How to open an exchanger for WebMoney and other electronic currencies. Shopping for Bitcoin: how to exchange cryptocurrency for rubles and where to spend it How to organize electronic currency exchange


How to open a currency exchanger on the Internet?

There are a lot of good ideas for business on the Internet, but before you implement one of them, you need to take into account current trends.

The modern world is slowly moving towards non-cash payments and electronic money. A great niche to start your own business, although it's not that easy.

How to open a currency exchanger? To launch such a service, you will have to spend money, even if you are able to write the website code from scratch.

The expenses are serious, because you will need to provide a decent reserve so that customers can exchange even larger amounts. But this is not the only expense column.

You will have to raise a large sum, because the necessary software can cost $1000. Finding it is not difficult and in this article we will tell you where it is sold.

The second serious expense column is balance. To carry out operations, you will need to open several wallets and deposit decent money into each of them.

They will be used for exchanges, and here it is important to think about how exactly the transactions will take place, because it is necessary to remain in the black, while offering users favorable conditions.

Don’t even think about launching a service on a free engine and cheap hosting. You will need a dedicated powerful server, which also costs a pretty penny.

We must not forget about promotion. There are many exchangers created on the Internet; in order to survive among competitors, you will have to spend money on advertising.

Where can I buy an exchanger script?

You can contact freelancers to order the creation of an exchange office on the Internet. This is not cheap, so it makes sense to consider template options.

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There are two types of electronic currency exchanger - private and official. In this case, the meaning of earnings lies in a certain percentage that comes from each transaction when exchanging currencies, in other words, a certain percentage of the amount goes to the exchanger’s account in the form of commissions.

Currently, it is extremely difficult to gain a foothold in the market as an official exchanger. Moreover, the point here is not at all about technical difficulties (they can be dealt with with the help of modern software). Theoretically, of course, it is possible to ensure automatic exchange and a fairly wide coverage of currencies, however, in practice, in order to achieve this, serious barriers will have to be overcome, and not everyone is able to do this.

The first barrier is to negotiate correctly

If not so long ago it was possible to simply install a script, set up merchants, and then exchange funds without official registration, now this is impossible. Back in 2007, the well-known WebMoney system greatly tightened the rules.

The second barrier is competition

Let us immediately note that the competition here is off the charts. In recent years, many offices have been opened that did not manage to last long in this market, and they were forced to close, one after another.

How to open an exchanger?

Opening an official exchanger will require serious costs - both time and financial. This option is suitable only for large and serious companies and businessmen. The best option, in this case, is to exchange currency in “rare” directions, in other words, the potential client is given the opportunity to carry out transactions that are not available in official exchangers, while an adequate commission is charged.

Another option is a private exchange; this type is suitable not only for serious financial structures; its users can be people who have accumulated certain reserves of one electronic currency, but for circulation they need a completely different one.

Some make an exchange, thereby taking a certain percentage for themselves, others use a 1 to 1 rate, and it is the absence of a possible commission that makes this option very attractive to clients.

If we talk about official exchangers, then everything happens here automatically, and there is a certain guarantee of reliability, while in the case of a “private” exchange there are absolutely no guarantees, except for a verbal agreement.

The system of earning money by exchanging electronic money is quite simple: the more cash reserves pass through it and transactions are carried out, the higher the income, since a percentage will be received from each action. If you have a fairly large turnover, then, soon, the relevant authorities will definitely be interested in you - in this case, you will need to register with the subsequent payment of taxes, which will reduce your income.

What is required to open an exchanger?

To open a full-fledged exchanger, you need a script - an engine, thanks to which the exchanger will operate, and it is important that it is of high quality so that there are no malfunctions. It is also worth noting that the number of people willing to use your services, and therefore your turnover, will depend on advertising and status.

For example, in the WebMoney system, authority is reflected in the business level; it completely depends on the turnover of funds that pass through the account. In addition, you can enable the ability to exchange real money for electronic money and vice versa, but first you need to learn the tax legislation. If you are familiar with the legislation, then you can open an electronic exchanger.

To open your own exchange office, you need to obtain a special personal certificate, then create a website and add it to the official list. It makes sense to note that this type of activity does not require an office.

To register an exchanger you will need at least two thousand dollars.

It is also necessary to take care of an agreement on joint cooperation with similar exchangers and online banks so that there is the possibility of a profitable and quick exchange of funds, if necessary. You also need to register for tax accounting.

Agreement with services

You can find a large number of services online that provide electronic money exchange services. However, one day, everyone who decides to start working in this direction is obliged to enter into an agreement with a payment system or several, whose currencies he plans to operate. The contract must clearly state what specific percentage the service must provide in favor of the electronic system.

The exchange office independently sets the amount of interest that can be taken when exchanging funds. It is important that the percentage is based on the current market conditions and the availability of cash reserves.

In addition, it is worth knowing that the exchange of electronic money, according to established traditions, occurs at a commission of 1-5%. However, it is not advisable for new services to start with the maximum commission. Only large players in this market segment are able to afford the maximum allowable commission.

To create an exchanger site, you will need a good programmer, and paying such a worker will not be cheap and will cost you several thousand dollars, but you will get a really high-quality exchanger that will have reliable protection. This is a rather expensive option, but it will help save a lot of time.

The programmer will be involved in writing the script, creating the design, and this will also include hosting costs. However, despite the investment, opening an electronic money exchanger is quite a profitable business, and the income will depend on the popularity of the service and the established percentage.

An electronic currency exchanger can be “private” or “official”. In this case, earnings come from each currency exchange transaction, i.e. a certain percentage of the amount falls into the exchanger’s account as commission (profit).

Today it is extremely difficult to enter the market as an official exchanger. And this is not a matter of technical problems (they can be overcome with the help of software). It is entirely possible to provide broad currency coverage and automatic exchange, but there are significant barriers to overcome. “It’s a good deal! – the first barrier. Previously, it was possible to install a script, set up merchants and change money without official registration, but today this will not work. Since 2007, WebMoney has seriously tightened the rules. Competition is the second barrier. She's going wild here. In recent years, many offices have opened, but after a while they close.

The creation of an official exchanger will require serious costs, both financial and time. This option is suitable for large and serious companies and businessmen. The best option in currency exchange is exchange in “rare” directions, which are not available on official exchangers with an adequate commission.

“Private” exchange is suitable not only for financial tycoons, but also for those who accumulate reserves of electronic currency, but they need a completely different one for circulation. Some make an exchange, while taking some percentage for themselves, others use a 1 to 1 rate; it is the absence of any commission that makes this option attractive to clients. In the case of official exchangers, everything happens automatically and there is a guarantee of reliability, but in the case of “private” ones there are no guarantees, except for a verbal agreement and everything is done manually.

But still, how to open an electronic currency exchanger? The more cash reserves you have, the more exchange transactions you will have, and from each you will receive your percentage. If the volume of your activity is large, then the relevant authorities may be interested in you, then you will need to register an LLC and pay taxes.

What is needed to open an exchanger?

To open an exchanger, you need a script - an engine on which the exchanger will operate, which must be of high quality so that there are no malfunctions. The number of those who want to use your services, and therefore your turnover, will depend on advertising and authority. In the WebMoney system, the reflection of authority is called business level, which depends on the turnover of funds that went through the account and the more, the higher the authority. It is also possible to exchange electronic money for real money and vice versa, but first you should familiarize yourself with the tax legislation. If you are already familiar with the legislation, then open an electronic currency exchanger.

How to open an electronic currency exchanger?To create your own exchange office, you need to obtain a personal passport, then open your website and add it to the general official list. It should be noted that an office is not required for this type of activity. From two thousand dollars will be required to register an electronic money exchanger. It is also necessary to agree on joint cooperation with Internet banks and similar exchangers in order to be able to exchange funds more quickly and profitably. You can register for tax accounting as an individual entrepreneur or individual. There are a lot of pitfalls in this area of ​​activity, because this type of activity is not yet provided for by law.

We enter into an agreement with the services.

On the Internet you can find many services that provide electronic funds exchange services. However, anyone who wants to start working must enter into an agreement with the payment systems whose currencies they will operate with. Such a document will clearly state what percentage the service must pay in favor of the electronic payment system. The exchange office independently sets the amount of interest that can be charged when exchanging electronic money. In this case, the percentage should be based on the current market conditions and the availability of cash reserves. The exchange of electronic money, according to established traditions, is carried out at a commission of 1-5%. However, new services should not start at the top. Only large players in this market segment can afford a 5% commission.

To create an exchange site you will need a good programmer,who will have to pay several thousand dollars in order to create a truly high-quality exchanger with reliable protection from hackers. This is a rather expensive method, but it will save a lot of time. The programmer writes the script, creates the design, and this also includes hosting costs. However, if you decide to open an electronic money exchanger, then this business is quite profitable, and your income depends on the percentage you set and the popularity of your service.

Everyone has seen how street or bank exchange offices work, where rubles are exchanged for dollars and euros and vice versa. Bitcoin exchangers work on the same principle., only in virtual space. True, there are tens of times more varieties of monetary units here.

Exchangers buy and sell cryptocurrency at the current rate and select currency pairs in any combination. They also accept funds from various payment systems and services. If you want to exchange bitcoins for YandexMoney, please do so. If you want to convert money in your Qiwi wallet into cryptocurrency, no problem.

Denis Kuderin is with you, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to choose a reliable bitcoin exchanger and how profitable it is to exchange virtual money for real money, as well as how much you can earn by exchanging cryptocurrency.

1. Bitcoin exchanger - exchange virtual money for real

The amazing thing is nearby - money that does not physically exist is more expensive than gold, platinum and oil. A currency that no state prints or issues has become needed by everyone. Since the beginning of 2017, the value of Bitcoin has quadrupled.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin (BTC) is worth $4500 or 255,400 rubles. When you read the published material, the value of this cryptocurrency will surely increase.

Those who purchased several dozen bitcoins just a couple of years ago can now make good money. They have enough exchange your savings at an exchanger or on a stock exchange and increase the initial investment tenfold.

If you are engaged in earning bitcoins, want to invest money in this currency, or you already have it, you are probably interested in the issue of exchanging virtual money for real money.

So far, Bitcoin is not recognized in Russia as a legitimate monetary unit. There are no laws regulating cryptocurrency transactions. Therefore, banks do not accept or issue bitcoins.

Everyone decides on their own how to convert bitcoins. They cannot simply be transferred to a card from a Bitcoin wallet in the form in which they exist in the virtual space.

Bitcoins are accepted as a means of payment by many online stores, gaming platforms, airlines and other resources. But if you need cryptocurrency for other purposes - for example, to buy groceries in a supermarket, then BTC will have to be somehow exchanged for real money.

Bitcoins are stored in special registries that exist simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. There is no centralized storage of cryptocurrency. This money is just a digital code. Each wallet owner has individual key– it cannot be restored if you lose it.

Who issues bitcoins? Miners, that is, cryptocurrency miners. More precisely, crypto-money itself arises in the process of complex computer calculations.

At the same time, there are thousands of computers operating on the planet that serve the Bitcoin network. They encrypt transactions with cryptocurrency, and their owners receive a reward for this in the form of bitcoin kopecks - satoshi.

Satoshi is one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin (10 -8). They are named after the mysterious creator of Bitcoin - Satoshi Nakamoto. Nobody knows this person by sight; it is not even known whether this is a real character or a group of programmers.

What are the values ​​and beauty of Bitcoins:

  • The quantity of this cryptocurrency is limited– in this way Bitcoin is similar to gold. It is known in advance how many bitcoins will be mined – 21 million.
  • They are transmitted over the network directly from wallet to wallet– no intermediaries in the form of banks or payment systems. Often this anonymity of bitcoins is used by illegal organizations.
  • Accounts cannot be frozen– as well as limiting it with limits.
  • This is an international currency– it is accepted throughout the civilized world.
  • Instant transfer speed– and minimal or zero commission.

Bitcoins were originally created as a means for anonymous transactions on the Internet. This function is still relevant today, but in addition to the means of payment, Bitcoin has become a highly effective tool for making money.

The original purpose of bitcoins is to allow people to make instant payments on the Internet.

An important point for everyone who deals with bitcoins - virtual currency exchange. By the way, you can also make money from such operations. But we’ll talk about making money later - first I’ll tell you how do exchangers work on the Internet?, how much their services cost and how to choose the most profitable option from dozens of offers.

2. What determines the reliability of a Bitcoin exchanger - 4 main factors

An online exchanger is an Internet resource that converts various currencies, including bitcoins. If you want to buy or sell cryptocurrency, you will inevitably end up at either an exchange or an exchange.

Exchangers are more convenient because transactions are completed faster here. Exchanges often block funds for withdrawal up to 48 hours from the moment of user registration. If your goal is simply to exchange one currency for another, and not to trade, then it is not advisable to use an exchange.

There are hundreds of exchangers operating on the Internet. Using some of them is strictly contraindicated - there are openly fraudulent one-day sites that only work for input. If you use such resources, you will no longer see your money.

But how to choose a reliable exchanger? A good way is to use exchanger monitoring to check the status of sites. I will talk about it separately in one of the following sections.

Self-checking is also effective if you know exactly how to check.

Factor 1. Availability of reviews

A conscientious online exchanger cares about its reputation and maintains it. Every operation carries out as quickly as possible and without jambs. If the exchange takes too long or the money is “lost” somewhere in the system, dissatisfied users will definitely write about it on forums and special websites.

Read reviews about the resource you are interested in. But keep in mind that people are much more willing to talk about problems than about stable and satisfying work.

Several years ago, I carelessly used one of the exchangers without checking its reliability. I exchanged not cryptocurrency, but WMR (rubles in the WebMoney system) for regular rubles with withdrawal to a bank card. I sent WebMoney to the system, but I didn’t receive money on the card either after 2 hours, as promised, or even after 24 hours.

I didn’t intend to give money to the exchanger, so I tried by all means to reach the support service. At first they ignored me, but then persistence prevailed - one of the employees personally took care of the translation.

I managed to achieve justice, but I spent a fair amount of nerves on this transaction. Now I thoroughly check each resource or I work with proven services.

Pay attention to the details of the exchanger and information about registration in popular payment systems. Honest sites are always ready to show their reliability ratings in YandexMoney, Qiwi, WebMoney and other well-known services.

Factor 2. Promptness of feedback

The faster the support service responds to you, the more reliable the service. Verified fact. Honest resources provide users with several channels for feedback - interactive chat on the website, Skype, email. It’s great if you have a telephone and a call back option, but only a few people afford such a “luxury”.

If you want to check the quality and efficiency of feedback, ask any question to the online consultant– you will probably have something to ask the employee about. I personally communicate with representatives of Internet services constantly. For any trifle, I knock on the chat - let the employees earn their living.

If they answer immediately and to the point, this is a good sign. If you have to wait more than 5-10 minutes or the machine answers with standard phrases, it’s better to look for another portal.

Make allowances for the time of day. If you write to support on Saturday at 4 am, even the most loyal resources may not respond immediately. On the other hand, if they position themselves as a 24/7 site, they must live up to the “image”.

Factor 3. Operating time

If the service has been operating successfully for several years in a row, the likelihood that you will not be deceived increases many times over. The length of the working day is also important, as is the weekly work schedule.

Pay attention to the hours and hours of operation of the Bitcoin exchange site.

Resources that work three days a week for several hours a day are an alarming sign. This indicates that the service either has insufficient currency reserves or has other problems.

Factor 4. Real exchange rate

Respectable exchangers provide their clients with real time currency quotes. If sites use data from the Central Bank and stock exchanges, this indicates a serious approach to their work by the owners.

3. How to exchange Bitcoin for real money - step-by-step instructions

Let's move on to practice. If you have ever exchanged currency, then the general principle of operation is clear to you. But Internet services have important features, which need to be taken into account.

For example, exchange is not always instantaneous. The time depends both on the efficiency of the resource itself and on the receiving party. That is, if you transfer money to a bank, it may not get there right away, especially if you do it on a weekend.

Let's look at the exchange algorithm step by step.

Step 1. Select an exchanger

There are many exchangers, but you are alone. It makes sense to spend time and choose a service based on the principle: reliable resource + favorable rate. You will waste time, but you will exchange it profitably. And in an honest exchanger.

Most sites require you to register. This is a very simple operation and takes no more than 2-3 minutes. I have accounts on about 10 exchange platforms. Registered users who have already made an exchange, often provide commission discounts from 1 to 10% depending on the number of transactions and amounts.

Exchangers make money from exchange rate differences and commissions, so be prepared to pay some money for the services. The lower the commission, the better, but do not forget about the reliability of the resource.

Step 2. Fill out the application

What happens next is a matter of technique. Select the currency pair that interests you. If we want to exchange bitcoins for rubles, select the BTC icon in the left column, and in the right column - the currency for which you want to exchange, or the wallet for withdrawal.

Bitcoins are withdrawn to Yandex wallets,Qiwi,WebMoney,Payeer and many other systems, as well as to cards of Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff, VTB and others. There are a lot of exchange options. You need to choose the one that suits you and fill out the application.

In the application we indicate the exchange amount, details of the receiving party and other data depending on the conversion method you have chosen. Pay attention to the currency reserve, which you want to receive. The reserve is not always sufficient to exchange your amount - in this case the transaction will not take place. A message like “try again later” will appear.

Step 3. We are waiting for the application to be completed and accepted

Click “exchange” or “execute” and wait for the application to be executed. It happens that the money arrives in your account within a few minutes, but sometimes you have to wait several hours.

Processing of an application for bitcoin exchange will begin only after receipt transaction confirmation– that is, the operation of transferring BTC from your wallet to the wallet of the exchange office.

This takes approximately 20 minutes, but sometimes the system is overloaded and confirmation takes several hours or even days. Find out whether a transaction took place or not on the official Bitcoin website. All transactions with bitcoins are reflected in blockchains and are freely available.

The processing time of the application and the exchange itself also depends on:

  • the performance of the exchanger;
  • selected currency pair;
  • time of day;
  • day of the week.

You have the right to find out at any time status of your application– either it is still being processed, or the money is in the process of being transferred, or the exchange is completed.

Step 4. Check the account

Sometimes the application status on the exchanger’s website says: operation completed. But there is no money in your account in the system to which you transferred funds.

Don't rush to panic. "Completed" does not mean "completed". It means that the money left the exchange office in the right direction, but the bank or wallet has not yet accepted them. Wait for the operation to complete.

Step 5. Withdraw funds

Funds are sent to your e-wallet or card. All that remains is to use them.

Please note that some payment systems have restrictions on the amount of funds you can withdraw per day or per month. For example, YandexMoney has 3 levels of wallets - anonymous, personal, identified with different limits for storing and withdrawing funds.

If the limits do not suit you - increase your level in the system or use another wallet.

4. Where is it profitable to exchange bitcoins - review of the TOP 6 exchangers

And now a review of exchangers selected by our expert department. I have successfully used some services personally.

Study, compare and choose!

- the same monitoring of exchangers that I mentioned above. Please note that this is not an exchange office, but a special service for comparing and checking the reliability of resources.

Here you will find the most favorable rate and read real user reviews about exchange resources. Before changing currencies, I always use this site - it’s convenient, simple and profitable.

All exchange offices presented below are available on this service. There are not only quotes and currency reserves, but also reviews from real users about the nuances of the operation of this or that exchanger. The lists provided by this monitoring do not contain unreliable or dubious resources - only verified sites with a proven reputation.

Let's watch a video with details about this service.

2) 60sec

60cek – converts bitcoins into any other currency, withdraws them to popular electronic wallets and bank cards - Sberbank, Alfa and others.

If a reverse exchange is needed, they will do that too. At the exchanger huge reserves of money, so the percentage of refusals due to lack of funds is minimal here.


BLUE.CASH is an automatic exchange service. The most convenient, fast and profitable. Eat affiliate program. The service works with the popular bitcoin exchange Eksmo.

Withdraws cryptocurrency to Yandex, Qiwi, Perfect Money and other popular electronic wallets.

4) X-pay

X-pay is a 24/7 international exchanger offering dozens of cryptocurrency conversion options. After registration, you will have access to discounts on exchange transactions.

Works with all popular Russian and international wallets, as well as banks.

Megachange – reliability, popularity, convenience. Exchange service with thousands of customers. Saves time, guarantees security, works with almost all known electronic wallets and a number of banks.

a1change is a convenient exchanger with solid foreign exchange reserves. Quickly withdraws bitcoins, litecoins And ethereums on YandexMoney and Qiwi. Doesn't work with banks. Eat cumulative bonus system– the more transactions you make, the more profitable they are.

Comparison table of exchangers:

ServicesTransfer to bank cardsBitcoin reserves at the time of writingPeculiarities
1 60secEat41 Discounts for regular customers
2 BLUE.CASHNo4.08 There is an affiliate program
3 X-payEat17.06 High-quality customer service
4 Eat1 Discounts for registered users
5 No26.85933 Bonus program works

If you engage in foreign exchange transactions wisely and thoughtfully, it is quite possible to make money on them.

They are more suitable for speculation than exchangers, but exchange services also have potential.

I must warn you right away: in order to make a profit, you need to have initial capital. The amount of your income depends on its size.

Tip 1. Monitor exchangers for buying and selling bitcoins

Monitor offers from exchange offices through monitoring services and independently. If you do this constantly, you will always find the most favorable rate for selling BTC or buying at a better price.

It is not even necessary to complete purchase/sale/exchange transactions on the same day. If you wait until the rate rises, the profit will be even greater.

For example, now on the Eksmo exchange the bitcoin rate is 255,500 rubles, and in one of the exchangers they buy for 266,000 rubles .

If you buy there and sell here, the profit will be approximately 11 000 rubles for one operation, which will take several minutes. But for this, of course, you need to have a quarter of a million in assets.

Tip 2. Participate in affiliate programs

Many exchangers offer earnings through affiliate programs. Promote referral links on social networks, in blogs, on your websites, in comments on forums. For each click on your link and exchange transactions of referrals you will receive interest.

Tip 3. Trade with the help of brokers

Another option for people with decent capital is to hire a broker who will monitor profitable offers on stock exchanges and exchange offices and manage your money. To do this, you need a professional and experienced specialist who has already worked with cryptocurrency.

The article was updated on 03/03/2015.

Today, opening an exchange office is a fairly profitable and serious business, which, moreover, does not require significant financial investments. Accordingly, almost every person who has 500-2000 dollars and a computer can try themselves as the owner of an exchanger. The only thing that can become an obstacle to the implementation of the plan is the lack of information about what, how and in what sequence to do. This is what we will talk about in this article.

1. What is the essence of the operation of an electronic currency exchange office?

Today there are many electronic payment systems on the Internet. All of them are divided into 2 types:

  1. Internet banking (Alfa-Click, Sberbank@Online, etc.) and Visa/MasterCard plastic cards.
  2. Electronic wallet systems (for example, QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex.Money).

Each of them has its own title signs. An online exchange office accepts title units of one system from users, converts them into title units of another system at the currently existing rate, and again “transfers” them to the user. Also, through the exchanger, the input/output of title units can be carried out (in other words, converting them into cash/non-cash form).

2. What is the income of the owner of the exchange office based on?

On the difference between the buying and selling rates of title units. Here everything is similar to offline currency exchange offices, with the difference that the owner sets the exchange rate independently, only roughly focusing on bank prices.

3. Is this type of business promising?

Definitely. Already today, a significant part of trading transactions is carried out via the Internet. In the future, this direction will only develop. Accordingly, the number of users requiring the services of electronic money exchange offices will increase.

4. What assets will you need to get started?

Desire, PC skills and start-up capital. Calculating the amount of money you will need to open an electronic currency exchange office is simple: the cost of software for the exchanger (500 - 1500 USD) + reserves in the amount of 1000-2000 USD for each currency / payment system (you can start with several of the most popular ones such as Perfect Money , Yandex.Money, Qiwi, Webmoney, Okpay, Sberbank, Alfa Bank, etc.).

You will most likely be surprised by such a wide range of prices for software for the exchange office. Everything is simple here. A standard and fairly reliable exchanger with a simple control system and without unnecessary “bells and whistles”, like those produced by companies such as Awebcom, can be purchased for 450 – 1050 USD, depending on the “equipment”. If you want something stunning, capable of immediately and outright striking half of the Runet users, you will have to pay 4,000 USD or more for the software. By the way, such expenses are not always justified, since in the business you are planning to start, clients are more interested in the exchange rate and the reliability of your service than in the availability of additional options and capabilities.

5. What software is needed for the exchange office and where can I buy it?

Today, quite a lot of companies are engaged in the development, sale and maintenance of electronic currency exchange points. The following providers of these services deserve special attention from a novice user:

  • website (exchange office ExchangeBox) – cost 449 USD. Distinctive features: semi-automatic, ability to add an unlimited number of currencies and payment systems, multi-level affiliate program, management based on a free version of WordPress, 24/7 technical support, software updates, installation and configuration on hosting, free warranty service.
  • Awebcom (VUCMS “Currency Exchange” assembly) – cost 1050 USD. Distinctive features - supports a wide range of electronic currencies, the opportunity to earn money both on the difference in the exchange rate and on the commission.
  • Arenaa (exchangers WMtoCash, WM-Privat) – cost from 4,000 USD. What sets it apart is that it is almost exclusive to the software, with the exception that the company carefully selects its customers, so purchasing any of Arenaa's products may be difficult.

6. Will payment processors need permission to convert their currencies?

No, it won't be necessary. However, in the case of some payment systems, you will have to undergo identity verification and comply with certain conditions (depending on the requirements of the system).

7. How is customer service provided to the exchange office?

First of all, you need a website with exchanger software installed on it. The most convenient for the owner today are semi-automatic and automatic exchangers (where most of the operations are performed without the participation of an administrator. In the second case, all exchange operations occur automatically. You only need to periodically monitor the status of your site and resolve current issues. In the case of With a semi-automatic exchange office, payment by the client is carried out automatically, and data verification and sending funds to the user is carried out manually.

The semi-automatic mode has a serious side in terms of the safety of your money, because... The semi-automatic exchange script does not physically have access to your money. It can work only for receiving funds from the client. But a semi-automatic exchanger loses in that the administrator of such a site performs all exchanges manually.

The automatic mode of operation does not require operator participation and therefore saves time for the site owner. But if such an exchanger is hacked, you will most likely lose all your money, because... such an exchange office can work both to receive funds and to pay them out automatically. I would like to note that not all exchange directions can be fully automated.

Attention: Never transfer funds to a client's account until he has fulfilled his payment obligations. There are plenty of scammers on the Internet who want to make money from the mistakes of novice businessmen.

8. What factors influence the formation of the electronic currency exchange rate within the exchanger?

There are 3 such factors. These are:

  1. Current exchange rates for major offline currencies (euro, dollar and Russian ruble).
  2. The amount of your working capital at a given time. Thus, if there is a shortage of title units, you will be forced to reduce the rates of electronic currencies for both purchase and sale. If we are talking about a lack of cash, a reasonable solution would be to increase the exchange rate.
  3. Competition. Users strive to make exchange transactions at a rate that is favorable to them. Accordingly, you will have to take into account current rates in competing exchangers.

9. How are the course and commission rates calculated?

Today, when converting funds through an exchange office, the client loses 2-5% of the exchange amount. Accordingly, if you make money on the difference in exchange rates, then the value of the current exchange rate is calculated on the condition that each operation of depositing or withdrawing funds brings you exactly the same income. If you charge a commission for your services, its size should be this 2-5 percent.

10. What does the activity of the WebMoney exchange office look like from the point of view of tax legislation?

Everything here is very ambiguous. There is no mechanism for regulating such activities yet in the CIS countries. But at the same time, several schemes have already been developed to make exchange operations as legal as possible from the point of view of the law. The most acceptable option is for both you and the client to act as individuals on the basis of an open-ended, interest-free loan agreement secured by collateral (the collateral is the funds with which you operate). This option is the most “safe” and is used by the majority of exchanger owners.

You can also register as a private entrepreneur providing, for example, “information services.” In this case, when selling title units to a client, you will have to issue a check or receipt confirming the fact of providing these services, which is quite risky. In any case, the legislation of each state has nuances, so you cannot do without consulting a lawyer.

11. Are there any restrictions on the “appearance” of the exchange office website?

In general, no. However, the website is the face of your service, looking at which the client will decide whether to stay or go to a competitor. First of all, the exchanger’s interface should be solid and presentable. The design itself, as well as the information provided to the user, should speak about your credibility and inspire the trust of a potential client. Also, the exchanger should be easy to navigate and contain clear instructions that everyone can understand. Additionally, your customers should have multiple ways to contact you. Be sure to provide the possibility of communication via ICQ, Skype, a feedback form, and provide a phone number. Otherwise, the general rules for designing business websites apply.

12. How much does a new exchange office need advertising? And how to do this with the least loss of time and effort?

Advertising is necessary. This is not discussed. Another question is how much effort will you have to put into this? Not so much. Compared to promoting an information site, promoting an electronic currency exchanger will require a minimum of effort if you can provide clients with favorable exchange rates and truly high-quality service - word of mouth works always and everywhere.

In addition, make sure that information about the opening of your new exchange office is present on thematic forums - you can post a post for free, and the result in the form of an influx of audience interested in your services will not be long in coming. Otherwise, everything is as usual - exchange of links, banners with thematic resources, content promotion and other activities, a detailed description of which you will find in online marketing manuals.

13. What additional sources of income can an exchange office provide?

Additional services can become not only a source of income, but also a great way to attract new users. You can develop your online exchanger by providing the following services:

  • Paid consultation on all issues related to the operation of the exchange office.
  • Sale of digital goods (recharge codes for cellular and Internet cards, for example).
  • Conducting lotteries, drawings, promotions.
  • Accepting deposits from users at interest.

It all depends on your imagination and the amount of time you are willing to devote to the development of your site.

Bottom line: what else is needed to open an exchange office?

When opening an exchange office, special attention should be paid to: favorable exchange conditions, decent software, presentable appearance of the site and friendly technical support.

We hope this material was useful to you. We will be happy to answer all your questions, contact us for advice and assistance in the “Contacts” section.