the sector. The use of cheap tools, knocked together in a few hours from random boards, reduces productivity and eliminates compliance with safety regulations.

The result of the strict ban on non-industrial mining is that every year from 15 to 20 tons of gold are illegally mined in the country, that is, 10% of the total volume. In total, there are 400 enterprises operating in Russian gold mining.