How to identify a bank by card number. How to find out the owner by Sberbank card number Bank card 4890


The unique card number received by the client at the bank consists of a 13 or 19-digit number. Each of the digits of the number carries encoded information about the type of card, bank. You can find out whose card by number. When transferring funds through a bank branch, self-service terminal or non-cash through an online bank, the number will allow you to find out the name of the owner, guaranteeing the accuracy of receiving funds.

There are situations when you need to know additional information, which bank issued the card, check the correctness of the addressee money transfer. When making a payment transfer, knowing the issuing bank will allow you to find out when the payment will arrive to the addressee, whether a commission will be charged for this operation.

How to find out the bank by card number

The digital combination assigned at the time of issue by the issuing bank is a specific code, the main information of which is contained in the first 6 digits included in the bank an identification number(or abbreviated BIN).

The Bank Identification Number (BIN) allows you to determine the following information:

  1. card type (debit or credit);
  2. payment system;
  3. belonging to a certain region;
  4. issuing bank.

Belonging to the issuing bank can be found out in the following ways:

  1. To find out this information, just use one of the many online services and enter a six-digit BIN in the search box.
  2. Some online payment resources allow you to see information about the recipient's bank when making a transfer.

If the numerical combination matches your BIN, there is no doubt that the card belongs to the same bank. For example, all owners of banking products with combinations starting with 4276 are Sberbank clients.

What information does a BIN contain?

There are practically no random numbers in this numerical combination. The very first digit determines the payment system to which the card is linked. The most common numbers are:

  • 3 - American Express payment system;
  • 4 - VISA payment system;
  • 5 - MasterCard payment system.

The subsequent BIN digits contain data on the issuing bank and the status of the card ( Gold, Platinum, Classic).

Knowing how to identify a bank by card number, you can take into account information about the timing of the receipt of payment, plan your possible expenses for a commission if you intend to make a transfer between multiples of different banks.

To check a bank card by number, you can use any existing online service and enter the BIN number. Wherein information of the following type is given:

Bin: 4276 33
Card Brand: VISA
Issuing Bank: SBERBANK
Card Type: DEBIT
Card Level: CLASSIC
Customer Care Line: (+7 495) 974-66-77

This information informs that BIN 4276 33 refers to the payment VISA system, issued by Sberbank on the territory of the Russian Federation and is a debit. The database allows you to see official information about the bank, its website and contact phone number.

The most common BINs

BIN number Bank
4276, 67758, 63900, 4279, 54693 Sberbank
531687 Bank Svyaznoy
521324, 43773 Tinkoff Bank
520905 Renaissance Credit
525477 Corn
521178, 548673, 45841 Alfa Bank
513691, 51009, 510047 Russian standard
447817, 476208, 476206 PromsvyazBank
522223, 521178, 403898 Vanguard
469395 Kiwi Map
518901 Yandex money
427229, 46223 VTB 24
462730, 462729 Raiffeisen Bank

Russian Standard BIN - 5420

Privacy and security protection

Using a bank card, you can make various financial transactions in online systems, pay for goods and services, quickly and conveniently transfer funds to any person. The number of the banking product when making payments will allow you to clarify the name of the owner to whom the cash and check if the details are correct.

Despite the fact that information about the BIN is easy to find on the Internet, access to a particular card is reliably protected by the bank's security system, and one BIN will not be enough to commit fraudulent actions.

Additional measures are being introduced to protect access to card management by payment systems. Additional fields are entered on the cards, which contain data on the validity period of the banking product, year and month of issue, last name and first name of the owner, additional numeric codes.

It is a mistake to assume that only the PIN code protects the card from unauthorized access. Cashless online payments can be made by entering data on the expiration date of the card, the name of the owner, as well as the CVV number on the back. The CVV number, or card verification value, is a 3-digit number that allows you to increase the security of your transactions.

In order to avoid the sad consequences and depletion of the card by fraudsters, banks strongly recommend not to show your card to strangers, but to make all payments through the terminal yourself.

Knowing one number is enough to find out which bank the card belongs to, the region of issue, the type and payment system used. However, this data will not be enough for outsiders to make payments. With additional information printed on the front and back, it is much easier for fraudsters to use other people's funds, and the risk of theft increases many times.

It happens that the owners of bank cards transfer funds to strangers, not suspecting them of fraud. Unfortunately, this happens quite often: unscrupulous sellers create a website or publish an ad with which they try to sell various kinds of goods or services in advance. Then they attract buyers, collect money from them and safely disappear, while deleting the site / ad from the Internet. As a result, the deceived client is left with nothing.

The situation is not simple, because the client of the fictitious store/seller has practically no information about the fraudster, except for the card number to which he successfully transferred his money. What to do in this case?

How to find the owner of the card?

All information provided by the client to the Bank upon opening the card is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Therefore, a deceived citizen will not be able to simply approach a Bank employee, tell him the fraudster's card number and obtain the necessary information about the owner.

Of course, you can independently find out the name and patronymic of the cardholder, for example, using the Internet bank, where when transferring funds, the first and last combinations of digits of the card number are usually displayed, as well as the owner's name and the first letter of his last name, or through ATMs/ terminals. But what will it give?

Therefore, in this situation, it would be best to immediately contact the police (with checks confirming the transfer of money, correspondence with scammers, etc.), write a statement about what happened, and then also turn to the bank for help.

Both the police and the bank will accept and consider the application, but they cannot give guarantees that the money will return to its owner. Also, you should be prepared in advance for the fact that the investigation may take more than one month.

If you transferred money to the wrong number, then there is a natural desire to figure out how to find out the owner by the card number in order to contact him and return the money. But it's far from simple. Consider the situation on the example of Sberbank.

How can I find out the name of the cardholder?

In fact, it will not work to find out the full last name, first name and patronymic of the Sberbank card to which you unsuccessfully transferred money. You can only find out the name and patronymic of the cardholder, as well as the letter that begins his last name.

This is done using the Sberbank Online system. It is enough to initiate a transfer from your card to another, then what will be displayed in the “recipient” column is the name and patronymic of its owner. In this case, it is not necessary to complete the transfer of funds, you can view the necessary data and cancel the operation.

You will have at least some real data of the cardholder, as well as the first letter of his last name, based on which you can find or pick up the real name of the cardholder through social networks (if any other information is known).

Obtaining information from the bank

Some Sberbank customers think that you can find out the details of the recipient of funds on the card at a bank branch. But this is fundamentally wrong information, since in the Russian Federation there is a law on bank secrecy and personal data of clients to employees financial institutions cannot be disclosed.

Therefore, no matter how you ask to give the name of the person to whose card the money was transferred, the Sberbank employee will not do this.

Only the police can request information about the cardholder if this is required during the proceedings. Therefore, we recommend that you, in case of falling into the hands of scammers, do not search for the criminal, but seek help from law enforcement agencies.

What can you find out about the owner of a bank card by its number

Although you can’t find out the full name by the number, you can find out other information about the owner by the card number that is not secret and is encrypted in the number.

Conventionally, the bank card number can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. 1-6 digit - BIN;
  2. 7-15 digit - account number;
  3. 16th digit is a check number.

The last character is determined by the Luhn algorithm, based on the card number. This method allows you to exclude the possibility of repeating the numbers of card forms and accurately determine the correctness of the combination.

It should also be noted that the card numbers payment system:

  • American Express consists of 15 digits divided into 3 groups of 4, 6 and 5 characters;
  • VISA and MasterCard include 16 digits, that is, 4 blocks of 4 characters are obtained;
  • VISA Momentum from Sberbank is formed from 18 digits;
  • VISA and Sberbank MasterCard in the virtual version contain 15 digits;
  • Maestro is 18 digits.

If the card has an additional symbol against the specified parameters, then this is an additional one to the main one. For example, it can be plastic connected to the parent's main account and issued for the child's use.

There are cards whose numbers are not indicated on the forms. Then only 4 digits are printed, representing the BIN. This numbering is used, for example, on gift cards.


BIN (BIN or Bank Identification Number) - a code representing the first 6 digits of the card form number, which allows you to identify:

  • country of origin of the bank card;
  • the name of its issuer;
  • product type - whether the card is a debit or credit card;
  • class - Classic, Gold, Platinum and so on.

The specified information does not apply to personal data, therefore it should be in the public domain.

In practice, only professional market participants can use such information in full. However, there is something like reference books on the BIN of banks. Such databases are available to ordinary users, but the information contained in them is limited.

Traditionally, an issuer planning to issue a new series of bank cards licenses the largest possible amount of BIN in the corresponding payment system. In world practice, codes for credit and debit cards. In Russia, this scheme does not work.

Looking at the first digits of the card number, they determine the payment system:

  • 4 - VISA;
  • 51-55 - MasterCard;
  • 35 – JCB;
  • 37 - American Express;
  • 62 – China UnionPay;
  • 2200-2204 - WORLD.

Account number

The account number as part of the bank card number contains personal information. It is these numbers that can tell about all the features financial instrument. As a result, you can find out:

  • whether the account is opened in national or foreign currency;
  • if the issuer has branches, it will be clear in which branch or territorial bank the card was received;
  • whether the card form is equipped with a chip.

Only the issuer's specialist can accurately decipher the card account number.

The specifics of the numbering of cards of Russian banks

In Sberbank, the first digits of card numbers, indicating the type of payment system, are as follows:

  • 5469 - MasterCard;
  • 4276 - VISA;
  • 676 - Maestro;
  • 2200-2204 - WORLD.

For VTB cards apply, for example, such BIN:

  • 5200, 5487, 5543 are MasterCard credit cards;
  • 5421 - debit MasterCard;
  • 4211, 4317, 4301 - debit VISA.

Among the BIN cards of Alfa-Bank there are the following:

  • 4154, 4314, 4582 - debit VISA Classic;
  • 4390, 4779 – credit VISA classic.

In the manner described, one can calculate financial and credit organization who issued the card. But none of the top Russian banks, including Sberbank, VTB and Alfa-Bank, will ever provide personal information (name, phone number) about the holder of a bank card by its number.

How can they find out the full name?

Although there are no legitimate ways to find out the owner by card number, there are always illegal ones. For example, if the site where you store your payment card information is hacked, attackers can also steal your payment information and cardholder information.

On illegal sites, databases of such cards can be distributed, through which you can break through any information about their holder, including address and full name. It's the only one real way how to find out the phone number on the Sberbank card, but it is outside the law.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to register a separate payment card for online payments (for example, you can issue a virtual one) to secure your payments. It may be problematic to find a person by Sberbank card number, but in some cases it is quite easy for fraudsters to make payments from his account.

Rate, from

In case of unauthorized transfer of funds made without the knowledge of the account holder or using fraud, the procedure to protect your financial interests is as follows:

  1. call the support service of the issuing bank to find out the details of the operations performed, block compromised accounts, and receive instructions on resolving the situation;
  2. apply to bank office, where they receive a detailed statement of the latest account transactions and leave a statement in which they notify of the incident and demand an investigation, as well as a return of funds. The request must be registered. It is better to draw up all documents in 3-4 copies;
  3. write a statement about fraudulent activities to the police. The document is drawn up in 2 copies. On what remains with the applicant, a mark of receipt must be put. Attached is a bank statement.

Based on the application, the police makes a request to the bank about the data of the person to whose account the funds were transferred. So, being a victim, you can legally find out all the personal data of the recipient of money. Also, during the investigation, both the applicant and his relatives will be questioned.

In order not to lose money, it is worth using 2 accounts - one of them stores funds, and the other is used for settlements.

Then the second account, the data of which is transmitted to online sellers, will receive money only to pay for a specific purchase. And even if the information is compromised or stolen, the losses will be minimal.

As a result of the investigation, a decision is sometimes made to refuse compensation for damage due to the fact that the cardholder did not fully ensure the secrecy of information. Such situations are resolved in the course of litigation. Decisions are made both in favor of the victims and in favor of the banks.

Name, organizationCredit limitIssuance fee Annual maintenance

Rate, from

Rate, from

Credit limit

Credit limit

Up to 120,000 rubles

Rate, from

Rate, from

Credit limit

Credit limit

Up to 300,000 rubles