Deposits in otp bank for individuals. Deposits from otp bank. There are several ways to replenish your deposit


There are quite a lot of deposits in banks, and it is important to make a specific choice that will be correct and as effective as possible.

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To conduct an analysis, you can use an aggregator website banking offers, which contains the programs of most banks and their more or less truthful conditions, as well as the official website.

But it will be important to find out in more detail how to open a deposit in OTP Bank today (deposit) in 2019.

Main aspects

It should be understood that banking is a fairly important process, and therefore it needs to be thought through to the smallest detail.

Preparing the amount and choosing a bank is not all that needs to be done. It also wouldn’t hurt to study all the bank’s programs, find the most profitable one for yourself and understand the reliability of the institution and its rating.

After all, it is important to give your funds only to a popular bank with a good reputation; such conclusions can only be drawn after personally reading all the reviews.

Initial Concepts

It will be important to know that a bank is an institution that provides financial services to the population on a legal basis.

The main precedent for such activities will be that issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

By the way, if an organization violates the law or work rules, it may be punished with a fine or even have its permission to operate revoked.

A deposit implies a certain amount of funds, which is deposited in a bank account at interest and is often not available for use, even partial.

Deposits usually have a certain average rate, but it greatly depends on additional conditions, among which the possibility or .

Contact information (official website)

You can find out more about the bank’s programs on the official website at But you can also call 0707, which is free for subscribers calling from mobile phones.

If the client calls from a landline number, then he will need to use the number +7 495 775 4775.

Form still available feedback, by filling out which you can hope for a quick response from the institution’s staff and clarification of all questions of interest.

Current standards

The main law that regulates the activities of banks can be considered legal.

It discusses quite broadly the concept of a bank, its areas of work and functional features, including cooperation with clients.

It is typical for OTP Bank to increase the rate for more large deposits. And the placement period plays a secondary role. Therefore, it is best to use large deposits.


The maximum deposit in OTP Bank can be placed on deposit account only in ruble currency. There are no other currencies available for this program.

As for the main parameters of the contribution, they are as follows:

Expense transactions and additional contributions not included in this tariff plan. Therefore, the amount originally placed cannot be changed.

The contract also does not provide for the service of interest capitalization. Here you can only receive payments at the end of the placement period.

It is worth noting that if the deposit amount exceeds the maximum, the bank sets the rate in accordance with the demand deposit rate.

But positive thing The main thing is that the rate for the client will be fixed. Its indicator does not change throughout the entire placement period Money on a deposit account.

It is also worthwhile for the investor open deposits under this program. Since it cannot be more than the maximum deposit amount - 30 million rubles.

Solnechny deposit in OTP Bank

This deposit program provides average rates. At the same time, you can open a deposit only in ruble currency - foreign deposits No.

This contribution also brings maximum income, since it has no additional options and interest rates are paid upon completion of the deposit. This allows you to avoid fluctuations in the deposit balance and accrue high interest.

Indicators for the main parameters of the contribution include:

This percentage is fixed and will be paid as for maximum amount, and for the minimum.

The standard conditions will be:

  • absence of expenditure and replenishment transactions on the deposit;
  • in case of early termination of a transaction, the demand rate is used;
  • the total amount of deposits under this program should not exceed 30 million.

It is worth considering a certain feature of this contribution. In the event that the depositor has not withdrawn deadline funds from the deposit account, automatic prolongation is activated. In this case, the Maximum deposit rates are used.

Account opening procedure

In order to open a deposit account, you should use one of the registration options:

Next, the investor needs to fill out an application. It includes information about yourself and future contributions. After approval of the placement of funds in the account, you can go to the bank with documents and draw up a deposit account and deposit agreement.

Is it possible to calculate income

You can calculate your income yourself. But for accuracy, you should use only the data that the banking organization indicated in the deposit agreement.

These are indicators such as:

  • sum;
  • interest accrual days;
  • number of days in the current year;
  • interest rate.

The indicators for the amount, interest and days of placement should be multiplied, and the resulting figure divided by the days of the year. This will be the amount of interest on the deposit.

Features of the agreement

The banking organization is in charge. To ensure that important points are not missed by the investor, you should be sure to read the entire document.

But there are main points that need to be addressed:

  1. Interest rate.
  2. Method of calculating interest.
  3. Controversial situations.
  4. Violations and fines.

It is better to know these points in advance. Plus, deposit indicators will help you calculate the return on your investment.

Deposits for legal entities in Moscow

This banking organization provides one deposit placement program for business structures.

I came with my pregnant wife to open the card. Dorogomilovsky office. Everything is fine, summer.
It’s true that everything around the bank has been dug up, dust, noise, you’re walking straight through a construction site. The tiles are being changed again.
Well, that's right, the old one is already worn out. It was installed for the 2018 World Cup a year ago.
But inside the bank it is quiet and there is no queue. I knew that the bank was excellent, I wouldn’t bring my wife anywhere.

Bank employee Yu.A. Lukyanova got everything done quickly. Too fast. Here's your card and he's holding out
NO NAME card.
-But we need a name.
-I have already issued this one, now the system will not allow me to issue another one.
The only option now is to write an application to CLOSE this card and come back in a month
change to a personal name.
Yes, that’s right, to close, and come back in a month.
We haven’t opened it yet, but we already need to close it.

Actually, a pregnant woman is not very interested in all this fun - go open the map, then
close, then open again.
Let's leave this one. Moreover, there is a System in the bank. Who knows how she will behave in a month.

Question 1. Bank, can your operator warn you about this BEFORE you register something?

Ok, we received the card and the contract. Agreement without seal. A4 page printed on a printer and the signature of the operator.
As a lawyer, I didn’t really like this. All the same, we conclude an agreement not with the girl, and not even with the System, but with the bank. Which has a seal. Well, it seems like it should be. Maybe, of course, it fell under the table and rolled somewhere.

Question 2. Bank, do you have this practice - contracts without a seal? Or did my favorite operator forget to deliver?

Already understanding that everything is not so simple here today:
-How can I make sure that the card was issued to me at the specified rate?
There are other tariffs in the bank’s line, could the employee have confused something, purely theoretically?
On the one hand, of course not! - I didn’t come to a market stall, but to the Bank, this is the standard of accuracy and reliability.
With another...
-In general, where is the card tariff indicated in the contract?
- This is not in the contract.

I found the tariff in the contract. Myself. Incomprehensible letters in English TVS.
-This is probably the tariff code - Your Choice of Savings.
The operator agreed with me.
Yes, that's exactly what he is.
But why didn’t she tell me about this, but I told her.

Question 3. Bank, tell your employee about the contents of the agreement he is signing.

There was also a question about the Personal Assistant service. I want to turn it off if it is included in the tariff, I don’t need paid consultations, I consult myself. The operator replied that the service was not connected. Ok, I believe it.
Then why is it indicated on the website as included in the tariff?
The bank’s website is actually not a fence, where you never know what’s written.
Even if the site is not a public offer, it must contain accurate information about tariffs.

Question 4. Bank, do your employees who come up with tariffs communicate with those who post them on the website?

Call to hotline 14.07 17:44. SMS messages about transactions do not show the account balance. The operator advised to wait 10 days.
OK. Apparently there is a System there. And it's better not to touch her.

I also asked about the Personal Assistant. The operator reported that the service is not connected because (!): she does not see any charges!
But nothing is said in the tariff description that money for the service begins to be debited from the third month, but the call was on the second day.

Question 5. Why did the bank come up with such complex and confusing conditions of tariffs and rules that EVEN THEIR OWN EMPLOYEES cannot understand?

Nevertheless, I consider OTP a good and reliable bank. But how can one explain such incompetence of employees,
allowed to perform their official duties?

OTP Bank was established in 1994. Until 2008, it operated as Investsberbank. The bank has a wide dealer network and the number of branches of the institution is constantly growing. During 2004 alone, the company's management managed to open 30 new customer service points. Dynamic development financial enterprise contributed to the fact that today OTP Bank is among the 100 largest banks in the Russian Federation.

The bank offers a wide selection of products. Among consumers financial services deposits for individuals. Depending on the terms of the program, the investor can receive up to 12.5% ​​profit. Maximum rates on deposits in dollars do not exceed 2.5%. Such deposits can be made in dollars or euros.

Interest is paid at the end of the term or monthly. If the terms of the program do not provide for the conduct of income and expense transactions, then the investor can count on the maximum favorable interest rates by deposits.

The validity period of the deposit may vary. At the request of the client, an automatic extension is possible. The conditions for accumulating interest remain the same. Some deposit programs provide monthly capitalization percent. The profit received in this case is added to the main account and paid at the end of the term. The depositor can also carry out various operations with deposit funds - withdraw money, replenish the account or close it early.

Bank contacts

On the map

Bank branch ATM Several nearby objects