A guide to base prices for a feast for construction. SBC “Objects of machine-building industry. Nomenclature of objects of the machine-building industry


1.1. State estimated standard"Directory base prices for design work for construction "Objects of housing and civil construction" (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of civil housing facilities.

1.2. When using this Handbook, you should be guided by Guidelines on the use of reference books of basic prices for design work for construction, approved by the order of the Ministry regional development Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 N 620 (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

1.3. The price level contained in the tables of the Directory is set as of 01.01.2001.

1.4. The base prices in the Directory are set depending on the physical indicators of the designed objects: area, volume and others (hereinafter referred to as the main indicators of the objects). For unique housing and civil construction projects, base prices are given depending on total cost construction.

1.5. The distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, determined according to the tables of the Directory, is carried out according to the ratio below and can be specified by agreement between the contractor and the customer.

Types of documentation:

Percentage of base price:

Project documentation

working documentation


1.6. If performed as part of project documentation on behalf of the customer of works on the impact assessment of the object capital construction on the environment (EIA), the price is determined at a rate of 4% of the total design cost.

2. The procedure for determining the base price of design work, depending on the natural indicators of design objects

2.1. The base prices of this section of the Handbook do not take into account the design of:

· industrial building products;

· drainage;

· reclamation of disturbed lands;

· off-site networks, structures (district transformer substations, boiler houses, central heating points, treatment, water intake facilities), booster water pumping stations, sewage pumping stations;

· transfer of engineering networks within the construction site and removal of engineering networks from construction site, as well as shifted engineering networks and structures outside the allotted area.

2.2. The basic prices of the Directory take into account the costs of designing engineering networks and structures within the construction site, except as otherwise specified in the relevant paragraphs of this Directory.

2.3. Base price for designing a construction object in difficult (cramped) conditions environment(an object in a historical environment, in a protected landscape zone) is determined in agreement with the customer using a pricing coefficient of up to 1.1 to the cost of developing project documentation.

2.4. The base price for the design of combined or interlocked buildings and structures, as well as buildings with built-in premises for other purposes, if this association, blocking or insertion is not provided for by the standards for their design, is determined by summing up the prices for the design of combined or blocked individual buildings and structures, as well as main buildings and built-in spaces.

At the same time, the base price for designing the main building is accepted with a coefficient of 1, the cost of buildings blocked with it or built-in premises is accepted with a reduction factor as agreed with the customer, but not more than 0.8 and 0.5, respectively.

Chapter 2.1. Residential buildings, hotels, hostels (to tables No. 1, 2)

2.1.1. The base prices do not include the cost of designing boiler houses, transformer substations.

2.1.2. The base price of design using design documentation for repeated or mass application ("binding") is determined with the introduction of the following pricing coefficients into the calculation:

· without making changes to the above-ground part of buildings - from 0.1 to 0.25;

· with changes in the above-ground part of buildings, changes in facades and layout, including changes in the number of storeys, roof structures - up to 0.7;

2.1.3. In the case of performing work on objects of repeated or mass use based on the block-sectional method, the base price of design work on the development of the basic block-section is determined with a pricing coefficient of 0.8. At the same time, the base price of work on the layout of the house is determined with a coefficient of up to 0.2.

2.1.4. The cost of block sections developed on the basis of the base block section as part of a single series is determined with a pricing coefficient of up to 0.7 of the cost of the base block section, depending on the complexity of their design.

2.1.5. When designing objects consisting of repeatedly (more than three times) repeating sections or buildings, the base price is set using correction factors to the cost of work on repeating sections (hulls) in accordance with clause 2.1.2. At the same time, the cost of developing the base section (building) is determined similarly to the calculation of the cost for a separate building.

2.1.6. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the cost of developing standard projects for block-sections with end facades and a wheelchair is determined by the prices of residential buildings;

· the volume of the building is determined without taking into account the volumes technical floor, attic and underground.

2.1.7. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the base price for the design of hotels of the categories "four stars" and "five stars" is determined by the price indicators of paragraphs 4-6 of the table with pricing coefficients of 1.2 and 1.3, respectively;

· the base price for designing hotels with attached restaurants is determined in accordance with clause 2.4 of this Guide;

· the base price for designing boarding houses with medical functions for the disabled is determined by the prices of items 1-3 of this table using a pricing coefficient of 1.15.

Chapter 2.2. Health and recreation facilities (to tables N 3, 4)

2.2.1. This chapter contains base prices for determining the cost of developing design and working documentation for the new construction of complexes and individual buildings and structures of healthcare and recreation institutions.

2.2.2. The complex of a medical institution means a number of functionally interconnected buildings and structures located on the same territory and having common communications, a single system of energy supply, water supply, and the like.

The complex includes: the main building of the hospital (maternity hospital), a polyclinic (antenatal clinic), combined with a hospital, medical, medical and diagnostic buildings, as well as utility and auxiliary buildings and structures.

The complex does not include: centralized auxiliary and production and economic services (pathoanatomical buildings, garages, warehouses, workshops, etc.), as well as stand-alone classrooms, conference rooms, medical schools with dormitories serving several medical institutions of various profiles.

2.2.3. When determining the base price for designing objects according to tables N of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the total area of ​​buildings or structures listed in paragraphs 1-8 of tables N and is determined as the sum of the areas of all floors (including technical, attic, basement, basement); without areas of sheds, small forms of architecture, household sheds, garages;

· the base price for designing holiday homes "four stars" and "five stars" is determined by the prices of points 3, 4 using a pricing coefficient of up to 1.2;

· the base price for designing a rehabilitation center for the disabled is determined by the prices of paragraphs 5, 6 using a pricing coefficient of up to 1.15;

· the prices of the tables do not take into account the design of beaches with facilities on them, dredging, bank protection works, piers and boathouses;

· the base price of designing outside the complex of dormitories for camp sites and camps is determined by the prices of points 3, 4 using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.7;

· the base price for the design of buildings and complexes of summer operation is determined using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.5.

Chapter 2.3. Physical culture and sports facilities (to tables N 5-11)

2.3.1. This chapter contains basic prices for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of sports and fitness facilities for mass use.

2.3.2. The base prices for planar and special structures include the cost of designing only the main structures without service and auxiliary structures and premises within the boundaries of the structure (sites, fields, and so on).

2.3.3. Base prices for sports buildings and swimming pools take into account the design of the main elements (halls, baths) and the obligatory auxiliary premises.

The price includes design work within the boundaries of the development, determined by the territory within a fifteen-meter zone from the contour of the building, including the inputs of engineering communications.

2.3.4. The base price for the design of complexes is determined by summing up the prices for the development of design and working documentation for sports facilities that are part of it; in the case of placement of various facilities of the complex in a single volume or interlocked, the cost of design work is determined using a pricing coefficient of up to 1.2.

2.3.5. The base price for the design of gyms and swimming pool baths built into residential and public buildings is determined by the prices of the corresponding structures (Table N, of this Directory) using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.5.

2.3.6. The base price for the design of sports buildings and swimming pools with stationary seats for spectators with the number of spectators in buildings up to 500 people and pools up to 1000 people (excluding seats on balconies) is determined by the prices of the corresponding facilities (tables N , , of this Directory) using a pricing coefficient up to 1.2.

2.3.7. When designing complexes on the instructions of the customer, the price of which is formed by summing up the prices for physical culture and sports facilities of this Directory, the base price of the general plan, vertical planning, landscaping, landscaping and on-site engineering networks is determined by applying the following pricing coefficients to the price of the complex, depending on the area of ​​​​the allotted area and the degree of development of volumetric structures:

· territory from 0.5 to 3 hectares, building area up to 30% - 0.25;

· territory from 0.5 to 3 hectares, building area over 30% - 0.2;

· territory from 3 to 10 hectares, building area up to 30% - 0.2;

· territory from 3 to 10 hectares, building area over 30% - 0.15;

· territory of more than 10 hectares, building area up to 30% - 0.15;

· the territory is more than 10 hectares, the building area is more than 30% - 0.1.

2.3.8. The cost of implementing the construction organization project, determined during the development of project documentation for the construction of complexes, is 5%.

2.3.9. Basic prices do not include design engineering structures(thermal point, refrigeration station, transformer substation, water booster pumping station, and so on), ensuring the operation of the designed structures or a complex of structures.

2.3.10. When designing sports facilities with air conditioning, a pricing factor of 1.15 is applied to the base prices.

2.3.11. Base prices do not include:

· amplification and simultaneous translation of speech;

· production of booklets;

· ski slopes, fitness clubs, bowling alleys;

· calculations of natural illumination of objects located close to the designed objects in the existing urban development.

2.3.12. The base price for designing open rinks with artificial ice is determined by the corresponding price of paragraph 4 of this Handbook using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.7.

2.3.13. The base price for the design of outdoor pools is determined by the corresponding prices of this Handbook using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.8;

2.3.14.* When determining the base price for designing facilities according to this Directory, it must be taken into account that the base price for designing grandstands, including additional under-tribune premises, is determined using the coefficients of Table No. 9a of this Directory.

2.3.15.** The base price for designing objects according to tables N - of this Directory, when additional premises are included in their composition, is determined using the coefficients given in the relevant tables N -9a of this Directory.

2.3.16. The base price for the design of springboards according to this Guide with referee towers and coaching stands is determined using a pricing factor of up to 1.2.


* Clause 2.3.14 should be read: “When determining the base price for the design of facilities for No. 9 of this Handbook, it must be taken into account that the base price for the design of grandstands, with the inclusion of additional premises under the stands, is determined using the coefficients of Table No. 8a of this Handbook.

**Clause 2.3.15 should read: “Basic cost of designing objects according to tables N - of this Directory when included in their composition of additional premisesdetermined using the coefficients given in the relevant tables N - this Handbook.

Chapter 2.4. Objects of education and preschool institutions (to tables N 12-13)

2.4.1. When determining the base design price according to this Handbook, the total area of ​​preschool institutions and educational institutions does not include the area of ​​sheds, small forms of architecture, cold verandas, utility sheds, and garages.

2.4.2. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the base price for the design of buildings of 10 floors and above is determined by the prices of the table using a pricing coefficient of 1.15;

· the base price for the design of the CC, student canteens, dormitories, assembly halls, libraries, sports camps is determined additionally.

Chapter 2.5. Objects of culture and art (to tables N 14-21)

2.5.1. When designing objects of culture and art with an expanded (reduced) composition of premises, maximum saturation with technological equipment (the necessary minimum equipment for the technological process), provided for by regulatory documents, base prices are accepted with application to sections of design and working documentation, the labor intensity of which varies depending on from the listed factors, a coefficient from 0.8 to 1.2 as agreed with the customer.

2.5.2. When determining, according to this Guide, the base price for designing cinemas that combine stage and spectator complexes of two or more halls, as well as foyers used as stage venues, is determined by summing up the prices of two or more cinemas. At the same time, coefficients are applied to the price of the second and subsequent cinemas:

· 0.8 - to the technological section of the project documentation;

· 0.5 - to the architectural, construction and engineering sections of the project documentation.

2.5.3. The base prices of theatrical and entertainment enterprises (this Directory) provide for the design of single-hall theatres, cinema and concert halls and circuses, the capacity intervals of which are provided for by regulatory documents, equipped with the optimal composition of technological equipment, located in year-round buildings with a normal composition of premises, having a sufficient level of comfort.

2.5.4. The base prices of this Handbook do not include the design of:

· sound systems for persons with partial hearing loss;

· broadcasts and alerts to 2 or more directions;

· speech translation systems and conference systems;

· large screen television installations;

· out-of-studio radio and television broadcasts;

· laser installations;

2.5.5. The base prices of this Guide are set for the design of theaters and concert halls with standard sizes of stages and stages provided for by regulatory documents. When designing stages and stages of other types, the cost of developing sections and types of design work in the part related to the stage complex is determined with coefficients that take into account the following factors:

· panoramic, three-sided, central, with a rear stage, designed in addition to the grate stage - up to 1.3;

· panoramic, three-sided, central, with a rear stage, designed instead of a grate stage - up to 0.7.

2.5.6. The base price for the design of technological systems for scenes with curvilinear outlines in plan, in longitudinal or transverse sections is determined according to this Handbook, applying to the relevant sections a coefficient that takes into account complicating factors - up to 1.2 as agreed with the customer.

2.5.7. When designing theaters for two or more troupes at the same station with a common main hall, the base price is determined according to this Guide with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.15 as agreed with the customer.

2.5.8. The base price for designing the auditorium of the theater as a citywide universal hall intended for holding the most significant public events, in accordance with the design assignment, which provides for additional requirements for the composition of the area and equipment of the premises, is determined at the corresponding prices of this Directory with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.2 in agreement with the customer.

2.5.9. The basic prices of cinematography objects in tables N - of this Directory do not take into account the design:

· installations for thermal treatment of industrial wastewater;

· dewatering;

· special treatment facilities for process wastewater.

Chapter 2.6. Research institutions, design and engineering organizations (to table N 22)

2.6.1. The price for the design of the research institute complex in this Directory includes the design of the following buildings: laboratory and research, administrative, warehouse, experimental workshops and power plants.

2.6.2. The base price for the design of observatories, astronomical structures, buildings of research institutes dealing with problems of nuclear physics, space exploration, elementary particle accelerators, radioactive isotopes of I and II classes of ultra-high-voltage equipment, heavy-duty electrical equipment, special converting devices, especially dangerous infections, genetic engineering with a degree protection F3 and F4, new directions in the field of electronics and cybernetics is determined in relation to the prices of the table with a pricing coefficient of 1.8.

2.6.3. When designing research institute facilities located in areas of existing development, in cities with a population of more than 250 thousand people. a pricing coefficient of up to 1.1 is applied to prices; in cities with a population of 1 million people. and above - up to 1.2.

2.6.4. The base price for the design of buildings of 10 floors and above is determined according to this Handbook using a pricing coefficient of 1.15.

2.6.5. The base price for the design of research institutions for humanitarian purposes is determined by the prices of paragraphs 1, 2 of this Handbook using a pricing coefficient of 0.7.

2.6.6. The base price for the design of a complex of pilot production buildings includes the design of a compressor room and a central heating station.

2.6.7. The prices of this Handbook do not include the design of:

· flyovers and walk-through collectors;

· installations of industrial television and translation of speeches;

· ATS;

· compressor, cryogenic, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen stations and the like;

· chemical protection of structures and pipelines;

· stations for special water treatment (distilled, deionized, etc.);

· stations for special treatment of process gases.

2.6.8. The prices of items 15, 16 of this Handbook do not take into account the design of the technical library.

Chapter 2.7. Buildings of trade and public catering enterprises (to tables N 23-24)

2.7.1. The base price for the design of lightweight buildings is determined according to the prices of tables N, of this Handbook, using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.7.

Chapter 2.8. Administrative buildings (to table N 25)

2.8.1. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the base price for the design of judicial institutions is determined by the prices of items 1.2 * with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.15;

· when designing buildings listed in paragraphs 1-6 with air conditioning, a pricing factor of up to 1.2 is applied to the cost of the relevant sections.


Chapter 2.9. Objects of consumer services for the population (to table N 26)

2.9.1. This Handbook contains basic prices for the development of design and working documentation:

· dry cleaning enterprises;

· enterprises for washing linen and dry cleaning clothes;

· household radio-electronic equipment repair enterprises;

· enterprises of repair of household machines and devices;

· enterprises of repair and tailoring of footwear;

· enterprises of repair and tailoring;

· enterprises of repair and manufacture of knitwear;

· furniture manufacturing and repair enterprises;

· photo film enterprises;

· rental studio;

· pawnshops;

· complex reception points, including hairdressers and other types of household services.

2.9.2. The base prices of this Guide do not include the cost of designing industrial television, a boiler house.

Chapter 2.10. Objects of public services for the population (to tables N 27-32)

2.10.1. The prices of this chapter do not include: certification and inventory land plots, buildings, structures; small architectural forms, boiler rooms (except for items 1-4 of this Handbook), construction dewatering, transfer and removal from the construction zone of ground and underground utilities, roads

2.10.4. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the prices of points 1 and 2 do not take into account the cost of designing water treatment facilities;

· the base price for designing a hygienic type bath, interlocked with an urgent laundry, is determined by the prices of points 3 and 4 using a pricing coefficient of up to 1.3;

· when designing a water softener, a pricing factor of 1.02 is applied to the prices in the table.

2.10.5. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the base price for the design of embankments with a curvilinear outline in plan is determined using a pricing coefficient of up to 1.15;

· the base price for the design of sloping embankments is determined using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.4;

· the base price for the design of vertical embankments is determined using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.8;

· basic prices include the design of bank reinforcement, ramps, exits, embankment junctions at its beginning and end, drains and construction water drawdown;

· the base price for designing the intersection of the embankment with existing and planned communications and structures is determined additionally.

Chapter 2.11. Urban electric transport (to tables N 33-38)

2.11.1. The prices of this chapter do not take into account the costs of: designing water supply and culvert channels and trays; development of measures for the safety of existing facilities falling into the construction zone; development of a project for the organization of a sanitary protection zone; development of a dendroplan and drawing up a statement with the calculation of the compensation cost for demolished green spaces.

2.11.2. The basic prices of this chapter provide for designing according to geodetic plans on a scale of 1:500. When designing according to geodetic plans on a scale of 1:200, a pricing coefficient of 1.15 is applied to prices.

2.11.3. At the intersection of metro lines and structures, a coefficient of up to 1.2 is applied to the design prices of urban electric transport facilities located in their area.

2.11.4. When designing facilities in cities with a population of 500 thousand people to 1 million people, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.1 is applied to prices, with a population of more than 1 million people - a coefficient of up to 1.2, for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - a coefficient of up to 1, four.

2.11.5. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· if the length of the routes in the city is more than 100 km, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.1 for every 25 km of the route is applied to the prices of point 10;

· for electrical workshops, the main indicators of which differ from those given in the table, the design price should be determined by extrapolation by the sum of the main indicators of power and length.

2.11.6. The base prices of this Guide do not include:

· distribution substations of power systems;

· anti-landslide measures;

· traction substations.

2.11.7. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· base prices are given for the design of end stations outside the complex;

2.11.8. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· as a unit of measurement of the length of lines, their length is taken in single-track calculation. At the same time, a reduction factor of up to 0.3 is applied to the cost of designing a nearby second track.

· base prices are given for lines with two final turning rings with the length of the curves in the plan not exceeding 15% of the length of the designed lines. The cost of additional, in excess of 15%, curved sections of the line and additional turning rings is determined with a coefficient of 1.15 for each kilometer of curves.

2.11.9. The base prices of this Guide do not include:

· removal from the construction zone and reconstruction of automobile and railways, tram and trolleybus lines;

· facilities: tram depot, terminal stations, workshops for electrical and track facilities, central control rooms;

· bridges, overpasses, overpasses and pipes with a diameter of more than 1.5 m;

· city ​​streets, roads and underground drains;

· power supply 6 (10) kV AC and 0.6 kV DC, electrical calculations of traction networks, calculations of the influence of power lines and electrified railways;

· telemechanization of traction substations;

· notification at stopping points;

· motorways along the route;

· special nodes of contact networks in artificial structures.

2.11.10. In the joint design of surface lines of light rail or ordinary tram lines with city streets, a pricing coefficient of 0.9 is applied to the prices of this Handbook.

2.11.11. When determining the base price of design according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· base prices are given for lines - in one direction of movement. At the same time, a reduction factor of up to 0.3 is applied to the cost of designing a nearby passing second line.

· basic design prices for transport hubs are given - depending on the number of special parts;

· the base price for designing a trolleybus contact network is determined by individual lines, the length of which is limited by turning rings, turning circles or transport hubs;

· the base price for designing a tram line contact network is determined according to paragraphs 1, 2 using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.9;

· the base price for designing an overhead network of automatic tram switches is determined according to paragraphs 1, 2 using a pricing coefficient of 0.9;

· the base price for designing an overhead power supply network for the contact network of tram and trolleybus lines is determined according to paragraphs 1, 2 using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.8.

2.11.12. The base prices of this Guide do not include:

· fastening design of insulating shields under artificial structures (overpasses, overpasses, pipelines, etc.);

· lighting and traffic signaling of trolleybus lines;

· automatic arrows at the nodes of the tram line, taking into account the cable and air networks;

2.11.13. The base prices of this Handbook do not take into account the design of control rooms and telemechanics points.

2.11.14. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· this table shows the prices for performing electrical calculations of traction networks with a voltage of 0.6 kV DC trolleybus lines, conventional tram lines, local electrical calculations performed on a separate order;

· prices are given for the total length of tram (trolleybus) networks by calculation options and development stages, in single-track calculation (one direction of movement).

Chapter N 2.12. Models of residential and civil buildings and structures (to table N 39)

2.12.2. The prices of this Directory provide for the production of mock-ups and mock-ups showing buildings and structures, the relief of the territory, landscaping, small forms, roads, driveways, footpaths, sports grounds and other objects.

2.12.3. The measurement of the expanded area of ​​the facades is carried out:

· with flat roofs - up to the top of the eaves of the building;

· with volumetric roofs - up to the ridge of the roof (the upper point of the roof).

2.12.4. The prices of this Handbook are given for models made of wood, plastic, metal and other materials. The production of models from soft material (cardboard, polystyrene, plasticine, plaster, paper and others) is determined using a pricing coefficient of 0.6.

2.12.5. The production of layouts for exhibitions and museums is determined using a pricing factor of 1.2.

2.12.6. The prices of this Directory provide for the production of models on a scale of 1:100. When making models in other scales, pricing coefficients are applied to prices:

· at a scale of 1:20 - 0.6;

· at a scale of 1:50 - 0.8;

· at a scale of 1:200 - 1.2;

· at a scale of 1:500 - 1.4.

2.12.7. Production of layouts without showing interiors and equipment is determined using a pricing coefficient of up to 0.5.

2.12.8. The production of collapsible layouts is determined using a pricing factor of up to 1.2.

2.12.9. When placing several stand-alone buildings on one stretcher, the price of making a model is determined as the sum of making models of these buildings, while making models of related buildings (all but the main one) is determined using a pricing coefficient of 0.9.

3. The procedure for determining the base price of design work, depending on the total cost of construction

3.1. The base price for the development of design and working documentation is set as a percentage of the total construction cost unique buildings and structures (of this Handbook).

3.2. The base price takes into account the cost of design work, which is reflected in the total cost of construction, corresponding to the final indicator of the cost of construction for chapters 1-12 of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of the Cost of Construction (CCCC), with the exception of the cost of work listed in paragraph 1.3.6 of the Guidelines.

3.3. The cost of construction to determine the base price of design work is determined by an analogue object, taking into account their comparability or consolidated indicators construction costs (types of work).

4. Base prices for the development of design and working documentation

Table N 1. Residential buildings

N p / p



Low-rise residential buildings

Single storey

m 3



Double storey






Residential multi-apartment buildings:







Six - ten-storey



Eleven thirteen-storey



fourteen sixteen storey



Seventeen - twenty-story residential buildings



Residential buildings over 20 floors



Table No. 2. Hotels, boarding houses, hostels

N p / p

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, thousand rubles.



Youth hotels, boarding houses by number of places:

up to 100




over 100 to 500



over 500



up to 100



over 100 to 500



over 500



Motels, hostels by number of places:

up to 100







Complexes of hospitals, maternity hospitals, dispensaries, medical centers with a total area, m 2

from 3500 to 8000

m 2



over 8000 to 70000



Separate buildings and structures designed outside the complex.

Medical, diagnostic, treatment and diagnostic buildings; polyclinics, mud baths, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, women's consultations, feldsher-obstetric stations with a total area, m 2

up to 450

m 2



over 450 to 900



over 900 to 3300



over 3300 to 20000



Household buildings of hospitals, maternity hospitals, dispensaries (catering units, laundries), pathological and anatomical buildings, pharmacies, ambulance stations, sanitary and epidemiological stations, blood transfusion stations; disinfection stations, other specialized stations, dairy kitchens with building volume, m 3




Sanatoriums, sanatoriums, complexes, specialized sanatoriums, year-round children's institutions with a total area, m 2

up to 10000

m 2



over 10000



Holiday houses of the "three stars" category, recreation centers, boarding houses, tourist centers with a total area, m 2

up to 4000



over 4000



Sports and recreation facilities with a total area, m 2

up to 4000

m 2



over 4000



Separate buildings and structures designed outside the complex

Sleeping buildings for sanatoriums, rest houses with a total area, m 2



Sports building with a hall dimensions, m:

24 ´ 12



30 ´ 15



30 ´ 18


36 ´ 18


42 ´ 24


42 ´ 42


Indoor cycle track with a track length of 250 m:

cycle track


Pavilion - dressing room, (when designing outside the complex), m 3

m 3



Palace of Sports, universal sports hall, ice palace:

up to 3000 seats

1000 seats



over 3000 to 5000 seats



over 5,000 to 10,000 seats


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- indication of an incomplete or inaccurate postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to life, health and property official as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- the absence of punctuation marks in the text, the presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already received a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant of the appeal is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, it is not allowed to disclose the information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, without his consent. Information about the personal data of applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements Russian legislation about personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and submitted to the leadership of the Ministry for information. The answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections "for residents" and "for specialists"