Debts on taxes and fees: reflection in accounting and settlement of disagreements. Debt to the budget: accounting accounts and postings Tax debt account


Debt on taxes and fees is an indicator that characterizes how much a company is obliged to transfer to the state. It may be current or expired. How to correctly reflect it in accounting and reporting, what to do if you do not agree with the data of the tax office on the company's debts, we will tell in our article.

Debts on fiscal payments of the company can be:

  • current - arising for reasons that we will discuss below;
  • overdue - if the organization really does not transfer fiscal fees in a timely manner.

Accounting rules

To reflect business transactions, the Chart of Accounts is used, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of October 31, 2000 No. 94n. The Chart of Accounts provides, in order to take into account debts on taxes and fees, account 68. It is recommended to open sub-accounts for it and provide analytical accounting by types of tax payments. The credit of the account reflects the accrual of tax, and the debit of its payment or reduction due to tax deductions.

Accounting is kept on an accrual basis. Dates of accrual and dates of payment of taxes, as a rule, do not coincide. For example, income tax accrued payable for 2020 will be reflected in the credit of the account, and the organization must transfer it before 03/28/2019. This leads to the fact that on the date of accrual tax collection account 69 will have a credit balance. This is a current debt, it is not overdue.

Reflection in financial statements

Financial statements are formed according to the forms approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. Debt on taxes and fees in the balance sheet is reflected in accounts payable in section V:

If the amount of debt to the budget is significant, then the company reflects information about it separately. The level of materiality is determined by the organization in accounting policy. In this case, an additional line is added to the balance sheet.

How to reconcile data with the IFTS

At least once a year (when conducting an inventory before compiling financial statements) it is necessary to verify the data of the company on tax debts with the data of the Federal Tax Service. We recommend doing this more often. It is not difficult, especially if your organization has an EDI connected with an inspection or is registered Personal Area on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

To confirm the debt, it is necessary to sign reconciliation acts on all fiscal payments with the inspection. It can take some time. For operational verification, it is convenient to use the document "Certificate on the status of settlements". In one form, information about the balance of settlements for all payments is summarized.

Settlement of debts on taxes and fees

If you find that the registers of the Federal Tax Service reflect the wrong balance of calculations, then it must be corrected. After all, the absence of debts on taxes and fees allows the company to receive a loan, participate in tenders, conclude government contracts. And its presence can lead to the refusal of the bank to provide borrowed funds, and buyers and customers - from the conclusion of contracts.

To fix the error, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence. To do this, you can order from the Federal Tax Service an “Statement of budget settlement transactions” for a fiscal fee with an erroneous balance. If the IFTS incorrectly reflected the accrual or did not reflect the transfer of the tax payment, write a statement about the need for correction and attach supporting documents. The application is drawn up in any form and submitted to the inspection in person, by mail or in electronic form via telecommunication channels.

Debt to creditors is the combined amount of obligations (debts) of the enterprise to various legal entities and individuals. Let's figure out which articles form it and how it is recorded in reporting forms.

What is accounts payable on the balance sheet?

The company's creditors are usually the organizations with which it contacts:

  • counterparties - suppliers, customers, contractors, lessors, insurers, etc.;
  • regulatory bodies, the state budget and off-budget funds.

In connection with the rules of conduct accounting, the staff of the firm periodically becomes a creditor, since the accrued salary is issued the next month. Accounts payable may include accountable amounts when the MOL acquires value or services for the economic needs of the company, exceeding the amount of advances issued.

In addition, this block of obligations includes the amounts of invoices for deliveries on credit or installments due to be received in the future.

Accounts payable: a line in the balance sheet

Which section of the balance sheet shows accounts payable? Like all obligations of the company, it is recorded in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. She is assigned line 1520 in the fifth section of the liability. This line generates data on the debt formed at the end of the reporting period. The maturity of these liabilities is no more than 12 months, so they are classified as short-term.

Long-term accounts payable in the balance sheet occupies a separate fourth section of liabilities, separated from short-term liabilities. This includes the amounts of loans and credits taken by the company for a long period (more than 1 year), estimated, other liabilities.

Unlike debts to creditors, receivables is indicated in the balance sheet asset, since it represents a share of the company's property owned by it, but temporarily located with other enterprises. Subsequently, the debtors' debts are paid in cash or supplies/services (depending on the terms of the contracts).

Let's go back to line 1520. It summarizes the ending credit balances of the accounts:

  • sch. 60 “Settlements with suppliers/contractors” for amounts for goods and materials purchased but not yet paid for by the company;
  • sch. 62 “Settlements with buyers/customers” for advance payments received against agreed future deliveries;
  • sch. 68 "Calculations on taxes / fees" for taxes intended for payment to the budget;
  • sch. 69 "Calculations for social insurance and social security" for assessed contributions for payment to funds;
  • sch. 70 "Calculations for wages" for the amounts of salaries of employees of the company, calculated for payment;
  • sch. 71 "Settlements with accountable persons" for the amounts paid by financially responsible persons for the MCs they acquired as part of the overspending of the advance payment issued;
  • sch. 75 "Settlements with the founders" on calculated but not yet paid dividends;
  • sch. 76 “Settlements with other debtors/creditors” for other debts. For example, it may include the amount of penalties imposed for violation of the terms of agreements.

In other words, the composition of accounts payable in the balance sheet is very diverse, and combines a whole block of calculations that are typical for any enterprise.

Features of the formation of accounts payable

When drawing up the balance sheet, the accountant is not entitled to reduce the amounts of receivables and payables. Indicate the debt (even if there is a debit and credit balance for one counterparty) should be detailed: in the asset balance - receivable, in liabilities - payable.

All amounts of short-term accounts payable are detailed by type and structure (for example, to suppliers, budget, funds). Such analytical information is indicated in sections 5.3 and 5.4 of the notes to the balance sheet. In them, receivables and payables are detailed, since the balance sheet records only the total amount of debt at the end of the period for all short-term obligations.

How to calculate accounts payable in the balance sheet: an example

According to the accounting registers formed at the end of the reporting year, the closing balances of the accounts are determined:




In the balance sheet line 1520, 378,123 rubles will appear. since the legislation requires detailed indication of the amounts of debts of debtors and obligations to creditors. It is impossible to reduce the amount of accounts payable for the debt of the debtor, therefore the amount of 44620 rubles. will be reflected in line 1230 of the second section of the balance sheet asset.

Thus, accounts payable on the balance sheet This is the total debt of the company with a maturity of up to 1 year to various creditors.

At the end of 2017, the debt of Russian taxpayers to the budget decreased significantly. However, the main mechanism for its reduction is the tightening of collection procedures, which often leads to the loss of business of the debtor company. At the same time, the tasks of business development require other work with tax debts, including the simplification of procedures for its restructuring, as well as its write-off for a number of categories of taxpayers.

The Federal Tax Service summed up the results of its work in 2017, and identified an increase in budget revenues due to tax administration. According to M. Mishustin, in 2017, changes in tax administration (first of all, the use of digital technologies - ASC VAT, online cash registers, product labeling systems) provided additional revenues in the amount of about 400 billion rubles. This is about 25% increase tax revenue not related to oil and gas revenues. The FTS points out that the new tax administration procedures establish a more transparent tax environment and also reduce the shadow economy. However, the available data on tax arrears indicate a tightening of the practice of withdrawing funds from taxpayers who have allowed the emergence of tax and contribution arrears, as well as the fact that the preservation of taxpayers' business and development tax base, as before, received too little attention.

Reducing tax debt in 2017

As of the beginning of 2017, the total tax debt (including tax arrears, as well as interest and penalties) reached 1,379.7 billion rubles, which was 22.7% higher than the same indicator at the beginning of 2016. However, during 2017 This debt has been sharply reduced. The data of the Federal Tax Service as of January 1, 2018 show that the total debt on taxes, fees, penalties and sanctions amounted to only 789.3 billion rubles, which means a decrease in the volume of debt by 42.8%. (see fig. 1).

A similar situation was observed with insurance premium arrears, the administration of which since the beginning of 2017 was transferred to the Federal Tax Service. At the beginning of 2017, the total debt on insurance premiums and related penalties and sanctions amounted to 564.6 billion rubles, and at the beginning of 2018 - already 289.5 billion rubles, which is equivalent to a decrease of 48.7% .

It should be noted that the open data of the Federal Tax Service on tax debt contain only generalized information about it, and do not allow obtaining detailed information neither about the terms of the debt, nor about the categories of taxpayers-debtors. Moreover, from time to time the Federal Tax Service reviews the composition and structure of these data, which makes it difficult to compare information on tax debts from different years. However, available data on debt settlement indicate that the main settlement mechanism is forced withdrawal.

Mechanisms for settling tax debts

Despite the fact that in Russian legislation There are a number of tools potentially aimed at gradually getting the debtor organization out of the “debt hole” without closing its business (such as the provision of deferrals and installments, investment tax credit, debt restructuring), in reality, their use remains the exception rather than the rule. For example, as of January 1, 2018, the volume of restructured debt on taxes, fees, penalties and sanctions (excluding insurance premiums) amounted to only 2.5 billion rubles, the volume of settlement agreements was 2.8 billion rubles, deferred or installment payments - 17.9 billion rubles. In total, this corresponds to 3.9% of the arrears in taxes and fees on the same date.

There are two reasons why these debt settlement mechanisms are rarely used. First, they are difficult to use. For example, procedures for introducing deferrals or installment plans for tax payments can be applied only in special cases (force majeure, delay in obtaining budget funds etc.). As a result, conscientious taxpayers cannot promptly use these mechanisms in the face of a deteriorating financial situation, leading, for example, to the impossibility of paying advance tax payments. Secondly, in the context of a budget deficit and the establishment of strict plans to ensure the collection of taxes and fees, the possibilities for obtaining tax deferrals and installments for paying taxes have been further reduced. This is evidenced, in particular, by reports that granting a deferral or installment plan for tax debts is an issue that is actually decided at the level of the head of the relevant tax inspectorate.

As a result, work tax authorities with companies that have tax debts, reduced to compulsory seizure - debt collection by bailiffs, and if such collection is impossible - to the introduction of bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor. AT last years in the structure of settled debts on taxes, fees, penalties and sanctions, more than 60-70% account for amounts suspended for collection in connection with the introduction of bankruptcy procedures, and another 20-30% - for amounts collected by bailiffs (see Fig. 2 ).

It should be noted that in 2017 the procedures for the enforcement of debt collection became tougher. So, in the reporting of the Federal Tax Service it is indicated that in bankruptcy procedures the work of the department is aimed at challenging the property transactions of the debtor, as well as bringing to justice “controlling and affiliated persons”. Thus, the problems of paying off the accumulated tax debt are transferred to other organizations or individuals associated with the debtor organization.

Tax debt becomes a problem not only for the debtors themselves

In this situation, the organization that allowed the appearance of tax debt has high risks get into a "vicious circle" that does not allow her to restore her financial position. Thus, for organizations with tax debts, access to borrowed funds already inaccessible to companies. The presence of tax debt closes the possibility of participation in competitions and auctions held at the state and municipal levels. In addition, the current practice of tax administration encourages organizations to refuse to work with counterparties that have tax debts. For example, the expenses of a company for the purchase of products from a counterparty with a tax debt can be recognized as “unreasonable”, which will entail an increase in income tax, the impossibility of deducting a part of VAT, etc. As a result, debtor companies have practically no opportunity to repay tax debt by increasing its business activity.

At the same time, the problem of tax debts of companies affects not only the debtors themselves. For companies that do not have tax debts, it is increasingly necessary to check counterparties for debts. In addition, the choice of a partner on the principle of no debt to the budget in some cases may mean a suboptimal choice of supplier (with higher prices compared to the organization that allowed the debt to arise). In a number of cases, the refusal to cooperate with companies that have tax debts leads to a distortion of the competitive situation in the market (including within the framework of open tenders and tenders that allow only companies without debts to the budget to participate). Moreover, limited business opportunities for indebted companies encourage them to move into the shadow economy. The negative consequences of this are reflected in budget system, which is deprived of part of the new tax revenues and must bear additional costs to ensure the forced withdrawal of debt, and on companies that do not have tax debts, which are forced to enter into price competition with representatives of the shadow sector.

Areas of work with tax debt

The tasks of business development require a revision of the existing approach to working with tax debts.

First of all, it is necessary to simplify and expand the practice of using tools aimed at the gradual repayment of tax debts of organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals, such as restructuring tax debts, providing a deferral or installment plan for repaying debts, providing investment tax credit. Changes to these mechanisms should be aimed at ensuring that taxpayers are able to apply them quickly, without being subject to restrictions on doing business.

Along with this, it is necessary to continue work on writing off part of the tax debt planned for 2018, extending it not only to individuals, but also to organizations. AT current situation writing off part of the tax debt of organizations that conscientiously fulfilled their tax obligations in favorable macroeconomic conditions, but failed to fulfill them during the crisis period, will have a positive impact on the competitive situation in many markets and will be one of the business support factors.

At the same time, in order to avoid incentives for unscrupulous taxpayers, as well as a “disincentive effect” for companies that do not have tax debts, it is necessary to establish clear criteria for both types of debt and taxpayers who may qualify for partial or full debt cancellation. For categories and types of debt determined in this way, it is necessary to ensure “automatic” write-off (including both the unsettled debt on taxes and fees, and on penalties and tax sanctions), as well as “automatic” termination of enforcement procedures and competitive procedures related to the collection of such debt. It is also necessary to study the issue of creating a “favoured treatment” for companies that do not have tax debts. Such a regime, in particular, may include the possibility of applying a declarative VAT refund procedure for organizations with a different volume of operations, simplification of obtaining tax deferrals, installment plans and an investment tax credit, reducing fines for companies depending on the amount of taxes and contributions they previously paid, etc. .

In addition, it is necessary to ensure regular open publication of data reflecting the structure of the tax debt of organizations, individuals and individual entrepreneurs by the timing of the occurrence of this debt, as well as data on its accumulation and repayment in the context of the main types of taxes, fees, insurance premiums. Open access to such data will allow independent evaluation which organizations will receive the greatest incentives for development if their tax debts are written off, and what contribution this will make to the development of companies, the economy of regions and the country as a whole.