Mortar grades by mobility




1 DEVELOPED by the State Central Research and Design Institute of Complex Problems of Building Structures and Structures named after. V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko)

INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) November 12, 1998

State name

Name of the public administration body for construction

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee on Housing and Construction Policy under the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Inspectorate for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova

The Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

Goskomarchitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan


4 INTRODUCED from July 1, 1999 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 29, 1998 No. 30

Interstate standard

Introduction date 1999-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to mortars based on mineral binders used for masonry and installation of building structures during the construction of buildings and structures, fastening of facing products, plaster.

The standard does not apply to special mortars (heat-resistant, chemically resistant, fire-resistant, heat and waterproofing, grouting, decorative, straining, etc.).

The requirements set out in 4.3-4.13, 4.14.2-4.14.14, sections 5-7, appendices C and D of this standard are mandatory.

2 Normative references

The normative documents used in this standard are given in Appendix A.

3 Classification

3.1 Mortars are classified according to:

main purpose;

The binder used;

Medium density.

3.1.1 According to the main purpose, solutions are divided into:

Masonry (including for installation work);



3.1.2 According to the binder used, the solutions are divided into:

Simple (on a binder of one type);

Complex (on mixed binders).

3.1.3 According to the average density, the solutions are divided into:


- lungs.

3.2 The reference designation of the mortar when ordering should consist of an abbreviated designation indicating the degree of readiness (for dry mortar mixes), purpose, type of binder used, grades for strength and mobility, average density (for light mortars) and the designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a heavy mortar, ready-to-use, masonry, on a lime-gypsum binder, strength grade M100, mobility-P to 2:

Masonry mortar, lime-gypsum, M100, P to 2, GOST 28013-98.

For a dry mortar mix, light, plaster, cement binder, strength grade M50 and mobility-P to 3, medium density D900:

Mix dry mortar plaster, cement, M50, P to 3, D900, GOST 28013-98.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents can be distributed without any restrictions. You can post information from this site on any other site.



GOST 28013-89




Introduction date 01.07.89

This standard applies to building mortars used for masonry, installation of building structures, facing and plastering works in various operating conditions.

This standard does not apply to heat-resistant, chemically resistant and straining mortars.

The standard establishes technical requirements for building mortars and materials for their preparation, as well as rules for the acceptance and control of mortar quality indicators and transportation rules.


1.1. Mortars () must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Building mortars are divided according to the type of binder into simple ones using one type of binder (cement, lime, gypsum and others) and complex using mixed binders (cement-lime, lime-ash, lime-gypsum, etc.).

1.3. Characteristics of mortar mixtures

1.3.1. The main indicators of the quality of the mortar mixture () are:


water holding capacity;


average density.

1.3.2. Depending on the mobility, mortar mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with.

1.3.3. The water-holding capacity of a freshly prepared mortar mixture, determined in laboratory conditions, must be at least:

90% - for mortar mixtures prepared in winter conditions;

95% - for mortar mixtures prepared in summer conditions.

The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture, determined at the place of work, must be at least 75% of the water-holding capacity established in the laboratory.

1.3.4. The stratification of a freshly prepared mortar mixture should be no more than 10%.

1.3.5. The deviation of the average density of the mortar mixture upwards is allowed no more than 10% of the one established by the project. When using air-entraining additives, the decrease in density should not exceed 6%.

1.3.6. The compositions of mortar mixtures should be selected in such a way as to ensure the production of mortar mixtures with desired properties at the lowest binder consumption.

1.3.7. It is forbidden to add water (with or without cement) to the set mortar mixtures, including in heated hot water, frozen mixtures during the production of works in winter conditions.

1.3.8. Dry mortar mixtures () manufactured at the factory must be with a moisture content of not more than 0.1% by weight.

1.3.9. In dry gypsum plaster mixtures (OGSHS), it is necessary to introduce complex additives, given in, to slow down the setting time and plasticization of the mortar mixture.

1.3.10. When preparing mortar mixtures, dosing of binders and aggregates should be done by weight, and water and additives in liquid form - by weight or volume and adjusted when the properties that make up the mortar mixture of materials change. Porous aggregates are allowed to be dosed by volume with correction by weight. Dosing error should not exceed:

± 2% - for binders, water, dry additives, working solution of liquid additives;

± 2.5% - for aggregate.

Dosing devices must meet the requirements of GOST 10223. The temperature of the solutions used in the winter must be at least 5 ° C. Water for mixing solutions should have a temperature of no more than 80 ° FROM.

1.3.11. Mortar mixtures should be prepared in mixers of a cyclic or continuous type, gravity or forced action.

1.4. Solution characteristics

1.4.1. The main indicators of the quality of the solution () are:

compressive strength;

frost resistance;

average density.

1.4.2. Depending on the operating conditions of the structure of buildings and structures, it is allowed to establish additional requirements for mortar quality indicators provided for by the GOST 4.233 nomenclature.

1.4.3. The strength of the solution is characterized by grades for axial compressive strength at the age of 28 days. The strength grade of the solution for axial compression is assigned and controlled in all cases.

For the solution, the following grades for compressive strength are established: M4; M10; M25; M50; M75; M100; M150; M200.

1.4.4. For a solution subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, in a moist state in the structures of buildings and structures, frost resistance grades are assigned and controlled: F10; F15; F25; F 35; F50; F75; F 100.

Solutions must meet the requirements for frost resistance established by the standard.

1.4.5. According to the average density, the solutions are divided into:

heavy (with an average density of 1500 kg / m 3 or more);

light (with an average density of less than 1500 kg / m 3).

The normalized value of the average density of the solutions is set by the consumer in accordance with the work project. The deviation of the average density of the solution is allowed no more than 10% of the one established by the project.

1.5. Requirements for materials for preparation mortars

1.5.1. Materials used for the preparation of mortar mixtures must meet the technical requirements of this standard and comply with the requirements of standards or specifications for these materials.

1.5.2. Cement for the preparation of mortar mixtures must meet the requirements of GOST 25328 or GOST 10178, lime - GOST 9179, gypsum - GOST 125, sand - GOST 8736, sand from slags of thermal power plants - GOST 26644, fly ash - GOST 25818, hydraulic ash - TU 34 -31-16502, water for mixing mortar mixtures and preparing additives - GOST 23732, blast-furnace slag - GOST 3476.

1.5.3. Depending on the type and purpose of mortars, various types of aggregates should be used.

1.5.4. The moisture content of the aggregates and the temperature of the mixture (if necessary) are determined during the selection and adjustment of the composition.

1.5.5. As a filler in plaster mortars, sand for construction work with a fineness modulus of 1 to 2 should be used. Sand with a grain size of no more than 2.5 mm should be used in solutions for spraying and soil, and for the finishing layer - no more than 1.25 mm .

1.5.6. Sand and ash used to prepare the solution should not contain frozen clods larger than 1 cm, as well as ice. When heating sand, its temperature should not exceed 60 ° FROM.

1.5.7. For light mortars, porous expanded sands (vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, shungizite, from slag pumice, agglonirite according to GOST 19345, fly ash according to GOST 25818, ash component of ash from hydraulic removal of ash and slag mixture according to TU 34-31-16502 should be used as a filler.

1.5.8. Various aggregates can be used for decorative mortars, for example, washed quartz sands and crumbs of crushed rocks (granite, marble, ceramic, coal, plastic) with a grain size of not more than 2.5 mm.

For colored plasters used on facades, in interiors, it is allowed to use granite, glass, ceramic, coal, slate, plastic chips with a particle size of 2-5 mm.

1.5.9. For the preparation of colored cement-sand plaster mortars, colored cements should be used according to GOST 15825, natural or artificial pigments according to GOST 8135, GOST 18172, GOST 12966.

1.5.10. To obtain mobile and non-separable mortar mixtures, as well as to accelerate the growth of mortar strength, increase frost resistance, etc., various types of additives (plasticizing, air-entraining, accelerating and slowing down setting and hardening, antifreeze, etc.) and complexes on their basis in accordance with GOST 24211 and applications,.

Choice chemical additives should be made depending on the required design characteristics of the mortar mixture.

Chemical additives should not cause harmful effects during the operation of buildings (destruction of materials, corrosion of reinforcement, efflorescence, etc.).

It is allowed to use inorganic plasticizing additives in cement mortars (clay, lime, cement dust captured in the production of clinker, carbide sludge, fly ash and hydraulic ash from thermal power plants, ash and slag mixtures, sludge from treatment facilities of metallurgical industries) and organic plasticizers-microfoamers that meet the requirements of the relevant material standards. The amount of additive is determined by experimental batches in laboratories.


2.1. Mortar mixtures must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Dosing and preparation of the mortar mixture should be controlled once per shift.

2.3. Mortar mixtures are taken in batches. A batch is taken as the amount of a mortar mixture of the same composition, prepared during one shift.

2.4. The manufacturer is obliged to report the test results of control samples of the solution to the consumer at his request.

The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the quality of the mortar mixture and solution in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

2.5. The release of the mortar mixture by the manufacturer and its acceptance by the consumer is carried out by volume, and the dry mortar mixture - by weight.

2.6. Mortar mixture released into vehicle, the manufacturer must accompany with a quality document indicating:

name and address of the manufacturer;

date and time (hours, minutes) of mixture production;

brand of solution;

type of binder;

the amount of the mixture;

the mobility of the mixture;

name and quantity of additives;

designation of this standard.

In the quality document for a batch of mortar mixture on porous aggregates, it is additionally necessary to indicate the average density of the mortar in the hardened dried state.

The quality document must be signed by the manufacturer's representative responsible for technical control.

When supplying a solution in the form of a dry mixture, indicate the amount of water required to mix the mixture to the required mobility.

2.7. The mortar mixture for water-holding capacity and stratification, and the mortar for frost resistance are evaluated when selecting each composition of the mortar, and then at least once every 6 months, as well as when changing the composition of the mortar or the characteristics of the materials used.

2.8. If, when checking the quality of the mortar, it turns out that it does not meet at least one of the technical requirements of the standard, the batch of mortar is rejected.

2.9. From each batch of the mortar mixture, the laboratory of the manufacturer must take control samples to determine the mobility and average density of the mortar mixture, compressive strength and average density of the mortar according to GOST 5802.

2.10. Dosing and preparation of the mortar mixture should be controlled once per shift.


3.1. Mobility, average density, stratification, water-retaining capacity of the mortar mixture, as well as compressive strength, average density and frost resistance of the mortar are controlled according to GOST 5802.

3.2. The quality of the mortar mixture and mortar in terms of indicators specified in the technical requirements of the consumer and not specified in paragraphs. and , control by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

3.3. Mortar samples should be taken according to GOST 5802.

3.4. Dosers should be checked in accordance with GOST 8.469, GOST 8.523.

3.5. The temperature of the transported mortar mixture is measured with a technical thermometer according to GOST 2823, immersing it in the mixture to a depth of at least 5 cm.


4.1. Mortar mixtures must be delivered to the consumer in vehicles that exclude the loss of cement laitance. It is allowed to transport the mortar mixture in bunkers (buckets) on motor vehicles and railway platforms.

4.2. Dry mortar mixtures should be delivered to the consumer in cement trucks, containers or special bags: paper weighing up to 40 kg, polyethylene weighing up to 8 kg, protecting the mixture from moisture. Packed in bags, dry mixes are placed on wooden pallets, and plastic bags are placed in special containers.

Bags with dry mix should be stored in dry closed rooms at a temperature not lower than 5 ° FROM.

4.43. Delivered to construction site the mortar mixture must be unloaded into the loader-mixer. Unloading into other containers is allowed, provided that the specified properties of the mortar mixture are preserved.


5.1. The manufacturer shall ensure that the ready-to-use mortar mix, including dry mix, complies with the requirements of this standard.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of dry mortar mixtures - 6 months. from the day they were prepared.



Mortar combines the concepts of mortar mixture, dry mortar mixture, solution.

Mortar mixture - it is a mixture of binder, fine aggregate, tackifier and necessary additives, thoroughly mixed, ready for use.

Dry mortar is a mixture of dry components of a binder, aggregate and additives, dosed and mixed at the factory, mixed with water before use.

Solution- this is an artificial stone-like material, which is a hardened mixture of binder, fine aggregate, caulk and necessary additives.


Mortar grades by mobility

Mark on the mobility of the mortar mixture

Mobility norm, cm

Purpose of the mortar mixture

From 1 to 4 incl.

Vibrated rubble masonry

St. 4 to 8 incl.

Rubble masonry is ordinary, from hollow bricks and stones. Installation of walls from large blocks and panels, jointing of horizontal and vertical seams in walls from panels and blocks, facing works

St. 8 to 12 incl.

Masonry of ordinary bricks and various types of stones, plastering and facing works.

Filling voids in rubble masonry


Brand or name



Thinner C-3


Technical lignosulfonates

Molasses evaporated post-yeast stillage



TU 6-05-231-312(NF)




polyvinyl alcohol

Retarding setting

Nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic acid

Feed molasses (molasses)

TU 18-RSFSR-409


Sodium sulfate

GOST 6318, TU 38-10742


calcium nitrate

Calcium nitrite-nitrate

Calcium chloride

Calcium nitrite-nitrate-chloride


sodium nitrite

GOST 19906, TU 38-10274

Urea (urea)

Technical pentaerythritol filtrate

TU 6-05-231-332


Resin neutralized air-entraining

TU 81-05-75-74

Saponified wood resin


Plasticizing air-entraining

Soap lye

Alkaline effluent from caprolactam production

TU 18-RSFSR-780

Neutralized black contact

Saponified resin, water-soluble

Synthetic surfactant modified


Ferric chloride

aluminum sulfate

Katapin bactericide


(former GKM-94m)


Modified technical lignosulfonates recommended for mortars

Type of additives


Designation of standards and specifications

Modified technical lignosulfonates

TU OP 13-62-185

Modified red wine concentrate

TU 69-Ukrainian-71

Lignosulfonate plasticizer

TU OP 13-62-199

Technical lye lignosulfonates

TU OP 13-63-66

Additive for concretes and mortars

plasticizer concrete mix brand NIL-20

Complex organic additive for plasticizing building concretes and mortars

Calcium chromium lignosulfonates


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of the USSR


G.N. Brusentsov,cand. tech. sciences (topic leader); I.A. Spasskaya, cand. Phys.-Math. sciences; G.M. Kirpichenkov, cand. tech. sciences; E.B. Madorsky, cand. tech. sciences; S.A. Vorobiev, cand. tech. sciences; G.A. Zakharchenko, cand. tech. sciences; G.M. battery, cand. tech. sciences; M.I. Brusser, cand. tech. sciences; THEM. Drobyashchenko, cand. tech. sciences; V.R. Falikman, cand. chem. Sciences, DI. Prokofiev, M.I. Shimanskaya

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated 13.01.89 No. 7



Item number, applications

GOST 8.523-85

GOST 2823-73

GOST 6318-77

GOST 8736-85

GOST 10223-82

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

page 6

page 7

page 8

page 9

page 10

page 11

page 12

page 13

page 14



Official edition


UDC 666.971.001.4:006.354 Group G)3


BUILDING SOLUTIONS General specifications

General specifications*

Date of introduction 01.07.89

This standard applies to building mortars used for masonry, installation of building structures, facing and plastering works in various operating conditions.

This standard does not apply to heat-resistant, chemically resistant and straining mortars.

The standard establishes technical requirements for building mortars and materials for their preparation, as well as rules for the acceptance and control of mortar quality indicators and transportation rules.


1.1. Construction mortars (Appendix 1) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Building mortars are divided according to the type of binder into simple ones using one type of binder (cement, lime, gypsum and others) and complex using mixed binders (cement-lime, lime-ash, lime-gypsum, etc.).

1.3. Characteristics of mortar mixtures

1.3.1. The main indicators of the quality of the mortar mixture (Appendix 1) are:


Water holding capacity;


Brand or name



Designation of standards and specifications



Resin neutralized air-curing

TU 81-4)5-75-74


more attractive

Saponified wood resin Sulfonol

TU 13-05-02 TU 6-01-1001

Plasticizing air-entraining

Soap lye

Alkaline effluent from caprolactam production Neutralized black contact

Saponified resin, water-soluble Synthetic surfactant modified

TU 18 - RSFSR - 780 TU 13-03-488

TU 81-05-94 TU 38-30318



NZg-63 (former FES-50)


Ferric chloride Aluminum sulfate


Katapin bactericide

TU 6-01 - 1026



(b. gkm-94), 136-157m

* Used in special cases.



Modified technical alkaline sulfonates recommended for mortars

Type of additives



Designation of standards and specifications

Lingnosulfonates technical mo


TU OP 13-63-185

Concentrate red wine modification

TU 69 -Ukrainian -71

plasticizer lignosulfonate

TU OP 13-62-199

Technical liquor monosulfonates

TU 13-04-602 TU OP 13-63-66

Additive for concrete and build

flax solutions

Plasticizer concrete mix

brand NIL-20 Complex organic additive

for plasticizing building concretes and mortars Calcium chromium lignosulfonates


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of the USSR


G. N. Brusentsev, Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leader); I. A. Spasskaya, Ph.D. Phys.-Math. sciences; 1 G. M. Kirpichenkov), Ph.D. tech sciences; E. B. Madorsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. A. Vorobieva, Ph.D. tech sciences; G. A. Zakharchenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; G. M. Batarina, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M. I. Brusser, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I, M. Fraction gtsenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. R. Falikman, Ph.D. chem. Sciences, D. I. Prokofiev, M. I. Shimanskaya

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR of 13.01.89 Jfit 7



The designation of the NTD to which the link is given

Item number, applications

Item number, applications

Appendix 3

TU 6-02-995-80

TU 6-02-1171-79

Appendix 3

TU 6-03-367-79

TU S-03-704-74

TU 6-05-231-312 (NF)

Appendix 3

TU 6-05-231-332-86

TU 6-05-386-80

TU 6-05-1857-78

TU 6-14-625-80

TU 6-18-194-76

Appendix 3

TU 13-03-488-84

TU 13-04-602-81

Appendix 4

TU 13-05-02-83

Appendix 3

clause 3

TU OP 13-62-185-84

Appendix 4

TU OP 13-62-199-85

TU OP 13-63-66-82

TU 18-17/63-84

Appendix 3

TU 18 - RSFSR - 409-

Appendix 3

1.5.10, application

TU 18 - RSFSR - 780- -78

TU 34-31-16502^-87

TU 38-10274-73

Appendix 3

TU 38-10742-78

TU 38-30318-84

OST 13-183-83

Appendix 3

TU 38-101615-76

OST 13-287-85

Appendix 4

Appendix 4

OST 18-126-73

Appendix 3

TU 69 -Ukrainian SSR -71-82

TU 81-05-75-74

Appendix 3

TU 81-05-94-73

TU 84-224-76 TU 480-2 4-86

Appendix 4

TU 6-01-1001--75

5. REPUBLICATION. October 1998

Editor V.P. Ogurtsov Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Proofreader A. S. Chernousova

Ed. lead No. 021007 dated 10.08.95. Signed for publication on 10/15/98. Cond. 0.93. Uch.-izdl. 0.76. Circulation 157 copies. From 1273. Law. 304.

IPK Publishing House of Standards, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. Printed in IPK Publishing House of Standards


Average density.

1.3.2. Depending on the mobility, mortar mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with Appendix 2.

1.3.3. The water-holding capacity of a freshly prepared mortar mixture, determined in laboratory conditions, must be at least:

90% - For mortar mixtures prepared in winter conditions;

95% - the same, in summer conditions.

The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture, determined at the place of work, must be at least 75% of the water-holding capacity established in the laboratory.

1.3.4. The stratification of a freshly prepared mortar mixture should be no more than 10%.

1.3.5. The deviation of the average density of the mortar mixture towards increase is allowed no more than 10% ■ from the one established by the project. When using air-entraining additives, the reduction in density should not exceed 6%*.

1.3.6. The compositions of mortar mixtures should be selected in such a way as to ensure the production of mortar mixtures with desired properties at the lowest binder consumption.

1.3.7. It is forbidden to add water (with or without cement) to the set mortar mixtures, including to frozen mixtures warmed with hot water during work in winter conditions.

1.3.8. Dry mortar mixtures (Appendix 1), manufactured at the factory, must be with a moisture content of not more than 0.1% by weight.

1.3.9. In dry gypsum plaster mixtures (SGSHS), it is necessary to introduce complex additives given in Appendix 2 to slow down the setting time and plasticization of the mortar mixture.

1.3.10. When preparing mortar mixtures, dosing of binders and aggregates should be done by weight, and water and additives in liquid form - by weight or volume and adjusted when the properties that make up the mortar mixture of materials change. Porous aggregates are allowed to be dosed by volume with correction by weight. Dosing error should not exceed:

GOST 28013-89 S. 3

±2%■ - for binders, water, dry additives, working solution of liquid additives;

±2.5%" - for filler.

Dosing devices must meet the requirements of GOST 10223. The temperature of the solutions used in the winter should be at least 5 °C. Water for mixing solutions should have a temperature of no more than 80 ° C.

1.3.11. Mortar mixtures should be prepared in mixers of a cyclic or continuous type, gravity or forced action.

1.4. Characteristics of solutions

1.4.1. The main indicators of the quality of the solution (Appendix 1) are:

Compressive strength;

Frost resistance;

Average density.

1.4.2. Depending on the operating conditions of the structure of buildings and structures, it is allowed to establish additional requirements for mortar quality indicators provided for by the GOST 4.233 nomenclature.

1.4.3. The strength of the solution is characterized by grades for axial compressive strength at the age of 28 days. The strength grade of the solution for axial compression is assigned and controlled in all cases.

The following grades for compressive strength are established for the solution: M4, M10, M25, M50, M75, M100, M150, M200.

1.4.4. For a solution subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, in a moist state in the structures of buildings and structures, frost resistance grades are prescribed and controlled: F10, F15, F25, F35, F50, F75, F100.

Solutions must meet the requirements for frost resistance established by the project.

1.4.5. According to the average density, the solutions are divided into:

Heavy (with an average density of 1500 kg / m 3 or more);

Lightweight (with an average density of less than 1500 kg / m 3).

The normalized value of the average density of the solutions is set by the consumer in accordance with the work project. The deviation of the average density of the solution is allowed no more than 10% of the one established by the project.

1.5. Requirements for materials for the preparation of mortars

1.5.1. The materials used for the preparation of mortar mixtures must meet the technical requirements of infusion-g

general standard and meet the requirements of standards or specifications for these materials.

1.5.2. Cement for the preparation of mortar mixtures must meet the requirements of GOST 25328 or GOST 10178, lime - GOST 9179, gypsum - GOST J25, sand - GOST 8736, sand from slags of thermal power plants - GOST 26644, fly ash - GOST 25818, hydraulic ash - TU 34 -31-16502, water for mixing mortar mixtures and preparing additives - GOST 23732, blast-furnace slag - GOST 3476.

1.5.3. Depending on the type and purpose of mortars, various types of aggregates should be used.

1.5.4. The moisture content of the aggregates and the temperature of the mixture (if necessary) are determined during the selection and adjustment of the composition.

1.5.5. As a filler in plaster solutions, sand should be used for construction works with size module from 1 to 2.

Sand with a grain size of no more than 2.5 mm should be used in solutions for spraying and soil, and no more than 1.25 mm for the finishing layer.

1.5.6. Sand and ash used to prepare the solution should not contain frozen clods larger than 1 cm, as well as ice. When heating sand, its temperature should not exceed 60 ° C.

1.5.7. For light mortars, porous expanded sands (vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, shungsite, from slag pumice, agglomerate-rite according to GOST 9757, fly ash according to GOST 25818, ash component of ash from hydroremoval of ash and slag mixture according to TU 34-31- 16502.

1.5.8. Various aggregates can be used for decorative mortars, for example, washed quartz sands and crumbs of crushed rocks (granite, marble, ceramic, coal, plastic) with a grain size of not more than 2.5 mm.

For colored plasters. used on facades, in interiors, it is allowed to use granite, glass, ceramic, coal, slate, plastic chips with a particle size of 2-5 mm.

1.5.9. For the preparation of colored cement-sand plaster mortars, colored cements should be used according to GOST

15825, natural or artificial pigments according to GOST 8135, GOST 18172, GOST 12966.

1.5.10. To obtain mobile and non-separable mortar mixtures, as well as to accelerate the growth of the strength of the solution, increase frost resistance, etc., various types of additives (plasticizing, air-entraining, accelerating and slowing down setting and hardening, anti-frost, etc.) and complexes should be introduced into their composition based on them in accordance with GOST 24211 and appendices 3, 4.

The choice of chemical additives should be made depending on the required design characteristics of the mortar mixture.

Chemical additives should not cause harmful effects during the operation of buildings (destruction of materials, corrosion of reinforcement, efflorescence, etc.).

It is allowed to use in cement mortars inorganic plasticizing additives (clay and lime, cement dust captured in the production of clinker, carbide sludge, fly ash and hydraulic ash from thermal power plants, ash and slag mixtures, sludge from treatment facilities of metallurgical industries) and organic plasticizers-microfoamers that meet the requirements of the relevant material standards. The amount of additive is determined by experimental batches in laboratories.


2.1. Mortar mixtures must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Dosing and preparation of the mortar mixture should be controlled once per shift.

2.3. Mortar mixtures are taken in batches. A batch is taken as the amount of a mortar mixture of the same composition, prepared during one shift.

2.4. The manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer of the test results of control samples of the solution at his request.

The consumer has the right to conduct a quality control check of the mortar and solution in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

2.5. The release of the mortar mixture by the manufacturer and its acceptance by the consumer is carried out by volume, and the dry mortar mixture - by weight.

2.6. The mortar mixture released into the vehicle must be accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Date and time (hours, minutes) of the preparation of the mixture;

brand of solution;

Type of binder;

The amount of the mixture;

Mobility of the mixture;

Name and quantity of additives;

Designation of this standard.

In the quality document for a batch of mortar mixture on porous aggregates, it is additionally necessary to indicate the average density of the mortar in the hardened dried state.

The quality document must be signed by the manufacturer's representative responsible for technical control.

When supplying a solution in the form of a dry mixture, indicate the amount of water required to mix the mixture to the required mobility.

2.7. The mortar mixture for water-retaining capacity and separable ™, and the mortar for frost resistance are evaluated when selecting each composition of the mortar, and then at least once every 6 months, as well as when changing the composition of the mortar or the characteristics of the materials used.

2.8. If, when checking the quality of the mortar, it turns out that it does not meet at least one of the technical requirements of the standard, the batch of mortar is rejected.

2.9. From each batch of the mortar mixture, the laboratory of the manufacturer must take control samples to determine the mobility and average density of the mortar mixture, compressive strength and average density of the mortar in accordance with GOST 5802.

2.10. Dosing and preparation of the mortar mixture should be controlled once per shift.


3.1. Mobility, average density, layerable ™, water-retaining capacity of the mortar mixture, as well as compressive strength, average density and frost resistance of the mortar are controlled according to GOST 5802.

3.2. The quality of the mortar mixture and solution in terms of indicators specified in the technical requirements of the consumer and not specified

nyh in paragraphs. 1.3.1 and 1.4.1, control by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

3.3. Mortar samples should be taken according to GOST 5802.

3.4. Dosers should be checked in accordance with GOST 8.469 and MI 1540.

3.5. The temperature of the transported mortar mixture is measured with a technical thermometer according to GOST 28498, immersing it in the mixture to a depth of at least 5 cm.


4.1. Mortar mixtures must be delivered to the consumer in vehicles that exclude the loss of cement laitance. It is allowed to transport the mortar mixture in bunkers (buckets) on motor vehicles and railway platforms.

4.2. Dry mortar mixtures should be delivered to the consumer in cement trucks, containers or special bags: paper weighing up to 40 kg, polyethylene weighing up to 8 kg, protecting the mixture from moisture. Packed in bags, dry mixes are placed on wooden pallets, and plastic bags are placed in special containers.

Bags with a dry mix should be stored in dry closed rooms at a temperature not lower than 5 °C.

4.3. The mortar mixture delivered to the construction site must be unloaded into a loader-mixer. Unloading into other containers is allowed, provided that the specified properties of the mortar mixture are preserved.


5.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the ready-to-use mortar mixture, including dry, complies with the requirements of this standard.

5.2. Warranty period of storage of dry mortar mixes - 6 months from the date of their preparation.

APPENDIX 1 Reference



Mortar combines the concepts of mortar mixture, dry mortar mixture, solution.

The mortar mixture is a mixture of binder, fine aggregate, sealer and necessary additives, thoroughly mixed, ready for use.

Dry mortar is a mixture of dry components of a binder, aggregate and additives, dosed and mixed at the factory, mixed with water before use.

A mortar is an artificial stone material, which is a hardened mixture of a binder, fine aggregate, caulk and the necessary additives.

APPENDIX 2 Mandatory

Mortar grades by mobility

Mark on the mobility of the mortar mixture

Norm lo mobility, cm

Purpose of the mortar mixture

From 1 to 4 incl.

Vibrated rubble masonry

Ov. 4 to 8 incl.

rubble masonry ordinary, from hollow bricks and stones. Installation of walls from large blocks and panels, jointing of horizontal and vertical seams in walls from panels and blocks, facing works

St. 8 to 12 incl.

Masonry of ordinary bricks and various types of stones, plastering and facing works

St. 12 to 14 incl.

Filling voids in rubble masonry

APPENDIX 3 Reference

Brand or name



Designation of standards and specifications



Thinner C-3




Modified technical lignosulfonates

See annex 4

Molasses evaporated post-yeast vinasse



TU 6-05-231-312 (NF)

Water retention


Carboxy methylcellulose




TU 6-02'-1171


lenphosphonic acid



GOST 28013-89




Introduction date 01.07.89

This standard applies to building mortars used for masonry, installation of building structures, facing and plastering works in various operating conditions.

This standard does not apply to heat-resistant, chemically resistant and straining mortars.

The standard establishes technical requirements for building mortars and materials for their preparation, as well as rules for the acceptance and control of mortar quality indicators and transportation rules.


1.1. Mortars () must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Building mortars are divided according to the type of binder into simple ones using one type of binder (cement, lime, gypsum and others) and complex using mixed binders (cement-lime, lime-ash, lime-gypsum, etc.).

1.3. Characteristics of mortar mixtures

1.3.1. The main indicators of the quality of the mortar mixture () are:


water holding capacity;


average density.

1.3.2. Depending on the mobility, mortar mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with.

1.3.3. The water-holding capacity of a freshly prepared mortar mixture, determined in laboratory conditions, must be at least:

90% - for mortar mixtures prepared in winter conditions;

95% - for mortar mixtures prepared in summer conditions.

The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture, determined at the place of work, must be at least 75% of the water-holding capacity established in the laboratory.

1.3.4. The stratification of a freshly prepared mortar mixture should be no more than 10%.

1.3.5. The deviation of the average density of the mortar mixture upwards is allowed no more than 10% of the one established by the project. When using air-entraining additives, the decrease in density should not exceed 6%.

1.3.6. The compositions of mortar mixtures should be selected in such a way as to ensure the production of mortar mixtures with desired properties at the lowest binder consumption.

1.3.7. It is forbidden to add water (with or without cement) to the set mortar mixtures, including to warmed with hot water, frozen mixtures during work in winter conditions.

1.3.8. Dry mortar mixtures () manufactured at the factory must be with a moisture content of not more than 0.1% by weight.

1.3.9. In dry gypsum plaster mixtures (OGSHS), it is necessary to introduce complex additives, given in, to slow down the setting time and plasticization of the mortar mixture.

1.3.10. When preparing mortar mixtures, dosing of binders and aggregates should be done by weight, and water and additives in liquid form - by weight or volume and adjusted when the properties that make up the mortar mixture of materials change. Porous aggregates are allowed to be dosed by volume with correction by weight. Dosing error should not exceed:

± 2% - for binders, water, dry additives, working solution of liquid additives;

± 2.5% - for aggregate.

Dosing devices must meet the requirements of GOST 10223. The temperature of the solutions used in the winter must be at least 5 ° C. Water for mixing solutions should have a temperature of no more than 80 ° FROM.

1.3.11. Mortar mixtures should be prepared in mixers of a cyclic or continuous type, gravity or forced action.

1.4. Solution characteristics

1.4.1. The main indicators of the quality of the solution () are:

compressive strength;

frost resistance;

average density.

1.4.2. Depending on the operating conditions of the structure of buildings and structures, it is allowed to establish additional requirements for mortar quality indicators provided for by the GOST 4.233 nomenclature.

1.4.3. The strength of the solution is characterized by grades for axial compressive strength at the age of 28 days. The strength grade of the solution for axial compression is assigned and controlled in all cases.

For the solution, the following grades for compressive strength are established: M4; M10; M25; M50; M75; M100; M150; M200.

1.4.4. For a solution subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, in a moist state in the structures of buildings and structures, frost resistance grades are assigned and controlled: F10; F15; F25; F 35; F50; F75; F 100.

Solutions must meet the requirements for frost resistance established by the standard.

1.4.5. According to the average density, the solutions are divided into:

heavy (with an average density of 1500 kg / m 3 or more);

light (with an average density of less than 1500 kg / m 3).

The normalized value of the average density of the solutions is set by the consumer in accordance with the work project. The deviation of the average density of the solution is allowed no more than 10% of the one established by the project.

1.5. Requirements for materials for the preparation of mortars

1.5.1. Materials used for the preparation of mortar mixtures must meet the technical requirements of this standard and comply with the requirements of standards or specifications for these materials.

1.5.2. Cement for the preparation of mortar mixtures must meet the requirements of GOST 25328 or GOST 10178, lime - GOST 9179, gypsum - GOST 125, sand - GOST 8736, sand from slags of thermal power plants - GOST 26644, fly ash - GOST 25818, hydraulic ash - TU 34 -31-16502, water for mixing mortar mixtures and preparing additives - GOST 23732, blast-furnace slag - GOST 3476.

1.5.3. Depending on the type and purpose of mortars, various types of aggregates should be used.

1.5.4. The moisture content of the aggregates and the temperature of the mixture (if necessary) are determined during the selection and adjustment of the composition.

1.5.5. As a filler in plaster mortars, sand for construction work with a fineness modulus of 1 to 2 should be used. Sand with a grain size of no more than 2.5 mm should be used in solutions for spraying and soil, and for the finishing layer - no more than 1.25 mm .

1.5.6. Sand and ash used to prepare the solution should not contain frozen clods larger than 1 cm, as well as ice. When heating sand, its temperature should not exceed 60 ° FROM.

1.5.7. For light mortars, porous expanded sands (vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, shungizite, from slag pumice, agglonirite according to GOST 19345, fly ash according to GOST 25818, ash component of ash from hydraulic removal of ash and slag mixture according to TU 34-31-16502 should be used as a filler.

1.5.8. Various aggregates can be used for decorative mortars, for example, washed quartz sands and crumbs of crushed rocks (granite, marble, ceramic, coal, plastic) with a grain size of not more than 2.5 mm.

For colored plasters used on facades, in interiors, it is allowed to use granite, glass, ceramic, coal, slate, plastic chips with a particle size of 2-5 mm.

1.5.9. For the preparation of colored cement-sand plaster mortars, colored cements should be used according to GOST 15825, natural or artificial pigments according to GOST 8135, GOST 18172, GOST 12966.

1.5.10. To obtain mobile and non-separable mortar mixtures, as well as to accelerate the growth of mortar strength, increase frost resistance, etc., various types of additives (plasticizing, air-entraining, accelerating and slowing down setting and hardening, antifreeze, etc.) and complexes on their basis in accordance with GOST 24211 and applications,.

The choice of chemical additives should be made depending on the required design characteristics of the mortar mixture.

Chemical additives should not cause harmful effects during the operation of buildings (destruction of materials, corrosion of reinforcement, efflorescence, etc.).

It is allowed to use inorganic plasticizing additives in cement mortars (clay, lime, cement dust captured during the production of clinker, carbide sludge, fly ash and hydraulic ash from thermal power plants, ash and slag mixtures, sludge from treatment facilities of metallurgical industries) and organic plasticizers-microfoamers that meet the requirements of the relevant material standards. The amount of additive is determined by experimental batches in laboratories.


2.1. Mortar mixtures must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Dosing and preparation of the mortar mixture should be controlled once per shift.

2.3. Mortar mixtures are taken in batches. A batch is taken as the amount of a mortar mixture of the same composition, prepared during one shift.

2.4. The manufacturer is obliged to report the test results of control samples of the solution to the consumer at his request.

The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the quality of the mortar mixture and solution in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

2.5. The release of the mortar mixture by the manufacturer and its acceptance by the consumer is carried out by volume, and the dry mortar mixture - by weight.

2.6. The mortar mixture released into the vehicle must be accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

date and time (hours, minutes) of mixture production;

brand of solution;

type of binder;

the amount of the mixture;

the mobility of the mixture;

name and quantity of additives;

designation of this standard.

In the quality document for a batch of mortar mixture on porous aggregates, it is additionally necessary to indicate the average density of the mortar in the hardened dried state.

The quality document must be signed by the manufacturer's representative responsible for technical control.

When supplying a solution in the form of a dry mixture, indicate the amount of water required to mix the mixture to the required mobility.

2.7. The mortar mixture for water-holding capacity and stratification, and the mortar for frost resistance are evaluated when selecting each composition of the mortar, and then at least once every 6 months, as well as when changing the composition of the mortar or the characteristics of the materials used.

2.8. If, when checking the quality of the mortar, it turns out that it does not meet at least one of the technical requirements of the standard, the batch of mortar is rejected.

2.9. From each batch of the mortar mixture, the laboratory of the manufacturer must take control samples to determine the mobility and average density of the mortar mixture, compressive strength and average density of the mortar according to GOST 5802.

2.10. Dosing and preparation of the mortar mixture should be controlled once per shift.


3.1. Mobility, average density, stratification, water-retaining capacity of the mortar mixture, as well as compressive strength, average density and frost resistance of the mortar are controlled according to GOST 5802.

3.2. The quality of the mortar mixture and mortar in terms of indicators specified in the technical requirements of the consumer and not specified in paragraphs. and , control by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

3.3. Mortar samples should be taken according to GOST 5802.

3.4. Dosers should be checked in accordance with GOST 8.469, GOST 8.523.

3.5. The temperature of the transported mortar mixture is measured with a technical thermometer according to GOST 2823, immersing it in the mixture to a depth of at least 5 cm.


4.1. Mortar mixtures must be delivered to the consumer in vehicles that exclude the loss of cement laitance. It is allowed to transport the mortar mixture in bunkers (buckets) on motor vehicles and railway platforms.

4.2. Dry mortar mixtures should be delivered to the consumer in cement trucks, containers or special bags: paper weighing up to 40 kg, polyethylene weighing up to 8 kg, protecting the mixture from moisture. Packed in bags, dry mixes are placed on wooden pallets, and plastic bags are placed in special containers.

Bags with dry mix should be stored in dry closed rooms at a temperature not lower than 5 ° FROM.

4.43. The mortar mixture delivered to the construction site must be unloaded into a loader-mixer. Unloading into other containers is allowed, provided that the specified properties of the mortar mixture are preserved.


5.1. The manufacturer shall ensure that the ready-to-use mortar mix, including dry mix, complies with the requirements of this standard.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of dry mortar mixtures - 6 months. from the day they were prepared.



Mortar combines the concepts of mortar mixture, dry mortar mixture, solution.

Mortar mixture - it is a mixture of binder, fine aggregate, tackifier and necessary additives, thoroughly mixed, ready for use.

Dry mortar is a mixture of dry components of a binder, aggregate and additives, dosed and mixed at the factory, mixed with water before use.

Solution- this is an artificial stone-like material, which is a hardened mixture of binder, fine aggregate, caulk and necessary additives.


Mortar grades by mobility

Mark on the mobility of the mortar mixture

Mobility norm, cm

Purpose of the mortar mixture

From 1 to 4 incl.

Vibrated rubble masonry

St. 4 to 8 incl.

Rubble masonry is ordinary, from hollow bricks and stones. Installation of walls from large blocks and panels, jointing of horizontal and vertical seams in walls from panels and blocks, facing works

St. 8 to 12 incl.

Masonry of ordinary bricks and various types of stones, plastering and facing works.

Filling voids in rubble masonry


Brand or name



Thinner C-3


Technical lignosulfonates

Molasses evaporated post-yeast stillage



TU 6-05-231-312(NF)




polyvinyl alcohol

Retarding setting

Nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic acid

Feed molasses (molasses)

TU 18-RSFSR-409


Sodium sulfate

GOST 6318, TU 38-10742


calcium nitrate

Calcium nitrite-nitrate

Calcium chloride

Calcium nitrite-nitrate-chloride


sodium nitrite

GOST 19906, TU 38-10274

Urea (urea)

Technical pentaerythritol filtrate

TU 6-05-231-332


Resin neutralized air-entraining

TU 81-05-75-74

Saponified wood resin


Plasticizing air-entraining

Soap lye

Alkaline effluent from caprolactam production

TU 18-RSFSR-780

Neutralized black contact

Saponified resin, water-soluble

Synthetic surfactant modified


Ferric chloride

aluminum sulfate

Katapin bactericide


(former GKM-94m)


Modified technical lignosulfonates recommended for mortars

Type of additives


Designation of standards and specifications

Modified technical lignosulfonates

TU OP 13-62-185

Modified red wine concentrate

TU 69-Ukrainian-71

Lignosulfonate plasticizer

TU OP 13-62-199

Technical lye lignosulfonates

TU OP 13-63-66

Additive for concretes and mortars

Plasticizer concrete mix brand NIL-20

Complex organic additive for plasticizing building concretes and mortars

Calcium chromium lignosulfonates


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of the USSR


G.N. Brusentsov,cand. tech. sciences (topic leader); I.A. Spasskaya, cand. Phys.-Math. sciences; G.M. Kirpichenkov, cand. tech. sciences; E.B. Madorsky, cand. tech. sciences; S.A. Vorobiev, cand. tech. sciences; G.A. Zakharchenko, cand. tech. sciences; G.M. battery, cand. tech. sciences; M.I. Brusser, cand. tech. sciences; THEM. Drobyashchenko, cand. tech. sciences; V.R. Falikman, cand. chem. Sciences, DI. Prokofiev, M.I. Shimanskaya

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated 13.01.89 No. 7



Item number, applications

GOST 8.523-85

GOST 2823-73

GOST 6318-77

GOST 8736-85

GOST 10223-82