Industrial cargo rolling stock market. Media about Russian Railways. Whoever left first gets a discount.



Research objectives: analysis of competition in the Russian railway rolling stock market, a structured description, comparative analysis and ranking of operating and financial indicators 600 largest owners and operators of mainline freight railway rolling stock in Russia.

We recommend: for a deeper analysis of the main segments of the transportation market and forecasting its development, purchase the study "The Transport Industry of Russia. Results of 2018". For operational daily or weekly monitoring of events in the transport sector, it is advisable to use thematic news service: “Railway transport of the Russian Federation” and “Railway engineering of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries”.

Directions for using the results of the study: analysis of market conditions, search for customers and partners, marketing planning, analysis of competitors.

Time frame of the study: results of 2018 (operational and financial indicators), trends in 2019 (events and materials in business information)

Terms of the study: March-May 2019 (the previous version was released in 2018).

Key market parameters:

The database contains data on 492 owners of Russian rolling stock, which account for 98% of Russia's freight rail rolling stock as of January 1, 2019, including:

  • 233 owner gondola cars owning 98% size of the Russian park (530.7 thousand units)
  • 223 owners cisterns owning 99% size of the Russian park (247.8 thousand units)
  • 164 owners covered wagons owning 94% size of the Russian park (52.5 thousand units)
  • 138 owner platforms owning 92% size of the Russian park (76.7 thousand units)
  • 106 owners fitting platforms owning 96% size of the Russian park (57.2 thousand units)
  • 82 owners cement trucks owning 85% size of the Russian park (18 thousand units)
  • 27 owners car carriers owning 73% size of the Russian park (3 thousand units)
  • 58 owner grain carriers, owning 99% size of the Russian park (50 thousand units)
  • 60 owner mineral carriers, owning 93% size of the Russian park (28.7 thousand units)

The database contains data for 480 rolling stock operators, which account for 96% of the freight railway rolling stock of Russia as of January 1, 2019, including:

  • 219 operator gondola cars, managing 90% Russian park (482.7 thousand units)
  • 188 operators cisterns, owning 103% Russian park (250.4 thousand units)
  • 152 operator covered wagons, managing 99,9% Russian park (60 thousand units)
  • 118 operators platforms, managing 95% Russian park (79 thousand units)
  • 112 operators fitting platforms, managing 95% Russian park (56.5 thousand units)
  • 71 operators cement trucks, managing 99% Russian park (22 thousand units)
  • 18 operator car carriers, managing 62% Russian park (2.5 thousand units)
  • 51 operator grain carriers, managing 100% Russian park (more than 50 thousand units)
  • 43 operators mineral carriers, managing 100% Russian park (more than 30 thousand units)

Study Benefits:

  • Rating of the largest operators and operating leasing companies in 2018
  • Base of owners and operators of rolling stock in Russia as of January 1, 2019
  • Analysis of transportation and wagon fleet by major owners and operators.
  • The database of the largest owners and operators of the rolling stock in Russia by type, based on the results of 2018.
  • The database of the largest owners and operators of rolling stock in Russia by types of wagons based on the results of 2018.

Resources spent: 800 man-days (about 2 million rubles).

Tasks and structure of the study by sections.

The base "600 largest owners and operators of mainline rolling stock in Russia, CIS countries and neighboring countries" includes five sections:

The Database section includes the rating of the TOP-30 largest operators in the Russian rolling stock market. INFOLine agency analyzed information on the results of operating activities of 30 largest operators of railway rolling stock, which accounted for 80% of the fleet under management in 2018, 66% of the fleet owned, taking into account financial leasing and 77% of cargo transportation by rail in Russia. In addition to the fleet and transportation indicators, the companies were ranked by revenue from operating rolling stock. In addition to the quantitative indicators on which the Ratings were compiled, there were also calculated performance indicators activities of operators, including technological (total volume of cargo transported per year in one car) and financial (the ratio of revenue to the number of fleet under management and to the total volume of cargo transportation).

The Database section includes structured information about the largest owners and operators of rolling stock in Russia. This section of the Base includes contact information (company name, legal form, actual address, telephone, fax, E-mail, website, full name and position of the head of the company, full name and position of the head of the transport department - for cargo-owning companies), as well as information on the number of rolling stock owned, owned, taking into account financial leasing and managed by the company. January 1, 2019 by types of wagons: covered wagons, platforms, gondola wagons, cisterns, mineral hoppers, cement hoppers, grain hoppers, fitting platforms, car carriers and other wagons. Number of wagons per January 1, 2019 in management is calculated as the sum of the number of own wagons not leased and the number of wagons leased from other owners. The uniqueness of the approach to calculating the fleet of companies (both managed and owned) given in this database lies in the fact that INFOLine conducts a quarterly survey of about 100 largest owners and operators of rolling stock, which account for more than 70% of the entire fleet, due to which the data is more correct than in other sources.

The section of the Database describes the state of the market for freight rail transportation and railway rolling stock in Russia, including: freight turnover, traffic volume, fleet structure, average age of rolling stock, dynamics of decommissioning and purchases of the rolling stock.

The Database section provides business information on the largest rolling stock operators in Russia, including development history, operational and financial performance, fleet ownership and management dynamics, traffic volumes and freight turnover for 2013-2018, investment projects, rolling stock purchases, mergers and acquisitions, resignations and appointments, corporate strategies, contacts.

Section V. Business briefings on the largest operating leasing companies in Russia

The Database section includes a rating of the largest operating companies in the Russian rolling stock market. The section contains business information on the largest operating leasing companies in Russia, including the history of development, operational and financial performance, as well as information about the client base (lessees).

Section VI. The database of the largest owners and operators of rolling stock in Russia for 9 types of rolling stock

The Database section includes tables with information on the largest owners and operators of 9 types of wagons, in particular: gondola cars, tanks, platforms, covered wagons, grain carriers, fitting platforms, mineral carriers, cement carriers, pellet carriers, car carriers and other types of carriages. The information provided in the section includes contact details of companies (actual address, telephone, fax, e-mail, web address, full name of the head and full name of the head of the transport department - for cargo owners) and data on the park in ownership, ownership subject to financial leasing and management as of January 1, 2019.



Section II. Base of 600 owners and operators of Russian rolling stock

2.1. Database of the largest rolling stock operators in Russia

2.2. The base of the largest owners of rolling stock in Russia, taking into account financial leasing

2.3. The base of the largest owners of rolling stock in Russia, excluding financial leasing

Section III. Brief overview of the rolling stock market in Russia

3.1 State of the rail freight market

Freight turnover, loading volume and volume of transportation in Russia

Loading trends by main types of cargo

3.2 State of the rail freight rolling stock market

State of the freight rolling stock fleet in Russia

Purchases and decommissioning of rolling stock in Russia

State regulation of service life and introduction of innovative railcars

Section IV. Business information on the largest operators in Russia

Subsidiaries of Russian Railways

United Transport and Logistics Company

TransContainer, PJSC

RZD Logistics JSC

"Federal Freight Company", JSC

« RailTransAuto», JSC

holdingUniversal Cargo Logistics Holding

« First cargo company», JSC

holdingGlobaltrans Investment, PLC

Holding "Neftetransservice", JSC


Rusagrotrans JSC

Freight Company, Ltd.

"TransLes", LLC

JSC First Heavyweight Company

HC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company

Transport group «FESCO»

Rail Garant Group of Companies

"Transoil", LLC


"Cargo company "Novotrans", LLC

Gazpromtrans, OOO

Modum-Trans, LLC (formerly UVZ-Logistik, LLC)

RAILGO, LLC (formerly ISR Trans, LLC, TEK Evrotrans, LLC)

"Sovfracht-Sovmortrans", GK

RN-Trans JSC


Pipe Freight Company JSC

Eurosib SPb-transport systems, CJSC

VM-Trans, OOO

Uralkali, PJSC

Mechel-Trans, OOO

Spetsenergotrans JSC

JSC "Apatit" (formerly "Phosagro-trans", LLC)

"MHK "EuroChem", JSC


"Petrochemical transport company", LLC


GC "Maximum"

GC "Commonwealth"

"Logistika1520", LLC

"Transport Technologies", Ltd.

"First industrial operator", LLC

"Far Eastern Transport Group", JSC

Kuzbasstranscement, LLC

"TalTEK Trans", JSC

"Fintrans GL", OOO

"Refservice", JSC

Akron-Trans JSC

"Transport and logistics company", LLC

Technotrans, LLC

Lokotrans, CJSC

"Alkon", Ltd.

"System transport service", LLC

GK "Apparel", LLC

GC Delo

5.2 Business profiles of rolling stock operating leasing companies

Brunswick Rail Limited

NPK United Carriage Company, PJSC

Universal Container Company 1520, LLC

Leasing company «Rail1520»

Management Company "RailTransHolding", LLC

RTH-Logistic, CJSC

"SG-trans", JSC

"Transfin-M", PJSC

TFM-Operator, LLC


Section VI. The database of the largest owners and operators of rolling stock in Russia by types of rolling stock

6.1. The largest owners and operators of gondola cars

6.2. Major owners and operators of tanks

6.3. Major owners and operators of boxcars

6.4. The largest owners and operators of platforms

6.5. The largest owners and operators of fitting platforms

6.6. Major owners and operators of cement hoppers

6.7. The largest owners and operators of grain hoppers

6.8. The largest owners and operators of mineral hoppers

6.9. The largest owners and operators of car carriers




  • Rank rating of TOP-30 rolling stock operators in 2018
  • Rating of the largest fleet operators in management in 2014-2017 and 2018, thousand pieces five
  • Rating of the largest rolling stock operators by the size of the fleet owned (including financial leasing) at the end of the period in 2014-2018, thousand units
  • Rating of operators in terms of freight traffic in 2014-2018, million tons
  • Rating of operators in relation to transportation to the fleet in management in 2014-2018,
  • Rating of operators by cargo turnover in 2014-2017 and 2018, bn t-km
  • Rating of operators in relation to freight turnover to the fleet under management in 2014-2018, mln t-km per wagon per year
  • Rating of operators by gross revenue (indicating whether or not the Russian Railways tariff is included) in 2014-2018, billion rubles without VAT


  • Dynamics of the market share of the largest rolling stock operators in management in 2013-2018
  • Dynamics of the share of the largest operators in the structure of the fleet of the Russian Federation (including financial leasing) in 2013-2018, %
  • Dynamics of the share of cargo transportation of the largest rolling stock operators in 2013-2018, %
  • Dynamics of the share of freight turnover of the largest rolling stock operators in 2013-2018, %

Section III. Overview of the rolling stock market in Russia

  • The volume of cargo loading on the railway in the I-IV quarters of 2015-2018, million tons
  • The volume of loading of the main types of cargo in railway transport in 2016, million tons
  • The volume of loading of the main types of cargo in railway transport in 2017-2018, million tons
  • The volume of cargo transportation by rail in the I-IV quarters of 2015-2018, million tons
  • Dynamics of production and freight rail transportation in 2017-2018, %
  • Quarterly dynamics of production volumes, the freight base of railway transport and cargo loading in 2018 by types economic activity, % by 2017
  • Government Decrees on state support for railcar building 2009-2018
  • The volume of loading on the railway transport of Russia in 2013-2018
  • The volume of loading on the railway transport of Russia in the I-IV quarters of 2013-2018
  • Freight turnover of Russian railway transport in 2013-2018
  • The volume of cargo transportation by rail in Russia in 2013-2018
  • Dynamics of freight turnover of railway transport in Russia in 2013-2018, billion t-km
  • Structure of cargo turnover of railway transport in Russia in 2013-2018, %
  • Cargo turnover of the main types of cargo on railway transport in Russia in I-IV quarters of 2013-2018, billion t-km
  • Dynamics of transportation of main types of cargo by rail in Russia in 2013-2018, million tons
  • The structure of transportation of the main types of cargo by rail in Russia in 2013-2018, %
  • Figure 34. Dynamics of transportation of the main types of cargo by rail in Russia by months in 2014-2018, million tons
  • Dynamics of transportation and cargo turnover of the main types of cargo for 2018 to 2017,%
  • Dynamics of railway transportation of goods in 2013-2018 by profitability segments, mln tons
  • Structure of railway transportation of goods in 2013-2018 by profitability segments, %
  • Dynamics of the index of entrepreneurial confidence in the field of mining for 2013-2018
  • Dynamics of the index of entrepreneurial confidence in the manufacturing industry for 2013-2018
  • Structure of cargo loading on Russian railway transport by types of wagons in 2013-2018, million tons
  • Dynamics of freight turnover in the railway transport of Russia by types of wagons in 2013-2018, billion t-km
  • Structure of freight turnover in Russian railway transport by types of wagons in 2013-2017, %
  • Dynamics of the volume of cargo transportation by railway transport by types of wagons in Russia in 2013-2018,
  • Structure of cargo transportation by railway transport by types of wagons in Russia in 2013-2018, %
  • The volume of cargo transportation by railway transport by types of wagons in Russia
  • in I-IV quarters of 2013-2018, mmt
  • Freight turnover of gondola cars in Russia in I-IV quarters of 2013-2018 by type of cargo, bln t-km
  • The volume of cargo transportation by railway transport in gondola cars in Russia in I-IV quarters of 2013-2018 by type of cargo, mln t
  • Structure of cargo turnover of tanks by type of cargo in Russia in I-IV quarters of 2013-2018, billion t-km
  • The volume of cargo transportation by railway transport in tanks in Russia in the I-IV quarter. 2013-2018, mmt
  • The average distance for the carriage of goods by rail in Russia in the I-IV quarter. 2013-2018, km
  • Average distance of cargo transportation by railway transport by types of wagons in 2013-2018, km
  • Dynamics of the rolling stock fleet in the USSR in 1988 and in Russia 1993-2018, thousand units at the end of the period (by years - census, 2013-2018 - number base)
  • Structure of the rolling stock fleet by type as of January 1, 2018, %
  • Structure of the rolling stock fleet by type as of January 1, 2019, %
  • Dynamics of the average age of the rolling stock fleet in Russia in 2000-2018, years at the end of the period
  • Dynamics of decommissioning and purchases of rolling stock in Russia in 1994-2018, thousand units
  • Dynamics of purchases of rolling stock in Russia in 2015-2018, thousand units
  • Dynamics of decommissioning of freight cars in Russia in 2015-2018, thousand units

Section IV. Business information on the largest operators in Russia

  • Share capital structure as of the beginning of 2019
  • Procurement procedures for the supply and lease of rolling stock in 2017-2018
  • The volume of transportation of loaded and empty containers for 2017-2018
  • The largest tenants of wagons as of 01/01/2019
  • Dynamics of financial indicators
  • Report on financial results
  • Tenders for the purchase of rolling stock
  • Information on the amount of investments in 2014-2018
  • The structure of the fleet in the management of the company as of 1.1.2019,%;
  • The structure of the park owned by the company as of 1.1.2019,%;
  • Dynamics of the rolling stock fleet in management and ownership (including financial leasing) of the company in 2013-2018, thousand units
  • Dynamics of the volume of cargo transportation of the company in 2003-2018

Section V. Business information on the largest operating leasing companies in Russia

For all companies, the following are given:

  • Rating of the largest leasing companies by the volume of the fleet transferred to operating lease as of the end of the year (excluding the fleet transferred to operating lease to affiliated companies).
  • Wagon tenants as of January 1, 2019
  • Dynamics of the company's fleet by main types of railcars in 2013-2018, thousand units
  • Structure of the company's leasing fleet by types of wagons as of 01/01/2019, %
  • Statement of financial results in 2013-2018, million rubles (according to IFRS)

Section VI. The database of the largest owners and operators of rolling stock in Russia by types of rolling stock

  • The largest owners and operators of gondola cars as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of tanks as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of covered wagons as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of platforms as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of fitting platforms as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of cement hoppers as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of grain hoppers as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of mineral hoppers as of January 1, 2019
  • The largest owners and operators of car carriers as of January 1, 2019

In Russia, the production of innovative railcars is declining. According to Rosstat, over the eight months of this year, their share in the total output decreased from 58% to 42%. Demand for standard railcars is growing: during this time, the same number of them was produced as in the whole of 2017. In fact, there has been a change in the trend: if in previous years it was innovative railcars that prevailed in sales, now only the United Carriage Company (UWC) continues to produce them from large manufacturers. Uralvagonzavod and Altaivagon, for various reasons, focused on the production of standard cars.

Market participants - operator companies, shippers, car builders and government authorities - do not have a common opinion about the economic efficiency of innovative cars and the need for preferences that their manufacturers and owners receive. Preferences in this case mean subsidies provided to buyers of innovative rolling stock and a discount from the empty run tariff. It was she who became the main stumbling block. Since the beginning of October, a discussion on this issue has again unfolded, the end of which can be set as early as early December.

Whoever left first gets a discount.

One of the main features of the innovative car is its increased carrying capacity: unlike the standard one, where the axle load is 23.5 ton-force (tf), this indicator is 25 tf. Accordingly, due to this, as well as the increased volume of the body, the car can take more cargo - not 69, but 75 tons. The first wagon with increased carrying capacity appeared on the Russian railway network in 2009. A request for a new generation of railcars came from Russian Railways. The carrier needed such wagons - this allows forming heavy trains and transporting more cargo at a time, thereby saving resources and reducing the load on the network.

The mass production of railcars with increased carrying capacity and improved performance began in 2012, when the Tikhvin Carriage Works (part of UWC), built from scratch, was launched. IST Group acted as an investor Alexander Nesis. The construction of a modern full-cycle enterprise for the production of railcars cost one and a half billion dollars. The plant was built mainly with borrowed money, a significant part of which - $330 million - was provided by Vnesheconombank. The state did not leave the topic aside and subsequently took a number of steps aimed at supporting the production of innovative railcars.

Today, more than a dozen companies are engaged in the production of freight cars in Russia, the largest in terms of volume are UWC, Uralvagonzavod (part of Rostec), Altaivagon (HK Siberian Business Union), RM-Rail (Russian Machines). But not everyone has the right to preferences. Their main recipients are those who have achieved recognition of their cars as innovative: UWC, Uralvagonzavod and Altaivagon.

Each of the manufacturers has gone its own way to recognize their car as innovative. UWC did it the fastest and easiest of all: some market participants believe that the very criteria for “innovation” were developed based on the technical characteristics of the cars of the Tikhvin plant. Well, either the plant was built, and the cars were designed according to these criteria - everyone looks at the situation from an angle favorable to him.

One way or another, certain models of cars manufactured by the Tikhvin Plant were the first to receive a discount on empty mileage. The discount for empty runs was justified by the fact that innovative cars have less impact on the railway tracks. It should be noted that at the time of granting this discount, in 2013, the state did not define clear criteria for innovativeness, just as there were no evidence-based studies on the more gentle impact of new cars on the network. All this caused market participants to suspect that the state was acting selectively when distributing “carrots”. Uralvagonzavod had to seek recognition of its cars as innovative in order to also receive a discount on empty mileage. He achieved it in 2014, but on a smaller scale. "Altaivagon" followed the path of UVZ, because at that moment it produced cars on a bogie, which it produced under the license of the Ural plant. The amount of the discount ranges from 11 to 27% of the empty run tariff, depending on the transportation distance and wagon model. Typical wagons with an axle load of less than 25 tf do not have such a discount at all.

Affectionate calves

In 2014 and 2015, the state compensated the loss in income of leasing companies that provided their customers with innovative wagons at a discount. In two years, the state spent almost five billion rubles on this. Since 2016, the scheme has been changed: support was provided both directly to the manufacturers themselves (three billion rubles) and to buyers - they received subsidies for the purchase of wagons (seven billion rubles). True, it turned out that the main buyers - and recipients of subsidies - were companies controlled by the main wagon manufacturers, which then passed them on at market value. So, the Tikhvin plant sold its railcars to the leasing company Rail1520, and Uralvagonzavod sold its cars to UVZ-Logistic. Well, what is not forbidden is allowed. Nevertheless, in 2017, the state limited itself to subsidies to buyers as support measures.

In general, over five years, about 20 billion rubles were spent from the budget to support car builders and their customers. This year, budget subsidies to stimulate the purchase of innovative cars will amount to two billion rubles.

Another important step taken to stimulate sales of innovative railcars was the complication in 2015 of the procedure for extending the service life of railcars, and in 2016 it was completely forbidden to extend the service life. As a result, in 2015–2016, about 220,000 railcars were decommissioned. And in the same period, only a little less than 60 thousand new cars were purchased - both standard and innovative. So the number of freight wagons per common network railways by the end of 2016 decreased by 15%, to a little over a million. There is a shortage in the industry. Rates for rent and transportation have increased.

In 2017, due to the increased shortage, about 60,000 more railcars were purchased. In the fleet of gondola cars - the most common rolling stock - the share of modern cars has approached 20%, and the average age of cars has become one of the youngest in the world - 12.9 years. For comparison: in the USA the average age of wagons is 23.7 years, in Europe - 27 years.

Everyone is now paying for such a quick renewal of the car fleet - buyers spent more than 320 billion rubles on the purchase of cars in 2015-2017 and return and will return this money by increasing the fee for providing rolling stock to shippers.

By the middle of this year, the fleet of cars in Russia had grown to 1.09 million units, still falling short of the number that was on the network before the mass write-off - 1.23 million. And this despite the fact that the need for freight transportation continues to grow. So cars will be bought in addition, and the total amount of investments in the expansion of the fleet for 2018 is projected at the level of about 200 billion rubles.

Expensive and even more expensive

Such a large-scale retirement of wagons and the need to quickly replace them with new ones led to a sharp increase in demand, and with it prices for rolling stock.

And this, perhaps, is one of the main complaints about public policy in terms of support for railcar building by railcar buyers and shippers, who ultimately bear the main financial burden of supporting railcar builders.

So, at the recent thematic conference*, a representative of the Neftetransservice company (operates with a fleet of 35.2 thousand gondola cars and 28.65 thousand tanks) Sergey Sturov drew the attention of the assembled colleagues to the fact that in 2017 the average ratio of the price of an innovative gondola car to the price of a standard one was 1.14, and now it is already 1.3. If in January 2017 a standard gondola car cost 2.15 million rubles, and an innovative one - 2.45 million, now the first has grown in price to 3 million, and the second - to 3.9 million rubles.

“Yes, the price of a standard car is growing,” Mr. Sturov noted, “but the price of an innovative one is growing much more significantly. I believe that the current ratio of the price of innovative and standard railcars is the maximum and reflects the value of the very bonus that a potential buyer is willing to pay. In my opinion, exceeding this value will only increase interest in standard models of gondola cars.”

A sharp rise in prices for innovative cars is not considered justified even in companies directly related to their production. So, the representative of the holding company "SDS-Mash" (manages the plant "Altaivagon") Stanislav Zolotarev, noting the growth in the production of railcars in Russia - plus 24.8% in the nine months of this year compared to the same period past, emphasizes that the increase is just due to the production of standard cars.

“According to all the laws of the economy, taking into account economies of scale, growth in production volumes and other factors, the cost of innovative railcars should decrease,” Mr. Zolotarev believes, “However, the price of innovative gondola railcars has increased by 50 percent since 2016. This would not have happened if innovative railcars did not have preferences for production, purchase and tariff. In pursuit of these preferences, the car-building plants ran into debt. In order to give away this expensive money in a situation where the price of metal and energy is rising, they need to constantly raise prices for their products. And the rise in prices for innovative railcars has become a driver for higher prices for conventional railcars. In my opinion, the price of an innovative car should be the same as that of a serial car, and due to improved technical characteristics, it should sell itself.”

The mass decommissioning of wagons had another delayed effect - a sharp rise in the price of railway wheelsets and other components.

“Until recently, there was a significant decline in the need for spare parts, and this decline was due, among other things, to the presence of a large number of used spare parts from “butchered” cars,” the deputy CEO for civil products of Uralvagonzavod Boris Myagkov. - And taking into account the fact that the loading of car-building enterprises was insufficient, metallurgical plants that produce components for rolling stock were also only 20-30 percent loaded. Then both the production of railcars and the need for spare parts for repairs increased sharply. As a result, both car building and operation required many times more spare parts and components. This also led to the fact that the price of some components has increased dramatically. Next is the price of the wagon.

*"The market of railway rolling stock and operator services", the organizer - the company "Industrial cargo".

Luckier more, but is it cheaper?

An innovative gondola car can take a maximum of 10% more cargo than a standard one. This does not explain the difference in a third of the price. But manufacturers justify the higher cost of the innovative car by using expensive components in its production, the use of which reduces maintenance costs. Thus, UWC declares that the overhaul run of its gondola cars from construction to the first depot repair is eight years or a million kilometers, while for standard cars these figures are three years and 210 thousand kilometers. According to the company's calculations, maintaining a gondola car produced at the Tikhvin plant in good condition will cost the owner 875,000 rubles per million kilometers. A typical railcar will cover the same distance with a large number of repairs and a total cost of 1.78 million rubles. The difference is significant.

However, the practice of operating innovative cars shows, according to some market participants, that after several years of operation, the number of cuts of these cars for repairs approaches the number of cuts of a standard car. In addition, innovative wagons for Russian market the phenomenon is relatively new, the service for their repair is not yet as developed as the service for standard cars.

“Innovative cars have their own spare parts,” explains the executive director of the Union of Railway Transport Operators (SOZHT) Alexey Druzhinin- and it is not uncommon for a car to stand for fifty or sixty days at some distant station, waiting for the necessary spare part to arrive. In principle, innovative cars are more reliable. But just imagine that your taxi fleet has a Hyundai Solaris and a Maybach. Of course, the Maybach is better than the Hyundai, but it also costs decently. The cost of transportation on it will be quite high. And he, too, can get into an accident, and it will be very expensive to repair it. So an innovative car can fall under the derailment, and even if it does not work out, but according to the standards, all the casting on it must be replaced.”

Give me coal!

Another problem that all market participants note is that innovative rolling stock is mostly used to transport the same cargo along the same routes - coal for export to the eastern or northwestern ports of Russia. We are talking about gondola cars, which account for 85% of the total fleet of innovative cars (95 thousand pieces out of 112 thousand), and they are the most in demand on the market, unlike other types of innovative cars.

“Innovative fitting platforms are not in demand, since containers carry a large amount of “light” cargo that requires a large loading volume, rather than carrying capacity, which leads to a low demand for innovative wagons,” says Alexander Slobodyanik, Head of Freight Transportation Research Department, Institute for Natural Monopoly Problems (IPEM). “The improved carrying capacity of innovative gas tanks for the transportation of liquefied gases is not in demand on the market due to their low density.”

It is profitable to transport the already mentioned coal in gondola cars, and grain, chemical and mineral fertilizers with a high bulk density in innovative grain carriers, notes Alexander Slobodyanik. Transportation of coal in innovative wagons, in addition to their increased carrying capacity, is primarily beneficial in that the discount on empty mileage is the highest here due to the large transportation shoulder. Accordingly, it is unprofitable to take a passing cargo on the way back - this very discount is lost. “Of course, there is not much to bring from the Far East,” says Alexei Druzhinin. - However, in the case of coal transportation in the north-western direction, it would be possible to take crushed stone in Karelia on the way back, but the innovative wagons fly past Karelia empty. They have turned into coal carriers, this rolling stock can hardly be called universal now.”

Ninety percent of the innovative gondola cars available on the network are involved in coal transportation. At the same time, if we take the entire fleet of innovative cars, then, according to the information and analytical agency INFOLine, the share of coal in the total volume of transportation is gradually decreasing, at the end of 2018 it will be less than 75% and will continue to decline by several percentage points a year.

According to UWC, the share of transportation of metallurgical goods (ore, scrap, coke, metal products, etc.) in wagons with an axle load of 25 tf is gradually growing. Since 2016, it has grown from 2.9% to 5.1%. The fact is that when tariffing for the transportation of rolled metal, the minimum weight norm applies, which is equal to the carrying capacity of the car. That is, by loading a slab weighing 36 tons into a standard wagon (23.5 tf), the consignor actually paid for 69 tons of the nominal carrying capacity of the wagon. In the case of models with increased carrying capacity (25 tf), loading increases to 72 tons (two slabs) with a billable carrying capacity of 75 tons. As a result, in terms of a ton of metal, the loaded tariff is almost halved. Thanks to this, over the past three years, the volume of transportation of metallurgical cargo in cars with increased carrying capacity has tripled and by the end of 2018 will amount to 11-12 million tons.

Nevertheless, in comparison with the transportation of the same coal, this is not so much: only export shipments of coal this year will amount to more than 200 million tons.

Undoubtedly, coal companies are interested in maintaining the discount on empty runs, because in the long run it makes transportation cheaper for the shipper. One of the key players in the coal transportation market is the First Heavyweight Company (PTK), which is part of the Industrial Investors group Sergei Generalov. In a commentary for Expert, a PTK representative noted that “a special tariff scheme reduces the total cost of transportation in new generation railcars (taking into account the operator’s rate) to the standard level. Its cancellation will not lead to a change in logistics, and an increase in the tariff burden will fall on the shoulders of shippers.”

The empty run discount for innovative railcars irritates some market participants: they believe that it has become obsolete as a measure to stimulate demand for innovative railcars, leads to financial losses for Russian Railways, and the company reimburses them at the expense of all other shippers. By the way, back in 2015, the FAS initiated a case to cancel the discount, and although it was terminated on formal grounds (the FTS was abolished, and its functions were transferred to the FAS itself), the service then noted that the discount was contrary to competition law.

FAS returned to this issue in September of this year, again proposing to abolish the empty run discount for innovative cars as discriminatory in relation to other types of rolling stock. The Union of Railway Transport Operators also spoke out for the abolition of discounts, emphasizing that in this case, the revenue of Russian Railways will increase by eight billion rubles a year.

On the same rake

December twenty ninth, 2017 Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 2991. This document limited the growth rate of tariffs for Russian Railways services until 2025. According to the document, the tariff for the transportation of goods by public rail transport could increase by the inflation rate minus 0.1 percentage points per year, and no more. This decision was the result of lengthy consultations with market participants and authorities. For shippers, fixing the growth rate of one of the most important components of the cost of rail transportation allows them to more accurately plan the costs associated with transportation. In accordance with this order, Russian Railways updated its long-term development program (LDP) until 2025 in the summer.

However, already in mid-October, before the meeting at which the government planned to consider the Russian Railways program, the monopoly proposed to reconsider the approach to setting tariffs for its services. Thus, it was announced that it was necessary to maintain the export surcharge on the tariff in the amount of eight percent, which was supposed to be completely removed from next year, to increase the empty run tariffs for all gondola cars (totaling 63 billion rubles) and to take a number of steps that increase the cost of transportation. It is clear that these proposals caused a negative reaction from shippers, especially those who export their products in significant volumes. First of all, these are coal miners, metallurgists, and fertilizer producers. For industry as a whole, the introduction of an eight percent surcharge on exports will cost 252.6 billion rubles.

On the eve of the meeting with Medvedev, which was to discuss a new version of the LDP Russian Railways, the Minister of Energy Alexander Novak wrote a letter to the Deputy Prime Minister responsible for transport Maxim Akimov, who also heads the board of directors of Russian Railways. In it, he directly stated that these proposals contradict the decisions and agreements with business previously made by the government, the Ministry of Energy does not support the initiatives of Russian Railways and believes that "their implementation jeopardizes the implementation of a long-term tariff policy in railway transport." In addition, according to the Minister, “an unplanned increase in transport costs will have a significant Negative influence for the implementation of already launched or planned investment projects of fuel and energy companies”.

As for the empty run tariff, in his letter addressed to the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of the Union of Railway Transport Operators Igor Romashov wrote that “the very raising of the issue of additional indexation of the empty run of gondola cars, in which standard cars used to provide social services must carry an additional tariff burden, is anti-state, taking into account the true prerequisites for additional indexation of tariffs (formation of a source of investment for the development of export coal routes) ".

The final decision on the export surcharge of eight percent to the tariff, and on the fate of the empty run tariff: the discount for innovative cars will be canceled, everything will remain as it is, or tariffs will be raised for everyone while maintaining existing preferences - can be made on December 1. By this date, Russian Railways must finalize its long-term development program and determine the sources of its financing.

However, the leak of information that Dmitry Medvedev agreed with the opinion of lobbyists from car builders that the discount on empty runs for innovative cars must be maintained has already happened. With this, the head of Rostec addressed the Prime Minister Sergey Chemezov and received a visa "I agree." Since September of this year, Uralvagonzavod has not produced innovative rolling stock, since its facilities are busy fulfilling an order for the supply of a large batch of standard cars to one of its customers. Upon its completion, UVZ managers promise to return to the production of innovative railcars. And the preservation of the tariff discount is considered an important argument in favor of these products for their customers. “If this tariff scheme is cancelled, then those industries that use the innovative car will not be able to achieve economic effects in full,” explains Boris Myagkov. - Why will it be necessary to buy - at a higher price - cars that use various innovative technical solutions that provide improved characteristics of this car, if the effect of their use is not visible? Therefore, the demand for innovative cars in the event of the abolition of these tariff schemes may almost completely disappear, and we will all remain on the bogie developed in the thirties of the last century. Accordingly, in the future, when the fleet reaches a surplus, the demand for wagons will fall completely. Taking into account the fact that until 2025 the retirement of rolling stock in terms of service life is minimal, we will get a stoppage of the entire railcar building industry for four to five years. As a result, Russia runs the risk of completely losing its competencies in the production of innovative railcars.” However, the operators themselves attribute the decline in demand not only and not so much to the possible cancellation of discounts, but to a jump in prices for railcars and, as a result, to a change in their payback periods.

So the question of the general indexation of the empty run tariff remains open. For all. By the way, if this happens, the discrimination mentioned by the FAS will only intensify: if the empty run tariff is increased and the discount for innovative railcars remains, it turns out that the latter become even more profitable - the gap in the tariff between them and standard railcars increases. Simple arithmetic.

At the same time, by the same date - December 1 - FAS must submit a report to the President Vladimir Putin based on the results of the monitoring of prices for wagons and services for their provision.

“The introduction of such monitoring is extremely important, since the market for the provision of wagons is highly volatile,” says IPEM CEO Yuri Sahakyan. - For example, from January 2017 to September 2018, the rates for providing a gondola car increased by more than 70 percent, to 2,300 rubles per car per day. Similar trends are observed for other types of wagons.”

It is possible that based on the results of this monitoring and the report to the president, far-reaching conclusions can be drawn both in terms of supporting railcar builders, whose product prices are excessively high, and in terms of regulating the market for providing rolling stock.

Here regulation of the market of operator services can become a consequence - the state will establish the size of rental rates for cars. Thus, one of the main achievements of the reform of the Ministry of Railways will be buried - the introduction market relations regarding the provision of rolling stock.

As for car building, it is obvious that an innovative car and heavy-duty movement are necessary. Another thing is how fast and in what ways they make their way on the way and what are the consequences of this. In other countries, this process took thirty years or more, while in our country it was forced without considering all the possible consequences.

Active testing of a railcar with an axle load of 27 tf is currently underway.

These wagons will also need to make room under the sun, that is, on the railway networks. Considering that the demand for wagons with increased axle load is falling, the temptation is again to squeeze some of them with state support to the detriment of all the rest. Moreover, the main producers for the state are more their own than all the others. UVZ under Rostec, and the United Carriage Company, in the course of a series of upheavals, got out of control of the ICT group, and now its largest shareholder is the structures of Otkritie Bank, which itself is controlled by the Central Bank. So now the state has two car-building enterprises and their starting position is better than that of all other participants. Will we repeat?

The car building industry pleases with regular ups and downs. According to data that has not yet been officially approved, November gave an increase in output by 40% compared to November last year. At the same time, the month set another record in terms of prices. An ordinary gondola car reached 2.6 million rubles per unit, innovative - up to 3.2 million. As for the special staff, the positions are still unclear, but in general, operators note an increase in the growing trend. The market of the cargo owner has gently sunk into oblivion. The time has come for the operator market. More precisely, the car builder and the regulator.

On the one hand, everything is simple: more loading means more wagons. Taking into account the subsidence of the industry in previous years, there is now a “double pollination”: at the expense of meeting current needs and for what was not received in previous years. The question is how economically justified is this increase in appetite.

Here is a weighted average calculation of daily costs for the maintenance of one purchased car. According to seven operator companies with which the correspondent spoke vgudok. com. So.

Daily costs for the maintenance of one gondola car:

TORs - 150 rubles

Administrative expenses - 300 rubles

Leasing / loan payments - 800-850 rubles

Scheduled repairs - 50 rubles

Total: daily expenses for servicing one car 1350-1400 rubles

This is without taking into account the infrastructure component of the tariff. That is, the share in the amount of transport costs that is taken by JSC Russian Railways. For each wagon and for the empty run of this wagon.

Recall that the weighted average indicator of the daily rate of attracting a gondola car, according to the data IPEM, is about 1500 rubles per day. Plus, the Russian Railways tariff and “lubricant for movers” (as one of our interlocutors wittily noted), which are paid by the consumer.

“Actually, this is already so unimportant that it is implied by default,” said another representative of the logistics company. - At the end of the season, "rubble stones" are ready to give and 3000 rubles per day because then a fiasco will come for them.

That is why today they snatch everything that can move on rails.

As the representative of the Sberbank Leasing: “We have a certain pool of “old” cars, for which the companies failed to pay off and did not consider the installment terms attractive for themselves. Let's wait for reasonable offers. Demand today clearly outweighs supply. Objectively, now the policy is dictated by the supplier, not the buyer. The price of the asset is growing and I have no doubt that in a couple of weeks it will be redeemed.”

However, the financial costs of servicing such purchases are clearly incommensurate with the benefits gained. Even in conditions of very stimulating conditions of leasing companies. The low margin of transportation in the amount of up to 200 rubles per day, taking into account current costs, hardly implies a return on investment. Although, as we have already said, the spot is warmed up so much that 2-3 thousand rubles per day hardly anyone is surprised. But this is a rare prize. The usual story is 1500-1700 rubles with a downward trend.

The cost of wagons continues to rise. Maybe manufacturers and buyers know something that we do not know?

So why is there such a stir around the wagons?

“There are persistent rumors on the network that some measures will be taken that can strangle the manufacturers of old carts,” the owner of an average operator company shares his fears. - For us, the "innovator" is absolutely unattractive. And for most companies that do not stand on coal. Maybe, SUEK it generates profitability, however, it is simply unrealistic for medium-sized companies to recoup a wagon. We don’t understand why they charge such a price.”

In order for such an understanding to come, the idea of ​​another market cleansing with simultaneous new preferences for buyers of innovative railcars is increasingly being promoted in high ministerial offices.

While the procurement market is warming up to unreasonable expectations, most of the participants surveyed expressed the opinion that speculative rise in rates will end in December-January.“We, in general, fulfilled our annual plans,” notes director of logistics large Ural enterprise. - Even if not without financial losses, but I think we will close even January in full. It will be seen further, but so far there is no mood to support price overheating. I understand that wagons are becoming more expensive, but what do we and our products have to do with it?”

However, the cost of wagons continues to increase. Maybe manufacturers and buyers know something that we do not know?

Sergey Vetrov

According to analysts, the wagon fleet has finally been balanced, but the situation in the new rolling stock production segment remains tense. Even with global write-offs of the obsolete fleet, cargo owners and operators are in no hurry to acquire new, and even more so innovative cars, which still cause them considerable concern.


The volume of sales of freight cars of all types last year amounted to 35,129 units, which is 31% more than in 2015. In February 2017, factories sold 5 thousand units. (of which 3.4 thousand are of the new generation), which is more than 2 times higher than in February 2016 (2.3 thousand units) and by 41% in January 2017.

The issue almost completely compensated for the decommissioning of the park in February: the write-off amounted to 5.1 thousand units. (1.1 thousand gondola cars and 1.7 thousand tanks). As a result, rolling stock commercially suitable for transportation today is 983 thousand units. At the beginning of March, the faulty fleet totaled 79 thousand units, the surplus still exists - in the amount of 85 thousand units. (of which gondola cars - only 10 thousand units). According to analysts, the production of railcars has already caught up with the write-offs. By the end of the year, rolling stock production may exceed retirement, which will reduce the logistical tension on the network.

In some segments of cargo transportation, there was already a shortage of loading resources. However, according to Andrey Vodopyanov, deputy general director of RM Rail, there is no shortage today for any type of rolling stock. Many even assess the current state of the market as harmonious. "In the gondola segment, a balance was reached due to write-offs. This helped to equalize rental rates to an economically justified value. In addition, there is a stable demand for flatcars due to the need to transport 36-ton containers and tank containers. Demand for oil and petrol tanks is likely to will change only in 2018-2019, while they are in surplus," says A. Vodopyanov.

In general, according to industry analysts, for the current year the market demand for new rolling stock is estimated at 40,000 railcars. Manufacturers believe that this is the correct figure, the achievement of which they will be able to ensure. According to market participants, the increase in production volumes will be facilitated, as in the past year, by state support. However, A. Vodopyanov notes that it will only indirectly affect the increase in demand.

“The customer will invest in exactly the number of cars that is needed to solve urgent business problems. However, by subsidizing only models on bogies with an axle load of 25 tf, the situation can be distorted, since the consumer will only consider cars with increased carrying capacity, while as for a number of transported products, it is redundant, and other needs come to the fore - the ability to transport a wider range of goods, avoid loss of time during loading / unloading, etc.," he comments.

Recall that innovative cars were first launched into mass production relatively recently, in 2013. To date, the total number of new-type railcars on the Russian Railways network is already more than 50,000 units. This is about 5% of the total park. At the same time, the share of innovative models in the production structure increased from 55% in 2015 to 70% in 2016. Nevertheless, according to experts' forecasts, it is cars with improved performance characteristics that will be in demand in the coming years. profitable investments and efficient operation for several decades. "We plan to produce about 4.5 thousand units this year, 25% of them with improved performance characteristics, and another 25% will be exported to Iran and Cuba," the RM Rail company said.


Last year, Russian manufacturers certified new models of innovative grain carriers, mineral carriers, cement carriers, specialized tanks for transporting a wide range of chemicals and acids, tanks for petroleum products, covered wagons, as well as flatcars and timber carriers. Serial production of freight cars in 2016 was carried out at 16 enterprises. Three plants (Promtractor-Vagon, Kaliningrad Carriage Building and Novokuznetsk Carriage Building) stopped production.

This year, new types of rolling stock are also expected to appear on the market. According to the forecast of Dmitry Zotov, general director of the leasing company TransFin-M, there will be a small write-off on the hopper car market: about 1,000 grain carriers and 2,000 mineral carriers. The United Grain Company with its tender will take the capacity for the production of innovative hoppers at TVSZ and UVZ for the next year, other plants specializing in hoppers will be able to produce cement trucks for numerous cement plants in the Russian Federation and hopper batchers for the needs of Russian Railways. Gondola cars will be the main growth driver for the fleet of innovative railcars. At the same time, according to UWC experts, the demand for boxcars has decreased due to the global trend of containerization of transportation, which has been gaining momentum in Russia in recent years. “However, it is worth noting that containerization will not be able to cover the entire range of goods transported by covered wagons, so a complete replacement is not predicted. In addition, there is a trend on the market for the displacement of wagons with a small body volume (138 161 cubic meters).The share of the latter in the structure of production increased from 27% in 2013 to 87% in 2016," the company explained.

According to the observations of Georgy Zobov, head of the transport engineering research department at the Institute for Natural Monopoly Problems (IPEM), in the period from 2010 to 2016, the volume of oil and petroleum products transportation by rail decreased by 8.4%, from 269.7 to 247.1 million tons. " During this period, the railway lost not only oil cargo transported by block shipments, which switched to pipeline transport, but also cargo shipped by wagon shipments, which went by car.41.9 million potential tons of oil and oil products were not transported by rail. over 25,000 wagons.With an increase in the production of oil and oil products by 9.9% from 2010 to 2016, there was a decrease in loading in railway transport by 6.7%," the expert comments. He believes that during the implementation of pipeline construction projects, more than 20 million tons of oil cargo will be switched from rail transport and the lack of demand for the park will grow proportionally. In addition, decommissioned tanks can replace tank containers, the volume of production and operation of which is increasing every year.

The manufacture of isothermal rolling stock in Russia is completely undeveloped. Units are now engaged in the development of refrigerated wagons and containers. But on the other hand, JSC "Altai-vagon" has prepared a prototype of an autonomous refrigerator car, and the testing center "ApATeK-Dubna" is completing the organization of mass production of a high cube refrigerator container made of composite materials. In general, as Stanislav Zolotarev, Deputy General Director for Interaction with State Authorities and Prospective Development of Altaivagon JSC, notes, in the next 5 years, the retirement of refrigerated cars will be more than 62%, tanks for the transportation of amyl - 52%, other tanks - more 45%. A two-fold reduction in the fleet of universal platforms for the transportation of military equipment is also expected, to 15 thousand units. Accordingly, it is on the creation of these types of rolling stock that today you can bet.


At the same time, when characterizing the market of services for the provision of wagons, experts say that a certain balance of supply and demand has been achieved. “This was positively affected by the decommissioning of the fleet, primarily the universal one, which followed the ban on the operation of expired railcars. During 2016, the excess of railcars was gradually eliminated, the network-wide fleet was rejuvenated, its productivity increased, the operational performance of railway transport improved, and the load on infrastructure. At the same time, today the operator companies and Russian Railways are faced with a serious problem of increasing downtime of cars on non-public tracks, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the turnover of the car and a decrease in the loading resource on the network," notes the first Deputy General Director of New Forwarding Company JSC (part of the Globaltrans group) Vyacheslav Stanislavsky.

According to the statistics of Russian Railways, to which he refers, the time spent under cargo operations in the structure of the turnover of the car is more than 50% - 7.9 days. Over the past 5 years (from 2011 to 2016), the average idle time of wagons during loading and unloading has increased by 24%. "According to our estimates, more than 30,000 wagons owned by various owners are idle daily for cargo operations on the network," adds V. Stanislavsky.

One of the main documents regulating the interaction between the station and the siding is the Unified Technological Process for the operation of the station and the siding (UTP), which establishes the standards for the location of cars on non-public tracks. At the same time, station managers are removed from control over compliance with the UTP in terms of the specified standards, which often leads to a significant excess of this indicator in relation to the standards. And in some cases, downtime can reach 15-19 days (crushed stone, ferrous scrap).
“It is worth noting that JSC Russian Railways is carrying out purposeful work to reduce the turnover of wagons on the network. For example, on March 15, President of Russian Railways JSC Oleg Belozyorov held a meeting on the issue of ensuring the transportation of goods by rolling stock and the price conditions for its provision, in which major consignors and operators of rolling stock We believe that the adoption of measures to strengthen control over compliance with the standards for the presence of cars on the sidings specified in the UTP by the heads of stations will significantly reduce excess downtime, improve network turnover, free up additional loading capacity for to meet the growing demand from shippers," V. Stanislavsky believes.

But back to production volumes. Demand for new rolling stock in recent years, according to a representative of the Union of Wagon Builders, has been growing largely due to the planned replacement of obsolete cars, and at the moment the fleet of freight cars on the Russian Railways network is quite balanced. Starting from 2017, write-offs are expected to decrease threefold compared to 2015-2016, so production will be determined mainly by the growth of the cargo base and the profitability of operators. At the same time, the expected volume of production of freight cars of all types in Russia until 2020 is expected to be 30 thousand units. in year. Basically, these will be specialized cars, while the share of universal gondola cars will continue to decline. Additional growth may come from export contracts.

Tatiana Simonova
Russian Railways - Partner No. 8 (348)

Operators were obliged to coordinate the application of stencils on the rolling stock with the wagon commission.

Annual conference "Market of railway rolling stock and operator services"

The conference participants will sum up the results of the current year and assess the factors and trends that will set the agenda for 2020.

The event platform is effective for developing business solutions in open discussions and individual negotiations with the management of key 1520 gauge organizations - railway administrations, manufacturers of rolling stock and components, car repair organizations, logistics providers, shippers, ports, industrial railway transport enterprises, engineering and IT companies

Invited to participate: rolling stock owners and operators, rolling stock repair organizations, rolling stock manufacturers, manufacturers and suppliers of components for freight cars, railways, ports, IT developers and integrators, financial institutions, regulators, shippers.

Event organizers: Metal Expert and IS "Industrial Cargo"
Location: Hotel InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya
Application for participation available on site