

"On approval of the Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents at work"

Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents at work and put it into effect on January 1, 1999.

2. To give clarifications to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the application of the Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents at work.

3. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1995 N 558 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents at work" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1995, N 24, Art. 2284).

Prime Minister

Russian Federation E.Primakov


on the investigation and registration of accidents at work


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

General provisions

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents, which is mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, as well as persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity and using hired labor (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs).

2. Investigation and accounting in accordance with this Regulation are subject to accidents that occurred at work with employees and other persons, including those subject to compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases (hereinafter referred to as employees) in the performance of their job duties and work at the request of an organization or an individual entrepreneur.

These include:

employees doing work on employment contract(contract);

citizens performing work under a civil law contract;

students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, students of educational institutions of secondary, primary vocational education and educational institutions of basic general education, undergoing work practice in organizations;

persons sentenced to imprisonment and involved in labor by the administration of the organization;

other persons participating in the production activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

3. Investigated and subject to accounting as accidents at work: injury, including as a result of bodily harm by another person, acute poisoning, heat stroke, burns, frostbite, drowning, electric shock, lightning, radiation, insect and reptile bites , bodily injuries caused by animals, damage resulting from explosions, accidents, destruction of buildings, structures and structures, natural disasters and others emergencies that entailed the need to transfer the employee to another job, temporary or permanent disability or his death, if they occurred:

a) during working hours on the territory of the organization or outside the territory of the organization (including established breaks), as well as during the time necessary to put in order the tools of production, clothing, etc. before starting or at the end of work, as well as during the performance of work overtime, weekends and holidays;

b) when going to the place of work or from work on the transport provided by the employer or on personal transport with the relevant agreement or order of the employer on its use for production purposes;

c) when traveling to the place of business trip and back;

d) when following vehicle as a shifter during inter-shift rest (driver-shifter on motor vehicle, conductor or mechanic of the refrigeration section in the train, etc.);

e) when working on a rotational-expeditionary basis during inter-shift rest, as well as when on board a ship in time free from watch and ship work;

f) when an employee is involved in the prescribed manner to participate in the liquidation of the consequences of a catastrophe, accident and other natural and man-made emergencies;

g) when performing actions not included in the employee's labor duties, but performed in the interests of the employer or aimed at preventing an accident, or accident.

An accident at work is an insured event if it occurred to an employee subject to compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases (hereinafter referred to as the insured).

Priority measures taken in connection with with an accident at work

4. The victim or an eyewitness to the accident shall notify the immediate supervisor of the work about each accident that occurs at work, who is obliged:

immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a healthcare facility;

inform the employer or a person authorized by him about the accident;

take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency and the impact of a traumatic factor on other persons;

to keep the situation as it was at the time of the accident until the beginning of the investigation of the accident (if this does not threaten the life and health of other people and does not lead to an accident). If it is impossible to save it, fix the current situation (diagrams, photographs, etc.).

If an accident occurs with the insured at work, the employer is obliged to notify the insured within 24 hours. executive agency Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insurer).

5. In case of a group accident at work (2 or more people), a severe accident at work (according to the scheme for determining the severity of accidents at work, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation), an accident at in fatal proceedings, the employer or a person authorized by him, within 24 hours in the form established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, is obliged to report:

a) about an accident that occurred in the organization:

to the prosecutor's office at the scene of the accident;

to the federal executive body by departmental affiliation;

to the organization that sent the employee with whom the accident occurred;

to the territorial body of state supervision, if the accident occurred in an organization (at a facility) controlled by this body;

b) about an accident that happened at individual entrepreneur:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate);

to the local prosecutor's office state registration as an individual entrepreneur;

to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

to the territorial body of state supervision, if the accident occurred at an object controlled by this body;

c) about an accident that occurred on board:

employer (shipowner), and when sailing abroad - also to the appropriate consulate of the Russian Federation.

The shipowner, upon receiving a message from the captain of the ship about an accident that occurred on the ship, is obliged to inform about it:

a) if the accident occurred on a ship of maritime transport:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate);

to the transport prosecutor's office;

to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

to the territorial body of the Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, if the accident occurred at the ship's nuclear power plant or during the transportation of nuclear materials, radioactive substances and waste;

in the territorial association of trade unions;

b) if the accident occurred on a vessel of the fishing fleet:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate);

to the prosecutor's office at the place of registration of the vessel;

to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries;

in the territorial association of trade unions.

6. The employer or a person authorized by him shall also report cases of acute poisoning to the territorial body of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation.

7. The relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) sends a message to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation about fatal accidents at work.

If an accident with a fatal outcome occurred in an organization (at a facility) controlled by a territorial body of state supervision, the territorial body sends a message to federal agency state supervision by subordination.

8. The employer is obliged to ensure the timely investigation of the accident at work and its recording.

To investigate an accident at work in an organization, the employer immediately creates a commission of at least 3 people. The commission includes a labor protection specialist (or a person appointed by the order of the employer responsible for organizing work on labor protection), representatives of the employer, trade union body or other representative body authorized by employees (for example, a member of the labor protection committee or commission from among the representatives of employees, occupational safety officer). The commission is headed by the employer or a person authorized by him. The composition of the commission is approved by the order of the employer. The head directly responsible for labor safety at the site where the accident occurred is not included in the commission.

An individual entrepreneur or his representative, an authorized representative of the victim, a labor protection specialist, who may also be involved on a contractual basis, take part in the investigation of an accident at work that occurred with an individual entrepreneur.

To investigate an accident at work that occurred on a ship, a commission is formed from representatives of the commanding staff, the ship's trade union organization, and in its absence - from representatives of the team. The commission is headed by the captain of the vessel. The composition of the commission is approved by the order of the ship's captain.

An accident at work that occurred with a person sent to perform work to another organization is investigated by a commission formed by the employer at whose workplace the accident occurred. The commission includes an authorized representative of the organization (individual entrepreneur) that sent this person. The non-arrival or untimely arrival of a representative is not a basis for changing the terms of the investigation.

An accident that occurred with an employee of an organization performing work on a dedicated site of another organization is investigated and taken into account by the organization performing these works. In this case, the commission that conducted the investigation informs the head of the organization on the territory of which these works were carried out of its conclusions.

An accident that occurred to an employee while performing part-time work is investigated and recorded at the place where part-time work was performed.

The investigation of an accident at work resulting from a vehicle accident is carried out by the employer's commission with the obligatory use of investigation materials conducted by the relevant state body for supervision and control, with which the commission must be familiarized.

Each employee has the right to personal participation in the investigation of an accident at work.

9. To investigate a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, a fatal accident at work:

the commission, in addition to the persons specified in clause 8 of this Regulation, includes a state labor protection inspector, representatives of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government (as agreed), a representative of a territorial association of trade unions. The employer forms a commission and approves its composition, the commission is headed by a state inspector for labor protection;

at the request of the victim (in the event of the death of the victim - his relatives), his authorized representative may take part in the investigation of the accident. If the trustee does not participate in the investigation, the employer or the chairman of the commission is obliged, at the request of the trustee, to familiarize him with the materials of the investigation;

in case of acute poisoning or radiation exposure exceeding the established norms, the commission also includes a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation;

if the accident was the result of violations in work that affect the provision of nuclear, radiation and technical safety at nuclear facilities, the commission also includes a representative of the territorial body of the Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety;

in case of an accident that occurred in organizations and at facilities under the control of territorial bodies Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, the composition of the commission determined in accordance with this paragraph is approved by the head of the relevant territorial body, and the commission is headed by a representative of this body;

when ships are in foreign navigation, the commission is formed and approved in the manner provided for in paragraph 8 of these Regulations;

in the case of a group accident with a death toll of 5 or more people, the commission also includes representatives of the federal labor inspectorate, the federal executive body according to departmental affiliation and the all-Russian association of trade unions. The chairman of the commission is the chief state inspector for labor protection of the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), and at facilities controlled by the territorial body of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, the head of this territorial body. On the ship, the composition of the commission is formed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation or the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries in accordance with the ownership of the ship.

10. In case of major accidents with 15 or more casualties, the investigation is carried out by a commission appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Accident Investigation Procedure

11. An investigation into the circumstances and causes of an accident at work (which is not a group accident and does not fall into the category of severe or fatal) is carried out by the commission within 3 days.

The investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work and a fatal accident at work is carried out by the commission within 15 days.

An accident at work, which was not reported to the employer in a timely manner or as a result of which disability did not occur immediately, is investigated by the commission at the request of the victim or his authorized representative within a month from the date of receipt of the said application.

12. In each case of investigation, the commission identifies and interrogates eyewitnesses of the accident, persons who committed violations regulatory requirements on labor protection, receives the necessary information from the employer and, if possible, explanations from the victim.

When investigating an accident in an organization, at the request of the commission, the employer, at the expense of own funds must provide:

performance of technical calculations, laboratory studies, tests, other expert work and the involvement of experts for this purpose;

photographing the scene of an accident and damaged objects, drawing up plans, sketches, diagrams of the scene;

provision of transport, office space, means of communication, special clothing, special footwear and other means personal protection required for the investigation.

When investigating an accident at an individual entrepreneur, the necessary measures and conditions for conducting an investigation are determined by the chairman of the commission.

13. As a result of the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, a fatal accident at work, the commission generates the following documents:

a) an order to establish an accident investigation commission (in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Regulations);

b) plans, diagrams, sketches, and, if necessary, photo or video materials of the scene;

c) documents characterizing the state of the workplace, the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors;

d) extracts from the logs of registration of briefings and protocols for testing the knowledge of victims on labor protection;

e) protocols of interviews, explanations of victims, eyewitnesses of the accident and officials;

f) expert opinions of specialists, results of laboratory studies and experiments;

g) a medical report on the nature and severity of the damage caused to the health of the victim, or on the cause of death of the victim, as well as on the victim being in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;

h) copies of documents confirming the issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to the victim in accordance with applicable standards;

i) extracts from the instructions of state labor protection inspectors previously issued at this production (facility) and officials territorial body of state supervision (if the accident occurred in an organization or at an object controlled by this body), as well as representations of trade union labor inspectors on the elimination of identified violations of regulatory requirements for labor protection;

j) other materials at the discretion of the commission.

For an individual entrepreneur, the list of materials to be submitted is determined by the chairman of the commission that conducted the investigation.

On the ship, the list of materials to be submitted is determined by the employer in agreement with the state inspector for labor protection on water transport for the relevant basin or the state inspector for labor protection of the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate) (depending on the affiliation ship).

14. Based on the data and materials collected, the commission establishes the circumstances and causes of the accident, determines whether the victim at the time of the accident was associated with the production activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur and whether his presence at the scene of the accident was explained by the performance of his labor duties (work), and qualifies an accident as an accident at work or an accident not related to production, identifies persons who have committed violations of safety and labor protection requirements, legislative and other regulatory legal acts, and measures to eliminate the causes and prevent accidents at work.

If during the investigation of an accident at work that happened to the insured, the commission found that the gross negligence of the insured contributed to the occurrence or increase of harm caused to his health, then, taking into account the conclusion of the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by the insured, the commission determines the degree of guilt of the insured in percent

15. Based on the results of the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, a fatal accident at work, the commission draws up an investigation report in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

16. The following are subject to investigation and are qualified as accidents not related to production, with the execution of an act of arbitrary form:

a) death due to a general illness or suicide, confirmed in the prescribed manner by a healthcare institution and investigating authorities;

b) death or damage to health, the only cause of which was (according to the conclusion of the healthcare institution) alcohol or drug intoxication (poisoning) of the employee, not related to violations of the technological process, where technical alcohols, aromatic, narcotic and other similar substances are used;

c) an accident that occurred when the victim committed an offense that, according to the conclusion of representatives of law enforcement agencies, contains signs of a criminally punishable act.

17. The results of the investigation of each accident are considered by the employer with the participation of the trade union or other representative body authorized by employees to make appropriate decisions aimed at preventing and preventing accidents at work.

The procedure for issuing an act in the form of H-1 on an accident at work and accounting for an accident at work

18. For each accident at work that necessitated the transfer of an employee in accordance with a medical report to another job, loss of ability to work by an employee for a period of at least one day or his death, an act of an accident at work is drawn up in the form H-1 in 2 copies in Russian or in Russian and the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

In case of a group accident at work, an act in the form of H-1 is drawn up for each victim separately.

If an accident at work occurred with an employee of a third-party organization (individual entrepreneur), then an act in the form of H-1 is drawn up in 3 copies, 2 of which, together with the materials of the investigation of the accident and the act of investigation, are sent to the employer, whose employee is (was) the victim. The 3rd copy of the act in the form of H-1 and the materials of the investigation remain with the employer where the accident occurred.

In the event of an accident at work with the insured, an additional copy of the act is drawn up in the form H-1.

19. The act in the form of H-1 should detail the circumstances and causes of the accident at work, as well as indicate the persons who committed violations of labor protection requirements. In the event that the fact of gross negligence of the insured person, which contributed to the occurrence or increase of harm caused to his health, is established, paragraph 8 of the act in the form of H-1 indicates the degree of his guilt in percent, determined by the commission for the investigation of accidents at work.

20. In an organization and an individual entrepreneur, an act in the form of H-1 is signed by members of the commission, approved by the employer or a person authorized by him, and certified by a seal.

On board:

a) an act in the form H-1 in the cases specified in paragraph 8 of this Regulation is signed by the members of the commission, approved by the captain of the ship and certified by the ship's seal;

b) an act in the form H-1 in the cases specified in paragraph 9 of this Regulation is signed by the members of the commission and the captain of the vessel and sent to the employer (ship owner) together with the materials of the investigation. The final execution of the act is carried out by the employer (shipowner) together with the state labor protection inspector after they have considered all the materials of the accident investigation. In agreement with the conclusions of the commission, the act is approved by the employer and certified by his seal.

21. The employer, within 3 days after the approval of the act in the form of H-1, is obliged to issue one copy of the specified act to the victim, and in case of an accident at work with a fatal outcome, to the relatives of the deceased or his authorized representative (upon request). The 2nd copy of the act, together with the materials of the investigation of the accident at work, is stored for 45 years in the organization at the main (except part-time) place of work (service, study) of the victim at the time of the accident at work. In case of insured events, the employer sends the 3rd copy of the act in the form of H-1 with the materials of the investigation to the executive body of the Fund social insurance Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insured).

On ships, the deadline for issuing an act in the form of H-1 is extended, taking into account the deadline for receipt of materials from the investigation of an accident at work to the employer (ship owner).

An act of arbitrary form in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 16 of this Regulation, together with the materials of the investigation, is stored for 45 years.

22. Acts in the form H-1 are registered by the employer in the register of accidents at work in the form established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

23. Each accident at work, drawn up by an act in the form of H-1, is included in the statistical report on temporary disability and injuries at work.

24. Act on the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, an accident at work with a fatal outcome with documents and materials of the investigation attached to the relevant act on the investigation of an accident at work, and copies of acts in the form H-1 on the chairman of the commission (for accidents that occurred on ships - the employer, the shipowner) sends each victim to the prosecutor's office, to which the accident at work was reported, within 3 days after their approval, and if insured event the indicated documents and acts in the form N-1 are also sent to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration of the insured). Copies of these documents are also sent to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) and the territorial body of state supervision - for accidents that occurred in organizations (objects) controlled by them.

Copies of acts on the investigation of group accidents at work, severe accidents at work, fatal accidents at work, together with copies of acts in the form H-1 for each victim, are sent by the chairman of the commission to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body authorities by departmental affiliation to analyze the state and causes occupational injury in the Russian Federation and developing proposals for its prevention.

25. In the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) (at its request) copies of acts in the form H-1 on accidents specified in paragraph 8 of these Regulations are sent.

Final provisions

26. At the end of the temporary disability of the victim, the employer is obliged to send to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), and, in appropriate cases, to the territorial body of state supervision, information according to the information established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation form on the consequences of an accident at work and measures taken to prevent accidents.

27. About industrial accidents that, over time, have become severe or fatal, the employer reports to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), about insured events - to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insured), to the appropriate trade union body, and if they occurred at facilities controlled by territorial bodies of state supervision, to these bodies.

28. The state inspector for labor protection upon revealing a hidden accident at work, receiving a complaint from the victim or his authorized representative or relatives of the deceased in case of disagreement with the conclusions of the commission of investigation conducted without his participation, and upon receipt of the information specified in paragraph 26 of this Regulation, independently or with the involvement of the trade union labor inspectorate, and, if necessary, state supervision bodies, conducts an investigation of an accident at work in accordance with this Regulation, regardless of the statute of limitations. Based on the results of the investigation, the state labor protection inspector draws up a conclusion in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3, which is mandatory for the employer.

The state labor protection inspector has the right to require the employer to draw up a new act in the form of H-1, if the existing act is drawn up with violations or does not correspond to the materials of the accident investigation.

29. Disagreements on the investigation, registration and accounting of industrial accidents, non-recognition of the accident by the employer, refusal to investigate it and draw up an act in the form of H-1, disagreement of the victim or his authorized representative with the content of this act are considered by the relevant state labor inspectorates ( state labor inspectorates in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorates), the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation or a court. In these cases, the filing of a complaint is not a basis for non-fulfillment by the employer of the decisions of the state labor protection inspector.

30. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this Regulation are held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1

Act on the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, an accident at work with a fatal outcome

Investigation of an accident that occurred on "__" ___________________

at ______ hour. _____ min.

(name of organization, parent body, industry)

carried out in the period from "___" __________________ to "__" _______________

Persons who conducted the investigation __________________________________________


(full name, position, place of work)


Made a real act.

1. Information about the victim(s) _______________________________________________


(Full name, date, month and year of birth, profession (position) and total experience


work, including in this organization, marital status, composition


families and details of dependent family members)

2. Brief description of the place of the incident (object) where the

accident _______________________________________________________

(description of the scene of the incident, indicating dangerous


and harmful production factors, equipment, its type, main


parameters, year of manufacture, etc.)

3. Circumstances of the accident ___________________________________


(description of the actions of the victim and other persons associated


accident, sequence of events, etc.)

4. Causes that caused the accident ________________________________

(indicate the main reasons


accident, what are the requirements of legislative and other


normative legal acts on labor protection are violated)

5. Measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent

reoccurrence of similar incidents


(indicate the content of the activities, deadlines and responsible persons)


6. Conclusion of the persons who conducted the investigation on the violations committed

legislative and other normative legal acts indicating persons, their

allowed ______________________________________________________________



7. Attached materials of the investigation __________________________________


(list attached materials)



Chairman of the Commission ___________________________________

(full name, date)

Members of the Commission ________________________________________________

(full name, date)

Appendix No. 2

to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting

industrial accidents


Form H-1

One copy

sent to the victim

or his authorized representative


(signature, full name of the employer)

"___" ________________________

(the date)


Act N _____

about an accident at work

1. Date and time of the accident ______________________________________


(day, month, year and time of the accident,


number of full hours from start of work)

2. Organization where the accident occurred __________________________


(name and address, industry)

Name of workshop, section ______________________________________________

3. The commission that conducted the investigation __________________________________


(Full name, position and place of work of the members of the commission)

4. The organization that sent the employee ___________________________________


(name, address)

5. Information about the victim:

Full Name __________________________________________________

gender: male, female _________________________________________________


profession (position) _________________________________________________

work experience in which the accident occurred


(number of completed years and months)

6. Conducting safety briefings

Induction training ______________________________________________________

(day month Year)

Instruction at the workplace (primary, repeated target) by profession

or the type of work in which the accident occurred


(day month Year)

Training for the type of work in which the accident occurred



(day month Year)

Testing knowledge by profession or type of work, in the performance of which

There has been an accident______________________________________________

(day month Year)

7. Description of the circumstances of the accident ____________________________




Types of incident ________________________________________________________


Causes of the accident ______________________________________________




Equipment that caused injury ____________________


(name, type, brand, year of manufacture, manufacturer)

Finding the victim in a state of alcohol or drugs

intoxication ________________________________________________________________

(yes, no, indicate the degree of intoxication)

Medical report on damage to health ____________________________


8. Persons who have violated state security requirements

labor: _________________________________________________________________

(Full name of persons indicating the requirements violated by them)



The organization whose employees these persons are ___________________


(name, address)

9. Eyewitnesses of the accident __________________________________________


(Full name, permanent place of residence, home phone)

10. Measures and terms to eliminate the causes of the accident _________




Chairman of the Commission _______________________________

(full name, date)

Commission members ______________________________________

(full name, date)

Appendix No. 3

to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting

industrial accidents


state inspector for labor protection

due to an accident that occurred on "____" _________________________

at __h.__min. With_________________________________________________________


(Full name of the victim, profession (position)


(name and address of organization, industry)

By me, the state inspector for labor protection _______________________


accident investigation conducted


(the reasons for the investigation are indicated)

the conclusion was drawn up on the materials of the investigation conducted by the commission


Established by:_____________________________________________________________


(brief description of the scene of the incident, indicating dangerous


and harmful production factors, equipment, its type,


basic parameters, year of manufacture, etc.)



Circumstances of the accident: _______________________________________


(describes the sequence of events, the actions of the victim


and other persons involved in the accident)



Based on my investigation, I conclude:


(specify the main causes of the accident,


regulatory requirements for labor protection that are violated)


Persons who committed violations of regulatory requirements for labor protection, their

positions _______________________________________________________________



(full name, date)


or name stamp

16. The following are subject to investigation and are qualified as accidents not related to production, with the execution of an act of arbitrary form:

a) death due to a general illness or suicide, confirmed in the prescribed manner by a healthcare institution and investigating authorities;

b) death or damage to health, the only cause of which was (according to the conclusion of the healthcare institution) alcohol or drug intoxication (poisoning) of the employee, not related to violations of the technological process, where technical alcohols, aromatic, narcotic and other similar substances are used;

c) an accident that occurred when the victim committed an offense that, according to the conclusion of representatives of law enforcement agencies, contains signs of a criminally punishable act.

17. The results of the investigation of each accident are considered by the employer with the participation of the trade union or other representative body authorized by employees to make appropriate decisions aimed at preventing and preventing accidents at work.

In case of a group accident at work, an act in the form of H-1 is drawn up for each victim separately.

If an accident at work occurred with an employee of a third-party organization (individual entrepreneur), then an act in the form of H-1 is drawn up in 3 copies, 2 of which, together with the materials of the investigation of the accident and the act of investigation, are sent to the employer, whose employee is (was) the victim. The 3rd copy of the act in the form of H-1 and the materials of the investigation remain with the employer where the accident occurred.

In the event of an accident at work with the insured, an additional copy of the act is drawn up in the form H-1.

19. The act in the form of H-1 should detail the circumstances and causes of the accident at work, as well as indicate the persons who committed violations of labor protection requirements. In the event that the fact of gross negligence of the insured person, which contributed to the occurrence or increase of harm caused to his health, is established, paragraph 8 of the act in the form of H-1 indicates the degree of his guilt in percent, determined by the commission for the investigation of accidents at work.

20. In an organization and an individual entrepreneur, an act in the form of H-1 is signed by members of the commission, approved by the employer or a person authorized by him, and certified by a seal.

On board:

a) an act in the form H-1 in the cases specified in paragraph 8 of this Regulation is signed by the members of the commission, approved by the captain of the ship and certified by the ship's seal;

b) an act in the form H-1 in the cases specified in paragraph 9 of this Regulation is signed by the members of the commission and the captain of the vessel and sent to the employer (ship owner) together with the materials of the investigation. The final execution of the act is carried out by the employer (shipowner) together with the state labor protection inspector after they have considered all the materials of the accident investigation. In agreement with the conclusions of the commission, the act is approved by the employer and certified by his seal.

21. The employer, within 3 days after the approval of the act in the form of H-1, is obliged to issue one copy of the specified act to the victim, and in case of an accident at work with a fatal outcome, to the relatives of the deceased or his authorized representative (upon request). The 2nd copy of the act, together with the materials of the investigation of the accident at work, is stored for 45 years in the organization at the main (except part-time) place of work (service, study) of the victim at the time of the accident at work. In case of insured events, the employer sends the 3rd copy of the act in the form of H-1 with the materials of the investigation to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insurer).

On ships, the deadline for issuing an act in the form of H-1 is extended, taking into account the deadline for receipt of materials from the investigation of an accident at work to the employer (ship owner).

An act of arbitrary form in accordance with paragraphs 14 and these Regulations, together with the materials of the investigation, is stored for 45 years.

22. Acts in the form H-1 are registered by the employer in the register of accidents at work in the form established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

23. Each accident at work, drawn up by an act in the form of H-1, is included in the statistical report on temporary disability and injuries at work.

24. Act on the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, an accident at work with a fatal outcome with documents and materials of the investigation attached to the relevant act on the investigation of an accident at work, and copies of acts in the form H-1 on each victim, the chairman of the commission (for accidents that occurred on ships - the employer, the shipowner), within 3 days after their approval, sends to the prosecutor's office, to which the accident at work was reported, and in the event of an insured event, these documents and acts in the form N -1 also sends to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration of the insured). Copies of these documents are also sent to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) and the territorial body of state supervision - for accidents that occurred in organizations (objects) controlled by them.

Copies of acts on the investigation of group accidents at work, severe accidents at work, fatal accidents at work, together with copies of acts in the form H-1 for each victim, are sent by the chairman of the commission to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body departmental authorities to analyze the state and causes of industrial injuries in the Russian Federation and develop proposals for its prevention.

25. Copies of acts in the form H-1 on accidents specified in paragraph 8 of these Regulations are sent to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate) (at its request).

Final provisions

26. At the end of the temporary disability of the victim, the employer is obliged to send to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), and, in appropriate cases, to the territorial body of state supervision, information according to the information established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation form on the consequences of an accident at work and measures taken to prevent accidents.

27. About industrial accidents that, over time, have become severe or fatal, the employer reports to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), about insured events - to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insured), to the appropriate trade union body, and if they occurred at facilities controlled by territorial bodies of state supervision, to these bodies.

28. The state inspector for labor protection upon revealing a hidden accident at work, receiving a complaint from the victim or his authorized representative or relatives of the deceased in case of disagreement with the conclusions of the commission of investigation conducted without his participation, and upon receipt of the information specified in paragraph 26 of this Regulation, independently or with the involvement of the trade union labor inspectorate, and, if necessary, state supervision bodies, conducts an investigation of an accident at work in accordance with this Regulation, regardless of the statute of limitations. Based on the results of the investigation, the state labor protection inspector draws up a conclusion in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3, which is mandatory for the employer.

The state labor protection inspector has the right to require the employer to draw up a new act in the form H-1, if the existing act is drawn up with violations or does not correspond to the materials of the accident investigation.

29. Disagreements on the investigation, registration and accounting of industrial accidents, non-recognition by the employer of an accident, refusal to investigate it and draw up an act in the form H-1, disagreement of the victim or his authorized representative with the content of this act are considered by the relevant state labor inspectorates ( state labor inspectorates in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorates), the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation or a court. In these cases, the filing of a complaint is not a basis for non-fulfillment by the employer of the decisions of the state labor protection inspector.

30. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this Regulation are held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting

Act on the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, an accident at work with a fatal outcome

Investigation of an accident that occurred on "__" ___________________ at ______ hour. _____ min. ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of organization, higher authority, industry) was conducted in the period from "___" __________________ to "__" _______________. Act. 1. Information about the victim(s) _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (Full name, date, month and year of birth, profession (position) and total length of service ______________________________________________________________________________, including in this organization, marital status, family composition _________________________________________________________________________ and information about dependent family members) 2. A brief description of the scene (facility) where the accident occurred _____________________________________________________________ (description of the scene of the incident indicating dangerous _____________________________________________________________________________ and harmful production factors, equipment, its type, main parameters ____________________________________________________________________________, year of manufacture, etc. e.) 3. Circumstances of the accident ____ _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (description of the actions of the injured person and other persons associated with the accident _____________________________________________________________________________, a statement of the sequence of events, etc.) 4. Causes that caused the accident on labor protection are violated) 5. Measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent the recurrence of such incidents ___________________________________________ 6. Conclusion of the persons who conducted the investigation on the committed violations of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, indicating the persons who committed them ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Members of the commission __________________________________________ (Full name, date)

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting
industrial accidents


Form H-1

One copy

sent to the victim

or his authorized representative

______________________________ (signature, full name of the employer) "___" ____________________________ (date) Seal

Act N _____
about an accident at work

1. Date and time of the accident ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (day, month, year and time of the accident, _______________________________________________________________________________ the number of full hours from the start of work) 3. The commission that conducted the investigation __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (full name, position and place of work of the members of the commission) 4. The organization that sent the employee ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (name, address) name, patronymic __________________________________________________ gender: male, female __________________________________________________ age _________________________________________________________________ profession (position) ___________________________________________________ length of service in the performance of which the accident occurred _______________________________________________________________________________ (number of full years and months) Briefing at the workplace (primary, repeated target) in the profession or type of work in which the accident occurred _______________________________________________________________________________ (day, month, year) Training in the type of work in which the accident occurred __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ ___________________________________________________________ (day, month, year) Test of knowledge by profession or type of work in the performance of which the accident occurred ______________________________________________ (day, month, year) equipment, the use of which led to injury ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (name, type, brand, year of manufacture, manufacturer) The presence of the victim in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication ________________________________________________________________ (yes, no, indicate the degree of intoxication) Persons who violated state requirements for labor protection: ______________________________________________________________________________ (full name of persons indicating the requirements violated by them) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Organization whose employees these persons are ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (name, address) 9. Eyewitnesses of the accident .I.O., permanent place of residence, home phone) 10. Measures and terms to eliminate the causes of the accident _____________________ Chairman of the commission _______________________________ (full name, date) Members of the commission ______________________________________ (full name, date)

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting
industrial accidents

state inspector for labor protection

According to an accident that occurred on "____" _________________________ at __ hour __ min. s___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ (Full name of the victim, profession (position) _______________________________________________________________________________ (name and address of the organization, industry) I, the state inspector for labor protection _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________, (Full name) conducted an investigation of the accident _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________, (specified reasons for the investigation) the conclusion was drawn up based on the materials of the investigation conducted by the commission _________________________________________________________________________ m of dangerous _________________________________________________________________________ and harmful production factors, equipment, its type, _________________________________________________________________________ main parameters, year of manufacture, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Circumstances of the accident: ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (the sequence of events, actions of the injured ________________________________________________________________________________________ and other persons involved in the accident are described) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Based on my investigation, I conclude: ________________________ _________________________________________________ (the main causes of the accident are indicated, _________________________________________________________________________ the regulatory requirements for labor protection that are violated) _______________________________________________________________________________ Persons who violated the regulatory requirements for labor protection, their positions I.O., date) Seal or name stamp

"On Approval of the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents at work and put it into effect on January 1, 1999.

2. To give clarifications to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the application of the Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents at work.

3. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1995 N 558 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents at work" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1995, N 24, Art. 2284).

Prime Minister

Russian Federation E.Primakov


on the investigation and registration of accidents at work


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

General provisions

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents, which is mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, as well as persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity and using hired labor (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs).

2. Investigation and accounting in accordance with this Regulation are subject to accidents that occurred at work with employees and other persons, including those subject to compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases (hereinafter referred to as employees) in the performance of their job duties and work at the request of an organization or an individual entrepreneur.

These include:

employees performing work under an employment contract (contract);

citizens performing work under a civil law contract;

students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, students of educational institutions of secondary, primary vocational education and educational institutions of basic general education, undergoing industrial practice in organizations;

persons sentenced to imprisonment and involved in labor by the administration of the organization;

other persons participating in the production activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

3. Investigated and subject to accounting as accidents at work: injury, including as a result of bodily harm by another person, acute poisoning, heat stroke, burns, frostbite, drowning, electric shock, lightning, radiation, insect and reptile bites , bodily injuries inflicted by animals, injuries resulting from explosions, accidents, destruction of buildings, structures and structures, natural disasters and other emergencies that entailed the need to transfer the employee to another job, temporary or permanent disability or his death, if they happened:

a) during working hours on the territory of the organization or outside the territory of the organization (including established breaks), as well as during the time necessary to put in order the tools of production, clothing, etc. before starting or at the end of work, as well as during the performance of work overtime, weekends and holidays;

b) when going to the place of work or from work on the transport provided by the employer or on personal transport with the relevant agreement or order of the employer on its use for production purposes;

c) when traveling to the place of business trip and back;

d) when driving a vehicle as a shifter during inter-shift rest (driver-shifter on a motor vehicle, conductor or mechanic of the refrigerator section in a train, etc.);

e) when working on a rotational-expeditionary basis during inter-shift rest, as well as when on board a ship in time free from watch and ship work;

f) when an employee is involved in the prescribed manner to participate in the liquidation of the consequences of a catastrophe, accident and other natural and man-made emergencies;

g) when performing actions not included in the employee's labor duties, but performed in the interests of the employer or aimed at preventing an accident or an accident.

An accident at work is an insured event if it occurred to an employee subject to compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases (hereinafter referred to as the insured).

Priority measures taken in connection with an accident at work

4. The victim or an eyewitness to the accident shall notify the immediate supervisor of the work about each accident that occurs at work, who is obliged:

immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a healthcare facility;

inform the employer or a person authorized by him about the accident;

take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency and the impact of a traumatic factor on other persons;

to keep the situation as it was at the time of the accident until the beginning of the investigation of the accident (if this does not threaten the life and health of other people and does not lead to an accident). If it is impossible to save it, fix the current situation (diagrams, photographs, etc.).

If an accident occurs with the insured at work, the employer is obliged to report this to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insurer) within 24 hours.

5. In case of a group accident at work (2 or more people), a severe accident at work (according to the scheme for determining the severity of accidents at work, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation), an accident at in fatal proceedings, the employer or a person authorized by him, within 24 hours in the form established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, is obliged to report:

a) about an accident that occurred in the organization:

to the prosecutor's office at the scene of the accident;

to the federal executive body by departmental affiliation;

to the organization that sent the employee with whom the accident occurred;

to the territorial body of state supervision, if the accident occurred in an organization (at a facility) controlled by this body;

b) about an accident that occurred at an individual entrepreneur:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate);

to the prosecutor's office at the place of state registration as an individual entrepreneur;

to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

to the territorial body of state supervision, if the accident occurred at an object controlled by this body;

c) about an accident that occurred on board:

employer (shipowner), and when sailing abroad - also to the appropriate consulate of the Russian Federation.

The shipowner, upon receiving a message from the captain of the ship about an accident that occurred on the ship, is obliged to inform about it:

a) if the accident occurred on a ship of maritime transport:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate);

to the transport prosecutor's office;

to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

to the territorial body of the Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, if the accident occurred at the ship's nuclear power plant or during the transportation of nuclear materials, radioactive substances and waste;

in the territorial association of trade unions;

b) if the accident occurred on a vessel of the fishing fleet:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate);

to the prosecutor's office at the place of registration of the vessel;

to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries;

in the territorial association of trade unions.

6. The employer or a person authorized by him shall also report cases of acute poisoning to the territorial body of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation.

7. The relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) sends a message to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation about fatal accidents at work.

If an accident with a fatal outcome occurred in an organization (at a facility) controlled by a territorial body of state supervision, the territorial body sends a message to the federal body of state supervision by subordination.

8. The employer is obliged to ensure the timely investigation of the accident at work and its recording.

To investigate an accident at work in an organization, the employer immediately creates a commission of at least 3 people. The commission includes a labor protection specialist (or a person appointed by the order of the employer responsible for organizing work on labor protection), representatives of the employer, trade union body or other representative body authorized by employees (for example, a member of the labor protection committee or commission from among the representatives of employees, occupational safety officer). The commission is headed by the employer or a person authorized by him. The composition of the commission is approved by the order of the employer. The head directly responsible for labor safety at the site where the accident occurred is not included in the commission.

An individual entrepreneur or his representative, an authorized representative of the victim, a labor protection specialist, who may also be involved on a contractual basis, take part in the investigation of an accident at work that occurred with an individual entrepreneur.

To investigate an accident at work that occurred on a ship, a commission is formed from representatives of the commanding staff, the ship's trade union organization, and in its absence - from representatives of the team. The commission is headed by the captain of the vessel. The composition of the commission is approved by the order of the ship's captain.

An accident at work that occurred with a person sent to perform work to another organization is investigated by a commission formed by the employer at whose workplace the accident occurred. The commission includes an authorized representative of the organization (individual entrepreneur) that sent this person. The non-arrival or untimely arrival of a representative is not a basis for changing the terms of the investigation.

An accident that occurred with an employee of an organization performing work on a dedicated site of another organization is investigated and taken into account by the organization performing these works. In this case, the commission that conducted the investigation informs the head of the organization on the territory of which these works were carried out of its conclusions.

An accident that occurred to an employee while performing part-time work is investigated and recorded at the place where part-time work was performed.

The investigation of an accident at work resulting from a vehicle accident is carried out by the employer's commission with the obligatory use of investigation materials conducted by the relevant state body for supervision and control, with which the commission must be familiarized.

Each employee has the right to personal participation in the investigation of an accident at work.

9. To investigate a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, a fatal accident at work:

the commission, in addition to the persons specified in clause 8 of this Regulation, includes a state labor protection inspector, representatives of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government (as agreed), a representative of a territorial association of trade unions. The employer forms a commission and approves its composition, the commission is headed by a state inspector for labor protection;

at the request of the victim (in the event of the death of the victim - his relatives), his authorized representative may take part in the investigation of the accident. If the trustee does not participate in the investigation, the employer or the chairman of the commission is obliged, at the request of the trustee, to familiarize him with the materials of the investigation;

in case of acute poisoning or radiation exposure exceeding the established norms, the commission also includes a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation;

if the accident was the result of violations in work that affect the provision of nuclear, radiation and technical safety at nuclear facilities, the commission also includes a representative of the territorial body of the Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety;

in the event of an accident that occurs in organizations and at facilities controlled by the territorial bodies of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, the composition of the commission determined in accordance with this paragraph is approved by the head of the relevant territorial body, and the commission is headed by a representative of this body;

when ships are in foreign navigation, the commission is formed and approved in the manner provided for in paragraph 8 of these Regulations;

in the case of a group accident with a death toll of 5 or more people, the commission also includes representatives of the federal labor inspectorate, the federal executive body according to departmental affiliation and the all-Russian association of trade unions. The chairman of the commission is the chief state inspector for labor protection of the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), and at facilities controlled by the territorial body of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, the head of this territorial body. On the ship, the composition of the commission is formed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation or the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries in accordance with the ownership of the ship.

10. In case of major accidents with 15 or more casualties, the investigation is carried out by a commission appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Accident Investigation Procedure

11. An investigation into the circumstances and causes of an accident at work (which is not a group accident and does not fall into the category of severe or fatal) is carried out by the commission within 3 days.

The investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work and a fatal accident at work is carried out by the commission within 15 days.

An accident at work, which was not reported to the employer in a timely manner or as a result of which disability did not occur immediately, is investigated by the commission at the request of the victim or his authorized representative within a month from the date of receipt of the said application.

12. In each case of investigation, the commission identifies and interrogates eyewitnesses of the accident, persons who committed violations of regulatory requirements for labor protection, receives the necessary information from the employer and, if possible, explanations from the victim.

When investigating an accident in an organization, at the request of the commission, the employer, at his own expense, must ensure:

performance of technical calculations, laboratory studies, tests, other expert work and the involvement of experts for this purpose;

photographing the scene of an accident and damaged objects, drawing up plans, sketches, diagrams of the scene;

provision of transport, office space, means of communication, special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment necessary for the investigation.

When investigating an accident at an individual entrepreneur, the necessary measures and conditions for conducting an investigation are determined by the chairman of the commission.

13. As a result of the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, a fatal accident at work, the commission generates the following documents:

a) an order to establish an accident investigation commission (in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Regulations);

b) plans, diagrams, sketches, and, if necessary, photo or video materials of the scene;

c) documents characterizing the state of the workplace, the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors;

d) extracts from the logs of registration of briefings and protocols for testing the knowledge of victims on labor protection;

e) protocols of interviews, explanations of victims, eyewitnesses of the accident and officials;

f) expert opinions of specialists, results of laboratory studies and experiments;

g) a medical report on the nature and severity of the damage caused to the health of the victim, or on the cause of death of the victim, as well as on the victim being in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;

h) copies of documents confirming the issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to the victim in accordance with applicable standards;

i) extracts from the orders of state labor protection inspectors and officials of the territorial body of state supervision (if the accident occurred in an organization or at a facility controlled by this body), as well as representations of trade union labor inspectors on the elimination of identified violations of regulatory requirements for labor protection;

j) other materials at the discretion of the commission.

For an individual entrepreneur, the list of materials to be submitted is determined by the chairman of the commission that conducted the investigation.

On the ship, the list of materials to be submitted is determined by the employer in agreement with the state inspector for labor protection on water transport for the relevant basin or the state inspector for labor protection of the relevant state labor inspectorate (state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorate) (depending on the affiliation ship).

14. Based on the data and materials collected, the commission establishes the circumstances and causes of the accident, determines whether the victim at the time of the accident was associated with the production activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur and whether his presence at the scene of the accident was explained by the performance of his labor duties (work), and qualifies an accident as an accident at work or an accident not related to production, identifies persons who have committed violations of safety and labor protection requirements, legislative and other regulatory legal acts, and measures to eliminate the causes and prevent accidents at work.

If during the investigation of an accident at work that happened to the insured, the commission found that the gross negligence of the insured contributed to the occurrence or increase of harm caused to his health, then, taking into account the conclusion of the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by the insured, the commission determines the degree of guilt of the insured in percent

15. Based on the results of the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, a fatal accident at work, the commission draws up an investigation report in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

16. The following are subject to investigation and are qualified as accidents not related to production, with the execution of an act of arbitrary form:

a) death due to a general illness or suicide, confirmed in the prescribed manner by a healthcare institution and investigating authorities;

b) death or damage to health, the only cause of which was (according to the conclusion of the healthcare institution) alcohol or drug intoxication (poisoning) of the employee, not related to violations of the technological process, where technical alcohols, aromatic, narcotic and other similar substances are used;

c) an accident that occurred when the victim committed an offense that, according to the conclusion of representatives of law enforcement agencies, contains signs of a criminally punishable act.

17. The results of the investigation of each accident are considered by the employer with the participation of the trade union or other representative body authorized by employees to make appropriate decisions aimed at preventing and preventing accidents at work.

The procedure for issuing an act in the form of H-1 on an accident at work and accounting for an accident at work

18. For each accident at work that necessitated the transfer of an employee in accordance with a medical report to another job, loss of ability to work by an employee for a period of at least one day or his death, an act of an accident at work is drawn up in the form H-1 in 2 copies in Russian or in Russian and the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

In case of a group accident at work, an act in the form of H-1 is drawn up for each victim separately.

If an accident at work occurred with an employee of a third-party organization (individual entrepreneur), then an act in the form of H-1 is drawn up in 3 copies, 2 of which, together with the materials of the investigation of the accident and the act of investigation, are sent to the employer, whose employee is (was) the victim. The 3rd copy of the act in the form of H-1 and the materials of the investigation remain with the employer where the accident occurred.

In the event of an accident at work with the insured, an additional copy of the act is drawn up in the form H-1.

19. The act in the form of H-1 should detail the circumstances and causes of the accident at work, as well as indicate the persons who committed violations of labor protection requirements. In the event that the fact of gross negligence of the insured person, which contributed to the occurrence or increase of harm caused to his health, is established, paragraph 8 of the act in the form of H-1 indicates the degree of his guilt in percent, determined by the commission for the investigation of accidents at work.

20. In an organization and an individual entrepreneur, an act in the form of H-1 is signed by members of the commission, approved by the employer or a person authorized by him, and certified by a seal.

On board:

a) an act in the form H-1 in the cases specified in paragraph 8 of this Regulation is signed by the members of the commission, approved by the captain of the ship and certified by the ship's seal;

b) an act in the form H-1 in the cases specified in paragraph 9 of this Regulation is signed by the members of the commission and the captain of the vessel and sent to the employer (ship owner) together with the materials of the investigation. The final execution of the act is carried out by the employer (shipowner) together with the state labor protection inspector after they have considered all the materials of the accident investigation. In agreement with the conclusions of the commission, the act is approved by the employer and certified by his seal.

21. The employer, within 3 days after the approval of the act in the form of H-1, is obliged to issue one copy of the specified act to the victim, and in case of an accident at work with a fatal outcome, to the relatives of the deceased or his authorized representative (upon request). The 2nd copy of the act, together with the materials of the investigation of the accident at work, is stored for 45 years in the organization at the main (except part-time) place of work (service, study) of the victim at the time of the accident at work. In case of insured events, the employer sends the 3rd copy of the act in the form of H-1 with the materials of the investigation to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insurer).

On ships, the deadline for issuing an act in the form of H-1 is extended, taking into account the deadline for receipt of materials from the investigation of an accident at work to the employer (ship owner).

An act of arbitrary form in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 16 of this Regulation, together with the materials of the investigation, is stored for 45 years.

22. Acts in the form H-1 are registered by the employer in the register of accidents at work in the form established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

23. Each accident at work, drawn up by an act in the form of H-1, is included in the statistical report on temporary disability and injuries at work.

24. Act on the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, an accident at work with a fatal outcome with documents and materials of the investigation attached to the relevant act on the investigation of an accident at work, and copies of acts in the form H-1 on each victim, the chairman of the commission (for accidents that occurred on ships - the employer, the shipowner), within 3 days after their approval, sends to the prosecutor's office, to which the accident at work was reported, and in the event of an insured event, these documents and acts in the form N -1 also sends to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration of the insured). Copies of these documents are also sent to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) and the territorial body of state supervision - for accidents that occurred in organizations (objects) controlled by them.

Copies of acts on the investigation of group accidents at work, severe accidents at work, fatal accidents at work, together with copies of acts in the form H-1 for each victim, are sent by the chairman of the commission to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body departmental authorities to analyze the state and causes of industrial injuries in the Russian Federation and develop proposals for its prevention.

25. In the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate) (at its request) copies of acts in the form H-1 on accidents specified in paragraph 8 of these Regulations are sent.

Final provisions

26. At the end of the temporary disability of the victim, the employer is obliged to send to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), and, in appropriate cases, to the territorial body of state supervision, information according to the information established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation form on the consequences of an accident at work and measures taken to prevent accidents.

27. About industrial accidents that, over time, have become severe or fatal, the employer reports to the relevant state labor inspectorate (the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the interregional state labor inspectorate), about insured events - to the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (at the place of registration as an insured), to the appropriate trade union body, and if they occurred at facilities controlled by territorial bodies of state supervision, to these bodies.

28. The state inspector for labor protection upon revealing a hidden accident at work, receiving a complaint from the victim or his authorized representative or relatives of the deceased in case of disagreement with the conclusions of the commission of investigation conducted without his participation, and upon receipt of the information specified in paragraph 26 of this Regulation, independently or with the involvement of the trade union labor inspectorate, and, if necessary, state supervision bodies, conducts an investigation of an accident at work in accordance with this Regulation, regardless of the statute of limitations. Based on the results of the investigation, the state labor protection inspector draws up a conclusion in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3, which is mandatory for the employer.

The state labor protection inspector has the right to require the employer to draw up a new act in the form of H-1, if the existing act is drawn up with violations or does not correspond to the materials of the accident investigation.

29. Disagreements on the investigation, registration and accounting of industrial accidents, non-recognition of the accident by the employer, refusal to investigate it and draw up an act in the form of H-1, disagreement of the victim or his authorized representative with the content of this act are considered by the relevant state labor inspectorates ( state labor inspectorates in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interregional state labor inspectorates), the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation or a court. In these cases, the filing of a complaint is not a basis for non-fulfillment by the employer of the decisions of the state labor protection inspector.

30. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this Regulation are held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1

industrial accidents

Act on the investigation of a group accident at work, a severe accident at work, an accident at work with a fatal outcome

Investigation of an accident that occurred on "__" ___________________

at ______ hour. _____ min.

(name of organization, parent body, industry)

carried out in the period from "___" __________________ to "__" _______________

Persons who conducted the investigation __________________________________________


(full name, position, place of work)


Made a real act.

1. Information about the victim(s) _______________________________________________


(Full name, date, month and year of birth, profession (position) and total experience


work, including in this organization, marital status, composition


families and details of dependent family members)

2. Brief description of the scene (object) where the

accident _______________________________________________________

(description of the scene of the incident, indicating dangerous


and harmful production factors, equipment, its type, main


parameters, year of manufacture, etc.)

3. Circumstances of the accident ___________________________________


(description of the actions of the victim and other persons associated


accident, sequence of events, etc.)

4. Causes of the accident ________________________________

(indicate the main reasons


accident, what are the requirements of legislative and other


normative legal acts on labor protection are violated)

5. Measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent

reoccurrence of similar incidents



6. Conclusion of the persons who conducted the investigation on the violations committed

legislative and other regulatory legal acts indicating the persons, their

allowed ______________________________________________________________



7. Attached materials of the investigation __________________________________


(list attached materials)



Chairman of the Commission ___________________________________

(full name, date)

Members of the Commission ________________________________________________

(full name, date)

Appendix No. 2

to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting

industrial accidents


Form H-1

One copy

sent to the victim

or his authorized representative


(signature, full name of the employer)

"___" ________________________

Act N _____

about an accident at work

1. Date and time of the accident ______________________________________


(day, month, year and time of the accident,


number of full hours from start of work)

2. Organization where the accident occurred __________________________


(name and address, industry)

Name of workshop, section ______________________________________________

3. The commission that conducted the investigation __________________________________


(Full name, position and place of work of the members of the commission)

4. The organization that sent the employee ___________________________________


(name, address)

5. Information about the victim:

Full Name __________________________________________________

gender: male, female _________________________________________________


profession (position) _________________________________________________

work experience in which the accident occurred


(number of completed years and months)

6. Conducting safety briefings

Induction training ______________________________________________________

(day month Year)

Instruction at the workplace (primary, repeated target) by profession

or the type of work in which the accident occurred


(day month Year)

Training according to the type of work in which the accident occurred



(day month Year)

Testing knowledge by profession or type of work, in the performance of which

There has been an accident______________________________________________

(day month Year)

7. Description of the circumstances of the accident ____________________________




Types of incident ________________________________________________________


Causes of the accident ______________________________________________




Equipment that caused injury ____________________


(name, type, brand, year of manufacture, manufacturer)

Finding the victim in a state of alcohol or drugs

intoxication ________________________________________________________________

(yes, no, indicate the degree of intoxication)

Medical report on damage to health ____________________________


8. Persons who violated state requirements for protection

labor: _________________________________________________________________

(Full name of persons indicating the requirements violated by them)



The organization whose employees these persons are ___________________


(name, address)

9. Eyewitnesses of the accident __________________________________________


(Full name, permanent place of residence, home phone)

10. Measures and terms to eliminate the causes of the accident _________




Chairman of the Commission _______________________________

(full name, date)

Commission members ______________________________________

(full name, date)

Appendix No. 3

to the Regulations on Investigation and Accounting

industrial accidents


state inspector for labor protection

due to an accident that occurred on "____" _________________________

at __h.__min. With_________________________________________________________


(Full name of the victim, profession (position)


(name and address of organization, industry)

By me, the state inspector for labor protection _______________________

accident investigation conducted


(the reasons for the investigation are indicated)

the conclusion was drawn up on the materials of the investigation conducted by the commission


Established by:_____________________________________________________________


(brief description of the scene of the incident, indicating dangerous


and harmful production factors, equipment, its type,


basic parameters, year of manufacture, etc.)



Circumstances of the accident: _______________________________________


(describes the sequence of events, the actions of the victim


and other persons involved in the accident)



Based on my investigation, I conclude:


(specify the main causes of the accident,


regulatory requirements for labor protection that are violated)


Persons who have committed violations of regulatory requirements for labor protection, their

positions _______________________________________________________________



(full name, date)

or name stamp




Based on paragraph 3 of Article 22 of the Federal Law "On Communications", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Rename the state radio frequency service under the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization into the radio frequency service and transfer it to the jurisdiction federal agency connections.

2. Approve the attached Regulation on the radio frequency service.

3. Include in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2000 N 1002 "On the State Radio Frequency Service under the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2001, N 1, Art. 132; 2004, N 42, 4137; 2005, N 7, article 560) the following changes:

a) Clause 2 shall be declared invalid;

b) paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be recognized as invalid in the part concerning the granting of the federal state unitary enterprise - the Main Radio Frequency Center (Moscow) and the federal state unitary enterprises - radio frequency centers federal districts the functions provided for in the said paragraphs respectively.

4. The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation shall submit, in accordance with the established procedure, in the second quarter of 2005 to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on bringing acts of the Government of the Russian Federation relating to state regulation of the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels, radio electronic equipment and (or) high-frequency devices, in accordance with federal law"On Communications" and the acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation issued in its execution Federation.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation



(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

1. The radio frequency service is a single system that includes the administered Federal Service for supervision in the field of mass communications, communications and protection of cultural heritage, the federal state unitary enterprise - the Main Radio Frequency Center (Moscow) and the federal state unitary enterprises - radio frequency centers of the federal districts.

The organization of the activities of the radio frequency service is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communications, Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

2. The task of the radio frequency service is to implement organizational and technical measures to ensure the proper use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels, radio electronic equipment and (or) high-frequency devices for civilian use (hereinafter, respectively - radio-electronic equipment, high-frequency devices) on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on the territory under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

3. The radio frequency service performs the following functions:

a) carries out radiation control radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices (radio control);

b) ensures proper use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels, radio electronic means and (or) high frequency devices;

c) assists in ensuring international legal protection of assignments (assignments) of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels.

4. The powers of the radio frequency service include:

a) implementation of radio monitoring;

b) carrying out calculations of electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means, including radio-electronic means of foreign states with radio-electronic means of the Russian Federation;

c) development of plans for the frequency-territorial placement of radio electronic equipment;

d) conducting an examination of the possibility of using the declared radio-electronic means and their electromagnetic compatibility with existing and planned for use radio-electronic means, as well as drawing up conclusions on the results of this examination;

e) performance of work to determine the need for an international coordination procedure for the use assignments (assignments) of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels;

f) performance of work on the preparation and (or) examination of documents to ensure international legal protection of assignments (assignments) of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels for radio electronic means, including orbital-frequency positions for space vehicles, if the protection of such assignments (assignments) is provided for by the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union and international agreements;

g) participation in the development of standards governing the provision of electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means by choosing the location of radio-electronic means on the territory and (or) in space, as well as by choosing operating radio frequencies for them (norms of frequency-territorial separation);

h) performance in the manner and cases established by the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union, work on the formation of identification call signs;

i) creation of a unified automated system for collecting, processing, recording and storing data on assignments (assignments) of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels for radio electronic equipment and identification call signs, as well as ensuring the functioning of this system;

j) organization of scientific and technical research and experimental work in the field of the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels, radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices;

k) bringing, on behalf of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communications, Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, information on temporary bans on the operation of radio electronic equipment to the attention of users of the radio frequency spectrum;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

l) examination terms of reference for the development of radio-electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices and technical specifications for their serial production in terms of ensuring compliance with the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility;

m) organization and performance of work on the measurement of electromagnetic fields in order to determine the service areas of radio electronic equipment;

o) organizing and conducting tests for their electromagnetic compatibility (field tests) at the locations of radio-electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices;

o) carrying out work on finding new radio frequency channels and developing the radio frequency spectrum and orbital positions of satellites for the purposes of television broadcasting and radio broadcasting.

(paragraph "p" was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

5. The radio frequency service has the right:

a) to carry out technical studies and measurements related to the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels during the implementation of radio monitoring, without connecting to radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices;

b) send information on the results of radio monitoring to the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications, Communications and Cultural Heritage Protection;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

c) participate, together with state inspectors for the supervision of communications and informatization, in carrying out activities for the supervision of the use of radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices;

d) submit proposals to the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage on the use of the radio frequency spectrum, radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices, taking into account their electromagnetic compatibility and the development of technologies in the field of telecommunications;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

e) participate on behalf of the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications, Communications and Cultural Heritage Protection:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

in the performance of work within the framework of international coordination of assignments (assignments) of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels for radio electronic facilities and in the registration of these assignments (assignments) in the International Telecommunication Union;

in the performance of work on the preparation for the Communications Administration of the Russian Federation of materials on the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels, radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices;

in the performance of work on planning the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels when transferring existing radio electronic equipment to other radio frequency bands and (or) when carrying out measures for the conversion of the radio frequency spectrum;

(the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213)

e) excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2008 N 213;

g) request from legal entities and individuals the materials necessary for the implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to the radio frequency service.





In accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 39.4 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for determining the price of a federally owned land plot when concluding a contract for the sale of such a land plot without bidding.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation





1. These Rules establish the procedure for determining the price of a land plot that is in federal ownership (hereinafter referred to as the land plot) when concluding a contract for the sale and purchase of a land plot without holding an auction.

2. The price of a land plot is determined in the amount of its cadastral value, with the exception of cases provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of these Rules.

3. The price of a land plot is determined in the amount of 60 percent of its cadastral value upon sale:

a) a land plot provided for personal subsidiary, dacha farming, gardening, individual garage or individual housing construction, a citizen who is the owner of a building or structure erected in accordance with the permitted use of the land plot and located on the acquired land plot;

b) a land plot provided to a legal entity - the owner of a building or structure that is an object of federal or regional significance and located on the acquired land plot.

4. The price of a land plot is determined in the amount of 2.5 percent of its cadastral value upon sale:

a) a land plot of a non-profit organization established by citizens, in the case provided for by subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2 of Article 39.3 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, or to a legal entity - in the case provided for by subparagraph 5 of paragraph 2 of Article 39.3 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation;

b) a land plot, in respect of which the restriction on turnover has been lifted, or a land plot formed from a land plot or lands, in respect of which the restriction on transferability has been lifted, to citizens, legal entities, which are the owners of buildings, structures located on the specified land plot, the ownership of which arose during the period of assignment of the relevant land plots or land withdrawn from circulation or limited in circulation, but no later than July 1, 2012, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.