Ensuring the application of Sberbank-ast. Accounting for the security of the application for participation in the procurement of Sberbank ast how to return the security of the application


Date: 07/25/2016

When making a purchase under 44-FZ, the customer is obliged to establish a requirement for securing an application if the purchase is carried out through a tender or auction 1 . Such a requirement should increase the responsibility of the procurement participant for the fulfillment of the obligations that he assumes when submitting an application: in particular, in case of his victory, for the obligation to sign a contract on the conditions established by the customer in the procurement documentation and the conditions of his application.

The form of security (payment by the procurement participant of a deposit of funds or provision of a bank guarantee) depends on the method of procurement - if an electronic auction is held, funds are deposited, if a tender or a closed auction is held, then the procurement participant himself chooses the option that is more convenient for him.

When holding a tender or a closed auction, funds may be deposited by the bidder to a special account specified by the customer in the procurement documentation.

A participant in an electronic auction must place funds on the personal account of the participant opened by the operator of the electronic site for conducting transactions to ensure participation in electronic auctions (when submitting an application for participation in the auction, the operator blocks funds on this account in the amount of the application security).

Of course, in comparison with a bank guarantee, the deposit of funds may be less attractive for the procurement participant, since in order to use this option, he needs to have free funds that he can temporarily withdraw from his circulation.

Recall that, depending on the decision of the customer and the conditions of a particular purchase, the amount of the application security can reach 5% of the initial (maximum) contract price and cannot be less than 0.5% 2 . Therefore, in practice, the introduction of funds is most often used by procurement participants only in the case where this cannot be avoided, namely when participating in an electronic auction. And that is why the issue of getting back the funds deposited as security for the application is relevant both for those participants who become the winners of the auction, and for those who lose the auction.

Certain “rules of the game” 3 are established in the legislation in this regard. Let's consider them taking into account the peculiarities of the used method of procurement.

Methods, procedures, terms and cases of return of the application security

The return of funds deposited as security for the application is carried out by transferring them by the customer to the account of the procurement participant during the tender and the closed auction, and during the electronic auction - by terminating their blocking by the operator of the electronic trading platform on the personal account opened by the platform for the procurement participant.

In the first case information about the account to which the customer must transfer money is contained in the payment order (its copy), which the participant in the tender or closed auction must provide as part of his application 4 . After the occurrence of one or another reason for the return of the security (see below), in principle, no separate actions are required from the procurement participant, although it probably does not hurt to send a letter to the customer with a request to return the security of the application 5 .

In the second case the procurement participant, after unlocking the funds on his personal account, can either leave these funds with the operator for their use when participating in other procurements, or receive them to his bank account in accordance with the regulations of a particular site.

For example, the relevant regulations of the Sberbank-AST site 6 establish that the withdrawal (refund) of funds is made on the basis of an instruction (application) of the participant, issued in the personal account on the electronic site. At the same time, the operator rejects an application for withdrawal (refund) of funds if the specified amount of funds exceeds the balance of free funds on the participant’s personal account - this may, in particular, happen if, after unlocking the funds, the participant submitted a new application for participation in a new electronic auction. The transfer of funds is made according to the details specified in the order (application), and in the absence of such - according to the details specified by the participant during accreditation on the electronic platform. Transfer term - within 3 working days from the date of receipt by the operator of the relevant instruction (application) from the participant. It should be noted that this period was not invented by the electronic platform, but is due to the relevant norm of legislation 7 .

Refunds to the account of the procurement participant during the tender and the closed auction must be made within 5 working days, and the termination of blocking of funds on the account during an electronic auction - within 1 business day from the date of occurrence of one of the following cases 8:

  1. Signing of the protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in the tender, the protocol of summing up the results of the electronic auction or the protocol of the closed auction. But this provision applies only to those procurement participants who lost the auction. If the auction took place or, in accordance with the signed protocol, the contract is concluded with their only participant, then other cases apply to the winner (single participant) (see paragraphs 2 and 7 below). This protocol must be posted in the EIS for open procurement methods, or information about this decision must be addressed to the procurement participants for closed methods.
  2. Conclusion of a contract with the winner of the auction (the only bidder). This provision applies only to the winner (the only bidder), because the function of securing the bid is precisely to motivate him to conclude a contract based on the results of the bidding. Note that the conclusion of the contract can take place no earlier than 10 days from the date of placement in the EIS of the protocol with the results of the auction 9 .
  3. Cancellation by the customer of the auction. In this case, the return of the security is carried out in respect of all participants. Note that the decision to cancel the auction must be posted in the EIS on the day this decision is made (with open procurement methods), and also be immediately brought to the attention of the procurement participants who submitted the bids (if the customer has information to communicate with these participants); auctions are considered canceled from the moment the decision to cancel them is posted in the UIS 10 . With closed procurement methods, only targeted notification of procurement participants about the decision taken takes place.
  4. Rejection of the bidder's bid. In this case, the return of the security is carried out specifically in relation to this participant. Note that the decision to reject the application must be recorded by the customer in the protocol, which is posted in the EIS (with open procurement methods) no later than the working day following the date of signing the protocol during an open tender 11 , or no later than the date of consideration of applications for participation in electronic auction 12 . With closed procurement methods, the corresponding protocol is not posted in the EIS, but only targeted notification of participants about the decision taken takes place. The situation is equated to the same case when the participant is suspended from participation in the auction or the customer refuses to conclude an agreement with him at any time before the conclusion of the contract due to the fact that the customer has revealed that the participant in the auction provided false information in his application regarding his compliance with the established requirements or violated the rules for the supply of vital and essential drugs 13 . We also point out that the legislation defines a special case when the rejection of the application of an electronic auction participant may, on the contrary, be the basis for refusing to return the application security to him (see below).
  5. Withdrawal of the application by the procurement participant before the deadline for submission of applications. To do this, the procurement participant must send an appropriate notification to the customer or the operator of the electronic site, and the date of withdrawal will be the date the addressee receives this notification 14 . Note that if the notification is received by the addressee after the deadline for submitting bids, then such notification will be considered invalid, and therefore the procurement participant will not be able to count on a quick return of the security for his bid - it will occur on other grounds and, therefore, in other terms. In the notice of withdrawal of the application, it is recommended to separately draw the attention of the addressee to the need to return the security of the application (for example, see the sample notice of the withdrawal of an application for participation in an open tender in the Consultant Plus SPS (Contract System Guide)).
  6. Receipt of an application for participation in the auction after the deadline for submission of applications. It should be noted that there may be difficulties with determining the date of receipt of such an application when using non-electronic procurement methods, since the legislation here requires the customer to register the receipt of those applications that he receives only before the specified deadline 15 . Therefore, the procurement participant is recommended to send his application in such a way (for example, by registered mail with notification) so that the deadline for receipt of the application can be documented regardless of when it arrives to the customer.
  7. Receipt by the customer of the decision of the body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement on refusal to agree on the conclusion of a contract with a single supplier, and in the case of an electronic auction - receipt by the operator of the electronic site from the customer of the said decision sent no later than the working day following the date of receipt by the customer said decision. Recall that in order to conclude a contract with the sole bidder as the sole supplier (with the exception of certain cases), the customer must obtain approval from the Federal Antimonopoly Service or the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local government) authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement 16 . If there is no such agreement, then the contract following the results of the procurement is not concluded, and the procurement participant with whom the customer was going to conclude a contract as the only participant is returned the application security. Note that the case of holding an electronic auction just now falls into exceptions to this rule - according to its results, agreement in concluding a contract with a single supplier is not required.

In addition, the operator of the electronic site is obliged to stop blocking operations on the personal account opened for conducting operations to secure participation in the electronic auction of the procurement participant who did not participate in such an auction, in respect of funds in the amount of the security of the application for participation in it within 1 business day from the date of posting on the electronic platform of the protocol of such an auction 17 .

Let us also pay attention to the fact that the operator of the electronic site must return to the participant of the electronic auction not only the amount of the security itself, but also the income received by him from the placement of funds deposited as security for bids for the period of placement of these funds on the account of the operator of the electronic site in the bank from the moment of blocking the specified funds until the termination of their blocking on the basis of an agreement concluded by the operator of the electronic site with each participant in the procurement when they pass accreditation on the electronic site 18 .

Such income may represent deposit interest if the platform operator uses for operations with the means of securing applications an account opened with a bank under a bank deposit agreement. However, in practice, this provision, as a rule, does not work - most often, operators, not seeing any benefits for themselves in using a deposit account (after all, interest must still be paid to the procurement participant), use a simple bank account for these operations, where the deposited funds the bank does not charge any interest. Nevertheless, procurement participants are still advised to find out from the operator of the electronic site which account he uses for operations with the means of securing bids. If this is still a bank deposit account, and the operator does not transfer any additional amounts to the participant, then it is necessary to require the operator to transfer the appropriate amounts, and if he does not agree to this, then go to court on this matter 19 .

However, we note that in accordance with the provisions of federal law on the contract system, the considered requirement to pay participants in an electronic auction the income received by the operator of an electronic site does not apply to those electronic sites that were selected before the entry into force of 44-FZ 20 . These sites include: JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform (www.roseltorg.ru), CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies (www.ets-micex.ru), State Unitary Enterprise Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations Republic of Tatarstan (www.zakazrf.ru), CJSC Sberbank-Automated System of Trading (www.sberbank-ast.ru), LLC RTS Index Agency (www.rts-tender.ru) 22 .

Responsibility of the customer and the operator of the electronic platform for the return of the application security

In the event of a delay in the fulfillment by the customer or the operator of the electronic site of their stipulated obligations for the timely return of funds or the termination of their blocking, the procurement participant, including the winner in the procurement, has the right to demand payment of penalties 23 . The penalty is accrued for each day of delay in the performance of the obligation, starting from the day following the day of the expiration of the deadline for the performance of the obligation established in accordance with this article, and is set at 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 24 effective on the date of payment of penalties from the amount not returned on time or from the amount, the blocking of which should be terminated. And such precedents, when procurement participants collect interest from customers for the misuse of their funds, already exist 25 .

It also includes administrative responsibility. In particular, violation of the deadlines for the return (unblocking) of funds deposited as security for the application entails the imposition of administrative fines on the customer or operator of the electronic site from 5 to 90 thousand rubles. 26

In addition, it should be noted that in the case of electronic auctions, jointly and severally liable, together with the operator of the electronic site, for meeting the deadline for the return of funds for the security of the application, the bank that services the account of the operator 27 also bears.

Cases when the funds for securing the application are not returned to the procurement participant

The procurement participant cannot count on the return of the bid security in the following cases 28:

  1. The procurement participant, recognized as the supplier (contractor, performer), refused or evaded the conclusion of the contract. Note that here we are talking about the only bidder or the winner of the bidding. If the contract is not signed by the bidder whose application is assigned the second number, then this is not considered an evasion from concluding a contract 29 . As for the electronic auction, the situation from a formal legal point of view is not very clear here: on the one hand, the legislation does not have the same norm as in relation to the competition (see above), and on the other hand, the procedure and terms for concluding a contract according to the results of the electronic auction and the established deadlines for the return of the bid security, it is possible that by the time the “first number” is recognized as evading the conclusion of the contract, the bid security will already be returned to the “second number” even if he also evades the conclusion of the contract contract, he will have nothing to “not return”. However, taking into account the fact that the legislation allows the "second number" to refuse to conclude a contract 30 , the issue of non-return of the bid security to him is usually not raised in practice.
  2. The procurement participant, recognized as the winner of the procurement, did not provide the customer or provided, in violation of the established conditions, the security for the performance of the contract 31 .

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the legislation defines a special case when, during an electronic auction, the operator of the electronic site does not return the security of the application to the procurement participant whose application for participation in the auction was rejected 32 . This occurs if, on the same electronic site, in relation to one procurement participant, 3 times during one quarter, the auction commissions (of one or several customers) decide that the second parts of its bids do not comply with the requirements of the auction documentation 33 - in this case, the security of the last of these 3 applications.

In simple terms, this rule is designed to punish those procurement participants who are dishonest and careless in the preparation of applications and do it systematically. However, the procurement participant who falls under such a sanction has the opportunity to appeal its application - within 30 days after the last rejection of the application, the application security remains blocked on the account of the operator of the electronic site and only after this period is transferred to the customer. This time is just given to the procurement participant to appeal the decision of the auction commission. It should be noted that the practice of resolving disputes in the FAS and judicial practice in this regard are very curious.


In the Vladimir region in May 2014, a procurement participant (asphalt concrete plant) submitted 28 applications for participation in electronic auctions held by the regional administration in one day. All these bids were rejected by the customer due to the fact that they lacked the documents required by the auction documentation. Based on this, the operator of the electronic site continued to block funds in relation to the means of securing each third application of the procurement participant (withheld amount amounted to 750 thousand rubles). The plant went to court, believing that there was no sign of systematicity in its actions, since its applications were submitted at the same time and they all had the same violations that caused them to be rejected. Although the funds have already been transferred by the operator of the electronic platform to the customer, the litigation in the courts of various instances in this case has not yet ended and has a rich history 34 .

The concept of "quarter" is also ambiguously interpreted. According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, a quarter begins from the date the auction commission decides that the first bid filed by such a participant 35 is inconsistent, i.e., for example, auction bids filed in December and January are considered to be submitted within one quarter. But in accordance with civil law, a quarter is considered equal to 3 months, and quarters are counted from the beginning of the year 36 . Although logically, the first interpretation is probably still more justified - after all, if a procurement participant submitted 2 "crooked" auction bids at the end of one calendar quarter, and 2 more of the same bids at the beginning of the next calendar quarter, then in the interpretation of civil law, under no he will not be sanctioned. It should be noted that in judicial practice there is also an interpretation of the term “quarter” that does not coincide with the interpretation of civil law - the court considers the auctions that took place in March and April as held within one quarter 37 . In the administrative regulations of electronic platforms, the concept of “quarter”, as a rule, is also not specified in any way.

1 Ch. 1 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

2 Ch. 14-15 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

3 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

4 P. 5 h. 2 art. 51 and paragraph 4, part 2 of Art. 88 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

7 Ch. 28 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

8 Ch. 6 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

9 Ch. 2 Art. 54 and part 9 of Art. 70 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs."

10 Ch. 3 Art. 36 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs."

11 Ch. 12 Art. 53 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

12 Ch. 7 Art. 67 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

13 HH. 9-10 Art. 31 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

14 Art. 43 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

15 Ch. 6 Art. 51 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

16 P. 25 h. 1 art. 93 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of March 31, 2015 No. 189 “On approval of the Procedure for harmonizing the use of closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) and the Procedure for agreeing on the conclusion of a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer).

17 Ch. 23 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

18 Ch. 8 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

20 Ch. 10 Art. 112 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs."

21 Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the Treasury of Russia dated May 25, 2010 No. 8384-AP/D22 “On the procedure for conducting open auctions in electronic form, the procedure for concluding state contracts based on the results of open auctions in electronic form, the procedure for exercising control over operators of electronic platforms” .

22 Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the Treasury of Russia dated May 25, 2010 No. 8384-AP/D22 “On the procedure for holding open auctions in electronic form, the procedure for concluding state contracts based on the results of open auctions in electronic form, the procedure for exercising control over operators of electronic platforms” .

23 Ch. 29 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

24 From 01.01.2016, relations regulated by acts of the Government of the Russian Federation that use the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia will be replaced by the key rate of the Bank of Russia, unless otherwise provided by federal law (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.12.2015 No. 1340).

25 See, for example, Ruling of the Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated July 16, 2015 N F08-4824/2015 in case N A18-525/2014

26 See Art. 7.31.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

27 Ch. 11 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

28 Ch. 13 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

29 Ch. 6 Art. 54 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

30 Ch. 14 Art. 70 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs."

31 Enforcement of the contract must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Art. 96 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

32 Ch. 27 Art. 44 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

33 . 6 art. 69 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”.

Sberbank-AST is a system that provides a service for public procurement. Participants can be commercial enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. The essence of the work is that in the form of auctions or tenders, sellers put up their goods or services for sale, and buyers purchase them online.

How to become a bidder

To be able to participate in the auction, you need to pass accreditation and register on the trading platform. The registration procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Get an electronic signature certificate in any of the Authorized Certification Centers (considered within 1 week)
  2. Submit an application for accreditation and wait for its consideration (performed within 5 days).
  3. Register on the trading platform.

Services provided by the Sberbank-AST trading platform are paid.

How to get an EPC

To get an electronic signature, go to the "Main" tab and select the item "Receiving EDS". On the page that opens, a list of authorized CAs will appear where you can order an EPC.

  • select a certification authority;
  • apply;
  • receive an invoice and pay it;
  • come to the center with documents for verification and receive an electronic signature.

By calling +7 800 333-60-03 or 8 800 2000-100, you will receive assistance if you encounter difficulties with choosing a CA.

Getting ready to work with AST Sberbank on your computer

After receiving the digital signature, you must configure the workplace:

  1. Requirements for an electronic device:
    • Computer (recommended configuration - IBM-compatible personal computer with characteristics not lower than Pentium 2, RAM 32 Mb, HDD 2 Gb; monitor with a resolution of 1280x800).
    • Operating system MS Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7.
    • Internet Explorer 8.0.
    • Tools for creating documents (MS Office, WordPad).
    • Tools for compressing (packing) files (RAR, ZIP, WINZIP).
    • CIPF KripoPro CSP version 3.6.
  2. Install a cryptographic protection tool on the computer information (CIPF) and use it to install the certificate.
  3. Set up the Internet Explorer browser and install the Capicom library.
  4. Log in to the site of the electronic platform, go to the section "Main - EDS verification" and check the browser settings for working with an electronic signature. If the “Browser is configured correctly to work with an electronic signature” window opens, you can continue to fill out an application for accreditation.

Recommended requirements for the workplace, setting up the Internet Explorer browser, installing the Capicom library and the digital signature key certificate are located in the "Questions and Answers" section, "Workstation Settings" item.

What types of trade are carried out on the site of AST Sberbank

There are different types of trading sections in the system:

  • Electronic auctions for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises, privatization, lease of municipal and state property.
  • Procurement by PJSC Rostelecom, PJSC Sberbank.
  • Special projects: fish market, showcases of direct deliveries.

All auctions are conducted openly and transparently.

Size: px

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1 and tariffs Memo on working with accounts and tariffs on the Universal Trading Platform of Sberbank-AST CJSC Moscow, 2014

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents Abbreviations and definitions general information Working with the “My Accounts” section Replenishment of an account Application for withdrawal of funds Tariff connection Tariff connection when registering in the TS with the Operator Activation of the name page as part of the tariff General information about the name pages Activation of the name page History of document changes Page 2 of 20

3 1. ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviation, definition of USP, marketplace, electronic marketplace POCH TS LC ES User Explanations Universal trading platform of Sbebank-AST CJSC utp.sberbank-ast.ru user Electronic signature Legal entity or individual registered on USP Page 3 of 20

4 2. GENERAL INFORMATION On the universal trading platform of Sberbank-AST CJSC utp.sberbankast.ru (hereinafter referred to as USP), in the personal account of a user (hereinafter referred to as LC) registered using an electronic signature (hereinafter referred to as ES), a personal account is formed by the Operator to account for the User’s funds sent by him to ensure participation in the procedures, funds sent as security for payment for the Operator’s services (Deposit of the Participant), as well as funds to pay for the Operator’s services in accordance with the selected tariffs and additional services. The menu item "Accounts" becomes available to such users. The “My Accounts” sub-item of the “Accounts” menu item displays information on the status of the following user accounts on the USP (information is displayed for all sections) (Figure 1): accounts opened for transferring funds to pay for the services of the tariff operator and additional services for working on the USP ; accounts opened for the transfer of funds intended for conducting transactions to ensure participation in the procedures (securing an application for participation and earnest money, a deposit). Figure 1. Switching to the submenu item "My Accounts" Page 4 of 20

5 3. WORKING WITH THE SECTION "MY ACCOUNTS" 3.1. Replenishment of the account To replenish the account, you should transfer funds to the account with the bank details specified in the open part of the USP under the Registration section. In the same sub-item, you can download the following sample payment orders (Figure 2): “Sample payment order (collateral, deposit)” for transferring funds used as security for an application, a deposit, if such security and a deposit are specified in the notice of the procedures, and a deposit for participation in the procedures; “Sample payment order (tariff payment)” for transferring funds used as payment for tariffs and additional services; "Sample payment order (Bankruptcy)" for transferring funds used as payment for the operator's services for trading with automatic debiting of funds on the invoice. Page 5 of 20

6 Figure 2. Information on the details for transferring funds on the main page of the USP Samples of payment orders are also located in the menu item "Information" sub-item "Contacts" in a number of trading sections. You can view the list of open accounts with an indication of the amount of free funds (account balance) in the "My Accounts" sub-item of the "Accounts" menu item (Figure 1). The opened page displays information about the user's open accounts (3). Page 6 of 20

7 Figure 3. “My Accounts” page An account starting with 101 corresponds to an account for transferring funds as a deposit, application security, and a deposit (account without VAT). To view the history of account transactions, click on the icon located to the left of the account number. To display operations, it is mandatory to specify the period for which operations should be displayed (Picture 4) submenu "My applications for withdrawal of funds" of the menu item "Accounts" (Figure 5). Page 7 of 20

8 Figure 5. Transition to the sub-item “My applications for withdrawal of funds” Figure 6. Applications for the withdrawal of funds of the user with the possibility of submitting a new application To submit a new application for the withdrawal of funds, click the button “New application for withdrawal of funds”. Then, in the application that opens, in the "Withdraw funds" section, click the "Select" link to select the appropriate user account on the USP from which you want to withdraw funds (Figure 7, Figure 8). Page 8 of 20

9 Figure 7. Application form for withdrawal of funds Figure 8. Selecting the user's account from which funds are withdrawn After clicking on the account number, the information will be loaded into the application form for withdrawal automatically. To send an application, you must specify the amount of funds to be withdrawn and click the "Sign and save" button. The system checks for the presence of unblocked funds on the specified account. Page 9 of 20

10 4. CONNECTING THE TARIFF 4.1. Activating the tariff when registering in the TS The procedure for registering in the TS is described in the instruction “General. Instructions for registering at the USP”, located in the “Information” section of the subsection “Instructions for the Vehicle”. The choice of tariff is carried out on the registration page in the TS in the section "Information about the trading section" (Figure 9). Figure 9. Application form for registration in the TS To select a tariff, click on the "Select" link in the "Tariff" field. The form that opens will present the current tariffs (Figure 10). Page 10 of 20

11 Figure 10. An example of choosing tariffs from the directory To select a tariff, click on its name, after which the information will be uploaded to the application form for registration in the trading section. Up-to-date data on the tariffs applied in the TS can be found in the trading section by going to the "Information" menu item, the "Tariffs" sub-item. In the same menu item, you can get an invoice. Please note that before signing the application for registration in the TS, it is necessary to transfer funds to the site using the payment details for paying the tariff, since the site checks the availability of funds on the user's account on the USP. If there is not enough money on the account, a corresponding message will be displayed (Picture 11). More details about replenishing an account on the USP in clause 3.1 of this instruction. Figure 11. An example of checking the availability of funds on the user's account on the USP for paying the tariff when signing an application in TS 4.2. Tariff connection if registered in the TS For users who are already registered on the USP and in the TS, the connection of the tariff for a new period or connection of another tariff is carried out in the user's personal account on the USP in the TS: from the tariff register or from the notification creation page. Page 11 of 20

12 The tariff register displays all tariffs available for connection. The page for creating a notification displays the tariffs, the connection of which will allow the selected type of procedure to be carried out. Up-to-date data on the tariffs applied in the TS can be found in the trading section by going to the "Information" menu item, the "Tariffs" sub-item. In the same menu item, you can get an invoice for payment. Please note that regardless of the chosen connection option, it is necessary to transfer funds to the site using the payment details to pay for the tariff, since the site checks the availability of funds on the user's account on the USP. If there is not enough money on the account, a corresponding message will be displayed (Picture 11). For more information about replenishing an account on the USP, see p of this manual. Connecting a tariff from the tariff register In the tariff register, it is possible to connect a tariff for a new period, as well as connect a different tariff. The transition to the register of tariffs is carried out from the menu item "Trading section" sub-item "Tariffs (subscription, accounts)" (Figure 12Figure 1). Figure 12. Switching to the tariff connection functionality After that, the page with the current tariffs will open. To connect the tariff, you must click the link "Subscribe", to generate an invoice, you must click the link "Account" (Figure 13). Page 12 of 20

13 Figure 13. An example of a page with tariffs The current information about the tariffs applied in the TS can be found in the trading section by going to the "Information" menu item, the "Tariffs" sub-item. After clicking the “Subscribe” link, the “Concluding an agreement with the Operator” form will open with information about the counterparty, the selected tariff and the paper form of the agreement (p) checking for the presence of a connected tariff with the Organizer. The form for creating a notification displays a section highlighted in color, which shows the possibility of carrying out this type of procedure (Figure 14): the green color is the procedure is available for carrying out, the red color is the procedure is not available for carrying out. Page 13 of 20

14 Figure 14. Displaying information about the tariff on the form for creating a notification The field “View active subscriptions” allows you to view the tariffs connected by the Organizer, within which it is possible to carry out the selected procedure. To view more detailed information about such connections, click on the icon. After that, a table will open with information on connected tariffs, within which it is possible to carry out the selected type of procedure (Figure 15). Figure 15. Information about the Organizer's current tariff on the notification creation page The table displays the following information: tariff name, contract number, contract validity period (start date, end date), restrictions on the number of procedures (if any). Page 14 of 20

15 If the block of information about connected tariffs is highlighted in red, then the Organizer does not have a connected tariff within which the selected type of procedure is available, that is, the procedure is not available for carrying out (Figure 16). Figure 16. Information about the absence of the current tariff of the Organizer on the page for creating a notification To be able to create a procedure of the selected type, you must connect the tariff, which includes the desired type of procedure. The information block highlighted in red shows only the current rates within which the creation of procedures of the selected type is available. Up-to-date information on the tariffs applied in the TS can be found in the trading section by going to the "Information" menu item, the "Tariffs" sub-item. Using the “Pay (Subscribe)” link on the page for creating a notification in the tariff information resulted in the transition to the “Concluding an agreement with the Operator” form with information about the counterparty, the selected tariff and the paper form of the agreement (p) Concluding an agreement with the Operator Concluding an agreement with the Operator takes place on the form of the same name (Figure 17). The transition to this form is carried out from the tariff register (p) or from the notification creation page (p). Page 15 of 20

16 Figure 17. An example of a page for concluding an agreement with an operator at the selected tariff To successfully conclude an agreement, the following conditions must be met: conclusion of a framework agreement; the presence on the user's account of funds in the amount not less than the cost of the tariff. If a framework agreement has been concluded, then the number of the framework agreement will be displayed on the contract conclusion form in the TS. Also, the presence of a concluded framework agreement can be observed in the menu item "My contracts" of the menu item "Accounts". If a framework agreement has not been concluded, it must be concluded. Why go to the menu item “Signing an agreement with the operator” of the menu item “Personal account” and sign the opened form. When you try to connect the tariff, if there is not enough money on the account, a corresponding message will be displayed (Figure 11). For more information about replenishing an account on the USP, see p of this instruction. The Agreement is considered concluded after its signing by the Operator. The operator signs the contract within a short period of time after the signing of the contract by the user. The tariff will be connected after the conclusion of the contract, i.е. after it is signed by the Operator. Page 16 of 20

17 4.3. Activation of the name page as part of the tariff General information about the name pages The name page is a visualization of information about the organizer and the procedures carried out by him, which is placed on the universal trading platform in the selected trading section. The name page may be included in the tariffs. Up-to-date data on the tariffs applied in the TS can be found in the trading section by going to the "Information" menu item, the "Tariffs" sub-item. The name page is located in the register of name pages in the trading section in the "Procedures" menu item, "Register of Procedures" sub-item in the OP and AF (Figure 18). Figure 18. Location of the register of registered pages in the trade section The page that opens displays the register of lots (procedures) carried out in the TS, as well as the register of registered pages. Figure 19. An example of displaying the register of personalized pages in the TS To go to the personalized page, click on the banner of the organization (Figure 19). The name page of the organization contains a brief description of the organization, its logo, as well as a list of lots (procedures) placed in the TS. Page 17 of 20

18 The list of named pages displays a number of randomly selected pages. To view all personal pages with brief statistics on procedures, go to the general register of personal pages Activation of the personal page The activation of the personal page is carried out in the user's personal account in the trading section. To connect, you must select the menu item "Trading section" sub-item "Information for the name page" (Figure 20). Figure 20. Go to the sub-item Information for the name page On the page that opens, you need to enter information for the name page (Figure 21). Page 18 of 20

19 Figure 21. Page for entering information about the name page In the "Link to the site" field, enter information about the company's address on the Internet. In the "Logo Banner" field, you must attach a company banner, which should be 100x100 pixels in .jpg format. To attach, click the "Attach" button. In the field "Text for the name page" you need to enter the text about the organization. We draw your attention to the application, which is generated automatically. It also specifies the requirements for posted information. To send information about the name page to the Operator, you must click the "Sign and save" button. The application is considered by the Operator. You can also additionally notify the Operator about sending such information to the e-mail address. After approval by the Operator, the information will be posted in the OC and AF of the site (for more details, see this instruction). Page 19 of 20

20 5. DOCUMENT HISTORY Date Initial Version Description Page 20 of 20

USP. Instructions for obtaining a subscription to procedures Connecting a subscription to procedures on the Universal Trading Platform of Sberbank-AST CJSC http://utp.sberbank-ast.ru Moscow, 2015 CONTENTS 1. Abbreviations

Instructions for registering on the Universal Trading Platform http://utp.sberbank-ast.ru Moscow, 2016 CONTENTS Contents... 2 1. Abbreviations and definitions... 3 2. Registration... 4 2.1. registration

Universal Marketplace Instructions for working in the trading section "Rent and privatization of property" Role: Seller Pages: 51 Moscow, 2013 CONTENTS Contents... 2 1. Abbreviations and definitions...

Instructions for registration on USP and in the trade section "Fish Market" Moscow, 2015 CONTENTS Contents... 2 1. Abbreviations and definitions... 3 2. Registration... 4 2.1. Registration in the open part of the electronic

Instructions for working in the "Sales" section of the "Self-placement of sales" subsection for the Participant of the trading universal trading platform CJSC "Sberbank-AST" (new edition) Moscow, 2015 Table of contents

USP: Instructions for registering on the USP and in the TS "Privatization, lease and sale of rights" Instructions for registering on the Universal Trading Platform of ZAO Sberbank-AST

USP: TS Privatization and lease Instructions for working in the trading section "Privatization and lease" of the universal trading platform of CJSC Sberbank-AST htpp://utp.sberbank-ast.ru Role: Participant, privatization

USP: Instructions for registering on the USP and in the TS "Selection of Contractors for Overhaul" Instructions for registering a Participant and a Specialized Organization on the Universal Trading Platform of Sberbank-AST CJSC

Instructions for registration on the universal trading platform and in the TS "PURCHASE AND SALES" (new edition) 2017 Table of contents 1. Abbreviations and definitions... 3 2. Registration on the universal trading platform...

Universal Marketplace Instructions for working in the trading section "Purchases under 223 - FZ" Pages: 75 Moscow, 2012-2013 CONTENTS Contents... 2 1. Abbreviations and definitions... 4 2. Registration...

USP: TS Privatization, lease and sale of rights Instructions for working in the trading section "Privatization, lease and sale of rights" of the universal trading platform of ZAO Sberbank-AST http://utp.sberbank-ast.ru Direction:

USP: TS Privatization, lease and sale of rights Instructions of the organizer for holding tenders for lease in the trading section "Privatization, lease and sale of rights" of the universal trading platform of Sberbank-AST CJSC

Submission of an application for participation in procurement procedures in the TS "Purchases of Sistema JSFC" Moscow, 2012 1. ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviation, definition

USP: Participant's instruction for working in the trading section "Selection of contractors" Instructions for the participant for working in the trading section "Choice of contractors" Moscow, 2016 CONTENTS: 1. Symbols, abbreviations, abbreviations

Instructions for working in the TC "Purchases and sales" for the Participant (new edition) 2017 Table of contents 1. Submission of an application for participation in the procedure .... 3

Trading portal "Fabrikant" Personal account Functionality "Crediting" of the th procedure (April 2016) Fabrikant.ru This manual is not a standard regulation on the conduct of the trading procedure Personal

CJSC "SBERBANK AST" - INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS FOR WORK IN THE TRADING SECTION "Selection of contractors for overhaul" Trading section Selection of contractors for overhaul http://utp.sberbank-ast.ru/gkh/

Instructions for setting up the integration of utp.sberbankast.ru with the official website for placing information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services (www.zakupki.gov.ru) For


Trading System "OBORONTORG" Personal account Enforcement of orders: free and blocked funds Corporate trading procedure (Edition March 2015) OBORONTORG Page 1 of 29 CONTENTS 1. Terms...



JSC "ELECTRONIC TRADING SYSTEMS" MICEX ETP "GOSSAKUPKI" USER GUIDE FOR LENDING ROLE: PURCHASING PARTICIPANT On 16 sheets Version dated 03/14/2016 Moscow 2016 Contents Lending for participants

Memo on working in the old interface of Sberbank Business Online for Placing funds on public terms in Deposits and Minimum balances 1 Table of contents Introduction ... 3 Section 1. Placing funds

Automated system "Electronic trading platform for the sale of property (enterprise) of the debtor in the course of bankruptcy proceedings" Manual of the auction organizer 2 Table of contents 1. Terms and definitions.

AUTOMATED SYSTEM "ELECTRONIC TRADING PLATFORM" User manual Version 0.0.5 Yaroslavl 2 Table of contents List of used abbreviations... 4 Introduction... 5 1 Terms and definitions... 6 2

Fabrikant Trade Portal Bank Guarantees (Version 09.2015) Fabrikant.ru LLC

Electronic trading platform "Eltoks" Bidding under 223-FZ and commercial purchases. Procedure for participation in Kaliningrad 2014 procedures Table of contents 1. Entering the Participant's Personal Account... 3 2. Selecting the procedure for participation...

Trade portal "Fabrikant" Personal account. Information about the organization (April 2016) Moscow Contents 1. Thesaurus... 3 2. General information... 5 3. Information card... 6 4. Documents and licenses... 15

Trade portal "Fabrikant" Procedure for the sale with a gradual price reduction Corporate auction (October 2016) LLC "Fabrikant.ru" This manual is not a standard regulation on the procedure

Organization and holding of an electronic auction on the site of Sberbank AST CJSC Moscow 2017

Trade portal "Fabrikant" Competitive selection Procurement under 223-FZ Bidding of enterprises of Russian Railways (July 2016) LLC "Fabrikant.ru" Accepted abbreviations and explanation of terms: Term Trade portal "Fabrikant" Procedure

Trade portal "Fabrikant" Open competition Bidding under 223-FZ Bidding of enterprises of Russian Railways (November 2016) Fabrikant.ru LLC Accepted abbreviations and explanation of terms: Term Trade portal "Fabrikant" Procedure

OBORONTORG Trading System Security deposit Organizer and Participant Guide (Edition August 2014) OBORONTORG CONTENTS Security deposit 1 General information... 3 2 Working with the Trading System


Instructions for filling out an application for a loan on ZakazRF.ru ​​1. Go to your personal account on the ZakazRF.ru ​​site http://etp.zakazrf.ru/ 2. Next, click the "Enter the Supplier Web Part" button. 3. Next click

Fabrikant trade portal Price monitoring Procurement of the shipbuilding industry (November 2016) Fabrikant.ru LLC Accepted abbreviations and clarification of terms: Term Trade Fabrikant Procurement procedure portal

ETP MICEX "Government Procurement" Trading procedure "Auction with submission of bids in two parts" 2016 Table of contents 1. Terms and abbreviations... 3 2. Getting started on the ETP... 6

Trade portal Fabrikant Small purchase (Purchases of the shipbuilding industry) (August 2017) Fabrikant.ru Accepted abbreviations and explanation of terms: Term Trade portal Fabrikant Trade procedure Client

Trade portal "Fabrikant" Working with tariff plans (November 2016) Moscow Table of contents 1. Thesaurus... 3 2. General provisions... 5 3. Table of tariff plans... 8


Trade Portal Fabrikant.ru Personal Account Order Securing: Free and Blocked Funds Corporate Trading Procedure (Edition February 2014) Fabrikant.ru This manual is not

ELECTRONIC SITE RTS-TENDER INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USER (PARTICIPANT OF PROCUREMENT RF PP 615) Participation in the Preliminary selection procedure in accordance with RF PP 615 MOSCOW 2016 Contents

Memo on working in Sberbank Business Online for Placing funds on public terms in Deposits and Minimum balances 1 Table of contents Section 1. Placing funds in Deposit... 3 Section

Organization and holding of an electronic auction on the site of Sberbank AST CJSC Moscow 2014

SUPPLIER'S INSTRUCTION 223ETP.ZAKAZRF.RU On submitting a loan application Kazan 2014 CONTENTS 1. Creating a virtual account for submitting a loan application... 3 2. Loan offers... 6 3. Loan applications...

Fabrikant Trading Portal Personal Account Order Securing: Free and Blocked Funds Corporate Trading Procedures (April 2017)


Main trading section USP- Purchases under 223-FZ. The section is integrated with the official website of public procurement and is one of 170 electronic trading platforms for 223-FZ. The trading volume under 223-FZ is not disclosed.

It is known that USP Sberbank AST is not in the top 3 sites under 223-FZ, while maintaining leadership under 44-FZ. However, the volume of public procurement under 223-FZ is 4 times larger (25 trillion rubles), and there are about 40 main sites.

Procurement under 223-FZ takes place on the basis of the regulations, which are amended from February 1, 2017.

USP supports all types of public procurement under 223-FZ: auction, tender, request for proposals, request for quotations, request for prices, competitive negotiations, qualification selection and such a view, beloved by customers according to 223-FZ, as a purchase from a single supplier.

Public procurement in electronic form: auction, auction with two parts of bids, reduction, competition, request for proposals, request for quotations, request for quotations, qualification selection, competitive negotiations.

Public procurement in paper form: open tender, request for proposals, request for quotations, request for quotations.

Participation in public procurement under 223-FZ is paid. In addition to securing the application, it is required to make a special deposit to the second account. The amount from 2000 to 5500 rubles is deducted from the winner. depending on the initial price of the contract.

If you participate in public procurement under 44-FZ, then you will not be able to transfer money from Sberbank AST to USP and vice versa. This is possible only by returning the security from the site to the account of the organization and paying for the new details.

The term for crediting payments to the USP 1 to 3 working days. When submitting an application for bidding, funds must be credited to the site.

Placement of public procurement under 223-FZ for government customers is also paid. However, the customer is given the opportunity to conduct three trial procedures in electronic form in the form of a request for prices, a request for proposals and a request for quotations (ie, a maximum of 9 trial auctions). In the future, the placement of tenders will cost the customer according to 223-FZ from 5,000 rubles per month.

Providing application details Sberbank AST to participate in the electronic auction. Electronic trading platform Sberbank AST. Transferred funds are not subject to VAT. This sample was taken from the ETP Sberbank AST website, it is enough to indicate the details of your company, date, etc. in it. The return of money invested to ensure participation occurs from the personal account, in the form of the “withdrawal of funds” function.

The details specified in the payment order are intended for transferring funds as security for an application on an electronic platform for holding electronic auctions under 44-FZ http://www.sberbank-ast.ru. Transfer of funds from the personal account of the State. platforms to the personal account of the Universal Trading Platform http://utp.sberbank-ast.ru (UTP) is not carried out.

Providing application details of Sberbank AST for participation in EA

To participate in an electronic auction, it is necessary to make an application security, according to Law No. 44 of the Russian Federation, ranging from 0.5% to 5%. We present you the details of one of the most popular electronic trading platforms for public procurement in the Volgograd region - Sberbank AST. In the course of work, it turned out to be one of the important tasks to quickly transfer funds for some kind of electronic auction. Considering that tenders up to 3 million rubles are held 7 days after publication on the electronic trading platform, and there are only five state-owned electronic trading platforms and each one opens an account, then you have to quickly withdraw from one site and also quickly transfer or “report” to another trading platform. Since 2015, the withdrawal and transfer time has been reduced to part-time.