How long is the statute of limitations for a loan? Common misconceptions about loan statutes of limitations. When a loan is invalidated


Banks that provide loans for a certain period may require the return of the debt from the borrower in a certain period. Unpaid payments are fraught with a subpoena and the payment of increased interest. This period is called the statute of limitations under the loan agreement. After such a period, the bank does not have the right to present claims to the borrower, and some debtors try in every possible way to use this method in order to avoid paying the debt.

Limitation period of the loan agreement

The statute of limitations is limited by standards to three years, but the starting point of the period is counted differently in different banking systems.

The date of conclusion of the contract is not considered the starting point. For legal proceedings, start is the date of the last transfer from the borrower's account to the payment bank's account. Sometimes the court considers that the beginning of the limitation period on a loan is the date the agreement ends. The borrower can challenge such court decisions and file an appeal with the possibility of changing the decision. Related to this is the fact that, in addition to court cases on consumer loans, decisions are made on credit cards, which do not have an expiration date, and collection on them due to debt can only be calculated by the date of the last transaction. The statute of limitations for credit cards also ends after three years.

The statute of limitations is a difficult period, which has its own subtleties. Lenders and collectors can take advantage of the incompetence of the borrower to intimidate and extort funds even after the specified period, so you should seek help in studying the case from experienced lawyers.

Consequences of expired

If the limitation period has long passed, and the bank continues to receive requests to return the money, the borrower has the right to file an application. This document should contain information about the expiration of the statute of limitations on claims of bailiffs. But the decision of the court cannot affect the appeal of banks to collectors. Therefore, calls with reminders of debt can come even after the end of the three-year period. To get out of the situation, the borrower needs to write an application with a request for withdrawal from banking system his personal data.

After the proceedings, the bank can put the borrower on all sorts of "black lists", which will not allow you to contact the bank in the future on any issues.


Collection organizations are engaged in the purchase of debts from the bank and the requirement to return the debt to their system. These are illegal organizations that use aggressive methods of influence, intimidate borrowers, make annoying calls, they can even come to the home of a private person and use the most cruel methods of “knocking out” money.

In order to protect yourself from collectors, you must urgently contact law enforcement agencies. The police and prosecutors stop the illegal activities of such agencies.

Banks transfer debts to collection communities even after the expiration of claims. So the bank protects itself without contacting the debtor directly, and tries to recover the funds.

  • The guaranteed term of the debt is three years. At the end of the term, the borrower becomes debt-free. But this does not protect against calls from the bank and collectors;
  • Contacts with the bank by phone or in correspondence reset the statute of limitations;
  • To speed up the resolution of a credit issue, it is necessary to contact professional lawyers who can help in the correct reading loan agreement and suggest ways out of a difficult situation;
  • Before you take on credit obligations, you must carefully study the contract and try to avoid delays and increase in debt. The bank and the borrower are in equal risks, where no one is ready to lose their money and time.

Limitation period for a loan agreementallows the borrower-debtor, within the framework of the law, to protect himself from unexpectedly revealed long-standing non-payments. The duration of the limitation period under a loan agreement, application features and other aspects of this legal concept will be explained in our article.

What is the statute of limitations

Within the framework of civil law (Article 195 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the limitation period is defined in normative act the time period given to the interested person for the restoration of his violated rights through the court.

The statute of limitations begins to count from the time when the party involved found out or, due to circumstances, should have known that its legal interests were violated. The limitation period may be suspended:

  • due to natural disasters or wars;
  • stay of one of the parties of legal relations in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, brought into martial law;
  • a moratorium imposed on the fulfillment of an obligation;
  • suspension of the current law in relation to legal relations of interest;
  • carrying out the mediation procedure;
  • leaving the statement of claim without consideration in the framework of the criminal process.

The limitation period is interrupted if the obligated party performs actions indicating the acceptance of debt obligations. The limitation period cannot be canceled or changed by agreement of the parties.

The general statute of limitations is 3 years. However, the expiration of the prescribed years from the date of the establishment of the offense does not mean that the person concerned will not be able to apply for judicial protection. Even in this case, the claim will be accepted and considered. Only if the defendant declares that the time given to the plaintiff for the judicial restoration of his rights has expired before the judge makes a decision, the claim will be denied.

What is the statute of limitations for a loan agreement?

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The limitation period under a loan agreement is the period of time after which the debtor, in the event of a lawsuit, may declare that it is impossible to recover the debt from him. The limitation period under a loan agreement is equal to the general limitation period under civil law - 3 years.

However, as already mentioned, the expiration of 3 years does not automatically cancel the debt under the contract and is not an obstacle for the creditor to go to court.

The debtor should be aware of several circumstances:

  1. The expiration of the limitation period is not considered an obstacle to claim credit debt non-judicial methods (in writing, by phone).
  2. The end of the statute of limitations is not a hindrance to the sale of debt to collectors. With regard to debts for which it is almost guaranteed that it is impossible to collect through the courts, collection services work very hard.
  3. Despite a strong argument on the part of the debtor, the creditor can still go to court. If the borrower does not arrive at the court session and does not declare that the plaintiff has missed the statute of limitations, the debt will be collected, and nothing can be done about it. In order to keep abreast of events, not to miss a possible subpoena from the court, you need to regularly check your mail, especially if the registration address or the address indicated in the contract document does not match the address of actual residence.

Restriction of the right to file a main claim

Debt, which is formed as a result of non-payment of the loan, has features. The loan must be repaid not in one amount, but most often in monthly installments. Such payments are called time payments. And so the debt from month to month increases. If the debtor pays something, then the first debt is repaid.

Limitation of actions in relation to time payments, it is calculated for each overdue payment separately. This position of the courts was set out in the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On some issues ...” dated September 29, 2015 No. 43. It turns out that if the debtor has not paid the loan for 4 years, then the limitation period can only be applied to payments of the first year of non-payment, and in order for the limitation period to cover the entire debt, it is necessary to wait until 3 years have passed since the delay in the last payment occurred.

Don't know your rights?

How the statute of limitations applies to interest claims

A loan implies that in addition to the principal debt, the borrower is also obliged to pay interest. Usually in monthly payment includes:

  • part of the debt;
  • part of the interest.

Therefore, we can say that these two obligations are interconnected. The rules on the limitation of the period of time for applying to the court apply here under the same conditions as for the principal debt.

So the right to demand payment of interest is limited to 3 years. And since interest is also considered time-based payments, they can be collected just for the last 3 years. At the same time, the obligation that arose due to non-payment of interest is considered additional, and as soon as the limitation period for the principal amount expires, the period for claiming interest on this amount also ends (Article 207 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

But in the case when it was established in the contract that interest must be paid later than the return of the debt amount, the terms for these obligations are considered separately. With the passage of the term on the main claim, the creditor can still go to court and demand to collect interest.

IMPORTANT! There is one more point regarding the main and additional requirements, enshrined in the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 43. If the creditor managed to file a lawsuit demanding the return of the principal debt, and at the same time began to demand interest, then the limitation period continues to run on them. While the case is being considered in court, it may end. Then it will be difficult to restore it.

When the statute of limitations expires for the guarantor

If a guarantor was involved in obtaining a loan, the bank can redirect its claims for payment of the debt to him. And then the guarantor already thinks about the application of the statute of limitations.

The guarantee belongs to the category of additional requirements, and, in theory, the norms of Art. 207 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, i.e., the limitation period for the guarantor must end after 3 years from the date of delay.

But there is a nuance in the rules governing the guarantee itself. In part 6 of Art. 367 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the suretyship terminates one year after the delay, if the creditor does not file a lawsuit with the court for the forced collection of debt from the surety during this time. And here is how the practice has developed in this regard.

In paragraph 3.2 of the Review of Judicial Practice, approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2013, the opinion was expressed that the surety agreement cannot be considered terminated in terms of the surety's liability for the debtor's obligations to the creditor. Therefore, the same three-year period applies to the guarantor, separately accrued for each payment.

The statute of limitations on a loan: the nuances of calculation

Due to some variations in the interpretation of the rule of law, it is with regard to the statute of limitations on loan agreements that lawyers have discrepancies as to which date to count the required 3 years from. Judicial practice is also heterogeneous in this regard. The only thing in which the legal opinion is similar is that the countdown of the limitation period for credit agreements does not begin at all from the date of signing the agreement.

There are several ways to calculate the limitation period under credit agreements:

  1. The countdown of the time given to the creditor to restore his rights begins from the day when these rights were violated. That is, under a loan agreement, the payments under which are arranged according to the dates of payments, from the day when the debtor repaid the next payment and stopped paying the loan. This position seems quite logical, because, without receiving several payments in a row, a credit institution must understand that its rights are being violated, and can go to court.
  2. Some courts disagree with this interpretation. They justify their position by the fact that, according to Art. 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for obligations with due date The limitation period begins to run from the end date of performance. That is, in relation to the loan agreement, this is the date of completion of the loan, without reference to the day of the last made or overdue payment. For example, if a loan was taken in January 2018 for 5 years, then the limitation period will begin to run from January 2023.
  3. A number of members of the judiciary use the third option. The countdown for the protection of violated rights begins from the date of sending the official request of the bank to the debtor with a request to repay the debt.

The first option is used in the vast majority of recovery cases. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation adheres to the same position.

Practical application of the statute of limitations

Pinning your hopes on the statute of limitations, allowing you to avoid loan payments even through the courts, you need to remember and know the following important nuances:

  1. Any documented contact between the debtor and the creditor (signed statements, agreements, other documents with recognition of debt) resets the limitation period to zero. The time period starts from the beginning.
  2. An application addressed to the bank for debt restructuring also cancels the period that has passed by that time.
  3. If part of the debt is extinguished, then the statute of limitations that has passed by this time is abolished. The period begins to be calculated anew from the date of payment.
  4. The sale of debt to collectors or transfer to another credit institution does not affect the limitation period.

Thus, the limitation period acts as a good guarantor for the debtor against the collection of long-standing debts with high interest and fines. However, use this legal norm need right. It is better to entrust the calculation of the statute of limitations under a loan agreement to a professional and contact a lawyer or a lawyer specializing in such cases for this.

Practice shows that most have negative consequences for the borrower due to the lack of qualified protection in court. The lack of special knowledge and the inability to defend one's rights before the creditor often lead to the fact that the court fully satisfies the requirements of the bank. It is not uncommon for a court to rule in favor of a bank after the statute of limitations has expired. And all because the borrower did not know about its existence and could not declare it. What is the limitation period for a loan, and when does the bank lose the right to demand the return of the debt?

The limitation period for a loan involves a certain period of time that is provided to the lender to sue the borrower in order to recover overdue debts. After this period, the debtor has every right not to repay the obsolete loan, and the bank, in turn, will no longer be able to forcibly recover funds from its borrower.

According to the Civil Code, the limitation period for a loan is 3 years. The legislation provides for the possibility of extending this period, but only by agreement of the parties. This means that only if the borrower personally signed the document extending the limitation period, the creditor has the right to demand the recovery of the debt. Trying to circumvent this rule of law, banks often resort to various tricks. They are suing the borrower for obsolete loans, referring to the fact that the extension of the limitation period was specified in the "Basic conditions" that were attached to the loan agreement. Such actions of banks were stopped by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, considering case No. 6-16tss15. According to his decision, only the personal signature of the borrower under the relevant document can become the basis for considering the bank's claims in court.

Another issue that causes a huge amount of controversy is the start of the statute of limitations. Banks often insist on counting the term from the end date of the loan agreement. It is much more profitable for debtors to start the report from the date of the last payment on the loan. For a long time, the courts have been rather ambiguous in their approach to this problem. The Armed Forces of Ukraine again put an end to this issue, considering case No. 6-160tss14. Referring to Article 261 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Supreme Court indicated that the limitation period for a loan begins from the moment the right to claim arises. The bank has the right to deduct the limitation period in relation to each specific clause of the agreement, that is, to each monthly payment according to the debt repayment schedule up to the date of fulfillment of the last obligation.

However, this is not all. There is also a so-called special limitation period for a loan, which limits the time for the lender to demand the collection of fines and penalties on overdue debts. This period is only 12 months. This means that after one year, the bank loses the right to sue the borrower for all fines and penalties accrued on the principal debt.

Therefore, the first thing to do when you receive a subpoena for a loan is to check the statute of limitations. If the limitation period for a loan or penalties has expired, you do not even need to file a counterclaim - just write a written application to the court. A qualified lawyer will help you correctly calculate the limitation period for your loan and deprive the bank of the opportunity to demand the recovery of any funds!

Do banks forgive debts?

Do banks forgive debts? The possibility of ubiquitous consumer credit has allowed people to buy household appliances, clothes, furniture, electronics and other everyday goods on credit at a breakneck pace. return promise borrowed money supported by data on registration, place of work, the presence of valuable property, real estate or a car.

In the absence of payments, the creditor has the right to bring a claim by going to court. In his demand, he will set out a claim for the recovery of unpaid Money in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Civil Code defines the limitation period for a loan equal to three years. The countdown of this period begins from the moment of violation of the rights of the creditor. However, disputes often arise around the start date of the statute of limitations. There are many nuances, special moments and compromises.

A clear framework has been established for the regulation of civil law disputes - 3 years. This is stated in Art. 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the dates specified in the contract, in most cases it is not difficult to determine the statute of limitations. Knowing the date of the loan, the expected payment period and the expiration of the contract, the client can calculate the moment of termination of his obligations. But here we need good reasons, and proven ones, otherwise the court decision will not be in his favor. Criminal liability can also be added to the imposition of fines, mandatory payments and possible confiscations of property.

Additional obligations under the loan - penalties, interest, fines - must be paid along with the principal debt. The date of their accrual does not affect this aspect in any way. Even if they entered the general account later or in recent days.

When is a loan invalid?

The absence of an agreed statute of limitations means the “default” procedure, when 90 days are added to the date of the last payment, and three years are already counted from it. If the defaulter manages to hide from the authorities and the creditor all this time, then the debt is canceled. Said three months of absence assessed contributions give the bank the full right to demand through the court the repayment of the full amount, and immediately. This is quite justified, because, it turns out that the contract was violated. Then the person or organization that provided the loan completely terminates all relations with the defendant and obliges him to repay the money in full.

As for the complete absence of the violator of obligations, there are some nuances that make it possible to expose him or "catch him red-handed." He may, without suspecting it, confess, appear red-handed or otherwise recognize his debt as valid. The limitation period is interrupted if the following actions have been taken by the borrower:

  • payment of even an insignificant part of the debt - the payment of any, the most meager amount, indicates the desire to conscientiously deal with the obligations assumed;
  • signing at least one document that is in any way related to borrowed money - this will be an official opportunity to prove something in court, the bank can operate with this fact with full confidence;
  • voluntary recognition of oneself as a debtor - an official statement that witnesses and the defendant himself can confirm.

If in legal action the applicant indicates the deadline for fulfilling the requirement, then the limitation period will be calculated from the moment of its expiration.

Additional loan commitments

You should not fully rely on prescribed in Civil Code 3 years. The fact is that the expiration of the statute of limitations does not necessarily serve as an obstacle to filing a statement of claim for the return of a debt to a creditor (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 199, part 1). The court will accept such a claim, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, positive decisions are made on them. They can be challenged by means of an appeal demanding recognition of the expiration of the limitation period. True, a smarter and more justified move would be to make such a statement during the trial.

The borrower is in a strong position if he has documentary evidence of his financial or physical insolvency. But still, sometimes the creditor is able to achieve a judicial refusal to recognize the limitation period as valid. Reasons for this could be:

  1. Applying to the court with a request to assist in the process of repaying the debt before the expiration of the specified period. It is noteworthy that the trial itself can be postponed indefinitely.
  2. If you have dealt with debt. Here we mean out-of-court settlement measures: telephone conversations or official letters to the borrower. In the first case, audio recordings with the voice of the debtor, made with his knowledge, necessarily containing the recognition of the debt, have evidentiary weight. In the case of letters, it is necessary to prove the personal receipt of the notification by the citizen. The easiest way to confirm this fact is by courier delivery service or registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

In any case, the maximum period can never exceed 10 years.

The line between insolvency and fraud

If the borrower is really conscientious, and the causes of financial troubles were health problems, work or other proven incidents, it will be possible to avoid payments on legal grounds. But the deliberate use of the statute of limitations as a reason to write off a debt borders on. The consequences can be much more serious than the debtor initially expected.

To begin with, in the event of difficult situations, it is necessary to notify the bank of the temporary impossibility of making mandatory payments. Also, the absence of malicious intent can be confirmed by such facts:

  • collateral on a loan - this can be a salvation if, for example, you re-mortgage a property;
  • already have several payments;
  • insignificant balance of the debt - not too large amount of the outstanding loan (less than 1.5 million rubles).

However, even a borrower fully acquitted by the court after the expiration of the statute of limitations is not insured against negative consequences in the form of a damaged credit history.

What should a borrower do if his credit institution is declared bankrupt?

When is the statute of limitations for a loan?

Here it is worth paying attention not to the liquidation of the bank itself, but to the suspension of the activities of the dominant credit organization.

If absolutely the entire company is abolished, then the debt is automatically written off, but this happens extremely rarely. It can be said that such a possibility is practically excluded.

In fact, work with debt does not stop, even for clients of a bankrupt bank.

Over time, one way or another, the successor of the credit institution is determined, so there will definitely be someone who will put all financial affairs in order and find borrowed funds.

How to stop constant reminders of written-off debt?

No bank will just give their money away. After all, if an organization so carefully checks the client before signing the contract, persuades them to take out insurance, then looks for a negligent client, it is unlikely that in the event of a deviation from payments and the expiration of the statute of limitations, it will calm down and write off the entire amount.

The bank can remind you of the remaining payments even indefinitely, it is not formally forbidden to it. Even if the debtor won the lawsuit, and the plaintiff still did not calm down, there is a way to get rid of constant annoying alerts.

Before signing a loan agreement, any borrower signs a paper indicating consent to the processing of personal data. Without it, the bank does not have the right to work with his passport or other documents, call to work, even send SMS messages.

You can revoke this permission, which is done very simply by writing a corresponding application in one of the bank's offices, which he simply cannot but accept. Now he is not even entitled to send advertising messages and e-mails.

From what moment does the limitation period for a loan begin in the following video:

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The limitation period for a loan after a court decision is often estimated by borrowers-debtors absolutely wrong. The limitation period is the time period during which the creditor has the right to sue the debtor, that is, go to court. If the court decision has already been made and has entered into force, it must necessarily be executed either voluntarily or forcibly - through actions and measures taken bailiffs. And to speak in this case about the expiration or non-expiration of the limitation period of the claim is legally incorrect. These provisions do not apply here. Moreover, if there is judgment the submission of any claims repeatedly on the same subject and with the same composition of participants is legally blocked. Such claims are simply returned to the applicant.

Based on the foregoing, the statute of limitations for a claim after a court decision cannot be taken into account in any way. The debt is fixed, the decision is made, only the recovery remains. And here other provisions on deadlines come into force - the provisions of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings:

  • limitation period established for the creditor to exercise the right to present executive document in the FSSP to initiate proceedings;
  • terms of enforcement proceedings, its individual stages, events and actions.

Executive prescription, production time

Usually, when talking about the statute of limitations on a loan after a court decision, debtors actually mean the statute of limitations. It is 3 years old. During this period, the creditor may exercise its right to resort to enforcement measures through the FSSP or otherwise. Sometimes this period is also called the period of validity of the executive document. The right of the creditor is considered to be exercised from the moment this document is presented for execution, and the terms of collection (enforcement proceedings) are not included in the limitation period.

The limitation period is counted from the date of entry into force of the judicial act. The term of production is from the date of its initiation.

The execution (voluntarily, forcibly) of the requirements set forth in the executive document is given 2 months from the date of commencement of proceedings, unless otherwise provided by law or the executive document itself. The following periods are excluded from this period:

  1. non-execution of enforcement actions if they are postponed;
  2. suspension of production;
  3. between the appeal of the participants in the proceedings with an application for clarification of the issued writ of execution (amending the procedure / methods of execution, establishing an installment plan / deferment), considering the application, making a decision on it and receiving such a decision to the bailiff;
  4. installment/deferred execution;
  5. between the involvement of a specialist by the bailiff, the performance of his work and the receipt by the bailiff of a document based on its results;
  6. between the transfer of property for sale and receipt of proceeds, but not more than 2 months.

Periods of evasion of the debtor from the execution of claims are also excluded from the term for the execution of a court decision.

On practice enforcement proceedings may be suspended, terminated, terminated and resumed repeatedly, and in the end - last for years, until the full fulfillment of all requirements. Therefore, the 2-month production period determined by law is in more formality. Legislation and judicial practice focus on the full execution of a court decision. Thus, it is possible to repay the loan and fulfill the requirements for a very long time, which will constantly affect the income and expenses of the debtor, which will actually be under the control of bailiffs.