Job site with a view. What should be considered when buying land? Proper zoning of the territory of the suburban area


Several previous generations of owners of private houses were forced to consider the backyard territory as the main source of food and winter supplies. This utilitarian approach explained appearance plot arranged according to the principle of exemplary collective farming. Where most of the time was spent in labor, a playground near the barbecue and a children's swing on a tree branch were considered a place of rest.

Later, the cultivation of vegetables and berries on an industrial scale lost its meaning. The desire to ennoble the land around the house came to the fore, to make the site a place where you want to relax and enjoy the environment that pleases the eye. Landscaping of the site will help to carry out redevelopment (if the site is many years old) or offer an original version of the newly acquired land allotment, taking into account the characteristics of the landscape and your wishes.

Harmony and beauty of landscape design

What is landscape design of a site; task and purpose of the project

The task of landscape design is to create a comfortable living area that best suits the tastes and lifestyle of the owners. Landscaping will help rationally transform the territory of the site, correctly distribute the zones of buildings, recreation and green areas.

To create a harmonious landscape design, you need not only excellent taste, but also special knowledge, supported by experience. The work begins with the definition of the style concept of the landscape. In order for the design project of the site to be of high quality, and therefore optimally using cash, forces, materials and time, the features of the territory are carefully studied.

The landscaping design of the site is the result of a complex multi-stage work; it can give a visual representation of the final form of the homestead territory.

Important characteristics of the site

The physical characteristics of the site may affect the final appearance of the project. In addition to the area and features of the relief, they include:

    geological, hydrogeological, seismological features;

    the presence of engineering communications and the distance to them;

    roads and access roads;

    protection of the territory.

The landscape project takes into account the features of the terrain

Design stages and components of a landscape project of a land plot

Before the territory surrounding the house will please the eyes of the owners, the design of the site is embodied on paper. It includes an obligatory part - a package project documentation, fixing the quality of the work, and an individual part, depending on the site being equipped. While working on the project, the organization is guided by the existing set of rules for design and construction (SP 11-106-97 and SNiP 30-02-97).

Design suburban area includes several stages.

Stage 1. Owner's request

The owner of the site, who decided to equip the territory competently and stylishly, contacts a company that provides landscape design services. This can be done both by phone and via e-mail, website or by visiting the office. Staff will provide information on the composition of the project and the estimated cost of various options. As a rule, this consultation is free. At this stage, an order for landscape design is being issued.

Stage 2. Pre-design work, topographic survey

After the order is received, experts study the geographical characteristics of the estate and the surrounding area. During the first trip, measurements of the site and detailed photography are carried out, the features of the relief are studied.

A comfortable seating area is an important part of a landscape project

A landscape architect is interested in many parameters:

    The area adjacent to the site. This includes nearby green areas (woodlands and plantations), access roads, engineering Communication, reservoirs.

    Potential sources of noise ( Railway, motorway).

    The territory of the site. This is the composition of the soil, the depth of groundwater, trees and other vegetation, the wind rose.

    The buildings. The architectural style of buildings, the location of windows and doors are taken into account.

Wind rose - a graphic designation of the directions of the prevailing or prevailing winds. Shows where the air masses most often flow into the area.

Stage 3. Pre-project analysis

Based on the practically obtained data, a pre-project analysis is carried out:

    Planting analysis. If there are trees and shrubs on the site, their condition is determined.

    Illumination analysis. Helps to identify the general light regime, shady and sunny areas of the estate.

    Definition of no-landing zones. They are affected by hidden engineering communications (water supply, gas, communication cable or power cable).

The topographic plan and its analysis will form the basis for sketching. At this point, the owner enters into an agreement with the contractor.

Fragment of a landscape project

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer a landscape design service. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Stage 4. Draft design

The definition of the future design takes place in cooperation between the landscape architect and the customer. The specialist, having found out the wishes of the owner and taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape, determines the most attractive places, organizing the structure of the territory in this way. Several sketch plans and site design sketches are made with various style concepts. Before the final sketch, the customer's preferences are specified:

    Garden style, including a selection of trees, herbs, flowers, and decoration details.

    Distribution of functional zones.

    Possibility of future changes (adding a garage or a bathhouse).

    The need for lighting and watering the site.

The final sketch includes 2 types of documents:

    Functional zoning plan. Shows the location of the recreation area, barbecue area, children's (play) and garden areas.

Video description

3D visualization of a denlroplan plot (10 acres) on video:

Concept plan. Describes the idea of ​​the project, often accompanied by a 3D presentation that allows you to see the future landscape and take a virtual walk through the garden.

General plan - the final document of the landscape project

Stage 5. Master plan

Based on the selected and approved sketch, a master plan for landscaping and landscaping of the site is developed, which contains:

    Dendrological plan (includes an assortment list), which lists the plants planned for planting. The size of adult plants is indicated to eliminate problems with the illumination of the site.

    Landscaping plan (centering and landing). It is built on a scale with an indication of the buildings and fences to which the binding is carried out.

    Improvement plan (layout drawing). The form of zones, garden areas and paths is being specified; their type of paving. The scheme of buildings and paving systems are indicated (on a scale of 1:100 or 1:200) with all sizes.

    Vertical layout plan. It is necessary if the site is located on an uneven surface (on a slope). The scheme is taken as the basis for the implementation earthworks(for example, when arranging terraces); it shows the height difference.

    Lighting scheme. Lanterns along the paths and a comfortably lit gazebo are not only beautiful, but also practical in the dark.

Garden lighting is an important landscape element

    Automatic irrigation project. Proper installation of sprinklers is painstaking work that makes the project more expensive. But in many cases, watering is necessary to maintain the garden.

    Preliminary estimate for labor and materials.

    Explanatory note to the project.

In general, the development of the concept of a design project and a working landscape project takes 30-45 working days.

Designers' prices range from 4-5 thousand rubles. / weave (economy option) up to 18-30 thousand rubles. / weave. The cost of the company's project can start from 150 thousand rubles. (for a plot of 15-50 acres) and from 250-380 thousand rubles. (for a plot of 50-100 acres).

The main areas of the suburban area

The main functional areas include:

    Parterre area. The area in front of the main facade or entrance.

    General recreation area. It includes open lawns and lawns, playgrounds, gazebos where the whole family can gather.

    Mini recreation area. Small, hidden from prying eyes spaces with garden furniture.

    Game Zone. Suitable for the little ones.

Cozy play area for the little ones

    Sports zone. It can contain both a playground (tennis court) and exercise equipment hidden under a canopy. Some objects (for example, a swimming pool) can change their purpose, turning into an original place for receiving guests.

    Garden area. This includes not only fruit trees and garden beds, but also greenhouses and a greenhouse.

    Natural zone. A plot that imitates a fragment of a forest or meadow, often with a pond.

    Economic zone.

Proper zoning of the territory of the suburban area

In order to correctly distribute the territory of the site and make each zone comfortable and functional, the landscape architect should proceed from the wishes of the owners.

The use factor is taken as the basis for zoning. If it is planned to grow horticultural crops, then 80-85% of the usable area is allocated for the economic and garden zones. If the estate becomes predominantly a place where the owners plan to regularly receive guests, then 20-25% of the plot area is allocated for the arrangement of a comfortable recreation area.

A place where it is pleasant to gather with the whole family and receive guests

The site design project includes landscaping and landscaping details that will help emphasize the beauty and dignity of each zone:

    hedges, lawns, decorative solutions from flowers and shrubs, flower beds;

    ponds, fountains and streams;

    decorative hedges, garden stairs and retaining walls (especially in areas with difficult terrain), a fireplace.

Small architectural forms (MAFs) are considered a spectacular addition:

    park sculpture;

    gazebos, awnings and trellises;

    decorative bridges and walls;

    landscape gardening furniture;

    lamps and lanterns.

Analysis of existing styles in the organization of parks and gardens in home gardens

Traditionally, all styles in landscape design can be attributed to one of the directions - regular or landscape.

Majestic harmony of English landscape design

The homeland of the landscape style is England, although Japanese gardens also belong to it, for example. The landscape style allows you to plan the placement of plants along smooth, close to natural lines. You can play with combinations of shape, color and size of flowers and leaves, and symmetry is not welcome. The style welcomes some mixing of zones. An original effect can be achieved by planting vegetables and herbs among fruit trees, and berries and medicinal plants on the front lawn. Thus, no area is allocated for the garden, which is important for small plots.

Regular (geometric) planning originated in France, about three centuries ago. It relies on the functional zoning of the infield; such a compositional solution is still in demand. To organize the landscape of the site in a regular style, you must follow some principles:

    a site with a flat relief is desirable;

    geometric shapes are preferred - axial layout and symmetry;

    paths - straight, paved with gravel or natural stone;

    symmetrical accents (fountain, sculptures, plants).

Planning options for summer cottages

Consider different examples landscape design according to styles.

Fragment of landscape design of a summer cottage for 6 acres

The modest backyard has several zones

Landscape garden on a personal plot (15 acres)

Variant of landscape solution taking into account local conditions


Intuitively, each owner understands how he wants to see his personal plot. Of course, the location of the recreation area and beds can be planned independently, without spending money on a landscape design project. But few of the owners know the features of the terrain, soil and groundwater, understand the intricacies of irrigation and drainage. Without taking into account small details, after a couple of seasons, you can get a ruined garden and paths covered with mineral sediment.

Experienced specialists will help to improve the suburban area, make the area surrounding the house a favorite place for living and recreation. The result of such a robot will delight households for many years.

The organization of comfortable housing for living on acquired land necessarily consists of many stages. One of the basic among those, of course, is the planning of the land. At this stage, the citizen developer will have to plan and "break" the land into separate parts, connecting not only some knowledge, but also his own imagination.

In today's material, we will consider the main nuances of planning a land plot and the general essence of such a procedure.

How to properly plan a plot for IZHS? Photo No. 1

Planning a land plot is a set of measures aimed at the competent and convenient formation of a general concept for the land. That is, the layout is a diagram that reflects the boundaries of the site and the location of potential buildings on it, non-capital construction projects, areas for planting with bushes, trees or lawns, as well as paths, driveways and other elements necessary for land owners.

The main thing in the planning of the available land is the rational and competent placement of the previously indicated objects on it.

The organization of the planning process always begins with an assessment of the existing site and the locality in which it is located. In particular, the following parameters must be defined:

  • the locality where the site is located;
  • the area of ​​available land;
  • soil type;
  • availability of groundwater;
  • illumination level;
  • prevailing winds;
  • relief and shape of the site;
  • seismic picture of the area;
  • soil freezing depth.

These parameters, in their entirety, will make it possible to determine what kind of building plan can be erected on the territory of the site, how multi-storey they can be, whether it is worth planting the land with decorative trees, whether they will take root and the possibility of realizing other desires of the owners of the territory, which they translate into reality when planning .

Which planning style to choose? Photo #2

Also, the parameters identified during the assessment of the site have a considerable influence on the planning style, which can be:

  • Geometric - a layout that is distinguished by the severity and symmetry of forms. Great for planning plots with a flat relief and good (mainly black earth), since when using the geometric style of planning, it is convenient to organize the cultivation of crops on the site.
  • Landscape - layout, characterized by confusion and arbitrariness of forms. That is, for a landscape style of planning, you can choose a site with any form of relief (mountainous, flat, etc.), since it does not require strictness and symmetry of forms. As a rule, this type of planning is used to create plots aimed at relaxing with the whole family, because winding paths and chaotic vegetation, for example, call into question the cultivation of crops on the ground.
  • Mixed - a layout that is a symbiosis of the styles described above. When choosing this style of planning, there are no restrictions and rules in the formation of the site, since everything depends on the planner himself, his tastes, preferences and desires.

An important stage in the planning of any land is the zoning procedure. Simply speaking, this process represents the definition on the planned site of separate zones for the construction of housing, gardening, recreation and other needs of the owner of the site.

Zoning is very important in planning, because it depends on the literacy of its implementation how costly and successful the formation of the site will be. That is, it would be irrational to have a bath at one end of the site, and a house at the other, because the delivery of water to the bath complex will become difficult or expensive to implement. Or, for example, putting a recreation area and an area for keeping conditional pigs next to each other is also wrong, since leisure is leisure, and raising animals is raising animals.

In addition, at the zoning stage, do not forget to take into account the results of the assessment of the site, because, for example, building a house over a zone of groundwater flow is not so correct, as it is dangerous and sooner or later, under the influx of such, the foundation may fail.

Drawing up a plan-scheme of the land plot. Photo #3

Once the site has been assessed, the planning style selected, and the zoning process completed, all that remains is to map out the land. To do this, immediately determine the scale, for example, 1 square centimeter of a sheet per 1 square meter of land, and only then start putting your ideas on paper.

In fact, drawing up a site plan is the main stage of the entire layout, since this paper will contain the location:

  • houses, entrances and exits from it;
  • auxiliary buildings: a bathhouse, a barn, and the like;
  • a fence that forms the frame of the site;
  • paths and races for cars;
  • children's and sports grounds;
  • engineering communications plan;
  • plant compositions and site decor elements;
  • orientation of the territory in space;
  • other components of the layout that the owners of the site wish to display.

Having drawn up such a plan with your own hand, it should be taken to an organization authorized to draw up the general plan of the site, without which, by the way, it will not be possible to obtain the same building permit.

Fundamentals of land plot planning. Photo number 4

Now that general principles site planning is more or less clear to every reader of this article, let's look at some recommendations for the entire procedure. In general, their list is as follows:

  1. If the area of ​​​​the site is large enough, it is rectangular, then there are two options for the location of the house: the first - housing is located in the very center of the site, in which case the emphasis is on the remoteness of the house from prying eyes and creating a cozy atmosphere in it; the second - is located close to the "street", most of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site is given to the creation of a vegetable garden, garden or recreation area, in which case it will not work to organize comfort in the house, but it is quite possible to use most of the land for any purpose.
  2. If the site is narrowed and its area is small, then the house should be located closer to the side of the territory and in its narrowest place. Such an approach in planning will visually increase the area of ​​​​the site and allow the most rational use of its territory for other purposes.
  3. It is desirable to either terrace or compare the slope or mountains on the terrain of the site, or compare it to the same level with the rest of the land. Otherwise, it is better to place the house on the highest part of the territory.
  4. Trees, shrubs and other vegetation can be planted according to your wishes and form them into natural protection from the sun in the summer. The main thing when planting vegetation is not to plant it closer than 5 meters to buildings, especially to a house, because the roots and branches of such can adversely affect objects.
  5. If you want to equip a garden, garden or flower garden, be sure to place them on the sunny side, otherwise there will be no point in them.
  6. Before building, determine the sunny and shaded sides of the site in order to properly equip it. In places of constant shade, as a rule, recreation areas, garages, houses are organized, and in sunny places - the previously mentioned gardens, gardens and similar objects.
  7. If areas for a playground were allocated in the planning of the territory, then the windows of the house and the terrace must necessarily go to it, as this will help to always keep an eye on the children.
  8. And most importantly - in the planning process, do not forget to take into account sanitary and fire safety standards for the location of buildings and the distances between them. You can learn more about these from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire service at your place of residence.

The nuances of planning, taking into account the shape of the site

How to take into account the flaws in the shape of the land? Photo number 5

Since there is no single form of planned areas, there are a lot of options for their zoning. In order to simplify the task in this matter for our readers, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the principles of planning the 4 main types of plots in form.

  • An elongated section or, more simply, a narrow one. On such land, it is better to refuse to place it in the center, and build it either in the narrowest part of the territory, or in one of the quarters of the site, as it were, on the side, in the corner. On an elongated site, it is better to abandon the organization of large gardens or complexes for keeping living creatures, it is desirable to give preference to careful zoning through the use of hedges (for example, grapes) or individual shrubs, tree plantations. It is not worth cluttering up a narrow version of the site with fences on its territory. In the corners of such territories, it will not be superfluous to plant a large tree.
  • Triangular area. It is not entirely easy to plan such a site, however, knowing the basic principle of planning for it, the procedure will not cause any special problems. The essence of this principle lies in the fact that on a triangular plot the house must be located in its center, and auxiliary facilities and recreation areas should be built around it. The main thing in such territories is competent zoning, which depends on the area of ​​​​the existing site. It is not necessary to set up a huge number of objects on the "triangular land", always leave free space for other zones.
  • L-shaped area. The process of planning such lands is very similar to the planning of narrow plots. The main difference is that at the top of the letter "G" it is desirable to place a secluded recreation area and carefully hide it from prying eyes, and the rest of the zoning is carried out exclusively in creative mode.
  • Plot on a slope. Again, the essence of planning is similar to narrow ones, but there is a slope here. What to do with it? There are two options:

1. Divide it into horizontal terraces of the same dimension, each of which will organize a separate zone. This zoning technique is used, as a rule, in areas with a large slope.

2. Level the slope or a separate part of it for building. Accordingly, a similar zoning technique is used in areas with a slight slope.

If the site is not narrow, then the house should be placed in the center, otherwise - in the corner. The remaining zones are planned based on individual preferences and the previously described norms of this procedure.

Summarizing today's article, we present you 3 "golden" tips for planning the site from masters in the field of landscape design. As the latter say, adhering to these, it will be extremely simple to plan the site correctly and, most importantly, successfully for yourself.

What is it about?

  • Tip number 1. Never forget that planning is a creative process, during which you should listen only to yourself and take into account only your wishes from the use of the planned territory. That is, if it is profitable for you to place a house on a narrow plot in its center, do just that. The provisions presented earlier are not mandatory, but are applied very often.
  • Tip #2: When planning land, don't try to put all the zones you want on it if you have to sacrifice land. The golden rule of planning is to make everything harmonious and convenient. Agree if each square meter there will be some object, will it be convenient for you to walk around such a site? Of course not.
  • Tip number 3. Approach the layout thoroughly and with due responsibility. When planning your site, remember that if paths, pools or recreation areas can be moved to another place over time, then a house cannot. Therefore, it is better to plan longer, but do it competently than to rush and, accordingly, not to make people laugh, but to ruin your life.

For today, perhaps, the information on the topic has come to an end. We hope that the above material was useful to you. Good luck with your planning!


You bought a plot of land and decided to build a country house on it, plant a flower garden and a garden, plant beds, equip a playground and a small pond. And where to start, do not know. In order for a clear picture to appear in your head, you first need to draw up a clear and detailed plan for future actions to improve the land. The development of a plot of land, as well as the preparation of a land plan, will be based on the characteristics of the site itself. The land must be carefully examined and all natural components available on it should be taken into account to determine the scope and duration of work.

Improvement of the land plot must begin with the preparation of a detailed plan of the site.

For example, on the site there is a swampy area of ​​​​small size, stumps from cut down trees and low weeds, several hills. Therefore, the initial task will be to get rid of debris, weeds, stumps and level the site. You also need to decide what you will do with the swamp: drain it completely, creating an additional fertile landing area, or create a relaxation and recreation area with a small pond in its place. After the scope of the upcoming work has been analyzed, it's time to move on to thinking about what means and resources you have to translate your plans into reality.

Geodetic works are the measurement and determination of the boundaries of the site, the preparation of a topographic map and the study of the soil.

If you do not have a lot of free time, it is better to contact a specialized construction organization that performs all types of earthworks. Anyone who has developed land at least once in their life knows how laborious it is, requiring the involvement of specialized equipment: tractors, bulldozers, dump trucks. Of course, having the strength, desire and means, you can develop a garden plot on your own, or you can attract specialists. Which option to choose is up to you.

Call a surveyor who will perform a planimetric measurement of the site. Before that, you need to draw up a graphic plan for building and improving the land, in accordance with which the marking will be carried out. Having a geodetic document in hand, you can proceed to the planning of the land. With pegs (or pieces of pipes), mark the place for digging the pit, where the garden house (buildings) will be located, and make other markings. Consider a place for unloading building materials (brick, foam blocks, sand, crushed stone and others).

A landscape design project gives an idea of ​​how the site will look after the completion of landscaping and landscaping.

Maybe it makes sense to put up a fence from the start. Considering that special equipment will drive into the site, for a start, you can equip a temporary fence. And proceed to the construction of a capital fence at the end of earthen and construction works. For warehousing and storage of construction tools and materials, you need to purchase an inexpensive but durable metal garage, which you can get rid of in a year or two. Or is it better to build a wooden shed that you included in your plan?

And where will you place the workers who developed the site during the day and stayed overnight? It is not superfluous for them to equip a temporary change house. Taking into account the prospects and saving money, a temporary hut can be built from a log house brought in, from which you will later build a bathhouse. In order for the garden plot to have an attractive appearance and be convenient in all respects, a proper landscape plan should be developed.

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Drawing up a land plan

Taking into account rationality, divide the entire garden plot into several interconnected sections: the central part (a group of structures, including a country house and a central entrance), a zone of household buildings, a recreation area, a garden area and other parts. All zones must be separated from each other by a line of lanterns, a chain of shrubs, flower beds and other elements. It is very important to have a vision of the whole picture of the future site, which guarantees the ability to form the final plan of the site layout in the end.

When planning a zonal division, you also need to think over and not disregard every detail and the smallest details: the shape and location of flower beds, the number of ornamental and fruit trees, the material from which it is planned to pave garden paths, even some decorative elements (benches, vases).

Central part (garden house and outbuildings).

It makes sense to place all buildings on the north side to protect the site from the winds.

The garden area is best located on the sunny side of the site.

And the windows in them should be located to the northeast and southwest. The house is usually positioned so that the facade faces the street. And in front of the facade of the house they make a front garden and plant flowers. Do not forget about the observance of firefighters and sanitary norms. Try to arrange all buildings as compactly as possible so as not to deprive other zones of the area.

Choose a place for a garden-garden on the south side. The tallest plants are planted behind the shorter ones in a south-north direction. It is necessary to ensure that shading of low-growing plants does not occur. The garden area may not be clearly fenced off. Plant fruit-bearing crops, taking into account the taste preferences of all members of your family. Do not forget about the paths and the irrigation system. It is more expedient to adjoin this zone to the recreation area, which will allow you to treat the household with freshly picked vegetables and fruits.

Rest zone.

The recreation area can incorporate your wildest desires and dreams. The highlight of this part can be a decorative gazebo, which will protect both from rain and from the scorching sun. You can decorate it with climbing plants (hops, grapes). Here you can place a pool, a man-made pond, plant fruit and berry plants and lay out a lawn and flower beds.

If the land plot is small (the notorious 6 acres), then it is important to think about relationships with neighbors and coordinating your land plan with them. After all, not all neighbors will be indifferent to the fact that your cesspool is located next to their recreation area, or will put up with the fact that you have placed your gazebo next to their bath. This is the peculiarity and importance of planning the development of a plot of land for summer cottage construction. Therefore, planning should not be neglected.

Topic 1. Real estate objects

  1. Determine the unique characteristics of the property: a land plot on agricultural land, permitted use - personal subsidiary plot, cadastral number 66:01:6426523:63, land - arable land, owned and with an area of ​​6526 m 2.
  2. Identify the unique characteristics of the property: residential two-story brick house, with an area of ​​554 m 2 , located on a land plot with cadastral number 66:02:6466366:52 and an area of ​​56256 m 2 .
  3. Determine the unique characteristics of the property: premises located in a non-residential three-story concrete non-residential building with cadastral number 66:03:6561126:15, with an area of ​​762 m 2 .

Topic 2. Cadastral division

  1. Assign a cadastral number to a land plot with serial number 19 in the cadastral quarter with the number 1513235, located on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in the Alapaevsky district (cadastral district number - 01).
  2. Assign a cadastral number to a single land use (SHP Prigorodnoye, Artemovsky district, Sverdlovsk region). The land use number in the cadastral quarter is 22, the number of the cadastral region is 02.

Topic 3. Cadastral activity

  1. Can the owner of an apartment submit an application to the registration chamber if the cadastral passport of this apartment was received two years ago. Justify the answer.
  2. Specify the steps to certify the ownership of the land owner who has a cadastral passport for this land, received seven years ago.
  3. After what period individual can apply for a certificate of cadastral engineer if this certificate is canceled by a court decision.
  4. After what period can an individual apply for a cadastral engineer certificate if this certificate is canceled due to the submission of a fake document of education to the qualification commission.
  5. Will the qualification commission consider the issue of canceling the certificate of a cadastral engineer, if during the reporting period, out of 150 completed boundary plans, 10 refusals to conduct state cadastral registration related to such boundary plans were received.
  6. Will the qualification commission consider the issue of canceling the certificate of a cadastral engineer, if for three years out of 500 completed boundary plans, the cadastral registration authority has made 7 decisions on the need to eliminate cadastral errors in information related to an error made by a cadastral engineer when determining the location of boundaries land plots.
  7. Three cadastral engineers work in the cadastral organization Kadastr LLC, one of which works on the basis of employment contract, and two cadastral engineers - on the basis of a contract. Does this organization have the right to engage in cadastral activities.
  8. From the land plot with the cadastral number 66:15:0000000:19, three land plots were formed for the purposes of conducting personal subsidiary plots. Determine the type of cadastral works. Give a description of the location and fate of the original and formed land.
  9. When carrying out cadastral work on the unification of two land plots belonging to one person, one of the land plots belongs to this person by the right of ownership, and the second - by the right of life-long inheritable possession. Justify the decision of the cadastral registration authority, in case of submission of a boundary plan for the formation of such plots for their state cadastral registration.
  10. Determine the type of cadastral work when establishing a private easement in relation to a land plot.
  11. Determine the type of cadastral work in the formation of three land plots from two initial ones.
  12. How many boundary plans need to be drawn up if the formation of land plots is accompanied by cadastral work to clarify the location of the boundary of the original (changed) land plot.
  13. How many boundary plans need to be drawn up if two land plots are formed at the same time, and each has one part of the land plot.
  14. When carrying out cadastral work to clarify the location and area of ​​the land plot, its specified area was 25782m 2, and according to title documents - 23000m 2. Justify the decision of the cadastral registration authority, in case of submission of a boundary plan for the formation of such a land plot for its state cadastral registration.
  15. Determine the procedure for conducting state cadastral registration in relation to a vegetable kiosk located on a land plot owned by a municipality. Justify the decision of the cadastral registration authority.
  16. When dividing a land plot with an area of ​​25156m 2, it is planned to form three land plots, two of which will belong to one person, and the third - to another person. Justify the decision of the cadastral registration authority, in case of submission of a boundary plan for the formation of such land plots for their state cadastral registration. Minimum size land plots is 8500 m 2 , and the maximum size is 50000 m 2 .
  17. When redistributing two land plots with an area of ​​6462m 2 and 6522m 2 respectively, it is planned to form three land plots. Justify the decision of the cadastral registration authority, in case of submission of a boundary plan for the formation of such land plots for their state cadastral registration. The minimum size of land plots is 4500 m2 and the maximum size is 10000 m2.
  18. Determine the procedure for the cadastral registration authority that discovered an arithmetic error in determining the cadastral value of a land plot, which led to a discrepancy between the information entered in the state real estate cadastre and the information in the documents on the basis of which information was entered into the state real estate cadastre

Topic 3. Cadastral valuation of land

  1. Determine the cadastral value of an agricultural land plot with an area of ​​25145 m 2, if it is known that the differential rental income per hectare is 12545 rubles, the absolute rental income is 12 rubles. The capitalization period is 33 years.
  2. Determine the cadastral value of the land plot in the settlement (permitted use - individual housing construction) with an area of ​​645m 2 according to the statistical model y \u003d 258.3-2.36x 1 -0.015x 2 +65.3x 3; y - specific indicator of the cadastral value, x 1 - distance from the bus stop (1.8 km); x 2 - distance from the center of the settlement (5.8 km); x 3 - distance from industrial productions(2.5 km).

Criteria for evaluation:

The grade "passed" is given to the student for a motivated correct answer on a situational task;

The mark "not passed" is given to the student for an incorrect or incomplete answer on a situational task;