Favorable loans for housing construction in Belarus. How to get a loan to buy a home in Belarusbank? Loan for those in need of better living conditions from Belarusbank


Currently, many people dream of moving out of the noisy metropolis outside the city, closer to nature, or simply having a dacha where they can come for a weekend of cultural recreation, and Belarusian citizens are no exception. Therefore, enterprising banks began to offer loans for housing construction in Belarus. Consider the main proposals and subtleties of choosing suitable lending programs.

How is the situation with lending for the construction of houses in Belarus

Belarus is an agrarian country, so all government efforts are aimed at reviving and stabilizing the agricultural sector. In this regard, citizens build houses and receive not only profitable loan products, but also state subsidies intended for certain categories of Belarusians. But it often happens that a person or family cannot competently approach the choice of a loan program. They are conducted only for low interest or for a minimum package of documents. In this regard, it is necessary to compare all offers and make the best choice.

How to get a loan for housing construction in Belarus

The housing problem in this country today is one of the most pressing issues, and in practice the possibility of its independent solution is limited. The excessively high cost of real estate objects is simply incomparable with the low level of salaries of the average employees of public and private enterprises. Therefore, buying a home in a short time is akin to fantasy.

The Government of the Republic annually makes adjustments and improvements to the legislation, and all of them are aimed at improving the conditions under which loans are granted. In the context of the economic crisis, this is problematic, but the policy is aimed at improving the living conditions of all citizens. There are many banks in Belarus, and almost every one of them is ready to offer optimal lending conditions. They will be studied further.

Key conditions for obtaining a loan in Belarus

Building a home from scratch, especially building a private house on credit in Belarus, is the best way to resolve the issue. If only because a new residential property will always be liquid, and this is an additional guarantee for the bank. Here are the requirements you can count on when applying to Belarusian banking organizations for a loan to build your own house:

  • rate - 10-37% (depending on various factors);
  • guarantee;
  • collateral is required;
  • the period of granting is on average 20 years;
  • entry fee (10-30% of the loan).

Of course, each bank has a list of additional conditions on the basis of which credit funds are provided. In addition, it is worth paying attention to several factors - the solvency of the loan recipient, age, amount and lending program. Depending on them, the general conditions for granting loans may vary in different banking organizations.

List of documents to be provided

Every year, such loans are in increasing demand among the population, as they represent a real opportunity to build your dream home. In this regard, banks are constantly simplifying the conditions for obtaining loans, thereby motivating citizens to apply for loans. Here is a simplified set of elements that you need to provide in order to acquire finance:

  • loan application;
  • a completed questionnaire indicating personal data (it is important that all of them are filled out reliably);
  • the project of a residential building that you are going to build;
  • data on collateral;
  • confirmations from guarantors;
  • passport and supporting document if necessary;
  • certificate from the place of work, indicating the level of income (it must be filled out in the form of 2-NDFL or in the form of a banking organization).

The form of filling in these data is established by the internal procedure of an organization. For detailed information, you should contact an employee of the selected financial institution.

The best offers from banks for loans for building a house

There are a large number of banking organizations in Belarus offering optimal lending conditions for all categories of citizens. Consider a list of conditions and options for repaying a loan.


This is one of the leading commercial banks in Belarus, offering loans for various purposes and needs. The advantages of real estate construction loans from this organization are as follows:

  • the possibility of granting a deferment;
  • no need for registration;
  • taking into account total income;
  • prompt consideration of the application;
  • many convenient repayment options.

The main loan program "Friendly family" and "Construction of housing on bail". Let's consider these programs in accordance with their names.

  1. The amount is 4,500 to 108,000 euros (when considered in equivalent terms).
  2. In both cases, payments decrease over time.
  3. A pledge of real estate is provided, and the guarantee is provided for by the program "Friendly family" with regard to target credit "Construction on bail" guarantors may or may not exist.
  4. A mandatory item is the conclusion of an appropriate policy with the insurance company. Life insurance is optional, but the bank most often insists on it due to high risks.
  5. The average loan term in a bank is 5, 10, 15 years.
  6. The interest rate is 10% during the first year of the loan, and then it rises to 14% for the remaining period of the loan.

If we take into account all the conditions, we can say that the bank provides favorable lending conditions. This is manifested in absolutely all aspects of obtaining loans.


JSC "ASB BELARUSBANK" is one of the leading credit institutions of the country. Its main goal is to provide as many citizens as possible with profitable loans for various purposes, the construction of residential property is no exception. The advantages of obtaining a loan from this banking organization are obvious:

  • the presence of a large number of options for convenient loan repayment (information kiosks, Internet banking, terminals, offices, automatic payment system);
  • the possibility of early repayment of the loan without accruing penalties and interest;
  • if a citizen receives a pension or salary in this organization, he does not need to bring a certificate of income when applying for a loan.

Conditions to be met in order to receive a loan:

  1. Interest rate. It changes over the life of the loan. That is, during the first 24 months, its size is equal to the refinancing rate adopted by the national bank. And from the 25th month. it goes up by 3 points.
  2. Loan term. Practice shows that most often people take a loan up to 20 years.
  3. The loan amount varies depending on the solvency of the recipient and is up to 90% of the cost of construction activities.
  4. Collateral also plays an important role and involves surety, collateral, loan insurance.

Here is a list of conditions that must be met in order to obtain a loan on favorable terms. Try to remember them.


This is the leading financial institution in the country, providing loans for various needs. Judging by the name, one can guess that the purpose of the organization is to assist the state in the development of the agricultural sector. This only means that borrowers can count on the most favorable lending conditions for housing construction. Here are a few features that this organization implies:

  • the interest rate for using a loan is variable and may change in accordance with fluctuations in the refinancing rate within the framework of the Central Bank. In the first two years it will be 11%, from the 3rd - 14%;
  • debt repayment is carried out monthly in accordance with the actual daily balance of the debt obligation on the loan;
  • repayment occurs in annuities (equal payments), the bank has the opportunity to provide a deferment for a total period of up to one and a half years;
  • the currency in which the funds are provided is bel. rubles;
  • necessarily there is a registration of contractual relations on collateral and surety security of the loan;
  • the maximum loan amount cannot be more than 150,000 Belarusian rubles, and it must not exceed 90% of the approximate cost of the work;
  • repayment of the debt can take place in cash or non-cash form;
  • the term of the loan is up to 20 years, early repayment is possible;
  • two or more individuals must be selected as guarantors, and a pledge must also be provided.

Here are a few basic requirements on the basis of which you can profitably get a loan:

  • reaching adulthood;
  • registration at the place of residence;
  • availability of official income;
  • no debts and negative credit history.

So, we have considered how to get a loan for the construction of a private house in Belarus. This is quite simple to do if you comply with the conditions offered by banking organizations and meet all their requirements. It is also important to choose the right program that meets your wishes and preferences. We have reviewed the most popular offers from leading Belarusian banks.

Loans for housing construction can be obtained in 2018 from almost any bank in Belarus. The loan rate for such offers is higher than for the purchase of a finished apartment. But because of the desire to move outside the metropolis, to become the owner of not a small apartment, but a whole house, led to the popularity of such decisions.

Benefits of housing loans

Today, many soft loans have been developed that allow you to buy or build a roof over your head for those in need. There are special offers for a young family that allow you to pay the minimum amount every month.

A loan is issued for housing construction in Belarus:

  • with the ability to choose a suitable lending option among a large number of offers;
  • with the execution of an offer on more favorable terms to those who receive officially earned funds in banks;
  • with a chance of early repayment without penalty.

Conditions for issuing a loan for housing construction

It is easier to get a loan for construction if there is a land plot, the construction of a foundation or walls has begun. The best option is to start construction at your own expense. This is an indirect sign of your solvency.

Each bank has its own list of additional rules, subject to which money is issued. But the focus is on:

  • solvency;
  • subject's age;
  • the required amount;
  • the selected program.

The period for which it will be necessary to pay the debt with interest to the bank, the amount of the down payment depends on the fulfillment of these conditions. Almost all banks can take a loan for housing construction in Belarus against collateral.

Documents for a construction loan?

Having decided to make an offer for the construction of an apartment, please note that the loan rate depends on the list of documents provided. Be sure to need a certificate of income, which is submitted along with a passport, a completed application form. You will need a project of a residential building and documents for collateral property.

Expand Collapse

Buying a home in Belarus is not such an impossible task as it might seem. Of course, it will not be possible to use the money received in the Russian Federation for this purpose, and if the required amount is not available, you will inevitably have to take a loan. This can also be done in Russian rubles, however, given the inevitable difficulties with transferring and converting, it is more logical to immediately contact one of the Belarusian banks, having previously selected the optimal conditions for yourself.

Listed below are ten offers from Belarusian banks; all loans for the purchase of housing are issued in local currency; both citizens of the country and residents of Russia can receive them, depending on the program offered by the lender. The main thing is not to delay the filing of an application: like domestic financial institutions, Belarusian banks quite often revise the conditions for providing borrowed funds.

"Friendly family" from Priorbank

When receiving the required amount for the purchase of housing in Belarusian banks, one should focus not only on, but also on the list of documents required for submission and the maturity of the debt. It will not be possible to find an ideal offer with a low annual interest rate, flexible repayment period and minimal time spent on bureaucratic research, but the borrower will be able to determine the golden mean for himself - and this is already a lot.

The main conditions for granting a loan "Friendly family":

  • currency used for settlements - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 11.5% to 14%;
  • the minimum amount in euro equivalent is 4,500 euros;
  • the maximum amount in euro equivalent is 108,000 euros;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • cashless payments;
  1. The standard processing time for an application is three to five days. Do not expect to receive an answer on the first day. If, after five working days from the date of filing, the bank has not notified the applicant of its decision, it makes sense to re-apply there (in person or by calling the hotline).
  2. The calculation of the maximum amount provided on credit for the purchase of housing is carried out taking into account the salary of not only the applicant, but also his close relatives: wife (husband), children, parents, brothers or sisters. In addition to salary, other officially registered sources of income can be taken into account.
  3. Any insured property belonging to the borrower or his close relatives can be used as collateral.
  4. Both relatives and third parties who have proven their solvency can act as guarantors.
  5. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for an amount at least equal to its value.
  6. In this case, the life insurance of the borrower is not required, although such a service can be provided.
  7. If it is planned not to purchase, but to build real estate, Priorbank, within the framework of the same program, is ready to provide the borrower with a year of deferral for repayment of the loan body.
  8. List of documents required for obtaining a mortgage:
    • a completed and signed by the guarantor questionnaire;
    • certificate of income of the borrower (and, if taken into account in the calculations, members of his family or guarantors - third parties) for the last six months;
    • identity document of the applicant and, if required, of relatives or third parties (passport, residence permit);
    • a copy of the work book of the borrower and, if required, of his close relatives and guarantors certified by the personnel department;
    • certificate from the appraiser on the value of real estate;
    • subsequently - a contract of sale or shared construction.
  9. Monthly payments can be made both at bank branches and at information kiosks, as well as via the Internet.
  10. The maximum amount provided is up to 80% of the appraised value of the property. Prior to obtaining a loan, the borrower must pay (and provide the bank with the relevant document) the remaining 20% ​​of the cost of housing.
  11. The pledge can be not only the immovable property of the guarantors, but also the acquired property itself.
  12. The age of the borrower is from 22 years (lower bar) to 58 years. A prerequisite is that at the time of full repayment of the loan, the applicant must not be older than 63 years.

"Your capital" from BNB-Bank

BNB-Bank is one of the most attractive creditors in the Republic of Belarus. Here you can not only take the necessary amount to purchase housing without much difficulty, but also learn about the program, as well as various promotions and bonuses. "Your capital" is a relatively new, very popular offer of this financial institution.

The main conditions for granting a loan "Your Capital":

  • annual interest rate - from 15.5%;
  • the minimum amount in euro equivalent is 5,000 euros;
  • the maximum amount in euro equivalent - 20,000 euros or up to 80% of the appraised value of the acquired object;
  • debt maturity - 5, 10 or 15 years;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • cashless payments;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;

Features of the loan:

  1. The calculation of the maximum loan amount for the purchase of housing is carried out taking into account the amount of wages and other officially confirmed income of the applicant.
  2. Both relatives and third parties can act as guarantors.
  3. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for an amount ranging from 50% to 100% of its appraised value.
  4. Borrower life insurance is not required (although it is highly desirable).
    • an application in the form of a creditor bank;
    • certificate of income of the borrower for the last six months;
    • an identity document of the applicant (passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit);
    • certificate of continuous work experience for the last three months (a certified copy of the work book will do);
    • for men under the age of 28 - registration certificate or military ID;
    • contract of sale or share construction.
  5. Borrower's age - from 23 to 58 years. At the same time, at the time of full repayment of the loan, the applicant must not be older than 65 years.

"Mortgage with us" from Belarusbank

High-quality service is one of the main advantages of Belarusbank. In particular, it will be possible here to receive instructions for issuing a plastic card or pay taxes or fines. In addition, it is here that you can get a profitable loan for the purchase of primary or secondary housing "Mortgage with us."

The main conditions for granting a loan "Mortgage with us":

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 7.99%;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • cashless payments;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;
  • the application must be considered within two business days (48 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard time for consideration of the application is from one day to two days. In most cases, the applicant can find out about the decision of the bank already on the day of submitting the questionnaire.
  2. The calculation of the maximum loan amount for the purchase of housing is carried out taking into account the salary and other officially confirmed income of the borrower.
  3. Both the property itself and the property of the borrower or guarantors can be used as collateral.
  4. Guarantors may be close relatives or third parties.
  5. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for an amount equal to 100% of its value according to the appraiser's data.
  6. Borrower life insurance is not provided in this case.
  7. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
    • an application drawn up in accordance with the form of the creditor bank;
    • a copy of the borrower's work book certified by the personnel department.
  8. The maximum amount granted is up to 90% of the appraised value of the property. Before receiving a loan, the borrower must pay (and provide the bank with the relevant document) the remaining 10% of the cost of housing.
  9. The age of the borrower is from 22 years (lower bar) to 60 years.

"Housewarming" from BPS-Sberbank

The Belarusian branch of Sberbank offers citizens of the country a profitable loan program, under which you can get borrowed funds for the purchase of finished housing or construction from scratch. The disadvantages of "Novoselya" are a high annual interest rate and a long list of required documents.

The main conditions for granting a loan "Novoselye":

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 13%;
  • the minimum amount is 5,000 Belarusian rubles;
  • debt repayment period - from 5 to 20 years;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;
  • the application must be considered within three business days (78 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard processing time for an application is two to three days. If a response has not been received after the specified period, you must contact the financial institution for clarification.
  2. Relatives of the borrower or third parties can act as guarantors.
  3. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for an amount up to 100% of its value.
  4. In most cases, the lender bank insists on the conclusion of an additional life insurance contract for the borrower.
  5. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
    • an application drawn up in accordance with the form of the creditor bank;
    • the consent of the guarantor and a certificate of his income;
    • certificate of income of the borrower for a specified period;
    • passport of a citizen of Belarus or a residence permit;
    • a copy of the borrower's work book certified by the personnel department;
    • military ID or registration certificate - for male borrowers under the age of 28 years.
  6. The maximum amount granted is from 70% to 90% of the appraised value of the property.
  7. The age of the borrower is from 23 years (in the presence of a permanent place of work) to 58 years.

"Housewarming is coming soon" from Belgazprombank

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 16.54%;
  • maximum amount - up to 80% of the appraised value of the acquired object;
  • debt repayment period - from 5 to 20 years;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • cashless payment or one-time cash withdrawal;
  • there are no additional payments;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;
  • the application must be considered within five business days (120 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard time for consideration of the application is from two to five working days (calculated from the moment the bank employee receives the full package of documents).
  2. The loan amount is calculated based on the applicant's ability and the cost of housing (according to an independent appraiser).
  3. Real estate purchased on credit must be insured for 100% of the appraised value.
  4. The borrower can decide for himself whether to insure his life or not.
  5. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
    • an application drawn up in accordance with the form of the creditor bank;
    • the consent of the guarantor and a certificate of his income;
    • certificate of income of the borrower for the past six months;
    • passport of a citizen of Belarus or a residence permit;
    • copies of pages 33–35 of the passport;
    • contract of sale or shared construction (original and copy).
  6. The maximum amount provided is up to 80% of the cost according to the opinion of the appraiser.
  7. The smallest possible age of the borrower is 18 years; the largest (at the time of obtaining a loan) - 64 years. The age of the end of payments in this case does not play a role.

Loan for the purchase of housing from Belarusbank

Attractive offer from the largest creditor of the Republic of Belarus. It can be used by both citizens of the country and persons with a residence permit. The peculiarity of the loan offer is the minimum of necessary documents and quick consideration of the application.

Basic conditions for granting a loan:

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 11.5%;
  • the maximum amount provided is up to 75% of the appraised value of the object that interested the borrower;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • only cashless payment;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;
  • the application must be considered within five business days (120 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard time for consideration of an application is from two to five working days from the moment the application and the package of documents are received by a bank employee.
  2. The loan amount is calculated based on the solvency of the applicant and the cost of housing (according to an independent appraiser).
  3. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
    • a copy of the borrower's passport;
  4. The maximum amount provided is up to 75% of the appraised value of the apartment (house). The remaining 25% must be paid in advance by providing a document confirming the transaction, the borrower himself.
  5. Age of the borrower - from 22 years; the upper bar is not defined by the creditor bank.

Loan for the purchase of residential real estate from Belinvestbank

Basic conditions for granting a loan:

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 15.28%;
  • maximum amount - up to 90% of the appraised value of the acquired object;
  • debt repayment period - up to 20 years;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • cashless payment or one-time cash withdrawal;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;
  • the application must be considered within ten business days (240 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard processing time for an application is seven to ten business days.
  2. The loan amount is calculated based on the financial situation of the applicant and the cost of housing based on the results of the assessment.
  3. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for 100% of its appraised value.
  4. Borrower life insurance is desirable but not required.
  5. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
    • an application drawn up in accordance with the form of the creditor bank;
    • the consent of the guarantor and a certificate of his income;
    • certificate of income of the borrower for a specified period;
    • a passport of a citizen of Belarus or a residence permit.
  6. The maximum amount provided is up to 90% of the appraised value.
  7. The minimum and maximum age of the borrower is not set by the financial institution.

A loan for the purchase of housing under the system of construction savings from Belarusbank

Another advantageous offer of Belarusbank is focused, as the name suggests, on participants in the construction savings program. Without this condition, it will not be possible to obtain the required amount at the minimum interest rate; a potential borrower will have to find another program, since there are a lot of them in Belarusbank.

Basic conditions for granting a loan:

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 11%;
  • the maximum amount granted is up to 75% of the appraised value of the immovable property;
  • debt repayment period - from 5 to 20 years;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • there are no separate conditions for the needy;
  • exclusively cashless payment;
  • early repayment of the loan is welcomed;
  • the application must be considered within five business days (120 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard time for consideration of an application is from three to five working days from the date of receipt of the application and a package of documents by a bank employee.
  2. The loan amount is calculated based on the solvency of the applicant and the cost of housing (according to an independent appraiser).
  3. The guarantors can be both close relatives of the recipient of the borrowed funds (parents, children, brothers and sisters), and third parties with a sufficient level of income.
  4. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for an amount equal to at least 100% of its appraised value.
  5. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
    • application form (questionnaire);
    • a copy of the passport of the recipient of the borrowed funds;
    • signed consent of the guarantor (guarantors);
    • statement of income for the past six months.
  6. The maximum amount provided is up to 75% of the appraised value of the apartment (house). The remaining 25% is the burden on the borrower. Before issuing funds, the bank will require documentary evidence of payment.
  7. The minimum and maximum age of the borrower is not determined by the financial institution.

Loan for those in need of better living conditions from Belarusbank

The size, as in Belarus, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is often of fundamental importance for the borrower not to purchase a completely new home, but to move to a more spacious and comfortable apartment. The program for the needy from one of the largest financial institutions in the country can help the citizens of Belarus in this.

The main conditions for granting a loan for those in need:

  • currency used - Belarusian ruble;
  • annual interest rate - from 8.5%;
  • debt maturity - 5, 10 or 15 years;
  • guarantors are needed;
  • need a deposit;
  • cashless payments;
  • possible early repayment of the loan;
  • the application must be considered within two business days (48 hours from the date of submission).

Features of the loan:

  1. The standard time for consideration of the application is from one day to two days.
  2. The calculation of the maximum loan amount is made taking into account the solvency of the applicant according to the following standards:
    • up to 75% of the appraised value - in most cases;
    • up to 95% - for large families with three or more minor children.
  3. The collateral is the object of the transaction itself or housing owned by the guarantors.
  4. Both close relatives and third parties can act as guarantors.
  5. Real property purchased on credit must be insured for an amount up to 100% of the appraised value.
  6. Borrower life insurance is optional.
  7. List of documents required for obtaining a loan:
  8. an application in the form of a creditor bank;
    • questionnaire and consent to the processing of personal data from the guarantor;
    • statement of current financial position;
    • certificate of income of the borrower for the last six months;
    • passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit;
  9. The age of the borrower is not standardized.

Summing up

To get a loan to purchase a home in Belarus, you must have a passport of a citizen of the country or a residence permit. In most cases, funds are transferred to the borrower's account, although sometimes it is also possible to issue money in hand. Mandatory conditions are the provision by the applicant of a certificate of income and insurance of the acquired property.

The recipient of borrowed funds will have to not only bring guarantors, but also provide collateral (the object of the transaction itself may become it). Currently, all banks in Belarus allow the client to opt out of life insurance. The application can be considered within one to ten days; if after this period the financial institution has not notified the citizen of its decision, he should independently apply for a final answer - or find another, more accurate and obligatory creditor.

You do not have enough money to buy an apartment? Profitable mortgage is not available? In this case, you need to select and apply for a profitable loan for housing in Minsk. Currently, all citizens of Belarus over 18 years old with a regular income can get one. Banks are ready to provide special conditions for issuing such a loan to families with many children, the poor, and those in dire need of better housing conditions.

What are the conditions for a home loan?

Favorable loans for housing in Belarusian banks can be issued on the following conditions:

  • interest rates - from 13% per annum;
  • loan term - up to 25 years;
  • approval of loans for new and secondary housing;
  • issuance for construction, as well as for the purchase of housing;
  • the possibility of early repayment of a loan for a house or apartment without fines and additional payments.

On special conditions, a soft loan can be issued to those in particular need, as well as to large and young families. Such categories of clients can count on a lower rate of 8.25% and fast processing of loan documents.

How to get a home loan?

Today you can buy an apartment on credit in any region of the country. To get the most profitable loans of this type, you must:

  1. Explore banking programs through which you can take a loan for housing. You should select several suitable options, and then calculate the real costs for them using the calculator on the bank's website.
  2. The next step is to apply for a loan. This can be done online on the bank's website. But it is better to immediately contact a credit institution with documents, including a passport and income statement (low-income citizens and large families will also need to submit documents confirming their status). If you are going to buy a home, you will also need to choose a loan facility that the bank can approve.
  3. If your chosen new building or secondary housing is approved, and the bank agrees to issue a loan, you will need to sign a loan agreement. The bank will buy the property and give it to you for use.
A home loan can be issued within 5 working days. Clients with a good credit history can get it approved within 24 hours.

Preferential housing loans

Everything you need to know about home loans

To date, the main documents that provide state assistance in acquiring housing are:

  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 13 dated January 6, 2012 "On some issues of providing citizens with state support in the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises"
  • dated July 4, 2017 "On state support of citizens in the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises"

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 13

Decree No. 13 has long been the main document within the framework of which state support was provided for the construction or purchase of housing. However, after Decree No. 240 came into force, the situation changed somewhat.

Lending under Decree No. 13 in our country is carried out only by Belarusbank, we contacted its contact center to find out if it is possible to get such a loan now, here is what a bank specialist answered us:

— The question of whether you are entitled to a preferential loan in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus is not within the competence of our bank. You should contact the executive committee, where a decision is made on inclusion in the lists for preferential loans in order of priority. For our bank, the lists are the basis for issuing a loan.

In other words, the loan is valid, but the issue of its issuance will be considered by the bank only after receipt of relevant information from local executive bodies.

Here is what is said about this on the website of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus:

Decree No. 13 continues to operate in full for citizens who have already received preferential loans. New contracts under this decree will be concluded only if there are available funds for this. The amount of funds for additional lending under Decree No. 13 will decrease every year, and from 2018, support will be provided almost exclusively under the terms of Decree No. 240.

Based on this, we can conclude that although Decree No. 13 is in force, support for it is practically not being carried out.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 240

Decree No. 240 introduced a new type of state support for citizens in need of better housing conditions - state targeted subsidies.

What is the subsidy for? . for the construction of housing in multi-apartment and semi-detached houses of economy class, which are included in the list approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus
. for the construction of single-family houses
. for residential renovation
What can be covered with a subsidy? part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received from any commercial bank within the limits of the maximum normalized cost of a dwelling
part of the principal debt on a housing loan only for large families, orphans, families raising disabled children
Who can apply for a subsidy? citizens eligible to receive state support in accordance with Decree No. 13 . military personnel, private and commanding officers of the Investigative Committee, the State Committee for Forensic Examinations, internal affairs bodies, etc.
. citizens entitled to extraordinary receipt of residential premises for social use of the state housing stock
. citizens who are tenants of residential premises for social use of the state housing stock, provided to them as orphans and children left without parental care
. low-income citizens who are registered as needing better housing conditions from among large families, citizens whose families include children with disabilities, as well as people with disabilities from childhood of groups I and II
…and other categories
current prosecutors and already
dismissed due to age, health status, as well as due to a reduction in the number or staff
a prerequisite - at least 5 years of service in the prosecutor's office
low-income citizens who are building or reconstructing housing in the Mogilev region on the territory of Krichevsky, Klimovichsky, Krasnopolsky, Kostyukovichsky, Slavgorod, Cherikovsky and Khotimsky districts

The maximum loan amount to be subsidized is determined by the following formula…

normalized size of living quarters * number of family members * marginal cost standard for 1 sq. meters * 90% (large families - 100%)

The normalized dimensions of the dwelling are set in the following dimensions:

  • in Minsk - 15 sq. meters, and for large families - 20 square meters. meters per family member
  • in cities other than Minsk - 20 sq. meters per family member
  • during the construction of a one-room apartment for one person, a one-room residential building - 30 sq. meters
  • for citizens working in rural areas and building single-family or block houses - 30 sq. meters (during the construction of a one-room apartment for one person, a one-room residential building - 44 sq. meters)

For Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Orders of Glory, Labor Glory, as well as citizens who, in accordance with the law, have the right to additional living space for health reasons, the standards for the total living space are increased by 15 square meters. meters.

The maximum cost per square meter in 2019 has not changed and is:

  • 718 rubles
  • 940 rubles - for large families permanently residing and working in rural settlements and carrying out construction (reconstruction) there

About the subsidy - in simple terms

Decree No. 240 refers to attracting loans from commercial banks with the provision of the necessary targeted financial support for their repayment.

As a result, a person receives not a preferential, but the most common commercial loan and a subsidy for its repayment. This can be done in those banks that participate in the subsidy system, today there are 6 of them:

  • Bank BelVEB
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
  • Belinvestbank
  • BPS-Sberbank
  • Priorbank

Banks provide commercial loans for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on their own terms applicable in each of them, the main of which are almost identical today:

  • loan term - up to 20 years;
  • the loan rate is 12.5% ​​per annum (or the refinancing rate + 3 percentage points).

Please note that when the refinancing rate changes, the loan rate will also change!!!

The subsidy is provided in a non-cash form and is sent to the bank that issued the commercial loan to pay off part of the interest or principal debt for the citizen.

Amount of aid

As we said above, subsidies can be provided to repay interest and / or principal on a loan. The amount of assistance is determined depending on the category of citizens.

Category The amount of the subsidy for repayment of the principal debt on the loan, % The amount of the subsidy for the repayment of interest on the loan, %
according to the decisions of the executive committees adopted from March 1, 2019
Large families
large families with 4 or more minor children 100 SR+3,
large families with 3 minor children 95 SR+2,
but not more than the interest rate on the loan
large families with at least 3 children under the age of 23 who are not married and live together with the recipient of the subsidy
Children - orphans and children left without parental care
orphans and children left without parental care, in respect of whom a decision on emancipation has been made or who have entered into marriage, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care 50 SR+2,
but not more than the interest rate on the loan
citizens who are tenants of residential premises for social use of the state housing stock, provided to them as orphans and children left without parental care, in respect of whom a decision has been made on emancipation or who have entered into marriage, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care
Citizens whose families include children with disabilities, as well as people with disabilities from childhood of groups I and II
citizens whose families include children with disabilities, as well as people with disabilities from childhood of groups I and II 50 SR-2,
but not more than the interest rate on the loan
young families
young families with 2 minor children on the date of the decision to provide a subsidy 0 SR-2,
but not more than the interest rate on the loan
Other categories of citizens
military personnel, members of the rank and file and commanding staff of the Investigative Committee, the State Committee for Forensic Examinations, internal affairs bodies, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations, etc. 0

At the birth (adoption, adoption) of children, young families are provided with a subsidy for repayment of the principal debt:
10% of the principal amount - at the birth of the first child
20% of the principal amount - at the birth of a second child

but not more than the interest rate on the loan
citizens who, in accordance with legislative acts, have the right to receive extraordinary residential premises for social use of the state housing stock
able-bodied adult members of the family of the tenant of residential premises under the contract for the rental of residential premises for social use of the state housing stock in the event of his death or departure for permanent residence in another residential premises
citizens who fell ill and suffered from radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other radiation accidents
veterans of military operations on the territory of other states from among the categories of citizens provided for in accordance with the law "On Veterans"
citizens living in residential premises recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unfit for habitation
adult young citizens who are laureates of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus
citizens who were awarded scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists
citizens living for at least 10 years in dormitories, in residential premises of the state housing stock under residential sublease agreements, etc., who are registered as in need of improved housing conditions during the specified period
citizens engaged in the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises in settlements with a population of up to 20 thousand people and in satellite cities
low-income citizens engaged in the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in settlements on the territory of the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region
judges and prosecutors, citizens from among prosecutors dismissed from service in the prosecutor's office due to age, health status, etc.
citizens engaged in labor activities in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region, belonging to low-income citizens engaged in the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region SR+2,
but not more than the interest rate on the loan

For clarity, here is an example:

For a large family with 3 children, the subsidy will cover 11.5% (refinancing rate 9.5% + 2 percentage points) of 12.5% ​​per annum and 95% of the principal amount. And if there are 4 or more children in the family, the subsidy will fully cover the payment of interest on the loan, as well as 100% of the principal debt.

Please note that the amount of the subsidy depends on the composition of the family, if it changes, the amount of the subsidy will be recalculated

The last time the amount of state support for construction was changed on March 1, 2019. According to Decree No. 474 "On state support in the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises", it has increased for such categories of citizens as:

  • orphans - the amount of the subsidy increased from 35% to 50% (to repay the principal debt)
  • low-income citizens who carry out housing construction and labor activities in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region - the amount of the subsidy is increased by 4 p.p. (to pay part of the interest)
  • Citizens raising children with disabilities - granted the right to receive a subsidy for the repayment of 50% of the principal debt on commercial loans

In addition, the priority right to receive state support is established for large families raising children with disabilities (as it is provided for large families raising 4 or more minor children).

In addition, Decree No. 474 establishes a number of restrictions to receive state support for able-bodied citizens not employed in the economy. These restrictions came into effect on March 1, 2019. State support will not be provided to families in which all able-bodied family members are not employed in the economy. However, they have been given the right to re-apply for it if the grounds for classifying them in the above category of citizens have disappeared.

How is everything going?

The issuance of a subsidy is possible only when the queue of those in need of better housing conditions approaches and is classified as low-income.

Decisions on the provision of subsidies are made by district, city executive and administrative bodies, and local administrations.

  1. In order to receive a subsidy, citizens in the order of the state on the register who need to improve their living conditions are invited to the executive committee at the place of state on such a record and offer the construction of a dwelling in a particular house
  2. With the consent of a citizen for construction under Decree No. 240, he submits an application to the executive committee
  3. The Executive Committee decides to provide a subsidy, with which a citizen applies to any bank operating under Decree No. 240, where a loan agreement is concluded
  4. Then the contract is submitted to the executive committee, which made a decision on the subsidy
  5. Subsidies are being paid

Note! Decree No. 240, as well as Decree No. 13, lays down the principle of one-time receipt of state support for improving housing conditions

If a family has already received state support in the form of a soft loan, then it is not entitled to subsidize a commercial loan under Decree No. 240. Only large families have a second right to state support if the need for better housing conditions arises in connection with birth (adoption, adoption) children.

As you can see, Decree No. 240 offers a very convenient and profitable tool for improving living conditions. And if you fall into the category of those who are entitled to the agreed benefits, you can consider yourself lucky!

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