Report forms to the pension fund. Report to the Pension Fund. Zero report on form SZV-M


Form SZV-M 2019 download form free


The SZV-M form was approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2016 No. 83p “On approval of the form “Information about insured persons”. The form will be used from April 1 for monthly reporting to the Pension Fund.

The resolution was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 18, 2016 under No. 41142.

Commencement of the resolution: 04/01/2016.

The policyholder submits the following information about each insured person working for him every month, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period:

The SZV-M form contains data on insured persons - employees with whom the following types of contracts were concluded, continue to be valid or terminated during the reporting period:

Employment contracts;

Civil contracts (CLA), the subject of which is the performance of work and provision of services;

Agreements on the alienation of the exclusive right to works of science, literature, and art;

Publishing licensing agreements;

Licensing agreements on granting the right to use works of science, literature, art, including those concluded on a collective basis.

In the resolution of the Pension Fund itself dated 02/01/2016 No. 83p The procedure for filling out the SZV-M form is not specified separately, therefore the information on filling out the SZV-M form is duplicated from this page.

Information about employees transferred to the Pension Fund:

1) Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
2) Last name, first name, patronymic (full name);
3) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

From April 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 385-FZ dated December 29, 2015 “On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and features of increasing the insurance pension, fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions » for all employers - both for organizations and individual entrepreneurs, a simplified form of reporting on personalized accounting in the Pension Fund is being introduced.

The introduction of this measure was due to the refusal in 2016 from the indexation of insurance pensions for working pensioners. It is for the prompt identification of citizens’ data that additional reporting is being introduced, which will also save non-working pensioners from going to the Pension Fund to submit an application for the resumption of indexation of the insurance pension. Source: Pension Fund

News on the SZV-M form

New from 08/09/2019: Supreme Court of Russia in the determination dated July 22, 2019 No. 305-ES19-2960admitted that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation illegally fined the organization for errors in SZV-M, which were subsequently corrected. The judges explained that if policyholders independently identify and correct errors made in personalized reporting, they are not required to pay fines.

New from 07/26/2018: The Russian Ministry of Labor, by order No. 385n dated June 14, 2018, introduced amendments to the procedure for maintaining individual (personalized) records of information about employees (the conditions for exemption from fines for errors in SZV-M have changed).

New from 05/07/2018: The Pension Fund of Russia, in letter dated March 28, 2018 N 19-19/5602, informs that submitting additional information to the Pension Fund on employees in the SZV-M form will not always avoid a fine.

New from 04/16/2018: The Ministry of Labor in letter dated 03/16/2018 No. 17-4/10/B-1846 clarifies: is it necessary to submit information on the managers who are the only founders using the SZV-M and SZV-STAZh forms (In relation to the manager who is sole founder, the company must submit information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using forms SZV-M and SZV-STAZH).

New from 04/11/2018: The Pension Fund of Moscow and the Moscow Region, in a letter dated 04/03/2018 N B-4510-08/7361, reports that employers do not have the right to issue resigning employees copies of reports in the SZV-M and SZV-STAZH forms. Excerpt: “The employer has an obligation to issue employees not copies of the reports themselves in the SZV-M and SZV-STAZH forms, but extracts from the information in the SZV-M and SZV-STAZH forms. Each such extract must contain information only on a specific employee or performer GPD".

New from 01/17/2017: The Pension Fund of Russia has clarified the deadlines for submitting a report in the SZV-M form in 2017. Watch this .

New from 12/29/2016: The Pension Fund of Russia, by Board Resolution No. 1077p dated December 7, 2016, approved the new format of the SZV-M form. The resolution comes into force on 01/08/2017. Download the resolution (pdf).

Currently, on the territory of the Russian state there is a system providing for compulsory (non-alternative) pension insurance.

According to existing legislation, each employer acts as an insurer, and employees are considered insured persons.

To fulfill their obligations, employers regularly make payments to the Pension Fund, thereby providing their employees with a decent pension in the future.

Based on current laws, all joint stock companies, private firms, as well as individual entrepreneurs are required to submit the necessary information along with the transfer of funds.

Today in Russia there are 2 types of pension reporting:

  • annual report;
  • report.

Each of these documents provides all the necessary information about full-time employees and all contributions paid to the Pension Fund, calculated on the basis of the income of each employee.

When developing the new form, the changes adopted in the insurance legislation in 2013 were taken into account, introducing the following amendments:

  • The individual information provided by policyholders does not indicate the amount of all insurance premiums made.
  • The payment of contributions starting from 2014 is displayed in a single payment document. In this case, the insurance and savings parts are not allocated.

The above parts are highlighted, taking into account the age category of the employee, his citizenship and the choice of one of the pension options, by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation itself.

In addition, a unified reporting format displays arrears of contributions, as well as their additional accruals and payments for the period from 2010 to 2013.

Programs for preparing reports to the Pension Fund of Russia

To facilitate the processes of compiling and submitting Pension Fund reports, special ones have been created to help employers, the most used of which are:

  • CheckPFR (developed by the Pension Fund of Russia) is used by employers to check files (documents) submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • Document PU5 (developed at the OPFR in the Komi Republic);
  • Spu_orb (developed by PF specialists from the Orenburg region);
  • PD SPU (developed by OPFR in the Smolensk region);
  • PsvRSV (developed by PF specialists from the Volgograd region);

Using these utilities you can perform a fairly large number of useful operations:

  • prepare data for opening a personal account (ADV-1) and issuing an insurance certificate;
  • generate an application necessary for the exchange of an insurance certificate (ADV-2) and for the issuance of its duplicate (ADV-3);
  • prepare all the necessary personalized accounting information;
  • generate a summary statement according to forms SZV-3 (ADV-10) and payment statement SZV-4x (ADV-11);
  • display information on magnetic and paper media.

And this is not a complete list of the program’s capabilities. The “Spu_orb” and “PsvRSV” utilities have similar functions, but the distinctive features of the accounting software called “PD SPU” include importing data from Pension Fund documents and DBF formats.

Federal Law No. 250-FZ dated July 3, 2016 introduced new rules for the submission of reports by policyholders to the Pension Fund. The law requires all employers to annually submit to the Pension Fund a new report on the insurance experience of employees in the form “Information on the insurance experience of insured persons (SZV-STAZH).” The reporting form was approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of January 11, 2017 No. 3p. SZV-STAZH - new reporting for all employers, due date for it is 2018. In two cases, policyholders submit the form early.

  • Dear accountants! The SZV-STAZH article for 2018 in 2019 was published on the website of the magazine "Simplified": form, sample, rules

Program Bukhsoft fills out the SZV-STAZH taking into account the recommendations of the Pension Fund. Sending reports to the Pension Fund takes place in one click. Take a 365-day trial access to the program and complete it online. Consultation on all accounting issues is available to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Fill out SZV-STAZH online

In the article:

Who takes SZV-STAZH

SZV-STAZH- a new form for employers, which indicates information about the insurance period of employees. It was introduced due to the cancellation of RSV-1. Previously, information about length of service was indicated in RSV-1. This report has been replaced by a single calculation of contributions to the Federal Tax Service, but it contains no information about the length of service. Therefore, you need to indicate your length of service in the form SZV-STAZH from the report for 2017. The form was approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of January 11, 2017 No. 3p.

It follows from the legislation that the form is submitted no later than March 1 of the year following the billing period (clause 2 of Article 11 of Law No. 27-FZ as amended by Law No. 250-FZ). The first time you will have to report for 2017 no later than March 1, 2018.

As we have already said, for the first time all employers (individual entrepreneurs and firms) pass the SZV-STAZH by March 1, 2018 (this is the report for 2017).

There are two exceptions to this rule. The form must be submitted early in 2018 if:

  1. you liquidate the company before the end of the current year
  2. if you have employees who are retiring in 2018

In this case, submit information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within three calendar days from the date when the employee contacted you with an application for a pension (Part 2, Article 11 of Federal Law No. 27-FZ dated April 1, 1996).

Please submit the accompanying EFA-1 form along with your work experience report. She is being sent with all the new forms, including . Besides,

  • Related article:

Articles about filling out a report in the program:

  1. How to fill out the SZV-STAZH report for an employee applying for a pension in the Bukhsoft program
  2. How to fill out the SZV-STAZH report for a dismissed employee in the Bukhsoft program
  3. SZV-STAGE annual (for all employees). Manual and automatic filling in the Bukhsoft program

How to fill out SZV-STAZH in 2018

Advice from the Deputy Manager of the PFR Branch for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Olga Prygova.

SZV-STAZH is issued to those dismissed

All those laid off of any age in 2018 are issued a SZV-STAZH on the day of dismissal. This is provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of 01.04.96 No. 27-FZ. The fine for failure to extradite is 50,000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Submit a form to the Pension Fund for such employees based on the results of 2017 in 2018.

If a person of any age quits in 2018, then give him the SZV-STAGE form. And submit a form for it to the Pension Fund based on the results of 2018 in 2019. If a person of retirement age resigns, then hand over the form to him, and immediately submit the form to the Pension Fund in 2018. Submit the SZV-EXPERIENCE information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within three calendar days from the date when the employee wrote a letter of resignation due to retirement.

  • Attention! Also fired (everyone, not just pensioners) issue a new unified calculation of insurance premiums .

Deadline for submitting the annual form SZV-STAZH in 2018

SZV-STAZH - annual form. For the first time it is handed over in 2018 for 2017.

All employers submit the form.

Who submits the form electronically?

Information is submitted electronically using TKS for employees of 25 or more people. If the company has less than 25 people, then you can pass it either by TKS or on paper.

  • Magazine article on the topic:

Which employees are included in the SZV-STAZH report?

The new report includes information on employees working:

  • under an employment contract
  • under a civil contract

The rules for filling out “SZV-STAZH” are the same as for RSV-1 (in relation to length of service).

The SZV-STAZH report reflects details about the length of service for the year as a whole - that is, for the period from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017.

If an employee was hired and (or dismissed) during 2017, his length of service must be reflected from the date of hiring to the date of dismissal.

SVZ-STAZH form (valid in 2018)

In section 1 check the “Pension assignment” type. In section 2, indicate the period - 2017, since the employee retires this year.

In section 3, in columns 1-5, write down the employee’s full name and SNILS. In columns 6 and 7, reflect the period of work of the individual - from 01/01/2017 to the date when the employee retires. If the employee took a vacation at his own expense, show the period separately, with the code “NEOPL” in column 11.

Please fill out other fields under special conditions.- when working in the Far North, difficult and harmful working conditions. For example, if the employee was employed in the textile industry, enter code 27-4 in column 9. Take the condition codes in the appendix to the Procedure for filling out the SZV-STAZH form (approved by Resolution No. 3p).

In section 4 indicate whether you have accrued contributions for the periods in section 3. Check the “Yes” box even if you have accrued contributions but have not yet paid them. You put “No” if you did not pay any salary at all. This was confirmed to us by local PFR specialists.

If you have accrued contributions at additional rates, then mark “Yes”; if you have not accrued them, please mark the “No” field.

Sample SVZ-STAZH in 2018 for pensioners

Procedure for filling out SZV-STAZH

The report is completed for each employee. It is necessary to reflect your full name and SNILS, as well as periods of work.

In the “territorial conditions” column, a special code corresponding to a particular place of work is indicated. For example, for the regions of the Far North the code “RKS” corresponds.

The column “special working conditions” is filled in if employees work under hazardous working conditions. In this case, fill in the column “special working conditions”, which indicates the condition code, and the “list item code”, which reflects the preferential profession.

Also, if an employee works part-time, this must be reflected in the report. For example, if an employee is registered as a part-time employee, in SZV-STAZH in the “rate” column you need to indicate “0.5”.

If the employee is registered for a part-time work week, you need to enter the appropriate value in the “actually worked time” column.

Many questions arise regarding filling out the last column of the report “information about the dismissal of the insured person.” This column is marked with a “cross” for the employee only if he was fired on December 31, 2017. In other cases, this column is not filled in.

And it is dedicated to indicating the code “DLOTPUSK”.

PFR experience codes in the SZV-STAZH report

Type of insurance period


Child care leave up to 1.5 years

Parental leave from 1.5 to 3 years

Parental leave taken by a non-parent (for example, a grandmother)

Paid holiday


Leave without pay;

downtime due to the employee's fault

Period of temporary incapacity for work


Rest between shifts


Performance of state or public duties

Donation (days of blood donation)

Downtime due to the employer's fault

Suspension from work through no fault of the employee

Additional study leave


Additional days off for employees caring for disabled children

Additional leave for persons exposed to the Chernobyl disaster

The fine for failure to submit the SZV-STAZH is 50,000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

When an employee retires, the company must submit information about the length of service to the Pension Fund. Previously, the SPV-2 form was used for this. Since February 17, the fund has canceled this form. Now the company can confirm the length of service of pensioners only with the help of SZV-STAZH. Submit the report to the Pension Fund within three calendar days from the day the employee announced his retirement. This is provided for in paragraph 2 of the EDV-1 form - Information on the policyholder transmitted to the Pension Fund for maintaining individual (personalized) records.

You will form SZV-STAZH, SZV-ISKH and SZV-KORR forms for each employee into packages of documents: one package - one file. Please accompany each package of documents with the EFA-1 form.

EDV-1 contains information for the company as a whole. For example, data on the number of employees for whom you are submitting forms, or the total amount of accrued and paid insurance premiums for the reporting period.

Include documents of only one name and one type of information in the package. And for a package of SZV-ISH forms - one name and one type of information and for one reporting period (clause 1.7 of the Filling Out Procedure).


How did reporting to the Pension Fund of Russia change in 2017 in this regard? Which forms are still submitted to the Pension Fund, and which are required to be submitted to the Federal Tax Service? Let's consider all the regulatory nuances in this article.

Reporting to the Pension Fund in 2017 - what are the changes?

On January 1, 2017, Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009 became invalid and Chapter 34 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation came into effect, regulating the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums. Quarterly reporting on insurance premiums must be submitted in a single form (approved by Order No. ММВ-7-11/551@ dated 10.10.16) to the tax authorities instead of the abolished RSV-1 (2), 4-FSS and RV-3. Deadline – until the 30th day of the month following the reporting month.

Reporting to the Pension Fund is submitted in the following forms:

  • The monthly reporting form to the Pension Fund since 2017 is SZV-M (approved by Resolution No. 83p of 02/01/16). Accounting services of enterprises began reporting on this type of monthly reporting to the Pension Fund of Russia in 2016 (April).
  • New reporting to the Pension Fund since 2017 - a consolidated form based on personalized accounting data regarding the length of service of the organization’s personnel.

Attention! The procedure for submitting reports to the Pension Fund is changing in 2017. Most of the old forms have been abolished; only 2 reports should be submitted to the Pension Fund: SZV-M (monthly) and a personalized report (yearly).

Reporting to the Pension Fund in 2017 - deadlines

Since 2017, it is necessary to report on insurance premiums to both the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund. Mandatory deadlines are shown in the table. The period from which the new rules come into effect is 1 sq. 2017

Deadlines for submitting Pension Fund reports in 2017:

Reporting type

Submission period


January 17

Until 15.02 (Law No. 250-FZ of 07/03/16)

February 17

April 17

August 17

September 17

October 17

November 17

December 17

Experience report (personalized information)

Note! Submission of reports to the Pension Fund for 2016 follows the old procedure, since control functions are transferred to the Federal Tax Service only from 2017. The same rule applies to corrective reports for periods up to 2016 inclusive.

Pension Fund reports in 2017 - features of delivery

Let us consider in detail the mechanism for drawing up pension reports. We will talk about the report to the Pension Fund in 2017, compiled monthly, and the annual form. The need to submit applies only to enterprises; individual entrepreneurs’ reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on fixed contributions is not regulated by law.

SZV-M – reporting to the Pension Fund from April 1, 2016

Purpose– this form is intended for monthly reflection of information about the employees of the enterprise. The first reporting period was April 2016.

Rented by– is represented by all organizations/individual entrepreneurs that enter into employment (as well as GPA and copyright) contracts with employees and pay them remuneration, subject to insurance contributions.

Where to rent– submitted at the place of registration of the employer in the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Delivery form:

  • Electronic – if there are more than 25 people.
  • Paper – with a workforce of less than 25 people.

Deadline for submitting the report to the Pension Fund in 2017– monthly until the 15th. Last year (including December) it was submitted until the 10th.

Filling rules– the form consists of 4 sections. In the first, the employer’s details are filled in, in 2 – the period of data generation, in 3 – the type of form (initial, corrective, canceling), in 4 – information on employees is indicated. All hired/dismissed persons are required to be reported, including those with a hiring/dismissal date of 30/1. In addition, it is necessary to include in the form employees on unpaid leave (without pay); workers using maternity leave. If the company has only one manager, information is filled in for 1 employee.

Fines for being late– for failure to comply with the established deadlines for submitting SZV-M, the Pension Fund will fine each employee 500 rubles.

Important! The fact that earnings are accrued does not matter. The formation of a monthly report to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is associated, first of all, with the conclusion of contracts of the above nature.

Personalized report to the Pension Fund for 2017

The RSV-1 calculation has been cancelled. A new report to the Pension Fund of Russia is introduced starting in 2017, based on information about the length of service of employees (Law No. 250-FZ, stat. 2, clause 4, sub-clause “c”). Control over personalized information remains with the Pension Authorities.

The current form is currently being developed and is expected to be approved at a later date. We can absolutely say that the new form will contain information on the length of service of hired and permanent employees and external performers. Previously, such information was formed as part of the RSV-1 (section 6) and was submitted quarterly. Personalized reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2017 is somewhat simplified and will be provided only at the end of the year.

The updated fines begin to apply in accordance with Art. 15.33.2 of the Administrative Code in the amount of 300-500 rubles. behind:

  1. Refusal to provide required information.
  2. Late delivery.
  3. Submission with distorted or incomplete information.

Important! Since 2017, a fine of 1,000 rubles has also been introduced. for non-compliance with legislative norms regarding electronic submission of personalized reporting (Law No. 274-FZ, Stat. 17).

What has changed for separate divisions of the company

Submitting reports to the Pension Fund of Russia in 2017 by separate divisions underwent a number of changes. In 2016, the requirements for payment of contributions and submission of reports to the actual address applied to those branches that have their own bank account, balance sheet and payroll for employees. Due to the repeal of Law No. 212-FZ, this provision is no longer in force.

In practice, this means that the provision on ownership of the account and balance ceases to apply, but, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, separate divisions can calculate remuneration for the work of their personnel. That is, calculate contributions and submit reports to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund. This innovation did not affect entrepreneurs.

Note! Additionally, for branches created after 01/01/17, a new obligation was introduced to notify the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of the parent organization about the fact of settlements with personnel for the performance of labor duties. Duration – 1 month from the date of receipt of authority (Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, mandatory reporting to the Pension Fund for employers in 2017 is two forms - SZV-M, which was in force previously and is presented based on data for each month. As well as a new report on information about employee experience, provided based on data for the year. The nuances of filling out personalized reporting are under development.