Ukrainian hryvnia exchange rate. Money calculator. Translator Hryvnia UAH, Ruble RUB, Dollar USD, Euro EUR Currency ruble to hryvnia


The currency converter (currency calculator) is designed for a visual comparison of amounts in one currency with others, in accordance with the exchange rate for today and transferring from one currency to another online. The exchange rates of the National Bank of Ukraine, other Ukrainian banks, the exchange rates of which are presented on the portal, data of the interbank market and non-bank exchange rates are used as the basis for the converter.

The currency converter allows you to calculate the amount of transfer of one currency to another when buying and selling currency in Ukrainian banks at the current exchange rates (hryvnia to US dollar, euro or ruble or make a reverse calculation); find out the average and optimal exchange rate, calculate the amount of currency exchange at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). To do this, select the NBU in the "Bank" field.

The currency converter performs all conversions on the basis of daily updated official data on quotations of international currencies. Currency calculator works with all major currencies of the world.

What currencies of the world can be calculated in the converter

The main currencies that can be converted in this currency calculator: hryvnia, dollar, euro, Russian ruble. The rest of the currencies presented in the selection list have a static output, since the conversion is carried out directly at the international forex rate. The exchange at this rate is informative and is not used in practice in Ukraine.

The currency converter works as follows: when you enter an amount in any of the fields, money is automatically transferred to other currencies at the exchange rate of the selected national bank, without reloading the page or pressing additional buttons (the converter converts currency rates online).

Additional options in the currency converter

A feature of the online currency converter is the ability to take into account the conversion commission in exchange offices, if you fix the plus sign in the "Commission" field. Recall that when buying foreign currency in Ukraine, a commission is charged to the Pension Fund in the amount of 2% of the purchase amount, when selling and buying foreign currency, a “military tax” of 1.5% is charged. Note that since the currency calculator rounds the received values, the accuracy of the conversion of the exchange rate of a particular currency may be approximate, but thereby adds realism to the calculations.

rates of different banks and exchange offices differ. How not to lose on the exchange, where it is better to go and how to understand the courses - read the article.

The exchange processes of the Ukrainian hryvnia and the Russian ruble are of interest to thousands of people every day. When they go to online calculators, they see one amount, but when exchanging, the amount usually differs significantly. Why this happens and how to calculate this amount on your own, we will tell in this article.

First, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are several exchange rates:

  • Payment systems rates (Visa/MasterCard)
  • Rates of commercial banks and exchange offices (for statistics, the average bank rate is displayed in online calculators)
  • International course

The course of the Central Bank of Russia is a guideline for many, and we, in turn, in this article will be tied to it, so as not to advertise certain commercial banks. But for a correct calculation, you need to take the rate for the current number of the bank or exchange office where you plan to make an exchange.

If you are faced with payment on the Internet, as well as cash withdrawals abroad, and the currency of your card differs from the currency in which payment is accepted, then the conversion will be at the rate of the issuing bank (cardholder) or the rate of the payment system, if any, undergoes a double conversion.

How to convert hryvnia to rubles on your own: transfer scheme

So, in order to find out how many rubles in Ukrainian hryvnia at the exchange rate for today, we need to open the website of the bank or banks if you want to choose the most favorable conditions, find a banner with the exchange rate and make such a calculation.

How to convert 1000 rubles to hryvnia?

For example, we have 1000 rubles and we need to exchange them for hryvnias.

So, we open the bank's website, go to the exchange rates (in our case, this is the Central Bank) and select the current date.

In the drop-down list, select the Ukrainian hryvnia. We have this value turned out to be 21.5324 per 10 units.

Exchange rate on the CBR website for the current date

Total: 1000 rubles / 21.5324 (exchange rate for the current day) * 10 (units per course) = 464.40 hryvnia.

Please note that commercial banks and exchange offices take a commission for currency exchange, and this percentage must also be taken into account.

How to convert 1000 hryvnia to rubles?

Let's do the reverse calculation. For example, we have 1000 hryvnias and we need to convert them into rubles. We take the same data for calculation.

Total: 1000 Ukrainian hryvnias*21.5324(exchange rate for the current day)/10(units per exchange rate)=2153.24 rubles.

Also, do not forget to take into account the commission for currency exchange.

In order to see the exchange rate for the current date, you need to go to the official website of the bank (we take the CBR as an example).

Find a banner with the exchange rate, click on it. Select the current date if it is not set automatically.

It remains to review the course.

Ukrainian hryvnia exchange rate for the current date

There is no definite answer to this question, and it is unlikely to appear. But there are general financial recommendations, following which you will surely make the most profitable deal.

If you are traveling from Russia to Ukraine, as well as from Ukraine to Russia, financiers recommend exchanging the required amount into dollars or euros in advance and upon arrival in the country to exchange for local currency. Moreover, we note that this rule is good not only in the context of Russia / Ukraine, but also for trips to other countries.

If you are making an exchange locally, then we can recommend that you familiarize yourself with the exchange rates of banks and exchange offices located in the territorial vicinity of you and make the most profitable exchange.

To exchange currency online, you need to have a card / account with a currency with the required amount for the exchange, as well as a card / account where the already converted amount with the desired currency will be withdrawn. In our case, this is a hryvnia card/account and a ruble card/account to which the convertible amount will be withdrawn.

This service is provided for clients by many leading banks that have online accounts for clients, as well as online exchangers. Please note that online exchangers allow you to convert not only from bank accounts, but also from electronic wallets.

We have compiled the article in such a way that it is as clear as possible for people who are not related to the banking sector and are not familiar with many economic terms and formulas. We hope that our article was useful to you and now you can easily calculate how many rubles in hryvnia and vice versa, as well as make profitable exchanges.

Video: How to convert hryvnia into rubles and exchange currency?

Hryvnia is the official currency of Ukraine. Bank code - UAH. 1 hryvnia is equal to 100 kopecks. Banknote denominations in circulation: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 hryvnia. Coins: 1, 2, 5 and 10 hryvnias; 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 kopecks (1, 2, 5 and 25 kopeck coins are in circulation but not issued).

On the front side of the Ukrainian banknotes are depicted historical figures, on the back - architectural monuments: 1 hryvnia - Volodymyr (I) Svyatoslavovich, under whom the Baptism of Russia took place, and a graphic image of ancient Kyiv; 2 hryvnia - Yaroslav the Wise and Hagia Sophia in Kyiv; 5 hryvnia - Bohdan Khmelnitsky and the Ilyinsky Church built on his donations in the city of Subotov, where he was buried in 1657, 10 hryvnia - Ivan Mazepa and the panorama of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, 20 hryvnia - Ivan Franko and the Lviv Opera House, 50 hryvnia - the famous Ukrainian historian of the late XIX - early XX century Mikhail Grushevsky and the building of the Ukrainian Central Rada, 100 hryvnia - Taras Shevchenko and a sculptural composition on the banks of the Dnieper - a blind bandura player with a guide boy, 200 hryvnia - Lesya Ukrainka and the tower of Lutsk Castle, 500 hryvnia - Ukrainian philosopher , the poet of the XVIII century Grigory Skovorda and the building of one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

Coins of Ukraine on the front side contain the state emblem and the year of issue. The reverse shows the denomination in a floral ornament. The official rate of the Ukrainian currency is set by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). In addition, the NBU issues banknotes, determining the denominations, methods of protecting banknotes, payment features and design of coins and banknotes.

In 2018, the National Bank of Ukraine announced a decision to stop issuing coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 25 kopecks and introduce new coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 hryvnias.

The history of the Ukrainian hryvnia dates back to the time of Kievan Rus. Initially, it was a unit of weight, and the word came from the name of the neck jewelry that was worn on the "nape". The first coins appeared before the Mongol-Tatar invasion, in the 11th century. At that time, the hryvnia was a hexagon of silver weighing about 140-160 g. In the XII century, measured ingots were more common, the weight of one such hryvnia corresponded to approximately 204 g of pure silver.

In the XIII century, a new monetary unit appeared - the ruble. Some historians believe that its name came from the fact that the hryvnia was cut into several parts, which became rubles. The final displacement of the hryvnia concept occurred in the 15th century, when the ruble became a monetary unit, and the hryvnia became a measure of weight equal to 204.75 g.

Nevertheless, from time to time coins of different denominations were called hryvnia or hryvnia: copper 2.5 kopecks, 3 kopecks, 10 kopecks.

The first return of the hryvnia took place already in the 20th century: it was the official monetary unit of Ukraine from March 1 to October 17, 1918, by decision of the Central Rada.

After the collapse of the USSR, during the period of hyperinflation, Ukraine used karbovanets as a monetary unit. And the second return of the hryvnia happened already in 1996, when a monetary reform was announced by presidential decree. The exchange was carried out at the rate of 1 to 100,000. Money in bank accounts was converted automatically, and the reform was not of a confiscatory nature. Banknotes were prepared in a few years - the first hryvnias were printed in Canada back in 1992.

Due to the fact that the transition to a new monetary unit occurred relatively late, the hryvnia from the very beginning became one of the most stable currencies of the new states that gained independence after the collapse of the USSR. At the time of its introduction into circulation, 1 US dollar was equal to 1.76 hryvnias. Up until the Russian crisis in 1998, the exchange rate was approximately 2 hryvnia to the dollar.

After the Russian default and the devaluation of the ruble, Ukraine was forced to also devalue the hryvnia to maintain equal conditions in international trade, and its rate dropped to 5.5 hryvnia per dollar.

In 2005, the National Bank of Ukraine introduced a fixed exchange rate of 5.05 hryvnia to the dollar, which managed to hold out for three years. In 2008, a gradual relaxation of foreign exchange controls was announced, and the exchange rate rose to 4.5 hryvnia.

In the fall of 2008, the global financial crisis began, which led to the weakening of the Ukrainian national currency. By the end of the year, transactions were concluded between banks already at the rate of about 9 hryvnias per dollar.

In 2009, the hryvnia stabilized at about 8 per dollar (or 10.5 per euro). At this level, it is at the beginning of 2012. 1 hryvnia can be bought for about 3.7 Russian rubles.

In the period from 2009 to February 2014, the hryvnia fluctuated around 7-8 per dollar and 9-11 per euro, after which the exchange rate began to fall and already on February 26, 2015, the euro against the hryvnia was 1 to 34, and the dollar - 1 to 30 .

Despite the fact that the hryvnia is not a freely convertible currency and is not traded on Forex, the National Bank of Ukraine is taking steps to liberalize the country's foreign exchange market.

Cash hryvnia is freely bought and sold in banks, including it can be bought or sold outside of Ukraine.

As a rule, banks quote the hryvnia as follows: the price is 10 hryvnia in rubles. Thus, at the exchange office, the purchase price can be posted at 36.8, the sale price - 37.20, which corresponds to 3.68 and 3.72 rubles per hryvnia.

On our portal you can find out what the exchange rate of the ruble to the hryvnia is today and see the dynamics of the exchange rate since 1998. The table of cross-rates shows the current values ​​of the Ukrainian hryvnia exchange rate against the main currencies of the world, for example, the hryvnia exchange rate against the euro or the dollar for today. After analyzing the data on currency fluctuations, you can make a forecast of the dollar exchange rate against the hryvnia and exchange currency on the most favorable terms.

In the light of recent events taking place between Crimea, Ukraine and Russia, the issue of how to convert hryvnia to rubles. This is due, first of all, to the colossal flow of migrants from war zones and areas with a deteriorating economic situation on the territory of Ukraine. Below we will consider in detail all the methods and nuances of conversion.

How to find out the current hryvnia exchange rate

The current hryvnia exchange rate is always published on the websites of commercial banks and in operational offices. At the same time, the Central Bank of Ukraine broadcasts the official exchange rate on its website, which other credit institutions must adhere to. In addition, within the state financial system, all calculations take place precisely at the rate of the Central Bank. In addition, business channels on television often broadcast current exchange rates, including hryvnia quotes, so there can be no problems finding the current rate.

Hryvnia to ruble conversion through a bank or at the border

Cash is always in high demand. Unfortunately, most citizens who do not have a financial education do not understand this, which is actively used by both speculators and large banks.

If you need to convert your hryvnias into rubles in the Crimea or in general, you, of course, can contact any banking organization (PrivatBank, Privat24 ...) and exchange at the current bank rate. At the same time, you can lose from 1% to 10%, depending on the situation in the foreign exchange market.

  • If volatility prevails in the currency market, then the spread ( difference between buying and selling) will be wider.
  • If the situation is reversed, and the price stays the same, then the conditions are most favorable for currency exchange.

Also there is an official hryvnia exchange rate of the Central Bank, which is formed from the expectations of government financial analysts, and which banks should theoretically adhere to. However, as practice shows, in a market economy and other objective factors, the only reference points for commercial banks in the exchange of cash currency are the current price on the stock exchange and their own greed.

How to convert hryvnias to rubles correctly without having time

If you are leaving the country in a hurry, and it is not possible to exchange money in advance, then you will most likely have to use the services of private individuals. You can meet them at the border bus stops or on the train when crossing the border. Currency speculators in Crimea offer extremely inflated prices for money, and it is worth changing your funds with them only in the most emergency situations. Or you can change a small amount of funds, which is enough for small expenses on the road, and in the future, having crossed the border, contact the bank.

A bit of math

When answering the question of how to correctly convert hryvnia into rubles, it is important to understand that even the most favorable rate will not help you if you do not understand the conversion process itself. And if a bank employee of PrivatBank is unlikely to decide to cheat you, then a currency speculator will most likely try to make a little mistake in his direction.

So, over the past 10 years, the hryvnia has significantly strengthened against the ruble, and, for example, at the moment, 2.44 rubles are given for 1 unit of the Ukrainian currency. If you need to know: 10 hryvnia is how many rubles, then you need to multiply 10 by the rate of 2.44. So, 10 hryvnias equal 24.40 rubles.

You need to remember that when you exchange cash, you will have two different prices!

One is for buying (it will be lower) and one is for selling (it will be higher). Thus, acquiring currency at the moment, you can sell it back only at an inflated price. For example, a bank buys hryvnia for 2.30 rubles, and sells it for 2.90. The difference of 60 kopecks is the spread, these are the actual costs incurred by any person who decides to exchange currency in cash. The same mechanics can be traced if you buy currency from your hands.

The salary is 9000 hryvnia, what will be its equivalent in rubles?

  • 9000 UAH * 2.4 rubles / UAH = 21600 rubles.

A loaf of bread costs 14 hryvnias in the store, how many rubles do you need to spend to buy it?

  • 14 UAH * 2.4 rubles / hryvnia = 33.60 rubles.

1000 hryvnia, how many rubles?

  • 1000 hryvnia * 2.4 = 2400 rubles

Let's assume that currencies are currently exchanged in Crimea in the following ratio: 1 to 2,400. Consequently, for 1 our hryvnia, the bank will give 2 rubles 40 kopecks. When calculating, the following formula will help you a lot: A * 2.4 = B, where A is money in hryvnias, B is money in rubles.

For example, you mexchange 10,265 hryvnias for Russian rubles. Let's apply our formula!

  • 10 265 * 2,4 = 24 634

As it becomes clear from the mathematical expression, you should be given 24,634 rubles.

Another example: nyou need to get exactly 30,000 rubles. Let's try to find out how many hryvnias we need for this. To do this, we slightly change the formula:

  • A* 2.4 = 30 000
  • A= 30,000 / 2.4
  • A = 12,500 hryvnia
  • Check: 12,500 * 2.4 = 30,000. That's right.

However, this formula is not applicable to the ruble. If you multiply 2.4 by the amount in rubles, you will get the wrong value. In order to get the correct value, you need to divide 1 by 2.4. We get 0.41. Knowing this number, we can make a new formula for the ruble:

A * 0.41 = B, where A is money in hryvnias, B is money in rubles.

Consider the following example. You urgently need to convert your 18,000 rubles into Ukrainian hryvnias. The conversion will happen as follows.

  • 18,000 * 0.41= 7380 hryvnia.

In addition, a situation may arise when a person needs to carry out a reverse operation and buy hryvnia for rubles. In this case, the operation is carried out not with multiplication, but with division.

  • A salary of 20,000 rubles in Ukrainian currency will equal UAH 8,333. (20,000 rubles / 2.4 UAH / RUB = 8333 UAH)

Hryvnia trading on the stock exchange

In addition to bank exchangers and private speculators, there is also another way to convert rubles into hryvnias and vice versa. We are talking, of course, about the currency exchange.

Unfortunately the couple UAH/RUB trades with much less liquidity than the dollar or the euro. However, the remaining economic ties between the two nations are forcing banks to maintain an appropriate trading volume. In fact, UAH/RUB is traded on the foreign exchange market and the Ukrainian Interbank Stock Exchange. It is extremely difficult to get real access to trading with a small capital. However, you can always use FOREX brokers that broadcast the UAH/RUB quote. The possibility of withdrawing the converted currency, in this case, must be clarified directly with the personal manager.

As an alternative way to transfer hryvnia to rubles , you can conduct a cashless transaction in the personal account of some banks.In this case, the entire operation will take place virtually on your account. As a rule, the rate in this case is a little more favorable than in the exchange office.

Currency conversions of neighboring countries

In general, there should be no problems with conversion on the territory of the CIS countries. Banks always have at their disposal the necessary stock of foreign exchange reserves. It remains to find the most profitable course among the many offered, but in the era of Internet technology, this should not be a serious obstacle.

Converting hryvnia to rubles , remember a few basic rules :

  • you can exchange your funds immediately back only at a loss, so weigh all the pros and cons well before the operation itself;
  • carefully inspect the banknotes, regardless of whether you change money in the bank, or buy it from hand - a fake can come across everywhere;
  • do not chase the course, if you urgently need funds - change money at the offered price.

By following these simple rules, you can reduce your financial risks when converting hryvnia to rubles and vice versa.

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