Sterilization of jars in an electric, gas and microwave oven, how many minutes, temperature. Rules for sterilizing empty jars and blanks Sterilizing jars in the oven for how many minutes dry


Summer is the time when every housewife tries to make preparations for the winter from vegetables and fruits. So that they do not deteriorate, a necessary condition is the sterilization of the jars. This process can be carried out in different ways - in a gas or electric oven, in a microwave, for a couple. "Popular about Health" will tell you in detail how to properly sterilize jars - how many minutes, at what temperature, what to look for so that preservation is guaranteed to be preserved.

Sterilization - why is it needed?

First, it is worth understanding what sterilization is. This is the processing of containers in which blanks for the winter will be stored. Storage containers must be absolutely clean. If they contain harmful microflora - microbes, bacteria, then the lids will swell, and the preservation will deteriorate. Pre-treatment of containers helps to avoid spoilage of products. However, it is important not only to take care of the sterility of the container, but also to check it for defects.

What to look for when choosing containers?

Before proceeding with the washing and sterilization of jars, it is necessary to carefully inspect them. Pay special attention to the neck - if there are chips on it, the likelihood of damage to the workpiece increases. Choose only undamaged containers.

How and with what to properly wash containers for canning?

You can wash jars using soda or mustard powder. Do not use dishwashing detergents, especially those containing chlorine. Clean well all the dirt inside and out, wash the neck of each jar, as there are bumps in this place where fat accumulates. All yellowed areas should be cleaned. After that, the jars are washed with water. The container is now ready for temperature sterilization. Let's take a look at how to do it right.

Oven sterilization - gas and electric

If you want to cut down on canning time, sterilize the jars in the oven. There is quite a lot of space, which means that it is possible to place several containers. How to do it?

Please note that the oven is turned off before laying the containers. On a clean baking sheet, place the washed container with the neck down. Turn on the temperature in the oven at 150 degrees, heat it for 5 minutes. After this, we begin the countdown - sterilization is 15 minutes. We calcine the dishes, regardless of the capacity. The rules are the same for gas and electric appliances.

Sterilization in the microwave

If you need to process 2-3 small containers, you can do it in the microwave. After washing the container, pour some water (to the level of 1.5 centimeters), place it on a rotating stand. Turn on the microwave for 5-6 minutes at maximum power and wait. The water will boil very quickly, evaporation will begin, and the jars in the microwave at 100 C will undergo a good steaming.

steam bath

If you don't have a microwave and your oven is broken, or you just need to process 3 liter jars, steam sterilize them. It's very simple - put a pot of water on the stove. Put a special circle on it with a hole for the neck of a standard container. Wait for the water to boil, put the inverted jar in the hole. How many minutes does steam sterilization take? It depends on the volume, for example, jars up to a liter are processed for 5 minutes, two-liter jars - 7 minutes, and large, three-liter jars - 10 minutes.

If you want to reduce the time to complete this procedure, take not a pan, but a wide basin, pour water. Place a grate on the surface of the basin (you can take it from the oven), put several containers on it with the throat down. Sterilize several jars at once for the right amount of time after boiling water.

In a double boiler

A steamer is a great tool for sterilizing containers. Just pour water into the unit, and place 2 containers on top of a special perforated stand. After boiling water, wait 5-10 minutes (depending on the volume of dishes).

How to properly sterilize lids?

Lids also need to be processed. This is easy to do. Fill a bowl with water, put on fire, lower the lids there. After boiling, boil them for 2-3 minutes.

How to sterilize jars with blanks correctly?

Some recipes for winter preparations include a sterilization step immediately before twisting. In this case, a wide pan is taken, a cloth is placed on the bottom, and water is poured. Inside put containers with conservation, covered with lids. Water should reach the middle of the jars or slightly lower. After the water boils, the time is set - 10 minutes (for a container up to a liter), 15 minutes (for a liter), 20 minutes (for a two-liter or more). After processing, the lids are twisted.

Our great-grandmothers used the old method of sterilization - in the sun. They put clean, inverted jars in a sunny place for the whole day, and immediately before putting vegetables or fruits in them, they scalded them with boiling water. This method is outdated, today almost no one uses it. Most housewives bake the dishes in the oven or steam them, which allows them to gain complete confidence that the workpieces will last a long time.

For a long time of storage, preservation in unprepared jars deteriorates, and blanks have to be thrown away. Sterilize empty jars, there will be no germs left in them, and preservation will last a long time. The fastest and most convenient method is oven sterilization. You can use both a gas and an electric oven - the principle of disinfecting glass products is the same.

Preparing jars for sterilization in the oven

Preparation of jars is as follows:

  • carefully inspect the glass container. They saw a crack, a chip on the neck or other flaws - set aside the jar, it is not suitable for conservation;
  • wash the banks. Fill them with water and leave for a couple of hours. All dried invisible bacteria and microorganisms will get wet, and you can easily wash the container. To wash glass products, use baking soda, it does not leave unpleasant odors and cleans dirt well. Take a new sponge to wash. Wash the container under running water and rinse thoroughly after using soda;
  • do not throw away threaded cans. They are good for conservation. But before sterilization, check them for leaks. Pour water into the vessel, close the lid tightly. Raise the jar of water above the table and shake well. The table will stay dry if the tightness is good. Water is dripping from a closed jar or has flowed in a stream - throw it away.

Sterilize empty jars in the oven

After washing, you can not dry the jars on purpose. Do not preheat the oven! Getting to sterilization:

  • place clean empty dry jars in a cold oven on a wire rack or baking sheet with the neck down. Place the wet container with the neck up - the water will evaporate quickly. Place several glass items in the oven so that they do not touch each other;
  • turn on the oven and gradually warm up to 150 degrees. This temperature regime is enough to disinfect glass containers;
  • leave the jars in the oven for the right time. After the time has elapsed, open the oven door slightly, turn it off and let the glass container cool;
  • remove sterilized jars. Use a rag, potholders or mittens - the jars are hot, you will get a burn on your hands. Take dry potholders, a glass vessel may burst in your hands from a temperature difference;
  • place the finished jars upside down on a clean towel and use as directed.

How long does it take to sterilize jars in the oven?

The processing time depends on the size of the glass container:

  • 0.5-0.75 l - 10 minutes;
  • liter - 15 minutes;
  • two-liter - 20 minutes
  • three-liter and more - from 25 to 30 minutes.

We sterilize jars in the oven with conservation

Place the filled jars in a cold or slightly preheated oven. Do not cover with lids. After loading the container, heat the oven to 100 degrees. The procedure for sterilizing filled jars is similar to the above method. The time is usually indicated in the recipe according to which the preservation is prepared.

Never take a hot jar by the neck when taking it out of the oven after sterilization! The container will slip out of your hands or the neck will break off. Take it out carefully with both hands in mittens. Due to the high hardness of our water, a white coating may appear on glass vessels. Don't worry, it doesn't do any harm. Such a plaque appears if the jars are sterilized upside down.

For an accurate reading of the time required for cooking, watch the oven door. It will fog up after turning on, and after a few minutes the glass will become normal. You will see that the last droplets have disappeared from the door - it's time to turn on the timer.

Do not apply preservation in very hot jars. Sterilize metal lids for conservation with jars in the oven, and boil nylon lids on the stove in a saucepan.

If you did everything right, homemade preparations for the winter will retain their useful properties and excellent taste for a long time. And so that the jars that have cooled down after sterilization do not burst during filling with hot contents, place the glass container in a deep metal bowl.

When it comes time to close homemade pickles, jams, you must follow all the rules of procedure. Most recipes call for the jars to be sterilized before closing. This process can be carried out in several ways. The vessel is placed in a microwave, electric or gas oven, sometimes it is done in a saucepan.

How to sterilize empty jars in the oven

For successful preservation of jam or other preparations, you need to properly prepare the container. As a rule, sterilization of empty jars is carried out, but some recipes provide for this process already with the ingredients.

It is important to immediately prepare a suitable container that will not burst. Sterilizing jars in the oven requires the following rules:

  1. The first task is to carefully inspect the containers. If cracks, chips on the neck are found, such containers can be safely sent to the trash can. Any flaws that can break the tightness of the vessel, will cause the container to burst or simply deteriorate, will leak during cooking.
  2. Fill all the dishes with water and leave them to stand for 3 hours. All dirt, dried particles, microorganisms and bacteria will lag behind the walls, it will be much easier to remove them during washing.
  3. The best way to prepare glass jars is soda. It will help to clean the surface of any stains, dirt and will not leave a specific smell, which will then be present in pickles or jams. When processing containers, it is recommended to use a new sponge that does not have any residues of other food, microbes. Wash the bottom thoroughly.

canning jars

Sterilization in an electric oven

Some people bought not gas ovens, but electric ones. They are also suitable for sterilization. The procedure is not much different, so no difficulties should arise. Sterilization in an electric oven, not gas, is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. The oven must be kept clean so that old odors are not absorbed.
  2. You can put empty dry or damp jars in the oven. In the first case, you should set them with the neck down, in the second - up, so that excess moisture evaporates.
  3. If desired, you can put iron lids (not nylon) on a baking sheet at the same time.
  4. After that, turn on the device, set the mode to 150 degrees Celsius. This temperature is enough to destroy all harmful microorganisms.
  5. When the required temperature is reached, it is necessary to hold the jars for a certain time (the duration will be described in the sections below).
  6. Heated containers should be removed very carefully. They will be hot, so they can burn your hands. Only dry, clean potholders or gloves should be used, because wet ones will create a temperature difference and the container will burst. Better let it cool down for a few minutes. Do not take the vessel by the neck, it may break off.

This type of device is very common, so this method of sterilizing jars in the oven is considered the most popular in the CIS countries. This preparation option is the simplest, most reliable, and allows you to prepare many containers for homemade preparations at a time. Instructions on how to sterilize jars in a gas stove oven:

  1. After washing, the jars are placed upside down in a still cold oven. In order for the liquid to evaporate faster, the container should be placed correctly (mouth up), but then there is a chance that a white coating will form at the bottom due to the high hardness of the water. It will not spoil your dish, will not harm your health, but it will not look aesthetically pleasing. You can fulfill this condition at your discretion.
  2. When putting the container on a baking sheet, make sure that it does not touch. When heated, jars can crack if placed tightly together, making them unsuitable for cooking.
  3. You can put covers here (only iron ones).
  4. It is not necessary to bring the temperature to the maximum. First, turn on the mode so that the air inside is warm, and then turn it to a state of up to 180 degrees.
  5. Some housewives determine the readiness of the container on the appliance door. First it fogs up, and then it becomes dry again. After that, you should take out the container.
  6. First, turn off the oven, open the door slightly, let the jars cool. They are very hot, so it is strictly not recommended to get them with bare hands. Use a clean, dry towel or gloves.

Sterilization of jars in the oven

How to sterilize jars with blanks

Most recipes for winter preparations require jars to be sterilized in the oven along with the ingredients. It is easy to fulfill this condition in the oven, it is done quickly. Instructions on how to properly sterilize jars with blanks:

  1. Place the containers with the ingredients without lids in a cold oven.
  2. Turn the mode to 100 degrees.
  3. Leave to sterilize for 20 minutes (time may vary depending on the volume of the container).
  4. Take a hot jar with potholders, carefully remove it (make sure that it does not slip out of your hands due to the moisture formed). Take only by the sides: if you take hold of the neck, it may break off.
  5. Then roll up the preservation with a lid.

Jars with blanks in the oven

How long to sterilize jars in the oven

Whatever processing method you choose, it is important to know how much to sterilize jars. If you hold it a little, there is a chance that some microorganisms will survive, and with prolonged sterilization, jars left in the oven may burst. The duration of the procedure depends on the volume, the approximate processing time is as follows:

  • up to 1 liter - 10 minutes;
  • 1 liter - 15 min.;
  • 2 liters - at least 20 minutes;
  • 3 liters and more - 30 min.


Let’s first understand what pasteurization means. Pasteurization or sterilization is a high-temperature processing of products. It is used during conservation to kill harmful microflora and increase the shelf life of the product.

Sterilization is the processing of canned products at temperatures above 100 degrees. For this, special equipment is used - an autoclave. High pressure is created in the autoclave, which in turn increases the boiling point.

At home, of course, we will not be able to sterilize in this way. Therefore, to raise the boiling point salt is added to jars with blanks, and sugar is added to jam and compotes. Salt and sugar also act as preservatives. The main thing is to choose the right dosage.

Sterilizing jars and lids

Some types of salads and snacks, such as lecho or vegetable caviar, as well as mushrooms, juices and compotes, will require prior sterilization. But pickled vegetables can be immediately put into jars. First properly sterilized.

The most popular and easiest way to sterilize jars and lids is boiling. Let's put it on the stove clean container of water. Banks must first be heated so that it does not burst in boiling water. To do this, each jar must be carefully poured over with boiling water.

After the glass has warmed up, put it in a pot of boiling water. It is good if the pan is wide so that the jar lies on its side, and periodically turn it to completely sterilize inside and out. This operation continues for about 3 minutes. We also sterilize the lids in the same water. Check them for damage first.

Carefully remove the jars from the water, carefully watching that there is no water left inside. Hot jars should dry quickly. We put them in a clean place and cover with pre-sterilized lids.

Preservation preparation

Any preparation for conservation begins with careful washing and preparation. Vegetables should be washed in cool running water. Check that there is no residual soil left. Then the washed workpiece is folded into a bowl so that the water is completely glass. I also carefully wash the greens, and then dry them later.

We put clean and dry vegetables tightly in jars to the line of the coat hanger. You always need to leave a gap, because when heated, our workpiece expands and may fall out. Then the blanks must be covered with a lid to avoid dirt and dust.

Depending on the chosen recipe, we prepare the marinade. Never use sea or iodized salt. Only fit regular rock salt. Then the marinade must be brought to a boil, pour into a container with vegetables and cover with a lid.

There are three popular ways to sterilize a jar of blanks at home.

Sterilization in boiling water

This is the easiest and most common way. The workpiece is sterilized in a container with boiling water.

We put the finished cans with the workpiece in a wide and deep pan. At the bottom must be placed wooden stand or towel so that the glass does not come into contact with the hot bottom. Cover the top with lids. The pot is filled with water, a couple of centimeters below the neck. The temperature of the water must match the temperature of the jar, as the difference may cause it to burst.

The workpiece in the pan is gradually brought to a boil. Make sure no water gets inside. Spin sterilization takes place strictly according to the recipe. If the exact time is not indicated there, use the recommendation:

  • volume 0.5 liters sterilize for 10 minutes;
  • 1 liter 15 min;
  • 2 liters 20 min;
  • 3 liters 25-30 min.

If you cook a salad, then it will take more time. In such a recipe, the temperature of boiling water can exceed one hundred degrees.

You need to put and remove twists with the help of special tongs. They are inexpensive, and sterilization will be much easier and safer.

You need to remove the jars from boiling water in the same sequence in which they were put to sterilize, and immediately roll them up. If you get everything at once, then they will start to cool down and a violation of sterility is possible.

Sterilization in the microwave

Very easy to sterilize in the microwave. We prepare the workpiece as usual, according to the recipe and put it in jars. Then we put them in the oven. The microwave is set to full power. When the liquid boils mark three minutes. In ten minutes, you can cook 7-8 cans.

It is not necessary to fill a full jar with water, 1/3 of the volume is enough. When boiling, the resulting steam will cover the entire jar and its contents. The most important thing is that the glass will not burst. Then just take out the twist and add boiling water.

In no case do not put iron lids in the microwave, they must be sterilized separately in a different way.

Some fear that the microwave may spoil the workpiece, for example, crispy cucumbers will turn into porridge. This is not true, the time spent in the microwave is too short and nothing will happen to the vegetables.

Conveniently, the microwave will save you a lot of time and you won't have to stand near the hot stove. After all, spin season is a hot time.

Sterilization in the oven

As in other cases, we put the prepared spins with our blanks in the oven, it should be cold. Set the oven temperature to about 150 degrees.

When the temperature reaches the desired mark, note the time:

  • For a volume of 0.5 liters 10 min;
  • 1 liter - 15 min;
  • 2-3 liters - 20-25 min.

Then we take out the banks one by one and immediately roll them up. Lids can be sterilized immediately in the same oven, but do not cover the jar.

With this method, there will not be as much steam in the kitchen as when sterilizing in boiling water. And at one time in the oven, you can cook all the twists at once.

In the summer, when a lot of berries and vegetables appear on our table, I want to prepare as much as possible for future use. We roll up jars of tomatoes, cucumbers and other yummy things. However, it is not uncommon for our banks to explode long before winter and the mood is spoiled. Still would! After all, conservation takes so much food and effort!

But, if everything is done according to the rules, the blanks will delight us for a very long time. In this article, we will look at methods for sterilizing jars, as well as ways to speed up this process.

What is sterilization?

This is a method of heat treatment of the product, which prevents it from spoiling due to the growth of bacteria. There are a lot of sterilization methods, we will consider the main ones below.

Sterilization is divided into: sterilization of empty jars and lids, sterilization of finished blanks, pasteurization.
A mandatory sterilization rule is the cleanliness of the jar and lid! If you are sterilizing a jar with a blank, never touch it by the neck; in general, it is better to take the jars from the side to avoid food spoilage.

First, jars and lids are sterilized empty:

1. The most common way: a well-washed jar is poured with boiling water and placed upside down on a boiling kettle, the sterilization time is about 10-15 minutes.

2. This method is a little easier. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the jar twice, then pour hot water over the jar for 3 minutes and while it stands, you need to prepare the lids. Put the lids into the boiling pot and boil for 2 minutes. We drain the water from the cans and immediately lay your workpiece, close the lid and roll it up.

3. The method of sterilization in the oven is as follows: wash the jars very carefully, put the jars in a cold oven upside down and heat it to 150 degrees, mark the time for 15 minutes and the jars are ready.

4. You can sterilize empty jars in the microwave too. We arrange the washed jars inside and turn on the microwave at full power, as soon as the jars are dry they are ready.

5. We hold the jar upside down over the fire, first the jar is wet inside, then, as it dries, it is sterilized.

Hooray! We know how to sterilize jars and lids, and our blanks will stand for a long time! But that's not all, you need to perform the main sterilization of the workpiece in the bank.

To do this, we need to take jars and re-sterilize like this:

1. Ready jars are placed in a pot of cold water, where a rag lies at the bottom, then brought to a boil and sterilized for 10-15 minutes, then removed and rolled up with ready-made lids.

2. The method of sterilization in the oven is this. We put the jars in a cold oven with blanks without lids, bring the temperature to 100 degrees and note the time. Sterilization time from 15 minutes for liter jars. Then we take out and roll up the hot jars with ready-made lids and turn them over.

3. Can be sterilized in the microwave. We arrange the jars inside and turn on the microwave at full power, as soon as the jars with the workpiece boil, switch to a minimum and wait 2-3 minutes. Then we close everything with lids. In the microwave, the heating is even, and the entire jar warms up.
If you want the workpiece to be softer, you need to sterilize the jar for 5 minutes.

sterilization is a mandatory process for blanks, but there is another gentle way - pasteurization. In this way, you can cook lecho, compotes (except cucumbers and tomatoes).
For pasteurization, you need to boil everything: jars, a ladle with which you will put blanks and forks, with which you take out the lids and, of course, the lids themselves.

If you still have a jar of blanks exploded, do not be discouraged! You need to re-digest and thoroughly sterilize a clean jar, your workpiece will stand for a long time and will surely delight you with its taste!

Good preparations and bon appetit.

Many recipes for homemade preparations for the winter require re-sterilization after they have been filled with vegetables, jam or compotes. Therefore, every housewife should know how to sterilize jars with blanks.

Usually, vegetable salads and all kinds of snacks (vegetable caviar, lecho, etc.), as well as pickled mushrooms, compotes, natural juices, vegetable preparations without the addition of vinegar, need pre-sterilization. Sterilization processes do not need to give in to various types of jam, vegetables marinated with vinegar, for this you can simply sterilize empty jars. So, how to sterilize jars with blanks.

Sterilization of jars with blanks in boiling water

The most common and easiest way to sterilize workpieces is sterilization in boiling water in a deep container. To sterilize liter jars with blanks, you need to take a wide and deep enough pan, place a cloth napkin, towel or wooden board on the very bottom.

Place jars with blanks in a saucepan, cover with pre-sterilized lids on top. Pour the required amount of water into the pan, the temperature of which should be equal to the temperature of the jars with blanks. Because if the water in the pan is cold or very hot, glass jars can burst due to temperature differences. Make sure that the water level in the pan should be a few centimeters below the cans.

Place the pot with the blanks over medium heat, and bring all the contents to a boil, after which the jars must be boiled according to the indicated recipe. After the specified time, the jars must be rolled up with lids. If a specific sterilization time was not indicated in the recipe for blanks, then follow these recommendations:

  • For cans of 500 milligrams, 10 minutes of time is enough;
  • For a volume of 1 liter, 15 minutes is enough;
  • For a volume of 2 liters - 20 minutes;
  • For a volume of 3 liters - 25-30 minutes.

It will take a little longer to sterilize a jar of lettuce. In certain cases, the temperature of the water during boiling should be above 100 degrees.

How to sterilize a jar of blanks in the microwave

Jars with blanks can also be sterilized in the microwave. Arrange the jars evenly in the microwave oven, do not need to cover the top with lids. Since, as you know, metal objects cannot be placed in the microwave, it is better to sterilize them in a separate container. The microwave oven must be set to full capacity, after which the blanks in the jars should be boiled. After in the microwave, set the lowest power for 2 or 3 minutes. After this time, carefully remove the hot jars with oven mitts and immediately roll them up.

How to sterilize jars with blanks in the oven

You can also sterilize jars with blanks in the oven. Place canning jars on a baking sheet or on a wire rack, place in warm or chilled water, and cover the jars with lids on top.

Set the temperature in the oven to 120 degrees. 500 milligram jars need to be sterilized within 10 minutes, while liter jars will take about 20 minutes. You need to be very careful when removing hot jars from the oven, for this, use oven mitts or kitchen mittens. Seal jars with lids immediately.

Sterilization of blank lids

Before sterilizing preservation lids, carefully inspect them for damage to their surface. You can sterilize the lids in boiling water along with the jars. You can also sterilize them in a ladle with pre-boiled water. It usually takes up to 10 minutes to sterilize the lids. Remove lids with tongs to avoid burning your hands.

September is the time to prepare for the winter. In order to preserve our harvest and enjoy our favorite vegetables, mushrooms, berries and fruits in the winter, we experiment with different ones. Almost every recipe for blanks says that before laying out, it is necessary to sterilize the jars. This simple preparatory process will destroy all microorganisms and preserve the canned dish for a long time. Many novice cooks are wondering how to sterilize jars with blanks? There are several methods of sterilization, from which you can choose the most suitable one.

As a rule, sterilization of jars consists of two stages. First you need to inspect the jars and lids and choose those that are free of cracks, chips, nicks and scratches. Before sterilization, jars and lids must be thoroughly washed with dish detergent or baking soda, then poured over with boiling water. At the first stage, empty jars are sterilized, and already in the process of conservation, if this is provided for by the recipe, the blanks themselves are sterilized. Keep in mind that the sterilization time depends on the volume of the container.

Sterilization of jars and lids at home

Steam sterilization of jars

Steam sterilization is a tried and tested method. In this way, jars of any size can be processed, liter jars are sterilized for 10 minutes, and three-liter jars for 15 minutes. We will need a kettle or large pot. The process is quite simple: a metal sieve is placed on a pot of boiling water, and jars are placed on it upside down. If drops of water begin to flow along the walls of the cans, then the processing can be completed.

Sterilization of jars in the microwave

Sterilizing jars in the microwave is a quick and convenient way. Pour a little water into clean jars, literally to the bottom. The microwave must be set to maximum power mode (800-1000 watts) and put the jars in the chamber. After 8-10 minutes, the water will begin to boil and the jars will be sterilized, they can be removed and used for preservation.

Sterilization of jars in the oven

Sterilizing jars in the oven is very simple, you do not need to follow them, just detect 15 minutes. In a cold oven, you need to place the jars, putting them upside down on the wire rack. Then the oven needs to be heated to 150 degrees and hold the jars in it for 15 minutes.

Sterilization of jars in a double boiler, multicooker and air grill

Modern double boilers and multicookers already have a container sterilization mode from the factory. It is enough just to put the jars upside down and turn on the program, after about 15 minutes the jars can be removed for further use. It is also very convenient to sterilize jars in an air grill, for this you need to pour a little water on the bottom and place the jar in the device, a powerful halogen lamp will sterilize the jar in about 10 minutes.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

You need to take a large pot, on the bottom of which lay a towel. Put the jars in the pan so that their walls do not touch each other, otherwise the glass may burst. Then pour warm water into the pan, about halfway, and bring to a boil. The time of this process depends on the volume of cans, from 10 minutes or more. After that, the jars must be carefully removed and the lids tightened with a seaming machine.

How to sterilize lids

Lids, like jars, must be washed well before sterilization. Then put them in boiling water and “cook” for 3-5 minutes. Please note that there are no traces of rust on the lids, and that the rubber bands correspond to the diameter of the lid.

Good luck with your preparations!

Summer is coming soon, inexpensive fruits and vegetables will go (someone from the garden), everything must be twisted, harvested for the winter (this is what many housewives do). Let's think about the safety of your twist, blanks! An article about this, how to do it best.

How to sterilize jars empty and with blanks
To preserve homemade preparations and salads for the winter, it is necessary that the jars are perfectly clean, and this can only be achieved by sterilization. Before sterilizing the jars, carefully inspect them - with stains that cannot be rubbed off, chips or cracks - we throw them away, such jars are not suitable for blanks.

How to steam sterilize jars
Now, few people use ordinary teapots that are placed on the stove, and it’s very convenient to sterilize jars on them. Put the jar naked on the spout of the kettle, let it boil for 15 minutes. In a well-heated jar, steam drops cease to form, now you can remove it and put on the next one. The procedure is safe, since the steam heats the jar no higher than 100 degrees Celsius.

Instead of a kettle, you can also use a pan covered with a grid (for example, a splitter for splashing when frying), but most of the steam will go into the air and you won’t be able to achieve good heating of the cans, and it will be too humid in the kitchen. Therefore, use special pan linings, they are available for sterilizing one or several jars.

You can also sterilize small jars and lids in a double boiler.

Sterilization by boiling

You can also boil the jars in water for 15 minutes. The disadvantage, in addition to the steam room in the kitchen, is that hardness salts from the water settle inside the jars, which you will then eat along with the contents of the jar. Yes, and pulling out cans from boiling water is not such an easy and pleasant task.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

Pour 1 cm of water into a jar and put it in a microwave with a power of 700-800 watts for 2-3 minutes - the water boils, and the jars are steam sterilized, if there are a lot of jars, the time needs to be increased. If the jar is large, lay it on its side. Do not microwave empty jars. And it is better to sterilize the lids simply in water on the stove.

Sterilization in air grill

Place the washed jars on the lower grill of the air fryer. Put on the magnifying ring. Sterilize jars at 120 degrees for 15 minutes. Small jars up to 1 liter can be sterilized for 7-8 minutes.

How to sterilize jars in the oven

Place the washed jars in the oven on a wire rack (do not put on a baking sheet, they may burst) and turn it on at about 160 °. Set so that the banks do not touch each other. Heat until the drops are completely dry, 5-10 minutes. Do not overheat, do not raise the temperature in the oven. After sterilization, do not remove the jars from the oven immediately, let them cool to 80 - 90 degrees. Oven lids cannot be sterilized.

Personally, I prefer this method of sterilization, since there are a lot of jars in the oven and there is not much fuss with them.

Sterilized in any way, the jars are put on a dry towel or cloth, home-made preparations are placed in them - cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, jam and other goodies, closed with sterilized lids.

How to sterilize lids.

Before sterilization, check the integrity of the cover, the absence of rust, the presence of rubber bands (if necessary). The easiest and most affordable way to disinfect lids is to boil them for 10-15 minutes. Pull the lids out of the water with boiled tongs.

How to sterilize blanks

Often there is a need to sterilize the finished product. Usually, this is needed: salads (lecho, caviar, and so on), all vegetable preparations without vinegar, pickled mushrooms, compotes, juices. Jam, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes do not need sterilization (only empty jars for them are sterilized).

Process: Banks with blanks are covered with boiled lids (do not roll up). They put it in a saucepan with water heated to about the temperature of the jar so that the water covers the shoulders of the jar, but does not reach 1.5-2 cm to the neck.

It is advisable to put a wooden circle on the bottom of the pan so that the jars do not roll and do not beat against each other. Boil the required time. They pull it out. Roll up.

Usually, the sterilization time is indicated in canning recipes. The classic case (for blanks that are placed in a hot jar): sterilize liter jars for 10-15 minutes, two-liter jars - 20-25 minutes, three-liter jars - 25-30 minutes. This time is applicable for liquid salads, tomatoes and fruits in their own juice, lecho. Fried salads usually take a little longer to sterilize.

Sometimes, for example, when you need to sterilize green peas, the water must boil at a temperature above 100 degrees. To do this, ordinary salt is added to the water. You need a boiling point of 101 degrees - add 66 g of salt per liter of water, 102 degrees - 126 g of salt, 103 - 172, 104 - 215, 105 - 255, 107 - 355, 110 - 478.

How to pasteurize jars with blanks

When, on the contrary, sterilization is carried out at a water temperature below 100 degrees, about 85 degrees - this is called pasteurization, you need to use a thermometer and turn off the fire from time to time, and the time the jars are in the pan increases 2-3 times. Compotes, vegetable marinades need pasteurization.

Do you want to know, how to sterilize jars in the oven? I will gladly tell you. Until recently, in our family, jars were sterilized exclusively over steam. But then this method ceased to suit me, because, firstly, it takes a long time, and secondly, it is very hot.

I decided to try sterilizing jars in the oven. I liked it very much. Not a single jar has yet burst during the sterilization process. I think that the main advantage of this method is that 4 three-liter cans, or 6 liter or 8 half-liter cans can be ignited at the same time. This is in my Electrolux oven.

But the only negative is that if you need to sterilize more than this number of jars, you will have to wait until the oven cools down after the first batch. So I always try to preserve in small batches.

So, let's start the sterilization process in the oven. To do this, we need to look at all the banks so that they do not have cracks or punctures. Then rinse the jars thoroughly with soapy water (ordinary laundry soap) or soda.

Also wash the tin lids. The lids can be boiled in water, or you can put them together with the jars in the oven.

Put the jars wet in a cold or warm oven on a baking sheet or wire rack. Everyone recommends putting them upside down, but I put them up. We turn on the oven. Well, when the oven is electric, it is easier to control (my opinion). The temperature regime is set at around 150 degrees. If there is convection, turn it on. With this mode, hot air is distributed evenly throughout the oven. Lids can be laid side by side with the inside up.

Sterilization of jars lasts up to twenty minutes. We take into account that the oven does not immediately become hot, but gradually heats up. Therefore, the sterilization time is approximately counted from the moment of heating to the desired temperature.