This is a valid enforcement case number. What does a valid number mean What is a valid enforcement case number


There are a sufficient number of ways to check enforcement proceedings, but the most difficult for everyone is checking by a valid number. It is called difficult, since many citizens simply do not know what a valid number is, how it is formed and where to find it.

Valid Enforcement Number Format

Quite often, citizens are faced with a problem. They simply cannot enter the data correctly due to the established specific form of identification.

The valid number format looks like this: n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP. This formula states:

  • the number of the executive case itself;
  • the year it was initiated;
  • code of the corresponding region;
  • enforcement department code.
  1. Y - Designation of the last digits of the current year.
  2. D - Designation of the index of a specific territorial unit or department of bailiffs.
  3. R - Designation of the region (in the usual format, designated by the traffic police).

The number of the already appointed enforcement proceedings can be found on the official website of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service). The database of the aforementioned server contains the numbers of enforcement proceedings.

Sometimes, even according to the formula, the service does not accept a valid enforcement case number. In order to get around this problem, you can try to put a dash after the specified formula "un".

It is worth noting that this number is called valid because of its complexity, accuracy, and also reliability (since it is formed from several short components) in indicating the data.

How to find out the valid number of the enforcement case

The easiest way to find out the valid number is to go to the FSSP website:

  1. On the site, you need to find the "Services" section and select the "Data Bank" subsection
  2. After that, the site visitor needs to select the status of the person directly. Individuals usually need to enter the region of residence, date of birth and full name. Legal entities should indicate only the name of the company and its address.
  3. If the number of the enforcement case is already known, then the search by the number belonging to the individual entrepreneur is selected.
  4. After that, the necessary information about the existing (or not) debt is searched.

It is worth noting that the case will be displayed only when the decision has already entered into force.

The information presented on the FSSP website is usually displayed in a tabular form, where all the necessary data of the defendant are presented (personal, production number, date of commencement, address, as well as the name of the court, article, why the proceedings began, etc.).

It is noteworthy that the service of the Federal Bailiff Service does not request personal data in order to identify the user's identity. In addition, registration on the site is also not required. Only the valid number itself is requested, corresponding to the formula of the enforcement proceedings (case) and full name.

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After the completion of enforcement proceedings, the information on the site is updated for a long time (often more than a month), and the irremovability of information does not indicate that the valid number does not work. After paying off the debt, the easiest way to find out information is not through a valid number on the site, but by calling the bailiff responsible for the case to the FSSP.

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1 comment

It is possible that it was not entered into the electronic database. It is better to contact the bailiffs directly. the ex-husband has not paid alimony for five months, he also has alimony debt in the amount of 500,000 rubles. Where should I go? He lives in and works in the Moscow Region, and I am in Perm, he is also registered in Perm

How to find a writ of execution by number

The question "How to find a writ of execution by number?" often occurs in people who have been in the role of a plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit initiated for financial debts.

The writ of execution itself is a written decision of the court, which is transferred to the bailiff for further proceedings. Based on its text, the recoverer has the right to demand a debt from the defendant.

When is a search for enforcement proceedings necessary?

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It would seem that everything is simple: after the trial, the plaintiff receives the document and immediately hands it over to the bailiff to start working with the defendant. But this is the ideal situation.

In fact, it happens that the defendant simply did not know about the initiation of proceedings against him, because for some reason he did not receive any letters. This may be due to living outside the place of registration or an error in the work of bailiffs - the latter rarely occurs, but still happens.

At the same time, the decision itself and the need to pay the debt did not disappear. The presence of unpaid debt can threaten not only with fines: a citizen may not be released to another country or even arrested.

So that the trip does not suddenly end, and the defendant does not have to pay a huge amount of fines, it is worth regularly checking the absence of debts and decisions. It is especially important to do this when paying in installments, because even one pass can lead to negative consequences.

How to find

Finding a writ of execution in the state register by its number is not difficult. You can do this online. To do this, a citizen must:

  1. Go to the website of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service);
  2. Go to the "Services" section and select "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings";
  3. Select "Search by IP number" and enter a valid (genuine) number;
  4. After verification, information on this production will be available. It will be possible to find out the status of production, the content of the order, the date, details and other details.

You can find data without a number. To do this, in the same tab, select "Search for individuals" and drive in:

  1. Surname, name and patronymic of the debtor;
  2. date of birth;
  3. The area where the trial took place.

To search for a legal entity and individual entrepreneur, select the appropriate column and enter:

  1. Full name of the organization;
  2. Legal address;
  3. Region.

It is worth noting that the information on the FSSP website is updated for a long time: after paying the debt, the information in the database will appear only after 3-7 days. You can check faster through the bailiff who is responsible for this case.

To do this, he needs to call and dictate the number of the sheet. You can get the number itself through the bailiffs' help desk.

Finding out how the executive office work is progressing by document number and tracking its status is not difficult. To do this, you only need to go online to the FSSP website and drive in the numbers.

What is enforcement proceedings and writ of execution, see the following video:

Hello! Please contact the court for clarification.

Hello! I received a letter from the housing department, stating that due to non-payment for services on a voluntary basis, a decision was made to forcibly collect the resulting debt. Decision of the Traktorozavodsky District Court. Tell me what to do?

My friend had such a situation that she did not even know that courts were going on in her case with the bank, a court decision had already been made and enforcement proceedings were underway. And when this fact was discovered when traveling abroad, she went to the site, and did not find this information there.

My husband’s bank account was recently arrested by bailiffs - I went to the FSSP website and saw that there was an allegedly unpaid fine two years ago (which we paid 2 years ago) and another 1000 rubles for performance - no lawsuits, letters and so on for these 2 years they didn’t send us, they didn’t contact us in any way, and now they demand to pay the previously paid fine and also for their work, that’s how our bailiffs work!

How to find a writ of execution by number on the FSSP website

After a court decision on financial matters is rendered in favor of the plaintiff, the plaintiff receives an order. This is a document that secures the plaintiff's right to recover a debt from the defendant, and obliges the defendant to pay the amount established by the court. Many defendants evade paying the debt, and some do not even know about the fact of the court session, or about the obligations that have arisen. In this situation, knowing how to find enforcement proceedings by number can be a big surprise.

When is it necessary to find a writ of execution

The reasons for finding enforcement proceedings by the number of the writ of execution may be as follows:

  • shortcomings in the work of bailiffs, sometimes bailiffs may not notify a citizen about the occurrence of a debt;
  • the bailiffs’ lack of information about the person’s permanent place of residence also does not allow delivering a notice to the defendant.

In what cases can a search for enforcement proceedings by the number of a writ of execution be useful to citizens:

  1. Before planning a trip abroad, it is worth checking yourself. Debtors are prohibited from leaving the country.
  2. If a person misses the deadline for paying the debt, a fine of 5% of the debt will be imposed on him. To avoid unnecessary costs, it makes sense to check the availability of a writ of execution and the deadlines indicated in it.
  3. For reinsurance. If a citizen or organization does not want excessive communication with bailiffs, then sometimes you need to check information about debts.

How to check the writ of execution by number

Having entered the main page, you need to go to the "Database" section. There you enter the data of the desired individual or legal entity, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

If the database manages to find the case by the number of enforcement proceedings, it will give you a list of data:

  • the name of the authority that issued the decision and its address;
  • date of issuance of the writ of execution;
  • the amount of the debt and its maturity date;
  • appeals of the owner of the writ of execution to the bailiffs, if any.

If a person is interested in how to find a bailiff's order by number, then the answer is simple - just like a writ of execution.

Features of the search on the FSSP website

It is not necessary to check the writ of execution by its number. The site database is equipped with an advanced search, where you can specify all the data about the case you are looking for or part of the information known to him without the number of enforcement proceedings, and the search will return a list of cases that match the information in the request.

You can enter the following information in your search:

  • full name of the citizen or the name of the legal entity;
  • registration address;
  • number of the writ of execution;
  • the date of the decision on the case;
  • the name and address of the body that made the decision.

The more information you specify in the search, the more accurately and quickly it will give you information. Filling in the fields partially, it is likely that the search will return quite a lot of options, and this is an extra waste of your time.


Lawyers advise checking yourself through the FSSP database every year. This will save you from the consequences associated with late payment of debts.

Receipt of a writ of execution

When the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, there are two options for what happens with the writ of execution:

  • the plaintiff asks the court to send it to the bailiffs;
  • picks up and delivers.

The first option is considered unfavorable for the plaintiff. The court may take some time to forward the decision, and this gives the defendant the opportunity to: hide, cancel accounts, transfer money to inaccessible accounts, etc.

To get the sheet in hand, you need to submit a corresponding application to the court office two weeks after the decision is made. A special form and sample are issued at the office.

When receiving a decision, it is worth carefully studying all the information indicated in it. If the bailiffs find errors in the data, they will refuse to launch the case.

Before handing over the original writ of execution to the bailiffs, it will not be superfluous to make a copy for yourself and certify it with a notary. Having such a copy, it will be easier for you to find out from the bailiffs information about the progress of the case.

Loss of writ of execution

If, having received the decision in your hands, you lose it, then you will have to receive a duplicate through an additional court session, in the same court that ruled on the case. Both parties will be summoned to the meeting again, but the defendant's failure to appear will not be grounds for refusing to issue a duplicate.

Video instruction "How to find enforcement proceedings by number"

Infographic "How to find enforcement proceedings by number"

  • 10/16/2017 The Government has expanded the list of documents exchanged through the electronic interaction system
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Hello, please help me, I have lost a writ of execution on a court decision. How can I restore it or get a duplicate without possible consequences for me, because I think any sanctions are waiting for me due to the fact that I did not comply with the court decision on time. Thanks

Hello. According to Article 430 of the Code of Civil Procedure: In case of loss of the original writ of execution, the court that made the decision may issue duplicates of writ of execution. The application for issuance of a duplicate is considered at the court session. The persons participating in the case are notified of the time and place of the meeting, however, their failure to appear is not an obstacle to resolving the issue of issuing a duplicate. A private complaint may be filed against a court ruling to issue a duplicate.

That is, you should apply to the court with an application for the issuance of a duplicate writ of execution.

At the same time, according to Article 12 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”: 2. In the event of the loss of the original of the writ of execution, the basis for execution is its duplicate, issued in the prescribed manner by the court that adopted the relevant act.

Good afternoon, tell me please I received an SMS from number 900 “recovery of 5000 rubles from 15.08. prod. No. 234189/17/77029 ”and through the site I can’t find why and I can’t get through to the bailiff. How to find out for what and why?

The justice of the peace approved the statement of claim for the payment of a penalty on penalties for late transfer of alimony. The writ of execution was sent to the bailiffs, they received it. But on the phone they told me that the bailiff was writing me a waiver of the penalty for penalties, there was no writ of execution in the database. On what basis and why was my writ of execution not accepted by the bailiff, does he have the right?

Hello. The fastest solution to this issue is to contact the court office with this problem. To obtain a writ of execution, you need to apply to the court that issued the decision with an application for the issuance of a writ of execution or a copy thereof. Since clarifying the issues where the writ of execution was lost can be very delayed. The bailiff has no right not to accept a writ of execution from a recoverer if it meets legal requirements.

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How to find enforcement proceedings by case number?

Court decisions in the Russian Federation can be taken from several sources. The urgency of being able to obtain the text on various identification points is very important, since the parties to the process do not always have the opportunity to take part in the meetings or then receive copies of the decisions by mail.

Where can I get the judgment number?

You can find out the number of court decisions:

Check by last name

Information can be found on each of the above resources. On the website of GAS "Pravosudie" the data is searched in the following way:

  1. First you need to go to the "Search by cases and judicial acts".
  2. A window will appear before the user's eyes.
  3. In the window that appears, you must select the region where the legislature is located.
  4. In the column "Participant in the process (full name)" enter the data of an individual who is a party to the dispute (regardless of whether the person is the plaintiff, defendant or accused).
  5. It is also desirable to fill in the estimated date of receipt of the case for consideration by the court.

On the portal of judicial opinions, information on personal data is even easier to find:

  • you need to go to the "Simple search" section;
  • in the dialog box, the initials of the participant in the case are entered;
  • you can prescribe additional data (court region, participant status, case number).

If you need to find information about enforcement proceedings from bailiffs:

  1. The user enters the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, select the "Services" section.
  3. At the next stage, clicks on one of the available services. The most suitable is the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.
  4. In the window that opens, selects the territorial body of the FSSP and enters the full name, as well as the date of birth of the person against whom the case has been started.

Search engines allow the possibility of finding information by the name of the judge. For example, there is such an opportunity on the website.

To get detailed material on a group of cases, you need to specify:

  • region of the Russian Federation;
  • instance of the case;
  • the name of the legislature;
  • judge data.

What is a valid enforcement proceedings number?

This number is a specific identifier. That is why people are faced with a problem when services are asked to enter numbers in the required field.

Valid number is filled in the format:

Example, 17543 (number) - 14 (area code) - 01 (2001).

Is there an issue with the FSSP?

How do you know if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you? The issue is quite relevant, because not always representatives of the collection or the judiciary send letters to citizens with notifications about the occurrence of debts, or other legal issues that may lead to the opening of an individual entrepreneur.

There are many ways to get help:

  1. Call SSP on the phone.
  2. On the FSSP website in the section "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  3. Through special applications for mobile phones.
  4. Through the application "IP Bank", created specifically for the social networks "Odnoklassniki" and "Vkontakte".
  5. Using the portal of the State Service. You need to go to the FSSP section and click on the tab "Obtaining information on the progress of enforcement proceedings."
  6. Check for the presence of an enforcement penalty by visiting a personal appointment at the branch of the SSP.

Modern Internet capabilities allow you to subscribe to the news of groups in "VK" and "OK", therefore, by visiting the social. networks that relate to FSSP information, you will receive updated data constantly.

You can check the availability of enforcement proceedings exclusively by full name. Of course, a search is also available by number, but a person who does not know about the existence of the case itself will not know its number.

Is it possible to find out the reason for the fine through the bailiffs?

You can find out from the enforcement proceedings for what the fine can be. Note that on the FSSP website it is not always possible to understand the reason for the decision to impose penalties, but in most cases the information is more or less clear.

To obtain data, you need to go to the "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" section of the website of the Federal Collection Service and fill in the fields that appear. The service will issue a status certificate on the date the request was entered.

Consider the search process with an example:

  • go to the fssprus website;
  • select the required section;
  • select the search region (for example, the Amur Region);
  • enter the last name and first name (for example, Alexander Tkachenko). In this window, you can also enter a middle name and date of birth for greater detail.

After processing the request, a block of information appears:

  • Full name of the debtor;
  • case number;
  • IP number;
  • subject of debt (transport tax, utility debt, other property recovery, alimony debt, insurance premiums, loan debts, etc.).

IP base

Check the data on the database of enforcement proceedings , any citizen can. It contains information on all court decisions, except for criminal cases. The data in the service is provided systematically, because one of the important elements of the search process is the specification of the region.

The base is constantly updated. Data about initiated cases are immediately entered into the system, since public information should be available for review on the Internet.

How to find out the name of the bailiff?

The man found out that executive action was taken against him. In the first minutes, he does not know what to do. He realizes that it is necessary to deal with the issue of payment or cancellation of the fine. The main idea is this: how to find a bailiff for enforcement proceedings?

A citizen understands that it is possible to learn in detail about the reason for imposing a fine and how to resolve the issue (payment or exemption from liability) only in the case of a personal appeal. That is why knowing the bailiff's personal information is not a whim, but a necessity.

It is quite possible to find out the name of an employee:

  1. Go to the site
  2. Select the section "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  3. Fill in the dialog box that opens (region, full name of the applicant, date of birth).
  4. Press the "Find" button.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the information found (information about the bailiff will be in the far right column).

In this table, the applicant will also specify:

  • the address of the FSSP bureau where the case is opened;
  • the approximate cause of the debt;
  • the exact amount of claims against him.

How can I find out about the progress of enforcement proceedings?

To obtain information about the course of production actions in relation to a person, it is necessary to come to an appointment with the bailiff. It is also important to know that data will not be provided based on an oral request.

The person against whom the case has been initiated must write a statement and indicate:

  • name of the territorial division of the FSSP;
  • Full name of the applicant, address and contact details;
  • enforcement order number;
  • date of commencement of debt repayment;
  • the basis for its excitation;
  • request and grounds for providing a certificate on the course of enforcement actions;
  • date of the application.


The article addresses the following questions:

  1. The procedure for obtaining data on whether a forced recovery has been initiated against a person.
  2. How to find out the number of the judgment.
  3. The procedure for obtaining materials on the course of enforcement actions.
  4. How to find out the reason for the sanctions.
  5. Other legal aspects.

If you have questions about the topic, ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer and help.

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A valid enforcement case number is

Lawyers Answers (5)

It is possible that it was not entered into the electronic database. It is better to contact the bailiffs directly.

Clarification of the client

the ex-husband has not paid alimony for five months, he also has alimony debt in the amount of 500,000 rubles. Where should I go? He lives in and works in the Moscow Region, and I am in Perm, he is also registered in Perm

Have a question for a lawyer?

Hello. I recommend that you personally apply to the bailiff department at the place of residence of your former spouse of the debtor. Since it is registered in Perm, it means that you need to contact the bailiff department at the place of its registration, that is, in your own city. The bailiffs will need to clarify whether there is enforcement proceedings against your ex-spouse for the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of a minor child. In any case, I am sure that there are such productions. You can fully assist the bailiffs if you have any information regarding your husband's income, as well as his current place of residence. Just understand that our bailiffs do not really like to work, they do it very reluctantly and try in every possible way to close the production as quickly as possible. As the rules of production, close connections with the impossibility of collecting, since a person either does not have money, or he himself is unknown where, and so on. I recommend that you simply flood them with complaints, as well as file a complaint with the prosecutor's office and write complaints to higher bailiffs. Believe me, after that they start to move very well. In any case, the result will depend on whether your ex-husband has any funds or property, your strength to really help the bailiffs in search of this property or for him.

how to determine the valid number? enforcement proceedings No. 29713/11/39/50 dated 07/25/2011. I copy it and paste it, it gives an error

Hello dear Elena. It's not clear from the question - where do you insert it? What exactly are you trying to do?

If you look on the FSSP website, it is useless. Search normally works only by last name.

the ex-husband has not paid alimony for five months, he also has alimony debt in the amount of 500,000 rubles. Where should I go? he lives in and works in the Moscow Region, and I am in Perm, he is also registered in Perm

There are a sufficient number of ways to check enforcement proceedings, but the most difficult for everyone is checking by a valid number. It is called difficult, since many citizens simply do not know what a valid number is, how it is formed and where to find it.

Valid Enforcement Number Format

Quite often, citizens are faced with a problem. They simply cannot enter the data correctly due to the established specific form of identification.

The valid number format looks like this: n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP. This formula states:

  • the number of the executive case itself;
  • the year it was initiated;
  • code of the corresponding region;
  • enforcement department code.

From the formula:

  1. Y - Designation of the last digits of the current year.
  2. D - Designation of the index of a specific territorial unit or department of bailiffs.
  3. R - Designation of the region (in the usual format, designated by the traffic police).

The number of the already appointed enforcement proceedings can be found on the official website of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service). The database of the aforementioned server contains the numbers of enforcement proceedings.

Sometimes, even according to the formula, the service does not accept a valid enforcement case number. In order to get around this problem, you can try to put a dash after the specified formula "un".

It is worth noting that this number is called valid because of its complexity, accuracy, and also reliability (since it is formed from several short components) in indicating the data.

How to find out the valid number of the enforcement case

The easiest way to find out the valid number is to go to the FSSP website:

  1. On the site, you need to find the "Services" section and select the "Data Bank" subsection
  2. After that, the site visitor needs to select the status of the person directly. Individuals usually need to enter the region of residence, date of birth and full name. Legal entities should indicate only the name of the company and its address.
  3. If the number of the enforcement case is already known, then the search by the number belonging to the individual entrepreneur is selected.
  4. After that, the necessary information about the existing (or not) debt is searched.

It is worth noting that the case will be displayed only when the decision has already entered into force.

The information presented on the FSSP website is usually displayed in a tabular form, where all the necessary data of the defendant are presented (personal, production number, date of commencement, address, as well as the name of the court, article, why the proceedings began, etc.).

It is noteworthy that the service of the Federal Bailiff Service does not request personal data in order to identify the user's identity. In addition, registration on the site is also not required. Only the valid number itself is requested, corresponding to the formula of the enforcement proceedings (case) and full name.

Watch the performance video

After the completion of enforcement proceedings, the information on the site is updated for a long time (often more than a month), and the irremovability of information does not indicate that the valid number does not work. After paying off the debt, the easiest way to find out information is not through a valid number on the site, but by calling the bailiff responsible for the case to the FSSP.

How to find out what this production is about by the number of enforcement proceedings ...

Question for a lawyer:

How to find out what this production is about by the number of enforcement proceedings

Lawyer's answer to the question:
by the production number you can find out the full name of the debtor. If this is your production, then you need to contact the bailiff in person (they won’t tell you on the phone)

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
By the last name or by the name of the organization in respect of which the proceedings are being conducted, you can find out the number of the enforcement proceedings. You can also find out on the website of the court what the case was about, you can read the text of the decision. And according to the number of the enforcement proceedings, what the proceedings are about, if you are not a party, there is no way to find out.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
You won't know at all. Only by contacting the bailiffs personally, you will be provided with such information.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
on the UFSSP website, enter the number of the writ of execution and you will be given full information on your case

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
If you are not a party to enforcement proceedings - no way.

On the FSSP website, you can see if a particular citizen is a debtor.

I paid the writ of execution, but I did not indicate the number of the enforcement proceedings on the checks ....

Question for a lawyer:

I paid the writ of execution, but did not indicate the number of the enforcement proceedings on the checks. At first, everything suited the bailiff, when I paid the debt, they told me that my checks were not proof of payment of the debt and my bank card was arrested.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
The question is, where did the money go? Did you come to the bailiffs for a deposit?

To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP Translate to…

Question for a lawyer:

To search, enter the enforcement proceedings number in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP Translate all these foreign letters into human language. I know the enforcement proceedings number, but I don’t know how enter correctly

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
What is your production number? Through the fraction, the number, region, year are written.

Number of enforcement proceedings 17352/14/21/77 how to find out what it is about. Who sued...

Question for a lawyer:

Number of enforcement proceedings 17352/14/21/77 how to find out what it is about. Who sued

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Anastasia, you have the right to clarify the information through the Enforcement Proceedings Data Bank or by calling the FSSP department

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
The service "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" is provided only on the official website of the FSSP of Russia at and sections of the territorial bodies of the FSSP of Russia located in third-level domains r** ip/.

To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP

You incorrectly entered the enforcement proceedings number.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
The debtor has the right to familiarize himself with the materials of enforcement proceedings and in the process of familiarization he will be able to clarify for himself the basis for initiating this enforcement proceedings. Enforcement proceedings are initiated at the place of residence of the debtor-citizen or the place of registration of a legal entity.

Federal Law of 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ

(as amended on 03/12/2014)

"On Enforcement Proceedings"

Article 50. Rights and obligations of the parties to enforcement proceedings

1. The parties to the enforcement proceedings have the right to get acquainted with the materials of the enforcement proceedings, make extracts from them, make copies of them, submit additional materials, make petitions, participate in the performance of enforcement actions, give oral and written explanations in the process of performing enforcement actions, present their arguments on all issues arising in the course of enforcement proceedings, object to the petitions and arguments of other persons participating in enforcement proceedings, challenge, appeal against the decisions of the bailiff-executor, his actions (inaction), and also have other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement production. Until the end of the enforcement proceedings, the parties to the enforcement proceedings have the right to conclude an amicable agreement, approved by the court.

2. The parties to enforcement proceedings bear the obligations established by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

There is a court ruling number and date, how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings and the bailiff’s list? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Good afternoon! There is a court ruling number and date, how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings and the bailiff's list?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Hello. You can find out on the FSSP website in the data bank of executive productions.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
On the site of the bailiffs.

Lawyer in Kursk Oleg Nikitin.

A Sberbank card has been seized. Number of enforcement proceedings 5862/14/19/47. I can't find why...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello. An arrest was made on the Sberbank card. The number of enforcement proceedings is 5862/14/19/47. I can't find what for.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Contact the bailiff who conducts enforcement proceedings and obtain a copy of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. The Resolution will indicate on the basis of which decision the funds were collected. If you were not notified of the lawsuit, this will be grounds for filing an application to restore the time limit for filing an appeal.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
You won't be able to find it here either. You need to call the bailiffs and find out.

Where can I find out the number of the enforcement proceedings in order to pay the amount to the bailiffs? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Where can I find out the number of the enforcement proceedings in order to pay the amount to the bailiffs? in Sberbank online it is requested as a code of enforcement proceedings, nothing is indicated in the letter from the bailiffs, only details for payment, but the online bank does not skip further payment without this code

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Anna, contact the bailiffs and find out this code, what are the problems?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
On the website of the bailiff service in the bank of enforcement proceedings. Indicate your full name, year of birth, you will find the enforcement proceedings initiated against you with the corresponding number

The bailiff service does not display the number of enforcement proceedings ...

Question for a lawyer:

The bailiff service does not display the number of enforcement proceedings, how can I find out without contacting the service directly?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
unfortunately, only in person

How to find out by the number of enforcement proceedings, for which the debt, without the help of the court. bailiffs…

Question for a lawyer:

How to find out by the number of enforcement proceedings what the debt is for, without the help of bailiffs

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Go to the FSSP website for your region and look for yourself in the FSSP data bank

An account for a five-digit amount was arrested, there is a number of enforcement proceedings, I can’t figure out what to enter on the bailiff’s website ...

Question for a lawyer:

An account for a five-digit amount was arrested, there is a number of enforcement proceedings, I can’t figure out what to enter on the bailiff’s website in order to get acquainted with the case - id il 2-8504/2014 03706ST3

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
On the site you will not get acquainted with the case. You need to personally come to the FSSP and get acquainted with it.

Enforcement proceedings number 127557/14/08/16 arrest on the account neither address nor phone number are specified how to find?…

Question for a lawyer:

Enforcement proceedings number 127557/14/08/16 arrest on the account neither address nor phone number are specified how to find?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
How to find a bailiff? Call the court, they will tell you the address.

How to find out who the claimant is, on the FSSP website I found the number of enforcement proceedings and the number of the court order, and the date from ...

Question for a lawyer:

Good evening. How to find out who the claimant is, on the FSSP website I found the number of enforcement proceedings and the number of the court order, and the date with the article number of the reason for completing the IP, I have no idea where my legs grow from. call the bailiffs until I decide, you never know what.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
This you can find out from the bailiff on the site such information is not indicated.

I found on the site that an arrest was made and the number of enforcement proceedings, where to find out who and what was imposed ....

Question for a lawyer:

I found on the site that an arrest was made and the number of enforcement proceedings, where to find out who and what was imposed. Thank you.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Contact the bailiff service, the address and phone number are listed on the website.

Now I find out that my bank account is blocked by the number of enforcement proceedings from 2013 ....

Question for a lawyer:

Good day!

If I find out that I have to make deductions to the pension fund as an individual entrepreneur, and since 2010 I am no longer an individual entrepreneur, I have not received any notifications. Now I find out that my bank account is blocked by the number of enforcement proceedings from 2013. I have to pay a fee.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Yes. you can only try to reduce the penalty amounts if you did not know about the debt

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
you have to pay if there is an IL.

Please help me decipher: To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr"…

Question for a lawyer:

Hello! Please help me decipher: To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr There is a writ of execution. What data is required to enter the enforcement proceedings number

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Good evening, Alexander Pavlovich! Choose a territorial body, enter your full name. debtor and press "Search", then enter a special verification code and the system will give you the necessary information, if any.

DD.MM.YYYY-day - month - year

Enforcement proceedings number 9313/15/61018-IP, tell me what the debt is for ....

Question for a lawyer:

Enforcement proceedings number 9313/15/61018-IP, tell me what the debt is for.

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
How can we know? Contact the bailiff service, the bailiff in whose proceedings the case is located will say.

In the search engine on the OSB UFSSP website, all attempts to find out the number of enforcement proceedings are reduced to zero) by the name of the debtor ...

Question for a lawyer:

In the search engine on the website of the OSP UFSSP, all attempts to find out the number of enforcement proceedings are reduced to zero) by the name of the debtor at the address of his location, nothing was found) to get through to the bailiff, of course, it is fruitless) maybe I'm doing something wrong? who can help me?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
call the OSP office

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Calling them is useless, come to the reception and find out everything that interests you, it’s unlikely that it will work out differently

Where can I find out for what money was withdrawn by the number of enforcement proceedings? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello. Where can I find out for what money was withdrawn by the number of enforcement proceedings?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
You have to ask the bailiff.

There is a number of the decision to arrest the car - 439789191 dated 03/08/2008 how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings - judicial ...

Question for a lawyer:

There is a number of the decision to arrest the car - 439789191 dated 03/08/2008 how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings - the bailiff asks him to inform, referring to the fact that it will be easier for him to find the decision to remove the arrest

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number

In the office, by the name of the debtor, the bailiff who has the enforcement proceedings is determined, and the latter, respectively, has the number of the enforcement proceedings and the enforcement proceedings itself (if it has not been completed).

Good luck,

I have a number of enforcement proceedings, I want to know the reason for the imposition of a penalty - where can I find information? ...

Question for a lawyer:

I have a number of enforcement proceedings, I want to know the reason for the imposition of a penalty - where can I find information?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number

On the FSSP website

Will this amount be credited to the number of enforcement proceedings? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello, I paid a certain amount via online Sberbank to the FSSP, but I mixed it up and it turns out I paid according to the decision number, and not according to the enforcement proceedings number. Will this amount be credited to the number of enforcement proceedings?

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
Good afternoon.

The best thing you can do now is to come to the bailiff and provide this receipt with the order number so that the bailiff can accept these funds to pay off the debt under the writ of execution.

Is it possible by the number of enforcement proceedings or writ of execution to find out for what it was issued? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Is it possible to find out for what it was issued by the number of enforcement proceedings or a writ of execution? The sheet was issued to an outsider

Lawyer's answer to the question: enforcement proceedings number
You can clarify this issue in the court that issued the writ of execution.

    Tell me how to correctly draw up an application for replacing a recoverer under an executive document in accordance with Article 240 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan ... Question to a lawyer: Tell me how to correctly draw up an application for replacement ...

    Tell me, please, what to do if the head of the executive body swears at his subordinate woman? ... Question to the lawyer: Please tell me what to do if the head of the executive ...

    What is the application form for issuing a duplicate sheet? ... Question to a lawyer: What is the form of an application for a duplicate isp. sheet? The answer of the lawyer to the question: application for the issuance of a duplicate of the performer ...

    If the executive authorities violate the laws of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the Russian Federation an accomplice in violating the laws ... Question for a lawyer: If the executive authorities violate laws ...

    If the court proceedings are completed under Article 46, paragraph 1, paragraph 3 and paragraph 4, can I go abroad or the bailiffs ... Question to the lawyer: If the court proceedings are completed under Article 46 ...

Search by enforcement proceedings number

In the Other legal issues section, to the question For search, you need to enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr (FSSP of Russia website).

How to decrypt? given by the author Yuri Andryushchenko, the best answer is You should have a decision on initiating enforcement proceedings in your hands, which indicates the court that issued the decision, the case number, the date of the decision and the number of enforcement proceedings, for example, it looks like this / 2576/09/2007

How to score write?

106245/17/25011-IP dated 11/17/2017

n is the serial number of the individual entrepreneur, y is the last digits of the year, d is the index of the bailiff unit and the region, r is the region in the traffic police format, for example "77". Try searching by name.

Free legal advice:

If Che - the goat is not mine.

specify for example / 15/77050-IP

I indicate - they write nothing was found

I also have such a case. I come to the savings bank, explaining the situation. And they printed it out for me .. Type of document (Recovery) / N of executive production (2-1405/2015 C1 and full name) I go to the site link - entered / 2015 C1, and some kind of error answers, tell me how to write it correctly. For example, as indicated there (To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-SP) I don’t understand this. Tell.

They imposed a penalty on my account, at the request they gave the number of the executive document15, entered it into the search engine and, according to the information provided by the search engine, began to quietly enter the stump. WHAT court cases in Kaluga for a woman were considered in connection with the purchase of housing, as well as some other court proceedings for this number. and here is my salary card. Who will tell. Help me please.

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Number of enforcement proceedings

How to find out what this production is about by the number of enforcement proceedings ...

How to find out what this production is about by the number of enforcement proceedings

by the production number you can find out the full name of the debtor. If this is your production, then you need to contact the bailiff in person (they won’t tell you on the phone)

Free legal advice:

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

By the last name or by the name of the organization in respect of which the proceedings are being conducted, you can find out the number of the enforcement proceedings. You can also find out on the website of the court what the case was about, you can read the text of the decision. And according to the number of the enforcement proceedings, what the proceedings are about, if you are not a party, there is no way to find out.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

You won't know at all. Only by contacting the bailiffs personally, you will be provided with such information.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Free legal advice:

on the UFSSP website, enter the number of the writ of execution and you will be given full information on your case

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

If you are not a party to enforcement proceedings - no way.

On the FSSP website, you can see if a particular citizen is a debtor.

I paid the writ of execution, but I did not indicate the number of the enforcement proceedings on the checks ....

I paid the writ of execution, but did not indicate the number of the enforcement proceedings on the checks. At first, everything suited the bailiff, when I paid the debt, they told me that my checks were not proof of payment of the debt and my bank card was arrested.

Free legal advice:

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

The question is, where did the money go? Did you come to the bailiffs for a deposit?

To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP Translate to…

To search, enter the enforcement proceedings number in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP Translate all these foreign letters into human language. I know the enforcement proceedings number, but I don’t know how enter correctly

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

What is your production number? Through the fraction, the number, region, year are written.

Free legal advice:

Number of enforcement proceedings 17352/14/21/77 how to find out what it is about. Who sued...

Number of enforcement proceedings 17352/14/21/77 how to find out what it is about. Who sued

Anastasia, you have the right to clarify the information through the Enforcement Proceedings Data Bank or by calling the FSSP department

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

The service "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" is provided only on the official website of the FSSP of Russia at and sections of the territorial bodies of the FSSP of Russia located in third-level domains r** ip/.

To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP

Free legal advice:

You incorrectly entered the enforcement proceedings number.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

The debtor has the right to familiarize himself with the materials of enforcement proceedings and in the process of familiarization he will be able to clarify for himself the basis for initiating this enforcement proceedings. Enforcement proceedings are initiated at the place of residence of the debtor-citizen or the place of registration of a legal entity.

Federal Law of 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ

(as amended on 03/12/2014)

Free legal advice:

"On Enforcement Proceedings"

Article 50. Rights and obligations of the parties to enforcement proceedings

1. The parties to the enforcement proceedings have the right to get acquainted with the materials of the enforcement proceedings, make extracts from them, make copies of them, submit additional materials, make petitions, participate in the performance of enforcement actions, give oral and written explanations in the process of performing enforcement actions, present their arguments on all issues arising in the course of enforcement proceedings, object to the petitions and arguments of other persons participating in enforcement proceedings, challenge, appeal against the decisions of the bailiff-executor, his actions (inaction), and also have other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement production. Until the end of the enforcement proceedings, the parties to the enforcement proceedings have the right to conclude an amicable agreement, approved by the court.

2. The parties to enforcement proceedings bear the obligations established by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

There is a court ruling number and date, how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings and the bailiff’s list? ...

Good afternoon! There is a court ruling number and date, how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings and the bailiff's list?

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Hello. You can find out on the FSSP website in the data bank of executive productions.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

On the site of the bailiffs.

Lawyer in Kursk Oleg Nikitin.

Free legal advice:

A Sberbank card has been seized. Number of enforcement proceedings 5862/14/19/47. I can't find why...

Hello. An arrest was made on the Sberbank card. The number of enforcement proceedings is 5862/14/19/47. I can't find what for.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Contact the bailiff who conducts enforcement proceedings and obtain a copy of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. The Resolution will indicate on the basis of which decision the funds were collected. If you were not notified of the lawsuit, this will be grounds for applying for a reinstatement of the time limit for filing an appeal.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

You won't be able to find it here either. You need to call the bailiffs and find out.

Free legal advice:

Where can I find out the number of the enforcement proceedings in order to pay the amount to the bailiffs? ...

Where can I find out the number of the enforcement proceedings in order to pay the amount to the bailiffs? in Sberbank online it is requested as a code of enforcement proceedings, nothing is indicated in the letter from the bailiffs, only details for payment, but the online bank does not skip further payment without this code

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Anna, contact the bailiffs and find out this code, what are the problems?

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

On the website of the bailiff service in the bank of enforcement proceedings. Indicate your full name, year of birth, you will find the enforcement proceedings initiated against you with the corresponding number

Free legal advice:

The bailiff service does not display the number of enforcement proceedings ...

The bailiff service does not display the number of enforcement proceedings, how can I find out without contacting the service directly?

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

unfortunately, only in person

How to find out by the number of enforcement proceedings, for which the debt, without the help of the court. bailiffs…

How to find out by the number of enforcement proceedings what the debt is for, without the help of bailiffs

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Free legal advice:

Go to the FSSP website for your region and look for yourself in the FSSP data bank

An account for a five-digit amount was arrested, there is a number of enforcement proceedings, I can’t figure out what to enter on the bailiff’s website ...

An account for a five-digit amount was arrested, there is a number of enforcement proceedings, I can’t figure out what to enter on the bailiff’s website to get acquainted with the case - ID IL/ST3

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

On the site you will not get acquainted with the case. You need to personally come to the FSSP and get acquainted with it.

Number of enforcement proceedings / 08/14/16 arrest on the account neither address nor phone number are indicated how to find? ...

Number of enforcement proceedings / 14/08/16 arrest on the account neither address nor phone number are specified how to find?

Free legal advice:

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

How to find a bailiff? Call the court, they will tell you the address.

How to find out who the claimant is, on the FSSP website I found the number of enforcement proceedings and the number of the court order, and the date from ...

Good evening. How to find out who the claimant is, on the FSSP website I found the number of enforcement proceedings and the number of the court order, and the date with the article number of the reason for completing the IP, I have no idea where my legs grow from. call the bailiffs until I decide, you never know what.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

This you can find out from the bailiff on the site such information is not indicated.

Free legal advice:

I found on the site that an arrest was made and the number of enforcement proceedings, where to find out who and what was imposed ....

I found on the site that an arrest was made and the number of enforcement proceedings, where to find out who and what was imposed. Thank you.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Contact the bailiff service, the address and phone number are listed on the website.

Now I find out that my bank account is blocked by the number of enforcement proceedings from 2013 ....

If I find out that I have to make deductions to the pension fund as an individual entrepreneur, and since 2010 I am no longer an individual entrepreneur, I have not received any notifications. Now I find out that my bank account is blocked by the number of enforcement proceedings from 2013. I have to pay a fee.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Free legal advice:

Yes. you can only try to reduce the penalty amounts if you did not know about the debt

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

you have to pay if there is an IL.

Please help me decipher: To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr"…

Hello! Please help me decipher: To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr There is a writ of execution. What data is required to enter the enforcement proceedings number

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Free legal advice:

Good evening, Alexander Pavlovich! Choose a territorial body, enter your full name. debtor and press "Search", then enter a special verification code and the system will give you the necessary information, if any.

DD.MM.YYYY-day - month - year

Enforcement proceedings number 9313/15/61018-IP, tell me what the debt is for ....

Enforcement proceedings number 9313/15/61018-IP, tell me what the debt is for.

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

How can we know? Contact the bailiff service, the bailiff in whose proceedings the case is located will say.

Free legal advice:

In the search engine on the OSB UFSSP website, all attempts to find out the number of enforcement proceedings are reduced to zero) by the name of the debtor ...

In the search engine on the website of the OSP UFSSP, all attempts to find out the number of enforcement proceedings are reduced to zero) by the name of the debtor at the address of his location, nothing was found) to get through to the bailiff, of course, it is fruitless) maybe I'm doing something wrong? who can help me?

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

call the OSP office

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Calling them is useless, come to the reception and find out everything that interests you, it’s unlikely that it will work out differently

Where can I find out for what money was withdrawn by the number of enforcement proceedings? ...

Hello. Where can I find out for what money was withdrawn by the number of enforcement proceedings?

Free legal advice:

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

You have to ask the bailiff.

There is a number of the decision to arrest the car1 dated 03/08/2008 how to find out the number of enforcement proceedings - judicial ...

There is a number of the decision to arrest the car1 dated 03/08/2008 how to find out the number of the enforcement proceedings - the bailiff asks him to inform, referring to the fact that it will be easier for him to find the decision to remove the arrest

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

In the office, by the name of the debtor, the bailiff who has the enforcement proceedings is determined, and the latter, respectively, has the number of the enforcement proceedings and the enforcement proceedings itself (if it has not been completed).

I have a number of enforcement proceedings, I want to know the reason for the imposition of a penalty - where can I find information? ...

I have a number of enforcement proceedings, I want to know the reason for the imposition of a penalty - where can I find information?

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

Will this amount be credited to the number of enforcement proceedings? ...

Hello, I paid a certain amount via online Sberbank to the FSSP, but I mixed it up and it turns out I paid according to the decision number, and not according to the enforcement proceedings number. Will this amount be credited to the number of enforcement proceedings?

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

The best thing you can do now is to come to the bailiff and provide this receipt with the order number so that the bailiff can accept these funds to pay off the debt under the writ of execution.

Is it possible by the number of enforcement proceedings or writ of execution to find out for what it was issued? ...

Is it possible to find out for what it was issued by the number of enforcement proceedings or a writ of execution? The sheet was issued to an outsider

The lawyer's answer to the question: number of enforcement proceedings

You can clarify this issue in the court that issued the writ of execution.

Tell me how to correctly draw up an application for replacing a recoverer under an executive document in accordance with Article 240 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan ... Question to a lawyer: Tell me how to correctly draw up an application for replacement ...

Tell me, please, what to do if the head of the executive body swears at his subordinate woman? ... Question to the lawyer: Please tell me what to do if the head of the executive ...

What is the application form for issuing a duplicate sheet? ... Question to a lawyer: What is the form of an application for a duplicate isp. sheet? The answer of the lawyer to the question: application for the issuance of a duplicate of the performer ...

If the executive authorities violate the laws of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the Russian Federation an accomplice in violating the laws ... Question for a lawyer: If the executive authorities violate laws ...

If the court proceedings are completed under Article 46, paragraph 1, paragraph 3 and paragraph 4, can I go abroad or the bailiffs ... Question to the lawyer: If the court proceedings are completed under Article 46 ...

What is a valid enforcement case number

There are a sufficient number of ways to check enforcement proceedings, but the most difficult for everyone is checking by a valid number. It is called difficult, since many citizens simply do not know what a valid number is, how it is formed and where to find it.

Valid Enforcement Number Format

Quite often, citizens are faced with a problem. They simply cannot enter the data correctly due to the established specific form of identification.

The valid number format is as follows: n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP. This formula states:

  • the number of the executive case itself;
  • the year it was initiated;
  • code of the corresponding region;
  • enforcement department code.
  1. Y - Designation of the last digits of the current year.
  2. D - Designation of the index of a specific territorial unit or department of bailiffs.
  3. R - Designation of the region (in the usual format, designated by the traffic police).

The number of the already appointed enforcement proceedings can be found on the official website of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service). The database of the aforementioned server contains the numbers of enforcement proceedings.

Sometimes, even according to the formula, the service does not accept a valid enforcement case number. In order to get around this problem, you can try to put a dash after the specified formula "un".

It is worth noting that this number is called valid because of its complexity, accuracy, and also reliability (since it is formed from several short components) in indicating the data.

How to find out the valid number of the enforcement case

The easiest way to find out the valid number is to go to the FSSP website:

  1. On the site, you need to find the "Services" section and select the "Data Bank" subsection
  2. After that, the site visitor needs to select the status of the person directly. Individuals usually need to enter the region of residence, date of birth and full name. Legal entities should indicate only the name of the company and its address.
  3. If the number of the enforcement case is already known, then the search by the number belonging to the individual entrepreneur is selected.
  4. After that, the necessary information about the existing (or not) debt is searched.

It is worth noting that the case will be displayed only when the decision has already entered into force.

The information presented on the FSSP website is usually displayed in a tabular form, where all the necessary data of the defendant are presented (personal, production number, date of commencement, address, as well as the name of the court, article, why the proceedings began, etc.).

It is noteworthy that the service of the Federal Bailiff Service does not request personal data in order to identify the user's identity. In addition, registration on the site is also not required. Only the valid number itself is requested, corresponding to the formula of the enforcement proceedings (case) and full name.

Watch the performance video

After the completion of enforcement proceedings, the information on the site is updated for a long time (often more than a month), and the irremovability of information does not indicate that the valid number does not work. After paying off the debt, the easiest way to find out information is not through a valid number on the site, but by calling the bailiff responsible for the case to the FSSP.

How to find enforcement proceedings by the number of the writ of execution

For the actual execution of the acts issued by the court, a procedure of enforcement proceedings is initiated. Both parties, the creditor and the debtor, are interested in receiving information about the progress of the procedure.

If there are no documents from bailiffs on hand, then find enforcement proceedings by the number of the writ of execution and even by last name.

Where can I find enforcement information?

The stage of execution of decisions that have entered into force is initiated by creditors after receiving executive documents in their hands. At the request of the claimant, the bailiffs must initiate proceedings to collect the debt or fulfill another requirement by the debtor.

The beginning of the procedure is formalized by a resolution, copies of which must be sent to both the recoverer and the debtor. This document contains the details of the proceedings initiated by the bailiff. However, the debtor is not always aware that the court has passed, and debts will be collected from him. Therefore, having received orders to pay a debt from bailiffs or learning about the presence of a writ of execution in your name, you should carefully check everything.

In this regard, debtors often have the question of how to find out the debt by the number of enforcement proceedings (IP). If the details of the proceedings initiated by the bailiff are known, then you can get all the information from him. But for this you will have to call the bailiff by phone or arrange a personal meeting.

And here is information about whether pensioners pay alimony.

It is much more convenient to get information immediately without leaving home. This opportunity is provided by a special bailiff service (FSSP) database of all enforcement proceedings. Using this database, you can get information by indicating in the search bar the number of the proceedings initiated by the bailiff.

This service provides the following data:

  • IP number;
  • all details of the debtor;
  • details of executive documents;
  • the amount of the debt or other subject of execution;
  • information about the bailiff who initiated the IP, as well as the department in which he works.

Therefore, if the debtor knows only the IP number, then from it he can find out all the rest of the information of interest to him. The FSSP service helps to track the writ of execution, to find out on the basis of which act of the court it was issued, what debts are owed to a certain person.

Therefore, this information may be needed not only by the parties to the initiated proceedings, but also by other persons. This system allows you to check the reliability of the future counterparty, for example, when applying for loans.

The check on the database is carried out not only by the IP number, but also by the details of the executive documents, the names of the debtors. Information is provided in relation to both citizens and organizations.

Information about a particular person's debts, proceedings initiated against him can be obtained through the State Services portal. But this will require registration on the portal, and the answer is not always possible to get quickly. The answer through the base of the bailiff service comes immediately, registration on the site is not required.

It is also possible to get acquainted with the data through social networks using special applications. By subscribing to these applications, you can constantly receive information about the initiation of new IPs. Apps on mobile devices provide a similar opportunity. But they first need to be found, installed, registered. Not everyone wants to spend time installing various applications.

How to find a writ of execution

It often happens that debtors do not know what debts and on what basis they are being collected from them. Therefore, the question arises of how to find out what kind of writ of execution served as the reason for initiating an individual entrepreneur. You can try to find out everything in the bailiff service.

It will be faster and more convenient to use the database of initiated enforcement proceedings on the FSSP website. Using the search in this database, you can find the writ of execution by the IP number. If there are no details of production, then you can simply enter the name of the debtor in the search box.

The absence of information on the FSSP website does not always mean the absence of debts. After all, they appear in the database only after the entry into force of the acts of the court, the direction of the enforcement documents to the bailiffs.

detailed instructions

  1. First you need to go to the site of the bailiff service at the link or simply type in any search engine "FSSP site".
  2. Then you need to find the "Services" tab and click it. Next, go to the section "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".

There is nothing complicated in using this service. It can be freely used by anyone who is interested in how to find a writ of execution by last name, find out about existing debts. Recall that information about the debtor, the executive document, and the initiated proceedings are entered into the database. Therefore, knowing only the name of the debtor, you can get a complete picture of from whom, to what extent and on what grounds the recovery is made.

Those debtors who did not take part in the judicial review of the dispute, did not even know about it, are interested in how to find out the case number from the writ of execution by last name. To do this, you should also go to the FSSP database and by last name find all proceedings initiated against the debtor.

The window that appears contains information about the executive document, including which court issued it.

The database also provides data on the act issued by the court. Having learned the case number, you can apply to the court to get acquainted with it, to obtain copies of documents.

How else can you find a court decision on a writ of execution. If you have the original or a copy of the document on hand, then it reflects the full data on the act issued by the court.

Based on them, you can apply directly to the court to study the case or obtain a copy of this decision. You can try to address this issue to the bailiff who initiated the proceedings.

Although in many cases the data that can be obtained from the FSSP website will be sufficient.


In order to get information about someone's debts, the presence of initiated enforcement proceedings, it is not at all necessary to call the bailiffs or personally meet with them.

It is faster and more convenient to get all the information about the individual entrepreneur through the database on the FSSP website. This procedure will not take much time and will not present difficulties for any users. If neither the number of the enforcement document nor the details of the enforcement proceedings itself are known, then you can simply enter the debtor's surname in the search bar.

How to decrypt? given by the author Yuri Andryushchenko, the best answer is You should have a decision on initiating enforcement proceedings in your hands, which indicates the court that issued the decision, the case number, the date of the decision and the number of enforcement proceedings, for example, it looks like this / 2576/09/2007

How to score write?

n is the serial number of the individual entrepreneur, y is the last digits of the year, d is the index of the bailiff unit and the region, r is the region in the traffic police format, for example "77". Try searching by name.

If Che - the goat is not mine.

specify for example / 15/77050-IP

I indicate - they write nothing was found

I also have such a case. I come to the savings bank, explaining the situation. And they printed it out for me .. Type of document (Recovery) / N of executive production (2-1405/2015 C1 and full name) I go to the site link - entered / 2015 C1, and some kind of error answers, tell me how to write it correctly. For example, as indicated there (To search, enter the number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-SP) I don’t understand this. Tell.

They imposed a penalty on my account, at the request they gave the number of the executive document15, entered it into the search engine and, according to the information provided by the search engine, began to quietly enter the stump. WHAT court cases in Kaluga for a woman were considered in connection with the purchase of housing, as well as some other court proceedings for this number. and here is my salary card. Who will tell. Help me please.

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What is a valid enforcement proceedings number

Lawyers Answers (5)

It is possible that it was not entered into the electronic database. It is better to contact the bailiffs directly.

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Clarification of the client

the ex-husband has not paid alimony for five months, he also has alimony debt in the amount of rubles. Where should I go? He lives in and works in the Moscow Region, and I am in Perm, he is also registered in Perm

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Hello. I recommend that you personally apply to the bailiff department at the place of residence of your former spouse of the debtor. Since it is registered in Perm, it means that you need to contact the bailiff department at the place of its registration, that is, in your own city. The bailiffs will need to clarify whether there is enforcement proceedings against your ex-spouse for the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of a minor child. In any case, I am sure that there are such productions. You can fully assist the bailiffs if you have any information regarding your husband's income, as well as his current place of residence. Just understand that our bailiffs do not really like to work, they do it very reluctantly and try in every possible way to close the production as quickly as possible. As the rules of production, close connections with the impossibility of collecting, since a person either does not have money, or he himself is unknown where, and so on. I recommend that you simply flood them with complaints, as well as file a complaint with the prosecutor's office and write complaints to higher bailiffs. Believe me, after that they start to move very well. In any case, the result will depend on whether your ex-husband has any funds or property, your strength to really help the bailiffs in search of this property or for him.

how to determine the valid number? enforcement proceedings No. 29713/11/39/50 dated 07/25/2011. I copy it and paste it, it gives an error

Hello dear Elena. It's not clear from the question - where do you insert it? What exactly are you trying to do?

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If you look on the FSSP website, it is useless. Search normally works only by last name.

the ex-husband has not paid alimony for five months, he also has alimony debt in the amount of rubles. Where should I go? he lives in and works in the Moscow Region, and I am in Perm, he is also registered in Perm

You need to either - personally apply to the ROSSP at the place of filing the writ of execution. Or, you can write on the FSSP website an appeal addressed to the senior bailiff of the ROSSP of the district where the writ of execution (court order) was handed over. In the appeal, indicate the place of work of the debtor, ask to check the accounting department at the place of work and take measures to collect alimony.

If the executive document was handed over by you in Perm, then the Perm bailiffs cannot do anything. It is necessary to send an executive document to the place of residence and work of the debtor - to the Moscow Region.

If there is no reaction, complain to the prosecutor's office, the chief bailiff of the region, to the court.

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You need to insert this number without a date:

I checked everything for you


29713/11/39/50 dated 07/25/2011

Court order dated June 27, 2011 No. C / U of the SVERDLOVSKY DISTRICT OF PERMI

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ID debt: .79 rub.

Serpukhov ROSP142203, Moscow region, Serpukhov, Kaluzhskaya st., 5


This is at the moment, as of November 2016 there is no information.

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What is a valid enforcement case number

There are a sufficient number of ways to check enforcement proceedings, but the most difficult for everyone is checking by a valid number. It is called difficult, since many citizens simply do not know what a valid number is, how it is formed and where to find it.

Valid Enforcement Number Format

Quite often, citizens are faced with a problem. They simply cannot enter the data correctly due to the established specific form of identification.

The valid number format is as follows: n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP. This formula states:

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  • the number of the executive case itself;
  • the year it was initiated;
  • code of the corresponding region;
  • enforcement department code.
  1. Y - Designation of the last digits of the current year.
  2. D - Designation of the index of a specific territorial unit or department of bailiffs.
  3. R - Designation of the region (in the usual format, designated by the traffic police).

The number of the already appointed enforcement proceedings can be found on the official website of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service). The database of the aforementioned server contains the numbers of enforcement proceedings.

Sometimes, even according to the formula, the service does not accept a valid enforcement case number. In order to get around this problem, you can try to put a dash after the specified formula "un".

It is worth noting that this number is called valid because of its complexity, accuracy, and also reliability (since it is formed from several short components) in indicating the data.

How to find out the valid number of the enforcement case

The easiest way to find out the valid number is to go to the FSSP website:

  1. On the site, you need to find the "Services" section and select the "Data Bank" subsection
  2. After that, the site visitor needs to select the status of the person directly. Individuals usually need to enter the region of residence, date of birth and full name. Legal entities should indicate only the name of the company and its address.
  3. If the number of the enforcement case is already known, then the search by the number belonging to the individual entrepreneur is selected.
  4. After that, the necessary information about the existing (or not) debt is searched.

It is worth noting that the case will be displayed only when the decision has already entered into force.

The information presented on the FSSP website is usually displayed in a tabular form, where all the necessary data of the defendant are presented (personal, production number, date of commencement, address, as well as the name of the court, article, why the proceedings began, etc.).

It is noteworthy that the service of the Federal Bailiff Service does not request personal data in order to identify the user's identity. In addition, registration on the site is also not required. Only the valid number itself is requested, corresponding to the formula of the enforcement proceedings (case) and full name.

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After the completion of enforcement proceedings, the information on the site is updated for a long time (often more than a month), and the irremovability of information does not indicate that the valid number does not work. After paying off the debt, the easiest way to find out information is not through a valid number on the site, but by calling the bailiff responsible for the case to the FSSP.

What is a valid number

and in State Services >>> FSSP

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Above it was presented: “number of enforcement proceedings in the format n..n/yy/dd/rr or n..n/yy/ddddd-IP”

My enforcement proceedings number: 4. 9/16/77037, where

16 - yy - year of excitation

77 - region code

In the State Services, the program allowed to enter in the following format: 4. 9/16/37/77,

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i.e. after a year of initiation, the IP department is entered without "0", just "37", and at the end the region code is "77"

What is noteworthy, when printing a document (Application), in the "To" field is:

"Dmitrovsky Department of Bailiffs, Recipient Subdivision Code: 77037, Recipient Address: WEB-SERVICE 77037"

How to find enforcement proceedings by case number?

Court decisions in the Russian Federation can be taken from several sources. The urgency of being able to obtain the text on various identification points is very important, since the parties to the process do not always have the opportunity to take part in the meetings or then receive copies of the decisions by mail.

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Important! Housing problems are classified as complex cases. Consult for free with the specialists of our "Legal Center"

Where can I get the judgment number?

You can find out the number of court decisions:

Check by last name

Information can be found on each of the above resources. On the website of GAS "Pravosudie" the data is searched in the following way:

  1. First you need to go to the "Search by cases and judicial acts".
  2. A window will appear before the user's eyes.
  3. In the window that appears, you must select the region where the legislature is located.
  4. In the column "Participant in the process (full name)" enter the data of an individual who is a party to the dispute (regardless of whether the person is the plaintiff, defendant or accused).
  5. It is also desirable to fill in the estimated date of receipt of the case for consideration by the court.

On the portal of judicial opinions, information on personal data is even easier to find:

  • you need to go to the "Simple search" section;
  • in the dialog box, the initials of the participant in the case are entered;
  • you can prescribe additional data (court region, participant status, case number).

If you need to find information about enforcement proceedings from bailiffs:

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  1. The user enters the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, select the "Services" section.
  3. At the next stage, clicks on one of the available services. The most suitable is the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.
  4. In the window that opens, selects the territorial body of the FSSP and enters the full name, as well as the date of birth of the person against whom the case has been started.

Search engines allow the possibility of finding information by the name of the judge. For example, there is such an opportunity on the website.

To get detailed material on a group of cases, you need to specify:

  • region of the Russian Federation;
  • instance of the case;
  • the name of the legislature;
  • judge data.

What is a valid enforcement proceedings number?

This number is a specific identifier. That is why people are faced with a problem when services are asked to enter numbers in the required field.

Valid number is filled in the format:

Example, (number) - 14 (region code) - 01 (2001).

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Is there an issue with the FSSP?

How do you know if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you? The issue is quite relevant, because not always representatives of the collection or the judiciary send letters to citizens with notifications about the occurrence of debts, or other legal issues that may lead to the opening of an individual entrepreneur.

There are many ways to get help:

  1. Call SSP on the phone.
  2. On the FSSP website in the section "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  3. Through special applications for mobile phones.
  4. Through the application "IP Bank", created specifically for the social networks "Odnoklassniki" and "Vkontakte".
  5. Using the portal of the State Service. You need to go to the FSSP section and click on the tab "Obtaining information on the progress of enforcement proceedings."
  6. Check for the presence of an enforcement penalty by visiting a personal appointment at the branch of the SSP.

Modern Internet capabilities allow you to subscribe to the news of groups in "VK" and "OK", therefore, by visiting the social. networks that relate to FSSP information, you will receive updated data constantly.

You can check the availability of enforcement proceedings exclusively by full name. Of course, a search is also available by number, but a person who does not know about the existence of the case itself will not know its number.

Is it possible to find out the reason for the fine through the bailiffs?

You can find out from the enforcement proceedings for what the fine can be. Note that on the FSSP website it is not always possible to understand the reason for the decision to impose penalties, but in most cases the information is more or less clear.

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To obtain data, you need to go to the "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" section of the website of the Federal Collection Service and fill in the fields that appear. The service will issue a status certificate on the date the request was entered.

Consider the search process with an example:

  • go to the fssprus website;
  • select the required section;
  • select the search region (for example, the Amur Region);
  • enter the last name and first name (for example, Alexander Tkachenko). In this window, you can also enter a middle name and date of birth for greater detail.

After processing the request, a block of information appears:

  • Full name of the debtor;
  • case number;
  • IP number;
  • subject of debt (transport tax, utility debt, other property recovery, alimony debt, insurance premiums, loan debts, etc.).

IP base

Any citizen can check the data on the database of enforcement proceedings. It contains information on all court decisions, except for criminal cases. The data in the service is provided systematically, because one of the important elements of the search process is the specification of the region.

The base is constantly updated. Data about initiated cases are immediately entered into the system, since public information should be available for review on the Internet.

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How to find out the name of the bailiff?

The man found out that executive action was taken against him. In the first minutes, he does not know what to do. He realizes that it is necessary to deal with the issue of payment or cancellation of the fine. The main idea is this: how to find a bailiff for enforcement proceedings?

A citizen understands that it is possible to learn in detail about the reason for imposing a fine and how to resolve the issue (payment or exemption from liability) only in the case of a personal appeal. That is why knowing the bailiff's personal information is not a whim, but a necessity.

It is quite possible to find out the name of an employee:

  1. Go to the site
  2. Select the section "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  3. Fill in the dialog box that opens (region, full name of the applicant, date of birth).
  4. Press the "Find" button.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the information found (information about the bailiff will be in the far right column).

In this table, the applicant will also specify:

  • the address of the FSSP bureau where the case is opened;
  • the approximate cause of the debt;
  • the exact amount of claims against him.

How can I find out about the progress of enforcement proceedings?

To obtain information about the course of production actions in relation to a person, it is necessary to come to an appointment with the bailiff. It is also important to know that data will not be provided based on an oral request.

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The person against whom the case has been initiated must write a statement and indicate:

  • name of the territorial division of the FSSP;
  • Full name of the applicant, address and contact details;
  • enforcement order number;
  • date of commencement of debt repayment;
  • the basis for its excitation;
  • request and grounds for providing a certificate on the course of enforcement actions;
  • date of the application.


The article addresses the following questions:

  1. The procedure for obtaining data on whether a forced recovery has been initiated against a person.
  2. How to find out the number of the judgment.
  3. The procedure for obtaining materials on the course of enforcement actions.
  4. How to find out the reason for the sanctions.
  5. Other legal aspects.

If you have any questions about the topic of the article, ask them in the comments or the duty lawyer of the site. Also call the numbers listed. We will definitely answer and help.

How to find out the reason for the occurrence of sanctions on production / 17/86018-IP dated 10/05/2017, since there is no way to come to the bailiffs. Is it possible to receive information by e-mail?

Hello. Send the letter by regular mail. Government agencies are required to respond within 30 days.

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