Virgin offshore and Swiss account of Tatyana Navka. Officials and their families Navka offshore


Tatiana Navka. Photo:

The project reported that Dmitry Peskov’s wife Tatyana Navka still has an account in a Zurich bank. The account is active - funds can be transferred to it, although Russian legislation since 2013 has prohibited officials and their close relatives from having foreign accounts and deposits. It, judging by the documents at the disposal of the Dossier, was opened on February 20, 2014 - before the marriage with Dmitry Peskov was registered (the wedding was in early 2015; according to the Sobesednik newspaper, the marriage was registered in June; Peskov himself gave the date.

Dossier believes that the account has not yet been closed. Investigators managed to make a test transfer of five euros - during the transfer, the system recognized the international number (IBAN) of the account and linked it to the name Navka Tatiana. “If there were any problems with the transaction, the transfer would not have gone through. We called the bank to find out the status of the payment - they confirmed to us that the money was received by the recipient bank,” the Center said.

I have read the documents referred to in the Dossier. The Center claims that the documents were “sent to them.” They did not specify who did this, but emphasized that they were able to confirm the information.

These documents include a letter confirming the opening of an account (in rubles, dollars and euros) in the Swiss subsidiary of Banque Internationale à (BIL), a Luxembourg bank that provides wealth management services in Europe and the Middle East. In a letter from Eric Benischke on professional he is mentioned as the deputy director of the BIL branch in Zurich) addresses “Mrs. Tatyana Navka” living in Moscow at Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22. According to the Rosreestr extract, the apartment indicated in the header of the letter has been since 2012 belongs to Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka. The fact that the figure skater lives in the residential complex “Copernicus” (Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22), “Interlocutor”. In the same house, according to SPARK, the production company of the wife of the president’s press secretary, Navka Show, is also registered.

The “Dossier” also refers to a tax document - a file in Excel format “Notification of opening an account in a bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.” This is a form approved by the Federal Tax Service, which must be submitted by owners of foreign accounts (the same on the department’s website). The Dossier has at its disposal a completed document - it informs about the opening of an account for Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka, whose date and place of birth and address of residence coincide with the data of the figure skater.

The third page of the notice indicates the number, date (February 20, 2014) and place of opening the account - they coincide with the data from the letter from Banque Internationale à Luxembourg. There is no date for submitting the notice; the tax office code is not included.

Virgin offshore

According to the Guardian, on the same day as the opening of Navka’s alleged account in a Swiss bank, the offshore Carina Global Assets (British Virgin Islands) was registered in her name.

As previously, the Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime (OCCRP) based on the materials of the Panama Papers, Navka began the offshore registration procedure on February 5, 2014, that is, several weeks before the opening of the account. Signed "Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka", where she calls herself a "professional figure skater", it is said that the company "plans to manage assets in excess of a million dollars."

Deputy General Director of Transparency International - Russia Ilya Shumanov considers it logical for an account and an offshore to appear on the same day: “An offshore company is opened not just for something, but for conducting transactions. The first thing you do when you open an individual entrepreneur or LLC is go to the bank to open an account, otherwise you will not be able to carry out transactions. It’s the same with an offshore company: the opening of a legal entity is always followed by the opening of an account.”

The offshore was liquidated in 2015, Guardian. It is unknown whether the bank account is in the process of being liquidated. As Shumanov suggests, the account may still be open “for objective reasons”: “For example, if the bank has concerns about the legality of the origin of the deposit. Suppose an official or a relative of an official receives a large sum into an account, and the source of the money is a strange, anonymous Belizean company. If you received money from an offshore company into your account, be so kind as to justify the origin. Difficulties arise - to explain to the bank who, where and how transferred this money. If they cannot do this, the money and account are frozen. That is, it exists, but you cannot actually control it. “I know of a number of cases where tens, hundreds of thousands of euros are hanging in the accounts of heads of municipalities, vice-governors, and former State Duma deputies.”

A federal law prohibiting government employees and their close relatives from having bank accounts abroad was passed by the President on May 7, 2013. Then a significant part of officials retained foreign deposits - the real wave of their liquidation, Shumanov believes, has only begun now: “Since last year, Russia entered a new era of global transparency, when, within the framework of OECD requirements, we began the automatic exchange of tax and banking information: now our regulators are banking, tax - will receive information from other regulators around the world. That is, the Russian authorities will receive information about persons who have active accounts outside the country - all of Europe is almost completely covered. That is, the information [about Navka’s account] is either already known to our authorities, or will be known by the end of this year.”

According to the Dossier, a month before the registration of Carina Global Assets, Navka was “advised on the creation of an effective offshore structure” by Leon Semenenko, a person whom RBC “trusted” Alisher Usmanov. Navka's offshore was managed by Guardian, a British company whose client, according to the Panama Papers, was Usmanov; According to the BBC, the businessman could be its owner.

House on Novorizhskoe Highway

According to the Dossier, Navka’s purchase of her house near Moscow may also be connected with Usmanov. “Dossier” that the top manager of the oligarch’s structures Timur Khaldarov sold his plot to Peskov’s future wife at a 50% discount. The sale took place in January 2015, six months before the wedding with Peskov.

This plot of land with an area of ​​7967 square meters with a house of 779 square meters is indicated in Peskov’s declaration as belonging to his wife.

In assessing the expected discount, the “Dossier” relies on data from the Real Estate Newsletter from VTB-24 for December 2012 (they were deleted and not preserved in which Alexey Navalny (the politician who was the first to purchase a house in the village “Tretya Okhota”) by the skater) - $15, 6 million. Judging by the purchase and sale agreement, which is at the disposal of the Dossier, the house and land were sold to Navka for 7.3 million dollars (300 million rubles when converted to the dollar exchange rate established by the Central Bank from when the agreement was signed).

Khaldarov confirmed the fact of the sale, but denied that he gave Navka a discount. Khaldarov believes that the proceeds are the best that could be gotten for real estate on Novorizhskoe Highway in the market that collapsed in 2014: “I lost, but I didn’t lose as much as if I were selling it now. If someone is ready to buy [a house] for 15 million, bring this person - I’ll go negotiate and we’ll sell it.”

Khaldarov is a top manager of the Metalloinvest holding founded by Usmanov. At different times, he headed two funds associated with the billionaire: the Fund for Assistance to Victims in South Ossetia, created in 2008 (Usmanov is listed among its co-owners; Khaldarov, according to SPARK, was a director) and the charitable foundation “Art, Science and Sports” founded by the businessman ( in Khaldarov was mentioned as deputy general director; in an interview he clarified that he is still a member of the supervisory board).

Khaldarov denies that Usmanov was aware of the deal, and that the house and land could be a “gift”: “I received the market value - how can this be regarded as a gift? Then, with all due respect to Tatyana Navka, why on earth should I give her gifts? In response to the Guardian, a representative for Usmanov denied that he was ever interested in the sites in the Third Hunt village.

It was Navka who became the buyer, explains Khaldarov, because they knew each other, long before the wedding with Peskov: “I was the initiator of our acquaintance - I wanted to arrange for my daughter to take up figure skating, well... now I don’t remember through whom, but through met someone. Probably in 2009, maybe 2010 or 2008. She was still far from this official. At that time, nothing foreshadowed that they would meet and start a family in the near future. And at the time when we had a deal (autumn 2014), they [with Peskov] did not yet have any relationship.”

According to the Guardian, the relationship between Navka and Peskov began in 2012, according to - in 2010. The common daughter of Navka and Peskov, Nadezhda Peskova, was born in August 2014. Two years later, the official’s wife officially became the wealthiest among the relatives of officials of the Presidential Administration. Her annual income, according to the declaration, amounted to 120 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual salary of the press secretary himself.

Dmitry Peskov, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Press Secretary of Vladimir Putin


Carina Global Assets Ltd (British Virgin Islands).

How connected:

According to MF documents, since the establishment of the company in 2014, its beneficiary has been Tatyana Navka, the current wife of Dmitry Peskov.

What's wrong here?

The law directly prohibits the spouses of officials at the level of Dmitry Peskov from using foreign financial instruments, including offshore companies. But due to the fact that the exact date of the wedding of Peskov and Navka is unknown, we were unable to clarify whether the president’s press secretary managed to get rid of his wife’s offshore within three months after the official wedding or did it a little later.

Carina Global Assets was established in January 2014 and is registered to nominee shareholders and directors. But in the application for offshore registration, the beneficial owner was also indicated - Tatyana Navka, a “professional figure skater”. A photograph of Navka’s passport was attached to the application. It was also stated there that Carina Global Assets intends to manage assets worth more than $1 million. “The company will be engaged in the purchase of investment assets in the interests of the beneficiary,” stated the documents on the main activities of the offshore.

At the time of registration of the offshore, Navka and Peskov already had a close relationship: in August 2014, they had a daughter.

The media wedding of Peskov and Navka took place a year later, in August 2015. However, regarding this ceremony, Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta, said in an interview with Dozhd that “the wedding that all people know about in the official sense was out of the question.” She added: “Everything that all the people saw was just another holiday, another reason for a huge celebration... He (Peskov. - Ed.) told me so." According to Sobesednik, the official wedding ceremony at the registry office took place in June 2015.

If this is so, then after registering the marriage, Dmitry Peskov should have gotten rid of either the offshore company, his wife, or his position within three months. Therefore, if the president’s press secretary and Tatyana Navka signed before August 2015, Peskov did not manage to meet the deadline required by law: the company Carina Global Assets was liquidated in November last year.

In a conversation with Novaya Gazeta, Tatyana Navka said: “I have never had any offshore companies or accounts. There were no foreign companies at all.” To our question whether it was possible that someone used the documents (photo of a foreign passport and payment for an apartment) without her knowledge, Tatyana replied: “I don’t know who could have done this. Yes, I would like to figure this out myself.”

Peskov himself is not in the offshore database available to us. He has not yet responded to our request. Although, in general, the president’s press secretary seems to have a negative attitude towards offshore business. A few years ago, speaking about offshore companies affiliated with state-owned companies, Peskov said: “In general, this is extremely corruptible. Although there are no direct signs of violations, it is obvious that these schemes are used to withdraw money.”

Alexey Ulyukaev, Minister of Economic Development of Russia


Ronnieville Ltd (British Virgin Islands, BVI).

How connected:

The director of the company was Ulyukaev’s son, Dmitry. Subsequently, he transferred powers to Yulia Khryapina, presumably the wife of the Minister of Economic Development.

What's wrong here?

Ronnieville operated from November 2004 to May 2009. All this time, Alexey Ulyukaev was the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank (CB). There is no formal violation of the law in the fact that his son was then in charge of the offshore company, but an interesting detail attracts attention: Ulyukaev Jr. was only 21 years old at that time.

The Ronnieville company was established in the Virgin Islands in November 2004 - seven months after Alexey Ulyukaev ceased to be Deputy Minister of Finance and began working as First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank. The shareholder of the offshore was a nominal structure, and the director was Ulyukaev’s son, Dmitry, who by that time was already doing business in Russia: for example, he was a co-owner of the Moscow company Yurusstroy (architecture and construction).

In 2006, the director of the Ronnieville offshore changed: instead of Dmitry, he became a certain 23-year-old Yulia Khryapina. Khryapina remained the director of the company until its liquidation in May 2009. Her name has not appeared in the media before, however, having studied the sources available to us, we can assume that it apparently belongs to the wife of Alexei Ulyukaev. Several facts support this.

Firstly, it is known that Alexey Ulyukaev has a young wife and two small children. Her name was not mentioned, but there are photographs of happy parents with a baby in their arms on the Internet. The MF database contains a copy of the passport of the offshore director Yulia Khryapina. Considering that many years have passed between these photographs, we cannot say that they are the same person, but there are similarities.

Secondly, the Crimean region of the USSR is indicated in the passport as the place of birth of Khryapina. And in the recent anti-corruption declarations of Ulyukaev, who was born and always lived in Moscow, five plots of land and two houses in Crimea are listed. Moreover, they are registered in the name of the spouse.

And thirdly, according to the website of the Institute of Economic Policy. E.T. Gaidar, Yulia Sergeevna Khryapina works there as a research assistant in the “Real Sector” direction. And Alexey Ulyukaev, as you know, was previously deputy director of the Gaidar Institute (at that time IET) and still periodically collaborates with him.

The son of Minister Ulyukaev refused to communicate with Novaya Gazeta, and we were unable to contact Yulia Khryapina: the Gaidar Institute refused to connect with her. The press secretary of Minister Ulyukaev also did not answer Novaya’s questions in detail, saying: “Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexey Ulyukaev took office on June 24, 2013. Until this time, from 2004 to 2013, Alexey Ulyukaev held the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation... Data on the expenses and income of Alexey Ulyukaev, his wife and minor children were and are currently provided in accordance with current legislation.”

Ivan Malyushin, Deputy Manager of Presidential Affairs (UDP) from 2003 to 2015


Antrin Services Corp. (Panama).

How connected:

In 2013, Ivan Malyushin was listed as the sole beneficiary of the company.

What's wrong here?

Until mid-2013, there was no formal ban on official ownership of an offshore company. But it is curious that the main activity of the Panamanian company was indicated as “consulting services in the field of construction and real estate management,” which coincided with Malyushin’s core responsibilities as a civil servant. At UDP, Malyushin was in charge of the construction unit, and his sons are actively involved in the real estate business in St. Petersburg.

Anttrin Services was founded in August 2008. Five years later, in September 2013, the company was liquidated, and from the correspondence it follows that Malyushin’s representatives were nervous and repeatedly rushed the registrar company. It is likely that this is due to “anti-offshore” changes in Russian legislation: officials were required to get rid of any foreign financial instruments by mid-2013. Three weeks late, Anttrin Services was liquidated. Unfortunately, Novaya Gazeta was unable to find out for whom exactly this company provided consultations in the field of real estate and construction. Ivan Malyushin himself did not respond to our request.

Ivan Malyushin is one of the highest-ranking officials who directly owned offshore companies in the MF database. While Malyushin worked at the UDP, he was also one of the richest Russian civil servants: in 2013 (the last available declaration) he indicated that he earned more than 23 million rubles, and he owned more than 9 hectares of land, 7 houses and 12 apartments. Malyushin and his relatives also own many companies in Russia. And in some of them, his family's partners were those whom European law enforcement agencies consider leaders of organized crime.

For example, Ivan Malyushin has been the owner of the Baltprod company throughout all his years of work at UDP and to this day. It, in turn, had two subsidiaries that were involved in hotel management and software production. In both companies, Malyushin’s partners were structures associated with the authoritative businessman Gennady Petrov, who is accused by the Spanish authorities of numerous crimes and, in their opinion, is the leader of the Tambov criminal group. The sons of the former deputy presidential manager were also associated with Petrov’s business. Judging by the wiretaps of Gennady Petrov, he also communicated with other influential Russian officials - from the Investigative Committee, the Federal Drug Control Service, the State Duma...

Since January 2015, Ivan Malyushin has not held government positions. And although his hands were not tied before, he is now an entrepreneur in the full sense of the word. In September last year, Malyushin created DSR LLC, which stands for “Directorate for Construction and Reconstruction.” Almost the same name budgetary institution "DSR Northwestern Federal District" is also in the structure of the UDP - it was there that Malyushin began his career. The only difference is that one of them is state-owned, and in the other 40% belongs to Malyushin. But the remaining shares are proportionally divided (20% each) among the deputy directors of the budgetary institution “DSR North-West Federal District”.

Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City


Venlaw Consultants Co. Inc. (Bahamas), TG Rail Limited (Cyprus), Cantazaro Limited (Cyprus).

How connected:

Liksutov was one of two beneficiaries of Cantazaro Limited. In 2007, his shares were held in trust by the Bahamian Venlaw Consultants Co. Inc., and from 2008 to 2013 Cantazaro belonged to the offshore TG Rail, a subsidiary of the Estonian Transgroup Invest AS, in which Liksutov owned 50% of the shares.

What's wrong here?

In June 2013, a month and a half before the ban on the use of foreign financial instruments came into force, Liksutov transferred his Transgroup Invest AS shares to his wife Tatyana, and a few days later divorced her. Thus, the law was not violated - restrictions do not apply to ex-wives.

Maxim Liksutov, head of the Moscow Department of Transport (since 2011) and vice-mayor (since 2012), came to the capital’s mayor’s office from a large business related to logistics, passenger and cargo transportation.

From the MF database we learned about another area of ​​business that Liksutov was interested in - methanol trading. The database contains a document from 2007, according to which the shares of the owners of the Cypriot offshore Cantazaro Ltd, Maxim Liksutov and Sergei Glinka, are in trust management with another offshore, Venlaw Consultants Co. Inc., already Bahamian.

We can find information about what Cantazaro Ltd did in Russia, in particular, in the reports of Vostokgazprom (a structural division of Gazprom). It follows from them that from 2009 to 2011 alone, Cantazaro Ltd bought 4.1 billion rubles worth of methanol from Vostokgazprom. We have no information about whether this cooperation continued after 2011, as well as about other transactions of Cantazaro Ltd, but this company is still operating.

From an extract from the Cyprus register of legal entities, we know that from 2008 to this day Cantazaro Limited is 100% owned by the Cyprus structure of TG Rail. And it, in turn, is owned by the Estonian company Transgroup Invest AS.

Having headed the department of transport, Liksutov promised to abandon his business “in favor of other shareholders,” but, according to an extract from the official register of companies in Estonia, until mid-2013 he owned 50% of the Estonian Transgroup Invest AS, which has a stake in dozens of Russian companies. Then his share passed to his ex-wife.

A representative of Maxim Liksutova explained to Novaya Gazeta: “Upon entering the civil service in December 2011, in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation, all shares and shares of companies owned by Liksutov were transferred to trust management, and subsequently alienated. At the same time, the alienation of all shares and interests owned by him occurred before the legal ban on civil servants owning shares and interests in foreign companies came into force, which is reflected in annual declarations.”

Also, the representative of the deputy mayor emphasized that from the moment he entered the state civil service, Liksutov was not engaged in any entrepreneurial activity and did not influence the activities of any commercial legal entities.”

April 7, 2016, 10:09 pm

Carina Global Assets Ltd (British Virgin Islands).


According to MF documents, since the establishment of the company in 2014, its beneficiary has been Tatyana Navka, the current wife of Dmitry Peskov.


The law directly prohibits the spouses of officials at the level of Dmitry Peskov from using foreign financial instruments, including offshore companies. But due to the fact that the exact date of the wedding of Peskov and Navka is unknown, we were unable to clarify whether the president’s press secretary managed to get rid of his wife’s offshore within three months after the official wedding or did it a little later.

Carina Global Assets was established in January 2014 and is registered to nominee shareholders and directors. But in the application for offshore registration, the beneficial owner was also indicated - Tatyana Navka, a “professional figure skater”. A photograph of Navka’s passport was attached to the application. It was also stated there that Carina Global Assets intends to manage assets worth more than $1 million. “The company will be engaged in the purchase of investment assets in the interests of the beneficiary,” stated the documents on the main activities of the offshore.

At the time of registration of the offshore, Navka and Peskov already had a close relationship: in August 2014, they had a daughter.

The media wedding of Peskov and Navka took place a year later, in August 2015. However, regarding this ceremony, Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta, said in an interview with Dozhd that “the wedding that all people know about in the official sense was out of the question.” She added: “Everything that all the people saw was just another holiday, another reason for a huge celebration... He (Peskov - Ed.) told me so.” According to Sobesednik, the official wedding ceremony at the registry office took place in June 2015.

If this is so, then after registering the marriage, Dmitry Peskov should have gotten rid of either the offshore company, his wife, or his position within three months. Therefore, if the president’s press secretary and Tatyana Navka signed before August 2015, Peskov did not manage to meet the deadline required by law: the company Carina Global Assets was liquidated in November last year.

In a conversation with Novaya Gazeta, Tatyana Navka said: “I have never had any offshore companies or accounts. There were no foreign companies at all.” To our question whether it was possible that someone used the documents (photo of a foreign passport and payment for an apartment) without her knowledge, Tatyana replied: “I don’t know who could have done this. Yes, I would like to figure this out myself.”

Peskov himself is not in the offshore database available to us. He has not yet responded to our request. Although, in general, the president’s press secretary seems to have a negative attitude towards offshore business. A few years ago, speaking about offshore companies affiliated with state-owned companies, Peskov said: “In general, this is extremely corruptible. Although there are no direct signs of violations, it is obvious that these schemes are used to withdraw money.”

Peskov, who the day before called an international journalistic investigation about a gigantic network of offshore companies a “stuffing” directed against Putin and Russia, denied that his wife has an offshore company, which was mentioned in the materials of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.

The Guardain published the documents required to register an offshore company - a scan of the first page of Navka’s Russian foreign passport, as well as a receipt for payment of utilities for an apartment in Moscow - from April to December 2013. As the article states, it follows from the documents that the affairs of Navka’s company were managed by the British company Bridgewaters, registered on the Isle of Man, whose clients include a large number of wealthy Russians, including billionaire Alisher Usmanov.

According to a British newspaper, Carina Global Assets Ltd was successfully registered on February 20, 2014, and was liquidated in October 2015.

Novaya Gazeta, which participated in the investigation, also previously reported that the offshore Carina Global Assets Ltd (British Virgin Islands) is connected with Peskov. According to the documents, since the establishment of the company in 2014, Tatyana Navka has been its beneficiary. Since the exact date of the wedding of Peskov and Navka is unknown, it is unclear whether the president’s press secretary managed to get rid of his wife’s offshore company within three months after the official wedding, the publication noted.

The Carina Global Assets company was registered to nominal shareholders and directors, but the application for offshore registration also indicated the beneficial owner, Tatyana Navka, Novaya Gazeta wrote. A photograph of Navka’s passport was attached to the application; it also stated that Carina Global Assets was going to manage assets worth more than $1 million. The documents noted that the company would purchase investment assets in the interests of the beneficiary.

The media wrote that the wedding of Peskov and Navka took place in August 2015, and in the registry office their marriage was registered in June of the same year. If the information is true, then Peskov did not manage to meet the deadline required by law - the company Carina Global Assets was liquidated in November last year. The day before, Peskov refused to clarify when he and Navka registered their marriage, explaining that this was his personal matter. Navka told Novaya Gazeta that she never had any offshore companies or accounts. “There were no foreign companies at all,” the skater said.

Peskov said in the evening that he questions the reliability of the published information about the offshore network, since the data contained in the investigation concerning his wife does not correspond to reality. “The fact is that my wife has never had and does not have offshore companies. She never opened them and, accordingly, could not close them,” a Kremlin spokesman told reporters.

It should be noted that the publication about the offshore network received a powerful public response. The authorities of France, Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Spain and other countries have declared their readiness to begin an investigation into the facts set out in the Panama Papers. Residents of Iceland held a rally demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaigsson, who turned out to be one of the defendants in the “offshore gate”. It also became known that the Attorney General's Office of Panama will conduct an investigation in connection with published materials about offshore companies.

The published materials mentioned close friends of Vladimir Putin, including musician Sergei Roldugin - Peskov confirmed the day before that the president continues to be friends with him. The investigation also talked about offshore schemes with the participation of Russian parliamentarians, governors, security officials, and the family of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev. Also in the Panama Papers we are talking about high-ranking officials from China, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iceland and Ukraine.