To break into debts from the courts. How to find out debt from bailiffs? Online debt repayment


In life, situations are not uncommon when a person who has bought tickets and booked a hotel finds out at the airport that he cannot travel abroad. The reason is unpaid debts from bailiffs: fines for traffic violations, alimony, loan obligations not repaid on time. In order not to be disappointed, not to waste time and money, it is recommended to check in advance for debts with bailiffs.

Where do debts come from?

If a person does not fulfill his obligations to an organization or an individual, following from the terms of the concluded agreement, the injured party has the right to apply to protect his interests and recover Money to the judicial authorities. If the court recognizes the plaintiff's claims as legitimate, it will oblige the citizen to pay off the obligations and pay the penalty.

Debts, information about which is received by the bailiffs, arise from the failure to fulfill the following obligations:

  • transfer of alimony;
  • payment of taxes;
  • repayment of fines for traffic violations and other administrative penalties;
  • payment of loan obligations.

When the court has ruled that it is necessary to pay for obligations, a person can act in two ways: to comply with the court decision voluntarily or ignore it. In the first case, there are no problems, in the second, information about the debt is received by bailiffs, since creditors are not entitled to independently recover the debtor's property.

Information on outstanding obligations is collected in a single database of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). This is an open resource, the information on which is updated online.

If the failure to fulfill financial obligations entails a restriction on travel abroad, then, according to the requirements of the law, the debtor receives an official letter about this. It is believed that the document must reach the addressee within six days from the date of sending.

Transferring information about fines to the FSSP

The debt to the bailiffs is not formed immediately - at first, the debtor is given time to independently settle the obligations that have arisen. The procedure for performing administrative procedures is regulated by Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The deadline for transferring data on unpaid fines to the FSSP is 70 days, of which:

  • 10 days is the period when a person has the right to sue.
  • 60 days is the time for voluntary execution of the court decision.

If a person does not pay, the state authorities wait another 10 days, after which they send information about the debtor to the bailiffs. The total period from the moment a fine is imposed to the date when information about fines appears in the database is 80 days.

Checking for debt

If you are going to travel abroad, but are not sure that you have closed all financial obligations, check the information about your debts in the FSSP in advance. Free online verification is possible in three ways:

1 - Contact the FSSP

If you received a written request for payment, the form contains a telephone number and mailing address where you can contact the person in charge. This information is publicly available on the Internet. Use the contacts of the bailiff to find out if the previously transferred funds have arrived, or to pay the debt.

2 - Use the database online

It is located on the official website of the FSSP. Pre-registration, payment and entering passport data to use the resource is not required - you only need a first and last name. This method is suitable for those who have not received written notice of the need to pay the debt.

The search form in the FSSP database is as simple as possible. To obtain information, you must select the region of the Russian Federation where the person of interest lives, enter the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth of the person. Next, the system will ask you to dial a one-time code confirming that you are not a robot. After that, a message will appear on the screen that the data was not found, or information about the detected debts of the citizen.

3 - Use special applications

Now it's even easier to track debts: special applications supported by iOS and Android have been created. There are special services in popular social networks: Contact and Odnoklassniki. Search in such resources is carried out according to the same algorithm as in the FSSP database. You need to know the full name of the citizen, date of birth and region of residence.

Experts advise to check and pay debts in a timely manner. The sooner you find out about the presence of unliquidated obligations, the less fines and penalties you will have time to accumulate.

How to pay off debts to bailiffs?

If you have a debt to the bailiffs, you may be asked to appear in person at the FSSP. Ignoring the notification received is not recommended in order to avoid further problems with the law. If the obligation in question has already been repaid, take with you a document confirming the transfer of money, for example, a payment note with a bank mark.

To pay the outstanding debt, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Ask the bailiff to issue a receipt. With it, you can contact the nearest bank branch or make a payment through Internet banking.
  • Pay the debt through the official website of the FSSP online. You can use a bank card or funds from an electronic wallet.
  • Pay in cash at the FSSP.

When making a payment, be careful and correctly specify the details. Be sure to print and save receipts: they will become proof of debt repayment.

Debt collection

An exhaustive list of methods and ways that bailiffs can use to collect overdue debts is given in the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings":

  • Recovery of money from the salary of a citizen, if he is officially employed and has a white income. The decision is sent to the employer and is subject to execution by the accounting department.
  • Write-off of funds from the bank accounts of the non-payer.
  • recovery of property or valuable papers debtor. It is used in cases where a person has no official income. For example, a citizen can be evicted from an apartment if the debt is large.

Another measure of influence on unreliable payers is the restriction of travel abroad. According to Art. 67 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", such a restriction can be imposed on a person whose debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles. If the amount is less, no one has the right to prohibit a person from leaving the Russian Federation.

If you are going to go abroad, but you have unpaid debts transferred to the bailiffs, take care to resolve this issue no later than a month in advance. Print out a receipt confirming the perfect settlement of obligations, and go with it to the bailiff. Having seen the supporting document, he is obliged to begin the procedure for lifting restrictions, which can take up to 30 days.

It is impossible to pay a fine or pay off other obligations directly at the airport building. If the presence of debts is found out at the control, the planned vacation will not take place by 100%.

If a citizen whose debt does not exceed 10 thousand rubles is subject to a travel restriction, he has the right to appeal against the illegal actions of bailiffs in court. The state body will take the side of the plaintiff and remove the sanctions from him in an expedited manner.

Since 2016, legislation has given the bailiffs a new leverage on non-paying citizens. This is a driver's license suspension. The rights of the debtor are canceled until he pays off the creditor. This measure is applicable only to citizens whose outstanding obligations exceed 10 thousand rubles.

The presence of debts to bailiffs is a serious reason to attend to the repayment of existing obligations. Ignoring them causes adverse consequences - restriction of travel abroad and loss of the right to drive vehicles.

Living today with debts is very problematic: bailiffs will not give you rest if there are loans that are not paid on time, administrative fines, taxes, alimony and other debts. On any day after the initiation of enforcement proceedings, they can rush to your home or work, accompanied by police officers, seize bank accounts or property, stop on the road and seize your car to pay off a debt, spoil your vacation by imposing a travel ban outside of Russia...
How to find out your debt from the bailiffs, how to quickly pay it and live in peace?
We will help you in timely obtaining information about existing debts and their payment!

Enforcement proceedings

The bailiff initiates enforcement proceedings on the basis of executive document at the request of the claimant. In some cases, enforcement proceedings are initiated on the basis of a judicial act (court order), an act of other bodies and officials in cases of administrative offenses. The bailiff sends the debtor a decision on its initiation. The resolution provides the debtor with a period for voluntary repayment of the debt. As a general rule, the period for voluntary enforcement is five days from the date of receipt by the debtor of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. After this period, the bailiff resorts to measures for the enforcement of the debtor's debt. The measures that, in accordance with the law, bailiffs can use to collect debts are quite diverse.

    It could be:
  • arrest of the debtor's bank accounts and write-off of funds from them;
  • arrest of the debtor's property, foreclosure on it with subsequent sale;
  • restriction of the right to leave the country;
  • suspension of a driver's license;
  • initiation of a criminal case for malicious non-execution of a court decision.

In general, the consequences for a debtor who does not repay the debt during enforcement proceedings are extremely unpleasant.
Imagine the situation: you were going to have a rest abroad with your whole family, and when passing through passport control at the border of the Russian Federation, you were denied permission to leave Russia, because there are unpaid debts to bailiffs that you did not even suspect (for example, fines for traffic violations not paid on time ). The family will go on vacation, and you will stay? Or, on the contrary, will everyone refuse to rest? Tickets, hotels, excursions, transfers, etc. - everything will be lost, the money will be wasted, and the vacation will be clearly spoiled. This situation is quite common and very unpleasant.
We recommend that you take care of yourself and your loved ones in advance.
Checking the debt to the bailiffs is a necessary procedure that does not take much time, but subsequently saves a lot of nerves.

How to find out and pay the debt for enforcement proceedings?

    There are several ways:
  1. Difficult: you can personally visit the department (division) of bailiffs located in your city or district. If it turns out that there is a debt or a fine, then you will be issued a receipt, for the payment of which you will need to contact the bank. The money paid on the receipt will be credited to the deposit account of the department (subdivision) of the bailiffs, and then transferred to the claimant. This whole procedure will take a lot of time.
  2. Simple: you can find out the debt to the bailiffs on our website - use the service "Check the debt with bailiffs", - the easiest and most convenient way! The service allows you to find up-to-date information (we receive it directly from the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation) about debts to bailiffs by last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. By filling in this data in the form, you will receive information about the existing debt.

You can pay the debt for enforcement proceedings and the existing fines immediately on our website, until the information on the amount of the debt has lost its relevance.
Learn and pay right now - it means to secure your future!
However, if you, after checking the debt, do not agree with the amount of the debt to the bailiffs or think that some actions or inaction of the bailiffs are illegal or unreasonable, committed by them in excess of their authority, then urgently contact to qualified and proven lawyers of the project "Debts and Bankruptcy"(, which specialize in working with debts and protecting the interests of debtors and collectors, bankruptcy of individuals and legal entities.

You can find out the debt by last name online on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, and it is not necessary to stand in lines and spend a lot of time on it.

This method allows you to view not only your data, but also information about other persons.

Important:if you lived, for example, in Krasnoyarsk, but most recently moved to, say, Cherepovets or Kaliningrad, then you should look for debt data in both cities, since the data may not be updated yet. It is best, of course, in such a situation to select a search in all regions.

Next, fill in the following fields. If you notice, then only the Last Name and First Name are mandatory, but for the accuracy of the results it is better to fill in both the middle name and the date of birth. After that, you may need to enter a captcha - in the field, enter the characters that are shown in the picture.

Now we can get information about debts.

The system may display a window with the inscription: "No results were found for your request." You do not need to re-fill the form and refresh the page, because this means that you have no debts or the court decision has not yet been updated on the site or has not yet entered into force.

If debts are found by your last name, the following window will appear:

So, now the following information is available to you:

  • Debtor, his surname, name and patronymic
  • Enforcement proceedings
  • Details of the executive document - on what basis the debt is collected from an individual
  • The service allows you to pay the debt
  • Subject of execution - type of debt (taxes, loans (, or), utility bills)
  • Bailiffs Department (name and address) - which court issued this decision.
  • Bailiff - his contact details.

For more information, you can contact the bailiff or drive to the bank.

Important:you can access the search engine as much as you want. In addition, it is a great way to check on those who want to start a business with you or those who ask you for a large amount of debt. With the help of the system, you can view the history of debts of any person, knowing only his last name and first name.

If you have already used the service, you have noticed that in each column of your debt there is a “Pay” button.

You are offered different payment methods: through a bank, electronic wallets and even through mobile phone.

  • Payment for public services. Money will be credited only the next day after payment. The debt will be repaid only a week later, since the amount must first go to the bailiffs, and only then go to the account of the claimant. If you made a mistake while entering data, you should immediately contact the FSSP. The commission in this case is 2.3%, and if payment is made via a mobile phone, then according to the tariffs of your operator.

  • Express payment. You don't need to enter anything as the system automatically redirects your details. Check your details and click "pay". The commission is 2.3%.

  • Bashkomsnabbank. You need to enter the data of one of the documents to choose from: , passport (should not be) or. The money will arrive in a day, and the debt will be repaid in a week. At the same time, payment is possible using a card or through the Bashkomsnabbank Internet banking system itself.

  • Robokassa allows you to make a payment through your internet bank or e-wallet. The service commission in this case is 3% and the amount of 20 rubles is charged, regardless of the size of the payment. The maximum amount of payment is 14,900 rubles per payment.

  • Qiwi differs from other services in that the system does not charge any fees if payment is made directly from the FSSP website. The maximum payment amount is 15 thousand rubles.

  • Webmoney is a common service used by most citizens. If the debt is paid by (including), then there is no commission, however, in the case of loan payments, it is 1500 rubles, regardless of the payment amount. There are no restrictions, but you must pay the entire amount at once. For example, if your debt is 300 rubles, then you can pay it through Webvoney with only one payment.

  • Yandex.Money, in principle, is no different from other services. Commission - 2.5%. After going to the payment page, you automatically get to a window with ready-made data, you just need to enter your last name, first name and patronymic. The final amount is indicated already taking into account the commission.

  • The system of "City". To use this system, registration is required, after which you will automatically be taken to the payment window. Payment is made from any card, while there is no limit on the amount of payment.

For those who are unable to access a computer, a mobile application has been created that is no different from the service implemented on the official website. In addition, you can subscribe, and your e-mail will receive letters with current news, updates and offers.

You can download and install applications for free, you need Internet access. You can download the application from the official website of the FSSP through a special section.

If you don't trust modern technologies or do not know how to use them correctly, you can always contact your bailiff and find out all the information.

Bailiffs, find out debts

All debts of ordinary citizens and organizations, for which enforcement proceedings were initiated in the bailiff service, are collected in a single database.

It does not require special access to view it, only Internet access. This means that anyone can check if he has a debt with the bailiffs. This is necessary, for example, when traveling abroad, because debtors of large sums are not allowed there. You can also check other people, it is enough to know some of their data. Let's analyze the main nuances.

Where can I check debts?

Thanks to the Internet, people have the opportunity to view up-to-date information on any kind, such as traffic police fines, tax debts, unpaid loans or mortgages, utility bills or alimony debts. You can view the information in one of three ways:

  • Through the FSSP website service;
  • Through the Public Services Portal or its application;
  • With the help of the application for smartphones and iPhones "FSSP".

An electronic data bank of all enforcement proceedings is maintained on the official website of the bailiffs department at // All debts are collected in one database, so you can see the existing legal debts for one person. The site contains only public access information: information about the debtor, the number and date of enforcement proceedings, the amount of the debt, the name of the FSSP unit where the case is opened. It does not publish other requirements present in writ of execution or a court decision.
The Unified Public Services Portal allows you to send requests via the Internet to the FSSP about the opening or progress of enforcement proceedings, as well as learn about the amount of debt in real time. The "Law Debt" tab requires entering the full name of the debtor and his date of birth. To use the Portal, you need to have a regular account, as the service offers to log in.
The FSSP application is considered the most convenient way to check debts, through it you can find out the same information as on the site and receive notifications of all changes. You can download and install the application in the application store of any mobile device operating system.
In the same ways, you can not only check debts, but pay them bank transfer or receive and print a receipt.

Checking through the official website: step by step

Most users check debts on the FSSP website. This is very convenient, because here is the most updated information on the amounts. The presence of a personal account allows you to leave requests to bailiffs who collect debts, find out information about the progress of enforcement proceedings, extend or suspend its terms, independently petition for a ban on the debtor's travel abroad.
To search, you need to know a minimum of information about the debtor: either his last name, first name and region of residence, or the number of enforcement proceedings. The completed data entry form looks like this:

Fields without asterisks can be left blank. They are needed to identify a person if his full namesakes fall out, which is not uncommon if he has a common surname and first name.
Next, enter the verification code:

This step is necessary to avoid automatic checks.
The absence of debt is indicated by the phrase: "No results were found for your request." This means that a person does not go through the bailiffs as a debtor.

The "Pay" button next to the amount of the debt allows you to make an online payment by any convenient bank transfer.

Debt payment options

When a person's debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles, he is given a temporary ban on leaving the territory Russian Federation. So that the resulting debts do not spoil plans for a vacation abroad, they should be paid as soon as possible. There are many ways to do this, everyone can choose the most convenient:

  • Electronic payment systems presented on the website of the department or in mobile application FSSP;
  • Personal Area or the Sberbank application through the search for "FSSP";
  • ATMs or terminals;
  • Pay at the bank or by mail according to the receipt printed from the site;
  • Give the money to the bailiff in charge of the proceedings.

The transferred funds are first on the FSSP account for several days, distributed and then sent to the recipient. Therefore, the information in the Data Bank will be updated after payment not immediately, but within a week.

The debt should be repaid in advance, at least a month before the trip abroad, since the bailiffs do not immediately remove the restriction.

Therefore, after paying the debt, it is better to take care of speeding up the process yourself, contact the service and present all receipts as evidence.

What are unpaid debts?

All payments should be made on time to avoid debt. Otherwise, the debts will be collected through the court. This applies to all debt obligations that a person may have:

  • tax;
  • Alimony;
  • Credit;
  • free kicks;
  • Utility bills, etc.

As compulsory measures for collecting debts, bailiffs have the right to apply:

  1. Temporary travel ban.
  2. Suspension of driving license.
  3. Foreclosure on wages.
  4. Arrest and sale of the debtor's property.

A ban on leaving the country and suspension of a driver's license is imposed on persons whose debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

Particularly unpleasant for many people was the deprivation of rights for unpaid debts to bailiffs, which was introduced at the beginning of 2016. But this joint measure of bailiffs and traffic police inspectors significantly improved the statistics on paying debts, because no one wants to do without a personal car for a long time because of past penalties.

In addition to the above measures, particularly malicious debtors may face administrative and criminal liability, for example, fines, forced labor, imprisonment, and being put on the federal wanted list.

Why can't they be released abroad?

When is a debt written off?

Enforcement proceedings are closed after the full repayment of the debt. Not only the claimant, but also the debtor himself, can apply for the closure of the case, this is in his interests. In addition, the law provides for cases when the debt can be recognized as uncollectible, that is, the debt is written off without payment. This:

  • bankruptcy of the debtor;
  • The impossibility of establishing its location;
  • Lapse of time;
  • Cancellation of recovery by court decision.

However, a change in these circumstances may lead to the resumption of debt collection. Bailiffs constantly make requests to various authorities, banks, funds. Tracking the place of work of the debtor, the bank in which he opened an account, or establishing the fact of acquiring property in his name is not difficult for bailiffs. So do not hope that the debt will ever disappear by itself.
Thus, if a person knows that he may have unpaid debts, before planning a trip abroad, he should take an interest in the amount of the debt, whether he has been issued a ruling restricting travel abroad because of this.

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