Regional minimum wage from January 1 of the year. Federal or regional


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The authorities also set the minimum wage that must be paid to him (minimum wage).

It is established at the federal level, but in some subjects of the federation, including Moscow, there is also own size SMIC.

Key Concepts

The minimum wage is the minimum wage that must be paid to employees of various organizations and individual entrepreneurs for a fully worked day, working on a full day and week basis.

The salary includes not only directly the salary established by the employee, but also all additional payments related to wages (bonuses, allowances, etc.).

For a long time, the size of the minimum wage was set only as a completely conditional indicator, not tied to any initial data.

But at present, the all-Russian level is strictly tied to the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the whole country.

The basic minimum wage is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is often called all-Russian or federal. It determines the amount of various benefits and other social benefits.

Previously, based on the minimum wage, the amount of individual entrepreneurs' contributions to insurance funds was also calculated. Since January 2019, these two indicators have ceased to be interconnected.

The RF legislation also allows the regions to make decisions regarding the size of the minimum wages.

But they cannot set this indicator in the territory of the subject of the federation lower than in the whole country.

In addition, the introduction of a regional "minimum wage" requires the mandatory conclusion of a special agreement between employers, trade unions and the leadership of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Comment. In many regions, after the increase from May 1, 2019, regional tripartite agreements on minimum wages have lost their meaning and ceased to operate.

But Moscow and a number of other regions made an exception and these documents are applied in them, as before.

Legal framework

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes an obligation for employers and individual entrepreneurs to pay their employees a salary not lower than the “minimum wage” approved at the federal level with the changes made.

According to these legislative acts, the size of the federal value of the minimum wage is set at 11,163 rubles.

Comment. In accordance with these documents, the all-Russian minimum wage from January 1, 2019 will be equal to the living wage in the whole of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2019 for the working population. In the future, this indicator will have to change annually on January 1.

The tripartite minimum wage agreement concluded between the city authorities, employers and trade unions in Moscow from January 1, 2019 sets it at the level of 18,742 rubles.

This document is signed on the basis of the Labor Code and the Law of the City of Moscow No. 4 of 11/11/2009. The capital value is not directly tied to the PM of the able-bodied population.

Factors in the calculation

Moscow is traditionally the leader of the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of the minimum wage. But this is easily explained, because when calculating it, the corresponding commission focuses on the following factors:

Size living wage It is higher in the capital, because usually its residents require additional transport costs, as well as prices for a number of goods in MSCs are slightly higher than in the regions
Economic situation Most of Russia's money revolves in metropolitan area And economic situation slightly better than the rest of the country
Region conditions There are no severe climatic conditions in Moscow, but there are other problems - for example, those associated with the loss of time on the road
Legislative restrictions The level of the minimum wage The Moscow authorities, as well as the leadership of other subjects of the Russian Federation, can only increase in comparison with the federal level
Position of employers and trade unions The task of the leadership of the capital is to find the most balanced size option that suits both organizations representing the interests of employers and trade unions of workers
Budget revenues of the subject of the federation The Moscow budget traditionally accounts for a fairly significant part of the income, which means that the city authorities have more opportunities to keep a relatively high salary for state employees

In fact, the size of the minimum wage in Moscow depends most of all on agreements between trade unions and employers.

At present, the interests of the organization and entrepreneurs from the SME segment are actually represented by no one in the commission responsible for agreeing on the size of the “minimum salary”.

The size of the all-Russian minimum wage depends entirely on the level of the subsistence minimum, and therefore on the composition of the consumer basket and the prices of goods included in it.

In the PC for calculating the PM, 3 components are allocated and their cost is calculated separately according to different rules.

We will analyze this information in detail in the table below:

Part of a PC What's Included in a Component Procedure for determining the cost of a component
grocery set A minimum of food products that allow a person to receive the necessary energy, vitamins, trace elements. No delicacies in PC for PM not included Food prices are tracked by Rosstat, which provides statistics on them quarterly. Based on them, as well as the list and quantity of products in the PC, the cost of this component is calculated
Non-grocery goods A very small amount of basic clothing, medicines from the list of essentials, essentials, hygiene products The cost is set as a percentage of the cost of the grocery set when calculating the PC for the all-Russian PM. There is no separate monitoring of prices for non-food products/services for these purposes
Services Utilities and transport services. In the latter case, we mean trips by public transport. -«-

Increase from July 1

The minimum wage in Moscow is set once a year. The rest of the time it does not change. Thus, from July 1, 2019, the minimum wage in Moscow will still be 18,742.

Although the cost of living for the authorities of the capital, as well as the leadership of other regions, is obliged to review quarterly after receiving the relevant data from Rosstat.

The value of the minimum wage for the II quarter (to be applied from April 1) is expected until the end of July 2019, for the III quarter (to be effective from July 1) - in October.

Actions of the employer when the salary of employees is below the indicator

If the employer is faced with the situation that when calculating the salary of his employees is below the subsistence level, then according to the law, he must make an additional payment to the level of the minimum wage.

But before that, a few things need to be clarified:

Is the employee fully worked out for a month If the month is worked out only partially, then the situation is quite acceptable when his salary will be less than the minimum wage. At the same time, depending on the situation, the employee may have the right to receive social benefits, for example, disability benefits, if he was on sick leave.
Is the salary calculated correctly for comparing the minimum wage? It includes not only salary, but also various allowances, bonuses and other incentives related to wages.
Compared to pre-tax or post-tax salary The first option is correct. After withholding personal income tax (13%), the employee can actually receive an amount less than the level of the indicator

Every employer must understand that when paying wages below the minimum wage, he is quite at risk. This will attract the attention of the IFTS, as well as other regulatory authorities.

Could there be less

In fact, the employer is not always obliged to pay a salary in the amount of at least the minimum wage.

Employees who work part-time, i.e. less than 8 hours or those who work a shorter week, may receive a smaller salary.

Such actions are not prohibited by law and will not entail any negative consequences for the employer. Usually, such working conditions are established only for part-time workers.

In other cases, the employer risks being brought to administrative or even criminal liability.

Moreover, if the second option is rather unlikely, then the first one, when checked by the labor inspectorate, is quite possible.

We give in the table the amounts of fines for employers who pay wages less than the “minimum wage” in violation of the law:

An employee who receives a salary below the minimum wage can, in court, obtain payment of all the shortfalls, as well as compensation for their delays. This point should also be taken into account by employers.

Video: about increasing the indicator

The minimum wage for 2019 in Moscow and the Moscow Region is a very important indicator that is used not only when setting the amount of salary, but also for calculating various benefits. That is why accountants should monitor changes in this figure. Let's take a closer look at what the salary is in the capital and the metropolitan region, as well as what threatens employers who refuse to raise salaries.

The minimum wage in Moscow from November 1, 2018 was increased to 18,781 rubles by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 19, 2018 N 1114-PP.

Dynamics of the minimum wage in Moscow for 5 years

Amount of salary, rub.

01.01.2013 - 30.06.2013

01.07.2013 - 31.12.2013

01.01.2014 - 31.05.2014

01.06.2014 - 31.12.2014

01.01.2015 - 31.03.2015

01.04.2015 - 31.05.2015

01.06.2015 - 31.10.2015

01.11.2015 - 31.12.2015

01.01.2016 - 30.09.2016

01.10.2016 - 30.06.2017

01.07.2017 - 30.09.2017

11/01/2018 - present

It should be noted that at present the living wage for the able-bodied population of the capital is 18,580 rubles.

Minimum wage for the Moscow region in 2019

The minimum wage in the Moscow Region in 2018 also changed its value (Agreement on the minimum wage in the Moscow Region dated March 1, 2018 No. 41). Minimum wage in the Moscow region:

  • from January 1, 2019 - 13,750 rubles;
  • from April 1, 2019 - 14,200 rubles;
  • from May 1, 2019 - 14,200 rubles.

Is it possible to pay less than the minimum wage?

Deliberately lowering the minimum wage in the Moscow Region in 2019, as well as in other regions and in previous years, is punishable by law. According to article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of an employee who has fully worked out the norm of working hours and fulfilled his labor duties cannot be lower than the established federal minimum wage. Unscrupulous employers who reduce wages are identified by the labor inspectorate during scheduled and unscheduled inspections. For detected violations, employers will have to pay quite large amounts of fines. According to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the violating organization will have to pay a fine:

  • from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles - for the first violation;
  • from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles - for a repeated violation.

In this case, the amount of the fine will have to be multiplied by the number of employees in respect of whom the offense was committed. For example, for one employee with salary less than the minimum wage will have to pay 30,000 rubles, and for two - 60,000 rubles.

Please note that you should not be afraid of sanctions for employers who have a salary less than the minimum wage, but who, in addition to it, pay bonuses, incentives and compensation payments in such an amount that the total employee remuneration is higher or equal to the "minimum wage".

If employees receive less than the established amount, the employer should take care of increasing remuneration in advance. For this you need:

  • make changes to the staffing table;
  • publish;
  • sign an additional agreement with employees.

The minimum wage in Moscow depends entirely on the size of the subsistence level of the able-bodied population. The Moscow authorities review it at least once every three months and decide whether to increase it or keep it at the same level. This procedure is provided for by the Moscow tripartite agreement on the minimum wage for 2016-2018 of December 15, 2015.

The increase in the subsistence minimum in the capital region is followed by an increase in the minimum wage. The new minimum wage comes into force on the 1st day of the month following the month in which the next minimum decree comes into force. But if the cost of living has not changed or even decreased, then the minimum wage in Moscow remains the same.

From January 1, 2018, the minimum wage in Moscow is 18,742 rubles (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP). In December last year, the living wage in Moscow for the 3rd quarter was approved in the amount of 18,453 rubles (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 05, 2017 No. 952-PP). But this minimum is less than the minimum for the 2nd quarter by 289 rubles. Accordingly, the minimum wage in Moscow from January 1, 2018 will still be 18,742 rubles. Indeed, a decrease in the minimum wage due to a decrease in the subsistence minimum is not allowed (clause 3.1.1 of the agreement of 12/15/2015).

The minimum wage in Moscow from January 1, 2018 cannot be lower than 18,742 rubles. Therefore, capital companies need to raise the salaries of employees if the payments are lower.

You can refuse the regional minimum wage and stick to the federal minimum wage in 2018 in Moscow. A reasoned refusal must be sent within 30 calendar days from the date of the official publication of the Moscow government decree on the new subsistence level. The refusal must be sent to the Moscow Trilateral Commission at: 121205, Moscow, st. New Arbat, 36.

If the company has not abandoned the minimum wage and does not comply with it, a fine of 50 thousand rubles is possible (part 6 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Minimum wage for the Moscow region from January 1, 2018

Since January 1, 2018, the minimum wage in the amount of 13,750 rubles has been in force in the Moscow Region (Agreement on the minimum wage in the Moscow Region dated November 30, 2016 No. 118). It is this minimum wage that is used by all employers in the region who, in January 2018, did not switch to the application of the federal minimum wage.

From January 1, 2018, the minimum wage in the Moscow region can increase only if a new regional agreement is adopted. So far, this document has not been approved.

For employers who have abandoned regional significance and switched to a federal one, the minimum wage in the Moscow Region since January 2018 is 9,489 rubles. The salary of employees cannot be lower. Otherwise, the employer will be held liable for violating the labor rights of employees. The penalty for this violation is provided for by Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For organizations - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Recall that companies in the Moscow region have 30 days to write a reasoned refusal from the regional minimum wage in favor of the federal one. Companies in the region should send a letter to the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region at: 123592, Moscow, st. Kulakova, d. 20, bldg. one. Then you can pay employees from January 1, 2018 9489 rubles per month.

Refusal to join the regional minimum wage agreement

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The federal law on the minimum wage since January 2018 provides for an increase in the minimum wage rate. The employer does not have the right to pay less than 9,489 rubles. monthly. Another increase is planned in the coming months.

The minimum wage has been in effect in Russia not so long ago. It is he who ensures economic stability. Employees of various organizations (private or public) know that they cannot receive a salary lower than that established by law.

The employer undertakes to pay employees a salary, the minimum amount of which is regulated by federal law. Wages can be higher, but not lower than a certain threshold. An exception is made for employees who work part-time.

The tariff increases at the same time throughout the country. Separately, it is determined in Moscow and in the northern capital. In a number of regions, additional coefficients are used, due to which the minimum wage becomes higher.

Federal law on the minimum wage from January 1, 2018

For the first time, it was decided to establish a fixed amount in 2000. The bill was approved by the deputies of the State Duma. At that time, the minimum wage was set at 132 rubles. Today, this amount seems ridiculous, but then there were completely different prices.

The new law was intended to protect low-skilled workers and provide them with stable wages. Today, the minimum wage determines the amount of payments to the unemployed and. The same indicator is used for and .

Since the adoption of the project, it has been repeatedly amended. On average, the minimum wage was increased annually, although there were periods when the amount did not grow for a year and a half. At such moments, the deputies made up for lost time and increased it every six months.

The increase in the minimum wage in 2018 was also approved. It has grown to 85% of the subsistence level and today is 9,489 rubles. The previous time it was raised in 2017. Then the minimum wage was 7,800 rubles per month.

Minimum wage from May 1, 2018: what will be the increase

The President of Russia has repeatedly stated that the figure must be brought to the subsistence level. This was originally planned to be completed by 2019.

However, they decided to speed up the process. The minimum wage will increase again from May 1, 2018. The indicator will already be 11,163 rubles.

The next increase is scheduled for early 2019. However, it is still difficult to predict what it will be. Most likely, the rate will increase depending on the growth of the living wage.

The size of the minimum wage in the regions of Russia in 2018: by regions and cities

Although in some regions the subsistence minimum is lower than in the whole country, the minimum wage cannot be reduced. The employer sets a lower salary only when the total amount of payments (including bonuses and allowances) is above the minimum wage.

In Moscow by years

The capital has always had special conditions when determining the minimum amount. The minimum wage in Moscow is twice as high as the Russian average. For example, in 2014 the federal minimum wage was 5,554 rubles, while in the capital it was 12,600. Here is how this figure has changed over the past 5 years:

  • in 2014 - 12,600, and from June 1 - 14,000;
  • in 2015, the increase occurred four times. The minimum wage was 14,500, 15,000, 16,500, and then 17,300;
  • in 2016, the amount changed slightly - up to 17,561;
  • in 2017 it was raised to 17,642, then to 18,742.

This year, the minimum wage in the capital has remained at the same level as in the past.

In St. Petersburg by years

A special agreement is also valid in the northern capital. In St. Petersburg, the tariff is slightly lower than in Moscow, but significantly higher than in other regions. Indexing happens a little less often:

  • in 2014 the amount was 8,868;
  • in 2015, the increase occurred twice - first to 9,445, then to 11,000;
  • in 2016, the indicator increased slightly - 11,700;
  • in 2017, the amount increased by several thousand at once and amounted to 16,000.

There was no increase this year.

In the Arkhangelsk region

The law on the new minimum wage is valid in other regions of Russia. For example, in the Arkhangelsk region the base rate is regulated.

The region has a special commission that decides whether it is possible to set the minimum wage above the federal value. However, in the last 5 years, the decision to increase payments has never been made. The indicators changed depending on the amendments made:

  • 2014 – 5 554;
  • 2015 – 5 965;
  • 2016 - 6,204 and 7,500;
  • 2017 – 7 800.

In the Sverdlovsk region

The document regulating the confirmation of the amount of salary in the Sverdlovsk region is an agreement between the business community and the government. Civil servants receive a minimum wage approved by the federal center, and for employees of private companies, the amount is slightly higher.

Over the past five years, the minimum wage in the Sverdlovsk region has changed differently than the all-Russian regional minimum wage.

Employees of organizations financed from the budget received the basic federal rate. But entrepreneurs provided their employees with a different minimum wage:

  • in 2014, companies receiving subsidies from the regional budget set the rate at 6,090, the rest - 7,090. A little later, the figures were equalized;
  • in 2015, the minimum wage was 8,154;
  • in 2016 and 2017 - 8,862.

Now the basic federal tariff will apply to everyone.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The indicators of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are higher than the national ones. If we compare the annual increase, then in the subject the minimum rate changed as follows:

  • 2014 – 5 554;
  • 2015 - 5,965 (since June 1, 6,204) for state employees and several times more for the rest (the rate is set separately for each city. For example, in Norilsk 15,509 rubles, in Khatanga - 24,026 rubles);
  • in 2016 - 7,500 for state employees. In some settlements, the minimum wage increased by several hundred rubles and amounted to an average of 15 thousand;
  • in 2017 - 7,800 for state employees. For the rest, the increase averaged 1-2 thousand rubles.

This year, only the base rate has been increased in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are no other tariff increases.

In the Chelyabinsk region

Own rates apply to Chelyabinsk region. For employees of budgetary organizations, the minimum wage is set depending on the base federal rate. Employees of enterprises and private companies over the past 5 years received other minimum wages:

  • 2014 – 7 630;
  • 2015 – 8 300;
  • 2016 – 9 200;
  • 2017 – 9 700.

Since 2018, the amount has been increased to 10,500 rubles.

In the Altai Territory

Similarly, tariffs are calculated in the Altai Territory. The base rate is valid for state employees, for the rest it was:

  • in 2014 - 7,005;
  • in 2015 - 8,116;
  • in 2016 - 9,400;
  • in 2017 - 9,400.

In 2018, the minimum wage in the Altai Territory is equal to the federal tariff and is the same for everyone.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region

state employees Nizhny Novgorod region can only count on the federal minimum wage. For other categories of employees, the figure is higher:

  • in 2014 - 7,140;
  • in 2015 - 7,800;
  • in 2016 - 9,000;
  • in 2017 - 9,500.

This year the tariffs are practically equalized. Extra-budgetary organizations will pay employees at least 9,500 rubles.

In Bashkiria

The Republic of Bashkortostan has the same system of rates. For employees of non-budgetary companies, they changed as follows:

  • in 2014 and 2015 - 6,900;
  • in 2016 and 2017 - 8,900.

In 2018, regional surcharges will be added to the base rate. The minimum wage in the republic will be the same for everyone and will amount to 10,913 rubles.

In the Irkutsk region

The accrual system in the Irkutsk region has changed several times. From 2014 to 2016, the tariff was equal to the federal rate.

From July 1, 2016, they began to charge an additional amount to employees of the Far North. In 2017, the minimum wage for them was 12,000. The same amount will remain in 2018.

in the Perm region

According to the current agreement, in the Perm Territory, the indicators varied depending on the subsistence minimum. In 2014, the tariff was 8,307 rubles, and by 2017 it had grown to 10,278. This year, the base rate will also be set depending on the subsistence minimum.

In the Orenburg region

Changes in the Orenburg region are taking place, as in other regions. There is a single minimum wage, which over the past 5 years has increased from 5,554 rubles to 9,489. In the near future, officials will announce the establishment of a regional allowance that will increase the amount.

In the Rostov region

State employees of the Rostov region cannot count on a rate higher than that established by law. For the rest of the minimum wage during the last five years is calculated according to the scheme: subsistence minimum x 1.2.

Another calculation method has been added - employees of small organizations will receive a minimum salary in the amount of a living wage for the first three years.

In Udmurtia

In the Republic of Udmurtia, there is a single base rate established in accordance with federal law.

Surcharges are calculated depending on the additional coefficient, which is 15%. In 2018, wages will not be lower than 10,912 rubles.

In Murmansk

Until last year, in Murmansk, the minimum wage was calculated with regional allowances. The rate has changed as follows:

  • 2014 – 10 730;
  • 2015 – 12 013
  • 2016 – 14 281.

In 2017, only employees of non-budgetary organizations began to receive an increased minimum wage. The rate was 14,632 rubles, and this year it has been increased to 15,185.

In the Kemerovo region

The increased tariff is valid in the Kemerovo region. Employees of non-budgetary organizations are entitled to a minimum wage set in the amount of the subsistence minimum multiplied by 1.5.

Minimum wage with the Ural coefficient in 2018

The Ural coefficient is an additional allowance assigned to residents of some Russian regions. It is provided in the following subjects:

  • Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Perm, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk regions;
  • Gainsky district of the Komi-Permyatsky district;
  • Udmurtia;
  • Bashkortostan.

The coefficient is from 1.15 to 1.20 to the total minimum wage rate. The increase depends on the territory where the employee works.

Minimum wage with northern allowances and coefficient in 2018

Northern allowances are provided for residents working in special climatic conditions. The territories are divided into 4 zones:

  • Group 1 (Chukotka, Koryaksky district, Severo-Evenksky district of Magadan, Aleutsky district of Kamchatka, islands of the Arctic Ocean). Employees receive a 100% salary increase;
  • Group 2 (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Evenki Okrug, Republic of Sakha, Khabarovsk Territory, Magadan Region, Vorkuta, Komi Republic). Residents are entitled to an 80% surcharge;
  • Group 3 (Arkhangelsk, Tomsk, Amur, Chita, Irkutsk, Sakhalin regions, the republics of Karelia, Komi, Buryatia, Khanty-Mansiysk district, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Krai). A 50% surcharge is charged;
  • Group 4 (some areas of the Irkutsk and Chita regions, the republics of Buryatia, Tuva, Komi, the southern regions of the Far East). There is a surcharge of 30%.

For the first six months of service, a person is entitled to only a ten percent surcharge, regardless of the place of employment.

Minimum wage for calculating sick leave in 2018

Sickness compensation is calculated based on the minimum wage, if the employee has not been employed in the past two years, or with a short work experience (less than six months). The amount is calculated according to the following scheme:

  • if the total experience is more than 8 years, when calculating sick leave, the minimum daily wage is multiplied by 100%;
  • with an experience of 5 to 8 years, you can count on an additional 80%;
  • if the experience is less than 5 years, the allowance will be 60%;
  • for those who work less than six months, the amount is calculated based on the minimum wage.

Officials believe that the increase in the minimum wage will affect the overall solvency of the population. The increase in the minimum wage is one of the measures aimed at supporting the country's economy.

The minimum wage (SMIC) and the living wage should be equal in 2019. The relevant provisions were enshrined in Federal Law N 421-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation in terms of raising the minimum wage to the subsistence level of the able-bodied population.

A brief overview of the federal law on increasing the minimum wage from January 1, 2018, as well as the official text of the document, read on the website.

Law on increasing the minimum wage

In accordance with Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum wage is set simultaneously throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and cannot be less than the subsistence minimum. At the same time, in accordance with Art. 421 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure and terms for a phased increase in the minimum wage to the subsistence level are established federal law.

The Russians have been waiting for the adoption of the relevant federal law for many years. All this time, in most regions of the Russian Federation, the minimum wage was much lower than the subsistence level. According to official statistics, about 12 million Russians in 2017 received wages below the subsistence level, essentially being below the poverty line.

The long-awaited federal law on the minimum wage was adopted at the end of 2017 (N 421-FZ). The deputies have developed a phased scheme, according to which the minimum wage and the subsistence minimum should be equal in two years:

  • from January 1, 2018, the minimum wage will increase by 21.7% and amount to 9,489 rubles (85% of the subsistence minimum for the working population);
  • from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage will become equal to the subsistence minimum for the II quarter of 2018.

In the future, it is planned to establish every year the minimum wage at the subsistence minimum for the II quarter of the previous year. At the same time, the law stipulates that if the subsistence minimum decreases, then the minimum wage will remain at the same level.

It is worth adding that the minimum wage is set to regulate wages, calculate sick leaves, maternity benefits, as well as for other purposes of mandatory social insurance. Thanks to the increase in the minimum wage in 2018, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Labor, the salaries of 1.5 million Russians will increase, most of which are public sector employees.

The official text is the federal law on the minimum wage from January 1, 2018

the Russian Federation

Federal Law N 421-FZ

On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of raising the minimum wage to the subsistence level of the able-bodied population

Article 1

“On the Minimum Wage” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2000, No. 26, Art. 2729; 2002, No. 18, Art. 1722; 2003, No. 40, Art. 3818; 2005, No. 1, Art. 24; 2007 , No. 17, item 1930; 2008, No. 26, item 3010; 2011, No. 23, item 3246; 2012, No. 50, item 6955; 2013, No. 49, item 6337; 2014, No. 49, item 6917; 2015, No. 51, Article 7247; 2016, No. 23, Article 3288, No. 52, Article 7509) amended to read as follows:

"Article 1

Set the minimum wage:

from January 1, 2019 and further annually, from January 1 of the corresponding year, the minimum wage is established by federal law in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population as a whole in the Russian Federation for the II quarter of the previous year.

If the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population as a whole in the Russian Federation for the II quarter of the previous year is lower than the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population as a whole for the Russian Federation for the II quarter of the year preceding the previous year, the minimum wage is established by federal law in the amount established by from 1 January of the previous year.

Article 2

“On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1997, No. 43, Art. 4904; 2000, No. 22, Art. 2264; 2004, No. 35,

Art. 3607; 2009, no. 30, art. 3739; 2011, no. 49, art. 7041; 2012, No. 50 (part 5), art. 6956) the following changes:

1) Paragraph 2 of Article 4 shall be stated as follows:

“The subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation (with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 3 of this article) is established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of cases provided for paragraph 4 of this article - in the manner prescribed by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”;

2) in Article 7 the words "of the Government of the Russian Federation" shall be replaced by the words ", as well as on the official website in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" of the federal executive body for statistics".

Article 3

Part three of Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3699; 2009, No. 30, Art. 3739, No. 52, Art. 6417 ; 2014, No. 11, article 1098 No. 30, article 4217; 2016, No. 52, article 7502, 7503; 2017, No. 27,

Art. 3951) to recognize as invalid.

Article 4

Establish a consumer basket for the main socio-demographic groups of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation for 2018 - 2020 in the composition and volumes that are provided for by Federal Law No. 227-FZ of December 3, 2012 "On consumer basket as a whole for the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, No. 50, item 6950).

Article 5

In part 2 of Article 95 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 46,

Art. 4532; 2008, no. 48, art. 5518; 2010, no. 31, art. 4163) delete the words “and the minimum wage established by federal law”, add the following sentence: “The procedure and amount of payment of this compensation are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.”.

Article 6

In Part 2 of Article 108 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2015, No. 10, Article 1391), the words “and the minimum wage established by federal law” shall be deleted, supplemented with a sentence as follows: “The procedure and amount of payment of this compensation are established Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 7

In part 4 of Article 107 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 30,

Art. 3012; 2010, no. 18, art. 2145; 2011, no. 50, art. 7364) the words "based on the minimum wage established by federal law" shall be deleted, supplemented with the following sentence: "The procedure and amount of payment of this compensation are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.".

Article 8

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin