Insurance lawyer for comprehensive insurance. Consultation with a lawyer on the payment of comprehensive insurance when resolving insurance disputes, hotline. How can legal advice on motor insurance help?


We will challenge any violations of the insurance company and receive monetary compensation.

If you are the owner of a car insured under CASCO, an insured event occurred, and the insurance company illegally refused to pay for CASCO, underestimated its amount, or did not issue a referral for repairs - know that you can get good benefit from this! CASCO lawyer The legal company "NOTA PRAVA" will protect and represent your interests at a high professional level and will achieve compensation for damages under CASCO, using pre-trial and judicial methods of legal protection.

Insurance lawyer for CASCO

Task insurance lawyer for CASCO– oblige the insurer to pay full insurance compensation. Controversial situations under CASCO have a different nature and methods for resolving them. CASCO lawyer will get acquainted with the situation and immediately assess the legal prospects for you and, in case of cooperation, will prepare a full set of documents of a claim and claim nature, take part in the trial on your behalf and execute the court decision within the framework of enforcement proceedings to transfer your funds.

CASCO lawyer will help you if:

  • By CASCO paid little
  • Refusal to pay under CASCO
  • The insurance company does not issue a referral for repairs
  • They do not compensate for the loss of marketable value of the car.

In all these cases you can be sure auto lawyer CASCO knows the right decision, since he has repeatedly participated in litigation regarding insurance disputes and knows the established judicial practice.

CASCO lawyer and terms of cooperation with us

We will not accept your case if it does not meet various criteria. Namely!

CASCO lawyer will take on your case only if:

  • The case has legal prospects
  • Economically feasible
  • A balance of mutual interests will be maintained

Only by meeting the above requirements, insurance lawyer for CASCO will be useful to you, and the insurance dispute will be resolved most fairly and within the legal framework.

  • The scheme of cooperation with clients is as follows:
  • Call - CASCO lawyer advises you
  • We meet - we sign an agreement
  • We prepare documents and submit them to the Investigative Committee and the Court
  • We participate in the trial - we win the case
  • We execute the court decision - the money goes to your account

Prices and payment procedures are individual, depending on the complexity of the insurance dispute, the amount of damage and the volume of services that will be provided CASCO lawyer. In fact, you do not incur any costs for CASCO lawyer, since the court collects legal costs from the insurance company, in accordance with Art. 100 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Also insurance lawyer will declare other expenses and penalties that the court will collect in your favor.

Thus, returning to the question of benefits, at the beginning of the article, if your business is insurance lawyer, you have the opportunity to receive compensation twice as much as the insurer could have paid before the trial.

CASCO lawyer in Moscow and Moscow Region with a visit to the client

Our lawyers work throughout Moscow and Moscow Region. Call us in advance and we will advise you. CASCO lawyer and if your case has legal prospects, then insurance lawyer will get to work, completely managing your business on a turnkey basis.

Advantages of working with a CASCO lawyer from our company:

  • At your request, it is possible to meet with CASCO lawyer in a place convenient for you with a visit to you.
  • You will save your time for your business, and we will use our time for your business.
  • You are always aware of what is happening with the case, receiving information from CASCO lawyer.
  • You pay our success fee after the money arrives in your account

Our long-term practice takes into account various judicial precedents and court opinions, but they are united in one thing - the insurer is obliged to compensate for damage when an insured event occurs under a voluntary insurance agreement.

We know how to correctly apply the law and form a stable legal position to exercise the right to receive full insurance compensation. That's why, CASCO lawyer The NOTA PRAVA company will be your reliable advisor in resolving an insurance dispute.

Call us and we will share useful information with you, and if you decide to entrust us with the management of your case, we will be happy to solve it and once again add to our collection of winning court decisions in insurance disputes.

Despite the fact that every car owner encounters the procedure for applying for a CASCO policy, in reality this process raises many questions and difficulties. In addition, even properly issued insurance does not guarantee the honesty of the insurance company in the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle. Free legal advice on CASCO is a rather convenient service that allows you not only to solve all legal issues and car insurance problems, but also to help you receive compensation.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as other regions of Russia, are increasingly seeking advice on CASCO. This is due to a significant increase in the number of unscrupulous insurance companies that refuse to pay damages.

In cases where the insurance company refuses to pay the amount of compensation or underestimates payments, not only a lawyer, but also an attorney must intervene in the case. The coordinated work of competent specialists in the field of jurisprudence is a guarantee of a successfully completed trial in favor of the citizen who sought help.

CASCO lawyers work around the clock, regardless of holidays and weekends. Each citizen who contacts will receive a detailed answer to their question as quickly as possible.

Free legal consultation on CASCO

Online legal consultation will help resolve issues related to CASCO insurance, such as:

  1. Choosing a reliable insurance company to issue a CASCO policy.
  2. Legal assistance regarding the collection of packages of documents for registration of a CASCO policy.
  3. Assistance from a lawyer in drawing up charges against the owner of the vehicle who caused damage to the complaining party’s car.
  4. Forced payment of compensation by the insurance company in case of refusal to provide the amount of damage.
  5. Withdrawal of financial resources that are paid upon recourse.
  6. Questions regarding long delays in payment of compensation by the insurance company.

These are the most common questions that citizens ask a CASCO lawyer.

There are a number of reasons why an insurance company may refuse to pay compensation to an injured party. For example, an accident that was not recorded by traffic police officers. If the refusal to pay is unfounded, a lawyer who knows all the intricacies of car insurance will be able to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

How can legal advice on CASCO help?

The lawyer will advise and give practical recommendations for a further successful outcome of events. To protect the interests of the requesting party and provide useful assistance, consultation includes:

  • A detailed analysis of the situation based on current legislation.
  • A legally competent answer to the question of the citizen who has applied, as well as, if necessary, clarification of details. The specialist is guided by regulations in the field of auto insurance and CASCO policies and can provide links to the necessary documents, further explaining the aspects.
  • In the event of a trial, the lawyer makes predictions regarding a possible solution to the problem in favor of the applicant.
  • Practical recommendations and instructions that will help you understand how to act in the situation that arises.

Why should you seek legal advice?

  1. Guarantee of complete anonymity and confidentiality of the information provided. When applying for free help, you can be sure that personal data will not fall into the hands of third parties. In addition, all issues that are discussed with a specialist remain face-to-face.
  2. Availability 24/7. Specialists of the portal work around the clock, on weekends and holidays. Even if the matter requires an immediate response, you can count on the help of a lawyer.
  3. Competent lawyers who have been dealing with CASCO issues for many years. The professionalism of the portal’s specialists is confirmed by thousands of successfully completed cases in favor of clients. Our employees not only know the legislative documents in the field of car insurance and CASCO policies from A to Z, but also, if necessary, participate in legal proceedings.

Problems with an unscrupulous insurance company are not a reason to despair. Entrust the case to CASCO lawyers. Timely, competent consultation will save your time, money and nerves.

According to Perevyshkova, in practice, 90% of cases that LexLife handles in disputes related to auto insurance contracts are resolved in court in favor of the client. This means that insurers are violating consumer rights, she believes. “In this situation, you need to complain not about lawyers or car owners, but about your own system for settling losses,” says the lawyer.

Various lawyers

Companies that help citizens in disputes with insurers can be divided into three types, according to comments from lawyers interviewed by RBC. The former take a fee in advance, and after that they help car owners at all stages of the trial: from filing an application with the insurance company to executing a court decision. The citizen receives all court payments independently and without intermediaries. Legal services in cases of comprehensive insurance and compulsory motor liability insurance in this case, according to Perevyshkova, cost from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

​The second type of auto lawyers focuses on contracts for the assignment of rights of claim, when a car owner who has not received insurance compensation sells to a law firm the right to collect money from the insurer. Under the guise of a client, an RBC correspondent called one of these companies in the Vladimir region. “We quickly carry out an independent examination from our experts and pay you the money,” says Alexander, a representative of the Insurance Payment Center law firm. - In any case, this will be more than the insurance company will pay you. And then we deal with them and sue ourselves.”

As insurers say, such lawyers reach clients in the most sophisticated ways. “Being on duty near the offices of insurance companies is the most innocent thing they do,” says Igor Ivanov, deputy general director of the RESO-Garantiya company. According to him, a serious problem is that lawyers try to intercept insurance company clients directly at the scene of an accident, before they contact the insurers.

“They try to go to the scene of the accident and agree on the purchase of claims there. In order to be on the spot first, they collude with the local traffic police,” says Ivanov. He also says that in the regions, auto lawyers encourage citizens to report road accidents using SMS messages and pay a reward for this information. “This is not common in Moscow, perhaps because in the capital it is difficult to organize “cooperation” with the traffic police,” says Igor Ivanov.

There are companies that practice both options for helping citizens, but honestly warn that the first option - without assignment of claims - is more profitable for the motorist. A representative of the call center of the Moscow Auto Lawyers company says that his company buys the right to pursue the insurer for 30% to 50% of the amount that the insurance company underpaid. In this case, the remaining part of the payment and a 50% fine are received by car lawyers. A company representative advised the RBC correspondent not to sell the rights of claim and to independently receive the entire amount of the underpayment.

“If, for example, the company underpaid you 50 thousand rubles, you can receive this amount plus about 25 thousand rubles. a fine, a penalty in the region of 10 thousand rubles, and also about 5 thousand rubles. moral damage,” estimates a representative of the Moscow Auto Lawyers call center. In addition, according to him, assessment costs and legal fees are also refunded. Penalties for compulsory motor liability insurance are calculated at a rate of 1% per day of delay. The penalty for comprehensive insurance is calculated as 1/365 of the Central Bank refinancing rate for each day of delay.

The fine is collected in favor of the client. Exceptions are those cases when a citizen goes to court through a consumer rights protection society. Then the amount of the fine is divided in half between the consumer and society. This is due to the fact that the company does not have the right to charge fees for legal services.

Tax complications

Turning to the services of auto lawyers who buy out rights of claim can turn into a tax trap, insurers warn. If they act in court on behalf of the client, then car owners will be required to pay personal income tax of 13% on all money received from the insurance company by court decision (Article 213 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

“Thus, the client falls into a trap: on the one hand, he will receive a obviously smaller payment for the insurance event, on the other hand, he will unexpectedly be forced to pay taxes on the funds received by the auto lawyer,” says Vedmed.

To avoid such a situation, insurers do not advise signing any documents with auto lawyers directly at the scene of an accident, but try to at least contact the insurance company first.

According to her, if you sold the debt under an assignment agreement and the law firm conducted business on its own behalf, then you are not required to pay taxes. And if she requires a power of attorney from you with the right to receive funds and will receive them on your behalf, then in the end a tax notice will come to you as the owner of the car, the plaintiff in the case, the claimant and the person who actually received the profit, she says.

The intensity of traffic, the increase in the number of inexperienced drivers who do not have the skills to drive a vehicle in extreme situations have led many car owners to think about the need for additional protection of their property. A CASCO policy will help you cope with the situation. Voluntary insurance contracts are usually concluded by owners of expensive cars and novice drivers. This is an excellent opportunity to protect yourself in the event of theft (hijacking), getting into an accident as any participant in the incident, or if a number of other unpleasant circumstances arise. In practice, everything does not look so “cloudless”. Disputes regarding CASCO arise quite often and require the participation of a specialized lawyer.

When might you need specialist help?

Insurance companies work closely with expert organizations and specialized lawyers. In the event of insurance disputes under CASCO, it will be quite difficult for the car owner to independently protect his interests. Unlike voluntary insurance policies, the content and cost of which are strictly controlled by the RSA, when selling voluntary insurance, the insurance company has more “free hands.” The text of the contract often includes conditions that are unfavorable for the driver, which, at first glance, look completely harmless, but can bring a lot of problems if an insured event occurs. In order not to suffer from the “pitfalls” of the document, we recommend using the services of an auto lawyer at the stage of choosing an insurer and studying the contents of the agreement. Specialist:

  • conduct a legal analysis of the content of the text;
  • will point out points of doubt;
  • will recommend deleting or rephrasing them.

The participation of an auto lawyer at the stage of concluding an agreement guarantees that if an insured event occurs, the insurance company will not have the opportunity to refuse to pay insurance compensation, citing unclear terms of the contract.

As for insurance disputes under CASCO, they arise for the same reasons as disagreements under OSAGO. It could be:

  • unlawful refusal to pay;
  • unreasonable underestimation of the amount of insurance payment.

In both the first and second cases, it will be difficult to do without the help of a traffic lawyer.

Refusal to compensate for damages

The grounds for refusal to pay under CASCO may be legal or illegal. A justified refusal may be if:

  • the car owner violated traffic rules or the terms of the contract;
  • the owner of the ST used a faulty car;
  • at the time of the accident the citizen was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • the damage to the vehicle was caused intentionally in order to obtain compensation;
  • deadlines for contacting the insurance company were violated (without a valid reason);
  • the policyholder did not provide the vehicle for inspection;
  • the car was restored or disposed of before the examination.

An unlawful denial of compensation for damages may be directed at the applicant for various reasons. Typically insurers refer to:

  • incompleteness of the package of documents provided along with the application for the occurrence of an insured event;
  • failure to contact the Investigative Committee in a timely manner (despite the presence of a valid reason).

Any other grounds may be specified. The main thing is, having received a written justified refusal, promptly seek help from a car lawyer. A free consultation with a specialist will help determine the legality of the decision made by the insurer.

Reduced amount of compensation

No less often, CASCO disputes arise due to an unlawful understatement of the amount of payment. In such situations, it is impossible to do without an independent examination. It is important to find a reliable and qualified specialist. The optimal solution to the problem is to contact a car lawyer. Practitioners collaborate with companies that provide assessment services. They guarantee the reliability and level of qualification of expert technicians.

Insurance companies often take into account the opinions of such specialists. But even if the provided conclusion is ignored, it will be able to serve as a powerful argument in court. It is important to remember that if the defendant is an insurance company, pre-trial settlement of the dispute is mandatory, so a copy of the expert organization’s conclusion should be attached to the claim.

We can help!

Below are some of the cases won with supporting documents. We are guaranteed to help you in the fight against dishonest insurers. Payment is made only after the fact and only if the outcome of the case is positive.

Request a call

How can a lawyer help?

You can use the services of a CASCO lawyer at any stage of solving the problem. We have already talked about the need to involve a specialist at the stage of concluding a contract. If this was not possible or necessary, a specialized lawyer will help you receive payment after the occurrence of the insured event. The auto lawyer will provide the following services:

  • will analyze the agreement with the insurance company;
  • will collect documents for filing an application for the occurrence of an insured event, draw up the document itself and transfer the package to the insurance company;
  • organizes and supervises the conduct of an independent examination;
  • will negotiate with the Investigative Committee;
  • prepare and submit a claim for violation of the rights of the car owner;
  • determine the validity of the refusal of insurance payment;
  • will file a complaint against the illegal decision;
  • prepare a statement of claim and all related documents;
  • will file a lawsuit;
  • represent the client's interests in court;
  • will monitor the execution of the court decision.

As practice shows, in most cases, CASCO insurance disputes are resolved in court. By entrusting the preparation for the process to a lawyer, the car owner has every chance not only to achieve the due payment, but also to demand compensation for moral damage, but also a penalty for violating the terms of the contract.


Purchasing a CASCO policy is a smart decision for those who want to protect their property from theft, accidents and other troubles. By choosing the right insurer, you can choose the optimal package. It will help create optimal conditions for owning and operating a car.

Free consultation

Experienced motorists know that the process of driving a vehicle, purchasing it or insuring it can be accompanied by unpleasant aspects, and sometimes a complex of them.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

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Sometimes you can solve them yourself only with great difficulty, because not everyone is competent in legal matters. Another thing is qualified legal assistance and protection from specialists.

The practice of auto lawyers in our country has a ten-year history, and many motorists use their services. The service of legal defenders is not free, and is sometimes considered expensive.

You should take into account the ratio of the cost of a car lawyer’s services and the benefits received from a won case.

In this article we will talk about the benefits of using the help of automobile lawyers, we will talk about the situations in which they will help, where you can find these specialists, and how much they will demand for their services.

What issues are being addressed?

In most cases, the clients of auto lawyers are drivers, because they often become victims in cases with payments from insurance companies, during the sale of a vehicle, during proceedings with other motorists, and service stations.

There are a huge number of examples, but we will talk about the most typical situations when legal protection will be relevant for:

  • filing a claim with the insurer due to unfavorable conditions of insurance payments or refusal of compensation for or;
  • preparing documents for pre-trial proceedings and hearings;
  • filing a complaint against the insurance company with the Federal Financial Markets Service;
  • investigation after an insured event has occurred;
  • drawing up a claim against the Investigative Committee, which had previously refused to resolve the dispute peacefully.

The car lawyer also obliges to explain to his clients the rules of conduct during the judicial investigation and trial, independent examinations, and building lines of defense.

Thanks to his professionalism, you can receive the insurance premium in full, speed up the payment process to quickly resolve problems.

It should be noted that in recent years, Russian legislation has been on the side of consumers, as evidenced by the section on insurance disputes and compensation rules in.

Thus, legal advocates for drivers have more power to rely on to protect their own clients.

At the same time, current legislation obliges companies to fulfill their payments, otherwise they face fines, penalties, and moral compensation in decent amounts.

With the help of an automobile lawyer, disputes with insurers are resolved many times faster than the policyholder would have to deal with this process on their own.

Specialists turn to the prosecutor's office, the Federal Financial Markets Service, the RSA and the Union for the Protection of Insureds in order to force the insurance company to fulfill its direct responsibilities, which are specified in the CASCO agreement.

How to find help from a lawyer regarding CASCO insurance

In order to know where to turn for legal assistance, every motorist must know not only his rights and obligations in relation to the insurance contract, but also who provides protection.

The high demand for their services also contributes to the supply. Both legal experts specializing in this area and general practitioners will help drivers in any situation.

You can choose either private lawyers or employees of law firms. The main rule is not to contact dubious car lawyers without experience and a client base.

It is advisable to use the services of proven specialists who have a large number of won cases, as well as regular clients. It is useful to listen to the advice of friends on choosing a legal defender.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates the provision that legal disputes between the insurer and the policyholder are resolved through an auto lawyer.

Therefore, it is advisable to have a worthy specialist in mind who will be ready to defend your rights and interests.

You can find a car lawyer by searching numerous advertisements on the Internet, in newspapers, or by studying information from motorist forums “Avtopravo”, “Automobile World” and others. At the same time, you should filter the data and be vigilant so as not to become a victim of fraud.

Addresses and contacts for major cities of the Russian Federation

Finding a car lawyer will not be difficult in any city, because even non-specialized professionals can resolve the car legal issues of their clients.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of leading legal companies that help drivers in leading cities of the Russian Federation:

Law firm name Areas of work Address
Lawyers of Tatarstan A full range of legal services for motorists, various types of consulting, online server Kazan, Mira street, 3
“Auto Lawyer in Yoshkar-Ola” is one of the branches of the all-Russian network All types of traffic lawyer services Yoshkar-Ola, Sovetskaya street, 121
AutoLawyers St. Petersburg Free consultations, full legal protection for clients St. Petersburg, Oranienbaumskaya street, 27
Avtoyurist Comprehensive assistance from an automobile lawyer Krasnodar, Selezneva street, 89
"Auto Lawyer Perm" Perm, Sh. Kosmonavtov street, 11

The number of companies is much larger, as evidenced by numerous announcements. But if you do not have experience working with car lawyers, or you do not have recommendations from friends, then we recommend contacting reputable companies.

For example, a CASCO lawyer in St. Petersburg can be found in almost every company, be it a corporation or a small private firm.

Perhaps the cost of their services may seem high, but at the same time the chance of winning the case will increase, and there will be no risk of falling for the tricks of scammers.

Cost of services

Prices for legal protection of motorists are also an important issue that worries such clients. It is known that the help of lawyers is not cheap, everything is calculated individually and depends on the case.

Basically, legal professionals work according to two schemes: either there is a standard cost, or a fee in the form of a percentage of the amount received by their client from the case won.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the average prices for the most popular services in various areas of our country:

Region Consulting Trial Business management
Yaroslavl 900 rubles 2,000 rubles 15,000 rubles
Moscow 750 rubles 3,000 rubles 20,000 rubles
Saint Petersburg 750 rubles 3,000 rubles 20,000 rubles
Nizhny Novgorod 550 rubles 2,500 rubles 12,000 rubles
Novosibirsk 400 rubles 1,500 rubles 8,000 rubles
Sochi 550 rubles 3,500 rubles 20,000 rubles
Chelyabinsk 550 rubles 2,800 rubles 17,000 rubles
Ufa 530 rubles 2,600 rubles 16,000 rubles
Samara 500 rubles 2,500 rubles 15,000 rubles

The prices discussed above for the services of automobile lawyers, even in individual regions, do not differ significantly.

This is due to the increased level of competition among these specialists, and the fact that legislation always acts in the interests of consumers, in our case, motorists.

Therefore, when choosing your legal defender on these issues, you should first of all focus not on the cost of services, but on the number of cases won throughout his professional practice, so as not to risk that you pay for their help, but lose the case, in the end you will have more losses rather than benefits.

Online services

Nowadays, the Internet provides endless opportunities for improving the services of traffic lawyers. Online counseling and assistance for drivers has been widely used in practice for several years now.

This opportunity has a number of advantages, and the main ones are:

  • The lawyer can serve more motorists;
  • Citizens, in turn, do not go to a specialist’s office, especially if they live in remote areas.

Due to the main reasons, the demand for such a service is growing. The most popular virtual service is counseling. This allows the client to receive comprehensive information on issues of interest at any time convenient for the client.

At the same time, some resources provide a free service, which is doubly beneficial for every driver.

The following sites are popular:

  • "The main road";
  • "Steering";
  • "Accident help";
  • "Lawyer Express 24";
  • "Good expert";
  • "Novation34".

Please note that this is not a complete list of resources where you can find legal assistance for drivers. When using dubious sites, be especially careful not to become a victim of scammers.

When choosing a site or community on social networks to get advice from a car lawyer, pay attention not only to user reviews, because negative ones can be deleted by a moderator, but to the consultants’ main place of work, recommendations from their real acquaintances.

Often, consultation is provided free of charge and around the clock, and the quality of services remains at a high level. Such measures are used by law firms in order to attract new clients.

Automotive lawyers are professionals whose duty is to provide legal protection to drivers in various matters relating to driving, accidents, and sales.

Sometimes, the services of a car lawyer are extremely important, because it is these specialists who can solve all the problems of their clients.

A CASCO lawyer in case of an accident is a guarantee that the rights and interests of their clients will be protected, both in relation to the insurance company and other participants in the incident.

Greater competition between experts helps improve the quality of service, which means motorists can completely rely on professionals.

Video: Reviews: Insurance does not pay for CASCO, lawyer, lawyer for CASCO