Decrees of the Council of Ministers of the LPR. Social insurance commission in the institution Minutes of the meeting of the social insurance commission form


All functioning domestic enterprises make contributions to various state insurance funds. One of the recipients of these payments is the FSS Russian Federation, which directly manages the relevant funds. Each employer registered with the Social Insurance Fund must form a commission on social insurance at the enterprise or appoint an authorized person.

General provisions on the social insurance commission

The FSS of the Russian Federation paid special attention to the frequency of the commission's work, establishing the need to hold meetings at least once a month.

Decisions of this body are documented in the minutes of the meeting of the social insurance commission. A sample of the named document of the FSS of Russia has not been developed and approved.

Sample minutes of the meeting of the commission on social insurance

The organ described above can function as work time, and during periods of rest of its members. In the first case, the employees retain their average earnings and position.

The FSS of Russia may pay additional remuneration to members of the commission at its own expense.

As a conclusion, we remind you that each company that appoints a social insurance commission in an institution is obliged to approve the relevant regulation. The basis for such development is the document developed by the Social Insurance Fund of Russia on 07/15/1994 for N 556a.

This local act is approved by the general meeting of employees and must contain the following information:

  • the number of members of the commission;
  • the ratio of administrative workers and trade union representatives;
  • duration of the elected body;
  • the procedure for making and formalizing decisions;
  • detailed description rights, duties and functions;
  • additional guarantees and benefits for members of the working group.

Compliance with the aforementioned prescriptions will ensure that the provisions on the social insurance commission at the enterprise comply with the law.

Contributions for social insurance of employees against accidents in the course of production activities can be spent on vouchers to sanatoriums for treatment and rehabilitation. The amount of expenses for vouchers is determined as a percentage of the sum of all specified contributions. It is about 20% and is fixed by the relevant federal law.

Direction of budget expenditures 2017-18 signed by the act "On the budget of the FSS in 2017". Before spending money on these needs, it is necessary to coordinate the direction of expenditure with a representative of the social insurance fund. To do this, you need to go through a special approval procedure, which is regulated by the Funding Rules. preventive measures. In particular, they indicate the following list of mandatory documents:

  • application for travel permits
  • wellness plan
  • funding schedule for the current year
  • act (copy) based on the results of the inspection of the state inspection
  • act (copy) of the meeting of the medical board
  • sanatorium or resort license
  • list of insured

To implement these tasks in the field of social insurance of the company, a social insurance commission in the institution must be approved. It will be the guarantor of the observance of workers' rights.

Rules for the establishment of a social insurance commission

An organization of any form of ownership must have a social insurance commission at the enterprise if the company is registered with the FSS. The members of the body are elected on a voluntary basis. The meeting is held in the format of a conference with the presence of all staff.

The Commission has the following powers and functions:

  • determining the direction of spending contributions
  • distribution of vouchers according to the established procedure
  • issuance of vouchers to insured persons
  • taking into account the need for sanatorium treatment
  • control of the procedure for financing treatment and rehabilitation
  • verification of the basis for the right to receive a preferential ticket
  • handling complaints from insured employees
  • preparation of reporting documents for the fund

IMPORTANT: members of the commission are elected for 1-3 years, meetings should be held once a month or more often, all decisions should be drawn up in minutes.

Minutes of the meeting of the commission on social insurance sample

The document consists of several mandatory parts:

  • Header of the minutes of the meeting of the FSS commission
  • The main part of the protocol

  • The final part of the document

At the end of the protocol, it is written down point by point that the commission decided and the signatures of the responsible persons are affixed.

Regulations on the commission at the enterprise

The social insurance commission in the institution works on the basis of internal regulations. It is drawn up in accordance with the rules of law set forth in paragraph 11 of the regulation "On the FSS of the Russian Federation", which is designed to ensure timely control of the payment of benefits and the issuance of vouchers.

The full procedure for creating a commission at an enterprise is thoroughly considered in regulation 556a of the Russian Social Insurance Fund. In particular, it says that the main task of the commission is the expenditure of funds for recreation and sanatorium-and-spa treatment financed from the fund.

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Absence taken on federal level provisions on the procedure for granting benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, etc. put employers in a difficult position and are the cause of various kinds of errors in this area. Thus, when studying the organization of work on providing benefits at OAO Uralelectromed, it turned out that there are certain inaccuracies and contradictions in the regulation of this activity. First of all, in the local regulations "Providing employees of OJSC "Uralelectromed" with social insurance benefits", on the one hand, it is indicated that the assignment and payment of benefits is carried out by the bureau of financial and settlement operations of the department accounting. The employee must apply to this office, submit Required documents and write a letter to the director general issues. However, below we are talking about the fact that the employee gives the sick leave to the timekeeper, he fills it out, signs it with the head of the unit and transfers it to the personnel department, which indicates the employee's length of service. The issued sick leave is transferred for payment to the accounting department. At the same time, the Regulations provide for a special procedure for assigning benefits in cases where the cause of temporary disability is a domestic injury, as well as in cases where employees violate doctor's orders. In these cases, after the sick leave is issued in the personnel department, it is transferred to the social insurance commission, which makes the appropriate decision. Moreover, as evidenced by the study of the minutes of the meeting of the commission on social insurance of JSC "Uralelectromed", a significant part of their agendas is devoted to the issues of granting benefits for temporary disability. At the same time, it was not taken into account that, according to the Regulations on the Social Insurance Fund in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994, social insurance commissions are created not to assign benefits, but to control the correct calculation and timely payment of social insurance benefits employers, resolving issues on spending social insurance funds, as well as considering contentious issues between employees and employers regarding the provision of social insurance benefits (clause 11). The powers of the commission to assign benefits also do not follow from the Model Regulations on the commission (authorized) for social insurance, approved by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Labor of Russia on July 15, 1994 (clauses 2.1 - 2.2). Therefore, one cannot but agree with the statement of R.S. Garipov that the appointment and payment of benefits are entirely the prerogative of the employer, who determines the right to benefits, decides on the deprivation of benefits, lists its amount and determines the payment of benefits.





On approval of the Regulations on the commission (authorized) of the enterprise,

institutions, organizations on obligatory state

social insurance for temporary disability and in connection with

Guided by articles 28, 41 of the Law of the Luhansk People's

Republic of June 25, 2014 No. 14-1 "On the system executive bodies




The Council of Ministers of the Lugansk People's Republic decides:














To supervise the implementation of this resolution

on acting Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Lugansk People's
Republic of Drobota A.N.

This resolution shall enter into force on the date of its

Interim Acting
Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Lugansk People's Republic S. Ivanushkin



about the commission (authorized) of the enterprise, institution,

organizations for obligatory state social

temporary disability insurance and in connection with

motherhood of the Luhansk People's Republic

I. General provisions






organizations for obligatory state social
temporary disability and maternity insurance
of the Luhansk People's Republic (hereinafter referred to as the commission), is created/elected and
operates at an enterprise, institution, organization (hereinafter -
enterprise) that use hired labor, regardless of the forms
ownership and type of business.

1.2. The Commission acts in accordance with the Regulations on the Fund

social insurance for temporary disability and in connection with
motherhood of the Luhansk People's Republic, these Regulations,
as well as other regulatory legal acts acting on
territory of the Luhansk People's Republic, regulating issues

The regulation on the commission defines the main tasks, scope,

list of powers, organizational principles of members of the commission.

1.3. The organization of the work of the commission is carried out on a parity basis.

principles of its members, delegated to it by the employer and
representative of the insured persons (representative parties).
The representative of the insured persons is a trade union organization
enterprise, and in its absence - another authorized body,
representing the interests of the insured persons (representative).

If there are several trade union organizations operating at the enterprise,

delegation of commission members from insured persons is carried out




trade union organizations at the initiative of any trade union.
A trade union that has refused to participate in a representative body is not
represents the interests of the insured persons in resolving issues
material support and the provision of social services for
obligatory state social insurance
temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

Commission members are delegated by each representative party

independently in equal numbers depending on the number
insured persons in the enterprise.

Members of the commission perform their duties in public

The term of office of commission members and their number from each side

established by a joint decision of the representative parties, but not
less than three years.

The decision to delegate members to the commission on social

company insurance is issued:

employer - by his order or other administrative


by the representative of the insured persons - by the decision of the elected

body of the trade union organization (unified representative
body of trade union organizations) or by a corresponding decision of another
authorized body representing the interests of the insured persons.

1.4. The commission is created with the number of insured persons

over 15 employees. With the number at the enterprise
15 or less insured persons for general meeting employees are elected




The Commissioner shall perform his functions in accordance with this

1.4.1. At an enterprise where accrual and payment wages, but

also the payment of material security for social insurance,
the provision of social services is carried out in its structural
divisions, commissions are created in these divisions of the enterprise,
institutions, organizations.

At enterprises, institutions, organizations where accrual and

payment of wages, as well as the payment of material security for




carried out





1.5. By decision of the commission, from among its members,

working groups (appoint a representative, representatives) to carry out

practical work on material support, implementation
measures to reduce the level of morbidity at the enterprise,
health promotion and other activities
insurance activity.

1.6. The commission is accountable (accountable) to the employer and the representative

insured persons, and her (his) work in accordance with the established procedure is subject to




disability and in connection with the motherhood of the Lugansk People's
Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Fund).

1.7. The employer and the representative of the insured persons assist

work of the commission, creating the necessary conditions for this by
provision of premises with appropriate equipment for
holding its meetings and agreeing on the issues of holding them in
convenient time for members of the commission subject to the conditions of remuneration according to
their place of work.

1.8. The employer and the representative of the insured persons are responsible

providing the commission with information and reference materials,
organization and holding together with territorial branches








disability and in connection with motherhood.

1.9. At a newly created enterprise, a commission is created (elected) in

month after state registration businesses are fine
determined by paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4 of these Regulations.

II. Rights and obligations of the commission (authorized) on

2.1. The Commission has the right:

2.1.1. Receive information from the employer about the amount of funding

Fund for providing material support to the insured
persons, the availability and movement of vouchers received from territorial
branches of the Fund and the transfers made to the account of the Fund
partial payment of the cost of vouchers.

2.1.2. Receive free consultations from the Fund on issues

application of legislation on compulsory state
social insurance for temporary disability and in connection with

2.1.3. Contact local offices if necessary.

Fund regarding the verification of the correctness of the issuance and renewal of leaflets
disability to the insured persons of the enterprise.

2.1.4. Check compliance of the insured persons with the regime,

determined by a doctor for a period of temporary disability.

2.1.5. Contact the territorial offices of the Fund in case of a dispute

between the commission and the employer on material support
and provision of social services to insured persons of the enterprise, and
also in case of failure by the employer to comply with the decisions of the commission.

2.1.6. Submit proposals to the territorial offices of the Fund on

organization and improvement of work on social insurance in

2.2. The commission is obliged:

2.2.1. Make decisions on the allocation of financial support and

providing social services.

2.2.2. Make a decision to refuse the appointment of material

security, on termination of its payment (in whole or in part);
consider the grounds and correctness of issuing and filling out sheets
disability and other documents that are the basis for
provision of material support and social services.

2.2.3. Monitor correct billing and

timely payment of material security to insured persons
employer at the expense of the Fund, both on their own initiative and in
connection with the treatment of insured persons.

2.2.4. Take steps to provide timely

enterprise to the insured persons of material support and
social services under the obligatory state social
temporary disability and maternity insurance.

2.2.5. Participate in audits carried out at the enterprise,

institution, organization, officials of the central office
Fund and territorial offices of the Fund and on issues of correctness
use of insurance funds, provide regulatory authorities
necessary documents and explanations on issues arising during

2.2.6. Implement measures to eliminate identified by the commission

and supervisory authorities of violations on the provision of
material security and social services, the use of insurance

III. Powers of the commission (authorized) on social

enterprise insurance

3.1. The Commission exercises the following powers:
The committee is chaired by a chairman elected from among the members

The chairman is in charge of the overall work of the committee.

holds meetings of the commission, monitors the implementation of decisions taken

The Deputy Chairman of the Commission performs the tasks assigned to him

tasks and acts as chairman of the commission in his absence.

An employee of the personnel department (another person

in the absence of such position) and performs the following functions:

organizes the work of the commission, including notification

members of the commission on the date, time and place of the meeting, as well as on issues
submitted to the commission;

accepts applications from insured persons for consideration of their issues

at a meeting of the commission, timely transfers them to the chairman of the commission
to make a decision on holding a meeting;

draws up the minutes of the meeting of the commission on the day of their adoption;
prepares draft responses to applicants on the merits of their question, after

by submission for signing to the chairman of the commission;

stores documents generated in the process

activities of the commission;

transfers for safekeeping to the archive of the enterprise, institution

organizations, completed paperwork documents of practical









are released from work for the duration of participation in the meetings of the commission, as well as in
in accordance with the order of the head.

3.1.1. Makes a decision to appoint or refuse an appointment

material support (temporary disability benefits,
including caring for a sick child or family member; pregnancy and
childbirth; for burial) and transfers it to the employer for payments,
making calculations.

3.1.2. Makes a decision to terminate the payment of material

security (in whole or in part). Checks the correctness of the issuance and
filling out the documents that are the basis for the provision
material support and social services.

3.1.3. Controls the correct calculation and

timely payment of material security to insured persons.

3.1.4. Makes a decision on the allocation of vouchers to the sanatorium and (or)

sanatoriums-dispensaries for insured persons and members of their families (as well as
persons studying in higher educational institutions) on the basis of personal
statements, medical certificates confirming the need for treatment
(improvement), the amount of partial payment for vouchers for sanatorium
spa treatment; allocation of vouchers to children's health centers
institutions; provision of social services for extracurricular
care for the children of the insured persons and transfers them to the employer for
issuance of tickets and settlements.

3.1.5. Participates in audits of the medical organization



therapeutic and prophylactic

institution located at the enterprise and patient compliance
prescribed treatment regimen.

3.1.6. Keeps records of people who often and for a long time get sick (persons who

the last 12 months have been disabled for one
disease at least three cases with a total number of days
disability for 30 or more days or for various diseases
less than four cases in the last 12 months with a total of days
disability for 40 or more days, as well as persons who received leaflets
disability due to non-productive injuries;

analyzes, informs and makes suggestions on issues

reduce the incidence of the disease to the employer and representative
insured persons.

3.1.7. Supervises the timely delivery of

territorial branches of the Fund for applications and settlements on accrued
to insured persons the amounts of material security and conducts
quarterly analysis of the use of the Fund's funds at the enterprise.

3.1.8. Submits proposals to the employer to reimburse the Fund for expenses

on the funds of the Fund spent in violation of the current
legislation or misused.

3.1.9. Transfers to the territorial offices of the Fund materials on

reimbursement to the Fund of expenses for the payment of benefits for temporary

disability due to non-productive injuries,
in cases where this happened due to the fault of other legal or natural

3.1.10. Keeps records of insured persons, their children, as well as persons who

are trained



health resort treatment, rehabilitation in children's health
institutions; controls the issuance of vouchers to insured persons,
New Year's gifts according to the decisions of the commission.

3.1.11. Considers complaints from employees of the enterprise about the decision

commissions on social insurance of the enterprise for granting
material support and social services at the expense of the Fund,
takes action to resolve the issues.

3.1.12. Carries out explanatory work at the enterprise and

advises on the provision of financial support and
social services at the expense of the Fund.

3.1.13. Ensures the transparency of the work of the commission on issues

provision of material support and social services at the expense of
funds of the Fund, including informing about the availability of sanatorium-resort
vouchers and their allocation to each insured person, taking into account applications in
in accordance with the medical indications of the required profile
spa treatment.

3.2. Company Social Insurance Commissioner

performs the functions provided for by this section.

3.3. Working groups (representatives) of the commission created (appointed)

in accordance with paragraph 1.5 of these Regulations, with a functional
distribution of responsibilities perform practical work on
separate powers of the commission, defined in section III Provisions in
in particular:

appoint the types of material

provision for obligatory state social
temporary disability and maternity insurance;

if necessary, apply to the territorial offices of the Fund in

regarding the verification of the correctness of the issuance of documents that are
the basis for providing assistance;

keep records of insured persons, their children who need

sanatorium treatment, rehabilitation in children's institutions

control the issuance of vouchers for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as

New Year's gifts according to the decisions of the commission;

develop proposals for measures to reduce the cost of

temporary incapacity for work, a decrease in the incidence rate by

handle the affairs of the commission.

3.4. The Central Commission of the enterprise is created in accordance with

paragraph two of sub-clause 1.4.1 of clause 1.4 of Section I of these Regulations.
Rights and obligations, powers and organization of work of the central
commissions of the enterprise are determined by sections II - IV of these Regulations.

IV. Organization of the work of the commission (authorized) on

enterprise social insurance

4.1. The main form of work of the commission are meetings, which

are carried out according to the plan approved by her, but at least twice a month.

Members of the commission participate in its meetings in person without the right to transfer

their powers to other officials.

The Commission is authorized to make decisions if there are

more than half of its members, as well as a representative of each side. Meeting
commissions are recorded. The committee's decision is considered adopted if
voted by a majority of the members present at the meeting
commissions. In the event of an equal distribution of votes, the chairman's vote
is decisive.

Chairman and Vice-Chairman, who shall represent
various representative parties. Chairman of the Commission and his
Deputy are responsible for the fulfillment / non-fulfillment of their
powers before the committee. They may be deprived of their powers
personal request, at the initiative of the members of the commission (the majority of their total
quantities), upon presentation of the territorial office of the Fund. If
a member of the commission for any reason is deprived of his powers,
the party he represents has the right to delegate the other
representative for the term of office of the commission.

4.2. Company Social Insurance Commissioner

considers (with the adoption of appropriate decisions) issues of appointment
material support and social services to insured persons under
as relevant requests are received and
documents required for this.

4.3. Decisions of the commission are recorded in the minutes on the day they are adopted.

(Appendix No. 1).

V. Dispute Resolution

The decision of the commission on the appointment (refusal to appoint a material

provision and provision of social services, indicating the reasons for refusal
and the procedure for appeal) is issued or sent to the applicant no later than
five working days after the relevant decision is made and may
be appealed by the insured person at the territorial office
Fund, where the company is registered, within 5 working days from
from the date of receipt of notice of such appointment or refusal, which is not
deprives the insured person of the right to apply to the court on these issues.

Minister of the Council of Ministers
Luhansk People's Republic

Minutes N ______ meeting of the social insurance commission ________________________________________________________________ (name of organization) "___" ________ ___ y. : ________________________ (full name) ________________________ (full name) ____________________________ (full name) INVITED: ____________________________________________________________. (position, name of the organization, full name) AGENDA: payment of benefits for temporary disability ________________________________________________________________________________. (position, name of the organization, full name) HEARD: application _____________________ for payment of benefits for temporary (full name) disability _____________________________________________________________. (position, name of organization, full name) ESTABLISHED: 1. __________________________, works in __________________________ under (position, full name) (name of organization) labor contract and is subject to state social insurance. 2. "___" _________ ___ _________ presented (a) for payment (full name) a certificate of incapacity for work of the series ________ N ____, issued by "___" ________ ___, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. Type of disability - ___________________. Period of temporary incapacity for work: from "___" ________ ___ to "___" _______ ___ inclusive. 4. Continuous work experience in _________________________________ by the beginning of (name of organization) incapacity for work was ___ year ___ months ___ days. 5. The total length of service at the beginning of disability was ___ year ___ months ___ days. 6. The monthly salary of the employee(s) is ____________________ rubles. 7. The period for temporary disability payable is calculated from "___" ________ ___ to "___" ________ ___ inclusive. 8. Billing period for calculating the average daily earnings, it is established from "___" ________ ___ to "___" _______ ___ 9. The average daily earnings of an employee (s) is the amount of _______________ rubles ____ kopecks. DECIDED: Guided by the legislation on social security of the Russian Federation and this protocol: 1. Accountants accept sick leave for payment. 2. Pay no later than ___ days ________________________ benefits for (full name) temporary disability in the amount of 100% of earnings in the amount of ______________ rubles ________ kopecks at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the commission _______________/__________________ (signature) (full name) Secretary of the commission _______________/__________________ (signature) (full name)

Source - Kasenov E.B.