Check administrative fines online. Check the debt on administrative fines online using the individual’s last name (passport details). By car number


Thanks to the development of modern means of communication, citizens who need to receive up-to-date information about existing traffic police fines do not need to waste their time visiting the territorial traffic police department, just use one of the methods listed below:

  • obtain the information of interest on the official traffic police portal;
  • make a request about the availability of administrative fines on the public services website;
  • send SMS from your cell phone;
  • take advantage of specialized regional services that provide citizen information services;

In order to be guaranteed to find out about all the traffic police fines, experts recommend using several ways to obtain information at once.

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Find out about traffic police fines online

Citizens of our country can find out about existing traffic police fines without leaving home, using special Internet services.

It should be noted right away that, contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to find out about administrative fines only by last name; to obtain information, drivers will have to be prepared for the service to ask them to indicate the series and number of their driver’s license.

This is due to the fact that information about existing traffic police fines is confidential and only a limited number of people can access it.

Find out about traffic police fines on the government services website

You can also find out about existing traffic police fines on the government services website. All you need for this is to have a personal account on the government services portal, know the driver’s license number and information about the driver’s last name, first name, patronymic and his date of birth.

  • When accessing the service website for information, portal users need to take into account the following nuances:
  • If you enter only the series and number of your driver’s license into the form, you can obtain information about administrative fines issued for all vehicles registered to the owner of this driver’s license. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that when searching for fines on a driver’s license, violations recorded using modern CCTV cameras are not displayed.

In order to find out about unpaid traffic fines through the government services website, you must:

  1. Log in to the user's personal account.
  2. In the “Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” menu, select the “Providing information on administrative offenses in the field of road traffic” tab.
  3. After reviewing the details of the service, users need to click on the “Get service” button.
  4. To receive the service, you just need to fill out a special form, indicating the license plate number of the car, as well as the series and license number. Date of birth and full name are filled in automatically.
  5. After filling out the form, users need to click on the “Submit Application” button, then they will automatically go to a page that will contain a complete list of all traffic police fines for which payment was not made within the prescribed time frame.

Find out traffic police fines via SMS

Among other things, you can find out about traffic police fines using SMS messages. To do this, you just need to send a message to the short number 9112 with the text “Staff traffic police space No. T/C space No. V/U.”

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that this service is not free; the owner of the SIM card will be charged five rubles directly from the phone account for information about each unpaid fine.

How to pay a traffic police fine online

Thanks to the development of the electronic payment system, Russians have the opportunity not only to learn about existing traffic police fines online, but also to pay for them via the Internet. Those. Today, you no longer need to go to the bank and waste time standing in a kilometer-long queue - you can make payments at home, without getting up from your computer.

There are several main ways to pay administrative fines via the Internet:

  1. In order to write off funds to pay a fine from your bank card, users just need to visit their personal account in the Internet bank, where in the general menu select “Payments” - “Payment of traffic police fines”, then fill out the payment form, indicating the number and date of the decision, the code of the traffic police department, the details of the payee and the transfer amount.
  2. Payment of a traffic police fine can also be made through the electronic payment system on Yandex.Money and WebMany. When paying fines through these services, users need to be prepared that the operation will have to be confirmed with a code that will be sent to the mobile phone linked to the account.
  3. Urgent payment of the fine can also be made directly from the MTS mobile operator account, by using the appropriate service on the company’s website.

Administrative fine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, find out the debt by last name

It is administrative responsibility that is the main way to maintain order in the state. The preparation of a protocol on administrative liability is carried out in accordance with the current Administrative Code of the Russian Federation; citizens of our country can receive a fine for moral or material harm caused to individuals or the state.

The lion's share of all administrative fines in our country are issued to citizens by the traffic police, but a protocol can also be issued by ordinary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - police officers, local police officers, investigators and interrogators.

Citizens can find out about the existing fines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the official website of the bailiff service, to which punctures are sent if they have not been paid within the two-month period established by law.

Fines - bailiffs find out debt by last name

Since January 2012, an information system called the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” has been posted on the FSSP website. Thanks to the use of this service, ordinary citizens have the opportunity to instantly find out up-to-date information about their existing debt on administrative fines, as well as ways to pay them off.

It is necessary to clarify that a decision on an administrative offense can be challenged within the time frame and procedure established by law.

If two months have passed since the decision was made and the fine has not been paid, it is transferred for enforcement to the territorial departments of the bailiff service at the debtor’s place of residence.

On the basis of a resolution on an administrative offense, enforcement proceedings are initiated in the bailiff service, within the framework of which the bailiff carries out enforcement actions established by law.

In addition, offenders must keep in mind that when a fine is collected by bailiffs, the debtor is required to pay an enforcement fee in the amount of at least 500 rubles and no more than seven percent of the fine amount. Willful defaulters of fines may be subject to administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

Our service allows you to find a fine by order number and pay it immediately.

Photos and videos of rule violations

Along with the fine, you will receive access to photographs taken by means of automatic recording of violations. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases where photographs are missing in the fines database. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police department that issued the fine, the name of the department is indicated in the detailed information on the page your unpaid traffic police fines.

A video of the violation does not exist in principle; instead of a video, there will be a series of photographs.

Traffic police fines - payment guarantee

After payment, in case of an error in the traffic police database, we will refund you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission.

Pay the traffic police fine online

Payment occurs online in real time.

  • payment takes less than 5 minutes
  • 50% discount is yours to keep
  • you will receive notifications about new fines

Methods of paying fines

  • Bank cards: VISA, MasterCard, MIR
  • Electronic money: Yandex Money, Qiwi,
  • Banking systems: Sberbank online, Alfa-Click, Promsvyazbank,, Russian Standard

Based on the payment result, you will receive a payment receipt

All payments are made by the non-bank credit organization "" (limited liability company) - NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) registered under Federal Law No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System".

NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) operates on the basis of the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for banking operations No. 3508-K dated July 2, 2012.

Payment of traffic fines with a 50% discount

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which allow, from January 1, 2016, to pay a fine for violating the Traffic Rules in the amount of half the amount of the fine imposed.

Part 1.3 has been added to Article 32.2 with the following text:

1.3. When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of the Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision imposing an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by the judge, body, or official who issued the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full.

Fines that are not covered by the discount

  • The car is not registered (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.9.6, 12.9.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h (if repeated violation) fine - 2000-5000 rubles
  • 12.12.3 Driving through a prohibitory signal (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.15.5 Meeting (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.24 Causing harm to health fine - 2500-25000 rubles
  • 12.26 Refusal to test for alcohol fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident fine - 30,000 rubles
  • Violation of parking rules and non-payment for parking in Moscow fine - 5000 rubles

Reading time: 3 minutes

Every year in Russia the number of drivers increases and, accordingly, the number of violations of traffic rules increases. To combat this trend, legislators are constantly introducing new methods of control: installing video cameras to record these violations, creating additional traffic police posts, and increasing the size of penalties. The ability to check a traffic police fine by last name, according to some enthusiasts, could be a useful cog in this scheme.

Where and how to check fines

Undoubtedly, it is better to be constantly aware and check for violations online. When the country was just introducing a system for searching for unpaid notices, there were proposals to create a database of fines on the official website of the traffic police, where the owner could enter his last name and check the debt. But this proposal was rejected under pressure from the following arguments:

Many drivers fall for the tricks of scammers who offer to check traffic police fines using the last name of the car owner for free on the official website. Do not fall for such deception: debts due to administrative penalties cannot be found out this way.

The traffic police website does not make it possible to check the fine only by last name; registration data of the vehicle itself is required.

You cannot find such a service in the list. Many drivers, trying to reduce the time for online checking of traffic police fines, are looking for the opportunity to find out the debt on their passport on the official website of the State Service. But for such a check on the portal, other personal data is required from the owner - the driver’s license number, as well as the number of the registration certificate of the vehicle itself.

In addition, the attorney service of our partners will not only be able to indicate your unpaid traffic fines, but will also provide you with information about the presence of debt on loans, alimony, housing and communal services, etc.

Not only official authorities provide the opportunity to check debts online. A convenient service is offered by Sberbank, one of the most popular system banks.

You can read all the new products in a separate material, which describes the advantages and algorithm.

Website of the State Traffic Inspectorate

The service of checking fines via the World Wide Web was introduced not so long ago, but is becoming more and more popular every day: after all, checking through your laptop or for offenses does not take much time.

How to look up fines by name and car number without a driver’s license is not a completely correct question, as we have already found out. To identify the presence of fines, you must:

  • go to the official website of the traffic police;
  • click on the “Check fines” button;
  • fill out a special form by entering vehicle registration information and car number;
  • click on the “Request” button;
  • the system will show the number and amount of fines or congratulate you on the absence of them.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need to go through the registration procedure on the site.

FSSP website

There are cases when the driver simply forgot about paying the collection. After the time established by law, information about his debt will become the basis for enforcement proceedings.

And at this stage there really is a way to find out about your traffic police fines via the Internet using your last name. On the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service, a Russian needs to indicate his full name and region of registration in order to find out about the enforcement proceedings in force against him. For those whose obligations the state has not yet taken control of, the service will inform that there is no information available on the request.

State Services Portal

If the driver is an active Internet user, he can use the services of the State Services portal. On it you can:

  • find out how many fines have accumulated;
  • or payment systems;
  • set up a notification service about new fines via SMS or email.

To fully use the portal, you must first create a personal account on it.

Other resources

Not a single online service for searching and paying fines can do without accurate data on the vehicle, be it Sberbank Online, Yandex.Money, the service of our partners or another site.

Advanced users of mobile technology, such as smartphones, can download and use applications for online checking of traffic police fines, but not by last name - by state license plate number, driver's license number or other non-personal data.

How can a pedestrian find out about a fine?

As a rule, on the website, after entering the requested data, the pedestrian will be shown all the data: when, to whom and for what violation the ticket was issued. And the territorial traffic police department will provide all the necessary information about the offense as quickly as possible. You can pay the fine at the patrol service office, self-service terminals or through online services.