Standards for cleaning the territory for a housing and communal services janitor and his job description with responsibilities. Work not only for money - how to get company housing. What are apartments offered for in Russia?


MOSCOW, October 2 – RIA Novosti, Marina Malkova. The older generation of Russians still remembers how they did not buy apartments in the USSR, but received them one by one for free, but in modern Russia, which has long been on the market track, only certain categories of citizens can count on free housing. The RIA Real Estate website will tell you who to go to work to get an apartment.

Even in Soviet times, when it would seem that everyone without exception was entitled to housing, while waiting for the product of industrial housing construction, they sometimes had to work for pennies, move to other cities and regions, get a construction job and have children. The larger the family, the more square meters it could get.

Today in our country, municipal apartments are available only to certain categories of citizens, and among them there are those who are not in line. First of all, housing at state expense is provided to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, orphans, immigrants from dilapidated and dilapidated houses, as well as people suffering from a severe form of any chronic disease. You can’t deliberately choose such a fate for the sake of an apartment. But, having set the goal of getting free housing at any cost, you can get on the waiting list and count on state support in resolving the housing issue.

Pogorelskaya gives the example of Moscow and the Moscow region, which, with active housing construction, are still among the problematic regions of Russia: the waiting time in the capital region can be 10 years or more.

General Director of the Metrium Group company Maria Litinetskaya recalls even sadder facts. According to her, among those on the waiting list there are many who have been languishing in anticipation of housing for more than 20 years. “Unfortunately, municipal housing in our country is being built at a very slow pace and in small volumes, and, on the contrary, there are more and more people on the waiting list. Therefore, many people are forced to wait for years for the promised apartments,” complains Litinetskaya.

Indeed, those on the waiting list who are not included in any of the preferential categories linger in the queue for a long time, as confirmed by the Moscow Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund. Now, for example, people who registered for housing in 1989-1990 receive apartments free of charge under social rental contracts.

Meanwhile, 10-20 years is a period comparable to that during which other citizens are forced to pay off a mortgage loan, spending their hard-earned money on its repayment every month.

At the same time, those on the waiting list have the opportunity to solve their housing problem with partial assistance from the state. If they are ready to invest personal funds, then the process of obtaining housing can be accelerated using paid methods - subsidies or social mortgages. Using a social mortgage, for example, a family that registered for housing more than 10 years ago can purchase a one-room apartment in Nekrasovka for about 1 million rubles, according to the housing policy department. But this option is only suitable for those who are willing to pay extra for housing, and therefore, with a high probability, can no longer be considered low-income.

By the way, those on the waiting list who want to receive free government assistance to improve their living conditions will have to confirm their status for the entire waiting period. Otherwise, you may lose your right to free housing. “My mother and I stood in line for an apartment for more than ten years,” says Dmitry Gorin from Moscow. “And we would have waited if we had not inherited a house in the village from our grandmother. Having added it to our property, we were taken off the register.”

I would join the military, give me an apartment!

This provision is regulated by a separate federal law No. 73-FZ “On the status of military personnel.” As a general rule, military personnel can count on receiving an apartment in their chosen place of residence if the total duration of military service is more than 20 years. Or if the total duration of service is more than 10 years, if the serviceman was dismissed on so-called preferential grounds - for health reasons, upon reaching the age limit for military service, or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, Pogorelskaya clarifies.

She also adds that in addition to military personnel, judges, prosecutors and rescuers of professional emergency rescue services have a similar right to provide residential premises under a social tenancy agreement.

It is important that military personnel serving in cities where they do not have their own housing are required to receive service apartments. Therefore, unlike regular waiting lists, military personnel have a significant advantage: while waiting for free living space, they can live in a separate apartment with enough square meters for each family member.

In addition, military personnel also have the option to use a paid method of improving their living conditions - the savings mortgage system, which has been operating in the country for the fifth year. It gives military personnel after 3 years of service the opportunity to exercise their right to permanent housing using a targeted housing loan. In this case, a participant in the system can choose the location of his apartment and its characteristics.

By 2024, according to the director of the housing department of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Pirogov, they want to make NIS the only way to provide housing for military personnel. However, not all military personnel yet seek to obtain housing in this way.

“I, like most military personnel, at one time refused a military mortgage. Because receiving from the state an apartment worth 10 million rubles or a subsidy of 2.5 million is a big difference. But we will get housing anyway, I have no doubt about that.” , says Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Morozov.

The Russian Ministry of Defense promises to provide permanent housing to more than 40 thousand people on the waiting list by the end of this year, Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov said back in the summer. Thus, all military personnel who joined the waiting list before January 1, 2012 should receive housing. In general, the authorities plan to end the waiting list for permanent housing for military personnel by mid-2015.

Apartment for a deputy

The range of applicants for service apartments is much wider. Russian legislation, as Pogorelskaya says, provides for the possibility of providing office housing to almost any public sector employee, if, of course, the employer has enough funds for that.

At the same time, some categories of citizens, if they do not have housing at their place of work or service, are provided with official residential premises without fail. These include deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, citizens holding elected positions, police officers and other law enforcement agencies, and the aforementioned judges and military personnel.

And yet, official housing, even if it is temporary, is still better than nothing. Even if future prospects for obtaining housing are rather vague, during the time that you live for free in a service apartment, you can significantly save money on the purchase of your own living space. For example, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who, judging by their income declarations, earn from 100 thousand rubles a month, can easily buy an apartment on credit, for example, by borrowing more than 4 million from a bank for a period of up to 15 years.

Of course, the idea of ​​joining the military or government service for the prospect of getting free housing can hardly be taken seriously. After all, no matter how complicated the housing issue is, the end does not always justify the means, and you need to work where it’s interesting. However, if you have been drawn to the civil service before, the likelihood of getting housing will undoubtedly help you strengthen your decision.

The list of professions whose representatives by law have the right to use office apartments looks impressive. These are teachers, doctors, rangers, fishery workers, customs officers, tax officers and many others. However, in fact, temporary housing is provided to employees of these departments extremely rarely. The portal GdeEtoDom.RU has compiled a rating of professions where obtaining a company apartment is a common practice.

The list of professions whose representatives by law have the right to use office apartments looks impressive. These are teachers, doctors, rangers, fishery workers, customs officers, tax officers and many others.

However, in fact, temporary housing is provided to employees of these departments extremely rarely. The portal GdeEtoDom.RU has compiled a rating of professions where obtaining a company apartment is a common practice.

Deputy request

First of all, deputies of all levels who have come to perform their duties in another city can apply for office space. There are apartments for deputies in almost every more or less large city, but in Moscow entire houses are being built for them.

Thus, five elite residential complexes were built specifically for the residence of people’s representatives in the capital. In four of them - on General Beloborodov Street, in Protochny Lane, on Sivtsev Vrazhek Street and on Pyatnitskoye Highway - parliamentarians own more than 200 office residential premises. The legislation in force in the 90s allowed the privatization of service apartments, so the deputies of the first and second convocations were able to privatize them in full accordance with the law. However, this caused a number of scandals, and in 2001 an amendment was issued to Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation”, which imposed a ban on the privatization of office residential premises.

Meanwhile, they did not take away privatized apartments from ex-deputies of the first and second Dumas, and for their successors, by order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, another house was built - an elite residential complex on Olof Palme Street in the South-West of the capital. The market value of a square meter in a 30-story skyscraper, the construction of which cost the state approximately $150 million, reaches $2.5 thousand. All apartments are equipped with two bathrooms, several loggias and balconies. On the lower level there is an underground garage, a tennis court, a sports club, a beauty salon and a restaurant. The house is on the balance sheet of the Administration of the President of Russia and has the status of a hotel residential complex. Deputies received two buildings in a residential complex and occupied 280 apartments.

By order of the Kremlin

Not only the deputy corps has the right to live in official apartments, but also high-ranking officials - heads of ministries, departments and government agencies, who can also apply for official housing if they do not have it in the city where they arrived for work.

For officials of those departments for which the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation is responsible - that is, for employees of the Kremlin, the White House, both chambers of the Federal Assembly, the Central Election Commission and the Accounts Chamber, blocks of apartments in residential buildings under construction are specially purchased. Thus, in Moscow, by order of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, a premium residential complex “Blizhnaya Dacha” was built for federal officials in the Volynsky Forest forest park near Kutuzovsky Prospekt and the Setun River. The house has a total living area of ​​100 thousand square meters. m built on the lands of the management's subsidiary farm. About 30 thousand sq. m of space in two 15-story buildings is given over to officials for housing. According to experts, the market value per square meter in the “Near Dacha” is at the level of 4600-4800 dollars.

Service apartments for civil servants are also allocated in the Nostalgia residential complex on Marshal Timoshenko Street, in premium houses on Veresaeva Street, Rochdelskaya Street, Protopopovsky Lane, Mira Avenue and in the Swedish Dead End.

So far the court and business

Judges also actively use the right to official housing. In St. Petersburg, which by 2015 will become the judicial capital of the country, a cottage community has already been built for the Constitutional Court on Krestovsky Island, the construction of which cost 179 million budget rubles. In addition, official housing for judges and employees who move to St. Petersburg will be built on the site of the elite Embankment of Europe complex. According to experts, the cost of apartments in already built “judicial” residential premises starts from 200 thousand rubles per “square”. Prices for apartments in the “Embankment of Europe” will be even higher.

In total, in 2013-2020, the cost of purchasing housing for judges and employees of the courts and the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation will amount to 7.253 billion rubles. In particular, in accordance with the program for the development of the judicial system approved by the federal government, 3.689 billion rubles will be allocated for housing for employees of the Supreme Arbitration Court, 344.04 million rubles for employees of the Supreme Court, and 3.22 billion rubles for the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. .

Property after 10 years

Service housing is also one of the options for solving the housing problem for police officers. According to the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, during 2011-2012, 10 thousand service apartments were built for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. True, the apartments provided to police officers look more modest than the official housing of deputies, officials and judges - it happens that a police officer and his family are simply accommodated in a room in a communal apartment. However, temporary housing provided for the duration of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can legally be transferred to the ownership of the residents. This right is available to employees who have served in the police for more than 10 years, as well as those who received injuries or disabilities during their service. Members of the family of a Ministry of Internal Affairs officer who died “on duty” can also register ownership rights.

Palace for personal use

Local service apartments also provide work for janitors. This traditional practice, which dates back to Soviet times, is associated with production needs. Janitors usually begin their working day at 5-6 o’clock in the morning, and getting there from another area of ​​the city at such a time is very problematic. I think there is no need to clarify that the quality of the apartments leaves much to be desired. If an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be placed in a communal apartment, then a janitor may well be sent to live in the basement. After all, there are still no clearly defined standards for office residential premises in Russian legislation.

Tatyana Elekoeva, especially for GdeEtoDom.RU

First of all, this is a full-time employee of the housing and communal services department, keeping order in the territory entrusted to him, not only in the sense of maintaining the proper sanitary condition of the yard, alley or street.

Such an employee always serves a limited area adjacent to residential buildings, and involuntarily notices who comes out of the entrance at what time.

The janitor gets used to the residents and immediately recognizes strangers who come with not entirely good intentions. Therefore, the janitor is obliged to cooperate with representatives of law enforcement agencies, and first of all, with the district police officer.

The territory cleaner knows, if not by last name, then by first name and certainly by sight, all the children in his yard, and has the right to call on them to maintain public order - not to make noise, not to allow fights, and is also obliged to stop acts of vandalism in relation to common property.

It is easy to distinguish a real janitor: a guardian of cleanliness and order in the broad sense of the word must be dressed in overalls.

This housing and communal services employee has a closet in one of the houses located on his site: usually this is a small room in which the cleaner can keep tools - shovels, brooms, brooms, crowbars, buckets and other equipment. This work is physically difficult, and in the utility room you can not only change clothes, but also sit and rest.

A cleaner who is found to be ineffective or negligent can be complained to. office, and a diligent, friendly person should be praised; such reliable and hardworking employees should be awarded by the housing and communal services management with bonuses.

Job description for housing and communal services janitor

The employment contract also contains a list of responsibilities, but it is more concise than the job description.

It is this document that should contain a detailed, detailed description of everything that a housing and communal services janitor should do at his workplace.

The job structure of a housing and communal services janitor is as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • responsibility.

It is important for the employer to know that there cannot be any requirements for the applicant for this job position in terms of level of education or experience.

What are the responsibilities of a housing and communal services janitor? The main job responsibilities are as follows:

The janitor reports to the housing and communal services foreman and the manager, he can receive tasks from them directly, and if it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences of a fire, flooding or other accident, he will be redirected to the place where his help is needed.

It is this employee who is obliged to report to management about the disorder he has noticed, and has the right to suggest ways to eliminate the problem.

The janitor must also comply with the norms and rules adopted for all housing and communal services workers - avoid absenteeism, failure to comply with management orders, comply with safety and labor protection requirements, fire safety and sanitary standards.

The janitor's rights are as follows:

  • obtain the tools and materials necessary for work;
  • demand the provision of premises for storing materials and tools, as well as the creation of normal working conditions;
  • submit proposals to management regarding better organization of work and improvement of their work activities;
  • demand familiarization with housing and communal services documents concerning his duties and rights, as well as terms of payment and bonuses.

As for liability, the janitor must be held accountable for failure to fulfill his official duties, as well as if he commits an offense of any kind.

The cleaner will be liable according to the law even if his actions cause material harm to the enterprise.

Cleaning standards

Heavy physical activity when performing official duties as a housing and communal services janitor should be limited to the area that this employee can handle.

The standards for cleaning the territory for a housing and communal services janitor are regulated by the following legislative acts:

It turned out that the standards for the work activity of a housing and communal services cleaner are a whole science.

For example, sidewalks are divided into classes, depending on road congestion:

  • 1st class, if no more than 50 people pass in both directions in 1 hour;
  • 2nd class, when the intensity of pedestrian traffic is in the range from 50 to 100 people. at one o'clock;
  • 3rd grade – more than 100 people will pass within 1 hour.

Sidewalks crowded with people are difficult to clean without disturbing pedestrians; it is more convenient to sweep and water them early in the morning or late in the evening, while areas of different intensity classes require different cleaning frequencies.

Since the work of a janitor remains manual, the norm for the area to be cleaned is still taken to be 500 m2 - specifically the area to be cleaned, and not the total area.

Wage level

Despite the fact that the work of a cleaner is hard, taking place in public, that is, in plain sight and regardless of weather conditions, the level of salary for this category of housing and communal services services leaves much to be desired.

Thus, in 2016 in Moscow, the earnings of a janitor were no more than 15-16 thousand rubles, and in the periphery it did not exceed 8 thousand rubles. per month .

It is the level of wages that deters people from wanting to become janitors. In addition, short-sighted managers often demand that the cleaner be in his assigned territory from 8-00 to 17-00.

Those employers who allow the janitor to divide his working time into morning and evening hours act more wisely.

In this case, even before residents go to work en masse, leaves and snow can be removed from sidewalks and paths, which is more pleasant for people and prevents the snow from compacting, making cleaning difficult.

Those utility workers who make our yards cleaner and our common property more well-groomed and unharmed should be treated with more respect than we are used to, and their hard and thankless work should be appreciated.

In the old Soviet times, almost any young specialist who came to work at a factory or large industrial complex in another city could be guaranteed to be given an apartment within a couple of years. Yes, a “Khrushchev”, yes, small, but separate and completely comfortable, and most importantly - completely free.

Victor Burkulai. Dormitory. 1968

The practice of providing so-called service apartments continues today. Only their number has become significantly smaller; to get such free housing you have to stand in line for years, and the condition of the apartments usually leaves much to be desired.

Let's try to figure out who is entitled to service apartments, who can count on receiving such housing, are there any enterprises in our country that provide apartments for employees at their own expense, and, finally, is it possible to privatize service housing, making it truly yours?

What is service housing

Thus, in order to get official housing, you don’t need to stand in line or be low-income, have many children and socially vulnerable, or have any benefits—it’s enough to successfully get a job.

Often, service apartments are provided even to those employees who already have their own housing. True, in another city, from where it’s impossible to go to work every day. In this case, the organization or enterprise where the person works provides him with official housing.

The main condition for the provision of a service apartment is the inability to perform official duties due to the lack of housing in the immediate vicinity of the place of work.

At the same time, Article 93 of the Housing Code of Russia limited the meaning of the term “official housing” and determined that only those apartments that are provided to “citizens in connection with the nature of their labor relations with a government body, a state unitary enterprise, a local authority” can be classified as such. self-government, municipal or state institution, in connection with service, in connection with appointment to a public position of the Russian Federation or a public position of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in connection with election to elective positions in local government bodies or public authorities.”

That is, according to the article, only state and municipal employees can apply for official housing; workers of private enterprises cannot receive such apartments. However, there is still a practice when a non-state company or organization provides its especially valuable employees with housing and such premises cannot be called anything other than official. Many experts note that Article 93 of the Housing Code does not reflect the actual situation that has developed in the field of providing service apartments, and also leaves wide scope for interpretation.

Where to go to work to get company housing

M.G. Sokolov. IN AND. Lenin in Razliv. 1969

So, in order to get a chance, often a very real one, of moving into a service apartment, you should choose such specialties, professions and areas of activity as:

  1. People's representatives. Deputies of any level, be it a modest city council in the outback or the State Duma, receive the right to official housing while performing their duties. If a deputy represents the interests of, for example, the Krasnoyarsk Territory or Khabarovsk and comes to the capital, where a place in the State Duma awaits him, he and his family are provided with a comfortable apartment with furniture and a telephone in Moscow. For some reason, the federal law “On the status of deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council” insists on having a telephone, which determines the procedure for allocating apartments for deputies and senators from the state service fund.
  2. Officials. Employees of numerous ministries, departments and government agencies can also apply for official housing if they do not have it in the city where they arrived for work. Ministries and departments often solve the “housing issue” of their employees by providing subsidies for the purchase of housing, but this is already a preferential lending option that is not related to the practice of providing office apartments.
  3. Military personnel. As you know, military personnel are forced people and over the years of service they can change several cities and towns. And if a single serviceman can live in a dormitory, sharing a room with a colleague, then those with a family are required to have service housing. The topic of providing both service apartments and permanent housing to those military personnel who are already leaving the ranks of the Russian army is quite acute. The Ministry of Defense regularly reports on plans to build new residential buildings, in which apartments will be allocated to military personnel, but many military families still need improved living conditions.
  4. Law enforcement officers, in particular local police officers, investigators, police officers, and so on, who are sent to a duty station in another locality. In this case, employees with their families are also provided with office housing first.
  5. Wipers. Traditionally, in order to attract people to this not the most prestigious position, they are provided with service apartments at their place of work. This practice is also related to production needs - janitors usually start working at 6 or even 5 in the morning, and getting there from another area of ​​the city at such a time is very problematic. Other employees of the housing and communal services system, for example, mechanics or site foremen, can also obtain service apartments.
  6. Emergency services personnel, such as firefighters.
  7. Foresters, huntsmen, fishery workers. The work of representatives of this category of specialists often involves traveling to hard-to-reach areas, to areas remote from large cities, therefore such workers are provided with official housing while performing their official duties.
  8. Customs officers, tax officers, judges.
  9. Teachers and doctors. Ideally, after several years of work, official housing should be provided to all medical employees and teachers who are public sector employees, that is, they work in ordinary hospitals and schools, and not in private gymnasiums and elite clinics. There is no point in telling how things really are - it is well known that teachers and doctors can get service apartments almost only if they agree to go to work in the countryside, and they will have to work for a certain period of time for housing.

It is clear that it is better to be a deputy than a janitor - people’s representatives have a much greater chance of getting official housing, but in principle, all of the above categories can apply for free apartments while working in a particular organization.

We can also say with confidence that many large enterprises, for example, factories and metallurgical plants, provide their especially valuable specialists, for example, managers or engineers invited from abroad, with apartments at their place of duty or pay rent for housing, which can also be considered one from the varieties of obtaining office living space.

Procedure for providing official housing

As the Housing Code of Russia states, in order to obtain official housing, a person who needs living space at the place of his new job must write a corresponding application for the provision of an apartment from the local specialized housing stock.

The application must indicate how many family members will live with the applicant, since there are approved standards for the minimum living space per inhabitant of a service apartment. For example, if there are two children in a family - a boy and a girl over 9 years old, then the applicant can apply for a three-room apartment. In addition, each family member must have at least 6 square meters of living space, but no more than 15 - this is already considered an unaffordable luxury.

Vincent van Gogh. Ward in the Hospital in Arles. 1889

However, such norms do not apply everywhere; in many cities, service housing is provided according to the principle - take what they give, there is nothing else. And you can’t argue with such a statement, since the Housing Code regarding service apartments states that they must be “residential” - and that’s it, no more clarifications or norms.

In addition, the municipal specialized housing stock often consists of so-called “escheat” housing, that is, apartments that were privatized, and the deceased owners had no heirs. Such apartments usually sit abandoned for a long time while the search for possible heirs is underway, they are in a disrepair, and local budgets do not have the funds to repair them, at least cosmetically. There are often cases when, for example, a new district police officer arriving at his duty station in a district center received official housing “without windows, without doors” and could not believe his “luck”, refusing to move into such an apartment.

After an application for official housing is written and received by an authorized official, an agreement for the rental of official housing is concluded between the organization providing housing and the employee, which is considered valid for the period of military service, labor relations or performance of official duties. The tenant is provided with a warrant that gives him the right to move into the specified apartment.

Residents of service apartments pay utility bills in exactly the same way and in the same amount as owners of privatized apartments. At the same time, they are obliged to maintain the premises in proper order, not to delay utility payments, and so on.

The rights of residents of office premises are limited - they cannot rent out the apartment provided, book or exchange it for other housing. The tenant can move all his household members, dependents and relatives into the service apartment, if the other adult residents do not mind and have given their written consent.

Alexander Benois. Illustration for “The Queen of Spades”. 1910

The contract for the rental of office space is terminated in the event of termination of the employment relationship, expiration of the term in an elective position, or dismissal from office.

Is it possible to privatize a service apartment?

The list of residential premises that are not subject to privatization, established by part one of article four of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 “On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation,” also includes service housing.

That is, it cannot be privatized according to the law, however, in a number of cases, tenants of official housing still manage to draw up all the necessary documents and achieve a positive decision from the authorities and management of the company or organization.

An important nuance - in each region of Russia, local authorities are in charge of privatization of office premises, therefore the conditions and procedure for privatization may vary greatly.

For example, in Moscow there is a government decree according to which tenants who have lived in the given living space and, accordingly, have worked in the organization that provided the living space for more than 10 years, can privatize a service apartment.

Such employees can write a statement on the basis of which the employment contract will be terminated and a social rental agreement for the apartment will be concluded. Thus, before starting the process of privatization of service residential space, it must first be removed from the specialized service housing stock and introduced into the state or municipal social housing stock.

What will you need for this? First of all, the consent of the organization, enterprise or institution that owns the apartment.

In certain, specially specified cases, corporate housing can also be privatized by employers who have not yet worked for 10 years in the organization. These special cases include:

  • retirement of the employer who was provided with official housing, if he resigns due to reaching retirement age from the organization that provided the apartment;
  • receipt of disability of 1st and 2nd groups, which occurred in connection with injury due to the fault of the employing organization or an occupational disease received during service. In this case, the organization can “atone for its guilt” by allowing the privatization of a service apartment;
  • in the event of the death of the tenant of official housing, his family can also subsequently privatize the apartment provided to him at the place of work;
  • restructuring or liquidation of an enterprise that led to the dismissal of the employer from his place of work.

The list of documents required for privatization of a service apartment includes:

  • permission from the owner of the official housing stock is the most important document, without which it is almost impossible to privatize official housing;
  • the original order for the apartment or the original extract from the decision with the social tenancy agreement;
  • an extract from all house books without exception, from all addresses where the tenant previously lived and was registered, starting from July 1, 1991;
  • an explanation issued by the BTI and a cadastral passport;
  • originals and copies of passports of all family members of the tenant registered in this residential area;
  • if the passport was issued after July 1, 1991, a certificate of replacement of passports is also required;
  • a notarized power of attorney for an employee of the one-stop shop service;
  • statements from all family members registered in the apartment, as well as their personal presence during the paperwork;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

It is worth noting that the transfer of official housing from a specialized fund to a municipal or state social fund, which will give the right to privatize an apartment, may take several months or even years. To speed up this process and privatize a service apartment, you can go to court with a statement of claim, which will contain a demand to recognize the right of the tenant to privatize the housing. It is also worth going to court if the employer, the organization that owns the apartment, does not give its consent to privatization, despite having ten years of experience. Unfortunately, court proceedings can also take a long time, and a positive decision in such cases is rare.

Thus, in order to privatize a service apartment, it is necessary to negotiate with the employer by any means and still obtain permission from the organization that provided the housing. In this case, it is quite possible to privatize office space, although the process of collecting documents, especially extracts from all house books at places of previous residence, may be delayed.

The only consolation for those tenants of office premises who, despite ten years of work experience in one organization, were denied the right to privatize an apartment by both the owner and the court, can be the fact that it is impossible to evict such families without providing other housing.

Anna Sedykh,