Allocated VAT on acquired material assets. Accounting for VAT on acquired valuables. Practical examples of accounting for VAT on acquired values


VAT is a federal indirect tax that is included in the cost of goods, products, services. The seller pays tax to the budget after the sale of products. In this article, we will analyze account 19, basic postings and practical examples.

VAT payers

The circle of persons paying VAT is quite extensive. These include organizations, individual entrepreneurs on the general taxation system, entities involved in the import of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition to these persons, other entities are also recognized as tax payers:

  1. Representatives of foreign companies, if they operate within the Russian Federation.
  2. Non-profit organizations, budgetary, trade union institutions, if in the course of their activities there is a realization.
  3. Authorities and local self-government.
  4. Tax agents, that is, persons purchasing goods from foreign persons, leasing municipal property and other entities acting in accordance with the accepted provisions of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The obligation to accrue and further pay tax arises for them even in those situations if they themselves are not recognized as VAT payers.

However, not all organizations and individual entrepreneurs must have the status of tax payers. They do not include the following categories of legal entities. and physical persons:

  • applying preferential taxation regimes, such as UTII, simplified tax system, unified agricultural tax, patent system;
  • engaged in the sale of goods exempt from VAT (this list includes medical goods, social services, as well as in the field of education, medicine, culture, the sale of coins from precious metals, the sale of religious products, banking and others);
  • entities that have received exemption from the status of a VAT payer, if the total amount of sales for the previous 3 months is less than 2,000,000 rubles;
  • participants of the Skolkovo project.

The exception is the import of goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation. In such cases, VAT is paid by all persons, regardless of their status and the applicable taxation regime.

Acceptance of VAT for accounting

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs recognized as VAT payers, upon receipt of goods, the price of which includes tax, take into account VAT on a separate account 19. That is, when determining the cost of purchasing products, indirect taxes, including VAT, are not taken into account.

VAT reflected on account 19 is subsequently deductible when calculating the total amount of tax. But this can be done only if there are correctly executed primary documents - invoices. In other situations, the input tax amount increases the payer's costs, but does not participate in the reduction of the total VAT amount.

Those organizations and individual entrepreneurs that are not recognized as VAT payers may not use account 19, but immediately attribute the cost of acquired valuables to the total amount of goods received.

Account 19 with separate accounting

Often, organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the course of their activities are faced with the need to simultaneously apply both taxable and non-taxable transactions. In such cases, in order to reduce the expected tax burden, it is worth using separate VAT accounting. The accounting policy fixes the order of application.

Separate accounting is also necessary for those entities that are simultaneously on several taxation regimes, for example, on UTII and the common system.

With separate accounting, depending on the type of goods (products, services), the following sub-accounts are opened to account 19, which make it possible to further classify the input tax into groups.

Table. Sub-accounts to account 19, accounting procedure

subaccount Sub-account name What is used for
19 ― 1 VAT on goods/services for taxable transactionsVAT, further deductible in the full value, is used exclusively in taxable transactions
19 ― 2 Input VAT on exempt transactionsVAT not deductible by the taxpayer
VAT on acquired valuables, subject to subsequent distribution.

It is used in cases where it is impossible to immediately determine in which type of activity the product or service will take part.

The third group for VAT accounting appears in cases where the costs are recognized as general, and it is not possible to attribute them to a specific type of activity in the future. When compiling a proportional ratio for goods used in both types of transactions, the entire sale is taken into account, including the sale of fixed assets, securities, and others.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation also contains provisions that allow not to keep separate records under certain circumstances. They arise if the share of expenses that are directly involved in future VAT-free transactions does not exceed the threshold of 5% of the total amount of expenses (Article 170, clause 4 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In such situations, it is allowed to accept the tax deductible in full.

Ignoring the requirements of the legislation on the need to maintain separate accounting for VAT using account 19 can lead to a refusal to determine the tax deduction, in addition, to a ban on the subsequent attribution of these amounts to expenses when determining profit (PIT).

VAT payment procedure: postings

According to the legislation, tax amounts are paid to the budget after the sale of goods, that is, the presentation of invoices - invoices to buyers. The VAT highlighted in the document and payable at the end of the tax period (quarter) is reflected on account 68 (VAT sub-account) when forming a sales operation.

In this case, the taxpayer has the right to reduce the resulting amounts payable by the amount of input tax, which is recorded on account 19. This applies only to VAT on goods subsequently involved in taxable transactions or subject to distribution.

Example. A trade organization recognized as a VAT payer purchased goods for subsequent resale in the amount of 180,000 rubles (including 18% VAT). Goods sold in the tax period. The amount in the documents issued to the buyers amounted to 240,000 rubles (including 18% VAT). What amount of tax should be transferred to the budget based on the results of operations?

Dt 41 Kt 60 (152,542 rubles) - receipt of goods excluding VAT

Dt 19 Kt 60 (27,458 rubles) - the amount of input tax is allocated upon receipt of goods

Dt 62 Kt 90-1 (240,000 rubles) - revenue from shipped products is reflected

Dt 90-3 Kt 68 (36,610 rubles) - VAT charged for payment

Dt 68 Kt 19 (27,458 rubles) - tax deductible

Dt 51 Kt 68 (9,152 rubles) - VAT transferred to the budget

If an invoice with the amount of tax presented to buyers is issued by entities exempted from paying VAT, then they are obliged to transfer the specified amount to the budget. But they cannot accept input VAT for deduction. This option is only available to recognized tax payers.

Account 19 of accounting is an active account "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values", designed to reflect the amounts of tax paid on purchased goods and materials. Consider typical postings and examples of operations on account 19.

Accounts related to VAT settlements are among the most important in accounting. The amounts summarized on it are used to reduce the amount of tax payable.

On this account, the buyer reflects the amount of VAT paid along with the payment for the delivered goods, services, work. The amount of VAT is included by the seller in the amount of the goods and is highlighted in the invoice as a separate line.

In accounting, the accrual of VAT is described by posting Dt 19 - Kt 60 (76). Write-offs from the account are made, as a rule, in tandem with account 68 Calculations for taxes, these values ​​are reflected in the purchase book and form the total amount of the VAT deduction.

Typical correspondence 19 accounts

The VAT deduction is reflected in the standard posting Dt 68 (VAT) - Kt 19.

The table below shows typical postings on account 19:

Conditions for obtaining a VAT deduction

VAT deduction is a reduction in the amount of tax calculated for payment by the amount presented by suppliers. In order for an enterprise to receive a tax deduction, it is necessary to comply with the conditions of Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • acceptance for accounting of purchased goods;
  • purpose of the purchased goods - in the activity subject to VAT;
  • availability of documents confirming the payment of VAT - for this, the amount of VAT is allocated in a separate line;
  • on imported goods, VAT must be paid at customs.

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A DOS organization using the VAT exemption does not have the right to deduct it. Accordingly, it needs to include input VAT in the cost of purchased goods and materials and services.

What VAT can be deducted

  1. Amounts paid to the supplier of goods (services or works).
  2. VAT paid by the company at customs when importing goods.
  3. VAT paid to the budget if the goods were returned by the buyer.
  4. VAT on buyers' advances upon termination of the contract and return of the advance to the buyer.
  5. VAT charged by contractors during capital construction, installation and assembly of fixed assets, and during their dismantling.
  6. VAT on supplies for construction and installation work.
  7. VAT paid when performing construction and installation work for the needs of the organization.
  8. VAT on business trips and entertainment expenses.
  9. VAT paid to the budget by tax agents.
  10. The amount of VAT recovered by a shareholder who contributed some property as a contribution to the authorized capital.
  11. VAT paid on export operations not confirmed on time, if supporting documents are received later.
  12. Tax amounts adjusted in the event of a retrospective reduction in the value of the goods sold.

When VAT is not deductible

VAT can be written off as expenses for the purpose of calculating income tax if the organization is:

  • insurance company;
  • non-state pension fund;
  • IP, etc.

To write off VAT on expenses of an organization, you must:

  1. Application of the simplified tax system, patent taxation system or UTII.
  2. Exemption from VAT when applying the main system of taxation.

The write-off account is determined depending on whether the tax is included in the cost price or in other expenses.

VAT is included in the cost of purchased goods and materials in the following cases:

  • acquisitions for non-taxable activities;
  • sales outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the acquiring organization is a non-payer of VAT;
  • for an activity not recognized as an implementation.

If the payment of VAT is not confirmed by incoming documents, for example, there is no tax invoice or it is incorrectly filled out, then the VAT deduction is illegal.

Operations using account 19

Example 1. Acceptance of VAT for deduction

Let's say Eskadra LLC purchased from a supplier of fixed assets worth 224,200 rubles, including VAT of 34,200 rubles.

The accountant reflects the operation with the following postings on account 19:

Example 2. VAT included in the price

For example, Vanda LLC purchases materials for activities that are not subject to VAT. The supplier was paid 112,100 rubles, including VAT 17,100 rubles.

This input VAT cannot be deducted by the company, therefore, these amounts will be included in the purchase price.

Wanda's accountant records the operation with the following entries on account 19:

Example 3. Write-off of VAT on expenses

Let's say that in the Cattleya organization, located on the simplified tax system, goods and materials are purchased at a cost of 94,400 rubles, including VAT of 14,400 rubles. This amount is charged to the expenses of the organization.

This operation is reflected by postings.

The taxpayer has the right to reduce the total amount of tax by the amount of tax presented to the taxpayer when purchasing goods (works, services), as well as property rights in the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 2, article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

VAT deduction or refund can be made upon the occurrence of events:

1. Goods are credited and used for transactions subject to VAT.

2. Supplier invoice received. An invoice is a document that serves as the basis for the buyer to accept the goods (works, services) of property rights presented by the seller of the tax amounts for deduction. Invoices drawn up and issued in violation of the procedure established by paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation cannot be the basis for accepting the amounts of tax presented to the buyer by the seller for deduction or reimbursement.

3. Equipment that does not require installation is accepted for accounting on account 01 "Fixed assets".

In accounting, VAT amounts on acquired valuables are reflected in the account 19 "VAT on purchased assets".

In the VAT tax return, it is required to fill in the lines for different types of tax deductions. In the book of purchases, it is required to fill in the columns for tax rates. To do this, on account 19, sub-accounts are created for the types of purchased inventory items and for VAT rates.

The debit of account 19 reflects VAT on purchased inventories in correspondence with the account of settlements with the supplier.

On the credit of account 19 in correspondence with the sub-account 68-VAT"VAT" reflects the VAT refund from the budget.

Thus, the balance on account 19 reflects the amount of VAT not yet refunded.

In the purchase book, it is required to reflect not only the amount of VAT, but also the tax base from which this VAT is calculated. The tax base is reflected in the off-balance sheet account 119 "VAT base receipt and placement in the purchase book", the entries for which are made in parallel with the entries on account 19, but not for the amount of VAT, but for the amount of the corresponding tax base.

A one-sided entry in the debit of account 119 reflects the VAT base on purchased inventory items.

On the credit of account 119 in correspondence with the sub-account 168-VAT"Reimbursement and accrual to the budget VAT base" reflects the VAT base accepted for reimbursement.

Thus, when purchasing goods (materials, works, services), the following VAT entries are made:

Debit Credit Sum
Check Face Check Face
19-… The supplier 60-01 The supplier VAT amount
Purchase Document Treaty
Purchase Document
119-… The supplier price without VAT
Purchase Document

Upon receipt of the invoice, postings for VAT refunds are made:

Debit Credit Sum
Check Face Check Face
68-VAT Basic payment 19-… The supplier VAT amount
Purchase Document
168-VAT 119-… The supplier price without VAT
Purchase Document

When generating VAT refund entries, appropriate entries are made in the purchase book.

Documentation rules

In the program for accounting for VAT on purchased valuables in delivery documents (receipt invoices, services received, asset acceptance certificates) on the tab " Parameters" flag must be set " VAT":

Rice. 12-20 - Flag "VAT" in the incoming invoice

This flag should be set if VAT is highlighted in the supplier's document and:

The organization applies the general taxation regime and is not exempt from VAT;

The organization applies a simplified taxation system.

Flag " VAT" should be removed when:

The supplier's document does not highlight VAT;

The organization is exempt from paying VAT;

The organization applies a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income.

When specifying items of goods and materials or services in the delivery documents, the amount of VAT on them is calculated automatically by the program at the VAT rate specified in the name card.

The VAT rate for goods and materials is indicated in the directory " Nomenclature"bookmarked" Parameters" in parameter " VAT rate" (H1):

Rice. 12-21 - Specifying the VAT rate in the item card

If a group of goods and materials is subject to one VAT rate, then it is convenient to indicate this VAT rate immediately on the item folder. The value of the VAT rate in this case will be assigned "by default" to all cards created in this folder. If necessary, this value can be overridden in the item card.

The VAT rate for the services received is indicated in the reference book " Types of services received"bookmarked" Parameters", just like in the "Nomenclature" reference book.

If the item document or services are subject to VAT at a rate of 0%, for example, medical equipment, then the "VAT" flag in the delivery document does not need to be removed to correctly reflect the operation in the purchase book. For such goods and materials and services, the VAT rate should be set to "0" in the directory.

When the document is closed, postings for the amount of VAT are generated to the subaccount of the account 19 "VAT on acquired valuables" and for the amount of the VAT base to the sub-account of the account 119 "VAT base receipt and placement in the book of purchases." subaccount account 19 And 119 is determined depending on the type of calculations specified in the document on the tab " Parameters", and the VAT rate specified in the name card. For more information about specifying and setting up types of settlements, see the chapter " Accounting for mutual settlements".

Received invoices

An invoice is a document that serves as the basis for accepting the amounts of tax presented by the seller for deduction. Therefore, in order to accept VAT for deduction in the program, it is necessary to issue invoices received, so if an invoice is not issued, VAT will not be accepted for deduction or refund.

There are three options for receiving invoices and delivery documents:

1. Invoice received before delivery document.

2. The invoice has been received along with the delivery document.

3. Invoice received after delivery document.

In the first two cases, it is recommended to create an invoice automatically in the program when registering a delivery document. If the invoice is received before the delivery document, then it does not need to be processed in the program until the delivery document is received.

To automatically create an invoice when registering a delivery document, set the flag " Invoice" and specify the details of the received invoice on the tab " Texture":

Rice. 12-22 - Automatic creation of received invoice

When saving the delivery document, the invoice will be generated automatically in the register of received invoices.

If the invoice arrives after the delivery document, but no later than the 20th day of the next month, it can be generated automatically by specifying the details of the received invoice in the delivery document. To do this, you will have to open the delivery document, so this method can only be used by small organizations for which opening delivery documents will not affect anything.

If the delivery document cannot be opened for some reason, or the invoice arrives after the 20th day of the next month after the receipt of the delivery document, it must be registered manually in the register of received invoices, while in the delivery document the flag " Invoice"bookmarked" Texture"does not need to be specified.

When creating an invoice manually in the field " According to the documents" you must specify the delivery document:

Rice. 12-23 - Manual creation of received invoice

After the invoice is issued, its details are automatically reflected in the delivery document on the "Invoice" tab.

For more information about processing received invoices, see the chapter " Accounting for goods and materials" chapter " Receipt of goods and materials".

In order to determine which invoices were created automatically and which manually, in the register of automatically created invoices in the field " State" the sign appears:

Rice. 12-24 - Marking automatically generated invoices

To control the receipt of invoices for delivery documents for which invoices are issued in the program, in the field " State" sign appears.

Rice. 12-25 - Marking the delivery documents for which

According to the rules for keeping registers of received and issued invoices, books of purchases and books of sales when calculating value added tax (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2000 N 914 (as amended on May 11, 2006)) organizations must keep a register of received invoices.

In electronic form, the register of received invoices acts as a journal of received invoices. It can be printed if necessary<ctrl+P>).

VAT on fixed assets

The procedure for VAT deductions for fixed assets and intangible assets acquired since 2006 is set out in paragraph 1 of Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to this paragraph, the deduction is made after the registration of these fixed assets and intangible assets.

Type of capital
The procedure for acceptance for VAT deduction
Deduction conditions Moment of deduction
Equipment that does not require installation (OS), NMA Fixed asset deposit to account 01* From the month of placing on account 01 (paragraph 3, clause 1, article 172 of the Tax Code) or the next month **
Equipment to be installed (OS requiring installation) Registration of equipment to account 07 From the month of setting up the account 07 (paragraph 3, clause 1, article 172 of the Tax Code)
Construction and installation works (including equipment installation) Registration of construction and installation works to account 08 From the month of setting up the account 08 (clause 5 of article 172 of the Tax Code)

* It is possible to interpret the registration of fixed assets that do not require installation, either as the date of purchase and registration on account 08, or the date of commissioning and registration on account 01. Most analysts believe that the date of "acceptance of fixed assets" is the date the facility is put into operation. Therefore, in order to minimize tax risks in the program, VAT refunds occur after commissioning.

** A controversial issue in VAT refunds for fixed assets that do not require installation, acquired since 2006, is the determination of the moment of VAT refund. Some believe that such a moment is the last day of the month of commissioning, others - the first day of the next month after commissioning. In the program, the moment of VAT refund for fixed assets that do not require installation is determined by the user in the accounting setup on the " VAT":

Rice. 12-26 - Indication of the moment of VAT refund on fixed assets,
not requiring installation

Reimbursement of VAT on fixed assets is made in primary documents:

For equipment for installation and construction and installation works - in the incoming invoices and services received;

For equipment that does not require installation, and intangible assets - in the acceptance certificate.

For separate accounting of VAT amounts for fixed assets that do not require installation, have not yet been put into operation, a subaccount is used 19-KV-OSN"VAT on purchased operating systems that do not require installation."

Thus, VAT on fixed assets that do not require installation is first collected in the debit of subaccount 19-KV-OSN, and after commissioning it is transferred to the credit of the subaccount 19-OSN"VAT on fixed assets not requiring installation", for which VAT is refunded in the usual way.

Postings generated when purchasing an OS that does not require installation (invoice):

Debit Credit Sum
Check Face Check Face
08 capital investment 60-01 Organization price without VAT
Treaty Treaty
Purchase Document
19-KV-OSN Organization 60-01 Organization VAT amount
Purchase Document Treaty
Purchase Document

Postings generated during the commissioning of the OS that does not require installation (acceptance report):

Debit Credit Sum
Check Face Check Face
01 The main thing 08 capital investment price without VAT
19-OSN Organization 19-KV-OSN Organization VAT amount
Purchase Document Purchase Document
68-VAT Basic payment 19-OSN Organization VAT amount*
Purchase Document

*The date of VAT refund postings for fixed assets that do not require installation depends on the moment of VAT refund specified in the accounting setup.

To account for VAT on acquired valuables, use account 19 "Value added tax on acquired values" - active.

Opening balance (by debit) - reflects VAT on tangible assets at the beginning of the reporting period.

Debit turnover - the amount of VAT on incoming valuables, works, services.

Credit turnover - VAT offset from the budget or its write-off at the expense of own sources of financing.

Closing balance (debit) - VAT on material assets at the end of the reporting period.

Sub-accounts to account 19:

  • 1 "Value added tax on acquisition of fixed assets";
  • 2 "Value added tax on acquired intangible assets";
  • 3 "Value added tax on acquired inventories".

When an organization receives inventory items (works, services) from a supplier, the following entries are made in accounting:

D 19 K 60, 76, 71 - reflects the amount of VAT on acquired valuables ("input" VAT).

VAT amounts accounted for in the debit of account 19 can be written off:

  • as accepted for VAT tax deduction;
  • to increase the value of acquired valuables or to cost accounting accounts (sales expenses);
  • at the expense of targeted funds;
  • from the organisation's own funds.

Tax deduction. In most cases, the amounts of VAT on acquired valuables (works, services) are subject to tax deduction. This is reflected in the following entry:

D 68, sub-account "VAT settlements" K 19 - a tax deduction was made.

Such a record can be made if the following conditions are met:

  • the acquired values ​​are credited on the balance sheet of the organization (works are performed, services are rendered);
  • valuables (works, services) acquired for the implementation of production activities or other transactions subject to VAT;
  • for the acquired values ​​(works, services) there is an invoice, which indicates the amount of tax.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, the amount of VAT paid or payable is not deductible.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for four cases when VAT paid or payable to suppliers for valuables (works, services) purchased from them is not deductible, but is included in the cost of these valuables (works, services).

  • 1. Acquired values ​​(works, services) are used in the production or sale of products (works, services) exempt from VAT.
  • 2. An organization that has acquired valuables (works, services) is not a VAT payer or has exercised its right to tax exemption.
  • 3. Acquired valuables (works, services) are specially purchased for transactions that are not included in the tax base under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, therefore, are not subject to VAT.
  • 4. Acquired values ​​(works, services) are used for operations, the place of which is not the territory of Russia.

In practice, a situation may arise when an organization purchased materials for production purposes, accepted VAT for deduction, and subsequently used these materials for operations that are not subject to VAT. In this case, the amount of VAT accepted for deduction must be restored:

D 19 K 68, sub-account "VAT settlements" - VAT, previously accepted for deduction, was restored.

Taking VAT deductible on advances issued, they make up an accounting entry:

D 68 K 60 sub-account "Calculations on advances issued" - accepted for deduction of VAT from the advance payment issued.

Upon receipt of material assets from the supplier (performance of work, provision of services), on account of which the advance payment was transferred, the amount of VAT accepted for deduction must be restored: D 60 K 68, sub-account “VAT settlements”.

Write-off of VAT on the increase in the value of acquired valuables.

If the organization is going to use the acquired values ​​(works, services) to conduct activities that are not subject to VAT, or is not a VAT payer itself, then the amount of tax from the budget is not refunded. This amount is debited to increase the value of purchased valuables or to cost accounting accounts (sales expenses):

D 08, 10, 41, etc. By 19 - the amount of VAT on acquired valuables was written off;

D 20, 25, 26, 44, etc. By 19 - the amount of VAT on the work (services) performed has been written off.

Write-off of VAT at the expense of targeted funds. The write-off of VAT on material assets (works, services) acquired at the expense of targeted funds (for example, at the expense of targeted revenues from the budget or an off-budget fund) is reflected in the entry:

D 86 K 19 - the amount of VAT was written off at the expense of targeted funds.

Write-off of VAT at the expense of own funds. If the requirements for attributing “incoming” VAT to a VAT deduction or to the costs of production and sale of goods (works, services) (for example, in the absence of invoices and primary documents, in the absence of separate accounting) are not met, “incoming” VAT is written off at the expense of own funds without deduction of taxable profit:

D 91 -2 K 19 - the amount of VAT is attributed to other expenses of the organization.

Enterprises entering into agreements with suppliers and contractors, in addition to the cost of acquired valuables, must also pay the amount of VAT (value added tax) on acquired valuables

Value Added Tax set 21 ch. Tax Code of the Russian Federation is an indirect tax, i.e. paid by the buyer and is a form of withdrawal of value added created at all stages of production and circulation.

"Input" VAT- this is the tax that was presented by the supplier of goods (works, services), property rights in addition to the price.

"Input" VAT:

Accepted for deduction (reimbursement) (Articles 171, 172.176 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

· is taken into account in the cost of purchased goods (works, services), property rights (clause 2, article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Value added tax paid to suppliers for acquired values, works and services is taken into account in accounting on account 19 "VAT on acquired values". The account is active.

For analytical accounting of the sums of "input» VAT is recommended to open appropriate sub-accounts. This division is not mandatory, therefore, when developing a working chart of accounts, an organization may provide for a different division of subaccounts, depending on the specifics of the activity.

When organizing analytical accounting , it is necessary to observe separate accounting for tax amounts for purchased goods (works, services) used in the production, taxable and non-taxable VAT.

In paragraph 4 of Art. 170 Tax Code of the Russian Federation the procedure for the distribution of VAT on goods (works, services) that cannot be directly distributed between taxable and non-taxable types of activities has been determined . The distribution base is the value of shipped goods (works, services) of property rights for the tax period.

The taxpayer has the right not to apply these provisions to those tax periods in which the share of total expenses for the production of goods (works, services), property rights, the sale of which is not subject to taxation, does not exceed 5% of the total amount of total production expenses.

Debit account 19 the amounts of tax paid (due to be paid) by the organization on acquired inventories, fixed assets, intangible assets are reflected in correspondence with the accounts of settlements.

By credit account 19 the write-off of the amounts of value added tax accumulated on the account is reflected in correspondence, as a rule, with account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

If the organization has received material assets from the supplier (for example, equipment, materials, goods), the following entries are made in accounting:

If the organization accepts from the contractor the results of the work performed, services rendered, the following entries are made in the accounting:

Tax deduction

Tax deductions are a reduction in the amount of VAT, which is calculated for payment to the budget, by the amount of "Input" VAT (clause 1, clause 2, article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

“Input” VAT on purchased goods (works, services) is deductible if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

Purchased goods (works, services) are registered;

goods (works, services) purchased for business activities subject to VAT or for resale;

· there is an invoice received from the supplier, drawn up in accordance with the law.

Debit 68 subaccount "VAT settlements" Credit 19- made a tax deduction

When buyers purchase goods, works, services, they pay the supplier, in addition to the cost of purchases, also the amount of VAT, which is taken into account on Account 19 "Value added tax on acquired values". At the same time, the movement of VAT on materials and fixed assets, intangible assets is separately recorded. Account 19 is active and balance sheet.

The following sub-accounts can be opened for account 19 "Value added tax on acquired valuables":

19/1 sub-account "Value added tax on acquired fixed assets";

19/2 sub-account "Value added tax on acquired intangible assets";

19/3 sub-account "Value added tax on acquired material

production inventories, etc.

The organization receives the right to a tax deduction at the same time fulfilling the following conditions:

1. Inventory assets are acquired for the needs of the main activity of the enterprise, subject to VAT, or for the purposes of managing the organization;

2. Inventory or services are taken into account;

3. There is a document in which the amount of VAT is highlighted as a separate line - an invoice.

However, there are cases when VAT is not deductible, but included in the cost of purchases.

Inventory assets are accepted for activities that are not subject to VAT. The purchasing organization is not a VAT payer.

Name of business transaction Account debit Account credit
08/10 19(1,2,3)

The amount of VAT will go to increase the value of the purchased funds.

The amount of VAT on acquired valuables is reflected in the purchase book in chronological order. Rates:

10% - printed publications, food, medicines, children's clothing