The construction of the Central Ring Road will not be completed on time. Tskad is being built faster than it seems Tskad 1 pc construction progress


Systemic problems and insufficiently effective project management led to a delay in the construction of the Central Ring Road.*

As of December 1, 2018, the construction readiness of the Central Ring Road ranged from 0% to 66%, which will not allow completion of work at launch complexes No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 earlier than the 4th quarter of 2020, and at the start-up complex No. 4 - earlier than the 2nd quarter of 2021 G.**

“Since 2015, the Accounts Chamber has been annually monitoring the construction of the Central Ring Road and has repeatedly drawn attention to the low pace of work. In January 2018, schedules were adopted to eliminate the existing backlog of work at launch complexes No. 1 and No. 5. However, they have not been implemented. Avtodor Group of Companies has already sent proposals to the Ministry of Transport to postpone the completion of work to December 2020. Thus, the revenues from the operation of the Central Ring Road, planned for 2019-2020 in the amount of 22.4 billion rubles, will not be received by the State Companies,”- Valery Bogomolov, auditor of the Accounts Chamber, said, reporting to the Collegium of the department the results of checking the effectiveness of spending funds aimed at implementing an investment project for the construction of the Central Ring Road.

According to the Accounts Chamber, the main reasons for the failure to complete the work are the low quality of design and the lengthy procedures for the withdrawal and registration of land plots.

In addition, the number of workers and road construction equipment at all start-up complexes does not correspond to the construction organization project and is not enough to eliminate the backlog of work.

As of the date of completion of the audit (December 2018), the State Company did not update the design and estimate documentation for changing the boundaries of the right of way of the road and reorganizing communications. As a result, it is impossible to start the construction of 8 overhead pedestrian crossings due to the structures going beyond the right of way at the start-up complex No. 1. In addition, the design and estimate documentation does not provide for the reconstruction of 79 engineering communications. At the same time, without them it is impossible to start building a number of sections of the highway and artificial structures.

In addition, the State Company did not approve the design and estimate documentation for individual local events of the Central Ring Road. Contracts have not been concluded for the construction of 2 transport interchanges, a section of the highway, as well as for the reconstruction of a number of engineering networks and the withdrawal of individual land plots. Therefore, it is currently impossible to determine the total cost of the construction of the Central Ring Road.

As of November 15, 2018, extrabudgetary funding amounted to only 14 billion rubles. The funds were allocated in 2018 for the construction of start-up complex No. 3 as part of the implementation of the concession agreement and amount to 52.6% of the budget for 2017-2018. volume (26.6 billion rubles). Under the other agreements, no funds were raised from investors. The current situation indicates the failure of investors to fulfill their obligations to co-finance the project and does not comply with the principles of public-private partnership.

During the audit of the execution of the concluded agreements, a number of violations were established, including an overestimation of the cost of accepted and paid work. Thus, at the first and fifth start-up complexes, the State Company made changes to construction projects in terms of subgrade and pavement construction without undergoing a second state examination. At the same time, as a result of these changes, the cost of work increased by 5.7 billion rubles. and 900 million rubles, respectively.

The audit also revealed the inefficient use of resources created at the expense of the federal budget. So, in the course of preparing the territory for the construction of the third launch complex, Avtodor paid for the reconstruction of communications in the amount of 415 million rubles. However, the paid works remained unclaimed due to changes in the reconstruction plan.

Innokenty Alafinov, First Deputy Minister of Transport, who was present at the Collegium, spoke about what is currently being done to eliminate the backlog from the schedule. According to him, in accordance with the instructions of the President, an operational headquarters was formed in November 2018. On a weekly basis, including in the format of field meetings, he monitors the construction of the Central Ring Road facilities. “A unified schedule of events was approved, designed to eliminate backlogs in the construction of the first launch complex of the Central Ring Road. Mechanisms for the implementation of this schedule have also been formed, material, technical and labor resources have been increased at the facilities. Performers and contractors report on a weekly basis in a single form that allows an objective assessment of the progress of work and the need to attract additional equipment.- explained Innokenty Alafinov.

The Board decided to send: information letters to the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of Russia; representation - in Avtodor State Corporation; appeal - to the FAS; report - to the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee.

Reference Information:

* The passport of the Central Ring Road project provides for the completion of construction at launch complexes No. 1 and No. 5 in December 2018, at launch complexes No. 3 and No. 4 in December 2019.

** launch complex №1- from the intersection with the federal highway M-4 "Don" to the beginning of the bypass of the city of Naro-Fominsk, 49.5 km long;

launch complex №3 - from the intersection with the M-11 "Moscow-St. Petersburg" high-speed highway under construction to the intersection with the federal highway M-7 "Volga" with a length of 105.3 km;

launch complex №4 - from the intersection with the federal highway M-7 "Volga" to the intersection with the federal highway M-4 "Don" with a length of 96.5 km;

launch complex №5 - from the beginning of the Naro-Fominsk bypass to the intersection with the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed highway under construction, 87.7 km long.


The Central Ring Road (TsKAD) is the largest and most ambitious transport project being implemented in the Moscow Region. This high-speed, traffic-free highway will run 50 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road and will unload radial “outbound” routes in the Moscow region.

Travel on the Central Ring Road will be mostly paid, with the exception of a number of sections. The start of construction was repeatedly postponed, as a result, the solemn start was given in 2014. In 2019, it is planned to complete the construction of four out of five launch complexes, and the sites will be leased out of order.

  • Total length: 529.9 km
  • Estimated maximum speed: 150 km/h
  • Number of lanes: 8
  • Number of launch complexes: 5.
  • Deadlines: by 2019 it is planned to build 339 kilometers of the route

The solemn ceremony of the start of construction of the first start-up complex of the Central Ring Road took place in August 2014.

The route will pass in the south-west of the Moscow Region, between the highways M-4 "Don" and M-3 "Ukraine", through the territories of the urban district of Domodedovo, the Podolsky district, the Troitsky administrative district of Moscow and the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region.

The first start-up complex will have four traffic lanes in both directions, modern interchanges and overpasses, allowing to reach speeds of up to 140 kilometers per hour. Its operation will be paid.

Scheme of the Central Ring Road

The Central Ring Road of the Moscow Region (TsKAD) was designed in accordance with the federal target program "Modernization of the transport system of Russia (2002-2010)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.12.2001.

The implementation of the Central Ring Road project will allow solving the following main transport, social and economic tasks:

  • To unload the radial exits from Moscow and the street network of the city from the movement of heavy and transit vehicles.
  • Rationalize the structure of cargo distribution, "intercept" heavy vehicles at distant entrances to Moscow, followed by re-sorting of cargo and sending them to other regions in small batches.
  • Create a road component of international transport corridors (ITC) - No. 2 (London - Berlin - Warsaw - Minsk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod), No. 9 (Helsinki - St. Petersburg - Moscow - Kyiv - Southeast Europe), ITC "Sever- Yug" and MTC "Helsinki - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod", passing through the territory of the Moscow region.
  • To form the conditions for the integrated development of the infrastructure and territories of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as adjacent regions - Tver, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Tula and Smolensk based on the multiplier effect of the construction of the Central Ring Road.
  • To intensify social, economic, interregional and international relations, to increase the level of mobility of the population and market entities.
  • To improve road safety and the quality of service for road users.
  • Reduce the cost of transportation and the level of transportation costs for shippers.
  • Reduce the level of negative impact on the environment by unloading the head sections of radial roads in the Moscow Region.
  • Optimize (reduce) budget expenditures at the construction stage by attracting extra-budgetary investments to the project under concession agreements.
  • Optimize (reduce) budget expenditures at the operation stage by attracting concessionaires to spend funds on the maintenance of the highway.
  • To provide transport infrastructure for the implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of part of the territories of the Moscow Region, carried out without funding from the budget of the Russian Federation.

For design purposes, the road is divided into 5 start-up complexes and 10 sections.

First launch complex:

  • Start of construction: 2014
  • Completion of construction: 2019
  • Length: 49.5 km

1 launch complex:

  • In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the M-4 "Don" highway to the M-1 "Belarus" highway in the area of ​​the Great Moscow Ring

(1 section; length 49.9 km; bands - 4-6 ; interchanges - 3 )

(section 2; length 63.85 km; stripes - 4 ; interchanges 3 )

2 launch complex:

  • In the area of ​​the Great Moscow Ring from the highway M-1 "Belarus" to the high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg

(section 3; length 52.1 km; stripes - 4-6 ; interchanges - 3 )

(section 4; length 37.2 km; bands - 6-8 ; interchanges - 1 )

(section 5; length 28.56 km; bands - 4-6 ; interchanges - 3 )

3 launch complex:

  • In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg to the M-7 Volga highway

(section 6; length 53.9 km; stripes - 4-6 ; interchanges - 4 )

(section 7; length 50.75 km; stripes - 4-6 ; interchanges - 4)

4 launch complex:

  • In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the M-7 Volga highway to the M-4 Don highway

(section 8; length 59.1 km; bands - 4-8; interchanges - 5 )

(section 9; length 36.6 km; bands - 4-6 ; interchanges - 2 )

5 launch complex:

  • In the area of ​​the Small Moscow Ring from the highway M-3 "Ukraine" to the high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg

(section 10; length 89.97 km; stripes - 4 ; interchanges - 6 )

TOTAL: length - 521.63, interchanges - 34


1 launch complex - 1 site

3 and 4 launch complexes - sections 7,8,9

At the investment justification stage, on the basis of economic survey data, a forecast was made for the traffic intensity and two scenarios for the development of the Central Ring Road were considered.

According to the first scenario, the route was laid with the maximum use of the right of way and structural elements of the Moscow Small Ring (MMK) and the Moscow Big Ring (MBK), according to the second - in a new direction.

As a result of a comprehensive analysis, it was found that the A-107 and A-108 highways have parameters of categories III-IV, a significant number of sections with small radius curves in the plan and longitudinal slopes exceeding 40%, numerous intersections and junctions in the same level, displacements road sections in the plan.

For more than 40 km, the A-107 road passes through the cities of Noginsk, Elektrostal, Bronnitsy, Zvenigorod and other settlements. In these places, the distance to buildings is 5-30 m. Reconstruction of these roads according to the parameters of category I is associated with their almost complete restructuring and, according to the conclusions made in the Investment Justification, is inappropriate.

Another argument in favor of the construction of a new highway is the possibility of increasing the density of roads in the Moscow region. Now one of the reasons for the high intensity of traffic on the roads of the Moscow region is the low density of roads.

With the level of motorization of the population of the Moscow region comparable to the level of motorization of the population of European countries, the density of the road network in the region is 4 or more times lower than in European countries, the size of which is close to the territory of the Moscow region.

Over ten years, the number of passenger cars has increased sharply, both in Moscow (1.6 times) and in the Moscow Region (2.9 times). The number of trucks in Moscow and the Moscow region increased by 2.6 times. The construction of the Central Ring Road will increase the density of paved roads.

The new route will become the basis of the high-speed main roads of the Moscow region. The total length of the highway will be 521.63 km.

Main technical parameters of the central ring road

The highway will be equipped with a modern automatic traffic control system, meteorological observation stations, helipads, emergency communication facilities, rest stops for drivers and road service areas.

Planned terms of construction of the facility (taking into account the preparation of the territory) - 2014-2018.

Reasons for creation

In addition to the key technical factors in the construction of the highway, among which experts especially highlight its low congestion and the absence of a large number of exits and intersections, this project also has a whole range of social and urban planning reasons.

So, if the authorities decided to follow the path of reconstruction of Betonok, they would definitely have to face the discontent of people whose houses are located near highways. For example, A-107 passes near major cities such as:

  • Noginsk;
  • Bronnitsy;
  • Elektrostal;
  • Zvenigorod;
  • Domodedovo.

At the same time, the buildings are located at a distance of only 5-30 m from the "Fifty-kilometer". The buildings would inevitably be demolished if the designers started expanding existing routes.

Note that the central ring will be a road of the 1st technical category (I-A). This means that the curvature, width of the shoulders, the degree of longitudinal slopes and other indicators of the highway will meet strictly established standards. Therefore, here even heavy vehicles will be able to move safely at high speeds.

Free A-107 and A-108 can not boast of compliance with accepted standards. In order to fit them under the regulations, both highways would have to be completely redone, incl. destroy many junctions, intersections, displacements and denouements. Such a redrawing of the roadbed would be much less expedient than the construction of a new closing road near Moscow.

Concept of future development

The authorities are developing plans for the construction of 3 additional transport arteries in the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky districts. Interchanges will appear at the intersection of the Central Ring Road with Kaluzhskoye and Varshavskoye highways and next to picket 26, and their length will be more than 22 km. The Department of Transport decided to limit itself to this in order not to overfill the transit route.

Recall that the implementation of the Central Ring Road scheme in life for the first time began in December 2015. The project, the implementation of which took over 300 billion rubles, was aimed at creating a modern 530-kilometer highway.

Its funding came from 3 sources:

  • investments of investors and concessionaires;
  • funds from the National Wealth Fund of Russia;
  • subsidies from the federal treasury.

Motorists will be able to reach speeds of 140 km/h on the toll roadbeds (eastern, northern and southern alternates of MMK, or A-107), and 80 km/h on the only free section (western). By the final stage, which will fall in 2020-2025, the Central Ring Road will be the largest multifunctional transport and logistics center in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Advantages of the construction of the Central Ring Road

Thanks to the construction of the Central Ring Road, not only the Moscow Region, but also other nearby regions, will have all the necessary requirements for the progressive development of infrastructure, which will reduce the cost of freight transportation, improve transport accessibility connecting the capital with the regions, which is extremely important for people living outside cities. For example, this is very important for those who live in cottage settlements or are just planning to buy land along the Shchelkovskoye Highway, see the General Plan. And, most importantly, - it became known that the construction period of the first section of the Central Ring Road will be reduced from six to four years, without changing the cost of the project - Minister Mikhail Abyzov announced this the other day. The total cost of the first section of the Central Ring Road will not be changed, because, due to a number of reasons, there is a reserve, due to which the cost is reduced. It is planned to complete the construction of the Central Ring Road in 2019, and the total investment will be approximately three hundred billion rubles.

Video on the construction of the Central Ring Road in 2019.

Two sections of the launch complex No. 5 of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) are planned to be put into operation in December 2019.

After the bypass of TsKAD-5, together with contractors, representatives of the state company Avtodor announced an increase in the pace of work. In December 2019, it is planned to open two facilities with a total length 35.08 km:

  • section of the route from the border of works from TsKAD-1 to Kievskoye highway
  • section from Mozhayskoye to Novorizhskoye highway.

Now, at the fifth launch complex, work is underway on artificial structures, the construction of a subgrade, pavement, as well as the laying of asphalt concrete. According to the press service of Avtodor, this launch complex is planned to be fully commissioned in 2020.

TsKAD-5 will be the only free site ring road. In other areas, the fare will be about 3 rub. per kilometer. Residents of the Moscow region will not receive benefits.

The fifth launch complex of the Central Ring Road passes through the Odintsovo, Istra, Solnechnogorsk and Naro-Fominsk urban districts. The total length is over 76 km. 28 km belongs to the area of ​​new construction, 48 km- to the A-107 reconstruction site with the roadway widened to four lanes.

Construction of the fifth launch complex of the Central Ring Road

A third of launch complex No. 5 (sections from km 18 to 36 and from km 43 to 50) runs through the Odintsovo district from north to south - bypassing Zvenigorod and along the Small Moscow Concrete Ring.

The route crosses the main transport arteries of the municipality - Minsk and Mozhaisk highways. At the moment, traffic has been launched only on one section of the launch complex No. 5. This happened in November 2017.

Central Ring Road does not solve the problem of Mozhayskoe highway

However, the issue of an extremely important facility, the overpass over the railway tracks at the crossing of Petrovsky Highway in the village of Malye Vyazemy, still remains unknown. This section of the A-107 highway is heavily congested with traffic; in the daytime, traffic jams several kilometers long gather here. The tail of the traffic jam stretches to Golitsino along the Mozhayskoye highway and along the Petrovsky highway towards the M-1 highway.

Without an overpass, the Central Ring Road will not be able to fulfill its stated goal - unloading roads near Moscow. The overpass was not originally included in the TsKAD-5 project, but later information appeared about the start of the project development. But it was never published.

In May 2019, users of transport forums reported that the overpass project should be ready by autumn.

The Central Ring Road does not solve the problems of the Mozhayskoye Highway

The road will be fully open by 2022

The project of the Central Ring Road was developed in the early 2000s. The purpose of the road is to unload the Moscow Ring Road and federal highways. The length of the Central Ring Road will be 525 km.

Construction of the track began in 2015. Commissioning was originally scheduled for 2018. But the dates were repeatedly postponed: first to 2019, then to 2020.

In April 2018, the Accounts Chamber during the construction of the Central Ring Road in the period 2016-2017 and announced an increase in the cost of construction by RUB 13.5 billion. Vladimir Putin The Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigative Committee and the Accounts Chamber.

In February 2019, the Accounts Chamber announced the results of the audit: construction due to systemic problems and insufficiently effective project management. Also, violations were identified that led to an increase in the cost of work.

Head of Avtodor Group of Companies Sergei KELBACH retired, replaced by Vyacheslav PETUSHENKO. The new leader said that the delay in the construction of the Central Ring Road was due to the quality of the project, land issues and artificial structures.

In March, Vedomosti learned that the construction of the road. from the budget - 11 problem points were found that will interfere with the movement. Almost all works concern launch complex No. 5.

Fifth launch complex of the Central Ring Road

In June 2019, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for environmental protection, ecology and transport Sergey Ivanov stated that they plan to introduce the entire Central Ring Road not in 2020, but in 2021 - early 2022. At the same time, he added that all the first sections of the Central Ring Road are already in a high degree of readiness.

Until recently, the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) was considered a long-term project, but today the highway is already beginning to take on real shape. Last year, the first section of the Central Ring Road on the bypass of Zvenigorod was opened to traffic. The remaining launch complexes are being actively built - asphalt has been laid in many places, the outlines of new interchanges are visible. About how work is going on the Central Ring Road - in the partnership project of Kommersant and the state company Avtodor.

The new ring highway (index A-113) will pass through the territory of the Moscow Region. The future route is divided into 4 sections: 1st (southern), 3rd (northern), 4th (eastern) and 5th (western). The 2nd exists so far in the form of a promising project. The 5th, 3rd and 1st sections are currently being built most actively.

Central Ring Road-West: Section 5 between Kievskoe and Leningradskoe highways

Compared to the rest of the sections of the future ring highway, the 5th section of the Central Ring Road is, for the most part, a reconstructed "Small Concrete": A107 will be expanded to 4 lanes, many traffic lights will be removed from it, new interchanges will appear.

Scheme of passage of the 5th section of the Central Ring Road

The option of building a new highway from scratch in this place was considered, but even at the design stage it became clear that for this it would be necessary to demolish too many residential buildings. After weighing all the pros and cons (including the financial costs of paying compensation for the purchase of land), we decided not to create unnecessary inconvenience for citizens and expand A107, bypassing settlements in many places. The total length of sections of new roads in the 5th section is 28.3 km, reconstructed - 41.5 km. This section will be the only free section throughout the entire Central Ring Road - the law prohibits taking a toll in the absence of a free alternative detour.

The only section on the Central Ring Road that has already been put into operation is located precisely as part of the 5th section. We are talking about a 3.6-kilometer bypass of Zvenigorod, the movement on which in early November 2017. The transport effect is already visible to the naked eye: significantly fewer cars began to pass through the historical center of Zvenigorod. Previously, due to the fact that the A-107 passes right through the city, a large number of trucks accumulated at the intersections, which had an extremely negative impact on the environment and the state of ancient monasteries, estates and museum complexes.

Future denouement of the Central Ring Road with M1 "Belarus"

To get an idea of ​​what is happening in the section, you need to make a kind of "virtual" tour, moving from south to north along the "concrete". On the section between the village of Zhedochi (here the 5th section begins) and the Kyiv highway along the A107, two new traffic lanes with a length of about 7 km have been built - cars are already driving along them. The “concrete” itself is closed for reconstruction here - this is a standard scheme for bypassing traffic during repairs.

On the section between Kievskoe highway and M1 "Belarus", drivers have already seen a new bridge across the Desna and a new 1.6-kilometer Yushkovo bypass. Next, a complex reconstruction section begins in a densely built-up area - contractors have already been identified for this work, and construction will begin soon. Already after the intersection with M1, a new road will be built along the Petrovsky highway, which should merge into a new overpass (project of FKU "Tsentravtomagistral", a structural division of Rosavtodor), through which drivers will get to Mozhayskoye highway. There will be a new road (the subgrade has already been laid, asphalt laying began in April), which will bypass the settlements to the flyover over the Zvenigorod railway station - its construction began last fall.

Future denouement of the Central Ring Road with the M10 "Russia"

Through this overpass, drivers will get to the bypass of Zvenigorod, which has already been built and put into operation. Then the movement will again go along the expandable "concrete". Right behind the Ilyinsky Highway, on a stretch of about 2.5 km, traffic has already been transferred to two new lanes, and two old ones have been closed for repairs. The situation is similar on the section from M9 to M10: here the cars are already driving on the new carriageway. At the intersection with the M10, the 5th section ends.

The main work is now being carried out on the construction of artificial structures - bridges, overpasses and overpasses, their readiness is estimated by contractors at about 80%. "Ready" in this case means that the structures are ready for asphalt laying - the coating itself will be applied immediately before the start of the movement of cars.

Technical characteristics of the 5th section of the Central Ring Road:

RUB 37.4 billion
Private financing RUB 4.8 billion
Executor LLC "Koltsevaya Magistral"
contract form Long-term investment agreement
Total length 76.4 km
M3 "Ukraine", M1 "Belarus", M9 "Baltic", Volokolamsk, Pyatnitskoe and Leningradskoe highways
Number of lanes 4
Road category 2
26.6 thousand cars per day
December 2018
Driving mode free

Central Ring Road-north: 3rd section between Leningradskoe shosse and M7 "Volga"

As part of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road, a completely new route is being built, which will operate in a paid mode. The 105-kilometer launch complex will be the longest in the ring highway. The road will allow you to move from the north-west of the Moscow region to the south-east of the Moscow region in just an hour.

The scheme of passage of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road

The main local attraction is a huge 1.5-kilometer bridge on 23 pillars, which will stretch over the Dmitrovsky highway, the Moscow Canal and the railway line of the Savelovsky direction. This is one of the largest artificial structures in the entire Central Ring Road. Already today, drivers moving along Dmitrovka can notice huge concrete foundations in the Iksha area - from here the overpass will begin to “move” over the highway. An arch will be installed for the unhindered passage of ships through the water - it is already being assembled at the plant and will be transported to the installation site in a disassembled state in the coming months. To equalize the height difference between the right and left banks of the canal, builders with a depth of several tens of meters and a volume of 2.2 million cubic meters. meters, which is why the area to the west of the future bridge looks rather unusual. The extracted soil, by the way, was used for the construction of embankments in other areas.

Future bridge over A-104, Savelovskoye direction of the railway and the Moscow Canal

The construction of the 3rd section began in December 2016, and if we evaluate the total amount of work, then at the moment it is completed by about 30%. In many places, the subgrade is being laid, asphalt has also been laid in some places: the total length of the sections with the bottom layer of the base is about 11 km, this year there will be more of them. For this, 4 asphalt concrete plants have already been installed in the immediate vicinity of the highway, they will soon be brought to full capacity.

Construction progress of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road

Construction progress of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road

Construction progress of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road

Construction progress of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road

The 3rd section includes 69 artificial structures (overpasses, overpasses). The outlines of bridges over the rivers Chernavka, Chernogolovka, Vorya, Zagrebka are already clearly visible. They began to build one of the overpasses through the "Small Concrete", although in September last year there was nothing here. A junction is being built near Krasnoarmeysk: a new temporary road has been built for this, which residents can use. The entire local road network, on which road equipment travels today, will be repaired after completion of the work.

Future decoupling of the Central Ring Road from the M7 "Volga" (the project is currently being finalized)

The builders promise to complete the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road by the end of 2019. The movement along it can be started independently of the other sections. A curious detail: the section is being built in such a way that in the future, when it is needed, it can be painlessly expanded by another 2 lanes - for this, wide supports and a reinforced foundation are already being placed on the bridge structures. The expansion is expected as part of the second stage of the Central Ring Road - a project that can be implemented in 15-20 years. Read more about the second phase below.

Technical characteristics of the 3rd section of the Central Ring Road:

Government funding RUB 42.2 billion
Private financing RUB 39.2 billion
Concessionaire Consortium "Road Construction Corporation"
(co-owners - European Bank for Development and Reconstruction and Avtoban group of companies)
contract form Concession under the life cycle contract scheme (with grantor's fee)
Total length 105.3 km
Intersections with other highways M11 Moscow-Petersburg, A107 Moscow Small Ring, M8 Kholmogory, M7 Volga
Number of lanes 4
Road category 1A
Forecast traffic intensity 43.5 thousand cars per day
Completion of construction and start of movement 2019
Driving mode Paid

Central Ring Road southeast: 1st and 4th sections, between M7 "Volga" and M3 "Ukraine"

1st section (from M4 "Don" to M3 "Ukraine") builds Crocus Group. The company received this site in 2015 after the state company Avtodor had to change the problem contractor.

The scheme of passage of the 1st section of the Central Ring Road

The section turned out to be quite difficult to build: the new road passes through a very densely populated area. The problem arises with the transfer of all kinds of communications (about 400 objects) - oil pipelines, water pipelines, many power lines. A large main gas pipeline runs, for example, along the Kaluzhskoye Highway - now preparations are underway for its transfer.

In 2010-2011, when the project was being prepared, no one knew that Moscow would grow from the south with huge territories along which the future ring road would pass. All this, of course, seriously complicated all the approval processes, but Avtodor and Crocus Group specialists are jointly solving these problems.

Technical characteristics of the 1st section of the Central Ring Road:

Another difficult task is to build one of the most difficult interchanges at the intersection of the M4 Don, A107 and the future Central Ring Road. Now the first piles are already being driven here, it can be seen from the ground and from the air. Here the first and fourth launch complexes of the Central Ring Road are joined.

Despite all the difficulties, about 34-40% of the total planned scope of work has already been completed. If you fly over the route of the future road, you can see how many kilometers of subgrade are laid in many places. In some areas, there is already a crushed stone-sand mixture (this, in fact, is the foundation for the future road), and asphalt has been laid in some places. This is clearly visible from the ground, because in some places the old "concrete road" passes literally from 10-20 meters from the future Central Ring Road. If no additional difficulties arise, then in 2018 the 1st section of the Central Ring Road should be completed and put into operation. There is a chance that some sections can be opened to traffic even earlier.

On the 4th section (from M7 Volga to M4 Don) work on the preparation of the territory is in full swing - communications are transferred, clearings are cut down, soil is removed. The exit of construction equipment to the runway is planned in the near future.

Passage scheme of the 4th section of the Central Ring Road

Recall that in June 2017, the state company Avtodor signed a concession agreement for the construction and maintenance of the 4th section with the consortium South-Eastern Highway, after which it took some time to search for strategic investors. In February 2018, during the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi, financial parameters were fixed. The investors who received shares in the consortium were the Avtoban group of companies, the Russian Direct Investment Fund and the Turkish company Makyol. The latter has serious experience in the construction of roads not only in Turkey, but also in Morocco, Azerbaijan and Iraq.

Technical characteristics of the 4th section of the Central Ring Road:

On the Central Ring Road - without barriers

The main inconvenience for users of toll roads has always been barriers at toll plazas (TPPs), which cause traffic jams, which is especially unpleasant during the “hot” summer season. In some places, you can increase the number of lanes (to the region or to the city, depending on the need), but this option is not available everywhere.

A more advanced technology is the freeflow system, which allows you to pass through the toll booth without stopping: the camera reads the number plate of the moving car, after which the owner's personal account is determined, from where the money for the passage is debited. The driver does not even have to do anything, everything happens automatically.

Freeflow is planned to be used on the Central Ring Road. Test operation of the system will probably begin this year and be completed by the summer of 2019, the First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Ditrikh recently said. “The system should work for some time in the pilot operation mode so that people look at it, get used to it and understand what it is,” he said. “According to preliminary estimates, the test operation period should end by May-June next year.” The freeflow project will be handled by a single operator, which will be created by the state company Avtodor.

In order for the passage without barriers to work, changes are needed to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: it is necessary to introduce fines for drivers who decide to drive through a toll section without making a payment. Corresponding amendments to the legislation have already been made by the Ministry of Transport and are soon planned to be submitted to the State Duma. The estimated amount of the fine is 5 thousand rubles. Experts are now discussing where it should go - to the state budget or the concessionaire.

This is how the collection point plans for the Central Ring Road will look like, providing for the use of Freeflow technology

TsKAD-2: myth or reality?

From the layman's point of view, it seems strange to plan to widen a road that has not yet been built. But in fact, there is a certain logic in this. For example, when the Novorizhskoye highway was designed in the distant 70s, the traffic flows were small, four lanes were quite enough.

But Soviet engineers decided to leave to posterity a backlog in the form of a dividing strip, which could be used to widen the roadway. Which, in the end, the next generation of road builders took advantage of.

In general, this is a standard Western practice - to start preparing corridors for future routes in 20-30 years. The situation is similar with the Central Ring Road. It is already clear that in a few decades there may be a need to expand this highway, especially since it is planned to be used as part of several international transport corridors.

The technical documentation for the sections mentions the “second stage”, which will be designed after the increase in the traffic load of the first stage of the Central Ring Road. As part of the 3rd section, it is already planned to expand from 4 to 6 lanes, build an eastern exit to Dmitrovskoye Highway, a northern exit to Noginsk, interchanges with the Pushkino-Krasnoarmeysk highway and Schelkovskoye Highway. On one of the sections of the 4th section, it is possible that the number of lanes will be expanded from 6 to 8 and an interchange with the MMK-Chechevilovo-MBK highway will be built.

As part of the second stage, most likely, a mysterious 2nd section will also appear - an L-shaped "process" from the main ring, which will begin somewhere between M3 and M2. The history of this section, in fact, is not so mysterious anymore: during the development, the designers were not allowed to pass near the lands of the Taman division (belonging to the Ministry of Defense), so the Central Ring Road was redirected in the other direction - bypassing Naro-Fominsk. Later, it was decided to make the main ring along a different route - along the "concrete", and leave the 2nd section for the future. It is possible that someday, in 10-30 years, it will become the beginning of a new infrastructure project - a backup of the Big Concrete section called TsKAD-2.

The Central Ring Road (TsKAD) A-113 will pass through the territory of the Moscow Region and New Moscow at a distance of 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road, parallel to the Small (A107, "Small Concrete") or Large (A108 "Big Concrete") ring.

The length of the expressway will be 339 km. The construction of the Central Ring Road is one of the priority state infrastructure projects. This route will become a key element of the transport system of the Moscow region.

It will bypass large settlements and connect the main outbound highways: Kashirskoye, Simferopolskoye, Kaluga, Kievskoye, Minskskoye, Volokolamskoye, Leningradskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Yaroslavskoye, Gorkovskoye and Ryazanskoye highways.

Road construction began in 2014. The entire ring is divided into four launch complexes (stages).

Launch Complex No. 1

The complex will pass from the M4 "Don"-11 km of the A107 highway - 49.5 km, including 22 km on the territory of New Moscow

The new category IA highway will have two traffic lanes in each direction. Traffic will be traffic free. The route will connect major outbound highways of Moscow - Simferopolskoe (Varshavskoe), Kaluga and Kyiv highways.

The estimated speed will be 140 km/h.

The facility provides for the construction of 41 bridge structures: 14 bridges, 24 overpasses, three overpasses. Four interchanges will be built on the 49-kilometer section:

  • At the 96th km of the Central Ring Road - the intersection with the M-4 "Don" highway: there will be seven exits.
  • At the 113th km of the Central Ring Road - the intersection with the M-2 "Crimea" highway: four exits.
  • At the 136th km of the Central Ring Road - the intersection with the A-101 highway: ten exits.
  • At the 146th km of the Central Ring Road - the intersection of the A-107 MMK highway: four exits.

Currently, work is underway to build the main course of the road, two traffic interchanges, eight overpasses, four bridges (over the rivers Mocha, Pakhra and its tributaries), and the reconstruction of engineering communications. The construction is planned to be completed in 2019.

Launch Complex No. 3

This part of the Central Ring Road is the longest part of the entire ring highway. Launch Complex No. 3 will stretch for 105 km. It will pass through the north-east of the Moscow Region, from the intersection with the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg express highway under construction to the intersection with the M-7 Volga highway, and thereby become part of the Europe-Western China transport corridor.

The new four-lane road of category 1A (a motorway with more than four lanes) will allow motorists to move from the north-west of the Moscow region to the south-east of the Moscow region in almost an hour. Travel will be paid. The predicted traffic intensity for 2030 is 43.5 thousand vehicles per day.

At the road junction, which will connect the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg and the Central Ring Road, all the supports of the overpass across the M-11 have already been installed, the installation of the span continues. An interchange from the Central Ring Road to A-107 will be built for the exit to Malaya Betonka.

It will pass through the south-east of the Moscow Region, from the intersection with the M-7 Volga highway (zero kilometer of the A-113 Central Ring Road) to the intersection with the M-4 Don highway through Noginsky, Pavlovo-Posadsky, Voskresensky and Ramensky districts, urban district Elektrostal and Domodedovo. The length of the route will be 96.6 km.

The new category IA highway will have two traffic lanes in each direction. Estimated speed - 140 km / h.

17 bridges and ecoducts, 40 overpasses and 9 overpasses will be built here. Six transport interchanges are provided at different levels at the intersection with the M-7 Volga, MMK, Egoryevskoye highways, the MMK - Chechevilovo - MBK road, the M-5 Ural highway, Vostryakovo - Obraztsovo highway (access to Domodedovo airport), highway M-4 "Don".

As part of the second stage of construction, it is planned to increase the number of main traffic lanes to six.

Launch Complex No. 5

It will run from M11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" to 11 km A107 through the territory of Naro-Fominsk, Odintsovo, Istra, Solnechnogorsk districts and the urban district of Zvenigorodl, Moscow region. Its length will be 87.6 km.

After construction and reconstruction, the start-up complex will become a four-lane highway and will correspond to the II technical category outside settlements and the main street of city-wide significance with regulated traffic in settlements. Travel will be free.

As part of the project, a section of a new road will be built and the A-107 Moscow Small Ring road will be reconstructed with the expansion of the roadway to four lanes.

The project provides for the construction and reconstruction of 24 bridge structures: 9 bridges, 12 overpasses and 5 traffic interchanges.

Interchanges will be built at the site at the intersection with the M-1 "Belarus" highways, bypasses of the city of Zvenigorod, Volokolamsk and Pyatnitsky highways and the M-10 "Russia" highway.

On November 10, 2017, traffic was opened along the section of the fifth launch complex of the Central Ring Road, bypassing the city of Zvenigorod. The length of the section is more than 3.6 km, it includes a bridge over the Moskva River and two multi-level interchanges.

The project is in a high degree of readiness. In August - October 2018, traffic is expected to start in most sections, including the opening of an overpass across Pyatnitskoye Highway.

In total, as part of the construction of the Central Ring Road, 34 interchanges, 278 bridges, overpasses and overpasses will be built. The highway will be equipped with a modern automatic traffic control system, meteorological observation stations, helipads, rest stops for drivers and roadside services.

The project is scheduled to be completed in 2021.

The construction of the Central Ring Road will allow:

  • unload radial exits from Moscow, the Moscow Ring Road and the city's street network from transit traffic;
  • optimize the structure of cargo distribution and “intercept” heavy vehicles at distant entrances to Moscow, followed by re-sorting of cargo and their further delivery in small batches;
  • reduce the cost of transportation and the level of transportation costs for shippers;
  • improve road safety and comfort on the road;
  • to form large international transport corridors on the territory of the Moscow Region: "London - Nizhny Novgorod", "Helsinki - South-Eastern Europe", "North - South" and "Helsinki - Nizhny Novgorod";
  • minimize the negative impact on the environment;
  • to create prerequisites for organizing new jobs and create conditions for the integrated development of the infrastructure and territories of New Moscow located along the highway. The Moscow Government has developed projects for planning territories adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road, with a total area of ​​over 5,000 hectares. They provide for the placement of housing, multifunctional, logistics complexes, technology parks, office and business sites, as well as related roadside infrastructure: gas stations, mini-hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. The implementation of these projects will create comfortable living conditions for 20.7 thousand people. people, as well as to increase the number of jobs by almost 30 times - up to 79.1 thousand people.